Intentions - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

What guidance would you give to a leader?

This guidence was given to "Anne Salisbury, PhD" after listening to her lecture on Fireworks.

In comparison to the lectures on meditation from, this lecture seemed very confusing, because it lacks two (2) key elements: the journey towards the goal, and how achieving the goal will enrich other's lives. Which, if held in thought correctly, sets up a positive feed back loop, that self motivates the individual to work towards the goal, even though it seems very far away.

An info graphic that displays this very closely, is of 10 guys sitting on a 10 case stairwell. On each stair the figure has an expression - emoticon and written expression - that describes his thoughts. At the bottom of the stairwell is exasperation at how much work he has to do. In the middle he is seeing some of the fruits of his labors. And at the top, he is jumping for joy that he has succeeded.

From a leadership perspective, with leadership defined as, "Guiding Intent with Integrity", this lecture on thoughts to meditate about would best be served by suggesting to the audience this guidance. "Think of a phrase that describes what you want to accomplish, and how you will feel when you accomplish it." Then, every time you reach a hard spot, remember to chant this phrase like a mantra. Don't allow any other thought to enter. Stay grounded and focused on this mantra until your mind clears and the solution to the problem in front of you becomes clear.

It is the readers intentions to achieve the goal they have set forth for themselves. It is the authors intentions to provide you with the best possible guidance given. As for the fireworks reference, I'm not sure what this was in reference to. Maybe it's the spark of joy that comes from reaching a goal, I guess.

As for integrity, this is the social contract between the leader and his audience. Are you in integrity by talking about meditation rituals that do not include a discussion on clearing the mind, or finding a path to permanent happiness, or even offering a clear example on how to bring happiness into your mind while it is clouded with frustration and anger?

Please take a moment to listen to the teachings from to understand my points. And contemplate the deeper meaning of what leadership is, and how it can enrich someone's life when applied correctly.

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10 years ago

What denotes a Negative Leader?

This is in response to:

Avoiding negative leadership practices

If leadership is guiding intent with integrity towards a goal, then negative leadership is one style of leadership among seven (7) styles : Great, Positive, Good, General, Bad, Negative, and Dark. While leaders also interact with five (5) other groups: peers, followers, non-followers, outsiders and observers.

The qualities of a negative leader listed in the article were: - tendencies to control everything, - interfere and dictate how the job should be done, - their goal is to hijack the glory of the good results, and - to absolutely refrain from any delegation.

Other qualities of negative leaders to consider are: - their type of guidance provided? - their intentions? - how they view the social contract? - what are their goals? - responses in decision making areas?

A leader's guidance can motivate their subordinates? Or, place them under greater stress to complete the project? Does the guidance imbue the subordinate to take initiative? How are subordinates separated from each other? What words does the leader use?

What are the leader's intentions? For himself, for his subordinates, his career, and so on. Does the leader intend to share success or keep it to himself? Is this just part of a larger project? How close is the leader keep their intentions? Why did the leader join this project?

How does the leader view the social contract between him and his subordinates? Is the contract a mutual one, or is there a 75/25 split? How often is the leader trying to break the contract? What methods does the leader use to break the contract? When and how are people removed from the group?

What goals has the leader may expressed? Are there other goals in mind. Many people usually see an opportunity as a stepping stone to another, what does this leader see this goal as?

Decision making is usually situation. Here are several categories that a leader will make decisions in. They are: communications, rules, roles, problem solving, issue identification and raising, reputation, human condition, integrity, intent, guidance, promotion, individualism, group membership, group management, task management, strategies, expressions, influence, security, networking, offensive actions, defensive actions, resource allocation and distribution, governance, observation.

Then there are the other people that they interact with, the: peers, non-followers, out-siders, and observers.

How does a negative leader interact with fellow peers? How does he talk about his subordinates? How does he talk about his projects? What issues does he raise and address surrounding his goals?

Non-Followers are those that dislike the leader usually. The message that the leader trumpets usually grates against them in various ways. Either through violations of integrity, or a knowledge or distrust of their true intentions. Or it could be that the guidance is so poorly worded that the non-follower recognizes the harness of the negative leaders speech and tries to stay clear.

Out-Siders are usually unaffected by the leaders actions, discussions, goals, or day to day interactions. However, if this group has something that a leader wants / needs, they may become a target for a larger strategy to acquire that resource.

And finally, there are the observers. These individuals live in all camps. They are peers, followers, non-followers, and out-siders, who watch the leader and take in his decisions and actions from a distance. They calculate his next possible move, and contemplate what his overall objective is and how likely he is to make it. In the end, observers play a vital role for keeping leaders in check, in either reminding them about how in-effective they are, to how effective they are being, or how over reaching they are.

So, as you can see, the discussion of a negative leader is much larger than originally described. I look forward to reading more about your thoughts and findings on the subject.

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9 years ago

Incorrect Definitions of Leadership


Summary Points of the article:

Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company. 

Leadership has nothing to do with titles. 

Leadership has nothing to do with personal attributes. 

Leadership isn’t management.  

So, again, what makes a leader?

Peter Drucker: “The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.”

Warren Bennis: “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

Bill Gates: “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

John Maxwell: “Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.”

So what is leadership?

DEFINITION: Leadership is a process of social influence which maximizes the efforts of others toward the achievement of a greater good.


