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Genji X Dva Shipping Video From Sanna999be YouTube Channel

Genji x Dva shipping video from sanna999be YouTube channel

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6 months ago

The longing of the heart

here is a fanfic idea about when Atem comes to the afterlife after losing to Yugi in a card game. He is warmly welcomed by his old friends from ancient Egypt

Atem tries to be at peace in the afterlife but his heart longs for his friends from modern times especially Anzu that he love so much but never told her in words.

No matter how much he tries to ignore his heart, his longing grows stronger and soon the others begin to notice that something is not right with their pharaoh.

finally they ask their pharaoh what is his problem and if they can help him in any way. Atem looks at them with a sad look and shakes his head before walking away from them.

Atem's longing only grows worse with each passing day and finally he tells them that his heart longs for his living friends and the love of his life Anzu.

The others are shocked especially the priest Seto who did not know that his pharaoh has fallen in love with a girl from another time.

in the beginning, they try to talk the pharaoh into letting go of his longing for his living friends as well as his love for Anzu.

Atem doesn't take their will with good humor, first he gets hurt then he gets angry.

Atem raises his voice in an angry tone and tells them that he will never forget his friends or Anzu and if they keep trying to talk him into forgetting them then they can expect a shadow game.

Then they realize how serious their pharaoh longing is and start talking to each other about what can be done about it.

after many and long conversations they come to the conclusion that their pharaoh must come back to life and get his own body to be with his friends and the love of his life Anzu.

Somehow they manage to make Atem come back to life with his own body and he ends up in the right time.

it had been 3 years since he ended up in the afterlife and all his friends were shocked that Atem is alive and has his own body.

They throw a big party and Atem manages to tell Anzu that he loves her and she gets so happy that she starts crying.

Anzu tells Atem that she loves him too and Atem takes Anzu in his arms and kisses her.

Unbeknownst to them, Yugi secretly films them so that a few years later he can share the video of their wedding.

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6 months ago

Here is another Cyborgbunny shipping video from sanna999be YouTube channel

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6 months ago

The only thing I didn’t like in the Beetlejuice 2 movie was the weird out off place demonbaby.

It hade no purpose in the movie and it was only their for being weird.

It didn’t add anything in the story.

I love that Beetlejuice still wants to marry Lydia and that he was pinning so hard for her that he has a picture of her on his desk!!!

That is gold!!!

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