samstride - Untitled

21 posts

Some Are Quick To Laugh.

Some are quick to laugh.

Some are quick to cry.

Some are quick to leave.

Yes, sadly, some are quick to die. 

But even though they left swiftly,

they are slow to leave our hearts.

For though it was a quick greeting,

that’s how each friendship starts.

And ours will last forever,

not something death can break.

It’s too slow to reach ‘The End’,

so the idea of leaving just won’t take. 

Even so, I’ll miss you right dreadful,

every day that I don’t hear you speak.

But each tear that I let fall down my face,

these simple words I just repeat.

Some were quick to anger,

while you were quick to love.

So I’ll be quick to show them,

through me your work lives on.

More Posts from Samstride

2 years ago



Less than all you’ve hoped for.

Limited in all but let downs.


I’ll reach farther than ever before.

Nothing less than the stars for me.

I’m leaving behind the limits that doubt and fear create.

My dreams and aspirations are more than the obstacles they make.

I’m more than my insecurities.

I’m more than all I am.

I’m more than what you see of me.

I’m more than the river I’ve swam.

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1 year ago

Remind me of all I’ve forgotten

Tell me of richly colored meadows,

each blade dusted softly with sun.

Tell me of wind gently teasing,

the ends of my hair when I run.

Remind me that I used to smile.

Remind me that I used to laugh.

Because I’ve forgotten those stories.

Forgotten I’d walked on such paths. 

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1 year ago

One Lonely Spider

It’s the end of the line for me.

I’m a husk 



One lonely spider dangling on a string.

What happens when the legs break and silk crumbles?

Hang on, it cries to itself,

But not courage, not will, can stop that broken little spider from falling.

And fall it does



Down the drain broken legs and all

Not a sad fate though

For the spider simply was too small

Too small and the world too big

Its fate was set from the very first breath 

The moment its young legs touched the ground.

I can only feel bad for the spider that tried

To exist in a world built for the grand.

Farewell child

Farewell and good luck

Pray you don’t leave behind hate and pain and hurt

That they will forgive you when you go

For your broken legs could only hold you so long

No more pain, is that so wrong?

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2 years ago


I intend to rule the world.

But can or will I do?

I intend to climb my mountains.

But each time I tried they grew.

My intentions dwindle and sour.

With the days that pass and flow.

Will my intentions ever make something?

I can hold in my hands and show.

Will I intend what I finish

Or will it diminish

When I come to my here, unplanned.

I think I’ll intend to intend.

And each time that intent falls flat.

I’ll grab it again, step right back to bat.

And intend each dead end to be more.

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2 years ago

Everyone is an artist, the only difference is one puts their heart on paper.

A poet's soul

Something beautiful 

Something only few understand

Something born from seeing pain, seeing beauty, seeing everything.

An artist’s soul

Something unique

Something never spoken

Something born from feeling pain, feeling beauty, feeling everything.

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