this is a shitpost account run by several raccoons in a trench coat (yes we’re a diagnosed system, no further questions your honor)

963 posts

I Need. To Rob. The Moon.

I need. To rob. The moon.

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I feel like honestly, the dissociation side of DID is not talked about enough

Most of the stuff I see on other blogs or even in stuff like multiplicitymay is all centered on alters

Like yes there are alters but what about the c-ptsd? The body memories?? The forgetfulness??? The DISSOCIATION???!?!

(Like literally guys it’s called Dissociative Idenity Disorder)

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I just discovered that if I drink a carbonated drink and hold it in my mouth it sounds exactly like my dog when she’s sniffing at something

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racoons-in-a-trenchcoat - Bruh

oh to lay on top of someone and hug them like a teddy bear and just sleep like that

I Laughed About This Picture For 5 Minutes

I laughed about this picture for 5 minutes

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