ravings-of-a-mad-scientist - The Ravings of a Mad Scientist
The Ravings of a Mad Scientist

Mad science boy making evil science memes, drawings, and entertraining science articles. Find those on my website-inator https://ravingsofamadscientist.com/ I love science!

287 posts

Ravings-of-a-mad-scientist - The Ravings Of A Mad Scientist

A Genuine Vintage Mad Scientist Reviews Jekyll and Hyde
Ravings of a Mad Scientist
Be welcome, ghouls and goblins, to my Mad Scientist's retelling and review of the curious case of Jekyll and Hyde!
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    ravings-of-a-mad-scientist liked this · 2 years ago

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I am a *mad* scientist, the only thing that can quell my burning rage is to explain the history of mammals to you now.

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New Discoveries show Planaria aren't Individuals, their Stem Cells are.
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Y'know those cute worms in science class that if you cut just become two worms? Turns out they're not the individual animal, their cells are

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