I'm a Metal Slug player who is neither a novice nor an expert XD Thanks to SNK and NAZCA CORPORATION for this great franchise.
74 posts
A Hug Does Feel Good .
A hug does feel good .
What good ideas do you have for writing this kind of things with MS ;')
Emergency hug!
Today was surprisingly stressful for Marco, Eri, Tarma, and Fio, as they had to defeat multiple zombies and sasquatches. Everyone's nerves are still unnaturally high after their intense fight against the Monoeyes, but Tarma remains relatively calm. Fio takes a deep, calming breath and gently taps Tarma's shoulder.
Tarma: *he instinctively turns around to face Fio, raising an eyebrow* What’s up?
Fio: *she shyly looks down at the ground* Can I have a hug?
Tarma pauses for a brief moment, surprised to hear that question come from Fio's mouth. A pleasant smile curls onto his lips before he wraps his arms around her in the hug she requested.
Fio: *she warmly reciprocated the hug* Thank you…
Eri suddenly approaches Tarma, roughly tugging at his golden-yellow vest to grab his attention. He breaks away from hugging Fio, but she still holds onto him, and turns to face Eri, his expression inquiring what she wants.
Eri: Urm… Can you hug me? I honestly need it. *her breathing is a bit irregular and she sounds somewhat anxious*
Tarma: Sure thing! I can’t say no to that!
Tarma now finds himself embracing both Eri and Fio as they silently appreciate his willingness to comfort them. Marco trudges over to the group, his face etched with exhaustion, and releases a deep, heavy sigh.
Marco: Can I join? *he sounds a tad miserable*
Tarma: Of course, bud!
And with that, Marco wraps his arms around the trio, joining the group hug, and a weary smile slowly spreads across his face.
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Battle against Donald Morden. (MS1,LEVEL 8)
Tarma be like: 🫵😆
The mocking friend
Marco, Tarma, Fio, Trevor, and Nadia are currently on their lunch break, enjoying delicious sandwiches made by Fio. Meanwhile, Eri decides to skip lunch and keeps watch for potential danger. Marco is typing away on his portable laptop, oblivious to his untouched sandwich. Tarma seizes the opportunity to mock him, mimicking his slouched posture and typing skills.
Fio, Trevor, and Nadia can't help but snicker and burst out laughing at the sight. It's so hilarious that Trevor laughs even harder, beginning to cough, while Fio starts wheezing and Nadia playfully hits the table with her fist.
Nadia: Trevie! You sound like a dying pig! *she manages to say through her laughter*
Trevor: Goddamnit! *he continues to laugh, trying to calm himself down and breathe steadily*
All the commotion distracts Marco from his important work on his laptop. Tarma quickly stops mocking him as Marco looks up, confused and annoyed. Seeing Fio, Trevor, and Nadia laughing, Marco turns to face Tarma, his expression a mix of curiosity and irritation.
Marco: What’s so fucking funny? *he sounds serious*
Tarma gazes at Marco with a gentle smile, his lips twitching slightly as he struggles to not burst out laughing.
Tarma: *he lazily shrugs* I dunno…
Marco shoots Tarma a suspicious glance before letting out a heavy sigh and rolling his eyes. He closes his laptop and eats his sandwich in silence, his expression unreadable. Meanwhile, Tarma continues eating his sandwich, seemingly unbothered. Fio, Trevor, and Nadia gradually calm down from the humorous outburst that took place.

You want compromise? How's this. I jacked off in a tissue. 20 years in the can. I wanted grilled cheese; I jacked off in a tissue. I compromised. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator. I jacked off in the can. 20 years in the radiator. I wanted to fuck the radiator; I jacked off in a tissue. I ate grilled cheese off the can. 20 years in the can.
It's incredible, I liked how the Martians would be doing the cloning process of one of the characters we handle :0
Martian capture
After being ensnared by rings of blue light by a Martian impersonating General Morden at the rocket site, Fio was lifted up into the Dai-Manji. Everything became a blurred yet frightening mess. She tried to protest against her captor, but it was no use because they didn't listen.
As the grey Martian who kidnapped Fio teleported to the Rugname, Fio could hazily hear the fearful pleas and panicked screams of the real General Morden. The sounds and words emitted by General Morden grew fainter and fainter as though some force was dragging him away. Fio felt butterflies in her stomach, writhing around in utter terror, not wanting to know what would happen to her next. After a few agonising minutes, a small group of Martians entered the Dai-Manji and carefully carried Fio inside their mothership, not interested in disarming her.