Definitions should be simple and elegant, to which you definition is not, and my research contradicts your definition.  

1st - Any definition of leadership must account for both the Light side and Dark side of Leadership - from Gandolf the White through Emperor Palpatine.

2nd - Leadership does not require followers. There is self leadership.  

3rd - The "Greater Good" is of no consequence to the definition of leadership, as pointed out in point #1.  Leaders can and do use the "Greater Good" to mis-guide followers.

The definition of leadership is, "Guiding Intent with Integrity".

Guidance, like coaching, depends on what the goal is, and how all parties wish to achieve it.  What you call, "Social Influence". Psychologist determined that teams follow a coach's instructions directly - tell them what not to do and they do it; tell them what to do and they do it.

Intentions are the a mix of: interests, problems, expectations, values, motivations, feelings, wants, desires, goals, rules, beliefs, education, psychological, physiological, fears, cravings, obligations, experiences, needs, strategies, issues, habits, expressions, ... to describe these visually, think of intentions as the wax in a lava lamp flowing up and down.

Integrity is maintained or broken based on the social contract between the leader and the followers. There are many cultural issue to take into account when looking into the social contract between leader and followers.

There is a lot more, for example there are 3 classes of followers, and observers.

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1 year ago

“The sum of the particular intentions of God is the universe itself.”

—Simone Weil

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4 months ago

Some men are like flowers, they hold some of the most beautiful thoughts and feelings. Some women are like weeds, they look beautiful but they just want to steal your light.

Some Men Are Like Flowers, They Hold Some Of The Most Beautiful Thoughts And Feelings. Some Women Are

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4 years ago

We are creators.

Set your intentions for what you want and the universe will deliver.

What you can see in your mind is what you can have in your hand.


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11 months ago

The Best Intentions

The Best Intentions

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9 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, I wasn't going to let this month of September pass us by without an entry of my favorite segment of "Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month".  In a continuation this month's trio of spiritual wisdom statements are found within "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues" published earlier this year. Today's entries are on the topic of a: Promise, Intentions, and Paradise itself. In the long count series these come in as the numerals #1087-1089. Enjoy them as I do in creating and sharing these jewels of the everlasting Spirit within each of us.                                        ==================== Promise: 1087) It is said where there is a will, there will be a way. I say where there is a love; there is a promise to surely follow. A promise like no other filled with hope, faith, and certainly a love in all benevolence. All outcomes may not be equal, but those that matter will ignite your passion to move onward in life. This will happen with a greater satisfaction onto your eventual goal. Keep centered by not losing your focus on what is important and what is clearly not in nature. Such a balance will keep you safe and secure for the most part away from distractions that will mean very little to you. Do not forget to live with joy in a mirthful delight not by hardening your arteries to the point you lose your appetite to live at all. This becomes the manifold path to your bliss and hopefully a shared compassion for many more out of need and want.                                                                    ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Intentions: 1088) Intentions are like solidified wishes that are anchors that if held long enough one will be bound to it. In terms of spiritual manifesting our good as we behold the affection of our eye be it as a need or want. We become a living conduit to channel forth the Image we wish to attain in our lives. With positive visualizations and affirmative statements we train our psyche to become recipients by becoming keenly aware with any presented opportunities. One must not stay still and do nothing whilst they seek with intentions that is an exercise in futility. Our intentions become psychic echoes of our own making as their creator. Like a transmitter array we broadcast by our demeanor what we seek by a dearest conviction. Eventually such an echo if it hasn't been sabotaged with negativity will produce like results as expected or way better. Only with a grateful heart practiced in an appreciative mind can intentions become silent prayers spoken to our spirits in a sacred trust. Be responsible in your desires for as to not cause harm to yourself or another being. For intentions to become real akin to an answered prayer one is invoking or conjuring by a magical faith. When spirituality has been invited at the very onset of such a faith based tradition to do good and to be very well for it. Amen.                                                             ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Paradise:

1089) Paradise will always belong to every kind of lover within Creation. For as God(dess) has loved deeply so do lovers of every sort mimic such a miraculous love. That God has fashioned with his mighty being in an inclusive truth to be truly begotten for an eternity. All lovers of life and of one another are held within a deepest union that God has sanctified with his remarkable joy. Such a deeply held esteem of well being speaks volumes within the intensity of such a liberating love. For it is to make demands out of such an unconditional love is to poison its lasting effects. What has been created is a gift and at times when it is bound to another loving partner in particular it may need to be surrendered. If not one suffocates the darling of their intense affections by perverting the grace that has existed just moments ago.

When a lover is saintly in approach whereby the affection isn't within one dear person. That it transcends boundaries to become spiritual in nature then this is a holy pure love. One that only the Angels can sing heavenly aria's to such a principle in action as God himself is in essence. Paradise is both a place in time if not many such places to the eternal witness in us all. Truly paradise belongs to every child of God as a living heaven within the "Holy Spirit" of their truest heart. Amen.                                                ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.                                          ===============

It may be that when we no longer know which way to go we have come to our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.                                        ---Wendell Berry.

There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy. ---Ralph H. Blum.

Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. ---Karl Barth.

Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive. ---Hafiz.

Don't wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself.                           ---Sara Henderson.


Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan, is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work is available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online.  

