Female Y/n - Tumblr Posts
Hi I saw your request are Open can I request
Yandere French blonde Bayonetta x daughter reader x brave Bayonetta x her daughter head Cannon
Like it when brave Bayonetta gos to fight them
And not only rosa getting possess it also the reader who is a power 12 year old with her own dragon Demon and what her action to her daughter death from brave Bayonetta. And then Bayonetta with her younger daughter reader dieing and joining her in a dance with her joining her in hell ( brave Bayonetta daughter is 18
Yan!mums Bayonettas (+Rosa) with an Umbran Witch Daughter

Plot Summery: B4 Bayoverse This Contains: ‼️MAJOR SPOILERS FOR BAYONETTA 3'S PLOT‼️ Major character deaths (reader death/character death), angst, yandere themes, violence. Not proofread. Note(s): This was really fun to write for! LOVE the scenario.
In this universe, you work alongside your mother and grandmother in reclaiming ancient umbran treasures. Though you're only 12, you are an exceptional witch, excelling in areas even fully mature and trained witches struggle with. You even contracted your first demon, a draconic entity notorious for its unbelievable power in Inferno, who also seems to hold an unimaginable possessiveness for you. Your mother and grandmother were extremely hesitant to let you in on their mission, but your skills and powerful kitty eyes won them over eventually.
French!Bayonetta, aka B4 Byonetta, is colder then most of the Bayonetta variants are, but she absolutely loves her daughter. She's always looking out for you, and is viciously possessive and protective. French!Rosa is the same, if not even more smothering. She absolutely adores and is proud of her granddaughter, loves her to bits, and will protect you with her life should the need ever arise.
If you share a semblance to Baldur (who's theorized to have died in Rosa's place in this universe), like having his blonde hair, sharp features, or anything else like that, then Rosa and Bayonetta's protectiveness increases tenfold.
When the Chaos Gear is stolen by the group of Stratus, you and Rosa are on hot pursuit, you ignoring the calls from French!Bayo as you chase after it. She sends Mictlantecuhtli after you both, giving the demon strict orders to look out for you specifically.
Meanwhile, Brave!Cereza has just entered the alternate universe and has witnessed a glimpse into this world's past. Seeing you and Rosa together stirs emotions inside of her. Seeing you interact with your grandmother, a luxury she'll never get to experience herself, is extremely bittersweet. Moreso if Prime!Y/N is with her at this time.
When Cereza and you finally these variants, she's mortified at what she sees; B4!Y/N and Rosa completely taken over by Singularity's vile homonculi. Rosa and B4!Y/N waste no time in engaging in battle, even as Cereza tries fo reach out to you. Eventually, you both are separated from one another, leaving B4!Y/N to Cereza, and Rosa to you.
Deep within her mind, Rosa is fighting a battle she cannot win. She's trying her hardest to fight against Singularity, fighting so that she won't hurt you. But it's entirely fruitless. Thus, when she does break through Perlucidus' control, she begs you to kill her so that she won't try to hurt you anymore. And as her umbran clock breaks into a thousand pieces, she thanks you, and falls into the void.
Meanwhile, Cereza is forced to fight B4!Y/N, which is extremely taxing on her both physically and emotionally. Even if you aren't her daughter, you are still a version of her, and a younger one at that. She tries her hardest to get through to you, but it's pointless as the conflict grows even more intense, the might of which tears away at the city's very structure. Even now, you're able to match up with Cereza's power, defeated only by the sheer impact of the fight.
Cereza watches as you fight an unwinnable battle against the parasite within you. She tries to hold you, begging you to fight, but it isn't enough. Hearing you cry through the control is so unbelievably painful for her.
It's hard for her to put you down, but she knows she needs to. Loading her gun, she fires a concentrated beam of magical energy through your chest, sending you back. Her arm drops as she watches you writhe for a few moments, and then as the demon arms pull your unflinching body into Inferno. She apologizes to your corpse for her incompetence "I'm sorry, little one..."
French!Bayo is absolutely livid when she learns that both you and Rosa have perished because of these multiversal interlopers. She's brokenhearted and in grief, but her core emotions are rage and bloodthirsty hatred. She will avenge you, she promises you that.
If she finds the main variant of you, be prepared to be in for a devastating battle. She won't hold back, and she'll be aiming to make it hurt. In a better state of mind, French!Bayo may have been more reasonable, but in the state she's in, she'll only see you as a mockery to her little one and an accomplice to her death. The battle between Cereza and her will be that much more intense.
Cereza, seeing how beaten you're getting, is quick to jump in and defend with great ferocity. The battle is harsh and destructive, but it plays out just like the game. French!Bayo gets taken over, Cereza powers up Baal to summon Baal Zebul, and French!Bayo is ultimately defeated.
Cereza wishes her variant well in the afterlife as she watches her break apart into nothing.
"May you be reunited with your mummy and your little one.."
The battle has left you greatly injured and drained and Cereza is smothering over her daughter, trying her best to tend to you. But there isn't much time to focus on that as the B4 universe is consumed by Singularity. The two of you are forced to leave, and focus on saving the rest of the multiverse. Cereza preys that you'll be safe.
...but her wishes only travel so far. By the nearing end of her journey, during her final battle with Sigurd... her luck runs dry.
Cereza, gravely beaten and injured, watches as you, her beloved daughter, gives it your all to protect your mummy from Singularity. Your own wounds have worsened and this battle only pushes that severity, but you push back against the pain and give this fight your all.
Singularity is unshakened from your attacks, although he didn't count on you trying to save the day. He brushes them off like dust in the wind. Cereza reaches her hand out to you, her voice no more then a whisper "no...d...don't..." is all she can say while she forces herself up, exhausted but fighting to get to you. To save you, like you wanted to save her.
But she isn't fast enough to stop Singularity from grabbing you by the neck and holding you in the air, his clutch on you squeezing the air from your lungs. You try feebly to fight back at him even now, but they do nothing to stop him. Cereza raises her guns and fires them at him "LITTLE ONE!!" But her attacks, like yours, do nothing. Singularity, bored of this fight, stares you in the eyes one last time before breaking your throat in his hold.
That sickening snapping sound rings through Cereza's head as she watches your body, once so full of live and the fighting spirit of an unbran witch, go limp and drop to the floor. She can't pry her eyes away watching as your body is swallowed by Inferno.
Her knees feel weak, and her throat is dry. "No..." is all she can whisper. It's small and it's quiet, so unlike the witch who was loud and big. She doesn't react, or maybe chooses not to, as she's held into the air by fallen debris.
As she's about to meet her end, a bullet frees her from her stony prison and she lands knees-first on the cold ground.
Her glasses are pushed up by the gunslinger, and she sees someone she hasn't seen in many, many centuries. The woman smiles down on her as she speaks to her little one, her red ribbons floeing gently..
"you didn't cry while I was gone, did you?"
When Singularity is defeated, Cereza is taken by Inferno. As she feels herself being pulled into the hellish depths, her thoughts drift to you.
In the end, your souls reunite. A dance between mother and daughter, one of grace, of emotion, of passion, and of loss is done. Cereza and her daughter dance as the multiverses are restored, one by one. B4!Bayonetta and her mother and daughter are reunited once more, clasped in an embrace neither one wishes to break off of.
And when the dance reaches its conclusion, Cereza holds your form in her arms. She gently caresses your hair before the two of you shatter into roses, fading away into Inferno.
Cereza and her little one. Together until the end.
we're here for you Y/n

