Yandere account: @enhadiaries ♪♪ Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream ♪♪. . 💋18 y/o 💋
322 posts
We Love You Too Bae And We Are More Than Grateful To Have You Too
We love you too bae and we are more than grateful to have you too 😩💜✨
I love you all so much thank you for always being there !! I'm really grateful 🤍
@lizziora @nikipedia07 @kimjiho1
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More Posts from Nikipedia07
I thought that this story can't get any more interesting. But you proved me wrong😭
And the cliffhanger 😃 might aswell drop dead😩🖐️
This series is like on my top 3🤩

𖥻 ٫ pairing. ot7 / enhypen x reader
𖥻 ٫ genre. horror, mystery, angst.
𖥻 ٫ warnings. blood, murder, gore, character death, plot twists, blackmail, family / relationship issues, trust issues, secrets, etc.
𖥻 ٫ synopsis. growing up in an unstable family had never been easy, but when your mother’s dark history and secrets come back to bite you in the form of a masked killer, you can’t help but to find your familial issues to be the least of your worries. ☏
𖥻 ٫ status. ongoing. no specific update pattern.
𖥻 ٫ tag list. @msxflower | @hiqhkey | @jungwonize | @saucytaehyung | @maiverie | @ja4hyvn | @jayjayparksblog | @bigtoewinwin | @soobin-g | @kimjiho1 | @nikipedia07 | @chiyuv | @enhasolace | @yn-dere

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ masterlist | playlist

"For KBS Web Radio, welcome to Autopsy of a Crime. "
Similar to the day prior, the clouds in the sky remained the same and cast the town in a series of blues and grays. The leaves slowly but surely began to part ways with the trees, starting their journey on land and tumbling past your worn-down shoes.
"This is Kim Sunoo podcasting the murder investigation of Lee Chaeyoung, day-by-day as it unfolds."
Hearing the familiar voice crackle through the speakers of your earbuds makes you roll your shoulders slightly, yearning to nullify the ache being caused by the straps of your backpack. You weren't sure why you decided to listen to Sunoo's podcast, honestly. Maybe it was because you wanted to have something to talk about with him, or maybe you wanted to understand him better- or maybe... it was the secret morbid curiosity that every human held but refused to acknowledge openly. Whatever it was, you couldn't help but listen after Dosie had sent you a link. Apparently, some people in one of her classes were gossiping about it- and not in a praiseworthy way, unfortunately.
"It's been three days now since the brutal slaying and local Sheriff James Park is still looking for Chaeyoung's ex-boyfriend, Yang Jeongin, as a person of interest."
As you step onto campus with a chill running down your spine, you spare a few glances at the passing faces, watching the way they all blur together while tugging the navy blue jacket further against your person.
"With this town's blood-soaked history, echoes of Riverfield's homegrown psycho, Goe Iseul, are everywhere. Walking the streets, you can hear terrified locals wondering, could he be back?"
Before you can even begin to feel frustrated by the circulating rumors, a hand brushes against your shoulder and breaks you out of your small bubble with a jolt of surprise. You reach up and remove your earbuds, turning to see Ireh, Dayeon, and Dosie eyeing you with faint confusion and expectancy.
"Uhm, hello? The least you could do is answer my texts. I know you saw them- you have read receipts on—" Ireh's words go through one ear and out the other as you sigh and turn back forward, ignoring her words completely and instead mumbling a small greeting towards Dosie. They trailed behind you closely, opting to accompany you despite Ireh feeling irritated by being brushed off. It wasn't her idea to put Jay out in the middle of Wren Lake, so why were you giving her the cold shoulder? As far as she knew, you hardly even knew the guy.
"Are you listening to it?"
"Listening to what?"
You turn to look at Dayeon as she tried to take a small peek at your phone, curious about what Dosie asked. You look back down at your phone and pause the podcast, putting Sunoo's voice on hold since you found yourself semi-interested in the information he was broadcasting.
"It's that weirdos podcast, isn't it? The one with the pink hair? From class-"
"He's not a weirdo. Does it kill you to be nice to people who have different interests than you?"
You spared a small glare towards Ireh while Dosie muffled her faint laugher, causing the artificial redhead to scoff and roll her eyes.
"Wait- Are you talking about AOC? I'm addicted! Do you guys really have Sunoo in one of your classes?" You felt a bit surprised to hear Dayeon gushing about a criminology podcast and it was evident by the way your eyebrows subconsciously knitted together. Dayeon was smarter than she lead on but usually put on a dumb façade at the expense of Isa, someone who didn't like to be overstepped in any category. Still, while she had some hidden interests, you didn't think this would be one of them. "You're so lucky! I have Jay in my economics course, so he tells me about it sometimes if I'm nice enough."
The image of Jay and Dayeon chatting it up along the backyard porch quickly flashed through your mind, the sound of muffled music still prominent even in your memory.
"Is that what you guys were talking about? At the party? I mean, not to sound like a stalker or anything, but I saw you guys whenever I went to go look for-" You paused for a moment, feeling a moment of weakness shadow over you. "someone."
"Huh? Oh! Yeah, well– Even though we talk about the podcast a lot, we've always kinda been friends. It's just that with Isa around it's–"
"Hard to be friends with the people you want to be friends with?"
You looked over towards the blonde and met her eyes with a knowing look, understanding what she was getting at completely. Honestly, you had no idea that she and Jay were friends, which was what she was probably aiming for the more you lingered on the thought.
"I just can't believe she's another story on the podcast. It's so weird hearing a local case being talked about."
"Isa always did like being the center of attention."
"Yeah. Even with people's boyfriends."
You weren't sure where the sour comment came from, but it rose from your mouth like you had eaten something bitter and needed to spit it out. Maybe Ireh's comments were getting to your head, leaving you with venom on the tip of your tongue whenever the recently deceased was brought up. Everyone had gone silent, exchanging looks between one another as you came to a slow stop at the top of the steps. You turned around and met a certain pair of eyes within the group, being watched by the other two bystanders.
"I seriously still can't believe you told me a month after it happened-"
"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry? I know I should have told you as soon as I found out, but you knew Isa just like we did. You know how she gets whenever you cross paths with her."
You observed Ireh in silence and shook your head with a heavy sigh, running a hand through your hair and turning your face away momentarily.
"I was scared, okay? Are you happy? As humiliating as it is to admit, I didn't want her to terrorize me if I got involved." She said, a look of sincerity displayed on her features. You stared at her and she stared at you, and after a few moments of resentment, your tense shoulders dropped and you decided it wasn't worth it. You needed to move on.
You watched a smile come to her face as everyone in your small circle relaxed.
"It's one thing to be hung up over it for months, but I don't think I'd be able to feel good about myself if I let someone like Isa fuck with me even after she's dead and gone." You muttered, turning around to continue through the front doors.
"Yeah, that would be pretty pathetic-"
"Walking on thin ice, Ireh."
"Sorry, sorry-"

