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#brewed by: ann — works by me
#angst brew — genre: angst
#fluff brew — genre: fluff
#ann's headcanons — headcanons
#im rambling — random shit post or vents
#ann's asks — asks and stuff like that
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Mending A Broken Heart
Jean Kirstein x Mikasa Ackerman
Genre: Angst and fluff
Warnings: MAJOR MANGA SPOILERS!! prolly a few curse words
this is for my fellow jeankasa shippers. idc if the ship was not made canon but to me they fell in love got married and lived happily ever after. and i also wanted to see mikasa move on and not just stuck on eren you know? anyways hope you like this!!! :D

Jean checked himself in the mirror for the nth time. He searched for any hair out of place, looked for boogers, checked if he had anything stuck between his teeth and made sure his breath didn't stink. He had to make a good first impression. Well, technically, not a first impression but... whatever.
"Yo Horseface! How long are you gonna take?" Connie yelled.
"Coming!" Jean answered.
He was both excited and nervous. He was going to see Mikasa after 3 long years. He wondered what she looked like, she was in her early twenties after all. She's gonna be beautiful as ever, Jean thought.
He checked himself in the mirror one last time and jogged to where his friends were waiting for him.
Armin smiled and waved at him, sweet as ever. Reiner and Annie nodded at him.
"Took you forever. What, are you getting ready for your marriage?" Connie punched Jean, to which Jean kicked him in the shin.
"Come on, let's go. Don't want to keep Mikasa waiting now, do we?" Jean grinned.
"Yeah, let's go!" Armin agreed.
Mikasa stared at the sky. It was cloudless and a bright blue. Her hand rested atop the small headstone next to her. She can't be mourning forever, she knew that. She had loved Eren since she was nine-she probably still does, she's not sure. Letting the man, who taught her to live, go was no easy task.
Her hand went up to her scarf. Eren's scarf. He'd told her to put it away and forget about him. Find someone else who would love her and move on. He'd said it like it was as easy as getting a new dress after the old one tore. Mikasa couldn't move on. She didn't know how to move on.
"Eren," she called out, hoping against hope he could hear her. "How can I forget you?"
The walk up the hill where Eren was buried was quiet. The air felt thick with emotions and Jean almost considered going back. Eren was your friend, dumbass, he reminded himself and kept walking. He would never admit it but he missed Eren dearly. That suicidal blockhead was one of his closest friends and though they argued all day everyday, Jean would readily give up his life for him and Eren would do the same for Jean.
Jean spotted Mikasa sitting next to a small stone staring at the sky. Jean's heart did a somersault when he took in her features. She had become more beautiful, as if she wasn't already. She had let her hair grow and it reached past her shoulders.
Instantly, he was reminded of the day he had complimented her hair. But, she had cut it short not long after on Eren's word.
"Mikasa!" Armin yelled with joy.
Mikasa looked down to see Armin and smiled. "Armin. Everyone. How are you?"
They sat round the tree and talked about the past three years, filling Mikasa in on everything she had missed. Mikasa smiled and nodded. She seemed to be looking at everyone, mentally noting the changes in their appearance and personality.
Jean realized he was staring at her when their eyes met. He blushed and gave her a wobbly smile. Man up Jean, he told himself. Go talk to her.
He stood up from his place and walked over to where Mikasa was seated. He hesitated for second before sitting beside her. What was he supposed to say to his crush of almost a decade who lost the man she loved?
Before he could think anything he blurted out: "I'm sorry."
The talking came to an abrupt stop and everyone stared at him. Mikasa blinked. "About what?" She asked, clearly confused.
Jean, at that moment, realized that he brought up a topic everyone was avoiding. He mentally cursed at himself. Since he had already messed up, he decided to continue with it and mess up his already messed up life.
"About Eren," he answered.
Mikasa opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She tugged at her scarf quietly. After what felt like forever she said, "I'm trying to forget him. I'm trying to move on."
Jean was taken aback. "Mikasa," he started. "You don't have to forget someone to move on."
She stared at him like he had told her the sky was green. But he continued.
"I know it's hard, after all you've known Eren for most of your life. It's okay to feel sad, you know. Take your time. But, don't push yourself away from others. It'll just make the pain worse. And-And I lost Marco and Sasha, too. I've moved on, see? And I didn't forget them."
Mikasa's eyes were wide. She looked down at her hands. "I know, I know. It's just that everyone was telling me to just forget. It's been three years and I-I couldn't-"
She broke off. Jean noticed her hands were shaking. He took her hands in his and gave a reassuring squeeze. He tried his best to ignore the way his heart was beating out of his chest.
"Mikasa," Armin said, his voice was soft and caring. "Jean is right. We'll be with you from now on. So, you won't have be alone anymore." Armin flashed her his brightest smile.
"I'll be with you. We'll be with you," Jean said.
Mikasa looked down again. "Thank you. All of you."
Jean's hands felt wet and he realized that Mikasa was crying. Daringly, he put his arm around her shoulder and brought her close to him. He looked up only to see Armin, Connie and Reiner smirking at him. His face felt hot as he sent them all a glare.
Jean gave Mikasa his whole heart. Mikasa gave him the shattered remains of hers. Jean would damn well help her piece it back together. It wouldn't be the same as before, he knew that. But, who cares. He knew she would love him with all she has.
The first step towards the future Jean imagined was by mending a broken heart.
I won't forget you Eren. Mikasa looked up at the sky. But I think I found someone who will love me.

