Queer, teen and just ranting hyperfixation of the week here
372 posts
Sizzling-eggs - Sizzle Sizzling Stuff - Tumblr Blog

“But darling, in the end you have to be your own hero because everyone else is too busy trying to save themselves.”
— Unknown

You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.
Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…
…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.
when you read Homer, Dante, Dostoyevsky etc and want to be a classicist but the boy you like can’t even spell correctly
Just finished Circe by Madeline Miller and OMG!!! OMFG!
It's beautifully written. But that ending? WOW.
As a Telemachas lover and Odysseus hater this has me finished. Dead. Done. Buried.

"I want to be a body for you. I want to chase you, find you, I want to be eluded and teased and adored; I want to be defeated and victorious—I want you to cut me, sharpen me. I want to drink tea beside you in ten years or a thousand..."
Sick of dating apps and hook up culture, I want to meet someone the old fashioned way: as super soldier agents on opposing sides of an endless battle across time and space leaving each other elaborate puzzles that, when decoded, reveal flirtatious letters.

Amal El-Mohtar/Max Gladstone, This Is How You Lose the Time War

day 3: your life is mine ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)

Something incredible just happened on twt right now
Everyone is technically cousins in camp half bloods. I mean technically all the gods are related too...

Not a single thought.

#He's impertinent


PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS (2023 - ) I 1.07 + Text posts

this is how you lose the time war quotes that make me go balls to the wall insane + stick meme gore

"they should teach media literacy in schools" english class "they should teach students how to spot misinformation" it's english class "they should teach kids critical thinking" it's called english class
*make weird hand gestures and movements* when i cant find the right string of words to say and just expect they get whatever the hell i mean and nod earnestly at myself for the point i made
Do you ever watch a show or a movie or any piece of media meant for kids and just think about how the story or character or that one scene or whatever just spoke to your heart and soul, or just how profound it made you happy or break your heart. And just sit their thinking that this is for literal children, who probably still couldn't 100% understand the gravity of what they are consuming or probably couldn't articulate how they felt about it other than say they liked it or they dont, or it made them happy or sad, and you, a grown ass person is just thinking about how this thing meant for kids is just so simple yet complex with so many layers of emotions and plot and etc. That explores themes and subject better than media meant for your age, in a way that is simple yet incredible done.
Hamlet is such a daddy's girl i cannot-
call me henry winter because i’m gonna sit down and read the Iliad during Christmas break