Smallcomic - Tumblr Posts

SC # 36: Foxy Apocalypse

SC#38: The Bad Parents Blues
Do you have parents? Were your parents good parents? The sad truth is that most people have bad parents. So they watch the TV or play the video games, and this is their guiding force throughout their young lives. But you know what my therapist always says; "at least your dad did not rape you up the asshole like my other patient!" *in thick russian accent.
so true, so true...

SC#40: Life is Strife
Marriage is a beautiful thing. Don't take that shit for granted, or else you'll turn out like this guy. What's he gonna do now? He ain't got no friends. He has no one left but himself. But little does he know, he's the coolest guy ever! Why didn't anyone tell him? How come no informed him that he is so very cool! It's a shame. No, its worse than a shame. It's a tragedy. And there's nothing we can do. :'(
(sorry for the black and white ending. it will be fixed tommorow morn before the first cock crows)

SC#41: Huggies
This guy is truly huggable. But this is how the capitalist system works. If the hug is not going to make the restaurant money, then the hug will not happen. This is unfortunate, because, although its not shown here, after this comic was written this little man killed himself. Disgusting. Even two pieces of cake did not satisfy the longing in his heart for human contact.

SC # 41:
Honestly, what can I say about this piece? It speaks for itself. Look at the loneliness in that bald man's eyes. He is just waiting for the right moment to speak, so maybe he can make a new friend. But it's not going to work. He's just making it worse.
Look, my advice to this guy, just go, get your hamburger, and don't come back. Don't speak, just go back to your car and eat the hamburger. Then go to sleep. Maybe when you wake up you'll have meaning in life, but for now, talking to that purple guy isn't going to help.

SC # 42:The Two Doggie Dilemma
Don't let this comic get you down too much. In the end, the little doggy did in fact survive. He spends his days now traveling the city, hanging out with the other feral animals that hide in the alleys. He smoke some big cigars and eat fishcake from the garbage. At night they stare up at the beautiful starscape. So romantic! But the little lady, she does not know true happiness, does she? ho ho. What she can learn from her old pal.

I'm telling ya man, ghosts are SCARY. I used to lie down at nighttime, and then some ghosts would come and ask me for a bogie, and I said, "Look! I don't smoke bogies! And second of all, the Department of Health says bogies are not good for you!" Then he was like, "Kid. We're ghosts, OK? We're allowed to smoke bogies now. So go outside, steal your mom's car, and get me some fucking bogies." "I can't. I'm underage," I said. "There's nothing I can do." Then he got really depressed and flew into the toilet. It was f'ed up.
P.S. Follow us on Twitter.

SC 46: A Biggie Grows in Ireland
Day 24 of #30dayscomics
MMMMMMMM... Look at that 'tater. I just want to eat this comic, its so tasty. But its Thanksgivin' baby! I can eat as many potatoes as I want. MASHED potatoes. Hheheh heheheheh hehe. What's wrong with this guy, anyway? Doesn't he know that he's got a big 'ol potato? "Spuds R my Buds." That's my motto.

Small Comic 48: Birdies Part 1 of ? #webcomics
Imagine if this happened to you. What would you do? I would just be amazed that this birdie is talking to me. This guys' an asshole. He should be down on his hands and knees praising this birdie for acquiring the power of speech! And for being cultured enough to know the theme song from Akira Kurosawa's "Ikiru."
P.S. This will get funnier. Sorry for being a day behind!

Small Comic 48: Birdies Part 2 of 2 #webcomic #comic
The birdie is back. Read part one (if you didn't already) to understand this life changing conclusion.
P.S. The holidays have been slowing us down. We'll get back on Schedule eventually. A new Little Bittle will be up by 7 tonight! <3

SmallComic # 49: HOLIDAY SPECIAL!
Yeah, those angels. They're really like everyone else; they only care about superficial things like Christmas lights and eating sugar cookies. Why else would they come down to earth? Earth is where all the cool things are. So I guess this guy's out of luck. But look, it all works out in the end. After he freezes to death he's going to go to heaven, and then he's free to come down whenever he wants and be an asshole like this angel. That's what a lot of people don't realize, that's the true divine mystery. Spiritual fulfillment isn't about freedom from pain, or freedom from desire. It's about freedom to be an asshole. You fuckin' farter. ; ) Happy holidays.

