no-time-for-your-stupid - NoTimeforYourStupid

168 posts

Peter Quill, About Thor: Not That Hot

Peter Quill, about Thor: Not that hot

Tom Holland, not knowing what’s going on but feeling the Peter Parker Bi effect: ???


Mantis: kick names, take ass

Tom Holland not knowing if that was intentional or a joke: w u t ?

Seriously the look he gives RDJ at that line sends me

  • words-to-accomplish-something
    words-to-accomplish-something liked this · 7 months ago

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Anytime I have a friend who only watches the TV show/movie for something I spend the whole time waiting for them to read to books seeing how much I can gaslight them into believing happened, was in the books, and left out of the TV/Movie adaption

Eventually they get so annoyed they just have to read the books b/c it’s the only way to make me stop

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charles rowland i love you but it is a good fucking thing he wasnt actually working with the same parameters as orpheus cos his sorry ass wouldve turned around to check on edwin 7 steps in

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we need to give the words "read" (present tense) and "read" (past tense) different spellings because of my fucking god this one gets me every time. its awful.

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Lockwood: if we get in trouble, I'm going to be like a lawyer to you. okay?

Lucy: okay.


Barnes: Lucy! sit down on the chair, you're in trouble.

Lockwood, whispering: deny everything.

Lucy, loudly: that's not a chair.

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