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Correspondences for Days of the Week [quick reference]



Gold, white, yellow 

Diamond, amber, tiger’s eye, sunstone, topaz, gold 

Cedar, frankincense, lemon, St. John’s wort 

Success, fame, prosperity, hope, healing, fortune 



Silver, white, blue 

Moonstone, silver, aquamarine, selenite 

Jasmine, lemon, sandalwood, honeysuckle, myrtle, willow 

Peace, dreams, emotions, illusions, glamours, psychic abilities, insight, wisdom 



Red, orange 

Bloodstone, ruby, garnet, flint, rhodonite, iron, steel 

Basil, patchouli, ginger, black pepper, dragon’s blood 

Power, lust, force, passion, will, courage, physical strength, war, male virility, energy, action, independence, practicality, protection 



Yellow, purple, grey

Emerald, agate, fluorite, citrine, aventurine, mica, pumice, quicksilver, zinc 

Lavender, eucalyptus, jasmine, sweet pea 

Communication, arts, travel, luck, change, chance, gambling, creativity 



Blue, purple, yellow 

Amethyst, lepidolite, sugilite, yellow sapphire, lapis lazuli, tin 

Clove, oak, cinnamon, nutmeg, sage 

Abundance, gain, riches, prosperity, wealth, success, luck, self-confidence, investment, gatherings, favors, ambition, mercy, humanity, publicity  



Pink, green, aqua, peach 

Jade, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, coral, emerald, malachite, copper 

Rose, yarrow, saffron, vanilla, thyme, sandalwood, strawberry  

Love, fertility, romance, friendships, passion, creativity  



Black, grey

Jet, obsidian, onyx, lead, pewter, hematite 

Cypress, myrrh, patchouli, black poppy seeds 

Safety, protection, intellect, life lessons, loss, past lives, law, justice, sincerity, restraint, discipline, responsibility, caution, time, chaos  

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2 years ago

💖 Message from their Higher Self 💖

(person on your mind)

The reading will be organised into three segments. First, their take on your current situation, then the resolution, and lastly, how they see your future. And I'm going to draw one card for each. However, for additional messages, more cards may fall; I'd mention if this occurs.

Take some time to meditate on each picture before we get started!


1 - 2


 Message From Their Higher Self
 Message From Their Higher Self
 Message From Their Higher Self

Pile 1

Hello there, Pile 1! This reading is for those of you who are manifesting something, most likely the person on your mind? For some you could be manifesting a career or your ideal lifestyle. You are manifesting something or someone in general. And if you aren't, please choose another pile because this one might not be for you.

The first card that showed up for you was the VII of Pentacles in reverse. You've probably put in a lot of effort into something but the results may be scattered for the time being. It could also imply that the benefits of your efforts aren't as substantial as you thought. The positive aspect of this is that it indicates that you know when to stop investing your time, money, or energy in a particular project. Therefore, you must reconsider your options and decide where to devote your emotions, time and/or efforts.

Here, I feel it could be about manifesting something or someone? You've been working on yourself, your self-concept, affirming, visualising, and everything else to get what you want. But you appear to be overwhelmed. You're not sure it's even worth it. You're impatient. You might be like "I'm doing everything I needed to manifest my desires why hasn't it shown up in my 3D yet?"

Are you possibly manifesting this person? Because there's a good chance you are, which is why this card appeared here. It reflects your inner turmoil about how impatient you are for them to finally conform in your 3D. You feel as if you've put in a lot of effort into it. But nothing comes of it.

With judgement card next, your person is telling you to go inward and reflect. Since Judgement card speaks of inner voice, reflection and evaluation.

Evaluate yourself and your efforts objectively. Have you put in enough effort? You won't be looking out into 3D for proof if you've had. When you're manifesting something or someone it's completely about living in the end. Assuming that identity and not waiting for evidence in 3D. 3D is simply a reflection of your 4D. If your 3D isn't quite right, it's because you've prioritised it over your 4D, which isn't how the laws work, right?

So be truthful to yourself. And give yourself another chance. This time make sure to not waver or look for evidence in the 3D.

Finally, we have the II of Cups. Interesting!! It implies that a new collaboration is in the works, and that it will be formed with balance, respect, and honour. Here it may imply your hardwork finally coming to fruition. Whether it is a specific person or your ideal career or lifestyle, you are manifesting it into the 3D. There's a fair chance that it's about that big break or opportunity which you've been manifesting career wise. But even so, it is more likely that this is a relationship. In fact, definitely a relationship. May be a new person or ex for some? But it'd be a fresh start. You are manifesting this person, more likely, a fresh start with them and they are telling you to hold tight, I'm on my way to you.

You've performed your part of the task. It's now my turn. I'm coming to you. Our new love, created with balance, respect, and honour, is about to start. We'll fill each other's cups. I'm your wish fulfilled and you're mine.

Pile 1, an extra card with another message has showed up for you, and it's The High Priestess.

The High Priestess, who sits at the crossroads of the conscious and subconscious mind, has an innate ability to effortlessly travel between both the realms. She teaches you that the world is not always as it appears, and that greater forces are frequently at work. She guides you through the thin veil of awareness, providing you with a deep, intuitive understanding of the Universe as well as increased awareness of secret or hidden information. The High Priestess represents spiritual illumination, inner illumination, divine knowledge, and wisdom.

