silvershadow1711 -  Crux of What?
Crux of What?

✨️She/Her✨️30+✨️Pretending to be creative, one fandom at a time~♡

830 posts

I'm Just Browsing Through Old Posts On DC Douglas' Blog For Shits And Giggles. The Fact That Gunther

I'm Just Browsing Through Old Posts On DC Douglas' Blog For Shits And Giggles. The Fact That Gunther

I'm just browsing through old posts on DC Douglas' blog for shits and giggles. The fact that Gunther thinks Berkut is "huggable" makes me smile. Someone do fanart of that, cuz I'm too lazy to.

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More Posts from Silvershadow1711

7 years ago
OTP Drawing Challenge Day 5-(in Bed)

OTP drawing challenge day 5-(in bed)

"Wishing you would call my name, ‘cause only you can light the flame…" (if you haven’t heard The Flame by Keiko Lee, then go listen to it cuz it’s prime sex music)

Hey you never said what they had to be doing in bed~ I thought I’d try my hand at some porn, though it’s pretty soft core. I can’t bring myself to draw anything more lewd than this (though I can certainly try to write it…). Is this NSFW? It doesn't feel that way to me, but lemme know if it is and I'll tag it.

They’re both covered in terrible scars. I wrote a one shot a million years ago to help me picture what The Road Not Trekked's tone would be about that, where Gunther always insisted they have sex with the lights off, but since Nerr has dragon vision and can see in the dark, she assumes it’s because he thinks she’s ugly and disfigured. Nope, he just doesn’t want to see himself because he thinks HE’S ugly and disfigured. It pretty much ended with them both being like, “wtf are you smoking; you’re perfect!”

Doing this, I can kinda understand why hentai and sexy things in general look as bad as they do. When you start drawing risqué poses, at first, it looks great. But then you start turning the picture, and notice all the gross anatomical inaccuracies, so you have to erase and elongate and erase and elongate until it's actually proportional. And that's really hard to do if you're drawing shit one handed. I guess what I'm saying is... if you wanna draw porn, don't draw porn of things you masturbate to.

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7 years ago
I Threw Together A Quick Nerr Reff, Cuz Its Hard To Keep Track Of All Her Scars. One Day, I Might Write

I threw together a quick Nerr reff, cuz it’s hard to keep track of all her scars. One day, I might write a bio if anyone’s interested. And if anyone’s read my fics, this is post “The Rising Dark” Nerr, so you might remember some of these wounds. I might do her “The Falling Light” look later.

A white, long sleeved tunic, black tights and black gloves are her standard clothes. She wears that under her Nohr Noble armor (if any awesome ppl ever draw her, don’t worry about it tho). She’s pretty damn muscular (with a personal trainer like Gunther, how can she not be?), though most of her bulk is in her legs. She loves running and flipping. The sidetail is her default hairstyle, because she has no idea how to do anything else with it, but she wears a fishtail braid to sleep (and when she doesn’t feel like undoing it in the morning). She always, ALWAYS wears that butterfly hairpin. It’s actually a copy, because the original was completely broken, but she refused to stop wearing it.

The scar on her face was from her battle with Nishiki (Kaden). The Kitsune’s tails are laced with their corrosive saliva, which is why, unlike most scars, it can’t be fully healed.

The discoloration on her chest isn’t hair, it’s a… let’s say magic skin graft. If you can imagine someone getting shot in the chest with a double barrel shotgun, that about approximates the injury she endured. She wears high necked clothes to conceal it.

It’s hard to see, but she only has half of her left ear (her ears are longer than Corrin’s, about Nowi’s length). The top half was cut off by Fuuga (completely by accident, but still). As such, you can usually see her right ear sticking out from her hair from a front view, but not the left. It still has a scalloped edge, but is about the size of a normal human ear.

The veins on her left arm aren’t discolored; that’s a fractal scar branching out from a cauterized burn left by the Raijinto. If you don’t know what fractal scars are, google “lightning scars”. They’re usually temporary, but since the Raijinto is magic, it’s effects last much longer, including very severe neuropathy.