Y/n shock her head as she walked down the hall between Jack and Deuce watching Grim and Ace yell at each other about who knows what." Can you two just shut up?!" Deuce huffed "oh go cry me a river Deuce" Ace huffed back "He's just hangry." Grim chuckled Ace nodded then they both looked at Deuce "is the baby hangry?" Grim and Ace asked in baby voices "that's it I'ma kill them" Deuce said as he popped his knuckles and started to run at them making Grim and Ace scream and run away from him "GET BACK HERE!" Deuce growled "Y/N HELP!" Grim and Ace cried. Y/n laughed at the sight of this Jack just smirked and shook his head. "Let's go after them to make sure they don't get in trouble" y/n said looking up at Jack. The wolf nodded at his small friend "knowing them it's bound to happen either way" he replied as they followed after their friends.
Soon they found their friends Epel and Sebek who joined them with finding the three trouble makers.
After finding Grim, Ace and Deuce the seven friends made their way to the cafeteria. As the seven of them got to the cafeteria they got their food and sat down at the table and started eating and talking. Y/n smiled at her friends when suddenly something cold and wet was poured on her head making her gasp Grim yelped as the cold wet substance poured on him as well. Everyone looked at y/n to see she had milk running down her hair and face. Y/n turned to see a boy and his group of friends she didn't know standing behind her with a empty mild carton in his hand.
“Pffft, look at her, so defenseless, she shouldn’t even be at this school!” The boy said harshly while throwing the empty carton at her. "Hey!" Y/n's friends growled standing up only to be held in to place by magic. "Look she can't even fight so she needs her friends to fight for her!" Another boy cackled as the others laughed. One boy suddenly grabbed y/n by her tie and yanked her to him
"Look how pathetic you look. You’re not even considered to be human in my eyes! To me, you’re just trash. Go find a trash can and make yourself at home! Night Raven College is a place for prestigious mages. Not for some worthless humans who can’t use magic and defend themselves!" He said as he threw y/n to the ground to which she landed on her arm which hurt like heck, with in seconds she was covered in the students lunches. Soon everyone in the cafeteria was either looking at her, laughing at her or recording her. Y/ns e/c (eye color) eyes soon started to fill up with tears. She got up and ran out of the cafeteria as fast as she could with tears falling from her eyes. "Y/N!" Her friends called out but she paid no mind to them she just ran as fast and as far as she could.
When y/n finally stopped to catch her breath she saw she was right outside of Ramshackle Dorm her dorm. She carefully whipped her tears away and went inside she hung her uniform out to dry as she took a long slow bath. When she was finished her got into her comfy clothes and hid under her bed hugging her pillow as she started to cry her heart out. Y/n slowly cried herself to sleep underneath her bed.
•Sometime later•
When Y/n came too she was being pulled out from underneath her bed. She was blinded by the light but once her version came back she was faced with everyone she ever knew
I mean everyone! Her group of best friends, the dorm-leaders, and even the seniors it was almost everyone she knew and called her friends. They were all gathered in her room standing around her, "Y/n! we finally found you!" Ace smiled as he, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek and Grim hugged her. Y/n was surprised, too sleepy mixed with shock to even register what had happened but she held them the best she could. (Y/n had just been dragged out from her sleeping spot she needs a minute to wake up) All seven of them held on to y/n like their life depended on it. "We couldn't find you anywhere and the first years who messed with you were nowhere to be found. So, we came looking for you and your dorm was the only place we haven’t checked" Riddle said as he huffed. "we gathered everyone we knew to help us find you" Jack said looking up from y/ns arms. "Herbivore your arm!" Leona said making everyone look at y/ns left arm which was a ugly blueish purple. Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek and Grim pulled away from her. Azul gently grabbed her arm only for her to yelp and yank her arm back only her to see her hand was limp. How did she not notice her broken wrist before now?! Y/n started to feel the pain in her wrist now. "We need to get you to the infirmary!" Azul said. With out any objection y/n was picked up by Flyod and was taken to the infirmary.
As y/n sat in the infirmary bed her all of her friends. Y/ns arm wrist was broken but her arm was badly bruised. "Y/n.. you do know what they said isn't true right?" Deuce asked looking at his sad friend. "that's where your wrong.." y/n started everyone looked at the small girl "what they said was true," y/n lifted her head to let everyone see her e/c tear filled eyes. “I am just a human, I don’t possess any magic powers and yet here I am in this school for magicians. Not only that, but I am also the dorm leader for this dorm and I have been made a prefect! Isn’t that unfair to everyone else?” Y/n said out loud, letting everyone hear her. "I understand why they would have these kinds of thoughts. I understand why they hate me! No matter where I go I'll never be perfect I'll always be told I'm worthless, stupid and many other things! I'm not special! No matter what I'll always be the problem!" Y/n said as she cried.
Everyone was shocked. They have never seen this side of y/n. Heck, they never thought She would be capable of producing these types of thoughts. In their eyes, Y/n were always so cheerful, kind, fun, loving and thoughtful. Heck even when things got out of hand, She would remain calm and solve the problem to the best she could. To think someone this pure and precious to them would have such depressing and degrading thoughts is beyond them. Grim was hurt the most The poor fire breathing furball practically lived with y/n for so long and he didn’t even have a single clue of this side of her was scaring him. Grims ears dropped as he sniffed "y-your wrong.." he whispered. Y/n looked down at the cat in her lap before he looked up her with tears in his eyes " YOUR WRONG! You’re not the problem! It’s them!" grim yelled making everyone jump. "You were picked for a reason! You believed in me when when no one else would! You took care of me!" Grim cried. Everyone slowly caught on and spoke up “You assisted us with our dark sides, only you child of man could do that.” Malleus said, representing every dorm leader. “You had us working together during the Inter-High Magift Tournament.” Ruggie added as he smiled "you helped us become friends" Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek said as they gently hugged me again. Y/n smiled and looked at all her friends.
Soon when y/n got out of the infirmary everything started going back to normal
Mondays~ Riddle invited her to have tea with him and the others, Trey always asked for her help in the kitchen and she had a fun time with him while making sweets and desserts for everyone. Cater would whisk her away to either a selfie-session in the dorm’s gardens or a photoshoot in any new place that the he had found to be photogenic. Ace and Deuce would invite her to play croquet with them from time to time,
Tuesdays~ Leona would take y/n to his favorite sleeping spots to get her away from all the ruckus, Ruggie and y/n would prank everyone just for laughs, Jack would wake y/n up early in the morning to go jogging. Normally y/n would be on his back as he ran but sometimes she would run with him.
Wednesday's ~ Y/n would hang out with Azul in the VIP room. Help the twins out in the Mostro Lounge if they needed the extra hand. Jade would entrust you with drinks while he and Floyd went to prepare food. When Mostro Lounge closed its doors for the day, y/n would enjoy some tea with the three underwater mermen, or have pillow fights. Floyd and y/n pranks are a thing.
Thursday's~ Kalim would always have a big smile on his face when y/n comes to dine or party with him and Jamil. Kalim chases Jamil with a fake bug just to get him to run off holding y/n while screaming cuss words
Friday~ there is no way out y/n gets make overs every Friday night with the Pomefiore dorm. Normally when Vil isn't paying attention Epel would whisk y/n away to his room and teach her to on how to carve apples.
Rook takes everyone out for fancy ice cream.
Saturdays~ mini-gaming sessions at Ignihyde!
Idia vs y/n is like watching two siblings fight about who's going to win. Ortho sees y/n as his big sister who helps him and spoils him and his brother.
Sunday morning~ little walks with Diasomnia dorms. Malleus would sometimes accompany y/n on her walks. Lilia would make some tea for everyone. breaking up arguments between Silver and Sebek only to be trapped in hugs.
Sunday nights~ y/n and grim watch the stars.
Once y/n started getting better and back to their normal self everyone was happy.
Y/n is precious to them, she brings peace to them, she brought them together as a whole.
Everyone loved the shorty. What happened to the group of bully's well the boys finally found them after looking around. Everything they did to y/n was given back to them seven times harder then they were expelled.
(art came from Pinterest)
octavinelle reaction to hurt y/n

