queerheremydepressionissevere - Just A Momma Trying To Raise A Little Gothamite
Just A Momma Trying To Raise A Little Gothamite

She/her, Gotham mom, tired af coffee addict

36 posts

Queerheremydepressionissevere - Just A Momma Trying To Raise A Little Gothamite - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

I got hit with fear gas while I had a migraine and while, yes, I had to deal with like 30 minutes of absolute misery, MY MIGRAINE IS COMPLETELY GONE.

And really, what is a migraine but absolutely misery anyways?

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1 year ago

A new anti-hero in gotham?

The Gotham police found a dead body a few hours ago inside the GCPD office. It was burned from the head to toe. Doctors are still trying to find out who this man may be.

But the letter that was attached to the man's head by what can be presumed staplers, Explained that the man was a domestic abuser and got what was coming to him.

Is Gotham getting a new version of red hood or shadow weaver? What are your thoughts?

(@the-former-grelitia-blog )

1 year ago

What about Gotham makes you think a single neurotypical person would last 5 seconds here???

Is there any neurotypical people in Gotham?

You know?

For science.

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1 year ago

There’s a lot of wonky stuff happening, even by Gotham standards. New rogue?

Anyone know why the power is out on this surprisingly clear and unstormy night? The hospital went dark an hour ago and that's... not supposed to happen.

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1 year ago

Half of my block is missing. Not half of the people, half of the actual block, apartments and all. Which I could ignore except one of the buildings that decided to disappear is Mrs. Malley’s, and I might actually go rogue if I don’t get a coffee in the next hour.

At least the Chinese restaurant was left, because no one wants to actually cook dinner when Gotham is Gothaming.

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1 year ago

Honestly very on brand for Gotham’s sweetheart—even Metropolis can’t resist him

Is bruce wayne dating two daily planet reporters?

Is Bruce Wayne Dating Two Daily Planet Reporters?

It has been a rumor from some sources that the billionaire playboy Bruce wayne is dating clark Kent and lois lane-Kent, two married couple and reporters from the daily planet in secret.

"Bruce has been involved with both Lois Lane and Clark Kent, perhaps at the same time" says one sourse. At the moment, we only have pictures of them at events together. Greeting each other with familiarity. But many resources say that they see clark kent and bruce wayne disappear during large events with lois lane covering for both of them or even joining the disappearance time to time.

What do you think of this rumor? Can it be true? Feel free to send your insight.

(@call-me-strega )

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1 year ago

Update: 2 people ate her appropriately named “Green Goblin Salad,” and yes, they are currently hospitalized. Everyone else had a great time though!

Getting moved to the main office has been so great, we’re doing an actual POTLUCK??? Like was I told not to touch Janette’s weird green “salad” because last time it made a few people start to grow leaves and speak backwards? Possibly. But everything else looks great and is PROBABLY safe!

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1 year ago

Getting moved to the main office has been so great, we’re doing an actual POTLUCK??? Like was I told not to touch Janette’s weird green “salad” because last time it made a few people start to grow leaves and speak backwards? Possibly. But everything else looks great and is PROBABLY safe!

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1 year ago

And here I thought it was going to be a boring week. Here’s to brushing teeth with bottled water

Anyone know who the rogue of the week is? Cuz my water is coming out green and we aren’t sure if it’s just Gotham Gothaming or if someone fucked with it

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1 year ago

Every time I see a Bruce Wayne interview I die. This man is hilarious and also probably what made half the rogues in Arkham decide to go on killing sprees

Brucie : last time I heard from her she was spending her holidays with her Aunt Artica

Interviewer : Antarctica is not a person . It's a continent

Brucie : like ketchup and mustard?

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1 year ago

Anyone know who the rogue of the week is? Cuz my water is coming out green and we aren’t sure if it’s just Gotham Gothaming or if someone fucked with it

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1 year ago

My wife asked my son who his hero is, and this child says “IVY!!” so excitedly. We’re raising him to respect strong women AND the environment. I’m so proud, even if my wife is a little worried 😂💕

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1 year ago

Friday at the office we had a heater going and everyone was bundled in coats and blankets. I wonder if we’ll have a fan going tomorrow morning since it looks like Mr. Freeze is finally chilling out for the month and letting things thaw out

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1 year ago

if u think the "florida man" news articles are wild, you should see the "gotham citizen" news articles.

Gotham Citizen wears "fuck the police" shirt to court hearing, turns it inside out to say "fuck the joker" when joker attack inevitably begins.

Gotham Citizen continues to serve coffee and donuts amid Scarecrow attack, says he's already living his worst nightmare.

Gotham Citizen attacked by rabid squirrel, rabid squirrel has yet to be located.

Gotham Citizen charged with threat of bodily harm after advertising he was carrying while entering a Metropolis restaurant, other Gotham Citizens offended that his gesture of peace was met with altercation.

1 year ago

My favorite thing about working in Gotham is getting promoted and moved to our Crime Alley office just to realize my boss might be running a criminal empire

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1 year ago

I mean I feel like yes, but only because I overheard Red Hood yell that he hates poor people the other night, and I mean he definitely prefers beating up goons to actually helping people

Tell me why my child just asked if ACAB includes Batman.

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1 year ago
queerheremydepressionissevere - Just A Momma Trying To Raise A Little Gothamite
1 year ago
Visiting Metropolis And Apparently Everyone Here Hides When Theres Even A MENTION Of Danger Lmao. Like

Visiting Metropolis and apparently everyone here hides when there’s even a MENTION of danger lmao. Like are you really that afraid of a few cheap looking drones??

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1 year ago

Tell me why my child just asked if ACAB includes Batman.

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1 year ago

When all you wanted was a coffee but instead you overhear the Wayne brothers being chaotic 😂

Jason: Narrows, you will never understand what a real sunburn feels like

Duke, shrugging: not my fault you’re whiter than stadium lights

Tim: damn

Jason: not helping Timbo

Duke: and the sunscreen is?

Tim: dAyUm

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1 year ago

Shout out to that time Bruce Wayne randomly sent $5000 to every Gothamite because, if I'm remembering correctly, he saw a child without shoes and got sad. I still remember my girlfriend at the time just openly sobbing because she could finally move out of her horrible apartment and get a better job without having to worry about going hungry. I don't know how he got it to all the unhoused folks we've got (Noah, my current neighbor and unhoused at the time, says Batgirl just threw it in his lap and left), or where he scraped up (does the math) 360 MILLION DOLLARS but he's done more good in the last three months than Lex Luthor will ever do in his god-forsaken life.

Bruce Wayne isn’t just Batman’s sugar daddy, he’s Gotham’s sugar daddy

1 year ago

Gothamite driving in Metropolis sees a superman fight and just floors the gas, slamming into the villain of the day.

Their Metropolian friend holding on for dear life screaming.

Gothamite Driving In Metropolis Sees A Superman Fight And Just Floors The Gas, Slamming Into The Villain

Cop: So do you want to walk me through your thought process of why you decided crashing a 2006 sedan into a 12 ft tall alien parasite was a good idea?

Drive: I dunno what to tell you. It works on Bane. And sometimes Killer Croc. Last week I hit Joker! Proudest day of my life! I am so dead the next time he escapes.......

Cop: .........What?

Passenger: So sorry officer. They're from Gotham.

1 year ago
queerheremydepressionissevere - Just A Momma Trying To Raise A Little Gothamite
queerheremydepressionissevere - Just A Momma Trying To Raise A Little Gothamite
queerheremydepressionissevere - Just A Momma Trying To Raise A Little Gothamite