She/they aro spec lesbian. Quotes and rants on queer (mostly wlw) media.
111 posts
Happy Pride To Everyone!!
Happy Pride to everyone!!
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So I’ve recently been watching Hunter x Hunter and while Killua and his family make me want to cry I also find it vaguely hilarious. You train someone to have no ties or loyalties other than to family and then become so shocked when other people begin to fall into the category of “family”. Illumi acts like Killua is incapable of having loyalties when he was trained to be loyal to their family and then can’t understand why Killua is protective of Gon. This is just my interpretation but still.
In Phineas and Ferb, Candace is shown to have buildings skills similar to Phineas’, like building the dinosaur slide, the toaster, as well as helping them occasionally. Therefore, the only reason she isn’t having fun with them is because she wants to prove to their mom that she isn’t crazy. As so, if she ever did bust them or her mom believed her from the beginning Candace would’ve been a regular participant in her brothers’ plans. In this essay I will
My friend has never seen Avatar the Last Airbender so I’ve been watching it with her. I first watched the show when I was probably 8 or 9 and have rewatched it time and time again, but watching it with her made me really think about how much the show has shaped me as a person.
Katara taught me to show kindness to everyone, but also to know when kindness isn’t enough. She taught me that sometimes anger is necessary (something that growing up as an afab person is kind of a taboo thing).
Sokka taught me to be protective of the people I care about and to learn and grow from those who think differently than I do.
Toph taught me that every perceived weakness can be turned into a strength and never to judge people based on appearance (something to this day that my mom can’t wrap her head around how I do it).
Zuko taught me that everyone is honestly trying to do what they believe is right and nothing is really black and white (except for Ozai that man is straight up evil).
Aang taught me to respect everyone and to never truly lose who I am, even when others are telling me that who I am is wrong.
Suki taught me to never bow to the expectations of others or lessen myself to please someone else.
Azula taught me about strength and determination. Ty Lee taught me that femininity does not equal weakness. Mai taught me that everyone is worthy of love.
Iroh taught me so much, but mainly about what love is and isn’t. Love is something unconditional that goes beyond logic. It’s knowing that while you can help them, people need to find their way of their own volition. Love, real love, isn’t the carrot to be dangled or the stick to be punished with, it’s something that goes beyond reason.
The White Lotus taught me that while yes, my generation will have to find a way to solve the mistakes of our predecessors, we need and deserve help from older generations.
This show has impacted me in so many ways and I’m so grateful to have it and to have found it.
If a certain owl show doesn’t get some kind of spinoff or book series or something I am going to go nuclear and rain all the gay power I possess down on a certain homophobic mouse themed corporation. Who’s with me?