Annie Leonhart - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Eremika FF: Remember Me!?

Chapter 7

 “ Fine! As you wish Armin! You still don't seem to trust me well enough...” says Annie sounding bit she climbed on the bed on other side of Alina.


“ Tomorrow you & I , will be going to Commander Hanjee for some experiment purpose!” states Armin from no where

“ What? Are you serious? Experiment?” Annie almost freaks out but lowers her voice as she watches Alina fidgeting in her sleep.


“ Calm down! It isn't big deal...its not that only you will be tested! Reiner will also be there and I will be there too....they want to know for real, if the titan powers have returned to us or something else is going on? Cause this ain't possible for Reiner to have his regeneration capability after loosing his powers 6 years back...” says Armin a bit worried “ something is not right...unless...”

“ Can you spout out your exact thoughts Armin?” frowns Annie


Hesitating for a while, trying to form words Armin spoke “ sure! But...all of the sudden events currently, made me think...What if Mikasa is actually right! What if...Eren is actually  Alive! He had the Founding Titan in him after all! Is he back after all these time?”


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Eremika FF: Remember Me!?

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3 years ago

Mending A Broken Heart

Jean Kirstein x Mikasa Ackerman

Genre: Angst and fluff

Warnings: MAJOR MANGA SPOILERS!! prolly a few curse words

this is for my fellow jeankasa shippers. idc if the ship was not made canon but to me they fell in love got married and lived happily ever after. and i also wanted to see mikasa move on and not just stuck on eren you know? anyways hope you like this!!! :D

Mending A Broken Heart

Jean checked himself in the mirror for the nth time. He searched for any hair out of place, looked for boogers, checked if he had anything stuck between his teeth and made sure his breath didn't stink. He had to make a good first impression. Well, technically, not a first impression but... whatever.

"Yo Horseface! How long are you gonna take?" Connie yelled.

"Coming!" Jean answered.

He was both excited and nervous. He was going to see Mikasa after 3 long years. He wondered what she looked like, she was in her early twenties after all. She's gonna be beautiful as ever, Jean thought.

He checked himself in the mirror one last time and jogged to where his friends were waiting for him.

Armin smiled and waved at him, sweet as ever. Reiner and Annie nodded at him.

"Took you forever. What, are you getting ready for your marriage?" Connie punched Jean, to which Jean kicked him in the shin.

"Come on, let's go. Don't want to keep Mikasa waiting now, do we?" Jean grinned.

"Yeah, let's go!" Armin agreed.

Mikasa stared at the sky. It was cloudless and a bright blue. Her hand rested atop the small headstone next to her. She can't be mourning forever, she knew that. She had loved Eren since she was nine-she probably still does, she's not sure. Letting the man, who taught her to live, go was no easy task.

Her hand went up to her scarf. Eren's scarf. He'd told her to put it away and forget about him. Find someone else who would love her and move on. He'd said it like it was as easy as getting a new dress after the old one tore. Mikasa couldn't move on. She didn't know how to move on.

"Eren," she called out, hoping against hope he could hear her. "How can I forget you?"

The walk up the hill where Eren was buried was quiet. The air felt thick with emotions and Jean almost considered going back. Eren was your friend, dumbass, he reminded himself and kept walking. He would never admit it but he missed Eren dearly. That suicidal blockhead was one of his closest friends and though they argued all day everyday, Jean would readily give up his life for him and Eren would do the same for Jean.

Jean spotted Mikasa sitting next to a small stone staring at the sky. Jean's heart did a somersault when he took in her features. She had become more beautiful, as if she wasn't already. She had let her hair grow and it reached past her shoulders.

Instantly, he was reminded of the day he had complimented her hair. But, she had cut it short not long after on Eren's word.

"Mikasa!" Armin yelled with joy.

Mikasa looked down to see Armin and smiled. "Armin. Everyone. How are you?"

They sat round the tree and talked about the past three years, filling Mikasa in on everything she had missed. Mikasa smiled and nodded. She seemed to be looking at everyone, mentally noting the changes in their appearance and personality.

Jean realized he was staring at her when their eyes met. He blushed and gave her a wobbly smile. Man up Jean, he told himself. Go talk to her.

He stood up from his place and walked over to where Mikasa was seated. He hesitated for second before sitting beside her. What was he supposed to say to his crush of almost a decade who lost the man she loved?

Before he could think anything he blurted out: "I'm sorry."

The talking came to an abrupt stop and everyone stared at him. Mikasa blinked. "About what?" She asked, clearly confused.

Jean, at that moment, realized that he brought up a topic everyone was avoiding. He mentally cursed at himself. Since he had already messed up, he decided to continue with it and mess up his already messed up life.

"About Eren," he answered.

Mikasa opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She tugged at her scarf quietly. After what felt like forever she said, "I'm trying to forget him. I'm trying to move on."

Jean was taken aback. "Mikasa," he started. "You don't have to forget someone to move on."

She stared at him like he had told her the sky was green. But he continued.

"I know it's hard, after all you've known Eren for most of your life. It's okay to feel sad, you know. Take your time. But, don't push yourself away from others. It'll just make the pain worse. And-And I lost Marco and Sasha, too. I've moved on, see? And I didn't forget them."

Mikasa's eyes were wide. She looked down at her hands. "I know, I know. It's just that everyone was telling me to just forget. It's been three years and I-I couldn't-"

She broke off. Jean noticed her hands were shaking. He took her hands in his and gave a reassuring squeeze. He tried his best to ignore the way his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Mikasa," Armin said, his voice was soft and caring. "Jean is right. We'll be with you from now on. So, you won't have be alone anymore." Armin flashed her his brightest smile.

"I'll be with you. We'll be with you," Jean said.

Mikasa looked down again. "Thank you. All of you."

Jean's hands felt wet and he realized that Mikasa was crying. Daringly, he put his arm around her shoulder and brought her close to him. He looked up only to see Armin, Connie and Reiner smirking at him. His face felt hot as he sent them all a glare.