With High Priestess appearing in your reading, it confirms that you are most definitely manifesting this person. And they're advising you to let The High Priestess guide you through the process.

Allow the High Priestess to lead you on a journey deep into your subconscious mind in order to connect with your higher self. Feel rather than think, and trust your divine feminine energy, even if the masculine energy appears to be stronger around you. Start focusing on your own desires and needs, stop trying too hard, step aback and be passive and patient. See how it all starts to unfold in your favor, now!

Channeled Song:

You or your person might be: Gemini, Aries Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius (Sun, Moon, Rising)

Angel numbers you might be seeing frequently these days: 333, 444, 111.

Pile 2

This one is a love reading. If the person on your mind is not a romantic interest, please choose a different pile because this one may not resonate with you.

The Emperor is the first card that came up for you, Pile 2. The card represents the protector, the commanding power, a person of authority. In this scenario, I feel your person wishes to be your hero. Do you have someone in your life like that? Someone who wants to take care of you or wants to spoil you? SUGAR DADDY/MOMMY VIBES!!! LOL! But it could be your prospective husband/wife as well. But if you're single, they're on their way to you, Pile 2. I feel they are manifesting you. They want to be the provider, the one who looks after you. They might as well want to start a family with you? Regardless of their gender identity, I feel they're someone masculine. Stern, wise and practical person. Someone who values logic over emotion.

You make me want to be a better person. I hope you see me as deserving of your affection. I can't go on living like this. It's exhausting to be as cold as ice all the time. I can't wait until I can finally be with you. I'm the ice that melts just for you, love. I can't wait to be melted in your arms. Be mine already!

The second card that came up is Death. The Death card speaks of that some major phase of their or your life which is coming to an end, and a new one is about to begin. Past traumas or resistances are being left in the past. And I strongly feel it is happening for your person. As I mentioned with The Emperor card, they want to be your provider. They may be releasing toxic patterns from the past in order to be ready to approach you. And with that, I'm more than convinced now that they are manifesting you, Pile 2.

I'm coming to you. Until then, don't be in love with someone else! I promise I'd give you the world. Just wait for me, please!

Lastly, we have Queen Of Pentacles. Wow!! This is unquestionably a love reading. The person on your mind is most possibly your future spouse Pile 2, at least for most of you. The card symbolises generosity, nurturing, comfort, financial stability, a motherly figure, and a homemaker. Your person sees you as a mother for their children, a nurturing presence in their home. Pile 2, they see you as their wife, and it's lovely. If you are feminine and envision yourself as a homemaker, your person sees you as exactly that. Pile 2, they want to grow old with you!

Channeled Song:

You or your person might be: Leo, Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio (Sun, Moon, Rising)

Angel numbers you might be seeing frequently these days: 1333, 717, 414, 222.

Pile 3

Hello, Pile 3! This reading is for my sensitive souls who have always felt as if they don't belong and have been forced to feel alienated by those around them. For those of y'all who feel like an anti hero in their own story. If this is not you, please pick a different pile cause this one may or may not resonate with you.

This is gonna be little sensitive. Some of you may be triggered. I'm so sorry for that. It's a general reading, so take what resonates and disregard what doesn't. I'm really very sorry!

We have the Judgement card in reverse here, which signifies a lack of judgement, self-loathing, and doubts. Do you have doubts concerning your connection with your person pile 3? Are you doubting yourself or your worth? They see you reflecting on yourself. It's more like being far too hard on yourself. You're evaluating your worth? You think you don't deserve them?

Also you may have some issues? You tend to become very defensive when things don't go your way, or you feel unwelcoming towards them? They see how you victimise your self esteem all the time. They're saying maybe you're not able to get a full picture or maybe there's a filter of obstinacy on your eyes. They're suggesting that you may be acting in this manner because you dislike something about yourself or them, or both. Are you feeling insecure or jealous about something? You don't like it when they're out there posting on Instagram looking like a snack and getting all the attention of every freaking gender that exists while you're a couch potato who rarely even looks in the mirror? You despise it, and you despise yourself. You despise how it makes you feel. They're telling you not to be too hard on yourself. They don't understand why you're insecure in the first place.

My sunshine, you're perfect! You should look at yourself through my eyes. You should know that it is only you who makes my world shine so bright.

This pile gives me nerd x popular girl/guy vibes. Like Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" Bestie, are you a Swiftie? I'm sorry if you're not. Lol! It's just that, the music video came to my mind while channeling your message.

Next, we have the V of Pentacles in reverse. They are advising you to isolate yourself and reflect. Or maybe you're already doing that? You're seeing a therapist maybe? You're really putting on the work. You know where you are and you've decided you no longer want to be there. Pile 3, you appear to be self-aware and wise. Perhaps it's just your unresolved past traumas that get the best of you every now and then. And your person acknowledges this as well.

Do things you enjoy and make the most of every moment. In fact, if necessary, connect with your inner child.

Pile 3, do you have an inner child who has been through a difficult time in the past? The one who loved and gave selflessly but was constantly betrayed and abandoned. And now you're overwhelmed with fear. Fear of betrayal, abandonment, and being insufficient. Try journaling, affirmations, and shadow work! Make plans to go on dates with yourself. Compliment yourself. Perform random acts of self-love.