Work by: @smolbean12

my header is kuroo, my pfp is kuroo
i have written nothing about kuroo
i am planning on something dw,,, it's some yummy angst
Red String of Fate
Sakusa Kiyoomi x GN! Reader
Genre: Angst and fluff
Warnings: none
not beta-read. also English isn't my first language so I'm sorry for the grammatical errors. constructive criticism is accepted.

Kiyoomi twisted and turned in his bed, not able to sleep. He finally gave up and brought his hand towards his face. The moonlight that escaped through his curtains fell on his hand. A faint red glow was emitted by the String around his pinky.
He let out a deep breath and sat up, back resting against the headboard. He was wide awake and was sure that he won't be able to sleep even if he tried. Kiyoomi wondered if you were already asleep and waiting for him.
His mind wandered back to the day-night, actually- he first met you. It was in his dreams. He was surprised to see a complete stranger in his dreams. He usually dreamed about the events which had happened the day before.
He didn't think you were special or beautiful or anything. You were just an ordinary teenager who, somehow, had appeared in his dream.
Then, Kiyoomi saw it. The Red String that connected the two. Surprise would be an understatement to describe how Kiyoomi felt. He'd heard from his father, as a child, that the String connected soulmates. And, that he, with the help of the String, had found Kiyoomi's mother.
You had approached him with a smile, and stood a safe distance away from him.
"So, you are my soulmate, Sakusa Kiyoomi," you had said with a fond smile.
"How do you know my name?" asked him, straightforward as ever.
"Why, you're my favorite character." You had then proceeded to explain how he was a character in a show you loved. Kiyoomi had scoffed, not believing a single word that left your mouth.
He only believed you when the dreams started getting repetitive, and when he saw the String glowing brighter when he was near you.
When he fell in love with you, he didn't know. But he knew it was not sudden. It was slow and gradual and increased with every word exchanged between the two, every laugh from your side and every not-so-subtle snort from his.
Oh, but the universe was cruel, very cruel.
The two of you, separated by dimensions, could only meet in dreams. You could not travel to his world and nor could he travel to yours. The dreams, sometimes, were short and ended abruptly. The most he could do was hold your hand. He remembered wanting to hug you when you were upset after a bad day. But he had passed right through you like you were nothing but a mere projection. For someone who was disgusted by physical contact, Kiyoomi wished for nothing more than to hug you and kiss you.
"It's alright, Kiyoomi," you had said. "I'm happy for having you as my soulmate. There's nothing more I want."
You had smiled, but he could hear the sadness tinting your voice, the unshed tears in your eyes. And when he had woken up from his dream, he had cursed at the universe, at whatever being that had decided this. He cried, even, until he was sure he had no tears left.
Somewhere along the way, he had accepted his fate. And he was sure you had too. You both had no say in this and decided to make the most of what little you had.
After all, how could he keep complaining when he saw glimpses of you in his mirror. When he felt happy for no reason and when his hand felt warm, like he was holding hands. He knew that it was you. And he also knew that you caught glimpses of him. Felt his hand wrapped around yours.
Kiyoomi wished for nothing more. He was happy with you, and you with him. Though being separated by dimensions, your hearts beat for each other. He may not be able to be with you in this life, but he was sure, so damn sure, that he will find you in the next one, the one after that and all the other lives he was destined to live. For, the Red String of Fate, connecting two souls, was permanent.

Work by: @smolbean12

Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi, Yamaguchi Tadashi x Yachi Hitoka
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Cursing?? idk
i lowkey like how this turned out. the previous fic was trash and i apologize. i can write better than that. aaand i ship yamayachi!! its like the fluffiest ship evahh!! but i ship tsukkiyama more so there's not much yamayachi here. maybe i'll write for them one fateful day. anyways! enjoy this angst ;D

