mundanemoongirl - I'm Just Here to Write
I'm Just Here to Write

Sagittarius sun|Taurus moon|Scorpio rising| I watch anime, read books, and write some things. she/her 🇺🇸 tags/ask games are welcome!

465 posts

Tropes I Don't Like

Tropes I don't like

I was reading this book lately with this trope that really annoyed me and now everyone has to hear about all the tropes I hate. Btw, I’m not saying it’s bad to like these tropes or write about them. I just don’t like them. Does anyone else feel the same?

staring at someone’s body + fingers accidently touching

This one is two tropes because it was the combination of them that made the book so annoying to me. I wouldn’t mind as much if the characters interacted in other ways between the staring and finger touching, but nope. That was the only way we could tell they were interested in each other. What I really can’t stand is when two characters meet for the first time and the female mc just stares at the male mc’s body and describes every detail to the readers. It just feels like the author is holding up a sign that says they will get together, and that takes away from the excitement of romance for me. Especially when it’s the second these characters meet.

love triangles

First of all it’s never an actual triangle. It’s more like an angle. Second of all, it’s always so toxic. I have yet to see a girl choose the guy who actually cares about her instead of the one who treats her like garbage.

pick-me girl

I hear people toss around this term loosely so let me clarify. I’m not talking about a girl who has non-feminine interests. I’m talking about a girl who thinks she’s so much more interesting than other girls because she like to talk about war and eat meat. (I’m looking at you, The Last Dragon King)

giving up powers

Is it too much to ask that my favorite characters are special and powerful? (I’m looking at you, A Court of Silver Flame)

writing current events

This makes sense in some cases, like if a story takes place in the 1920s you will have some 1920s references. But if I see a character say “rizz” or mention covid, I’m done.

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More Posts from Mundanemoongirl

1 year ago

I watched a true crime episode this week about a case that wasn’t closed for 30 years because police are useless and it made me want to write a teen mystery about a black girl that goes missing and because the police aren’t interested in finding her, it’s up to her girlfriend to figure it out by using clues in her instagram. But the problem is I can’t write this because I will never finish my current wip if I start another one. So my plan is to cry and add it to the pile of ideas I come up with every few months but will probably never start.

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1 year ago


Here's the last section of my first chapter in my first draft

The coachman opened the door to the carriage and offered a hand to help me inside. I have ridden in carriages before, but never had the luxuriousness to myself. The seats were made out of velvet and the floor was polished hardwood. The wheels were so smooth that I barely felt movement as the horses sped down the cobblestone roads. I looked out the window for a while, silently watching my home fade away and the shopping district come into view. I watched my people go about their lives until the shopping district became the residential area and the residential area dissolved into the forests that led into Herbneivorous territory. We still had a long way to go and I needed to conserve my energy so I closed my eyes and drifted away into sleep.

And here it is in my second draft

The coachman opened the door to the carriage and offered a hand to help me inside. As I entered and sat myself on velvet cushions so soft they partly swallowed me, I did not take even a single glance back at the black-brick mansion. My path had already been laid out, and it led away from Spiritwalker Mansion. I would not be able to keep moving forward if my head was turned back, even for a second. As we began to move on wheels so smooth I barely felt movement, I silently watched the small buildings of the shopping district come into view. A few witches milled about, going into shops with purses in their hands and coming out with baked goods or home appliances. I thought it funny how I had kept watch over these people my whole life through the meticulously written words of the mistresses—I knew how well their businesses ran, when a new witch was born, when one died, and many more details—yet this was one of the few times I had ever seen my people go about their lives. Sadly, I did not get to see more of what my people do when politics are not involved because the shopping district melted into the residential area, and the residential area dissolved into the forests that led into Herbneivorous territory. We still had a long way to go and I needed to conserve my energy so I closed my eyes and drifted away into sleep.

I know I still have a long way to go but it's so much better right?

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1 year ago

This seriously needs to be said more

mundanemoongirl - I'm Just Here to Write

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1 year ago

Intentionally trying to find a song that matches the vibe of my mystery novel has not worked out, but while listening to a playlist I made for when I can’t sleep has struck me with serendipity. This is it exactly!! I can practically hear my main character sing this to her girlfriend as she searches for her.

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1 year ago

One of my favorite things about writing is characterization but I’m tweaking so hard when it comes to the mystery I’m writing. Like I spent one second thinking about the missing girl who isn’t even in the book for about 90% and I was like she’s a photographer, an adventurous spirit, a prospective business owner, a dark-skinned queen, and she’s outspoken but introverted. Then I thought about my main character and was like she has braids, I guess.

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