"Are you sure you're okay? I still think you should have stayed home today-"
Jungwon's worried voice traveled through the air as the trio seated themselves comfortably at one of the many outdoor tables, quickly dismissing their school breakfast as if they hadn't bought it in the first place.
"Won, I told you already, I'm fine-"
"You could have died. You realize that, right?"
"He's got a point."
"Ah c'mon- Sunoo, really?"
Jay spared an annoyed glance to the side while crossing his arms and leaning them against the table, feeling frustrated when their middle man refused to side with him on their small feud. Sunoo shrugged his shoulders and breached the small aluminum cover to his banana milk with a straw, bringing it up to lips as an excuse to stay quiet.
"I should have gone back. I shouldn't have left you there by yourself. I just thought that by now people wouldn't be this childish still-"
"It's not your fault. I'm done having this conversation with you. I'm not angry and I'm not upset with you, so can we please just drop it already? I was less exhausted trying not to drown than I am going back and forth with you about this."
Sunoo stifled a laugh and ended up choking on his drink as a result, having to turn away while lightly coughing into his sleeve. He mumbled a few apologies, saying something about how he didn't expect Jay to make a joke so soon after it happened. Before Jungwon could respond, a voice cut them all off and left them frozen to their seats.
Jay's face morphed into one of confusion as he watched his father approach them across the courtyard, taking note of his uniform.
"As much as I'd love to sit and talk, I'm just stopping by to do my job." Jay nodded slowly, still not able to piece together why his father was standing before them. It wasn't until he spoke up again did he pull an almost offended face, having not expected their confrontation to take this turn.
"Kim Sunoo."
The pink-haired boy sat up with sudden alertness, his features are polite but stiff with sudden anxiety. He wasn't sure why he felt so nervous, but something about being called on by an authoritative figure in a time like this felt like he should be.
"Yes, Mr. Park?"
"I hear you've got an interest in murder cases."
Sunoo blinked a few times and let out a small sheepish laugh, reaching up to rub the back of his neck.
"Well, I've got a lot of interests–"
"Look, I'm not here to make this any deeper than it is. I just need you to come by the station before school tomorrow and answer a few questions for me, okay?"
"Dad, is that necessary?"
"No, no- It's okay, really." Sunoo nodded and smiled, his body language a lot more natural than a few moments prior. He had nothing to hide, right? So it's not that big of a deal. "I don't mind stopping by." He watched Sheriff Park give a firm nod before walking past him, patting Jay on the shoulder before heading back towards the direction of the campus parking lot. Jay watched his father leave up until the police car faded off into the distance, merging into the street and getting lost in the sea of passing vehicles.
"Maybe today wasn't a good day to schedule the next episode," Jungwon mumbled under his breath, deciding to stand from his seat and sling his bag over his shoulder.
"Where are you going?"
Without realizing it, the other two also began to pack their things up, deciding to take their wrapped goods with them, as whatever little appetite they had was now long gone.
"I'm going to the bathroom. I just need to rinse off my face. I didn't sleep well last night and I don't want to pass out in class." He explained, turning to head off before either of the two boys could detest. Jay and Sunoo exchanged looks before heading back into the building, deciding to make a stop by one another's lockers to retrieve the things they needed before the next bell.
"I'm really sorry about that- I don't know why he would even ask you to come in,"
Sunoo exchanged one of his binders for another, shaking his head to dismiss Jay's stressed comment.
"I guess he's not fully convinced that I.N. could be Isa's killer-" Sunoo said, looking over towards the ravenette. "So why not question the guy with a crime podcast. Makes sense, right? Your dad is just doing his job, so I don't blame him." Sunoo reassured, placing his hand against his friend's arm. Jay nodded hesitantly and gave a small chuckle, letting the other relieve him of his disappointment and concern.
"You're right. There's no way he thinks it's you anyway." Jay mumbled, dismissing any leftover worries he had.
"Why not?"
Jay stared at Sunoo with a slightly unsettled and perplexed look in his eyes, watching the way he stuffed his things into his bag without a care for the weight of his words.
The fox-eyed boy looked up, connecting their gazes with a small smile.
"I hated the way she treated Jungwon."
Jay kept his silence, his smile slowly falling as he listened with furrowed brows, trying to catch on to what the boy was getting at. Even if he was just trying to set some kind of example, it didn't make it sound any better.
"You did too, right? Your dad will probably question everyone," Sunoo closed his locker, staring ahead at his mindlessly.
"Because at the end of the day, nearly everyone had a motive against her."

