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8 months ago
Aegon & Autistic Traits

Aegon & Autistic Traits

Aegon's autism presents itself far differently than Helaena, as he falls on a different spot of the spectrum. His autism presents it's self most with his lack of emotional control and comprehension. As I stated in another post, Aegon doesn't really know how to process or read emotions. This is why he doesn't seem to realize how much his words and actions hurt Aemond as they were growing up. This is why he feels things so explosively, resulting in his rage and destruction when he is upset and grieving.

Another autistic trait that Aegon has that is less apparent is texture based, mostly with food and drink. Thick drinks, drinks that have lumps in them, over stimulate him and he is instantly trying to spit them out. This is part of the reason that he cannot handle milk-of-the-poppy, especially after his long injury following Rook's Rest as he was not given a choice and he was made to drink an unsafe drink. This also is evident in food. Food, especially fruits or vegetables, that are soft are things that he spits out immediately. He cannot handle cooked vegetables or many types of melons, though for the melons it is because they feel bubbly.

Aegon's final autistic trait is auditory. He is fine with loud noises, unless they are repetitive or continuous. As such he can get overwhelmed by the tolling of bells, for example. Arguments that last for too long can also overwhelm him. Another auditory trait that he has is at times he has echolalia. This is something he has done his best to keep under control but when he is distracted it can manifest. As a result, his echolalia can sometimes be taken as him mocking someone.

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8 months ago

Aemond just really had to fuck it all up like, give my smart supposedly dumb king around of applause. Aegon the second is a legend. My man lost a son , got disabled , and he's about to screw everyone's head on straight. Round of applause to Larys (his creepy ass) He's about to wake Aegon up and make him more aware, now that's character development. He's about to lock in and I'm here for it.

Let's see, Aegon was right about...

1. Considering Smallfolk

2. Securing Harrenhal before Daemon builds an army

3. Securing Grover Tully support after Lucerys' death

4. Burning Gullet's blocade sooner

And STILL many people are saying he was dumb as the King! Even with him not recieving any preparation, his ideas would've eliminated the biggest problems that the Greens are facing now.

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7 months ago

Right because, then this fact actually makes what Jace and Alicent said make even more sense.

Especially with what this person posted:

Right Because, Then This Fact Actually Makes What Jace And Alicent Said Make Even More Sense.

um... did y'all see how the guards were instructed to keep the bastards from fleeing when vermithor attacked... rhaenyra really brought in a man eating dragon, walked away, and locked the doors behind her knowing full well that at best all but one of them would die.

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9 months ago

So I finished watching S2 E1 and just damn that ending was disappointing. Can’t remember the last time I walked away from an episode feeling underwhelmed 🫤

Spoilers below:

BTW has nothing to do with B&C being less gory (I actually really appreciated not seeing what happens to this poor kid) but Helaena? I was so disappointed by her reaction, she just gave up her son like that after one small attempt. And her then running away to leave him with the assassins???

That's not even mentioning B&C were Looney Tunes characters who failed to find Aemond after one try and then stumbled on Helaena before thinking "Eh good enough"

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9 months ago

Literally what I thought watching this scene:

Helaena: I’m afraid.

Aegon: Don’t be. They’d be fools to come with Vhagar protecting the city.

Helaena: Not the dragons…the rats.

Aegon: Okay babe that didn't really help elaborate anything

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8 months ago
I Haven't Been Keeping Up With The Episodes But Please Tell Me She Doesn't Pull This

I haven't been keeping up with the episodes but please tell me she doesn't pull this 😭

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8 months ago
ASOIAF Sigmund Freud Is Laughing Maniacally Right Now

ASOIAF Sigmund Freud is laughing maniacally right now

Do you guys think that there was a Sigmund Freud in the ASOIAF world who had all these theories and they were hitting too close to home for the Targaryens so they like got rid of his published works or something?

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8 months ago

Honestly I know that Seasmoke was probably just really excited and felt a potential bond with Addam but Addam's reaction was so valid. If I was being chased down by a dragon while he ignored everyone else I would feel so targeted 😭

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8 months ago

Okay, small thing but I was really surprised to see how involved the dragonkeepers were in the whole claiming part with Steffon by speaking High Valyrian to Seasmoke and keeping him from attacking. I imagined while reading the book (and while writing my fic) that the dragonkeepers just took them to where the dragons were and said "Try not die loser"

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8 months ago

Also, I made a thing real quick:

Seasmoke's POV vs Addam's POV

I love them, your honor

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8 months ago

Before we get to the season 2 finale, I have a prediction: we will get a peak of Daeron. Whether it's of Tessarion flying or one of those long-shot scenes where it slowly pans up to reveal Daeron himself. They’ve been building him up and I think they’re going to do something with him before we go into another 2 year break.

