Jewelry Bonney - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Since it was revealed to us that the sapphire scales disease that Bonney inherited from her mother Ginny is incurable, a theory popped into my mind: what if Kuma turned into a cyborg to save Bonney?

Don't forget that the paw-paw fruit can repel anything from the target's body so Kuma probably repelled the disease from Bonney's body and absorbed it into her body so that it wouldn't come back to Bonney. Later, he would ask Vegapunk to turn him into a cyborg so that the disease couldn't affect him.

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8 months ago

I love that Bonney can use Gear 5 and become Nika because not only was she able to free herself thanks to her belief in Nika and how Luffy inspired her but it also represents how Bonney reconnected with her inner child (she reconnected with her true self because Bonney is a child), remember and feel again the unlimited joy and freedom that children have after she lost hers, having to pretend to be an adult and go through so much pain.

I Love That Bonney Can Use Gear 5 And Become Nika Because Not Only Was She Able To Free Herself Thanks

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1 year ago

Since it was revealed to us that the sapphire scales disease that Bonney inherited from her mother Ginny is incurable, a theory popped into my mind: what if Kuma turned into a cyborg to save Bonney?

Don't forget that the paw-paw fruit can repel anything from the target's body so Kuma probably repelled the disease from Bonney's body and absorbed it into her body so that it wouldn't come back to Bonney. Later, he would ask Vegapunk to turn him into a cyborg so that the disease couldn't affect him.

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8 months ago

I love that Bonney can use Gear 5 and become Nika because not only was she able to free herself thanks to her belief in Nika and how Luffy inspired her but it also represents how Bonney reconnected with her inner child (she reconnected with her true self because Bonney is a child), remember and feel again the unlimited joy and freedom that children have after she lost hers, having to pretend to be an adult and go through so much pain.

I Love That Bonney Can Use Gear 5 And Become Nika Because Not Only Was She Able To Free Herself Thanks

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8 months ago

The straw hats are just. So queer guys

Luffy is aroace and nonbinary and just uses any pronouns because. Just look at him, please. He wouldn't know what's gender or romantic or sexual attraction even if they slapped him in the face. He also is the definition of the whole "people perceive me as male in the same way they perceive something non-human as just a little guy"

Zoro? Trans (he walks with his tits off, for gods' sake) and super gay. He is, like, 100% gay. No discussions. (and also dating Sanji, and yes, partners with conflicting labels are still their labels, stfu exclusionists)

Nami is, as quoted by a person whose username I forgot (I'm sorry if you read this just tell me it's you and I'll add your url): the lesbianest of lesbians in the story of lesbianism for lesbians by lesbians. And she obviously has her princess girlfriend, Vivi.

Usopp seems to be straight, but, in fact, they only felt attraction towards Kaya and also are 100% nonbinary, just like Luffy. Very he/they vibes.

Sanji is bisexualest person alive. And also transfem bigender, no, I accept no criticism, the absolute she/he.

Chopper does not know what is gender, because, for gods' sake, he's a reindeer. Obviously he doesn't care which pronouns you use to him.

Robin? Bisexual and trans queen. Look at her. Look at her backstory. She is so queer coded, guys, you don't know. She is also dating Franky, they are the absolute t4t couple.

Franky is straight with the biggest ever love for Robin and also trans, he modified his body to be a super-man like.

Brook is way too nonbinary for me to say it. Just look at them. Your they/them lovely grandpa.

Jinbei is, too, super aroace and I don't take criticism. Just look at him, he's got the vibes.

Vivi is, as before stated, a lesbian. That is pretty obvious, though.

Yamato is canonically trans, bitches (affectionate). And also very Gay. Definitely in some sort of relationship with Ace.

Bonney is transfem demigirl, trust me, Oda told me himself, and she came out first to her dad.

Law is transmasc nonbinary, the absolute they/he, they just got that vibe. And also very aroace, wouldn't know what the fuck is attraction even if it slapped him in the face (just like Luffy, that's why they are BFFs)

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6 months ago

Straw Hat girlies headcanons! (Sanji included cuz transfem bigender Sanji lives rent free in my head. Also Bonney cuz why not; And Vivi is on the straw hats I don't care)

TW: mention of sexual abuse and other kinds of abuse, and also the trauma that comes with it


Autistic, but developed the habit of masking. Has been learning to undo it around her crew. Special interest? Maps, maps, maps. Tangerines are comfort food. She also has hypersensitivity to clothes, so she picks them very carefully. Her meltdowns are often, they come when she is emotionally overloaded, and she usually needs to stay alone to calm down.