Jean gave Mikasa his whole heart. Mikasa gave him the shattered remains of hers. Jean would damn well help her piece it back together. It wouldn't be the same as before, he knew that. But, who cares. He knew she would love him with all she has.

The first step towards the future Jean imagined was by mending a broken heart.

I won't forget you Eren. Mikasa looked up at the sky. But I think I found someone who will love me.

Mending A Broken Heart

Work by: @smolbean12

Mending A Broken Heart


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3 years ago

Aot x reader: Bedtime routine

Characters: Onyankopon, Floch, Zeke, Jean, Connie, Annie, Porco, Yelena, Mike

Rating: PG (and very cozy), warnings: none


Read under the cut~


He always prays before sleep. He likes to sit on the bed, hugging his legs or just crossing them, depending on how he's feeling. He likes when you join the bed and you come close to him, listening to him or even praying with him. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your face a lot after the prayers, and then tucks you under the covers, snuggles you and talks with you until you both fall asleep. He holds your hand while sleeping.


He's too serious, even before bed. He sits at his office and sometimes he falls asleep there. You have to poke him and make him come to bed. And you always have to remind him to brush his teeth. Sometimes he's too tense and might come off as angry, but at the end he gently wraps an arm around you and shares his warmth with you. You pet his thick hair until you can hear snoring. He likes it even if he doesn't vocally express it.


He always reads before bed. Or maybe for the whole night. If you happen to also sleep late you have noticed that. Sometimes you also read with him, leaning on him, or you lay down and let him run his cool hands through your hair. Sometimes you make him hold your hand too. The times he has fallen asleep with his glasses on are countless, and you take them off, help him lie down, cover him well and kiss his forehead.


Jean just wants to cuddle you. It's the moment he waits for all day, especially when he had a tiring day training or attending diplomatic meetings. All he wants is to feel your body against him, his hands to feel your face and torso, to whine about everything annoying that happened, to kiss your neck and lips, and just enjoy the simple things without complicated night routines. If you comfort him and pamper him a lot he's in heaven.


He'd try to solve riddles or read funny stories so that he'd make himself sleepy, but he made the mistake to have a lot of caffeine before. He lays on his back and stares at the ceiling, having too many philosophical questions coming to the surface of his head. Sometimes he mutters them out loud, and you put a hand on his chest, telling him to be quiet. Sometimes you give him a massage in the scalp to make him fall asleep finally or Jean will make fun of his sleepiness the next day.


She doesn't talk much, so there were days you asked her how her day was and she just said *good*. She also isn't too heated about physical contact but she does want it actually. She likes to tangle your legs with hers, it makes her feel rested after tough training. She also likes hands on her nape or sides. She may smile with relief if you rub her sore muscles. Sometimes she nuzzles your neck and hugs you closer.


He usually returns to the bedroom from the kitchen with a snack. Don't smirk at him because he blushes. Of course he shares with you if you ask. He also likes to listen to radio stories while snacking. You lean on his shoulder and steal a bit of his snack while he's too absorbed with the crime series he's listening to. Eventually, he falls asleep to relaxing jazz the late night program has and you have to take the empty snack containers or plate away from him.


She likes herbal tea before bed. Ideally something very hot and relaxing. You also get to see her in her cute underwear with linen details, contrasting her usual black suit. She also likes listening to late night radio programs, especially if it contains interesting people's interviews. She smiles, listening about weird celebrities or deviants. She's the one to wrap a long arm around you and bring you to her chest, sighing with euphoria about the moment.


He literally lies down and falls asleep like a wood. Not because he's cold to you and doesn't want to spend time with you, but because he's very tired. He appreciates when you rub circles on his back or chest, or nuzzle his hair while he's sleeping. If he's not sleeping that deeply, he wraps a tired arm around you and locks you in his embrace, sniffing your neck a bit to catch the smell vibes. He also made sure to smell nice himself, having showered right before, because he knows better than anyone that smell speaks by itself.

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1 year ago


imagine them dancing to ariana grande's fantasize, full energy, disgustingly serving cunt flawlessly and making sure your eyes were on them. not caring about how their movements sent a pang of heat and desire shooting down between your legs and the urge to fold them like a lawn chair to rail them until their brain melts....

they just wanted to show you how well they can learn a simple dance and they ate that shit up... 🤷‍♀️

(if y'all don't know what I'm talking abt just look up the song's TikTok dance-)

MIKASA, PIECK, Annie, Sasha, Hange, Momo, Mina, Mirko(?) + ur faves

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8 months ago

Here's some promo for my new one shot "There is Love for You Out There"!!! (Click for quality I promise it doesn't look like shit ;-;)

a picture of one of the "information available for public disclosure" entries from attack on titan that has been changed to, instead of the usual information, show the description of a fanfiction. the title is "there is love for you out there" and the description reads "annie meets her predecessor and learns about the cruelties of her world. because maybe some people will never be loved." below the description are a series of tags that read [One Shot] [Two-Thousand+ Words] [Tom Ksaver/Reader] [Annie Leonhart & Reader] [Male Reader] [Unrequited Love] [Found Family] [Pre-Canon] [Character Death]

I swear making cassette covers was so much more fun ;-;

Anyway, my concept one shot for what at some point in the future might become a multi-part fic is finished and can now be found on ao3!

Also, this will be the first fic with the tag [Tom Ksaver/Reader] on the archive, so you're witnessing history being written right here u-u

There will be some more tags than are shown in the picture once you go to ao3, but just as a warning before you do, the fic features typical 1900s homophobia and one use of the f-slur, so don't read it if that makes you uncomfortable.

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blonde anime characters pt.3

Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3
Blonde Anime Characters Pt.3

arcangelo corelli - neo yokio

balalaika - black lagoon

mary saotome - kakegurui

laurent thierry - great pretender

hitoka yachi - haikyuu

ryota kise - kuroko no basket

yuri plisetsky - yuri on ice

keishin ukai - haikyuu

annie leonhardt - attack on titan

Tags :
1 year ago

I think you'd like this story: "Achieve The Future (AOT x reader)" by Kxizzen on Wattpad

Achieve The Future (AOT x reader)
She died against kaguya to protect team 7 from kaguya attack. She was sent to another dimension to help or save humanit...