Push aside the recurring thoughts that hurt you. Even me if that makes you feel better. I know you can do it. I know cause I can see that you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I know the pattern of scarcity and lack is fading in your life right now. I see you finally going out and claiming what is rightfully yours.

There will be no more victim mentality, Pile 3. You're finally taking control of your life. You can finally see how it was all in your head. And that your thoughts aren't facts. They are just thoughts. You can always switch your perspective on yourself and the world.

Besides, your person is very sensitive. They appear to be more mature than you. Older in age for some of you? They give me the "Been there, done that!" vibe. It's as if they identify their younger self in you. I'm sorry, but I think it's both beautiful and tragic. If it's a romantic interest, I think you'd would make a wonderful couple. UWU! They genuinely care about you and they understand you. They may be a mentor or a father/mother figure for some?

Lastly, we have The Emperor which may imply stability and security in this context. They see you breaking out of that victim mentality and tapping into the Emperor energy. Could mean embracing your masculinity for some!! Perhaps you never realised before but now you're seeing how you're at your best when you're more in tune with your masculine side? Perhaps that makes you feel confident and comfortable about yourself? For others it could simply mean tapping into the commanding power where everything is under your control. Your perseverance, discipline, and self-control have gotten you this far. It means you are now in charge of your life, establishing your own rules and boundaries. This person is your biggest cheerleader Pile 3. They're rooting for you. They are with you. Through all thick and thin. They're saying, If you take control of your thoughts and how you see yourself, everything in your life is going to fall into its place. Only thing that holds you back is your self esteem or what you call it in the language of LOA, your "self concept." And don't worry about me. I'm always gonna be cheering for you. Standing firm with you through it all. Take care, I love you!

Channeled song:

You or your person might be: Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Pisces (Sun, Moon, Rising)

Angel numbers you might be seeing frequently these days: 111, 777, 888, 222, 333

 Message From Their Higher Self

I hope you liked the reading and it resonated. I sincerely apologise if it did not. First and foremost, it is a general reading so take what resonate and disregard what doesn't. Second, I'm new to Tarot and still learning. So, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a word about my readings, If they resonated with you or not. I'm here to grow and learn. I need constructive criticism.

Thank you so much for your time!

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2 years ago

💖 Message from their Higher Self 💖

(person on your mind)

The reading will be organised into three segments. First, their take on your current situation, then the resolution, and lastly, how they see your future. And I'm going to draw one card for each. However, for additional messages, more cards may fall; I'd mention if this occurs.

Take some time to meditate on each picture before we get started!


1 - 2


 Message From Their Higher Self
 Message From Their Higher Self
 Message From Their Higher Self

Pile 1

Hello there, Pile 1! This reading is for those of you who are manifesting something, most likely the person on your mind? For some you could be manifesting a career or your ideal lifestyle. You are manifesting something or someone in general. And if you aren't, please choose another pile because this one might not be for you.

The first card that showed up for you was the VII of Pentacles in reverse. You've probably put in a lot of effort into something but the results may be scattered for the time being. It could also imply that the benefits of your efforts aren't as substantial as you thought. The positive aspect of this is that it indicates that you know when to stop investing your time, money, or energy in a particular project. Therefore, you must reconsider your options and decide where to devote your emotions, time and/or efforts.

Here, I feel it could be about manifesting something or someone? You've been working on yourself, your self-concept, affirming, visualising, and everything else to get what you want. But you appear to be overwhelmed. You're not sure it's even worth it. You're impatient. You might be like "I'm doing everything I needed to manifest my desires why hasn't it shown up in my 3D yet?"

Are you possibly manifesting this person? Because there's a good chance you are, which is why this card appeared here. It reflects your inner turmoil about how impatient you are for them to finally conform in your 3D. You feel as if you've put in a lot of effort into it. But nothing comes of it.

With judgement card next, your person is telling you to go inward and reflect. Since Judgement card speaks of inner voice, reflection and evaluation.

Evaluate yourself and your efforts objectively. Have you put in enough effort? You won't be looking out into 3D for proof if you've had. When you're manifesting something or someone it's completely about living in the end. Assuming that identity and not waiting for evidence in 3D. 3D is simply a reflection of your 4D. If your 3D isn't quite right, it's because you've prioritised it over your 4D, which isn't how the laws work, right?

So be truthful to yourself. And give yourself another chance. This time make sure to not waver or look for evidence in the 3D.

Finally, we have the II of Cups. Interesting!! It implies that a new collaboration is in the works, and that it will be formed with balance, respect, and honour. Here it may imply your hardwork finally coming to fruition. Whether it is a specific person or your ideal career or lifestyle, you are manifesting it into the 3D. There's a fair chance that it's about that big break or opportunity which you've been manifesting career wise. But even so, it is more likely that this is a relationship. In fact, definitely a relationship. May be a new person or ex for some? But it'd be a fresh start. You are manifesting this person, more likely, a fresh start with them and they are telling you to hold tight, I'm on my way to you.

You've performed your part of the task. It's now my turn. I'm coming to you. Our new love, created with balance, respect, and honour, is about to start. We'll fill each other's cups. I'm your wish fulfilled and you're mine.

Pile 1, an extra card with another message has showed up for you, and it's The High Priestess.