Y/n held her breath as a group of bullies ran past her once they where gone y/n released the breath she was holding with a soft sniffle she slowly limped through the water based portal of Octavinelle. As y/n made her way to mostro lounge she started to black out. Once she got to the entrance she leaned against the door frame as her left arm held her right side tears falling from her e/cs. No one was in sight y/n took a beep breath then yelled

"GUYS!" As loudly as her wore out lungs would let her before slumping forward. Before she could hit the cold floor a someone grabbed ahold of her and picked her up it was Flyod with his twin and boss beside him looking down at the badly beaten girl. "Shrimpy what happened?!" Flyod asked holding the small girl in his arms before she could reply she blacked out.
Later ~
When y/n came to she woke up to jade wrapping up her arm in bandages. "Jade.." she started making him look up from her arm "Oh y/n my little mushroom your finally awake!" Jade said gently putting his hand on the back of her head and pressed his lips to her forehead when he pulled away his eyes grew dim "I am going to get Azul and Flyod and you will tell us how you ended up like this understand?" Jade spoke he just like his brother could be very scary when pushed to the limit. Y/n nodded as she relaxed into his gloved large hand. Jade smiled before leaving y/ns bed side and walking out the door to find his brother and boss. Soon the door flung open reviling Flyod "Shrimpy!" He yelled and he jumped on the bed and gently cradled y/ns face. "Tell me who did this to you! I promise their squeeze won't be nice" Flyod's face went dark as he said that. Y/n nervously looked up at the large eel. "Flyod y-your hurting m-me" y/n whispered as Flyod squeezed her cheeks Flyod let go of her face before shoving his face into her chest. Y/n could see Azul standing beside her bed now. He didn't look happy "y/n my angelfish" he started y/n looked down. "Tell us who did this to you." He growled Flyod tightened his hold around her waist. Jade stood by Azul as y/n told them who the bullies where. She may not know their names but she explained them the best she could plus Jade said he could ask around for more information. Flyod growled from y/ns chest "I'll kill them" he growled "Flyod no" y/n said looking down at him before she gently patted his head "But they hurt you y/n!" All three of them yelled y/n shook her head "No killing! You'll get expelled! And I don't want y'all to be expelled" y/n pouted at the three mermen. All three groaned but agreed, "fine no killing but they'll be squeezed tightly" Flyod said sitting up " let's go boys we have some deals to take care of" Azul said as the twins nodded "y/n shouldn't be left alone" Jade said looking at the girl "I'll stay then" Azul said as Flyod got up. Azul sat beside the bed "can you boys do this without me?" Azul as the twins who smiled. "We'll be back soon" Jade said as he and his brother left. Y/n looked over at Azul who was taking off his shoes, hat, and jacket with papers in his hands he gave the Move over motion "Move over angelfish I have work to do but I'm not leaving you" Azul said as he crawled into the bed with y/n. Soon Azul started to sing slightly, As Azul looked through some contracts y/n fell asleep on his side.
With the twins~
"Did you see how that pathetic human run away like a rabbit?" Bully one laughed
"Yeah it was a fun chase but she ran off and hid" bully two replied
"Oh she won't get away next time" bully three added as the group laughed
"Oh there won't be a next time matter a fact there will never be a next time" two voices came making the bullies look around

The bullies froze as they saw the twins
"You hurt my shrimpy..." Flyod growled
"You hurt someone dear to us, and we just want to talk" Jade smiled as he cracked his knuckles as the 6ft twins backed the group of bullies into a corner.
When the leech twins came back they took separate showers and threw their clothes in the wash before cuddling y/n and Azul. No one hurts their little pearl and gets away with it.
(all the art came from Pinterest)
will you miss me when I'm gone?

