selenestarmoon - Lady Selene
Lady Selene

She/her. 21. This is a blog dedicated to making aesthetic moodboards of characters and analysis from series that I like.

250 posts

Did Anyone Else Think Apollo Vs Leonidas Was Like Watching Pre-heresy Fulgrim Vs Sevika?

Did anyone else think Apollo vs Leonidas was like watching pre-heresy Fulgrim vs Sevika?

Pre-heresy Fulgrim and Apollo

- They're handsome.

- They're obsessed with being perfect.

- They want to inspire others to be the best version of themselves.

- They value the arts, music, poetry, and both physical and inner beauty.

- They worked hard and become respected by their "paternal figures" (Big E/Zeus).

Sevika and Leonidas

- They have the same physical build, similar clothes and the same hairstyle.

- They detest a privileged person or group (Piltover/Apollo) because they believe they were the ones who caused the misfortunes their people have gone through (Zaun/Sparta) and seek revenge as a result.

- They are both smokers.

- They both use weapons that can change shape.

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More Posts from Selenestarmoon

1 year ago

We know that Zangetsu's appearance was exactly the same as Ichigo's because he lacked an asauchi (which is basically a catalyst where the zanpakutō can manifest and shape it appearance however it wishes) but guess what appearance Zangetsu takes after getting an asauchi.

We Know That Zangetsu's Appearance Was Exactly The Same As Ichigo's Because He Lacked An Asauchi (which

His appearance remains the same as Ichigo's and the only thing different is his face is the hollow mask that hints at the origins of Zangetsu as a product of the fusion between White and Ichigo's soul.

This shows that despite having the opportunity to look whatever he wants, Zangetsu loves Ichigo so much that he even wants to look like him.

As Himiko Toga once said:

Himiko: "Of course you wanna be like the one you love. It's natural. So you end up decking yourself out to look like him. But after enough time, even that's not enough. You literally want to become him. There's no helping it."

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1 year ago

It's like Tyrion Lannister once said: "Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you."

"That Child Is A Demon."

"That child is a demon."

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1 year ago

With AFO's past we understand why he is obsessed with family, it is because he sees family as people who are his who will always love him and be by his side.

That's why AFO hates Kudo for "causing" the death of Yoichi, his only family.

That's why he hates Nana and Endeavor because they have what he always wanted but they choose to put it aside in favor of their work as heroes (although Nana did it because AFO didn't give her another option).

And if DFO theory is true, AFO hates All Might for taking Izuku away from him and for passing on his dream to his son, and by extension, encouraging him to live (what AFO believes) a life full of loneliness and suffering because for AFO the heroes always suffer and are alone, hence why he tells Izuku that he chose a thorny path, while for AFO, the villains have carte blanche to do whatever they want and have followers (they aren't alone).

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1 year ago

AFO and the quirk counselor offer their "help" in making Himiko and Yuuga be what the Hero Society says is normal and they even smile and dress alike. AFO really represents the worst of the Hero Society and Japanese society in general.

Thinking about Toga and Aoyama similarities

Thinking about the wording of these panels

Thinking About Toga And Aoyama Similarities
Thinking About Toga And Aoyama Similarities

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1 year ago

The Spot's Seek for Respect and Revenge

The Spot's Seek For Respect And Revenge

Contrary to what many people think, Spot is an interesting character but, as happens in the movie, he is underestimated by everyone, so I decided to write this post to analyse this character.

His arc is a perfect mix of a comic relief character who seeks everyone's respect and a character who puts his revenge above all else to the point of hurting himself and others.


Let's be honest, everyone looks down on Spot and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE because not only is he treated by Miles as just another villain in the crowd, Miguel ignores the potential threat that Spot is to the multiverse and dedicated himself to chasing Miles for the entire half of the movie but even we the audience underestimated him by dismissing him as comic relief but Spot is tired of everyone underestimating him and he proved to be a real threat he took both all the characters and the entire audience by surprise.

This desire to be respected is quite reminiscent of characters like Inosuke Hashibira, King from The Owl House, and even Ken from the Barbie 2023 movie: characters who are considered comic relief by everyone but are frustrated that no one respects them or takes their feelings seriously and decide to take actions to make everyone respect them. These characters are tragic and have serious self-esteem issues but the narrative presents them to us as comic relief to make us, the audience, let our guard down.

Inosuke is seen as comic relief by bragging about how strong he is and doing weird things but is later revealed to be a boy who is deep down afraid of being a child whose parents abandoned him because they didn't love him only for it to be revealed that he is a boy whose mother allows herself to be killed by Douma to save him.

King is treated by everyone as if he were a living stuffed animal and the character clings to being a demon king when in reality he is a child who, like Inosuke, was abandoned and hidden by his father to save him from the titan trappers and the archivists.

Ken acts obsessively towards Barbie and acts quite funny because he was programmed to be her boyfriend and is treated like an accessory so his sense of identity is low to say nothing and he doesn't know anything else.

