Crane - Tumblr Posts

Inspired by the story of the crane wife. I’m not familiar with many Japanese folktales, but that one has always stuck with me.
My PC recently broke to an unknown degree (bios does not detect the operating system so y'know), so while I can't do my funny calendar what I can do is post some motherheckin' cranes!!!! Let's go! (First two are from Poznań, the rest from Berlin)

This quad crane photo is probably one of the best catches I've had in my short time as a cranehunter, if only I were into it back when Posnania was being built

Is it crane time? It's crane time. Consider yourself - crane'd!

Friends of the metallic variety

Art Fight 2024 Attack #14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Craynee, Evil Dave-bot, and Bombino, from @davvoid

A friend found a family of Sandhill Cranes when he was in Florida for his job. There are only about 5,000 left.

request for whooping crane from friesandtums and request for bee flying through a garden from indie-size
Gift art for my sis @rich-in-almonds! This time it's her oc, Kat! She and Ax are retro gamers! Only she can use this personally.
Follow for more art on @ Macaroll!
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🖌️ Art Requests 02: Hu Chengyan, Living Art 🎨 A demon who loves to paint! Definitely can't spell PAINting without pain!
Please email me at or send a Note or DM me here or in any of my social medias or art sites if you're interested!
🎨 Art Pages: Macaroll | Art Street | Pixiv | Deviant Art
💬 Blogs/Socials: Misskey | Facebook | Youtube
Nostalgia Part 1
"Ayah dan Bundaku tidaklah sempurna tapi, demi allah mereka adalah sesuatu yang paling berharga dalam hidupku, yang pernah Allah beri"
Ini adalah tentang kecelakaan tiang crane yang terjadi di Mekkah. Ibadah Haji pada Periode September 2015 menjadi peristiwa yang nyaris aku kehilangan kedua orangtua ku di Mekkah. Saat aku masih seorang santri, aku ditinggali oleh kedua orangtua ku pergi Haji. Ayahku bercerita, Jumat itu beliau bersama rombongan haji lainnya melakukan shalat Ashar di hotel, mereka berencana melaksanakan shalat Magrib nanti di Masjidil Haram. Waktu Magrib sudah dekat, bersiap-siaplah rombongan haji tersebut untuk pergi ke Masjidil Haram. Sesampainya diperjalanan, Ayahku mengajak rombongan haji nya untuk kembali ke Hotel. Beliau merasakan firasat yang tidak enak dirasakan.
Di perjalanan kembali ke hotel, datanglah badai pasir beserta angin dan hujan menghampiri mereka. Allah masih memberikan kesempatan untuk mereka, akhirnya mereka sampai di Hotel. Namun, ada musibah yang terjadi di Masjidil Haram. Runtuh nya tiang crane sehingga mengenai area Tawaf dan Masjidil Haram. Saat itu, ratusan jamaah haji meninggal, ada beberapa juga yang luka-luka, sedihnya lagi ada juga yang anggota badannya putus. Crane tersebut bertujuan untuk menambah perluasan Masjidil Haram.
Aku saat itu mendapatkan berita dari Ustadz Pondok ku bahwa kedua orangtua ku selamat. Ayahku menceritakannya, dengan pandangan seakan-akan beliau sangat merindukan Masjidil Haram itu.

Working on the crane wallpaper pattern again ✨

Tsuru (The Crane), has always been a strong symbol of success and good fortune in Japanese culture. The Grateful Crane/The Crane’s Return of the Favor, is one of the most popular Japanese folktales. It is said that once upon a time, in the Hokkaido region of Japan, there was a poor young man who was working on his small farm. Suddenly, a white crane fell from the sky and landed at his feet. The crane was injured by a bird hunter. The young man noticed that a sharp arrow had pierced through one of its beautiful wings and feeling so sad, decided to bring the crane back to good health.He pulled out the arrow from the injured wing and cleaned the wound. By the kindness of the young man, the bird was soon able to fly again. Soon after the crane was released and flew off into the sky and the young man who said, “please be careful and avoid bird hunters.” Hearing this wish, the crane circled three times over his head and then flew away.As darkness was about to arrive, the young man decided to return to his house. When he arrived back home he saw a beautiful young girl waiting for him that he never had seen before. The girl said: “welcome home, I am your wife”! Hearing that, the young man indeed was surprised. Then he replied: “I am a very poor man, I can’t take care of you as my wife.” The girl answered “Don’t worry, I have plenty of rice, and we can live together happily.” As the young woman promised, the small sack of rice always remained full and kept them enjoying life together.As time passed, one day the wife asked her husband to build a weaving room. In fact, it was a favor! However, once her husband finished building the room, the wife said: “You promise me that you will never peek inside.” Hearing that, her husband replied “Ok, I won’t”, then she shut the room’s door, and after constantly weaving seven days, she came out from the room holding the most beautiful cloth he had ever seen. She advised her husband to sell it at the market for a high price. The next day, the young man took it to a nearby town and sold it for several coins. He returned home happily! Once again, the wife returned to the weaving room to continue weaving. Seeing that her husband was very curious as to how actually his wife actually makes such a beautiful cloth, he broke his promise, and peeked inside the room. Alas! He saw a beautiful crane weaving cloth, instead of his wife weaving a cloth, plucking out her own feathers using them for threads. Then suddenly, the crane noticed him and said, “I am the crane that you saved the other day. I just wanted to repay you, and that is why I became your wife, but now you have seen my actual form, I cannot stay here any longer.” After that, the crane handed him the cloth, and said, “I leave you this to remember me by.” The crane then flew away from the young man, and disappearing forever. The crane never returned to the sad young man again.