Guys This Is A True Fully Autobiographical Account Of My Life. It Was Then I Realized My Mortality. I

guys this is a true fully autobiographical account of my life. It was then I realized my mortality. I knew that tiny peter would not live forever. He would turn into medium peter, then big peter and then 1 day, no peter at all. In fact, the tiny peter inside has never truly come to terms with this fact. (sniff sniff) - Pedro
p.s. Was a bit late late with this 1. me sorry. I re-post colored version later. - Chris
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Hey. Let's Sleep. Sleepy Sammy does it again. This time, in color! :O
If you wanna chat wit me, I be on Twitter all the time now @EternalTortoise . SHeeeeeeiiiiiitttt.

It was either this or the caption "I am an F-ing Mutant, This sucks."

This story is based on the true story of my grandfather, J. Forest. He used to be boxing all the time, and his favorite boxing move was the "one-two punch", specifically reserved for "suckers." Hence, he says, "Give ya the 'ol one-two punch, suckers!"
That grandpa was punching people all the time in that ring, but one time he got hit in those family jewels by some mean boy outside of that ring. So he said, "Hey, I box you, bro." On the day of the match, that grandpa hit dat man So hard that he ain't never hit that grandpa again!
But grandpa knew boxin' wasn't no fun and games. His daddy took him on the street and said, hey, look at these boxers. And he showed him a sad old boxer who heard bells in his ears and just didn't know wat was going on!
From that day forward, grandpa never gave no more one-two punches.

Smallie is the chosen one. How will he save the tortoise race with only 7 more comics left to go? No 1really kno.
I still gotta add the tiny eagles to this and finish the backgrounds...LATER.
To read from the beginning Click Here!
If you want to skip around just change the numbers at the end of that url from 1-100. I know it's annoying. We'll be getting another website eventually.