Come and try read this book, i promise this book will get better and better, i just edited this book.

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2 years ago

Attack on Titan Headcannons:

Attack On Titan Headcannons:


- He’s actually great at Ice skating, he just doesn’t usually have any time to go. He will never tell anyone that he can skate either.

- After Erwins death, Levi vowed to never love someone ever again because the pain was unbearable.

- When Hange died, he decided not to get attached to people anymore; because they always seem to leave him anyways.

- When Levi was put in a wheelchair for life, instead of taking it like a retirement; he became suicidal

- Sometimes when he misses everyone, he asks for someone to push him to the beach; and he sits there, talking to everyone as the waves crash against the shore.

- Levi died young- around the age of 55-65, because he stuffered from a ton of physical and psychological damage that messed up his immune system.


- Even After her marriage to Jean, Mikasa often has dreams about what life would’ve been like if she were with Eren instead. (Obv she doesn’t tell anyone this)

- Mikasa developed Anxiety after Eren’s death, and is a little over-protective of her children.

- She totally taught her kids to fight. (She beat up Jean as an example)

- When Armin became the new Commander of the Survey Corps, she only stayed for another year or two before leaving.

- Jean and Armin have forced Mikasa to go to a couple sessions of Therapy, and she traumatized the therapist instead.

-Mikasa has frequent Night terrors of having to cut off Eren’s head.

-Mikasa never grew her hair out because it reminded her of Eren.

-Mikasa hand washes her scarf often, because she’s afraid someone else will ruin it; and it means too much for her to lose it.


- He was actually a great commander, because after the wars and Eren’s passing, He became more stern and less playful like he used to be.

- Armin still has the inner child in him, but he only lets it out with his S/O, and the other cadets that were with him when he was going through everything.

-He tends to have nightmares of when he became a burnt chicken nugget.

-He’s forced Mikasa to go to Therapy a couple of times; and it helped a little bit, but the therapist ended up traumatized too.

- He is still obsessed with the beach, and secretly he hopes that Levi can hear him from the other side when he talks to the water about how life is going on so far.

- He’s had a diary all along, and writes down everything into the book.


- By season 4, since Eren was no longer able to show his emotions to anyone he trusted, he decided to write everything down in a Diary, since he’d read Armins and liked the idea.

- Eren was actually a very emotional person, but he shielded his heart in hopes that he could set everyone he loved free. Even if it killed him inside and out.

- Eren turned into a bird because a flying bird represents freedom, and his one goal that he managed to do wasn’t kill all titans, but rather see his people free. It was a representation of his spirit.

- Eren loved Mikasa too much to put into words, so even if it meant hurting her, he would do anything to keep her safe.

- He wrote down this on one page of the diary, “I wish I could tell everyone how sorry I am and how much I care about them, but it will ruin my mission. I know that Jean and I never got along, and I’m sure he hates me but; Mikasa, I really hope that you learn to love Jean. If anyone is worthy of your love, it’s him. Jean is a great guy, and when he looks at you, Mikasa, I can see it in his eyes. I hope that you understand that I’ve always loved you, so I need to give you Freedom. Even if it means we can never be together. Armin, Im sure you will be a great commander, but I hope the idea of sending people to their death doesn’t overtake his heart. I will miss you all, Eren.”


- He was the one who opened Eren’s diary after his death; being petty and all- and began reading it out loud to Connie and Reiner because he was hoping to find something to tease his ‘Frenemy’ with after his death. Instead he ended up putting the book back and later crying alone in his room. He respected Eren the most after that incident. He told Connie and Flotch not to tell anyone about that.

- He did like Eren, but they argued a lot and was pissed about when he talked down on Mikasa the way he did.

- Jean had fallen in love with Mikasa in season one, and knew that Eren had her heart all the way; so when he found out that Eren wanted to give her heart to Jean because he trusted him after all of those years they seemed to hate each other, he couldn’t hold in his emotions.

- In order to protect Mikasa, Jean made sure to hide Eren’s diary and gave it to Armin for safe keeping. (Armin cried when he read the diary too.)

- Mikasa mean everything to Jean; she was his whole world, so he would commonly buy her gifts- and never asked for her to take off the scarf.

- Jean was actually really good at art, and would commonly paint pictures of his memories during his Survey corps. He would hang them in the walls of his house as memories of everyone, and had even managed to paint Sasha year one. That painting meant a lot to him.


- Connie developed PTSD after the war was over, and left the Survey corps.

- He was pen pals with everyone after leaving, but he usually talked to Jean to see how his life with Mikasa was going.

- Connie was The Godfather of Jean’s kids

- Although Connie never liked returning back home, he did it regularly for holidays, and eventually rejoined the Survey corps.

- Connie sometimes went to see Levi, but Levi seemed to be getting really sick by the age 48.

- Sometimes at night, he would look up at the stars and talk to Sasha hoping that he could hear him. (Sasha never left him, and would listen to him speak to her as a ghost)

- Connie regularly left food out on his porch for the poor kids to eat, hoping that Sasha’s spirit would find him that way.


- She ended up marrying Armin, but commonly avoided most of the new cadets in fear she would be judged.

- After leaving her Crystal, she was devastated to hear how many of her friends had died or changed.

- Annie taught Armin more about fighting, and in return, Armin would educate her in math and science.

- Armin would tell Annie stories about things that happened while she was in the Crystal, and Annie was always up to listen to them.

- Annie was still in the Survey corps, she was just too nervous to talk to most of the new cadets.


- Most days when she thinks about the titans, she remembers and regrets when she killed Sasha.

- Gabi goes to gun ranges to practice shooting, and lets out all of her emotions that way.