"Did you sleep okay...? The party dragged out longer than I thought it would, honestly..."
You looked over towards Jake, watching him lean his head down to rest it against his arm. His brunette hair wasn't styled like it usually was and laid flat, messily swooping against his face and faintly over his eyes due to the position he took on. For whatever reason, it gave him a much softer appearance than usual.
"Yeah, I crashed as soon as I got home. I think my body just had enough past a certain point."
You paused, staring him down a while longer as he kept his eyes closed, not wanting to accept that class would start in a matter of minutes. In his mind, he was still at home, under the comfort of his sheets.
"You wear glasses?"
"You're wearing glasses."
"Oh. Yeah,"
He fluttered his eyes open a bit and stared at you for a moment, lifting his head to run a hand through his hair. "I had a late morning so I didn't have time to put on my contacts. Does it... look alright?" He questioned, placing his hands in his lap and turning his face back in your direction. You gave him a tired smile and nodded, reaching out to gently tap your fingertip against the edge of the frames.
"I like them a lot, actually. I'm not sure if you're worried about it or not, but you look good even when you're dressed down."
You saw him try to hide his growing smile and it made you laugh a bit, especially when he reached out to give you a lazy side hug followed by a series of thank you's in the accent you'd grown to enjoy hearing on the occasion. You both settled down and reminisced about the night prior in the remaining time you had left to chat. And just like that, Mrs. Hwang came in moments later and drew your conversation to a close, forcing you to pay attention to her lesson plan.

