snugglebug-mj-blog - snugglebug-Mj

Just writing for fun my Wattpad name is silentscreamermacey

38 posts

Bowser X Female Reader Chapter 1 Meeting Bowser Jr

Bowser x female reader chapter 1 Meeting Bowser Jr

(art not mine unless I say it is art belongs to rightful owner)

Y/n groaned as a bright light hit shined right in her eyes. Once y/n rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes she opened her e/c eyes she froze as she looked around to see giant mushrooms.

Bowser X Female Reader Chapter 1 Meeting Bowser Jr

Y/n slowly got up and started to walk trying to figure out where she was. As she walked around her nightgown out caught on a thornbush y/n turned around to pull her nightgown away from the bush. Once she got it unstuck something hard ran straight into her stomach sending her to the ground. Y/n groaned as she slowly sat up she looked down at her torso to see who rammed into her. First she saw a small spikey shell, the red hair in a ponytail, then a face she knew from the super mario game. "OI WHATS THE BIG IDEA!?" Bowser jr huffed as he sat up looking at y/n "well ain't cha going to apologize?" Jr asked y/n looked at him "me apologize? No way you rammed into me you should apologize." y/n said with a sassy tone. Jr was shocked no one has ever spoken to him in such a way before he could respond y/n spoke again "But besides that are you ok? What where you running from anyway?" Y/n asked looking at and around him to see if he got hurt. Jr was more shocked 'why does this lady care if I'm hurt? Does she know who I am? She is pretty maybe papa would like her' Jr thought to him self as y/n stood up and helped him up "Browser Jr are you ok?" Y/n asked making the young koopa snap out of his thoughts "you know my name?" Jr asked y/n nodded "You'll be perfect for my papa!" Jr said excitedly y/n looked at him confused before she could speak Jr pushed her backwards into his clown car which appeared out of nowhere "Hey what are you doing?!" Y/n asked as she wiggled around trying to sit up but couldn't Jr jumped in before smiling down at her "I'm taking you to my papa! Your nice, and caring plus really soft! Papa will love you!" Jr said as the clown car started to fly. ' I'm about to meet Bowser?! Oh how did this happen?! How did I get here?! It's rude for him to have pushed me while I'm in a dress Good this is I'm wearing PJ pants' y/n thought to her self as the clown car flew in the air.

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More Posts from Snugglebug-mj-blog

2 years ago

octavinelle reaction to hurt y/n

Octavinelle Reaction To Hurt Y/n

Y/n held her breath as a group of bullies ran past her once they where gone y/n released the breath she was holding with a soft sniffle she slowly limped through the water based portal of Octavinelle. As y/n made her way to mostro lounge she started to black out. Once she got to the entrance she leaned against the door frame as her left arm held her right side tears falling from her e/cs. No one was in sight y/n took a beep breath then yelled

Octavinelle Reaction To Hurt Y/n

"GUYS!" As loudly as her wore out lungs would let her before slumping forward. Before she could hit the cold floor a someone grabbed ahold of her and picked her up it was Flyod with his twin and boss beside him looking down at the badly beaten girl. "Shrimpy what happened?!" Flyod asked holding the small girl in his arms before she could reply she blacked out.

Later ~

When y/n came to she woke up to jade wrapping up her arm in bandages. "Jade.." she started making him look up from her arm "Oh y/n my little mushroom your finally awake!" Jade said gently putting his hand on the back of her head and pressed his lips to her forehead when he pulled away his eyes grew dim "I am going to get Azul and Flyod and you will tell us how you ended up like this understand?" Jade spoke he just like his brother could be very scary when pushed to the limit. Y/n nodded as she relaxed into his gloved large hand. Jade smiled before leaving y/ns bed side and walking out the door to find his brother and boss. Soon the door flung open reviling Flyod "Shrimpy!" He yelled and he jumped on the bed and gently cradled y/ns face. "Tell me who did this to you! I promise their squeeze won't be nice" Flyod's face went dark as he said that. Y/n nervously looked up at the large eel. "Flyod y-your hurting m-me" y/n whispered as Flyod squeezed her cheeks Flyod let go of her face before shoving his face into her chest. Y/n could see Azul standing beside her bed now. He didn't look happy "y/n my angelfish" he started y/n looked down. "Tell us who did this to you." He growled Flyod tightened his hold around her waist. Jade stood by Azul as y/n told them who the bullies where. She may not know their names but she explained them the best she could plus Jade said he could ask around for more information. Flyod growled from y/ns chest "I'll kill them" he growled "Flyod no" y/n said looking down at him before she gently patted his head "But they hurt you y/n!" All three of them yelled y/n shook her head "No killing! You'll get expelled! And I don't want y'all to be expelled" y/n pouted at the three mermen. All three groaned but agreed, "fine no killing but they'll be squeezed tightly" Flyod said sitting up " let's go boys we have some deals to take care of" Azul said as the twins nodded "y/n shouldn't be left alone" Jade said looking at the girl "I'll stay then" Azul said as Flyod got up. Azul sat beside the bed "can you boys do this without me?" Azul as the twins who smiled. "We'll be back soon" Jade said as he and his brother left. Y/n looked over at Azul who was taking off his shoes, hat, and jacket with papers in his hands he gave the Move over motion "Move over angelfish I have work to do but I'm not leaving you" Azul said as he crawled into the bed with y/n. Soon Azul started to sing slightly, As Azul looked through some contracts y/n fell asleep on his side.