After her meltdown in Arlong Park, her arm got paralyzed due to nerve damage. Now, she uses a sling to keep it always in place and not get hurt. Her tatoo covers a little, but not all her stabbing scars.

She has PTSD due to Bellemere's death, her enslavery and also due to being a survivor of SA. Has been doing therapy sessions with Chopper (he is learning about human psychology in order to help the crew) to help cope with it and receives help and support from the rest of the crew.

VERY pale, but due to spending so much time in the sea and under the sun, she ends up having many, many freckles through all of her body. Usually keeps wavy hair in ponytail due to it being really long.

Lesbian, loves girlies. Dating Vivi ever since they set foot in Alabasta. Clings to her so much it looks like they can't be separated. Also, Vivi was her lesbian awakening in the way of "wait, I think I like girls romantically???? And they are also hot????"

When she first entered the crew, she was underweight, almost malnourished, due to never having enough food and saving almost all money to save her village. However, after Arlong Park, she started gaining weight with the help of Sanji and Chopper. Now, she is fat, healthy and happy.

Loves orange, but also blue (no, it's not to match Vivi, shut the fuck up Usopp)

Swears and yells a lot. Has low voice tone control, actually.

Sometimes, when she is sad, she speaks to her tangerines as if Bellemere was there, as it feels comforting.

Ever since she received news that Cocoyashi Village got a Den Den Mushi, she calls them everyweek to tell Nojiko and Genzo about hers and the strawhat's adventures.

Besties with Usopp and Zoro, they talk shit about everyone. Gossip friends with Robin. Is one of the few people that can make Luffy not destroy an entire fucking island. Jinbei's second daughter (first is Koala).

Loves Beyoncé, rap and brazillian funk (Luffy introduced her to it) (yeah, I know this is a more modern-au like one, but let me have my headcanons ok).

Due to high sensitivity to clothes, she usually wears beach-like clothing cause they are light and let most of her skin exposed, so she can feel better the weather.

Terrified of bugs AND bats. Almost fainted when she first heard about vampires and now is fucking terrified of the possibility.

Likes drawing, not only maps, but her crewmates too. She is really good at it, however, she won't show it to anyone, just Nojiko (she's embarassed).

Only wears makeup and/or does different hairtyles in special occasions, as she finds it to be very inconvenient when they are on the sea.

Watching and hearing the sea is a nice visual stim. It helps her to calm down from the crazy thing that is day-to-day life with the straw hats.

She may say shit about her friends sometimes, but will absolutely kill you if you say anything bad about them.


Autistic, special interest is fishes and the All Blue. Cooking is so stimmy hmmmm. Does not realize when she is being way too much on others. Even though he doesn't seem like, is very picking about food, can't handle anything made in a shit way. Has shutdowns instead of meltdowns as trauma response, and needs to stay around the crew these times.

Has PTSD due to constant abuse in childhood and from being stuck on the rock-island with Zeff (and also due to Zeff eating his leg). Due to never telling about it to anyone, he tried to hide it from the crew because of self-loathing, but after Whole Cake Island, the moments of crisis and panic attacks were so frequent it turned impossible. He is now working on it with Chopper, just like the rest of the crew.

Tall, with very strong legs with many scars on them. Has leg and facial hair, but, after Momoiro Island, she let her wavy hair grow and now keeps it in a bun, still with the part in front of the eye, of course.

Egg cracked with Ivankov, about both gender AND sexuality. Bi queen. Even though he didn't want to pass through surgeon (aka Ivankov's fruit) he still got a lot of help from the newkama. Also learned he loves drag and will do it sometimes for the crew.

Learned ballet as a kid from Reiju and his mom. Even though he always practiced it in secret, it came out once she started to do drag (on her shows, she uses ballet steps a lot).

Fave colors are yellow and blue, it feels soft.

Swears a lot. Zeff did swear a lot back on Baratie, after all.

Calls Zeff monthly to tell how things are going. Sometimes, after this, she cries a little.

Started dating Zoro shortly before timeskip and was afraid of how he'd react to the whole trans thing, but he couldn't care less. She cried over a week because of this.