"I don't care about what the press says, I.N. is not some crazy slasher lunatic. He wouldn't do something like that, no matter how mean Isa could be sometimes."
You walked beside Dayeon as you made your way through the halls, having bumped into her during your small locker trip. You didn't really know I.N. as well as your other friends did, but he didn't give you any reason to feel off about him- Still, you only saw him from a surface level, so you felt you couldn't make a weighted judgment like Dayeon could.
"I mean from what I saw, he didn't give me any reason to think he'd do something like that either, but if he's innocent, why not just come forward?"
You could see Dayeon's distress as she tried to think of a logical answer, not wanting to believe any of the horrible things being said about someone she was in the same circle with.
"I don't know. Maybe he's afraid- Who wouldn't be? I just wish he'd call me back." She sighed. You gave her an apologetic look before turning forward, wishing you could travel back in time five minutes prior so you could have taken a different route to class. You slowed your pace until you were facing one another, his voice filling your ears and dulling your senses.
"I've been trying to text you–"
Dayeon looked between the both of you, glancing at you to silently excuse herself, wishing you luck on her way by.
"Can we please just talk this out? I'm tired of this weird tension between us. I don't want you to feel like you have to ignore me every time you see me."
You scoff and try your best to walk past Sunghoon, but he refused to give up easily this time, stepping in front of you and gently grabbing you by the arms to hold you in place with a desperate look.
"Y/N. Please. Just let me explain."
You run your tongue along the front of your teeth and grip onto your backpack strap tightly, trying to keep yourself from trembling under his touch. You can't tell if you hate it because you're disgusted by him, or if you hate it because you miss him. He takes your silence as his chance to speak, letting his hands drift away slowly as he clears his throat.
"I know that it's going to sound like an excuse... but the Isa thing– She- ... Look,"
He paused for a moment as if trying to think about his words carefully, something you knew he was doing as to not screw anything up further than he already has.
"I think she was jealous of you. You're nice, smart, pretty- She wanted to take you down a few notches, and she was willing to do anything to do it-"
"So it's my fault you slept with her?"
You watched him since at your statement, his mind working overtime to stutter out some sort of damage control.
"What? No! No, that's not what I'm saying at all-"
"Then what? What possible explanation could you have for doing something so easily avoidable!?"
By now, frustration was overwhelming the sorrow you felt in regards to the situation, your mind recalling all the restless nights you spent trying to get those horrible images out of your head so you could find some peace. It was unfair. It was unfair that everything was so perfect between the two of you only to be thrown away like it never mattered in the first place. You could feel faint tears pricking at your eyes as you stared at him, watching the way your mood rubbed off on him even though his expression still held desperation.
"Will you just listen!? That's what I'm trying to tell you! Isa and I never-"
Before Sunghoon could clarify any further, the voice of another caught the both of you off guard. You whipped your head around to see the familiar set of features that were popular amongst all grade levels. Oddly, you felt relieved. Sunghoon however, was not very pleased by the other male's sudden appearance. He stood straight and eyed Heeseung with a look that showed how bothered he felt about the intrusion, his voice coming out much more blunt in comparison to how he spoke with you.
"Do you have a problem?"
“You’re standing in front of my locker.”
Heeseung was unbothered by the way Sunghoon tried to hold his ground, and you honestly couldn't tell if he was being honest or if this was just some ploy to save you from your distress. You remained silent and tried to think of what to say, but the tension suffocated you and left no room for words.
"And I'm pretty sure Y/N is done talking to you."
You flickered your eyes to meet the upperclassman, your lips parting slightly in faint disbelief. Why was he being so protective? You've hardly had a conversation with the guy, but here he is playing the knight in shining armor. By now, the three of you have gathered the attention of people passing by, whispers filling the hallways as some stare at you with curiosity and others with envy.
"Just stay out of this. Don't get hurt playing hero."
Although Sunghoon paired his words with a smile, you knew him well enough to tell that it was all but genuine. He tended to come off very passive-aggressive when he felt challenged and, even now, that hasn't changed. The two boys refused to pry their eyes off one another, leaving you in an awkward position with agitation slowly crawling up your back. Why were you even in this situation?
"Do you guys want dueling pistols or something? People are staring. Knock it off."
After your venomous comment, Sunghoon couldn't help but scoff, deciding to temporarily accept defeat. He didn't care about Heesung, but he did care about you. If you were uncomfortable, he didn't want to fuel that. Instead, he walked past the both of you, harshly brushing shoulders with Heeseung as he disappeared into the crowd. Silence filled the air and you met eyes, your brain yelling at you to say something to him for getting you out of a conversation you weren't sure you were ready to have.
"Is that really your locker?"
"Is that guy really your boyfriend?"
His witty reply makes you give a tight-lipped smile, your head tilting slightly as you glance to the side.
"Used to be."
He gives you a small smile and takes a step closer to you, causing you to glance up at his towering figure. The both of you stare at one another for a prolonged moment before he spares you a wink, leaving you with a confusing mixture of emotions.
"Maybe you need a new one."
You watch Heeseung walk away, holding himself with a pride you wish you could have for yourself. Truthfully, he interests you, but at the same time, you can't help but feel like something's off. It's a feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, but despite this, you try to brush it off and convince yourself that you're just paranoid.

