Hotd Meme - Tumblr Posts
So I think we can all to some extent believe that the dragons understand their riders both because of their bond and the Targaryens speaking High Valyrian. That being said, do you guys think the dragons understand when the Targaryens refer to themselves as dragons? If so do you guys think they get offended??? Cause they have to drive around these white-haired weirdos everywhere + be their flying nukes for every conflict and they have the nerve to call themselves dragons.
Live reaction of the dragons hearing that:

I think the funniest thing is if Rhaenyra and Alicent were actually lovers during that ten year period, one of their kids would probably figure it out but no one would believe them.
Aegon: Today I saw Larys Strong trip on a rock. It was kind of funny
Aemond: I saw Ser Criston yelling at his sword when he missed a target
Jace: Lol. I saw Maester Gerardys accidentally walk into a wall
Luke: I saw mother kissing Queen Alicent
Aegon: …
Aemond: …
Jace: …
Aegon: Buddy you keep making that joke
Luke: It’s not a joke
Jace: I mean everyone has their own sense of humor so we shouldn’t be mean
Luke: I’ve been trying to tell you guys for months
Aemond: Don’t worry Luke we think you’re funny
Jacaerys Velaryon walked into Winterfell and possibly seduced two members of House Stark. He really said I’m not leaving till I get my momma an army
Posts HOTD Characters would make on the Whisper App

Alicent (the only person who uses it normally):











Your sons are injured and you’re serving the face card. I repeat your sons are injured and y’all are serving the face card????

Rhaenyra and Alicent as a married couple whenever they fight:
Rhaenyra: Really? You’re doing this now, on Pride month?
Alicent: Rhaenyra, it’s October
Rhaenyra: …
Rhaenyra: Really? You’re doing this now, on spooky season?
Gwayne @ Criston Cole next season probably:

I haven't been keeping up with the episodes but please tell me she doesn't pull this 😭
I know the show is playing off Jace’s hair always being long and curly because they decided not to use a wig for Harry anymore BUT I think it would be hilarious to imagine Jace getting himself a new hairstyle on the back of Vermax.
Jace on the way to the North:

The Characters from my fic “The Madness of Dragons” as John Mulany quotes













This season's been a bit weird...

ASOIAF Sigmund Freud is laughing maniacally right now
Do you guys think that there was a Sigmund Freud in the ASOIAF world who had all these theories and they were hitting too close to home for the Targaryens so they like got rid of his published works or something?
Ryan Condal waking up at 3 AM to find me at the foot of his bed like this:

Could write a whole essay about this but @bohemian-nights, @ride-thedragon , and @lilyofthevalley-11 already made great points about it
Also, I made a thing real quick:
Seasmoke's POV vs Addam's POV
I love them, your honor
Luke and Jaehaerys watching both their families hesitating to fight each other even after their deaths:

Tell me I’m not the only one who's been thinking this
Oscar Tully: Literally why did you think doing any of that was okay? Willem Blackwood: Cause Prince Daemon thought it was a good idea. Oscar Tully: ... Oscar Tully: You actual clown
Bonus scene after Daemon left that meeting
Oscar Tully to Simon Strong: Tell Alys to up the dose, I want that man so traumatized he can't even think about the Riverlands without breaking into a cold sweat at night
While I think the Jace and Rhaenyra scene in episode 7 was great, I think it should have been a bit longer cause this is obviously something that has been building up in Jace for a while.
I think Jace and Rhaenyra should have gotten into a full-blown screaming match. Rhaenyra probably starts to cry and throws wine at Jace while he demands the truth from her, as a Spanish guitar plays in the background. Then out of nowhere Harwin Strong would burst into the room, revealing he wasn't the one who died that night it was his evil twin, Harlose. He declares himself Jace's father until surprise Criston Cole enters the room. He admits to his affair with Rhaenyra and that he is Jace's father. Harwin and Criston then begin to get into an argument over who is Jace's real father. The scene suddenly cuts to Alicent on a balcony in the Red Keep, revealing her to be Jace's real father. A flashback also reveals Rhaenyra got amnesia 16 years ago which is how she doesn't remember their love affair. The end.
HOTD Telenovela go brrr
Luke unintentionally getting the best deal by dying before the show went off the edge:

Sleep well sweet prince, you escaped 😔
Ellen: So I heard that you keeping pulling bad bitches Criston: It's true, I'm honestly trying to stop so I can honor my oaths Ellen: Well we've got a surprise for you *Curtain opens to reveal Gwayne Hightower* Criston *literally crying*: Omg Ellen you didn't