(I do this alot I will stop when my friends aren't looking to see if they'll notice I'm missing.. I don't mean to it's just a habit I've always done for some reason)
Y/n walked quietly with her group of friends everyone talking and yelling over each other y/n thought it was funny. Then y/n had an idea she wanted to see if they would notice if she wasn't there. She was in-between everyone but she some how was able to sneak out of the group she stopped to pretend to fix her shoe as her friends walked ahead. Y/n looked down she figured as much even back home her friends didn't notice she was gone. Y/n stood back up and dusted her self off before almost jumping out of her skin when she felt a large arm wrap around her waist and picked her up. She looked up and saw Jack was the one holding her on his hip like a sack of potatoes. "You ain't getting left behind plus everyone is waiting on you anyway" jack said pointing ahead of them. Y/n looked and saw everyone stopped and was waiting. Y/n smiled and laughed slightly "why did you stop?" Deuce asked as they got closer "I had to fix my shoe" y/n replied as jack put her down. "SILLY HUMAN WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING THEN?" Sebek yelled/ asked. Y/n shrugged "I don't know" she replied making Ace punch her in arm "Ow! What the heck Ace!" Y/n growled as she rubbed her arm "Tell us next time stupid!" He huffed y/n punched him back making him yelp. Epel just shook his head before grabbing y/ns hand "Come on I finally got a weekend away from Vil let's hurry to your dorm so we can start the sleep over!" Epel said pulling y/n with him "Hey!" Everyone yelled running after Epel as he dragged y/n to her dorm. Y/n laughed *why did I ever doubt them?* She thought to herself as they arrived at her dorm. "I'm happy I have friends like y'all" y/n said out loud as the rest of her friends caught up to her and Epel everyone smiled and hugged her "We're happy to have you as a friend too!" Everyone replied as they hugged for a second in silence
"Y/N IM TIRED!" Grim whined making everyone groan y/n just laughed.
hugging them for the first time pt1
The first years (Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek, and Ortho)
Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder. {ps y/n is pudgy since thats what i am)
Ace Trappola: Ace is the first person y/n saw this morning “hey y/n what's with that face?” Ace teased as she got closer before he could say anything else y/n wrapped her arms around his torso his face slowly turned red as he stood there shocked he wasn't expecting a hug he expected a punch to the shoulder like they do every morning before walking together to find the rest of the group. As quick as he became shocked is as quick it turned to cocky. “Oh couldn't keep your hands to yourself” he teased as he hugged her back before she huffed and pushed him away making him laugh before walking away. “Wait no come back!” he laughed as he followed behind her.
Deuce Spade: Deuce was running a bit late this morning but he soon caught up with y/n, grim and ace. “Sorry i’m late-” Deuce was cut off by y/n hugging him. He stood there frozen for a good minute before he hugged her and held her gently as if she was made of glass. “Deuce why you making such a ugly face man” ace and grim laughed making Deuce snap out of the wonderful moment “oi shove off!” he yelled at them while covering y/n's ears. Ace and grim looked at each other before they started mocking deuce, which ended in deuce gently pulling away from y/n, and charging after the two. Y/n just smiled, and shock her head before walking towards class and on the way maybe find her next huggable victim.
Jack Howl: Now since Jack is a beast man his senses are higher so sneaking up on him would be a little bit hard but not impossible, (but that's not going to happen this time) Jack was standing in the normal meeting spot near the fountain and his ears perked up when he heard grim and aces screams. He watched unamused as Ace, grim and deuce ran past him. Y/n stood beside jack as they watched ace and grim avoid a angry deuce, “‘sigh’ a normal monday'' Jack sighed looking down at y/n only to see her smiling up at him before hugging him, Jacks tail started wagging very quickly it looked like it could make a tiny tornado. Y/n could see Jack's face was very red “what is this for?” Jack asked, trying to act serious y/n shrugged and let go of him, which he patted her head gently in return before they went to follow the troublemakers.
Epel Felmier: He will try to fight because he doesn't want to be seen as cute, Epel meet the four near the cafeteria y/n walked up to him first and hugged him from behind making freeze up and raise his fist before looking over to see y/n hugging him “you all right?” was his first question, He liked the hug but he thought something was wrong. “Nothing wrong, i just wanted a hug” y/n said letting him go he turned around before hugging her back. Y/n smiled and hugged him again before epel dragged her into the cafeteria since everyone else already went in.
Sebek Zigvolt: We all know Sebek he yells (his words he just talks loudly) but now he is silent. Sebek was waiting outside Treins classroom for his friends he rarely eats breakfast with them; he wants to be near mallues at all times, from the corner of his eye he saw all six walking up to him. “ABOUT TIME YOU SHOWED-” sebek stopped mid shout and froze as he felt y/n hug him, everyone was ready for him to start shouting louder. Sebek slowly looked down at his friend before he brought his left hand up to the back of her head and patted it “ let's get to class” he said normally everyone looked at him in shock making him gently push y/n away before he walked into the classroom. Everyone slowly followed in after him y/n was worried she broke him because he was silent the entire lesson. “Sebek i’m sorry-” y/n started as she chased after sebek after class before he turned to look at her “ you did nothing wrong it felt nice thank you” he bowed everyone was still shocked at this and grim smirked “ aww look sebek is a softie” grim teased making sebek shot back up “THIS SOFTIE WILL END YOU!” sebek yelled with a red face, everyone covered their ears but laughed he was back to his normal self at least.
Ortho Shroud: HUG!THIS!BOY! (i wanna hug him! And squeeze him!) Ortho was excitedly looking for his friends “Ortho!!” y/n shouted as she ran towards her little robot friend, Ortho turned when he heard his name only to be wrapped into a warm hug, making him squeal as she swung him around as she held him in a tight hug. He loved hugs from people he cared for. “y/n! Your hugs are very warm, you should hug my brother too!” the boy happily stated
Hugging them for the first time pt3
Octavinelle & Scarabia ( Azul, Jade, Floyd, Kalim, and Jamil)
Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder. {some are shorter than others}
Azul Ashengrotto: Hug him and he’ll melt into your arms and might start crying so pls do it behind closed doors. Y/n was waiting in Azul’s office for the deal maker, soon enough the door of the office opened “Y/n its good to see you! What brings you to my office today?” Azul asked, walking in before closing the door. Azul trusted y/n enough that he didn’t need to have the tweels in the room with them. Once Azul was close enough y/n hugged him and Azul basically collapsed into her arms y/n felt something wet landed on her shoulder. Azul felt bad he was crying on y/n's shoulder but the hug was nice and well needed. “What do you want in return?” Azul asked as he pulled away from her expecting she wanted something in return “Nothing i just wanted to give you a hug” y/n said with a huff crossing her arms before she walked out of the office waving bye to azul making him shake his head and smile. He did really like the hug though now he’s thinking about what to give y/n in return.
Jade Leech: Hug and run! y/n saw Jade washing dishes in the kitchen, so y/n thought it would be fun so just surprise hug him and that’s what she did. She quietly walked up behind the eel and wrapped her arms around him making him stop moving and with that y/n quickly let go and ran out of the kitchen. Jade watched y/n run out of the kitchen she surprised him, the jade leech he was impressed. He will get Y/n back, that's a promise.
Floyd Leech: This can go two ways depending on his mood if he's in a bad mood he’ll probably grunt as y/n hugs him before patting her head before wanting to be let go but will come running for a hug later or if he’s in a good mood y/n isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, his shrimpy hugged him for the first time this eel is excited now he’s going to hold you until he’s bored. As y/n ran out of the kitchen she saw Floyd looking down, she knew the two ways this would end but she still wanted to hug him. Y/n walked up to him “hi floyd you alright?” y/n asked Floyd quickly looked down at her “hi shrimpy just a bad day” he huffed “do you want a shrimpy hug?” y/n asked expecting him to say no but he lit up like a firework before picking her up and spinning her around “oh shrimpy!!!” Floyd happily yelled y/n just laughed as she hugged him. Everyone in the mostro lounge was thankful for y/n because now floyd was in a better mood. Y/n got ALOT of free food to take home that day.
Kalim Al-Asim: Just hold your arms out when you see him he’ll come running. Y/n was walking through the halls when she saw Kalim and Jamil “Y/n!” Kalim yelled waving at her with a big smile making y/n smile back at him and she opened her arms Jamil looked shocked and Kalim looked excited before he started running towards her very excitedly. He ran full force into her arm laughing the entire time. Once they pulled away from each other y/n saw Jamil had walked over to them.
Jamil Viper: Before Jamil could say anything y/n hugged him as well making him freeze before he hugged her back. Y/n did hug him a second longer than she hugged Kalim so Jamil was really happy and petty about the hug.
Hugging them for the first time pt4
Ignihyde & Diasomnia
Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder.
Idia Shroud: Instant blue screen and pink hair. His mind will race between what's happening?, She's hugging me!!, Did I forget a special day?, and Why would she want to hug me? He won’t hug back unless ortho comes in and tells him to hug back and ortho takes a picture of y/n and Idia hugging. Once y/n leaves Idia has a huge smile on his face as he collapses onto his bed letting out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
Lilia Vanrouge: Just hold your arms out when you see him and he’ll gladly accept. Y/n saw Lilia when she was leaving history “Lilia!” Y/n called out Lilia looked up from his DS (he’s a gamer you can’t tell me he has a ds or a switch) to see y/n told her arms out making him chuckle before disappearing then reappearing in front of her before wrapping his arms around her before they were both floating upside down in the air y/n was giggling as she held onto his small form. He may be small but remember he was a general and he is a fae. Once the hug was over he smiled as he watched y/n walk off humans never stop surprising him.
Silver Vanrouge: (ik just let me have this one!) He was found walking towards a tree probably where he can most likely always be found when he sleeps. Y/n quickly caught up with silver, “hey silver heading to your normal nap stop?” y/n asked silver nodded “yawn* yeah.. Is something wrong?” silver asked yawning y/n just shock her head before they stopped under the tree before silver could say anything else y/n hugged him making him chuckle before hugging her back “ your so warm” silver yawned as he fell asleep standing in her arms but y/n was ready and slowly placed him down on the ground.
Malleus Draconia: HUG!THIS!MAN! (you know Astarion from bg3 think about his hug) He was excited to see his child of man like he always is on their nightly walks. Before he could even say hello y/n smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist he froze up before slowly wrapping his arms around y/ns puddy from. He needed this hug and y/n was happy to give it.They stood there for awhile by the time mallues had released y/n he realized she had fallen asleep. Mallues picked y/n up and teleported to the ramshack before gently placing her down on her bed “thank you child of man” mallues whispered before leaving (should i do the staff?)
hugging them for the first time pt5
Pomefiore Dorm & staff (Vil, Rook, Crewel, Trein, Vargas, and sam)
Y/n has been at NRC for a while and she's never hugged anyone (besides grim) until today. Y/n took in a deep breath before walking out the door of the ramshackle dorm with grim on her shoulder.
Rook Hunt: He already knows what's going on and is excited! When he sees y/n walking towards the pomefiore dorm he was singing praises as he ran towards her. Y/n had a feeling rook knew he’s rook he always knows. Anyway when she saw the blond hunter running towards her singing praises she just shook her head, smiled, and held her arms out for the french man, Which he quickly wrapped his arms around her and hugged y/n very tightly while swinging her around.
Vil Schoenheit: Ask before touching! Y/n may be his favorite potato but ask first! Vil was in his room doing his normal afternoon routine when he heard a knock on the door “enter!” vil said as he just finished putting the lotion on his face “Roi du Poison little trickster is here to see you” Rook happily said as he opened the door revealing both rook and y/n “come in my potato! You're just in time to try this new lotion! Rook shut the door on the way out please!” Vil smiled as he patted the seat beside him. Y/n walked over to him and gently sat down beside him. “Ok my potato, what brings you to me today?” vil asked as he rubbed the lotion on y/ns puggy face “Nothing wrong, i just wanted to ask if i could give the fairest of them all a hug?” Y/n asked vil looked at her before smiling and pulling her into a hug “of course potato! Thank you for asking as well” vil said as he patted the back of her head.
Crowely: Hair spay and a lighter I'm making smoked crow sorry Crowley fans, no touching this man in my story. Crowely “come on give me a hug i’ve been so generous” “Mf you overwork me, cut the money, threaten to kick me out of the ramshack if i don't do your job and more!” Crowely sat pouting in a corner. Y/n definitely bribed ruggie to steal the crows credit cards ( my Hogwarts oc everytime crowley upsets her off “AVADA-” was tackled and hugged by the first years.)
Crewel: Father! Y/n saw her father figure she smiled as she quickly walked up beside him “afternoon professor crewel you need some help?” y/n asked crewel looked shocked for a second “sorry pup you startled me, but yes i would greatly appreciate the help” crewel said as y/n opened her arms he gently placed some of the stuff he was holding into her arms “thank you pup!” crewel smiled at y/n as they started walking. As they walked down the hall y/n and crewel was talking about each others days since today was one of the days y/n didn’t have potions. Crewel was proud that she got a 90% on her last history quiz. Soon they got to crewel's classroom and they placed everything on his desk “D- professor crewel earlier you looked very concentrated. Anything else I can help you with?” y/n asked crewel smiled before he shock his head no “no pup thank you though and here for helping me” crewel replied as he handed her a lollipop y/n smiled before hugging him. Crewel froze before hugging her back. They soon let go of each other Y/n waved by before she left. Crewel nodded to himself “i’ve made up my mind” {can you guess where this is going? hehe)
Trien and Lucius: Grandpa! Head pats{he reminds me of my grandpa. Strict and good at history} Trien was walking out of his classroom with Lucuis when he saw y/n walking down the empty school hall “hello professor Trien, Hello Lucius!” y/n waved at them “y/n meow what are you doing roaming the halls at this hour school ended thirty minutes ago” Trien asked as he watched y/n pet lucius making the grumpy cat purr “i was helping Professor crewel take stuff to his classroom” y/n replied Trien nodded. Y/n went to his side before hugging him he just hmmed before gently patting her on the head. “Now run along” Trien said y/n nodded and quickly walked off. Trien had a small smile on his lips.
Vargas: He will pick you/BEAR HUG! Vargas was putting up some of the left over brooms from flight class. “Here” a small voice said Vargas turned to see y/n holding the rest of the brooms “Thanks! I’m glad you're here. I wanted to let you know you’re really good at flying, i’m proud!” Vargas said as he took the brooms from her and locked him up in their place. Vargas turns around and bear hugs y/n, y/n just laughed and tries to hug him the best she could.
Sam: Big brother. Sam knew y/n was on her way to see him, his friends on the other side told him. Soon he heard the door open “Hello my Little imp! What can i do for you today?” sam asked as he walked up to y/n “i need something but you don’t sell it” y/n started sam hmmed “hmm what would that be? Since your my favorite imp i can get it in a snap!” sam smiled bowing alittle bit “A hug from you” y/n said quickly Sam straighten back up and looked at her for a second “you wanna hug from me?” sam asked y/n nodded “only if you’re ok with it” she replied sam just smiled “Come here little imp!” he said opening his arms y/n gladly hugged him and she could feel someone hugging her back she looked the best she could and saw sams shadow on the wall hugging her.
Can't find the perfect (my original idea)
Just imagine finding a secret room underneath the great 7 statues, Like one walking behind one because you saw something and you see a button and pushing it only for it to open a hatch on the back of the statue. You slowly climb down to find a small almost empty room.