The High Priestess, who sits at the crossroads of the conscious and subconscious mind, has an innate ability to effortlessly travel between both the realms. She teaches you that the world is not always as it appears, and that greater forces are frequently at work. She guides you through the thin veil of awareness, providing you with a deep, intuitive understanding of the Universe as well as increased awareness of secret or hidden information. The High Priestess represents spiritual illumination, inner illumination, divine knowledge, and wisdom.

With High Priestess appearing in your reading, it confirms that you are most definitely manifesting this person. And they're advising you to let The High Priestess guide you through the process.

Allow the High Priestess to lead you on a journey deep into your subconscious mind in order to connect with your higher self. Feel rather than think, and trust your divine feminine energy, even if the masculine energy appears to be stronger around you. Start focusing on your own desires and needs, stop trying too hard, step aback and be passive and patient. See how it all starts to unfold in your favor, now!

Channeled Song:

You or your person might be: Gemini, Aries Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius (Sun, Moon, Rising)

Angel numbers you might be seeing frequently these days: 333, 444, 111.

Pile 2

This one is a love reading. If the person on your mind is not a romantic interest, please choose a different pile because this one may not resonate with you.

The Emperor is the first card that came up for you, Pile 2. The card represents the protector, the commanding power, a person of authority. In this scenario, I feel your person wishes to be your hero. Do you have someone in your life like that? Someone who wants to take care of you or wants to spoil you? SUGAR DADDY/MOMMY VIBES!!! LOL! But it could be your prospective husband/wife as well. But if you're single, they're on their way to you, Pile 2. I feel they are manifesting you. They want to be the provider, the one who looks after you. They might as well want to start a family with you? Regardless of their gender identity, I feel they're someone masculine. Stern, wise and practical person. Someone who values logic over emotion.

You make me want to be a better person. I hope you see me as deserving of your affection. I can't go on living like this. It's exhausting to be as cold as ice all the time. I can't wait until I can finally be with you. I'm the ice that melts just for you, love. I can't wait to be melted in your arms. Be mine already!

The second card that came up is Death. The Death card speaks of that some major phase of their or your life which is coming to an end, and a new one is about to begin. Past traumas or resistances are being left in the past. And I strongly feel it is happening for your person. As I mentioned with The Emperor card, they want to be your provider. They may be releasing toxic patterns from the past in order to be ready to approach you. And with that, I'm more than convinced now that they are manifesting you, Pile 2.

I'm coming to you. Until then, don't be in love with someone else! I promise I'd give you the world. Just wait for me, please!

Lastly, we have Queen Of Pentacles. Wow!! This is unquestionably a love reading. The person on your mind is most possibly your future spouse Pile 2, at least for most of you. The card symbolises generosity, nurturing, comfort, financial stability, a motherly figure, and a homemaker. Your person sees you as a mother for their children, a nurturing presence in their home. Pile 2, they see you as their wife, and it's lovely. If you are feminine and envision yourself as a homemaker, your person sees you as exactly that. Pile 2, they want to grow old with you!

Channeled Song:

You or your person might be: Leo, Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio (Sun, Moon, Rising)

Angel numbers you might be seeing frequently these days: 1333, 717, 414, 222.

Pile 3

Hello, Pile 3! This reading is for my sensitive souls who have always felt as if they don't belong and have been forced to feel alienated by those around them. For those of y'all who feel like an anti hero in their own story. If this is not you, please pick a different pile cause this one may or may not resonate with you.

This is gonna be little sensitive. Some of you may be triggered. I'm so sorry for that. It's a general reading, so take what resonates and disregard what doesn't. I'm really very sorry!

We have the Judgement card in reverse here, which signifies a lack of judgement, self-loathing, and doubts. Do you have doubts concerning your connection with your person pile 3? Are you doubting yourself or your worth? They see you reflecting on yourself. It's more like being far too hard on yourself. You're evaluating your worth? You think you don't deserve them?

Also you may have some issues? You tend to become very defensive when things don't go your way, or you feel unwelcoming towards them? They see how you victimise your self esteem all the time. They're saying maybe you're not able to get a full picture or maybe there's a filter of obstinacy on your eyes. They're suggesting that you may be acting in this manner because you dislike something about yourself or them, or both. Are you feeling insecure or jealous about something? You don't like it when they're out there posting on Instagram looking like a snack and getting all the attention of every freaking gender that exists while you're a couch potato who rarely even looks in the mirror? You despise it, and you despise yourself. You despise how it makes you feel. They're telling you not to be too hard on yourself. They don't understand why you're insecure in the first place.

My sunshine, you're perfect! You should look at yourself through my eyes. You should know that it is only you who makes my world shine so bright.

This pile gives me nerd x popular girl/guy vibes. Like Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" Bestie, are you a Swiftie? I'm sorry if you're not. Lol! It's just that, the music video came to my mind while channeling your message.

Next, we have the V of Pentacles in reverse. They are advising you to isolate yourself and reflect. Or maybe you're already doing that? You're seeing a therapist maybe? You're really putting on the work. You know where you are and you've decided you no longer want to be there. Pile 3, you appear to be self-aware and wise. Perhaps it's just your unresolved past traumas that get the best of you every now and then. And your person acknowledges this as well.

Do things you enjoy and make the most of every moment. In fact, if necessary, connect with your inner child.

