Dank Meme - Tumblr Posts

The doctor is in,
You little fuck

Ghost walker
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Ghost walker
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Ghost walker
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You were finally a seventh year student. And of course you took pride to that when it came to comparing yourself to your friends, who either were forced to retake a year or who simply dropped out.
Now you were wondering around the school grounds, just waiting for time to pass. That was until you noticed the two first years.
They had their backs turned to you but you could see it clearly. One of them was holding a nerve wreaking, large snake. It made you nervous because a child that small and young shouldn’t be holding that without a adult around.
That one with the snake was cooing at it. Making kiss sounds and calling ‘snuggles’ wonderful, lovely things. To your surprise the snake seemed to cuddle back.
Now the other kid. Oh bless that poor kid’s soul. That kid was clearly terrified of said snake. But it was also clear that the kid loved and cared for the other one’s feelings. So much that when ever the snake lover turned to look at the kid, they’d make a face of glee and asked questions, only to cringe in fear when they turned around.
And of course you could tell that the snake lover was a slytherin No doubt in your mind that the other one was a gryffindor or some other house.
“Hey,” you called out, ready to give the pair a scolding for not having supervision.
They turned around, said ‘gryffindor’ glared at you, annoyed that you were bothering them. And said gryffindor was actually said slytherin.
The snake lover wasn’t a sytherin though. But they gave a nervous glance between you two as they pet snuggles. And the snake lover was actually a hufflepuff.
You were puzzled and quickly gathered yourself and began your scolding. The slytherin kid grew more anger by the minute and the hufflepuff grow more nervous.
Feeling bad, you apologized and told them you weren’t going to tell a teacher. And of course the hufflepuff beamed in relief and joy. Even the other one seemed to calm down.
The two bid you a rather questionable byes and hurried on with their day. And the snake happily bobbed it’s head up and down as you watched them leave.
You turn to leave as well, eager to tell your friends of the odd pair of first years.

Welcome back to trash alleyway
The diamonds when something slightly reminds them of pink