Similar to last time, you ended up skipping lunch to meet up with Sunoo by the journalism club. Although Dosie protested and jokingly accused you of replacing her, you told her you'd make it up to her by treating her to boba over the weekend which quickly shut her up.
"I already got the forms you need to sign from the front office. All you need to do is sign here, here, and here– After that, I can take them for you and have them authorize you as an official member! Ahhh, this is so exciting! Aren't you excited?"
You smiled a bit at the way Sunoo gushed while pointing towards the different areas that required your signature. The both of you stood by the front of the empty club room, your figure leaned over as your used one of the desks to support the paper and pen in your hold.
"Honestly, I never really considered taking up journalism as a hobby or extracurricular, so I am a little bit excited. I guess I'm just nervous since it's something I'm not familiar with," You explained, standing up straight and handing the papers back towards the other. He took them with a warm smile and waved them dismissively, turning to place them away in a folder he had resting on one of the other desks.
"We have to write a lot about school-related things, so most of the time people don't want to join because they think it's too boring," He trailed off, keeping his smile although his tone came off a bit dejected. "But it's really fun with friends. We get to take pictures and film things too. Jay even picked it up as a side hobby after we got to mess around with the cameras for the first time." He rambled, turning and noticing your faltered expression.
"I'm really sorry about what happened at the party-"
"It wasn't your fault. Jay doesn't blame you and he'd probably prefer to just forget that it ever happened anyway. He doesn't like to think about the embarrassing stuff that's happened to him." Sunoo explained with a faint laugh, causing you to feel a little bit of relief.
"You're right, so can we not talk about this again?"
With a small jolt of surprise, the both of you turned your attention towards the door to see Jay and Jungwon standing tall. Jay seemed to be over the topic of discussion while Jungwon came off more weary and uncertain due to your presence. You shared eye contact with him momentarily, quickly looking down at your feet to avoid his haunting stare. You hated the tension between the two of you, and you suddenly wondered if this was how Sunghoon felt every time you made the obvious effort to avoid him like the plague. You didn't want to have any secrets between the two of you- you wanted things to be like how they were before.
You wanted to tell him the truth.
"Are those the application forms...?"
Jungwon moved past Jay to approach Sunoo, peering down at the opened folder and scanning his eyes over your signature. Jay followed suit and looked back at you, arching a brow.
"You really want to join?"
You nodded your head with a bit of hesitance, not sure if he was silently judging you and asking you the question with distaste. However, his face formed into a gentle smile as he approached you, slinging an arm over your tense shoulder.
"This is great! We'll have enough members to keep the club running now!"
"That's why it's so exciting! And you can show her how to use the cameras– Oh! We can even invite her to our movie nights!"
"Do you think she'd even like the stuff we watch? You always put on some scary movie. Seriously, I don't understand how you watch that stuff."
"Don't be such a baby, they're not even scary-"
You smiled slightly as Jay and Sunoo bickered back and forth, finding their aimless banter endearing. It wasn't until you met Jungwon's gaze did a strange sense of guilt flood your chest. He looked at you with hidden pain and confusion, as if he didn't know how to feel about you after the moment you shared at the party. You didn't blame him. Nothing you could do or say would excuse the way you left him in the dust all these years, and now here you were, squeezing your way into his close friend group– If you were him, you'd feel lost too. You wanted to clear the slate and start over without any secrets or uncertainty, and the only way you felt you could do that was to be transparent with him.
Your thoughts are interrupted when he breaks eye contact with you to leave the room abruptly. Although you usually knew when to give him the space he wanted, your feet acted faster than your brain and forced you to trail after him, excusing yourself from the other two boys who stood confused and unaware.
"Jungwon! Jungwon, please-"
You watched him come to a slow stop, his body turning lazily as he spared you a tired glance. You left a bit of distance between the two of you, the silence of the oddly empty hallways making you feel even more stressed than you already were.
You swallowed thickly and fiddled with the ends of your jacket, trying to find the right words to say. It used to be so easy talking to him, but now it felt like you were addressing a complete stranger.
"Can we talk, please? After school."
"I don't know if we sh-"
"It's important. I want to fix things. So please, just give me one chance. If you don't want anything to do with me after, then I'll leave you alone."
He looked at you with hesitance, a sigh brushing past his lips as he ran an anxious hand through his hair. He wanted to talk to you as much as you wanted to talk to him, but honestly, he was afraid.
What if you just ended up leaving again?
Even after all this time, he doesn't believe you ever fully understood how much it hurt him when you drifted apart.
"Fine. Come to my place after school. We'll talk there."