“This would be perfect for a ‘me cave’. Just need to add some stuff and not tell anyone about it. A place for me to get away from everyone to just be by myself to think, to cry, or to simply breathe ” Y/n thought to herself as she looked around before nodding.
After decorating the room

Y/n looked around and nodded to herself. It wasn't much but it was hers.
It was after classes on a friday and y/n was tired and had a horrible headache so she went to her secret room and fell asleep. This week was more hectic than normal, grim being grim, Crowley being a huge jerk making y/n do his paperwork and refusing to find her away home, classes, bullies. With the lack of sleep y/n has had she was really tired but happy that next week was a break. Y/n had just planned to sleep for a few hours but instead she slept the weekend away. {I've done this before i fell asleep on friday and didn't wake up until sunday night.} When she woke up loud thunder, and people shouting could be heard. Y/n quickly climbed out of her secret room only to find the sky dark, with green lightning shooting across the sky, as y/n started walking towards the school a Scarabia student ran up to her “You’re ok! Good! Come!” he said as he gently grabbed her wrist before they both started running through the school. Students and staff sighed in relief as they saw y/n. Soon the two got to the meeting room, the Scarabia threw open the door “I FOUND HER! SHE’S HERE!” The student yelled as he pulled y/n into the room y/n saw all of her friends and teachers. Before y/n could say anything Crewel had her in a tight hug, y/n could hear his heart racing before pulling her away from him “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” Everyone yelled as they circled her “No one has seen you since friday!” Crewel said as he checked her for injuries y/n blinked in confusion “I’m sorry. I was under a lot of stress because Crowley gave me all his paperwork to do plus school assignments and chasing after grim i guess i passed out somewhere” y/n rambled out quickly as tears filled her eyes. “I didn’t mean to, i’ll make sure i don’t do that again” y/n said as bowed “you can’t control it if you pass out due to lack of sleep but next time at least tell someone how you are feeling” silver said as he rubbed her back. Everyone was happy to see she was ok but right now they wanted to make sure she ate properly, and made sure she wasn’t hurt anywhere.
All dorm leaders were highly ticked off as was crewel they dealt with crowley their way, Now crowley won’t even ask y/n for anything, he pays her more, and fixes up the ramshack dorm were y/n now has air and heat. Everyone takes turns helping y/n if she needs it.