With the twins~

"Did you see how that pathetic human run away like a rabbit?" Bully one laughed

"Yeah it was a fun chase but she ran off and hid" bully two replied

"Oh she won't get away next time" bully three added as the group laughed

"Oh there won't be a next time matter a fact there will never be a next time" two voices came making the bullies look around

Octavinelle Reaction To Hurt Y/n

The bullies froze as they saw the twins

"You hurt my shrimpy..." Flyod growled

"You hurt someone dear to us, and we just want to talk" Jade smiled as he cracked his knuckles as the 6ft twins backed the group of bullies into a corner.


When the leech twins came back they took separate showers and threw their clothes in the wash before cuddling y/n and Azul. No one hurts their little pearl and gets away with it.

(all the art came from Pinterest)

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2 years ago

will you miss me when I'm gone?

Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?

(I do this alot I will stop when my friends aren't looking to see if they'll notice I'm missing.. I don't mean to it's just a habit I've always done for some reason)

Y/n walked quietly with her group of friends everyone talking and yelling over each other y/n thought it was funny. Then y/n had an idea she wanted to see if they would notice if she wasn't there. She was in-between everyone but she some how was able to sneak out of the group she stopped to pretend to fix her shoe as her friends walked ahead. Y/n looked down she figured as much even back home her friends didn't notice she was gone. Y/n stood back up and dusted her self off before almost jumping out of her skin when she felt a large arm wrap around her waist and picked her up. She looked up and saw Jack was the one holding her on his hip like a sack of potatoes. "You ain't getting left behind plus everyone is waiting on you anyway" jack said pointing ahead of them. Y/n looked and saw everyone stopped and was waiting. Y/n smiled and laughed slightly "why did you stop?" Deuce asked as they got closer "I had to fix my shoe" y/n replied as jack put her down. "SILLY HUMAN WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING THEN?" Sebek yelled/ asked. Y/n shrugged "I don't know" she replied making Ace punch her in arm "Ow! What the heck Ace!" Y/n growled as she rubbed her arm "Tell us next time stupid!" He huffed y/n punched him back making him yelp. Epel just shook his head before grabbing y/ns hand "Come on I finally got a weekend away from Vil let's hurry to your dorm so we can start the sleep over!" Epel said pulling y/n with him "Hey!" Everyone yelled running after Epel as he dragged y/n to her dorm. Y/n laughed *why did I ever doubt them?* She thought to herself as they arrived at her dorm. "I'm happy I have friends like y'all" y/n said out loud as the rest of her friends caught up to her and Epel everyone smiled and hugged her "We're happy to have you as a friend too!" Everyone replied as they hugged for a second in silence

"Y/N IM TIRED!" Grim whined making everyone groan y/n just laughed.

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3 years ago

Poly bakusqaud x female reader


Poly Bakusqaud X Female Reader

Your the bakusqauds baby.

even if your older than them your still their baby

no questions asked

Your always smudged in-between all of them

Your in the support class so you make their gear and costumes.

you meet them from Bakugou

you where the only one who work on his gear. You put Bakugou in his place which made him want to be friends with you

then you started hanging out with the bakusqaud.

soon they all feel in love with you and asked you to join their relationship you said yes.

(I'll do a story for this)

Ever wonder what would happen if someone hurt the bakusqauds baby? time to find out.

⚠️ Cursing, hurassment, poly relationship! , girl x girl, boy x boy, boy x girl⚠️

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11 months ago

Hugging them for the first time pt3

Octavinelle & Scarabia ( Azul, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, and Jamil)

Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder. {some are shorter than others}

Azul Ashengrotto: Hug him and he’ll melt into your arms and might start crying so pls do it behind closed doors. Y/n was waiting in Azul’s office for the deal maker, soon enough the door of the office opened “Y/n its good to see you! What brings you to my office today?” Azul asked, walking in before closing the door. Azul trusted y/n enough that he didn’t need to have the tweels in the room with them. Once Azul was close enough y/n hugged him and Azul basically collapsed into her arms y/n felt something wet landed on her shoulder. Azul felt bad he was crying on y/n's shoulder but the hug was nice and well needed. “What do you want in return?” Azul asked as he pulled away from her expecting she wanted something in return “Nothing i just wanted to give you a hug” y/n said with a huff crossing her arms before she walked out of the office waving bye to azul making him shake his head and smile. He did really like the hug though now he’s thinking about what to give y/n in return.

Jade Leech: Hug and run! y/n saw Jade washing dishes in the kitchen, so y/n thought it would be fun so just surprise hug him and that’s what she did. She quietly walked up behind the eel and wrapped her arms around him making him stop moving and with that y/n quickly let go and ran out of the kitchen. Jade watched y/n run out of the kitchen she surprised him, the jade leech he was impressed. He will get Y/n back, that's a promise.