Loves woman with all of her heart, specially her crew's ones. Not in a more sexual like way, but in a whole-heartdly way. Besties with Usopp, surprisingly VERY friends with Brook.

Listens to classical and french music, but sometimes likes some rock and roll.

Has three types of clothes: suits, dresses and a suit with a short and skirt. No matter the look, is always with ballet shoes.

Fucking scared of bugs. And pigeons. Don't ask, ok?

Sings very well, but doesn't like to show it. Only does it on the bathroom, but everybody ends up listening. They don't comment cause the single time they did they thought Sanji was having a heart attack.

Adores make-up and diverse hairtyling, finds it to be really cute.

Usually rocking back and forth on her feet, it feels nice.

Once kicked a guy to uncosciousness when he touched her butt.


Autistic, has those big bug autism eyes, even though she masks well she cannot function daily without help, Karoo is her therapy animal, special interest in bugs (shares it with Luffy), has meltdowns whenever she knows she is completely alone and helpless.

Developed some level of paranoia after being infiltrated in Baroque Works, and sometimes has frenzys in which she thinks she is back there and that Alabasta is still in danger. It diminuted drastically after Chopper developed a medicine for her, but it still happens sometimes. Those moments, she can turn aggressive and needs to stay only with Karoo so she can calm down.

Has brown skin and some tatoos typical from the Nefertari family. She is short and skinny, and the secret nobody can absolutely know is that she dyes her (curly) hair blue (it's her favorite color and her mom used to do the same, so, she dyes it. Nobody other than Nami can know though).

Lesbian, her first crush was Miss All Sunday (it didn't last much, but o boi, how many nights she spent thinking about how ABSOLUTELY WRONG having a crush on your enemy is). Had an immediate crush in Nami, but couldn't say it cuz of the whole Miss Wednesday thing. They kissed after they left Drum Island and started dating at Alabasta.

Deals with the guilt of being with the strawhats instead of Alabasta very often, and likes having hugs so it can go away.

Favourite color is blue, but not all blue, just sky-blue.

Never swears, feels a little embarassed whenever someone does.

Resolves troubles from Alabasta through Den Den Mushi, that way she doesn't get that much worried. Also keeps in contact with her dad, Pell and Igaram.

Even though they had a complicated relationship at the start, Robin and her ended up being very friends, they love parallel playing (honestly, who doesn't?). Also very close to Luffy and Yamato, the one that keeps a leash on the two of them, relates a lot to Zoro in that aspect.

Loves bubblegum pop, an absolute Swiftie. Sometimes also compelled to Aurora and Halsey.

Whenever they go to an island, she likes keeping her formal clothes (after all, she is the crew's diplomat!). In fights, she uses more simple clothes and a mask to keep her identity hidden. In the ship, however, you'll always find her in pajamas (no, she is not always sleeping, Zoro does that very well for the whole crew).

Is scared of the sea, even though she can swim, nobody knows why.

Likes dancing and presenting to the crew, but the crew only. If some outsider is there, she won't dance at all. Likes helping Sanji with the choreography of her drag shows.

Likes makeup, but hates stylizing her hair. She is absolutely terrible at it, so she just keeps it in a ponytail during fights and that's it, that's the best you can get from her.

Likes playing and fidgeting with small things like coins, buttons, rubik cubes, pebbles and stuff like that. Usually has something in her hand.

Feels bad for being one the weakest crew members, but is always cheered up by the rest. After all, she doesn't need to fight to be nakama, even though she can kick some asses.


Autistic. Weirdgirl, big autistic stare, says every single creepy fact she knows in not very good situations, no social cues get to her head, never masks, almost always same expression and tone, special interest in history, does not know how to function normally, has auditory and light hypersensitivity, meltdowns caused by way too much light, sound and visual information.

Has PTSD due to the destruction of Ohara, living her childhood, teenagehood and adult years as a runaway and being constantly betrayed and abandoned. She sometimes has moments of profound anxiety in which she asks herself if she is gonna lose her family. Chopper helps her a lot with it, and, when she has those crisis, she gets a hug from everyone anytime she asks for it.

Very tall, with a few specific parts of her body being thicker than the rest. Her skin is dark, with many scars through all of it, and she has blue eyes and long (but not as long as Nami's or Yamato's), straight black hair.

Trans woman, found out during early childhood, and bisexual queen. Even though she was never in a relationship before entering the crew, she was with a few people before. Franky is the first guy she is with, and also the first person she dates. It's a bit scary for both, but feels also really, really good.