The reference and the result 🤣🤣
The reference belongs to the rightful owner
Oc is mine grim and background belongs to twisted wonderland.
Adopted by papa crewel
It was a normal Friday afternoon and class was ending as y/n walked past Mr. Crewels desk he spoke up “Y/N I need you to stay after for a second” Mr. Crewel said as he continued to grade papers. Y/n waved bye to her friends and grim as she stayed behind in the classroom. “Am I in trouble?” Y/n asked as she pulled up a chair. “No” Mr. Crewel answered
“Did grim do something?” Y/n
“No” crewel
“Did ace and deuce do something?” Y/n
“No” crewel
Mr. Crewel just smiled slightly as he placed his pen down and looked at y/n who was trying to figure out why she had to stay behind. “I wanted to ask you something important” crewel started y/n looked at him before slightly tilting her head. “Go on” y/n said with a confused smile, crewel sighed before placing a piece of paper in front of y/n. It was a adoption paper, y/n looked up at crewel in shock “before you say anything let me explain. I know you want to back home but it's just for now or if sadly there is no way back. Like for breaks you'll have somewhere to go instead of staying on campus. It's ok if you want you don't want to but-” “you actually want me as your daughter?” Y/n had interrupted crewel. Crewel looked at her and saw she had tears in her eyes. “Of course you like a daughter I've never had but always wanted. Your smart, brave, Hella stubborn and more” crewel said standing up and walking over to her. Y/n jumped up and hugged him crewel froze before wrapping his arms around her “But even if you say yes I won't give you any special treatment at school anyway” crewel said with a laugh y/n laughed as well.
Back home y/n was normal always by herself but here she has friends and now someone who wants to adopt her. Y/n pulled away from the hug and looked up at crewel “are you sure about this?” Y/n asked one last time crewel put a hand on her head “Yes my daughter” he replied y/n smiled and signed the paper. Crewel couldn't be happier one he has a daughter (and a devil cat) and two he gets to put Crowley through more hell. “Am I aloud to tell anyone?” Y/n asked crewel nodded as he picked up the paper “Yes I want all those bad pups to know if they mess with you they get to deal with me. Plus grim will have to know as well since he goes with you everywhere” crewel said with a proud smile. Y/n smiled again hugging him before running off to tell her friends the good (not so good for them) news.


Y/n signed as she paced around her living room, stressing about the meeting with all of her friends this afternoon. {flashback to monday} Crowley had finally gotten off his lazy butt and found her a way home, “I'll give you until next monday to decide, and to say goodbye” Crowley said as he waved y/n out of his office. As y/n stood outside his door, her mind was racing so many thoughts ran through her head, she had just been adopted by crewel only a few days ago and she hadn't told anyone yet. Y/n slowly walked to her fathers classroom, even though it's her choice and she has her heart set on one answer she would still like her fathers opinion. After a few minutes y/n had found herself infront of her fathers classroom door, before slowly reaching up to knock on the door. “Enter” her fathers voice said behind the classroom door, which she slowly opened the door and stepped in before shutting the door behind her silently “ah hello pup! I was going to track you down after I got done grading these tests, I want to take you shopping!” Crewel said with a smile as he looked up from the paper he was grading, y/n pulled up a chair “papa i need to talk to you about a conversation Crowley and I just had” y/n said as she sat down “ Do i need to get violent with a crow?” crewel asked putting his pen down, y/n laughed slightly before shaking her head “not today papa” y/n replied Crewel turned his chair to face his daughter he gently took her hands in his “what’s wrong pup?” Crewel asked his voice filled with concern y/n took a deep breath before speaking “Crowley found a way for me to go back to my world, he’s giving me until next monday to decide” Y/n felt Crewel freeze up she looked up at her father to see his gray eyes wide and started to fill up with tears. Crewel lowered his head “the choice is yours i’ll be happy for you no matter what.” Crewel spoke with a shaky voice. “Dad I have a week to decide I'm not going to tell my friends until Sunday but-” y/n started before leaning and whispering into crewel's ear. Crewel gasped tears falling from his eyes before hugging her tightly. {end of flashback}
The week went by like normal y/n went to unbirthday partys, Spelldrive tournaments, helping out at the Mostro Lounge, helping jamil prepare for parties kalim threw, suffering with epel as Vil rants as rook chuckles behind them, gaming with Idia,Ortho and Lilia, Pranking sebek with ace and grim, falling asleep beside silver under a random tree, and late night walks with malleus. Sunday had finally came around faster than y/n was ready for but today was the day so y/n had gone around to all of her friends telling them to come by the ramshack tonight at 5pm, telling them it was very important and EVERYONE needed to be there.
Grim yelling y/ns name had brought her out of her thoughts “y/n! Henchmen someone at the door!” grim yelled y/n quickly went to the door and opened it seeing everyone heck even Idia was here in person “Yall came!” y/n smiled as she opened the door wider as she stepped aside welcoming everyone in “of course shrimpy!” Floyd said as he picked her up and brought her in for a tight hug y/n laughed as floyd carried her to the living room as everyone else followed in close pursuit. Soon everyone was seated in the living room looking at y/n who was standing in the middle of the room “so child of man I’m happy to be included, but why have you called us here all of a sudden?” Malleus asked y/n sighed “ok i have something important to tell all of you but i need you all to promise to stay quiet until i am done ok?” y/n said looking at all her friends Everyone nodded agreeing with her terms y/n took a deep breath before looking at all her friends before starting to speak “so on monday crowley called me into his office and he had told me he had found a way for me to go home and he gave me until monday aka tomorrow to make my decision” everyone froze and stared at y/n with wide eyes “I didn’t want to stress anyone out so i didn’t tell anyone about it, i wanted this week to be normal.” y/n had sat down beside a tearful grim “and i wanted you all here to hear what i had decided” y/n said looking at her friends everyone was looking down ready to be heartbroken “I’m staying here” y/n said with a smile “WAIT WHAT?!” Everyone yelled y/n laughed “Professor Crewel and I had this conversation on Monday grim and I will be living with him because he had adopted me last friday.” y/n said hugging grim “i already wanted to stay here i guess i just needed more of a secret push from you all” y/n said ace got up and walked over to her “You jerk! You worried everyone!” ace growled as he punched y/n in the arm y/n just laughed. Everyone was happy y/n was staying, everyone took turns hugging y/n. She was staying in twisted wonderland because of them.
The eldest daughter who wasn't wanted
Sully family x oldest daughter reader
(I am rewriting this story)
y/n sully is the oldest daughter of the Sully's twin sister of Neteyam. Even though y/n was a na'vi she came out smaller than a normal Navi baby and her skin was a sky demon tan color. She was given away a week after birth. After 16 years the Sully's reunited with y/n but y/n has a new family and doesn't consider the Sully's her family besides Mo'at.
(art isn't mine unless I say it is. The names I picked out.
I've been wanting to do this story for a while and I finally got the push I needed for it, this is just one of my avatar stories)
y/n and clan / prologue