- Gabi joined the Survey corps at 15 under commander Armin, and became a proud Cadet in memory of Sasha.

Attack On Titan Headcannons:

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2 years ago


[Attack On Titan] Modern! Annie Leonhart x G!N Reader

Word count: 1.2k

Proof-Read: No

Content Warnings: None!

[A/N]: Sorry for kinda just...disappearing! I've had a bunch of exams already, and I got overwhelmed. I'm working on different stories/preferences/imagines for all kinds of characters, so bear with me as I try to start writing again! Also, thank you all so much for the support on my first three posts! I was really nervous to post my works on here, but I'm so relieved to know you enjoy them!

I hope you enjoy this as well!

-Okay, so–

-We know Annie has a sweet tooth and absolutely loves sweet foods like pastries

-So, when she comes home one day to the smell of something deliciously sweet, wandering into the kitchen to investigate who could be responsible for her mouth watering and stomach growling, she’s surprised to see you in front of the oven

-She examines you for a moment

-You’re in a apron dusted in flour and sugar, and your hair is tied back to keep it out of your face

-She has always adored seeing you get focused and enthusiastic about your interests, so when she sees your concentrated face as you level off the cakes, she can’t bite back the smile that paints her lips

-You can bake?

-And it actually looks and smells good?

-She falls in love all over again

-After a moment of her staring, you finally notice her

-You turn back with a smile and wave

-”Oh, hi, Annie! You’re just in time! Wanna help me frost and decorate these cakes? I’m making them for Sasha’s birthday.”

-She absentmindedly nods and walks over to you

-She takes a small part of the layer of cake you had cut off to level it, pops it in her mouth, and hums

-Her outward reaction is minimal, but inside she’s ecstatic

-Not only does your cake look and smell good, it tastes incredible too!

-She fails to realize that a cheeky grin crosses her face, so she’s really confused when you chuckle

-”I’m guessing it tastes good?”

-She looks at you in confusion

-You point to your own mouth and then to her

-She finally registers that she’s smiling and blushes, turning her head away to hide herself a bit

-She still nods though

-You smile and turn back to the cakes

-At length, she turns back and watches as you layer the cakes with buttercream

-”What do you need me to do?” She asks

-”Oh. I was gonna see if you could help with the decorating. You’re really good at painting and drawing and stuff, so I feel like it’ll look way better if you decorate it instead.”

-If Annie’s blush wasn’t noticeable before, it certainly was now

-Sure, she’s used to getting compliments, but never on her personal hobbies

-And the fact that compliment came from you? Her favorite person?

-That alone made her heart flip

-”O-Oh, uh…sure.”

-She mentally slaps herself for stuttering

-You nod and finish putting the cakes together

-Once you finish, you wash your hands and dry them before handing her a spare apron

-She puts it on and waits as you gather the materials

-”What exactly is she wanting on the cake?”

-”Oh, she said she wanted something, like…forest-themed? I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with that. That’s kinda why I was hoping you’d agree to helping me decorate.”

-You let out a nervous chuckle

-Her expression is dead serious, however, as she puts a finger to her chin, the gears in her head visibly turning

-She takes her art very seriously

-She’s not going to goof around for this

-She grabs a piping bag with green frosting and gets to work

-You watch her for a bit, occasionally asking if there’s anything she needs help with, but she only shakes her head each time, her eyebrows furrowed together as she focuses on keeping her hands steady

-You realize after a moment that she wants to work on this on her own

-Instead of standing around and just watching her, you work your way around her and clean up the mess from everything else

-She’s still working by the time you finish, so you head into the living room and put on a movie

-It’s nearly two hours later when she emerges from the kitchen, small splatters of green and brown icing peppering her face and apron

-”I'm finished if you want to take a look.”

-She seems almost shy as she says this

-As stated before, she takes her art very seriously because it’s a very important personal hobby to her

-She wants you to approve of her work

-Your opinion is very important to her, even if she’s not the best at expressing it

-You smile and walk with her back over to the counter

-Leaning over to get a full view of the cake, your lips part themselves in awe

-You stay silent a little too long as Annie watches anxiously, and she assumes the worst

-”If you hate it, you can just tell me…”

-You turn to her, confused, barely realizing why she seems so upset

-”Oh! No, Annie, I don’t hate it at all! I love it. I-I’m sorry it came across that way. I’ve just…I’ve only seen your art a couple times. It just always blows me away how you know just what to do with the colors and concepts. You truly are incredible at doing what you love.”

-Your words make her heart flutter, yet another layer of blush dusting her cheeks

-She bows her head down to stare at her feet, unsure of how to properly thank you for your compliments

-Finally, she mumbles a soft, “thank you,” before wringing her hands together

-”Do you mind if I take a picture?”

-She shakes her head and takes the time you use to snap a photo to calm herself down

-You both wait for the icing to dry a bit before covering the cake and storing it in the fridge

-As you take your aprons off, Annie taps your shoulder

-You turn to find her blushing yet again and averting her gaze

-”U-Um…If you, uh…If you need help decorating anything next time you bake something, I’m willing to help.”

-You don’t respond, so she finally looks up

-Her blush worsens as she sees you staring at her with a warm smile, your eyes soft and welcoming

-”I think that’s a really good idea, Annie. We could be a little baking team.”

