![rrasado - [Indefinite Hiatus] 🌘](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9f04ac9966dc0d392b5b0e7f42fa3faa/07f79e7c328ddff6-09/s128x128u_c1/b360c9e63a2d6ae8d4b1464056effa23ba663216.png)
𝐒𝐡𝐞/𝐇𝐞𝐫 • 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬: 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄 🌑 • 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 • 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬, 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫?
790 posts
No Spider Lilies : I
No Spider Lilies : I
|| Act 2 of The Snapping ||
A/N: Ara? What’s this? I never thought I’d find myself wanting to actually re-end this accidental series dksjsn but...I wasn’t satisfied and frankly I’m craving an even more sorrowful route. Who knows? After all...this all deviates from the main story line in game. As usual I shall provide any necessary trigger warnings to ensure a safe reading for you all 💙🌒💙. Pleas tell if you want to be part of a tag list for the next parts. I’ll be using my past tag list as basis but if you don’t wanna be tagged next time don’t hesitate to tell me ^ ^.
Tagging: @starshiningsirius @dittoqueeno @thatweirdomidas @bnhastakenover
And when death do them part…
...would it really fulfill that cruelty?
Storm clouds formed high above, raindrop cascading down on everything on the face of the earth indiscriminately. The residents of that lamenting house deep in the Devildom never really cared for such details lest it concerned them and their doings directly. At least...that was when they didn’t know how to care, so what happened?
The records...the way the aged parchment felt in the exchange student’s hand just signified the reality of the parchment’s contents. No excuse can dismiss such news, especially one of this degree… They could barely speak in the moment, a few deafeningly silent minutes passed before they peered up at the Devildom prince’s own butler.
“I...thank you Barbatos…”
Their gratitude was much more meaningful than at face value, the scale of the revelation they had just received isn’t something to be taken lightly and since it especially concerns them, well…
“I trust that you’re taking all of it in?... I can only imagine how you feel right after...certain prior events.”
They both knew what the time bonded demon was referring to, after all it was him who escorted them to their new place of residence for the rest of their stay here at the Devildom. Hah..that was already two months ago. Now that they thought of it...Barbatos have always been there for them huh? The reveal...the dorm transfer requesting...and now this. Whether it was due to his time related prowess or sheer coincidence which- they honestly dismissed after everything that has come to play- the human was grateful.
“Yeah...I think...I’m actually thankful for this”
Barbatos blinked for a good few good seconds before arching a brow at their proclamation. Thankful? Does the human not know what the contents make of them? His confusion was brought to a close when MC casually waved the parchment, it’s sounds accompanied by the night wind that whizzed past the two in front of Purgatory Hall.
“I feared the worst, humans tend to...be easily toppled by the unexpected per se...Then again you are the great exception”
“Eheh I’m honored you hold me in high regard. Because it’ll make my next proposal a bit easier”
And yet again, the butler’s confusion returned, proposal? Well after everything that has spiraled leading up to where they stand it honestly wasn’t that far fetched to him, so with an affirmative nod he gestured for them to continue.
“Hearing of it won’t hurt, what is it you wish then?”
He didn’t miss the way MC’s lips tugged upward in subtle relief. The human’s gaze quickly flickered back to the contents of the parchment and without looking up they spoke.
“Can I count on you if I need to make a wretched departure?”
De...parture? He had a hunch but he needs more context…
“In what sense does this departure fall on for you to need my assistance?”
“Hm...a departure that looks grimmer to those you choose to be grim to.”
The two turned their heads to thewhite haired sorcerer. An ever knowing smirk on his expression as he stood there arms crossed. How long has he been eavesdropping? Not that MC minded...after all they’ve grown to actually trust the shady sorcerer along with the other two angelic residents of Purgatory Hall.
“Truth be told, I've been conducting research of my own… and to a pleasant surprise it seems my lead was not entirely off!”
Childish tone aside, his gaze showed no sign of jest nor kid. In one flick of his finger the old parchment apparated within Solomon’s grasp. And if possible the smug aura on his features grew twofold along with an amused chuckled escaping his parted lips. My oh my did he always manage to come so close yet far..
“Would you believe me if I said I was prepared to act on my pact in the making of this negotiation?”
“Fufufu I do believe that we’re still in the phase of hearing this proposal... I have yet to bestow a verdict so you shouldn’t speak so mightily Solomon.”
“And if I may continue..”
“...I see…”
The sheer collateral damage at stake is something of its own degree when not tended to with precise caution. He's only delivered the news tonight and yet it was as if they’ve been concucting such a proposition for a considerable amount of time. Then again...the sorcerer did mention doing his own antics regarding the subject.