Y/n (16 years old)
The eldest daughter of the Sully's twin sister of Neteyam.
Belongs to the Dushnikh clan a terrifying, strong but caring clan.
The Dushnikh clan is a clan of the tallest, green orcish Navis
The clan is located in a swampy area.
(The clan and characters are my ocs but the name of the clan is from a Skyrim its a orc strong hold)
~prologue 16 years ago~
The battle had ended with hells gates a few months ago when neytiri had went into labor. After many hours of pain Neytiri had given birth to her children, a little girl and a little boy named y/n and Neteyam, but y/n came out wrong, y/n was much smaller than a normal na'vi newborn she was human newborn size, her skin was a tannish color with light blue strips and she had five fingers, she did have na'vi ears, nose, kuru, and tail. Neytiri held the small new born looking up at Jake "Ma Jake.." she started Jake shock his head "don't worry my love" he replied at first they were happy to have both of the twins but soon some of the clan started talking "that baby is a demon!" "You need to get rid of it!" "Demon blood!" Neytiri and Jack did their best to ignore them.
~ a week later~
"My daughter don't do this! Please let her hear the great mother!" Mo'at begged as her daughter and son-in-law were about to give their daughter away.
"No mother. I am her mother I know what's best for her. We need to protect our family and clan" neytiri said as she gave her week old daughter to norm, while Neteyam cried from the wrapping of his mother's chest, Jake held kiri as he talked to Norm.
"She is family!" Mo'at hissed
Jack stepped between his mate and her mother
"Enough we made our choice" Jake hissed
Mo'at hissed back before grabbing the week old baby girl from norm "Fine I will take her somewhere where she can grow up in peace" Mo'at growled holding the baby closer to her chest
"Mother-" neytiri started but was cut off
"Enough! I am your mother and one of the elders! My choice over rules yours!" Mo'at hissed neytiri and Jack stepped back.
"I am her father give me my daughter" Jake said trying to grab y/n
Mo'at hissed again "No! I have spoken Jack Sully, the other elders agree with me, she deserves to live in peace"
"Mother where are you taking her? Let us come with you, I want to know that my daughter is safe" neytiri offers
Mo'at shock her head "No! Stay here, I will make sure she is safe" Mo'at said walking away with the baby.
~sometime later ~
Mo'at had sat in the hut with another larger elder sitting in front of her

"Mo'at my old friend, it's nice to see you but what's brought you to our home?" The elder in front Mo'at asked
"Leyra my old friend, as you know my daughter had her child a week ago. But my daughter has given up her daughter because she looks different." Mo'at said as she opened the baby carrier on her chest.
The elder na'vi gasped "These young ones always think they know what's best. Did you talk to her about her fate if she does this?" Leyra said as she looked at the small tan na'vi child staring back at her with an incorrect toothless smile.
Mo'at nodded as she looked down at the week old "yes but my daughter and her husband didn't listen.. they said they know what's best for their family."
Leyra and Mo'at turned when they heard the beads at the opening move to see another large female na'vi holding a small toddler

"My apologies mother and Mo'at" the female na'vi spoke with a bow Mo'at and Leyra smiled
"Zo'ile it has been to long, I see you have a small one" Mo'at said with a smile as the young na'vi walked over to her mother's friend.
Leyra smiled as her daughter sat beside her "Zo'ile I was about to call for you" Leyra said smiling at her daughter "Mo'at has brought her granddaughter to us, to be raised and cared for"
Zo'ile froze when her mother said those words before looking at Mo'at who held the small tan na'vi and her son At'ok standing by Mo'at smiling at the baby. Zo'ile reached out and Mo'at smiled before handing her the small baby.
"Her name is y/n" Mo'at said as she handed zo'ile the baby
Zo'ile smiled her heart had acked for the baby her son At'ok got into his mother's arms and stared at the baby as well "Tsmuke (sister)" At'ok said smiling zo'ile smiled before looking back at her mother and Mo'at "mother can she stay here I can raise her as my own, of course she'll know Mo'at as her grandmother as well. Please" zo'ile begged slightly.
Leyra and Mo'at smiled, Mo'at knew from then on her granddaughter would be loved and cared for from someone other than her. Leyra looked at her old friend
"Mo'at" she asked Mo'at smiled
"As long as you're ok with it my old friend" Mo'at replied
Leyra smiled "she'll be loved, cared for and excepted" Leyra said as they watched At'ok and y/n fell asleep in Zo'iles arms against her chest making her smile
(Something like this)

(Go look up artsofmetamoor! Love their avatar au)
Mo'at smiled sadly she didn't want to leave her first grandchild but her people really needed her and she knew y/n would have a better life here. "goodbye ma granddaughter I will come visit when I can, and thank you again leyra, zo'ile" Mo'at said getting up
leyra nodded and got up as well followed by zo'ile "of course my friend anything for you" she said hugging the smaller Forest na'vi.
Mo'at nodded and left the hut, zo'ile looked down at her children "mother why would neytiri give up her child?" Zo'ile asked Leyra shook her head
"Sometime na'vi forget the ways we were taught, they think they know best until eywa shows that you're wrong. Neytiri gave the child up because some sharp words spoken by her clan" Leyra said as she looked at her daughter, before walking away to grab crushed up herbs
"The day will come where we will have to tell her but until then, she will be raised the way of our people" leyra said gently rubbed the herd on the baby's head making her giggle in her sleep zo'ile smiled.
"Good night mother" zo'ile said as she walked out of the hut
"Good night ma daughter"
Zo'ile walked into her hut on to meet the chest of her mate Nawmrui.

"Ma Zo'ile are you and At'ok alright what took so long?" Nawmrui asked before his eyes widden at the sight of the smaller na'vi in his mate and childs arms.
"Ma Nawmrui, Mo'at had came by for a visit and she brought her granddaughter. Neytiri and her mate didn't want the baby, when I laid eyes on her I felt the great mother telling me to take her in as my own." Zo'ile said holding the baby's close
Nawmrui slowly got down on his knees to see the baby clearly, y/n had opened her sleepy eyes before giggle and reaching out for nawmrui gently placing her hand on his nose.
Nawmrui smiled "Oh great mother has blessed us with not one amazing child but now two. I am blessed" Nawmrui said as he got up and gently hugged his wife and his two children.
The next morning y/n had been introduced to the clan and they watched as y/ns kuru was connected to their spirit tree. The tree grew brighter and the clan was overjoyed to see the newest member of the Dushnikh clan
Nawmrui and zo'ile stared at their two children with nothing but love and care.
If the Sully's didn't want y/n the Dushnikh clan definitely did.
In celebration of reaching this follower goal--