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8 months ago

Luke and Jaehaerys watching both their families hesitating to fight each other even after their deaths:

Luke And Jaehaerys Watching Both Their Families Hesitating To Fight Each Other Even After Their Deaths:

Tell me I’m not the only one who's been thinking this

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8 months ago

Jace canonically having insecurities about being a bastard and feeling inadequate next to the silver-haired Taragryens is so good I'm so glad this isn't just a headcanon I've being throwing into the ether and my fanfics

Jace Canonically Having Insecurities About Being A Bastard And Feeling Inadequate Next To The Silver-haired

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8 months ago

I was joking why did Rhaenyra really do the"Good luck, try not to die". She didn't tell them about when she claimed Syrax or give any tips/tricks. She threw them into the Hunger Games area fr😭

Okay, small thing but I was really surprised to see how involved the dragonkeepers were in the whole claiming part with Steffon by speaking High Valyrian to Seasmoke and keeping him from attacking. I imagined while reading the book (and while writing my fic) that the dragonkeepers just took them to where the dragons were and said "Try not die loser"

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8 months ago

Oscar Tully: Literally why did you think doing any of that was okay? Willem Blackwood: Cause Prince Daemon thought it was a good idea. Oscar Tully: ... Oscar Tully: You actual clown

Bonus scene after Daemon left that meeting

Oscar Tully to Simon Strong: Tell Alys to up the dose, I want that man so traumatized he can't even think about the Riverlands without breaking into a cold sweat at night

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7 months ago

Yeah I’m a Rhaenicent fan, but I also refuse to watch S2 E8 ever again

Not to be rude but how did you genuinely think Rhaenicent was going to happen?

For the ship to become canon one of them would have to abandon their faction and family for the other, we all knew it wasn't going to be the Black Queen thanks to writers' evident TB bias. There is a civil war, Aemond killed Luke, and AA&D are very real threats to Jace because of his questionable paternity. Rhaenyra was always going to want them dead, "a son for as son" may sound unfair but it's in character for her.

Rhaenyra loves her children more than Alicent, Alicent loves Rhaenyra more than her children. That's what Rhaenicent has always been about, so why are you pulling a surprise Pikachu face once the inevitable happened?

I think you misunderstood my sentiment, just because someone likes a ship doesn't equal them thinking it will happen. Literally more than half of the ships I like are not canon and I don't like these couples because I think they will happen. For Rhaenicent, simply put I think they have an interesting dynamic and history. Also, I didn't think they would make Rhaenicent canon cause in my mind, why would they? They implied there was something between them last season but never confirmed anything in universe and Rhaenyra is seemingly having something with Mysaria now. So, yeah didn't really seem inevitable to me… 😐

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7 months ago

I completely forgot to mention in my og post but the ship could have been made canon in a better way. They could have thrown in a flashback showing young Rhaenyra and Alicent kissing once (like the actors alluded to) or if they really wanted them as adults to have a moment during the talk on Dragonstone, one of them could have admitted to being in love when they were younger. If they went these routes it would be confirmed there was romantic love in the past. So I don't think they had to inevitably sacrifice a character for this relationship to have been real.

Yeah I’m a Rhaenicent fan, but I also refuse to watch S2 E8 ever again

Not to be rude but how did you genuinely think Rhaenicent was going to happen?

For the ship to become canon one of them would have to abandon their faction and family for the other, we all knew it wasn't going to be the Black Queen thanks to writers' evident TB bias. There is a civil war, Aemond killed Luke, and AA&D are very real threats to Jace because of his questionable paternity. Rhaenyra was always going to want them dead, "a son for as son" may sound unfair but it's in character for her.

Rhaenyra loves her children more than Alicent, Alicent loves Rhaenyra more than her children. That's what Rhaenicent has always been about, so why are you pulling a surprise Pikachu face once the inevitable happened?

I think you misunderstood my sentiment, just because someone likes a ship doesn't equal them thinking it will happen. Literally more than half of the ships I like are not canon and I don't like these couples because I think they will happen. For Rhaenicent, simply put I think they have an interesting dynamic and history. Also, I didn't think they would make Rhaenicent canon cause in my mind, why would they? They implied there was something between them last season but never confirmed anything in universe and Rhaenyra is seemingly having something with Mysaria now. So, yeah didn't really seem inevitable to me… 😐

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