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright?"
You sat in the passenger side of Dosie's car, staring out the window at the cozy and nostalgic house that you once considered a second home. The house wasn't anything fancy, but it wasn't too shabby either.
The garden was as beautiful as you remembered it, and it made you happy knowing Jungwon's mom still indulged in her green thumb. You remembered the times when Jungwon would bring you a flower, telling you what each one meant. It amused you to find out flowers had their own language. Not only were they full of meaning, but they always blossomed beautifully. Your favorite flower was the Begonia since it was the first one Jungwon had ever given to you, having taken it from the garden without his mom knowing. Because of this, you never knew what it meant, having long forgotten to search it up in your spare time. Her words always rang through your head, encoding a sentimental feeling.
"Flowers are a perfect replica of human life."
You snapped out of your thoughts and suddenly remembered you weren't alone. You looked over to the blonde, watching the way her face contorted into one of incertitude.
"Do you have a fever or something? Maybe you can just reschedule,"
You shook your head quickly and unbuckled your seatbelt, opening up the car door before your friend could take matters into her own hands.
"I'm fine, I was just thinking about some stuff. I'll text you later, okay?"
"You better- I mean it! Otherwise, I'll just come looking for you myself-"
"You sound like my mom."
"Get the hell out of my car."
You smiled to yourself as you stepped out, bending by the waist to give her one final look and a wave goodbye. She returned the smile and rolled her eyes, turning up the music as you shut the door before slowly driving off. You remained standing in place until the car turned out of the neighborhood, your eyes trailing over to the house across the street. You could almost see the ghost of yourself through the upper right window, reminiscing on your more secluded life prior to moving. You noticed the lack of cars in the driveway and mentally noted that your mom must have been at work, the idea that she'd soon be examining your "friend" sending chills down your spine.
You took in a deep breath and turned around, walking up the concrete path until your shoes met the steps of the porch, guiding you to the front door. You knew that you could only stall for so long before giving off the impression that you'd never show up, so with one more steady exhale, you lifted your hand to knock on the door.
"Yah-! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
You flinched your hand back as the door suddenly opened before you could make your presence known, the palm of your hand pressing against your chest to calm the quick-paced thumping.
"I saw you from my window. You were standing there for like, fifteen minutes-"
"…No I wasn't,"
"Just- come inside."
Jungwon left the door opened for you as he turned away, disappearing further into the house and leaving you to fend for yourself. You almost forgot that you'd been there countless times, wondering why he just expected you to navigate the place all by yourself. You slipped past the door and closed it quietly, flickering your eyes around the entrance hallway to spot all the familiar family photos lining the walls. You slipped off your shoes and set them aside in silence, making your way to the stairs with fast steps in an attempt to catch up to his long strides.
As you tailed behind him, you caught sight of some of his framed baby photos and felt your heart swell at how long it had been since you'd last seen them. When Jungwon was younger, he participated in Taekwondo for seven years and earned himself a black belt in that time. Because of this achievement, a lot of the pictures were of him celebrating a new medal or taking proper formation for whatever move he was learning back then. While those were cute, you admittedly had a favorite photo amongst all of the ones hung up on the wall.
"Ah, it's still here..."
Jungwon turned to look back at you just as he was getting ready to enter his room, his brows furrowing in confusion as he watched you point to your target of interest. Said photo was a picture of Jungwon at the age of, what appeared to be, three or four, maybe five. He adorned a white fuzzy bear hat with long strips of fabric and bear paws attached to the end. His hands were slipped inside the little paws and squished up against his face, his lips pursed and eyebrows raised. It was a silly picture, one that displayed child innocence perfectly.
"I always thought this picture was cute, is all."
You watched his expression change into one of slight embarrassment, his lips forming into a tight line as he tried to dismiss your comment by hiding away in his room. You followed after him and watched him settle down at his desk, turning to face you in the comfort of his chair while you remained standing. Silence filled the room as you tried to think of what to start with, his expectant stare only making your mind foggy.
"I couldn't sleep last night."
You weren't sure why you started with that, but you did.
"...And that has to do with me becauuusssee...?"
He squinted at you slightly, not catching onto what you were trying to say. You sighed and crossed your arms, subconsciously hugging yourself while deciding not to beat around the bush.
"It has to do with us."
Jungwon leaned his upper body back, resting his weight against the head of the chair and fiddling with his hands in his lap.
"What do you want from me, Y/N." He said, his tone making his sentence come off more as a statement rather than a question. "There's not really an "us" anymore. There hasn't been for a while." The dark-haired boy stood up from his seat, his nerves leaving him unable to stay in one place for too long. "Ireh may have let me into her party, but I really don't think we'll be going out for coffee anytime soon."