-She rolls her eyes at your slight enthusiasm, but she still smiles at the thought

-Each time you bake something after that, no matter how small, Annie’s always there to decorate it with or for you

-Sometimes you’ll switch things up

-She’ll bake the treat, with plenty of your guidance, and you’ll decorate, with constant suggestions and reassurances

-Holidays are especially fun because she gets really extra with designs and colors

-On Halloween, she’ll decorate your cookies and cupcakes to make them look like creatures such as spiders and roaches

-It always grosses everyone else out at first, but they truly do admire both the taste and the visuals

-Annie starts to get more compliments on her art and even starts to share it publicly

-She creates an Instagram account after plenty of your encouragement and occasionally posts pictures of her sketches, paintings, and always tags you in her posts of what you’ve created together

-Gains a large following rather quickly, and she’ll never admit it out loud, but she’s much happier and more confident in her work

-After a while, she even starts to consider going back to college to finish her Major in Art

Tags :
2 years ago


[Attack On Titan] Modern! Annie Leonhart x Fem! Reader

Word Count: 2.6k

Proofread: Yes

Content Warnings: Physical fighting, blood, violence, derogatory terms, strong language

[A/N]: I plan on doing three stories in a row for each character I write for, and then when I finish writing for all the ones I have planned, I’ll likely start over with the same characters. Also, if you have any requests, feel free to let me know! Please let me know if it’s a preference, imagine, or one-shot. I also plan on making a masterlist and pinning it so you can find things easily that way.


“Alright. Have a good weekend, Annie. I’ll see you on Monday.” Annie gave a small smile and waved, slugging her bag over her shoulder as she headed out the classroom door. She pulled her phone out from her hoodie pocket once she was halfway down the hall and clicked [Y/N]’s contact. She sent a quick text to let her know that she was on her way. [Y/N] responded quickly, then Annie stuffed her phone back in her pocket. She let out a heavy sigh and rubbed her eyes. This week had been hell on her–physically and mentally. Finals for the end of the first semester were coming up, and even though she usually never studied for anything, [Y/N] had been urging her to so she did well. After some convincing (promises of donuts if she did well on the exams), Annie agreed and started staying after school and staying up late to study.

It’s not that she hated the idea of studying–she actually enjoyed the thought of improving grades with just a little extra effort. She just never had the time or energy. Her father always had her train each night, save for Fridays, which always left her utterly exhausted. Her headaches grew worse each day, both due to the lack of sleep and the constant studying for classes she struggled in, but she wanted to do well. Sure, the donuts would be a nice reward for her hard work, but in reality, she wanted to make [Y/N] proud–she wanted her to see that she could do well with the right amount of encouragement. [Y/N]’s view of her was much more important to her than her father’s. She loved this girl. She wanted to make her happy and help her get through every hard day.

She’d stay up late in her room studying for algebra and chemistry exams, and any time she felt the urge to fall asleep or get on her phone to distract herself from all the equations, she’d think of how [Y/N] would smile if she even passed these tests. She’d think of the warm, comforting hug that she was so addicted to. She just wanted [Y/N] to be proud of her.

[Y/N] was perfect in her eyes. She was her muse–her reason to keep going. She was–

“--A prude.”

Annie halted her movements and listened to the conversation taking place just around the corner. “C’mon, Andrew. [Y/N]’s not a prude.” Annie’s heart dropped at the mention of [Y/N]’s name. She stepped silently against the lockers to get closer to the two boys talking. “Yes, she is! Damn bitch is too worried about her grades. She should’ve let me help her feel good at that party. She wouldn’t have been able to walk for weeks.” “Yeah, and if you keep talking like that and Annie finds out, you won’t be able to walk for weeks either. It’ll just hurt way worse.” “Pfft, whatever. I could kick her ass with ease.” “You know damn well she’d flip you within a second. You’re not impressing anyone with your big talk.” “Either way, [Y/N] shouldn’t have turned me down.”

“Well, looking at you, I can see why she did,” Annie retorted as she stepped into view. Both boys froze and turned towards her. “A-Annie! Oh god, how much of what Andrew said did you hear?” She didn’t reply, but they could tell by the cold, darkened look on her face that she had heard pretty much everything. The boy who had been defending Andrew readjusted his bag on his shoulders and started walking the other way. Andrew tensed. “What do you–Hey! Marco, where the hell do you think you’re going?” “I’m gonna get out of the way. You have fun getting both of your legs broken.” Andrew scoffed and looked over at the blonde with his arms crossed.

“So, you’re gonna try to break my legs, huh?” Annie shrugged, her expression now eerily calm. “I was just gonna beat the shit out of your hideous face, but breaking your legs sounds more fun.” “Excuse me?” “Oh, don’t worry, I’m still gonna break your face. After you look in the mirror, you should finally see why my girlfriend won’t sleep with you. Or any girl, for that matter.” Andrew scoffed again and dropped his bag, getting himself into a very poor stance. Annie rolled her eyes and shrugged her bag off and onto the floor, not caring that her laptop was still inside, then rolling up her sleeves and getting into a much more refined stance than her opponent.

They stood there for a while, neither one wanting to make the first move. Andrew smirked after a moment. “What’s the matter, blondie? Too scared to throw the first punch? Afraid I’ll knock out your teeth?” Annie’s eyebrows furrowed. “No, just thinking of the best way to kick your chest through your back. Shouldn’t hurt too bad. Doesn’t seem like you have a heart for me to hit.” Andrew laughed. “You don’t need to project your own insecurities on me. I don’t understand why your girl won’t leave you for someone better. Guess she’s even dumber than I thought.” That sent Annie over the edge. She snapped, quickly stepping forward and thrusting her leg forward against Andrew’s calf. He stumbled back a bit but didn’t fall. Annie huffed.

Damn it, you need to calm down. Every time you get worked up like this, your movements get clumsy.

She got back into her stance, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her increasing rage. “I thought you were supposed to be good at fighting, Leonhart. Doesn’t seem like you’ll be able to protect that bitch you call your girlfriend.” Annie felt her teeth grinding against themselves as she clenched her jaw. Her gaze quickly flickered down to Andrew’s knees, knowing she needed to kick the back of them to get him down. She tried again to step forward and kick, but he caught her leg this time. Her eyes widened as he threw her leg up and tossed her down onto her back. She grunted as she came into contact with the ground, her mind screaming at her to get up and get him back. Andrew reacted before her though, standing over her and crouching down. He grabbed the collar of her hoodie and pulled her upwards as his fist came down fast. He struck her repeatedly before standing and kicking her hard in the stomach.