Pile 3, do you have an inner child who has been through a difficult time in the past? The one who loved and gave selflessly but was constantly betrayed and abandoned. And now you're overwhelmed with fear. Fear of betrayal, abandonment, and being insufficient. Try journaling, affirmations, and shadow work! Make plans to go on dates with yourself. Compliment yourself. Perform random acts of self-love.

Push aside the recurring thoughts that hurt you. Even me if that makes you feel better. I know you can do it. I know cause I can see that you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I know the pattern of scarcity and lack is fading in your life right now. I see you finally going out and claiming what is rightfully yours.

There will be no more victim mentality, Pile 3. You're finally taking control of your life. You can finally see how it was all in your head. And that your thoughts aren't facts. They are just thoughts. You can always switch your perspective on yourself and the world.

Besides, your person is very sensitive. They appear to be more mature than you. Older in age for some of you? They give me the "Been there, done that!" vibe. It's as if they identify their younger self in you. I'm sorry, but I think it's both beautiful and tragic. If it's a romantic interest, I think you'd would make a wonderful couple. UWU! They genuinely care about you and they understand you. They may be a mentor or a father/mother figure for some?

Lastly, we have The Emperor which may imply stability and security in this context. They see you breaking out of that victim mentality and tapping into the Emperor energy. Could mean embracing your masculinity for some!! Perhaps you never realised before but now you're seeing how you're at your best when you're more in tune with your masculine side? Perhaps that makes you feel confident and comfortable about yourself? For others it could simply mean tapping into the commanding power where everything is under your control. Your perseverance, discipline, and self-control have gotten you this far. It means you are now in charge of your life, establishing your own rules and boundaries. This person is your biggest cheerleader Pile 3. They're rooting for you. They are with you. Through all thick and thin. They're saying, If you take control of your thoughts and how you see yourself, everything in your life is going to fall into its place. Only thing that holds you back is your self esteem or what you call it in the language of LOA, your "self concept." And don't worry about me. I'm always gonna be cheering for you. Standing firm with you through it all. Take care, I love you!

Channeled song:

You or your person might be: Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Pisces (Sun, Moon, Rising)

Angel numbers you might be seeing frequently these days: 111, 777, 888, 222, 333

 Message From Their Higher Self

I hope you liked the reading and it resonated. I sincerely apologise if it did not. First and foremost, it is a general reading so take what resonate and disregard what doesn't. Second, I'm new to Tarot and still learning. So, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a word about my readings, If they resonated with you or not. I'm here to grow and learn. I need constructive criticism.

Thank you so much for your time!

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3 years ago


I am a soft woman

I am a gentle woman

I am a calm woman

I am a feminine woman

I am a Lovely woman

Good things will come to me

Now repeat

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1 year ago














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7 months ago

How I think rdr2 characters respond to praise/compliments!

(They are going to sound kinda dumb but I promise I actually put effort into these.)

This may be interpreted as Cannon x Reader or Cannon x your ship!

These are totally fluffy and definitely SFW Jsyk

Abigail Marston - she probably would scoff and wave her hands/playfully slap them, or simply say thank you

Arthur Morgan - turn bright red and hot under the brim of his hat, and responds to them with a half mumbled: “it’s really nothing..” and then walk away awkwardly. (He’s seen with a smile on his face for the rest of the day) (he’s gonna write a new journal entry abt this)

Bill Williamson - scoffs and tells them to “shut up” but loves the compliment. (He always seems to think he’s being picked on)

Charles Smith - goes all quiet for a beat after the compliment and then gives them a sincere “thank you” he smiles at them for the rest of the day.

Dutch Van Der Linde- A simple: “Thank you M’dear.” However, they’ve inflated his ego even more which Dutch appreciates, and goes to seek their company more.

Hosea Matthews - surprised he was sought after to receive a compliment, depending on what it is, he will openly appreciate it, and mean it.

Jack Marston - “Thank you! :D” his momma taught him manners.

Javier Escuella- He responds with a small chuckle and a “thank you” they are chill now/ they’ve leveled up in Javier liking them.

John Marston- Not expecting it at first but then he melts into a dumb grin and starts avoiding eye contact as he says “thank you.”

Josiah Trelawny- “why thank you!” With a smile. He really appreciates compliments.

Karen Jones- “Ain’t you sweet?” She smirks at them. And that’s basically it.

Kieran Duffy- definitely not expecting a compliment of any kind. “O-oh- thank you..” he smiles kindly and fidgets.

Lenny Summers- grins widely and gives a “thank you!” His mind seems to wander back to the interaction for the rest of the day

Leopold Strauss- Kind of confused but shares his small gratitudes anyway

Mary-Beth Gaskill - “Oh, thank you..” she idly plays with her hair as she talks with them.

Micah Bell - At the very least he’ll scoff, and if he does say anything it’s along the lines of: “Christ, why you so soft?” But he’s blushing nonetheless.

Molly O’Shea- She giggles sweetly and blushes, sharing her gratitudes, and when she sees them for the rest of the day she smiles at them kindly. (She’s happy someone is paying attention to her, giving her a compliment even)

Reverend, Orville Swanson- if not in a drunken stupor, he says his thanks with a grateful smile.

Sadie Adler- grins at them ear to ear with a “thanks..” and soft blush forming on her cheeks

Sean MacGuire- “I din’ know ye’ loved me or something.” He teases them, grinning dumbly.