“With all that said...Barbatos, will you lend us a hand or a place at blade point?”
His shoulders rose and fell with the seconds that passed before he gave a slow curt nod at the two humans.
“Hm… if it means something, the young Lord did vow behind closed doors that he shall keep all the exchange students safe no matter what it may cost...and seeing as it will technically align with my duties..”
A chorus of amused laughter spilled from the magicless human, lips curled into a grin whilst the sorcerer could only let out a chuckle or two.
“Barbatos, I thank you. I know you won’t state it as is but, your help is very much appreciated”
“It really is, and it puts me at ease knowing I have you on our side in this whole issue…”
“If I may...I’d like to evaluate this more into much prefaced details. Would it be alright if we were to properly prepare this? After all...this especially concerns you, MC”
Said human gave an affirmative nod as their hands clasped behind their back, fiddling with their own exposed fingers as the late night breeze passed the three of them yet again.
“It’s best we all retire...who knows what’ll happen if we idle out here any longer, an interesting sight to see this particular roster of residents out of premises at this hour noh?”
“Point taken...well we’ll see you next time Barb”
“Yes...I bid you two a good evening and a hopefully peaceful night.”
A wish so innocent yet truthfully hard to attain...especially with the cruel revelation that brought the three of them together in the first place. They should learn to tread carefully from here on out. At least...that’s what Solomon thought. That same night breeze had passed the gardens, among which were multiple blossoms yet to bloom, all but one crimson lily...
And from a starry night it all flickers to that unforgiving herd of rain clouds, their own right of sorrow spiraling along with those that received their cold moist. If followed...those raindrops fall onto someone crouched form, in front of a chipped tombstone amidst any ordinary cemetery that lays barren with the weather.
A lone umbrella covered the crouched form, rendering any other incoming rain from soaking the tuft of white hair any further. Mammon didn’t need to look up and see who it was offering cover. Levi didn’t care whether he himself got wet and frankly not even the rain water on his skin put him at any ease whatsoever. No one could be comforted at this point… And whatever it was to put the usually bickering brothers in such hushed silence…
“We gotta get going y’know…”
“...five more mins…”
“Lucifer is getting restless the more you push your luck-“
“Then let him dammit”
Levi didn’t even bother questioning his brother's lack of fear for the first born. Normally he would’ve made fun of it but… when his orange hued gaze fell on to what was even engraved on the chipped tombstone. It didn’t sit right with him, heck it didn’t sit right with any of them. And who could blame them...the guilt crawling on their backs never left when they saw them leave the House of Lamentation. At some point they thought of...eventually getting closure, some of them even had plans.
But now they won’t be able to attain such desirable closure, not when...they aren’t there to listen to their pathetic pleas.
A good few distance away from them was the Avatar of Wrath, observing all of his brothers from the side as he always had. His eyes flickered to each of their situations, emerald orbs not letting a single twitch of an eye nor brow going unnoticed. If allowed to be honest, he found them all utterly pathetic… and he’s already filtered out most dark thoughts that have plagued his mind. Besides, they deserved this, this torment didn’t compare to what those on the opposite end of their mistakes felt. He had every right to speak of so. Thankful for the cover the rain provided he took a sharp step to the side, turning his whole body to the other direction that had garnered a scoff of attention from the the laxer twin.
“..where are you going?”
Hearing Belphie’s question had Satan stop monetarily in his tracks, and without looking back at him he muttered a quick ‘somewhere’ before resuming his strides towards the direction of the cemetery gates.
Belphegor watched the blonde's figure go farther from where he stood, turning his attention back to his twin with a numb look on his features.
“It’s odd…”
A brow was raised at the sudden statement, but at the same time he completely understood what the glutton meant.
Their eyes setting sight on the tombstone mammon and Levi were idling in front of… ‘ A beloved friend and family’ written on the very same tombstone. MC’s full name carved elegantly on its face that used to seem so unreal when they first arrived but, the longer the twins looked the more it actually sank into them.
The human is dead.
Lilith’s descendant is dead.
Beel couldn’t even manage to stomach his food, he knew there was something off when he felt a sudden snuff of energy in the atmosphere that day. Not only him but all of them did...and to think it was actually this.
The guilt kept stacking.
But hidden in their walls of guilt the fourth brother allowed himself to be led towards the cemetery gates, left to his own grim thoughts he couldn’t help but to wonder if..all this will be for the better or for the worse… and in a fraction of a second he was snapped out of his thoughts. The flicker of a shadow barely registering in his peripheral vision..
...He wished them all goodluck
Me, a few months ago:

I’m a clown I know-
As always y’all know the drill, just say if any of you wanna be tagged in the next part ^ ^.
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More Posts from Rrasado
Kinda random but what if MC/Yuu was one of Mother Miranda's children?
How would the first years react to MC not wanting to go home because of WTF is going in their world?
(i'm talking about Resident Evil 8 if you don't know who Mother Miranda is!)
Mother Loves You
First and foremost I’m with the first years here- nANI DAFU- second of all, I apologize in advance if I misinterpret the request since I don't watch nor play Resident Evil but the franchise is pretty cool in terms of art! So shall we see what it's like being a child of the catalyst of disaster in your world?
Tw: mentions of rebirth revival and world rune
When you're a child of Mother Miranda:

You've been around for a while so it's both confusing and understandable to him when he saw your initial reaction to Crowley’s ginger confession of finally finding a way back home to your world.
Like hey you and him have been together the longest out of the gang in terms of knowing each other so- wait can you repeat that for him?
you don't want to go back to you world because it's already in a state of severe rune ravaged by mutations deceases and monsters? yeah understandable- YourMotherIsWHaT?!-
Trust me when I say he'll attempt to scoff and shrug it off like hey you two joke around all the time how is this any different- but he admits deep down that the expression on your face when you finally reveal the details is just, proving to ace how much he actually doesn't know about you.
"H-hey! If that's the damned case then don't go! What type of dumbass goes back to a hell hole willingly?"
Suffice it to say, the red head would absentmindedly be more mindful with what he jokes around you, especially relating to concepts of rebirth and revival, he's cruel but not heartless.

It came across as off when you frantically shook your head in rejection of the headmaster's offer to personally escort you to the mirror chamber, he knew you made yourself home here but wouldn't you wanna go back to your true home?-
...Oh, OH- those few spurts of "Ruined" and "life crazed mother" garnered him to rethink his thoughts on your reaction, maybe even instinctively hold your shoulders because the way you trembled a bit was so familiar to him.
He may have been naïve with many things but he's pretty sure those words you said aren't what you'd associate with well- home sweet home.
So when he sat you down on a bench to ease your nervousness he didn't expect hearing the words revival and sacrifice in your sharing of your not exaggeratingly tragic backstory- wait does that mean you're a century old already?-
"Y...you don’t have to tell me anything right now...hey, wanna go grab something with ace and head to Heartslabyul?"
He takes the distraction approach but when the time comes you slowly explain everything? Let's just say he's already helping you with making settlements in Twisted Wonderland.

It happened fast, one minute you and jack were on your merry way to PE class the next thing you knew he was carefully leading you somewhere that isn't near the mirror chambers
Recap, deadbeat bird principal jumped you two looking like a child in a candy store because he finally by the great seven's graces found a way back to your home.
Like Deuce he found it odd how you froze up in numbness rather than jittering in excitement, you've been here in twst long enough why dealing with mishaps and overblots so why-
you gingerly tell him along the way, and hand to the great seven he honestly didn't know whether to believe you at first or get annoyed for telling such level of theatrical like history, but your current state snapped him out of his mental debate deeming it that this was no theatrics but rather your reality which you were damned with.
"I've got you- I've got you here alright? those things won't reach you here..."
The urge to protect you grew ever since, and he'd personally silence those who dare convince you to go home without knowing any better- of course he won't reveal why since its not his place but he'll sure as hell shut them up.

Epel unlike the others, found your refusal to go home as good news, you two can hang out more! He'll never admit it but things would be less lively without you-
Wait... you refused so why..do you look so distant? It took a bit of courage shamelessness from his end to ask because he knows how it feels to be asked about things you don't wanna speak of but he's worried-
...What-. The moment you even as so hint your true situation to him the pomefiore first year's joy relinquishes into horror, probably even have to grip the side of his seat.
But the way you told your lineage your story your world, just how much- no how long have you been keeping all this in?! How...are you sa calm?
"Y-yer not joking eh'...hey but really a-are ye..good?"
The context of the question dawned on him, you literally just explained your century conniving mother and he asks you- t-that's not what he meant! but in the end he'll make sure to give you the greatest friendship he can offer so you can forget that gorey past of yours!

Actually, it was sebek who personally escorted you to the headmaster's office when a staff said Crowley requested your presence.
The half fae decided to tag along under the excuse of keeping the young master's friend safe but really he was kinda curious what the headmaster needed from you in the middle of class.
The moment Crowely announced the news the boy immediately beams a victorious grin, the milestone of a comrade is something to share right- human ..why are you stumbling!...?
You personally ushered yourselves out of the office which to-sebek found it disrespectful but what you tell next had him rethink many things especially regarding you. Heck, what you described was probably equal to the stories Lilia would tell first hand!
"H-...Human we should go, tardiness is not acceptable!"
But really he wanted to seek Lilia's guidance right away, which ultimately ended with him not so subtly changing his behavior with you I.E. how he refers to you since you aren't 100 percent human to his understanding but, he's willing to observe to the best of his abilities.

*click for better quality*
So it all started with a joke- Sebek better get ready I’m about to bonk him big time dkd/j
No one:
My Obey Me! Readers: Wait does he know- is MC dead- do the angels know-
My Twst Readers: wait- how did azul get there-
Me, currently making both series’ next parts: A magician never reveals their secrets-

Idk if y’all remember when I said this but, look what I found. If I get the motivation who knows...?

School is almost ending for me so the influx of deadlines hit me in the face this week djnd. Headcanons resume tomorrow so have some twst shitpost edits for now ^ ^.