"I'm not Ireh,"
"Yeah? Give it time."
You flinched slightly at the harshness of his voice, and by the way you both stared at one another, you can see that he was also distraught by the words that left his mouth. Your lips parted but nothing came out as he glanced away from you in partial regret.
You felt nauseous because of how on edge you were, the pressure in your chest tightening with every passing second. You knew what you were about to say could go one of two ways, and you could only pray it would be the better one. But from a logical standpoint, the chance was slim.
"I was there."
He suddenly looked up at you, his expression unreadable as if he tried to convince himself whether or not he heard you correctly.
"You... filmed me...?"
"No, No, it wasn't me. It was Isa, okay? We were just messing around and they wanted to hang out, and Isa saw you there and I didn't even realize or know that it was you, I just-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait,"
You stopped your messy ramble as your breath hitched in the back of your throat, your eyes scanning over his features as they slowly morphed into a more offended and hurt look.
"So this whole "I miss you, let's be friends again" thing is because you felt guilty or something?"
You stared at him, your voice unable to free itself from your lips as all you could do was flutter your watery eyes and shake your head to deny his claim. He gave you a stern look, but you could tell it was just to hide the betrayal and pain he felt at that moment.
"I- I was begging for help– I was bleeding and hopeless and you're telling me you just sat there? I- You—" He bit his tongue to hold himself back from saying anything else he's regret and instead turned away from you, his hands resting along the back of his neck as he tried to process everything.
"Jungwon, I didn't kn-"
"Get out."
You bit down on your bottom lip to bite back any tears from spilling, not wanting to sob when you were the one at fault. Although you hadn't known until it was far too late, you still had refused to tell him after all this time. There was nothing you could do to cushion the truth, but you undoubtedly believed he deserved to know.
"I'm sorry."
You turned around and ushered out of his room, quickening your steps as you raced down the stairs and hastily made your way to the front door to slip your shoes back on. You wasted no time on pushing yourself out the front door, using one hand to message Dosie that you wanted to walk home to gather your thoughts while the other worked on smothering the tears that now freely streamed down your flustered face.
By now, the sky was at that midpoint in which the sun was set but the moon had yet to come out, leaving the atmosphere casting a dull purple over you. You walked past the many houses within your old neighborhood, your tears causing them to merge and look the same. You sniffled and used the sleeves of your jacket to try and wipe your cheeks, but no matter how many times you attempted to gather yourself, your sorrow came back ten times worse than before. Just as you rounded the corner, the sound of your phone ringing ripped you from your pity party and caused you to halt your steps, your hands digging around in your pockets to pull it out.
You furrowed your brows and nearly decided not to answer until you remembered that you had given your number to Jay and Sunoo before school had ended, expecting a text from one of them to let you know whether or not your forms got accepted. You sniffled a few more times before answering, trying to cover up your wavering voice to keep them from worrying.
"Hello, Y/N."
The voice was completely unrecognizable and sounded nothing like anyone you knew. It was raspy and had a semi-lighthearted tone that rubbed you the wrong way. But what had caught your attention the most was the fact that this stranger had just said your name. You decided to keep walking while staying on the line, just wanting to get home before the night completely consumed the area.
"Who is this...?"
"A friend."
You kept your teeth from clutching together in minor annoyance, the timing of some stupid prank call only making you feel even worse than you did before. Why did shit like this always happen to you? Were you that unlucky?
"Sorry, but I'm not in the mood."
You mumbled, clearly vexed.
"Why are you crying?"
Your blood ran cold and you came to a complete stop, your expression showing sudden fear as you whipped your head around, trying to eye the empty streets and house windows.
Whatever tears you had been shedding before were now the least of your concern, the only thing running through your mind is the fact someone was watching you and you had no idea where they were.
"I hate to see you so sad."
"Are you watching me?"
As painfully obvious as the answer to the question was, part of you was still in denial and wanted to believe that they could have just heard how upset you were through your voice. You wanted to believe that this was still some sort of prank call and that, whoever was on the other end, was just taking advantage of the gruesome circumstances of your schoolmate's death.
"It's what you want, right? On social media, to the public eye. Perfect smiles, perfect lives,"
You continued to turn in circles, your eyes frantically moving from left to right, up and down, trying to find someone. Anyone.
"But I know the truth."
"Who the hell is this?"
Your breathing was becoming heavier and the palms of your hands felt clammy. You couldn't stop the rapid beating of your heart, practically hearing it ring in your ears.
The unknown voice had gotten more aggressive as they responded to your question, your tear-stained face riddled with a perturbed mien.
"Come unmask me and find out."