Floyd Leech: This can go two ways depending on his mood if he's in a bad mood he’ll probably grunt as y/n hugs him before patting her head before wanting to be let go but will come running for a hug later or if he’s in a good mood y/n isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, his shrimpy hugged him for the first time this eel is excited now he’s going to hold you until he’s bored. As y/n ran out of the kitchen she saw Floyd looking down, she knew the two ways this would end but she still wanted to hug him. Y/n walked up to him “hi floyd you alright?” y/n asked Floyd quickly looked down at her “hi shrimpy just a bad day” he huffed “do you want a shrimpy hug?” y/n asked expecting him to say no but he lit up like a firework before picking her up and spinning her around “oh shrimpy!!!” Floyd happily yelled y/n just laughed as she hugged him. Everyone in the mostro lounge was thankful for y/n because now floyd was in a better mood. Y/n got ALOT of free food to take home that day.

Kalim Al-Asim: Just hold your arms out when you see him he’ll come running. Y/n was walking through the halls when she saw Kalim and Jamil “Y/n!” Kalim yelled waving at her with a big smile making y/n smile back at him and she opened her arms Jamil looked shocked and Kalim looked excited before he started running towards her very excitedly. He ran full force into her arm laughing the entire time. Once they pulled away from each other y/n saw Jamil had walked over to them.

Jamil Viper: Before Jamil could say anything y/n hugged him as well making him freeze before he hugged her back. Y/n did hug him a second longer than she hugged Kalim so Jamil was really happy and petty about the hug.

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11 months ago

Hugging them for the first time pt 2

Heartslabyul Dorm & Savanaclaw {some are short some arent}  {Riddle, Trey, Cater, Leona, and Ruggie)

Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder. {ps y/n is pudgy since thats what i am)

Riddle Rosehearts: HUG!THIS!BOY! (pt2) This boy is hella touch starved (mrs. rosehearts me trey and Che'nya just want to talk with bats) ribble froze up almost as stiff as a tree before he slowly melted into y/ns arms. The warm y/n gave off made him feel safe in her hold. He stayed in her arms for a good minute before slowly backing away from her “thank you for the hug y/n but next time tell me i don't want to accidently collar you in a panic” riddle said straightening his tie y/n nodded before walking off.

Trey clover: Trey gives off the vibes that he doesn’t like to be touched so he’s one of the few y/n would ask before suddenly hugging. Trey was baking some tarts (surprise surprise) when y/n walked “afternoon y/n how are you this evening?” trey asked as he put the tray into the oven “i’m good i just had a quick question to ask you if that’s all right” y/n started as she played with the end of her shirt. Trey looked at her as he whipped his hands off “of course you can! Is someone messing with you?” trey asked in his big brother voice y/n just chuckled slightly before shaking her head no “No big brother” she started with a tease which trey smiled before waiting for her to continue with her question “i wanted to ask if i could hug you. Nothings wrong! I’m just in a hugging mood” y/n said trey was shocked before chuckling “of course!” he said with a smile holding his arms out y/n was shocked for a second before smiling and quickly ran into his arms. He smelled like pastries and his hug was nice and softly tight. “Don’t ever be afraid to ask me for a hug just make sure i’m not holding anything before the hug though” he said with a smile as he pulled away y/n nodded before running off.

Cater Diamond: To find him just go to his live and there you go he’s sitting in the garden. Once y/n got to cater he just turned off the live and the next thing cater knew someone was hugging him. Cater looked down to see y/n which made him smile brightly before hugging her back “thank you y/n i really needed that” he whispered. Before cater could pull away Y/n took out her phone and smiled as she took a picture of them still hugging. “Here you go. Don’t post it till tomorrow though” y/n said as she sent the picture to him he nodded before walking off. Cater smiled before pulling out his phone and pulling up the picture.

Leona Kingscholar: Bold of you but also hug this lion. He just getting up in botanical garden when he heard y/n coming towards him “ herbivore” he said looking at y/n as she got closer to him, a soon as her arms wrapped around him he grunted, he looked down at her before wrapping one arm over her “how bold of you herbivore to run into the arms of a carnivore. You best be prepared for it all” he voice filled with smugness “bring it lazy bones” y/n said with a smile looking up at him. Leona huffed “maybe later i’m still sleepy” as he let her go and walked away but for the rest of the day leona was in a better mood.

Ruggie Bucchi: Be warned he might try to steal your wallet or food as a joke (95% of the time). Ruggie was just leaving sams shop when y/n suddenly came up to him and hugged him. At first he thought he was getting robbed then relaxed it was y/n “what was that for? I was about to bite you! Warn me next time!” ruggie huffed with a pout y/n just laughed before putting a chocolate donut in his mouth (where did the donut come from? magic). Y/n handed ruggie the donuts before running off ruggie just smiled and shock his head he never refused free food explicitly donuts and explicitly from one of his friends.

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