The interior of the Rugname felt cavernous and eerily inhuman. Towering pillars, adorned with circular joints and intestinal tubes, connecting to each other like a living, breathing machine. The ground was covered in nearly straight rows of these heavy, industrial tubes. Between each pillar, a depiction of a UFO was engraved into the biomechanical walls. The entire space was almost dark yet it was bathed in a hazy, unsettling hue of bronze, metal, green, and deep reddish-purple, which cast an otherworldly glow.
All of this was quite daunting for Fio. She felt her mind blown by the fascinating architecture of the Rugname's interior. However, she was experiencing a profound sense of déjà vu, but it felt oddly wrong. She had never seen anything so foreign. Goosebumps formed on her skin, telling her that something wasn't right. She didn't know what, but it certainly had to mean something.
She was eerily silent, taking everything in without muttering a single word. Fio even saw a few brown-tanned Martians, who are the assault troops of this fierce species, prepared to shoot at any intruder with their spore pistols. Their presence scared her, and she instinctively gulped with uncertainty.
Soon enough, the Martians opened up a barrier, leading Fio into a foreboding chamber. It was much darker and adorned with the same pillars and industrial tubes as the hallway of the Rugname. However, the atmosphere of this area felt frightening and oppressive, making Fio tense up.
As they got closer, they encountered white Martians, the elite soldiers and commanding officers of this peculiar, malevolent species. As they inched closer and closer, Fio could hear the agonising screams of the real Morden, stripped of his dignity. She felt fear clogging her throat as her face turned pale and her stomach churned. Despite her hatred for General Morden, she couldn't help but recognise that he was human too. Torture was always a disgusting and horrible thing.
The darkness of this chamber was gradually enveloped in a pulsating bluish light, revealing Morden's electrical prison. The white Martians stood by with ferocity and caution, guarding Morden and the computer terminal connected to his shocking, claustrophobic prison. The room gets darker and Morden’s screams get fainter as the small group of grey Martians and Fio escape the horrid chamber.
They entered a new part of the Rugname, a power reactor hallway fiercely guarded by relentless Hopper Mechas. The Hopper Mechas gave Fio an intense stare of malice, but didn't bother to explode her into a million pieces. They clearly knew that the Martians wanted her for something far more important.
Instead of walking down this long hallway, the small group of grey Martians knew of a shortcut. One of the Martians walked over to a part of the wall that was faintly stained green, its tentacles slightly flapping against the floor. As two thin tentacles gracefully caressed the wall, it opened up to reveal a tubular teleporter with a glassy membrane and industrial tubes. They rudely pushed Fio inside and swiftly followed, sending themselves to somewhere else. Fio almost wanted to tell them off for pushing her inside the teleporter like that, but she knew it was no use.
The Martians were taking her to a grotesque place, one she would never forget. Once they arrived at their location, a large bronze-hued door stood before them. It automatically opened, revealing a chamber that filled Fio with disgust. It was an area of metal enveloped in a dripping mass of organic matter with a shiny reddish hue. The space was punctuated by intestinal pipes and tubular holes, sending shivers down Fio’s spine. The biomechanical mess served as a backdrop as a stasis chamber stands before the group with an eerie atmosphere.
As Fio gazed at the stasis chamber, the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. The organic matter in this place made her skin crawl, feeling a wave of nausea wash over her. She began to silently wonder, her mind racing with questions. What did the Martians want from her? Was it to simply imprison her? Do they have plans to subject her to rigorous experiments? A part of her dreaded the truth, but her curiosity was relentless, wanting to understand the Martians' true motives.
Unbeknownst to her, the Martians had bigger plans, greater than what she could have imagined. They delicately placed her inside the stasis chamber, suspending her in a spherical tank of an unknown clear liquid. The membrane of the stasis chamber was nearly opaque, allowing her to see everything on the other side. She gave them a look of raw fear, her panic escalating rapidly.
She frantically scanned the room before desperately clawing and pounding at the membrane. In her desperation, she even tried to slash it with her knife and shoot at it with her handgun. Unfortunately, the membrane proved to be highly resistant against Fio’s attacks, which only infuriated her further and intensified her anxiety to a breaking point.
Fio struggled against this prison, but the clear liquid began to fill her organs, making her feel physically tired. She tried to pound on the membrane, but couldn't even lift a finger. She tried to scream, but nothing escaped her throat. Her eyelids grew heavy, and the liquid disrupted the electrical signals her brain produced, inducing a sense of deep relaxation. Her brain signalled to her body to rest and let everything play out.
The last thing she could recall was the Martians leaving with one of them briefly glancing over at her before hurrying away. Tears streamed down Fio's face as she closed her eyes, her body slumped in defeat. At that time, she wanted Marco, Eri, Tarma, or all three of them to save her. She longed to be free from that terrifying hellhole and reunite with Earth's atmosphere and her comrades. She desperately longed to hug her beloved teddy bear, Peppino, once again, hoping to ease her pain.