The weird, centipede-looking scar on both her front and back is the result of a run-in with a Wyrmslayer. Unlike the other scars, which are flat due to scar tissue growing to replace the missing flesh, Wyrmslayers cauterize a dragon’s skin, meaning no new flesh can grow. That wound is essentially just stitched together with magic, and will never heal.

That massive patch of jagged skin on her back is the result of one of Takumi’s Fuujin arrows blowing a hole in her right wing (in her dragon form). Since a third of her back is scar tissue, she can’t move as fluidly as she used to.

The crescent on her stomach is the result of an emergency cesarean section she had to undergo at the hands of a shade-tree surgeon in the middle of Nowhere, Hoshido, to deal with a missed miscarriage turned septic. It’s assumed it was due to the unsanitary conditions of a large battalion of soldiers, but the truth is that dragons (especially the ancient breeds of manaketes) are usually infertile, and those that aren’t can take dozens of attempts to concieve, to say nothing of actually having a live birth.

And of course, there’s all the random scars from where she got shot with arrows all over her arms and legs. Fun fact- steel arrows can penetrate plate armor. Not very deeply in most cases, but deep enough to leave a scar unless you’ve got chain mail or a pretty thick gambeson on underneath.

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7 years ago
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7 years ago
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,
I Finally Saved Another 20k Feathers. These Are The Units I'm Considering 5*ing (my Last 5* Was Sharena,

I finally saved another 20k feathers. These are the units I'm considering 5*ing (my last 5* was Sharena, and she's amazing, but considering I have Camus, I keep forgetting about her). This has nothing to do with ideal ivs or optimized movesets (except maybe in Legion and Gunther's case) because I don't have enough units to nitpick over minmaxing. These are just units that have been useful, and deserve a reward. One day, I'll 5* them all, but that could take years at this rate... Lissa- Goddess of the Tempest. She was a lv20 3* during the first tempest, and has been the cornerstone of every tempest team since. Great at debuffs/ deep heals. I would totally sink a Genny into her for Wrathful Staff if I ever got one. Olivia- Goddess of the Arena. She was a 2*, but I needed a fucking refresh unit, and I will never get Ninian or Azura. She's my buffer. I won't put a ruby sword on her like some people do, cuz sometimes, I need her to finish off blue units. Mae- Unexpectedly Awesome. I actually hate Mae as a character and was going to scrap her for feathers before it was revealed she was a 40% bonus unit for the last tempest. She started at lv20, and as you can see, I poured A LOT into her because she was just that good. As a note, I DO have a 5* Delthea now, so I'm not desperate for blue mages. Legion- Delicate Cinnamon Roll. I brought him to the last tempest just because I like to have a different, unique team each time. He was surprisingly amazing, especially when Lissa was there to bring him back from 1hp all the way to full health. I left his slots save Fury open because I'm not sure how I want to build him. I don't have another vantage yet, so I'm just just stockpiling his sp. Cecilia- 😑 I... have nothing to say about Cecilia except that she's my only green mage (I just rolled Merric, but... eh). People say she's amazing, so I TRIED to use her, but... yeeeeeaaah... She's so damn average, and that speed really kills her viability. I have NO idea how I got her to level 40 considering she dies to everything but blue mages. I'm hoping I can get a Boey or Sonya one day, but I'm also hoping for summer Corrin, and you all see how that's working... Gunter- His Summoner's True Love. He's +atk/-res, but I wouldn't care if he was -all; he's my baby. I would feed my summer Xander to him if I thought it would make me smile (but I like his sprite looking all serious and handsome). I am not above feeding 5*s to him if I don't personally like them, tier lists be damned. So, who is worthy of my feathers? As a note, I have Ryouma, Tharja, Lilina, Camus, Sharena, Delthea, Nowi, Raven and Summer Xander as 5*, so aside from a green mages, I don't really NEED another 5*, but... I want one. I didn't include my potential colorless units because I literally never use them unless they were already a 5*

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