She was underweight most of her life due to the inconstancy of her nutrition and life situation, but in Baroque Works she had lots of food. She thought a pirate crew wouldn't care about their nutrition or food, but it was opposite. Even though she does not gain weight easily, her sillouette, that was VERY slim before, became thicker in a few points. Not much, she still is thin, but it's less ill-looking.

Favorite color is purple, black and dark blue. Goth girl Robin is real.

Does not swear, but says such weird, creepy and worrying stuff it makes everyone wish she did. It would be less scary.

Loves organizing stuff, for some reason. If you leave her alone in a messy room, in a short time it will be very nice-looking and clean. She has fun with it!

After some initial tension, she started taking care of Vivi like a big sister. Was called "mom" by Chopper once and almost had a heart attack. Enjoys parallel playing with Zoro and Law, scaring Usopp and playfully flirting with Jinbei (Franky loves this, it makes them laugh how embarassed it makes Jinbei look).

Likes goth and punk music, it feels very nice to her. Also loves horror-like classical music, it helps her to sleep (weirgirl Robin weirdgirl Robin weirdgirl Robin-).

Even though she appreciates goth fashion, it's not really for her. She prefers long, purple jackets to her elbow over dark flower-pattern dresses, dark boots and her cowboy hat with sunglasses (they help her with light sensitivity and it also looks really cool).

Absolutely HATES to be around statues. They just get a nerve on her. It feels awful, she wants to break them in half so they stop looking at her.

Likes sending messages to the crew in the vitorian flower language. Nobody gets it, but they try. She keeps infodumping about it, so they can get at least a few things.

Doesn't like makeup very much, but simple hairtyling is nice. She will experiment on it, but only in particular.

Makes many vocal stims. They variate from humming to speaking random syllabes to screaming out loud. The crew has gotten used to it. Stimming with her akuma no mi also feels very nice.

Has broken more necks than you would think. Is also nicer than you would think.


Autistic. Very loud, has no control over her tone, emotionally extreme, no social abilities, pizza is her comfort food, has hyposensitivity to sounds and lights, sarcasm queen but doesn't get other's sarcasm or lies, has meltdowns because of people fighting that involve a lot of self harm.

Has night terror with her dad being chained and his death. She needs to go to Luffy so she can hug him and feel better. Also has hyperactivity and needs medicines from Chopper so she can sleep and focus on stuff.

Small for her age, has white skin that is also tan due to the sun, likes putting piercings through her body (Chopper is scandalized), has brown eyes and hair, which she dyes pink cuz she knows her mom did as well.

Transfem demigirl, came out when she was 7 and told her dad "I wanna be a girl" "alright" and that was it. Didn't know what was a period until Chopper explained, and then got reliefed she didn't get that shit.

Eats A LOT, but runs so much throughout all of the ship all the day through it basically doesn't affect her body in a noticeable way. Shares this fact with Luffy.

Favorite color is pink, all of them. Does not matter the tones, if it's pink, she loves it.

Learned to swear on her time as a pirate. Does it on a daily basis.

Always speaks to her dad when she feels alone. It makes her feel better, to think he is accompanying her journey with the straw hats.

Likes smelling stuff. Sometimes looks like a dog while doing it. She just can feel the vibes of the person through their smell. She warns the crew whenever she smells evil. She is never wrong.

Calls everyone her big siblings. Luffy's apprentice, spends much time with him, specially when they are eating. Is spoiled rotten by Sanji, he loves when she asks for food. Loves being carried by Zoro, Yamato, Brook, Franky and Jinbei. Never gets tired of hearing Usopp's stories. Besties with Chopper.

Loves pop and rock, always sings along while screaming.

Always wearing clothes way too big for her size cuz of her akuma no mi, likes wearing bubblegum-pop and tiktok like clothes.

Scared of labs and doctors. Had to be convinced throughout an entire week to do her first check-up on Chopper. She is now ok around him, but other doctors are terrifying (she keeps trying to find out where Law hides the bodies he obviously kills. He is called death surgeon, come on).

Likes hearing Robin read books for her and Chopper. It's nice and recalls her home, plus Robin's voice is really sweet.

Loves experimenting on makeup, specially with help of the girls, but hair is too complicated. When she is not with her hat, she keeps the hair in a bandana and that's it. Plus it's always messy and she has a hard time combing it.

