256 posts
Day 15, Corruption! Wilbur Corruption Arc!
Day 15, corruption! Wilbur corruption arc!

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Day 14, lyrics! These lyrics are from ‘Achilles Come Down’ by Gang of Youths. I thought it was fitting because of the recent developments on the SMP server.
I feel like the song could be applied to Wilbur right before he fully went off, Schlatt as the negative goading voice, the man Wilbur is trying to beat, a direct connect to Wilbur’s fall. Tommy as the positive hopeful voice trying to convince Wilbur to not do anything rash. Wilbur as a tired man with nothing left to lose.
Dream and Techno as the first French segment in the song. They are helping Wilbur, doing nothing to convince him this plan might not be a good idea.
And finally Tubbo and Fundy as the bottom quote. Wilbur’s ‘trust no one’ speech to Tommy. Tubbo and Fundy in Manberg, loathe what’s happening but love those you once trusted.

You can fill that void, here is how.
Day 20, Elias.
I can imagine he said this to Jon at some point about Gertrude.
Day 16 and 17 together, underdog and history! Tommy is becoming a leader.
Also you can’t convince me that Tommy wouldn’t copy Wilbur’s hair poof.

Here’s day 24, Nikola! I love and hate this mannequin lady.
I struggled to decide a hair color for her, I imagine she has several “wigs” that she wears.

-Smash cut to me finally finishing the October drawings-
Here’s a combo of the last days, armor and free day. I drew my main sona, Moon, in her armor. She’s my oldest character and I’m really happy with the revamped story and world she has now. I’m probably going to post a few big posts explaining my character’s stories and worlds soon.