sleepyangelbunny - 🖤Blog Of A HufflePuff🖤
🖤Blog Of A HufflePuff🖤

Daily blog life of a HufflePuff college student, come join me!!💛🖤

10 posts

I Feel Like Im Always Sick With Something, Blehhhh I Hope I Can Get Some Answers

I feel like I’m always sick with something, blehhhh I hope I can get some answers

Anyways on a more positive note…

I Feel Like Im Always Sick With Something, Blehhhh I Hope I Can Get Some Answers
I Feel Like Im Always Sick With Something, Blehhhh I Hope I Can Get Some Answers

I went to see the new transformers movie!! It was absolutely incredible. I also was out walking at night and saw some of these beautiful flowers and wanted to share. Even when constant fatigue is present nature is still giving some masterpieces. (And so is the movie industry with that one I mean seriously it was hilarious! Yall have to go see it. Bittersweet at times but good.)

Thanks for listening! Yall are the best. I need a nap even after not really doing anything crazy…maybe a rewatch of transformers prime or friends? New girl perhaps?

-Your favorite HufflePuff💛

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More Posts from Sleepyangelbunny

5 months ago


Today was a lot but here we are!! I have a bunch of work to do but I got groceries and am super happy I did!! They were so expensive tho and I have like 32 cents now 😂

I bought some yarn and a sketchbook so imma start painting again soon!! And also finish my teddy bears I’ve been neglecting. ✨🎨

I have midterms this week so trying to stay academic and all that good stuffs but yk how it is. I’m keeping my grades up though, got worried about the future but all I can do is focus on the now. And the now involves linear equations and chewy chips ahoy so-

I got bored while waiting in my car and started to draw hearts with my fingertips on the sunroof, and it kind’ve turned out beautiful in its own way, and the clouds/sunset was beautiful today too so figured I’d share. Stay safe and Kind!!

-Your favorite HufflePuff💛


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6 months ago

Hey my loves,

I know I already posted today but it’s later and I just wanna come on here and chat. I’m sleepy too so yeah 😂

If you ever are going through something hard and you think….you can’t, you really really can get through this.

I know people say it over and over again, I’ve heard it a million times….but I’ve also lived it.

Kinda living it rn.

Life is tough but hey you’re tougher. I’m tougher.

If nothing else though we can keep going purely out of spite.

Because bleh everything else.

It’s all gonna be okay, alright?♥️

-Your favorite HufflePuff💛💤

Hey My Loves,

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5 months ago

Hey 👋

Guys it’s been a rough weekend but we schmovin-

Got the stomach bug and old Betty’s car battery died. But hey! Back on college campus now finally!

Went for a walk in the dark and got an oatmeal cookie now just kinda sitting outside and enjoying the sprinkling weather and nature with sounds of bustling nightlife.

I need to start painting again but singing has been making me really happy, there’s a lot I need to do and I’m pretty behind.

However it always gets better 😊 I’m sure it’ll turn around real soon and everything will be okay!

I saw this post that was like sitting in places that aren’t meant to be sat on is a different level of happiness and to be quite honest completely fair. Like I’m laying down on this concrete wall looking up at the night sky through the trees and this is really nice.

I’ll share so y’all can see it with me lol.

Anyways stay safe alright?

-Your favorite HufflePuff💛


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5 months ago


Feeling way better today than I did yesterday!!

I have two midterms/exams today but I’m sure I’ll crush it😁☀️

How are y’all doing?

Oh I was looking out my window the other day and a cloud was in the shape of a heart, so ethereal. And I saw flower petals next to a path I was taking and seriously considered a detour before I remembered how much I had to get done today lol

Remember it always gets better, try to keep your chin up loves ♥️

Also posting some music soon!! Super excited 😊

-Your favorite HufflePuff


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6 months ago
My First Blog Post Thing, Whoever Comes And Decides To Stick Around Is Welcome! Leave Everything A Little

My first blog post thing, whoever comes and decides to stick around is welcome! Leave everything a little better than you found it is basically a quote I try and live by-

It’s absolutely amazing and really makes one focus and think about how they are spreading kindness that day.

Signing off,

Your favorite HufflePuff 😊💛

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