Spot also gets this treatment: he's introduced to us as a villain who tries to steal an ATM but doesn't know how to use his powers and even tries to convince the store seller that he's doing nothing wrong by taking the ATM and the store seller hits him and the way he introduces himself to Miles as he has loaves spilling out of one of his holes, calls him villain of the week and even his fight with Miles is basically Miles dodging him smoothly while chatting with his dad on the phone and even we the audience dismiss that his motivation to revenge on Miles is because he threw a bagel in his face when actually it's much more than that and the bagel thing is just the tip of the iceberg. At this point Spot is comic relief for both the characters and us.

But these characters seek respect and take actions that make them respected by others:

Inosuke proves to be a pretty good demon slayer to the point that he and Kanao with Shinobu's previous intervention manage to defeat Douma, King discovers his origins and his powers and is a key part of saving the Boiling Islands.

But just as respect is achieved through positive actions, the desperate search for respect makes others seek it through negative actions to the point of being threats to their world, just as it happened to Ken and is happening to Spot:

Ken sneaks into Barbie's car and together they go to the real world and Ken feels respected in the real world and after he discovers that the world is run by the patriarchy, he decides to bring it to Barbieland and turns it into Kendom, making the Barbies be the accessories of the Kens.

The Spot's Seek For Respect And Revenge

Spot learns to domain his powers and after merging with the collider from Mumbattan, becomes a threat to the multiverse.

The Spot's Seek For Respect And Revenge

Ken and the Spot go from being jokes at to being threats to their respective worlds. They prefer to be seen as villains than to be mocked by everyone because having power makes them important people and their very low self-esteem is raised.

It's okay to want to be respected, but when you seek respect through negative actions, you end up doing even more damage to yourself and those around you.

What happens to Spot is a reversal of Ken's character arc, so much so that I would dare to say that the Spot is the villainous and dark version of Ken:

Spot and Ken have the same funny personality but hide resentment and low self-esteem, they both discover something new and use it to gain everyone's respect, and Ken and Spot are obsessed with the attention of Miles and Barbie because they feel their existence is tied up in that but while Barbie, after she with the help of Gloria, Sasha, Allan and all the resistance make everything return to normal but giving the Kens the opportunity to have equality with the Barbies, Barbie becomes sincere with Ken and apologizes for not taking his feelings seriously and encourages him to discover himself, showing him that he is enough and Ken decides to follow his advice but when Miles tries to convince Spot that he no longer considers it a joke, he doesn't listen and merges with the collider.

The reason this works with Ken but not with Spot is due to two reasons:

Barbie knows it's not entirely her fault with regard to Ken's programming but acknowledges that she hurt his feelings, apologizes for it and even makes him see that he can be more than the role of being her boyfriend. While Miles knows it's not entirely his fault for the collider situation (it's Kingpin's fault for wanting to use it in the first place) and tells Spot that no one sees it as a joke, he doesn't acknowledge that he previously hurt Spot's feelings neither does Spot make him see that he can be something else than just his nemesis or that he can even be a hero with his powers which makes Spot even more attached to his role as Miles's nemesis.

Ken, despite being a doll, has a human appearance and has connections to others in Barbieland that aren't just Barbie. Spot, despite being human, does not have a human appearance nor does he have connections to anyone else, so he clings to his rivalry with Miles as the only "connections" he has.

Basically the entire arc of these characters can be summarized up in the chat beetwen Silco, Vander and Jinx from Arcane:

Vander: "You'll get people killed. For what? Pride?" Silco: "For respect."

Silco to Jinx: "It's okay. We'll show them. We will show them all."


Speaking of Silco, Spot's obsession with getting revenge on Miles reminds me of Guts, Silco and Neo in the sense that they seek revenge because all of them lost everything they had and also because the only thing that makes sense of their lives is to take revenge on those who took everything from them and to make things worse none of them respect Spot, Guts Silco and Neo and even look down on them which makes Spot, Guts Silco and Neo have more reasons to get revenge but Guts, Silco and Neo differ from Spot for the following reasons:

Guts still has loved ones who love him despite how tough he can be.

The Spot's Seek For Respect And Revenge

Silco has a bond with Jinx that despite being flawed is also a bond he developed because he related to Jinx's pain and said bond humanizes him and makes him think of something other than revenge.

The Spot's Seek For Respect And Revenge

Neo has the opportunity to choose her new physical form and she has the opportunity to rediscover herself to start again.

The Spot's Seek For Respect And Revenge

But Spot? he has absolutely none of these things. Spot doesn't have loved ones to care for him like Guts, he doesn't have a bond with someone he can relate to or humanize like Silco, and he has no chance to change his form or start again like Neo, even worse, Spot doesn't even have a human appearance like Guts, Silco and Neo do. That's why when Miles tries to stop Spot from merging with the collider he doesn't listen to him and it's because revenge is the only thing that gives meaning to his life and Spot doesn't want to lose something again as he lost everything else.

Spot lost absolutely everything: he is no longer human, his coworkers make fun of him and he lost his job, his family does not want to see him because they see him as a monster, he cannot reverse his current physical state and I doubt anyone would want to give him a job or that a person wants to date someone who looks like Spot so having a life, a job, a normal appearance and even a romantic relationship with someone is impossible for him so he clings to the only thing he has is his anger and revenge towards Miles to the point that he wants Miles to lose everything, making the only thing he has is his rivalry and thus making Miles feel just as lonely and miserable as him.

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