Annie groaned in pain, her nose, lips, and a part of her right cheek bleeding. Her skin had already started to bruise. Andrew stood there for a moment, watching her before walking over and grabbing his backpack. He slipped it on his shoulders and began walking away. “I told Marco I could kick your ass. Maybe when [Y/N] sees what I did to you, she’ll finally realize I’m the one she should be with.” Annie coughed, straining her entire body as she propped herself up on her arms. “She won’t date you, you bastard. You’re a horrible person.” Andrew stopped and turned to her, a cocky smirk painting his lips. “Well, unlike you, at least I can actually protect her.”

Adrenaline pumped its way through Annie’s veins, finally allowing her to get back on her feet. Andrew had already started walking away again, so he didn’t realize Annie was running towards him in time. Just as he turned around at the sound of her rapid footsteps, her fist had already come into contact with his head, sending him spiraling to the ground with a thud. He groaned and caressed the spot she had struck. “Ugh, you bitch!” He got into a stance once he managed to stand again, but Annie had already lunged forward. She swept her leg to the side as it made contact with the side of his leg, allowing her to hook her foot around and catch the back of his knee. She kicked with all of her strength, breaking his leg with an inhuman force as he cried out in pain and fell to the floor.

As he curled into himself on the ground, Annie rolled him onto his back. He opened his eyes and looked up at her weakly. “Take back what you said about [Y/N],” the blonde huffed out, her shoulders slumped. “As if. She’s a prude no matter how you spin in. And you’re disgusting for stealing her from someone who’s way better than you.” Annie growled and lifted her leg high in the air before bringing her foot down directly onto Andrew’s nose at full force. He cried out in agony. Before his hands could fly up to shield his face, Annie stomped on his face again, and again, and again. Finally, she stepped back with a pant, her nails almost digging into her palms hard enough to make them bleed.

She wanted so badly to say something–to threaten him to leave [Y/N] alone, but exhaustion had overwhelmed her body. She weakly grabbed her bag and shrugged it onto her shoulder. She stumbled down the hallway, limping as she made it a few feet from the exit. She panted for breath, leaned against one of the lockers as she rolled one of her sleeves back down and used it to wipe away the blood from her nose and mouth. She pulled her arm back to look at the stain, wincing at how much of it there was.

She carried on, her muscles growing weaker and feeling heavier as she made her way to [Y/N]’s house. Thankfully, she had already made plans with the girl to stay with her for the weekend, meaning she wouldn’t have to hear her father lecture her on her fighting abilities until Monday. The walk to her house felt like it was stretching out forever. By the time she finally made it to [Y/N]’s doorstep, Annie was on the verge of collapsing. She knocked on the door weakly. She waited a while, not sure if she had knocked hard enough for [Y/N] to hear, but just as she reached for the doorbell, the door swung open.

“Annie, holy shit! What happened to you?” Before Annie could respond, [Y/N] yanked her inside and took her bag. She dropped it to the floor and turned to close and lock the door. After the second lock had been turned, she spun on her heel and stared at the blonde who couldn’t meet her gaze. “You wanna tell me what happened this time?” Annie started to sway unsteadily, her face growing pale. [Y/N], upon seeing this, stepped forward quickly and grabbed her arm, leading her to the couch and letting her sit down. “Woah, hey, hey…just rest for a minute, okay? I’ll go get the med-kit from the medicine cabinet.” Annie could only nod as the [h/c] girl rushed to the hallway by her parents’ room. She returned a short moment later with a small white box.

“Is it just your face that got hit?” Annie didn’t speak, her hand trailing over to rest on the part of her stomach that had been kicked. [Y/N] sighed as she sat down beside her and took out some ointment and bandages. She cleaned off the partially dried blood smudged against the blonde’s skin before applying some ointment to a cotton pad and dabbing the small cut on the side of Annie’s cheek. The blonde hissed and turned away. “I know, hun, I know, but if I don’t clean it, it’s gonna have a higher chance of getting infected. Do you really want that to happen?” Annie stayed silent for a moment before shaking her head and turning her head back. [Y/N] smiled at her, though she couldn’t meet her eye, and finished treating the small wound.

She grabbed a bandage and gently placed it to cover the treated area. She smoothed it down with the pad of her index finger, then took a different kind of ointment out. “This will help your bruises heal a little quicker. And if it doesn’t, it’ll at least ease some of the pain.” Annie nodded. [Y/N] unscrewed the cap and scooped up a bit of the gel with two of her fingers before bringing it up to the blonde’s face. She gently applied it to the already bruised patches of skin, massaging it in until it was nearly dry to the touch. “Alright, now do you want to rub some of this on the spot on your stomach, or do you want me to?” “You…” “Okay. Lift your hoodie and shirt a bit so I can see it.”

Annie did as told and lifted her clothes up just far enough to reveal the nasty bruise forming on her abdomen. “Jesus, Annie. What the hell did you do? I’ve never seen you get beat up this badly before. Usually, you don’t even have a scratch.” “I know, I just…I lost my temper.” [Y/N] hummed and scooped up another small amount of the ointment before bringing it down to apply it to her stomach. Annie shivered at how cold it was. “You seem to be losing your temper a lot recently. What’s going on with you?” The blonde shrugged and looked away, guilt rising up in her chest. [Y/N] had asked her multiple times not to get into any more fights, and each time Annie said she wouldn’t, but the second she heard anyone making fun of the [h/c] girl, she went into a blind rage.

“I’m guessing that, based on your silence, it was about the same thing as usual?” Annie nodded. [Y/N] sighed, letting the ointment dry before pulling the articles of clothing back down to cover it. “Annie, you know I don’t like it when you fight for me like that.”