Kei saw how Tadashi's cheeks turned red when he first saw Yachi Hitoka. Yachi was kind and cute. Kei could see that too. But, seeing Tadashi blush around Yachi and stare at her for too long made him feel... weird. He couldn't describe clearly how it felt. The closest explanation was that he felt like he swallowed fire and that fire was burning him inside out.
It's fine. He consoles himself. Tadashi still walks, eats and plays with you. However, the tiny voice at the back of his head kept telling him it won't last long.
It didn't.
They were having a sleepover at Kei's house when Tadashi said something. It made Kei believe what the tiny voice kept whispering to him-if only a little bit.
"Hey Tsukki."
"What?" Kei removed his headphones.
Tadashi hesitated. The blonde didn't miss the slight red color dusting his freckled cheeks.
"W-What do you think about Yachi?" he asked.
Kei frowned. He had no particular interest in her. She was smart and drew well.
"Well, she's okay, I guess. Too short, though," he answered. Why are you asking? He wanted ask. But the question never left his mouth. He knew exactly why. Maybe he was scared of hearing the words from Tadashi. Because then it would be a truth and not a fleeting whisper that haunts Kei at night. Coward.
"Oh, alright." He wouldn't meet Kei's eyes. Rubbing the back of his neck, he said, "I think she's cute, you know."
No. I don't wanna know.
He nodded and put on his headphones. He played the music loud enough to be able to drown the tiny voice.
The bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Kei packed his things with no hurry. They didn't have practice today and him and Tadashi had planned to study together for the upcoming test.
He looked up and found Tadashi scurrying out of the class. Confused, Kei called him.
"Sorry Tsukki! Yachi wanted some help with Math. So I'll be studying with her." After giving a half-hearted smile, he hurried off.
That day, for the first time in many years, Kei walked home alone.
Tadashi and Yachi started hanging out more and more. And more and more did the voice grew in Kei's mind. Maybe, he thought. Maybe if he would just confess then the weight in his chest might reduce. He might even be able move on.
Every time he opened his mouth, the words felt like a heavy weight on his tongue, rendering him speechless. Tadashi noticed his abnormal behavior. How could he not? They knew each each other like the back of their hands.
"Tsukki," Tadashi called, worry lacing his tone. "Are you okay? Like okay okay."
He was as okay as a person who had swallowed fire. His throat burned with unsaid words and his heart with unrequited love. He chose to answer Tadashi's question with his favorite lie. "I am okay okay." He seemed more agitated than he wanted to.
Tadashi frowned. Of course he wouldn't buy it. Who was Kei even trying to fool?
There it was. That annoying nickname that made Kei's heart beat out his chest, that made him want to hear it more and more. Put it on repeat like the sad songs he had begun to listen to these days.
"What?" Kei was getting really annoyed. He wanted Tadashi to leave him alone and at the same time hug him and never let him go.
"You'll tell me, right? You'll if something's wrong, right?" The worry in Tadashi's voice had increased tenfold and it was not doing wonders to Kei to keep himself from confessing to Tadashi then and there.
"Yeah I will." He lied.
He was absolutely terrified of losing Tadashi after uttering three words—words which were capable of destroying the precious friendship they had built over the course of many years. Kei didn't know if he would be able trust anyone else to the extent he had trusted Tadashi.
Despite the apathetic and salty attitude, Kei considered himself as a big coward.
Exactly a week later, Tadashi told Kei with a huge blush that him and Yachi were dating. Kei patted him on the back and congratulated him with a soft smile. Later that night, he cried himself to sleep listening to the playlist he had recently made, the one which had all the sad songs he could ever name
"Tadashi, stop crying." Kei sighed.
"Sorry Tsukki," said Tadashi and cried even more.
He looked beautiful in his wedding suit which was picked by Kei himself. Ethereal, even. His makeup was light so that his freckles were seen. Kei had to bite down the urge trace patterns on them all day.
He was happy today. He really was. The shrine where the wedding was held looked beautiful. There weren't as much guests. Just some close relatives, Karasuno's alumni and a few other friends.
He adjusted his suit and waited for the ceremony to start. He knew it was Tadashi's happiest day in his life despite the gallons of tears he had shed. Who wouldn't be happy when they were marrying the love of their life?
Yachi, the bride, arrived in a beautiful dress. She looked like she had been crying too. He glanced at Tadashi and saw him looking at Yachi with an expression that screamed love and adoration.
Kei didn't hate Yachi. He couldn't—wouldn't—blame her for 'stealing' Tadashi. They were meant to be and so here they were saying their vows and exchanging rings. Rings which symbolized that what Tadashi and Yachi- no. She was Hitoka Yamaguchi now— had was permanent and would not change. Just like Kei's love for Tadashi, excluding the unrequited part.
He watched the love of his life get married to someone else and felt his heart break all over again. He was happy for them, really. Seeing Tadashi made him happy. But, knowing that he wasn't the cause for his happiness broke him. He stood there, smiling at Tadashi, the fire now consuming what's left of his broken heart and reducing it to ashes.
Maybe, if he had confessed to him early on then he probably wouldn't be this hurt. Maybe, he would have moved on. But, Kei was exactly what he had considered himself long ago—a coward.
Work by: @smolbean12