SmallComic # 51: The New Age New Year Part I #comic #webcomic
Oh ho ho! What a funny gal! These new age ladies, they a little silly. I've encountered them many times in my travels as a wandering Bodhisattva. Sure, I appreciate their interest in the occult arts and all, but it seems like they're off the mark a little bit. Usually they smell like home-baked tater tots, which I guess is appealing, but I really can't get over all the funky clothes and jewelry, and crystal skulls filled with dandelions and frankincense. That's just too much. With all those superficial ornaments and accessories, don't they know they're not going to find what they're looking for? Too sad, too sad. But we can, laugh, eh? ; )

Little Bittle #42: The Bomberman Blues
Hey pals & gals. This small comic is from a deep part of my heart. My childhood was spent playing video games all day, but even so, I was never that good. I mostly played classic RPGs, because they required no skill; one only had to get up to level 99 for each character to totally kill that final monster.
So when I entered the world of Halo and CoDBlOps at the houses of my dearest friends, I was humiliated in front of all. Everyone meleed me from behind, goddamnit. You could never possibly know the pain I felt. My friends had 19 kills and I had one, and the only reason I got that one was because I managed to blow us both up at the same time.
I wondered to myself as I walked down the halls in high school, When will I ever beat my bros in a game? Shall I forever be the worst gamer in the room?
Well, one day, my friend put on Bomberman. I was the best. I was unstoppable. I blew up every other Bomberman within miles. It seemed like I was just doing it on instinct, my gameplay was so flawless.
I thought, hey, now that I'm good at Bomberman, maybe I'll get a little more respect around here. But no, it was not to be. Even after winning game after game, no one cared. No one patted me on the back or praised my skill like they did after CoDBlOps. We just turned off the screen and forgot about it.
Thus, that is where this comic comes from. Do you understand now, smallies? DO YOU?
And the Winner is...
Dear Smalls:
The 2012 SmallComic Caption Contest has come to a close. We'd like to thank all of our pals and gals for participating. It was a hard decision, but we chose our Winner and Runner Up:

"Hi. I'm here to apply for the school janitor position."
Whoooooooo. Yeah. I'm surprised we got that many entries, these were pretty difficult to caption. All of the other entries are below. Ghost Bones Art will get a fancy smallcomic t-shirt of anything he wants as well as a drawing. 365daysofdrawing will get an exquisite drawing of whatever subject.
Everyone else who entered will recieve a doodle through message.
Cartoon #1:
"I'll grant your wishes kid!
"Sounds like socialist bullcrap to me. no thanks."
Girl sitting at desk: I wish my genie would stop farting already
"Stop doing that please, someone can see you and we have a bad reputation with the public opinion already because of this sonofabitch Taxil. They now think you're a freaking demon, go figure! Better keep a low profile from now on. Goddamn oxxy-dentals always twisting everything. How many times I'll have to repeat: my name is fucking Wesir.
-Yeah, I learned all that in the Internet, this sucks-"
caption# 1: I am Phwen, the Public Fart Genie you have summoned with your buttocks. You may choose the 3 people in this room who will look down on you.
caption 1 "You're an ass genie? No I've never heard of you and no you definitely can't go back in!"
Cartoon #2:
"You think that's wierd. My other hat is a penis."
"Look Mom, I'm sorry I really have to go.... kind of in the middle of something... yes I will make sure to wash my hands after the murder"
“Goodnight Moon”
"Yes ma'am, we currently have issues with the recent fires of the latest century, I'm afraid we cannot help you at the moment. What's that? How did I assume you were a lady? Well it's not that amazing really, I just let you walk two or three miles to calculate your pacing and I'm now walking right behind you."
"If you don't come back to me, I'll chop my fucking foot off with this axe! I swear to God I'll do it. You'll be sorry when I only have one foot and I have to hop everywhere, you'll see." Emotional blackmail is one hell of a drug.

Little Bittle # 48: Huggies Part 2 #comic #webcomic
Click here for Part 1.

Small Comic Valentine's Special - Alone Again #comics #webcomics

Little Bittle 66: Train Man
*note the VeyBros. are currently volunteering on some damn fruit farm in Portugal. The posts from 7/1-7-17 will all be automatic. Until we meet again.