“Well, I’m not just going to let them talk badly about you like that, [Y/N]! It pisses me off so much that people can’t see what a great person you are, and then decide to assume things about you!” [Y/N] froze, the two of them staring at each other. Neither one of them had expected that outburst. Usually, Annie was the one listening to [Y/N] scold her or rant to her. It was a rare occasion to hear the blonde get so worked up over something, even though they’ve known each other for years. Annie sighed after a moment, looking down at her hands that were resting in her lap. “I’m…I’m sorry. I just want to protect you.” [Y/N] smiled softly, sighing as she shook her head. “It’s okay, Annie. I’m really grateful you do everything you can to protect me. I just wish you wouldn’t get physical about it all the time. I hate seeing you so exhausted and hurt.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

They sat in silence, not really sure what to say. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable though. They both often enjoyed just being able to sit quietly together, simply enjoying the other’s presence. [Y/N] broke the silence this time though. “Did you win though? You kicked his ass for me, right?”

Annie chuckled, a smile finally making its way across her lips. “Yeah, I did.” [Y/N] grinned and put everything back in the med-kit before placing it on the coffee table. “Good.” The quietness returned to the room. At length, [Y/N] gently nudged Annie’s arm with her elbow, prompting the blonde to look over at her finally. “Hey, I’m proud of you. You know that, right?” The blonde’s heart fluttered. A deep, crimson blush dusted her cheeks as she smiled uncontrollably. She nodded. “Yeah.” The [h/c] girl snickered at her expression and leaned forward, softly pulling Annie into one of those warm hugs she enjoyed so much. Annie stiffened momentarily before melting into her embrace and hugging her back tightly–even though it hurt like hell to force her muscles to move that way.

“I love you, Annie. Even if I scold you a lot for getting into fights. I truly do love you.” Annie smiled even wider and nuzzled into the crook of [Y/N]’s neck. “I love you too.”

They stayed like that for a long while before finally leaning back to look each other in the eye. [Y/N] gently rubbed the blonde’s arms. “Can you please promise me that you won’t get into any more fights for my sake?” Annie smiled. “I don’t think I can promise that entirely. I’ll try not to pick fights when people talk shit, but I want you to know I won’t hesitate to sock someone in the jaw if they lay a hand on you.” [Y/N] giggled, and oh, how Annie adored that sound. “Alright, fine. But just know that if you show up on my doorstep like this again, I’m not gonna baby you and treat your wounds. You’ll have to do that yourself.” The blonde rolled her eyes, though her smile never faltered.

“Fair enough, I guess.”

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2 years ago
Hug Me

Hug Me

[Attack On Titan] Modern! Touch-Starved! Annie Leonhart x Fem! Reader

Word Count: 1.7k

Proofread: Yes

Content Warnings: Brief mentions of slight bullying/toxic friendships

[A/N]: I had planned on adding much more to this, but I wanted to keep it relatively short so I can move on to the next character I plan to write for. I've got a masterlist in my drafts where I'm linking each post I've made for every character, but I don't plan on posting it until I've written for all of the characters I plan on writing for.


Annie shuffled through her backpack for the spare key to [Y/N]’s house, cursing under her breath as she struggled. “Come on, dammit. I know I grabbed them on the way out.” Just as her finger grazed the key ring, the front door flew open to reveal [Y/N] standing there with a warm smile. “Annie, hey! Glad you could make it.” Annie raised an eyebrow and zipped her bag back up. “You sound like I’m showing up to a party of some kind.” [Y/N] chuckled and scratched the back of her neck. “Sorry, I’m just happy you’re actually here.” “I promised I’d come, didn’t I?” “Well, yeah, but…” She looked off to the side, her genuine smile becoming forced. Annie tilted her head. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it’s not important. Uh…why don’t you come in?” The [h/c] girl stepped to the side, allowing Annie to walk past her into the den. The blonde gave her a confused--and concerned--glance as she headed inside. [Y/N] quickly locked the door and motioned for Annie to follow her upstairs to her bedroom. They trailed up the steps and into the girl’s room, where Annie often found herself staying when she felt upset or lonely. She dropped her bag down beside the door and took a seat in her usual spot against the headboard, far enough over that she could lean against the wall.

She watched [Y/N]’s movements, which seemed anxious as she searched the room for something to distract herself with. “[Y/N], if something is wrong, you can tell me. Who upset you? You know I’ll kick their ass for you, I just need a name.” A small chuckle passed the girl’s lips at Annie’s comment. The blonde felt more at ease now that she got her to smile. “It’s okay. Just had a few bad experiences with people in the past. It’s not happening anymore, it’s just painful to remember those times.” Annie nodded understandingly. She headed over to her bag and unzipped it. She dug through it for a moment, groaning as she failed to find what she was looking for. “No no no. Ugh, goddammit. I knew I was forgetting something.”

[Y/N] stepped over to peer inside the bag curiously. “What’d you forget?” Annie blushed and looked down, ashamed of what she was going to admit. “You know that stuffed lion I always have with me when I come here? The one I sleep with?” [Y/N] nodded. “I, uh…I forgot to grab it before I headed over.” “Oh.” The blonde sighed and put her bag down. “It wouldn’t be such a big deal if it was only a fidget toy. The problem is: I can’t fall asleep without it.” She never told anyone about this. She found it humiliating that she still had to cradle a stuffed animal at night just to sleep. She felt like a child.

“Oh, I know what you mean. I have the same problem–though I don’t really think it’s a bad thing. I don’t see why people find it so strange that others have comfort objects.” Annie looked up at her in surprise. “You…you sleep with something too?” [Y/N] nodded. “I don’t usually hold it when I have company over since I don’t know who will judge me and who won’t, but yeah. You can hold it tonight if you want to. I don’t mind.” Annie fidgeted with her hands, slowly nodding at length as she returned to her spot on the bed. [Y/N] headed over to the closet and picked something up from under a blanket. She turned to reveal a stuffed panda bear the size of a large pillow. She brought it over and handed it to the blonde with a smile.

“My great grandmother gave it to me before she passed. I didn’t know her very well since I was really young when she died, but it still brings me a lot of comfort.” Annie took it gently from her hands and examined it, her thumbs rubbing circles against the soft, soothing material it was made of. She slowly brought it to her lap and placed it down before cradling it against her chest. She sighed at the contact and blushed, trying to hide it with the head of the bear. “Thank you,” she whispered softly. [Y/N] smiled down at her and nodded before sitting down at the foot of the bed. “Of course.”