Simon Pearson- genuinely appreciates it, his big smile misshaping his mustache

Susan Grimshaw- “why thank you darlin’ “ she smiles at them. Not really expecting a compliment but she’s always appreciative of all affection.

Tilly Jackson- “Thank you!” She says kindly full of gratitude and love. (It means the world to her)

Uncle - he didn’t hear it

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Reflecting on 2021

Hey Ya’ll,

Not gonna lie...I am so happy that 2021 is over. Apart from the pandemic, there was a bunch of other stuff that happened in my personal life that I wish didn’t. I know I’m, definitely, not the only person who, unfortunately, relates to this. These past few years have reinforced the fact that we can’t control every single event that happens in our lives. The most we can do is the best we can to get by. 

I shed a lot of (unhappy) tears during 2021. I got my heart broken multiple times. I compared myself and my life a lot to my peers. I, often, felt as if I was living in a different timeline than some people. While I was watching other people reaching all of these incredible milestones (e.g., getting a new job, being promoted, becoming homeowners, finding romantic partners, getting engaged,  etc.) I, constantly, felt like I was just stuck. My mental health deteriorated. I neglected and lost myself. I felt like a complete loser in comparison to my peers. I also felt very jealous and, at times, bitter. I really longed for something incredible to happen to me as well. But, it just felt like one let down after another. The worst part is, I barely had time to breathe before the next negative thing happened. I was a wreck, basically...and not a lot of the people in my life even knew this. The ones who did were only aware of what I told them. I, often, left out details from my venting sessions because I was afraid it would be too much and they wouldn’t understand. So, they did not know the full extent of what I was experiencing.

This past week, I have been doing some reflecting on the past year as a whole. I, ultimately, decided that I never want to feel the way I felt last year ever again. That was the lowest I have ever been and just the thought of ever getting to that point again makes me nauseous.

Last night, I spent some time creating a vision board of how I want my 2022 to look like. I have never made a vision board before, but I have made new year’s resolutions in the past. Though...I have yet to actually accomplish any of the resolutions I have set during my 25 years on this earth thus far. Since I’m more of a visual person, I figured that a vision board would be an effective way to supplement my new year’s resolutions/goals/intentions (whatever you prefer to call them) for this year. I ended up creating mine on Canva. I then saved the document as a JPEG file and made the image my desktop wallpaper. That way, every time I open my computer to do homework, send emails, watch Netflix, etc, I am reminded of everything I want to accomplish for myself.

I know that there are a lot of changes I’m going to have to make in order to stay consistent with my goals this year. I’m fully prepared to make them. I’m not sure what it is, but I really have a feeling that this year is going to be different. And no, I’m not jinxing myself by saying that. I’m setting my intention for the life I want this year and putting it out into the universe to help manifest this. I know intention is not enough, but it is an important step in my pursuit of having a much better year in comparison to 2021 and having the best year I’ve had in a long time.

So, with’s to a (for the most part) fresh start. I’m wishing a thriving year filled with many positive experiences and less tears for all of us. If your 2021 was actually a a positive year, then I wish you another positive year. I think we all deserve more happiness and less negativity, trauma and tragedy. 

Though, as I stated previously, you can’t control every single event that occurs in your life. So, additionally, I want to reiterate the following; do the best you can to get by. Even if it’s just waking up and getting out of bed, that is enough. You are always enough.

I’m really looking forward to how this year progresses for all of us. If you have also set any goals/intentions for yourself, I hope you accomplish them. 

Stay safe friends :) 

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1 January 2023 - Happy New Year!

Hey ya’ll!

It’s, definitely, been a minute...

I’m really sorry for the inconsistency in posts these past few months. Life got chaotic again, but I’m back (again) and in time for the new year.

I, finally, finished creating my 2023 intentions and vision board yesterday. I made my vision board the background for both my laptop and my phone’s lock screen. To be honest...I did not achieve a majority of my 2022 goals. Looking back at my 2022 vision board was painful. I was extremely disappointed in myself when I realized how little I accomplished on the list I created for myself at the beginning of last year. All that time spent for nothing...

However, I really feel like this year is going to be different. I’m feeling, cautiously, optimistic. I was a lot more specific with the intentions I included on my list, as well as with the images and quotes I chose for my vision board. I think that is going to be very beneficial in the long run. 

Overall, I’m ready for 2023. I’m ready to stop settling for less than what I deserve out of life. I’m ready to stop self-sabotaging. I’m ready to stop getting in the way of my goals. I’m ready to stop letting other people’s opinions and negative energy get in the way of my goals as well. This year is going to be the year of focusing more on myself and putting myself first. This year I’m prioritizing my own needs. This year I’m being more selfish (and there is nothing wrong with that). 

This is going to be a year of healing, abundance, and prosperity. I can feel it in my soul. 

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2 years ago


I intend to rule the world.

But can or will I do?

I intend to climb my mountains.

But each time I tried they grew.

My intentions dwindle and sour.

With the days that pass and flow.

Will my intentions ever make something?

I can hold in my hands and show.

Will I intend what I finish

Or will it diminish

When I come to my here, unplanned.

I think I’ll intend to intend.

And each time that intent falls flat.

I’ll grab it again, step right back to bat.

And intend each dead end to be more.

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