Stims by running. A LOT. And jumping. Whenever she thinks something interesting, she goes through the entire ship, down and up, until she falls on the sea and someone has to get her.

Can kick ass, but is still a child, so the crew kind of... overprotects her a little. Basically, if she gets hurt in battle, prepare to die. Very painfully.

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1 year ago

What could've have been ~🥲

Ugh... Distorted Future... By @ituduki_____aaa
Ugh... Distorted Future... By @ituduki_____aaa
Ugh... Distorted Future... By @ituduki_____aaa
Ugh... Distorted Future... By @ituduki_____aaa

Ugh... Distorted Future... by よきかな@ituduki_____aaa

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10 months ago
ange1977 - a tired homo☕
ange1977 - a tired homo☕

my current top 3 favs in one piece and me forcing them to interact bc that's super unlikely to happen in canon right now

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7 months ago
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece
Makes This Within Like, 3 Hours And Throws It At Tumblr Because I NEEDED To Make This With One Piece

makes this within like, 3 hours and throws it at tumblr because i NEEDED to make this with One Piece characters.

also because i think the idea of the Marines having a diversity initiative is the funniest shit in the world.

rbs > likes pls

edit: i'm moving all my art to my art blog here: @vergilbergart

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my favorite devil fruits in one piece

Horo Horo no Mi

My Favorite Devil Fruits In One Piece

user: perona

meaning: hollow

type: paramecia


• the creation and the control of ghosts

• these ghosts can drain the morale, self-esteem and will to live out of anybody

• creation of a ghost network for surveillance

• this allows the user to spy on enemies

• the ghosts can also duplicate themselves into more ghosts

• the user can also make her ghost leave her body which makes her intangible

• her ghost can also levitate and change the size of her body


• she can‘t attack her opponents while her ghost leaves her body

• while she levitates or changes her bodysize, her true body remains unconscious and vulnerable

Unnamed Fruit

My Favorite Devil Fruits In One Piece

user: jewelry bonney

type: paramecia


• the manipulation of the aging process

• the user can freely make themselvs or other people older or younger

• the user can use this power to disguise her/himself as well as cripple opponents by rapidly aging their intended targets into their senior years or regressing them into little children

• this ability also works on animals


• any of the targets still retain all of their memories and cognitive abilities

Ope Ope no Mi

My Favorite Devil Fruits In One Piece

user: trafalgar law

meaning: operation

type: paramecia


• to manifest a spherical space in which the user can manipulate the orientation, movements, and physical configuration of anything and anyone (themselvs included)

• the fruit allows the user to perform miraculous surgeries, cure intreatable diseases and circumvent physical disabilities

• the fruit can also grant another person eternal youth


• in order to grant eternal youth to a person, the user has to exchange their own life

Hana Hana no Mi

My Favorite Devil Fruits In One Piece

user: nico robin

meaning: flower;bloom

type: paramecia


• the fruit allows the user to replicate and sprout pieces of their body from the surface of any object or living thing

• the fruit's powers are capable of affecting many opponents simultaneously

• For defense, the user can conjure traps, shields or barriers to capture or repel incoming dangers with a multitude of her limbs

• sprouting eyes or ears in strategic places, the fruit's powers can also be used for gathering intelligence


• the fruit has the weaknesses of having any damage to their sprouted body parts transferred to their real body

Buki Buki no Mi

My Favorite Devil Fruits In One Piece

user: baby 5

meaning: weapon

type: paramecia


• this fruit gives the user the ability to change their body parts into weapons, which lets the user become a Full-Body Weapon Human

• While transformed into a weapon, the user does not take any damage inflicted as a result of the weapon's impact, such as detonating while in the state of an explosive


• the user remains vulnerable to the generated weapons if they are aimed at oneself, voluntarily or otherwise

Ito Ito no Mi

My Favorite Devil Fruits In One Piece

user: donquixote doflamingo

meaning: string;thread

type: paramecia


• the fruit allows the user to create and manipulate strings, making the user a String Human

• the user creates thin, razor-sharp strings to manipulate people’s movements by connecting the strings to their spines

• this fruit also allows the user to practically heal themselvs. example : emergency stitching their heavily injured internal organs which rescues them from an eventual death


• the user can‘t travel mid-air when there are no clouds in the sky

• the strings disappear into thin air if the user loses consciousness

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