𖥻 ٫ author’s note. r u guys scared … ur so scared huh… LMAO. things r getting spicy. story reviews r always appreciated !! thank you for so much support lately on scream, it really has re-sparked my motivation for this fic <3
Beautiful ✨🤩
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ ♡_ kim seongmin ?%☆

He looks just like a dream 🧃💫

the prettiest boy i've ever seen 💐

Pic cr : Pinterest!
Requested by : @sunoo-bby ♡
《 Like, reblog, save if u like this ♡ 》 《 Don't repost this pls ^_^ 》
Pretty 🧚🏻♀️😩✨
-> Green-pink theme

Naur it's like so cool . Write 💳 more 💳
꒰When you're on you're period꒱ —Enhypen as you're boyfriends 💌

Okay, so like this is my first time writing something so forgive me:')
Is experienced as he's dating you for awhile now.
Knows exactly what to do.
Would keep on checking you, need a thing? Mr. Heeseung's gonna bring it for you!✨
Pecks and cozy hug with coffee and ramyeon ofc!

Get ready to get spoiled😏
Would cook for you, buy you lots of chocolates and gift. Anything you want<3
Will back hug you and rub you're stomach to ease the pain:((
Lots of cuddles and snacks on the way!

Doesn't knows what to do.
Will call his sister to give some pads on the way as he's shy👉👈 (let's pretend he has a sister:))
Would take notes from his sister and you to make you feel the best.
Will order food online and cuddle with you all day.

💌 Sunghoon
Since he has a younger sister, he would manage the situation pretty well. :D
Would do anything just to make you feel better, just to make you comfortable.
Will participate to do the chores so that you can rest:(
Movie nights with chocolate ice-cream ✨ (lets pretend icecream is good to eat on periods #2 :'))

Endless cuddles and aegyos on the way🏃♀️🏃♀️
Hugs and forehead kisses are a must for him, not only on these days but also he can't live without showering you with all his love:(
Since he wears baggy clothes, he will lend you some of his hoodies to make you comfortable and secure enough<3
Sunoo best boi <33

💌 Jungwon
Would be protective and cuddle you a lot, like a lot.
Can't help but listen to you rant and tolerate you're mood swings:')
Would be really worried and will try his best to help you while you roll on the floor due to cramps</3
Would take ya on a small walk and make jokes just to make you smile:((

Would panick a lot.
He'll really call his sister at 4:00 am just to ask what to do when you are getting cramps:((
"Babe can you get me some pads and chocolates?"
Shy baby:((
But i feel like he will overall manage the situation quite well:0