They sat there for a while in silence. Annie picked delicately at one of the ears that had been partially torn off, silently wondering what had happened. Probably from aging–[Y/N] had said that she had gotten it at a very young age. Surely it had been through some things during the girl’s early childhood. “So…why do you find comfort in holding things?” Annie’s eyes flickered up to see [Y/N] gazing back at her softly. She felt the heat rising to her cheeks again, spreading up to her ears. “O-Oh, well…I honestly didn’t start holding things at night until high school hit a couple of years ago.”

“Really? What caused it?” The blonde averted her gaze and stared down at the bear in her arms. “I just–um…I like to pretend it's the girl I like,” she admitted sheepishly. [Y/N]’s brows raised in surprise, a small smile toying on her lips. “Oh, that’s really sweet! Maybe someday you’ll get to hold her instead. I’m sure you will.” [Y/N] sounded as though she was being genuine, but there was something else behind her tone that Annie couldn’t quite figure out. “I hope so,” is all she said for a while. Finally, she glanced up. “What about you?” “Hm?” “Why do you find comfort in holding things?” [Y/N] smiled sadly and toyed with her fingers.

“Oh. Because I’m too worried about holding an actual person. I’m worried I’ll make them uncomfortable, or they’ll find me annoying, or–something like that. I don’t know. It just gets so lonely in my room. None of the people I call my “friends” ever stay more than a couple of hours, and that’s just because they’re always ranting to me and never listening to my own problems. I know they’re horrible people, but…I just want people to like me.”

Annie felt her heart aching at the girl’s words. How long had this been going on? Did [Y/N] talk to anyone about this at all? It seemed she truly was as lonely and touch-starved as herself.

“Oh, [Y/N], I had no idea.” [Y/N] chuckled and wiped her eyes before any tears could fall. “It’s alright. I just keep telling myself that someone will come along eventually–probably after high school, honestly. High school students are such bitches.” Annie smiled softly as the girl giggled at her own words. She turned to the blonde and pondered something for a moment. “Annie?” “Yes?” “Can I…can I hug you? Just for a little bit?” Annie’s eyebrows raised in surprise–the same way [Y/N]’s had done just moments ago. She cursed at herself mentally as she felt her face growing red once again. "I-I would..." She averted her gaze and cleared her throat. “I would like that. A lot.”

Within a moment, [Y/N] was across the bed and in front of Annie, tossing her arms over the blonde’s shoulders and pulling her close for one of those warm hugs that Annie had grown so obsessed with over the past few months. She gasped suddenly, her hands flying up to grip [Y/N]’s shoulders. She stayed there for a while, frozen in shock, before the [h/c] girl let out a choked sob. Out of pure instinct, Annie’s arms lowered themselves to move the stuffed bear to the side before pulling her even closer, letting her rest her head against her shoulder.

She felt herself tearing up, just then realizing that she wanted to be held by [Y/N] most of all, even if they weren’t together the way she dreamed. Just feeling her warmth and having the opportunity to take in her scent calmed her and made her happy. She closed her eyes, turning her head and burying her nose into the [h/c] girl’s neck. They stayed like that for a while, Annie gently swaying the two of them back and forth and rubbing her back in a soothing manner.

Although she hated to, [Y/N] did eventually lean back from the hug to wipe her eyes. She smiled tiredly at the blonde. “Sorry for getting so emotional. This year has been…really rough. You just–you’ve helped me through so much already, and I’ve wanted to hold you like that for so long.” Annie blushed, but didn’t mind it this time, a blissful smile painting her lips. “You don’t have to apologize. You’ve helped me through a lot too, believe me. I owe you so much. And I want you to know that hugging doesn’t feel like a chore to me–I really do enjoy getting to be so close to you.” They gazed at each other lovingly for a long moment, unable to hide their smiles. Finally, Annie looked down. “U-Um…so, I was thinking: maybe we could–and you don’t have to say yes–I just thought that maybe we could…”

She sighed after a second, growing embarrassed even further as [Y/N] giggled at her sudden inability to speak properly. “Just take your time. I’m not going to judge you for anything you ask,” she said softly as she rubbed Annie’s arms. “I was just wondering if we could maybe…c-cuddle? Like, while we sleep?” [Y/N] froze, though the blonde didn’t notice because she was still avoiding eye contact. After nearly a solid half-minute of no response, she glanced up through her eyelashes with pleading eyes. “Please…?” [Y/N] stared in shock for another long moment. Annie was about to apologize and tell her to forget about it, but the [h/c] girl suddenly smiled widely and nodded. “I would absolutely love that,” she finally said.

Annie felt her heart flutter. They stared at each other yet again, not sure what move to make to get comfortable and fall asleep. Finally, [Y/N] lied down on the pillow next to Annie, who then shifted down to lie beside her. Sheepishly, she scooted forward and placed her head on [Y/N]’s chest. [Y/N] smiled down warmly at her and wrapped her arms around the blonde to pull her closer. Annie could feel her heart racing–pounding against her ribs–but she didn’t feel ashamed this time because she could hear [Y/N]’s heart beating just as quickly.

She smiled, nuzzled closer, and closed her eyes with a small, soft sigh of content.

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8 months ago

Attack on Titan characters as Mitski songs

Armin - I don't smoke

Eren - The deal

Mikasa - A pearl

Levi - Once more to see you

Hange - Geyser

Ymir - I'm your man

Historia - Goodbye, my danish sweetheart

Annie - Real Men

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8 months ago

i ship hitch and annie more than armin and annie tbh

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2 years ago

this is so cute, pls make more!!

Actor AU! Promoting The Final Season
Actor AU! Promoting The Final Season
Actor AU! Promoting The Final Season
Actor AU! Promoting The Final Season

Actor AU! Promoting The Final Season 🤟🔥

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