I have made something silly! Please enjoy my nonsense :D
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @olivia-the-weirdo @mechformers @rsclopez @totesnothere04 @milknhonies
420 FOLLOWERS~ - Albino Version
Albino version of this!
@drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @olivia-the-weirdo @mechformers @rsclopez @totesnothere04 @milknhonies
deep | iwaizumi hajime x gn! reader
super short, not a request but a thing i wrote in 20 minutes as a bet with my friend :3
warnings: gn! reader, oral sex, blowjobs, face fucking
Iwaizumi Hajime never considered himself to be anything other than responsible, composed and in control. But right now, in this moment, he felt anything but. Back on the sheets, with sweat rolling down his naked chest, all of his restraint is taken from him. He can barely even open his eyes due to the intense pleasure that's emanating from their mouth.
It’s been fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes since Hajime came home from work, exhausted and angry. Thirteen minutes since he saw his fiance in the living room in nothing but a tiny pair of shorts and his old volleyball jersey. Ten minutes since he walked over to them and planted a long, lustful kiss on their lips. Eight minutes since the two of them laid down on their shared bed.
It’s been six minutes since they put his dick in their mouth.
They started immediately, forgoing the usual, teasing licks and coy smiles. With barely a glance toward Hajime’s face, they popped the head into their mouth and immediately began to suckle on it, tracing the underside with their tongue expertly. They know his body like the back of their own hand. The way that his abdominal muscles ripple, the way his thighs tense, how his cock kicks up in their mouth, and especially how his eyes roll back and close with pleasure
They tap his thigh to get him to look at them, Hajime obliges. Without a substantial warning, they look him in the eyes and press themself, down, down, deeper, until his entire cock is nestled in their warm throat. His moan gets caught in his throat.
He can barely think at this point. Colourful rainbows of stars dance behind his eyelids when he shuts his eyes closed once more. Hajime pries them open once more in order to look down on his partner. They look back up at him, lashes fluttering and eyes lust-filled and glazed over.
“So good for me, so good, baby,” he groans out. Reaching out, he threads his hand in his lover’s hair and yanks at it, which forces them to gag even deeper on his cock. Hajime presses them down onto his dick and shifts his body to sit up against the headboard, bringing them with him.
The shifts of his body caused his cock to piston into their mouth, the mushroomed head poking at the back of their throat. Tears well up in their eyes and roll down their cheeks and puffy, swollen lips, slicking up Hajime’s dick even more.
Hajime moves his hand from their hair to their face and uses his thumb to wipe at the spit gathering on their chin.
“You look so pretty sucking my cock,” he coos. With a shift of his hips, Hajime pushes his dick down their throat. Their eyes open in shock as more tears spill out.
“Gggn!!” Was all they managed to get out before Hajime began to thrust his hips up more aggressively, setting a rhythm that was sure to leave them with a sore throat the next morning.
All they can do is choke around the cock in their mouth and look up at Hajime with pretty, pleading eyes. Soon enough, the prof volleyball player forgets any kind of self restraint and grabs their hair, forcing them down as he fucks up into their mouth.
Spit and pre-cum fall out the corner of their mouth, smearing across Hajime’s pelvis. At this point, they can do nothing but allow his dick to slide in and out. They can do nothing but take it.
“Fuck, baby. I’m so close,” he groans out, nails starting to scrape against his pretty partner’s scalp. His hips begin to lose their rhythm as they fuck up deep and frantically.
“God, you’re doing so good for me. Just a little more, please,” he whines out, eyes closed. They oblige, giving him a quick swipe of their tongue on the underside of his cock .That was the final piece, as Hajime immediately comes undone with a cry.
Hot ropes of cum spurt out of his dick and shoot straight down their throat, tasting musky, warm, and exactly like Hajime. He keeps them down on his dick until it’s completely soft.
As he pulls out, they leave him with one final lick against the shaft and he jolts with a groan.
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me, baby,” he groans out before pulling them up into a hot kiss.
hands tied | sub! bottom! oikawa tooru x gn! dom! reader
once again, not a request but a thing i wrote in english bc my friend told me to 😁
warnings: fuck machine, overstimulation, dacryphilia, bottom oikawa tooru, hand jobs, dom! reader
The whirr of a machine fills the previously silent room, loud squelches accompany it. On the king sized mattress lies Tooru, on his hands and knees. Well, more like his knees and shoulders. His hands lie at the small of his back, bound with silky black rope, hips pressed up in the air, and his face buried in the light grey sheets.
Behind him, a fuck machine works away, a girthy dildo attached to the end. It pistons in and out of Tooru, hitting his prostate directly.
“Hnnnnggg,” he whines out, trying to move away from the stimulation. Black matching ropes keep his ankles tied to the bedpost, leaving the brunette unable to squirm away. As the machine thrusts, his erect dick swings under him. A string of pre-cum connects the reddened tip to the small pool of cum left from his previous orgasms.
“Oh, look at you, Tooru. So pretty for me,” you coo, reaching out to stroke one finger across the shaft of his cock. His hips jolt at the touch as he whimpers.
“Nooooooo, I can’t! S’too much,” he cries out as he turns his face to look at you. You remove your finger from his swollen cock and move it up to his hair.
“Yes, you can. You can take it real nice for me. Can’t you, baby?” You scratch your fingers through his hair and he relaxes the slightest bit into the touch.
“Too much,” he responds, his eyes glassy as he looks up at you.
“Good,” you punctuate the phrase by wrapping your fingers into his hair and yanking hard.
“Fuckkk!” Tooru moans out, eyes closing as you lift his head. You hold him there for a few seconds, waiting for his response.
“Please! No more! I can’t,” he begs, opening his eyes and staring straight into yours.
“Wrong answer,” you finish. Letting go of his hair, his head flops back onto the bed as you move to turn up the speed of the fuck machine.
The previously intense setting is upped by a faster one and you add more lube directly onto Tooru’s hole, the cold makes his shiver. With lube now dripping down his ass and the seam of his balls, you sit back and watch.
The dildo disappears and reappears fast, the silicone made to have a perfect curve designed to hit Tooru’s prostate on every thrust. The sheets under his dick are soiled with cum and more pours out of his cock. The ones under his head are soaked with tears, from both pleasure and overstimulation. The muscle in his arms bulges out as he strains against the ropes that keep him bound, his feet shift and toes curl as his legs struggle with the black rope. His mouth is open wide, drool joining the wet spot by his face as he moans, high pitched and loud.
It’s then that you notice the way his hips twitch, the muscles in his thighs contract. You recognize his body’s behavior: he’s going to cum.
“Come on baby, you can do it. It’s your last one, you’ve been so good for me,” you coo out, running a hand over the curve of his asscheek. Your hand trails down, lightly tracing his perineum before cupping his balls in your palm and lightly squeezing. His hips thrust into the touch as you finally, finally, move your hand to grip his dick.
With firm, fast strokes, you jerk him off and he screams.
“Fuuuuck!! Shit! Please, I’m cumming, please, please, please, please,” he pleads, fat tears rolling down his cheeks as he gazes at you with pure need.
“Let go, baby,” you command with finality, and Tooru listens. Oh, does he listen.
His back arches in the air as he shoves back onto the dildo, trying to figure out if he wants to grind back into the dildo or fuck into your hand.
With a full body twitch, he comes beautifully. Back arched, eyes wide and unseeing, face flushed, and cock kicking.
He cums and cums, spilling out over the bed and your hand for the final time.
It wracks his body to the point that he goes limp from exertion.
You take your hand off his cock and stroke his hair.
“Good boy, you did so good for me, Tooru.”
Im new at this. I take requests if anyone has any. I will try my best to fulfill your requests:)

Soft imagine
You have been having a bad day, laying in bed all day, moping, cramping, etc. You are laying in bed waiting for your loving boyfriend to come home. Your scrolling through Pinterest with music blasting through your headphones. You don't hear your boyfriend come in. Your dark bedroom is filled with a little bit of light due to the door opening. You turn around in your bed and see a tall figure standing in the doorway, your bf Takanobu Aone. You rise up from your fort and greet the man with a hug. He mumbles " hello my love". That brings a smile to your face, you back away from the hug and say "hey, how was your day?" He grunts, letting you know it wasn't great. He mumbles " shower" you say okay, and lay back down.
. . .
About 30 minutes later u hear the shower turn off and see Aone walking out with a towel around his waist. He gets dressed into his sleeping clothes (a t-shirt and plaid pants). You open your arms wide and whine for him to come to you. He knew you were on your period, so he knew you were in a bit of pain. He smiles and crawls into your shared bed and gets under the covers with you. He gets comfortable. When he is still you wrap your legs around his waist and put your head into his chest. Inhaling his sweet scent, you relax. He kisses your head and you both fall asleep in eachothers embrace.