sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris
Sophie Lidaris

Hello wonderful people. I write poems, stories, fanfictions and love to take photos. I hope you enjoy this and please respect the Copyright of my poems, stories and photos. I do not own the characters of the fanfictions and imagines please support the creators when you like them.And important I take requests! If I know the character good enough I will glady write it, still there are certain topics I am not comfortable with, ^^''

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Sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris

sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris
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More Posts from Sophielidaris

5 years ago
Hello World This Will Be My First Post And Is One Of The Poems That Matter To Me The Most. I Hope You

Hello world this will be my first post and is one of the poems that matter to me the most. I hope you like it

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5 years ago

10th Doctor x reader Imagine being comforted by the 10th Doctor after you ran away from a family fight

As always I do not own Doctor Who please support the show when you like this. Have fun ^-^ 

This is a story between you and the 10th Doctor biasically a lot of fluff, yet this could trigger people with family issues or having a hard time because of fights. Please do not read when it could make you sad. Just for you to know english is not my first language. If a make mistakes please be so kind to not blame me but help me learn and show me how to to it right or better thank-you

I you like it I would be honored if you reblog, comment or like it, now have fun ^-^

You were walking down a street crying, again. You were a young university student. You were learning about psychology you wanted to help people one day, but you had to admit you could not even help yourself or your family. Family issues were nothing new to you. The screaming, the fighting, the silence...nothing new. You hated it when this happens. You always feel so helpless. Your family is shouting at each other, hurting each other and you are just helpless... You begged them to stop, you really tried to make things better. You always did everything to make them proud, so that they maybe would have no reason to fight, but oh how wrong and naive you had been. You probably could be the first woman at mars and they still would keep fighting about, actually everything, but mostly because of you. You have always been quiet shy and silent, but also always had a living fantasy seeing in this world so much more than most would see. You always dreamed of visiting the stars or different times one day. Yet the only thing that your parents did was blaming each other because their daughter was somehow strange. They never realized that you began to chance when they started fighting. That your little head and heart and had not seen any other way to survive the pain than to run to fantastic worlds. It was one of this days again, again they had been fighting. You still lived with them because the university was close but on this kind of days you just wished you were far far away. You felt so helpless and so so alone. Your few friends went to other universities and you were too shy to make new ones. Of course you could call your friends but it was night and you were always afraid that one day they would be fed up with you, for being so helpless and broken and just leave you. Even more tears were falling now. You did not even see the street anymore, until you suddenly walked into something. You expected to fall down but someone caught you. “I-I..” you wanted to say you were sorry, but your sobs just would not let you. Strangely the person holding you did not seem angry, was not shouting at you. The arms only were holding you even tighter, pulling you closer “Well, hello~ You must have had an awful day my dear” you heard a mans voice. It sounded strong, somehow wise, yet nice, caring but also like a person with authority and had definitely a strong British accent, well nothing strange with that you were in London after all. You felt him softly rub your back:” Hey, it's okay, your okay..well okay you are crying but nothing I cannot fix..we cannot fix, I mean you will be alright  dear” to your surprise his rambling really made you chuckle, which sounded a bit broken, because you were still crying badly. It was strange , why was he so kind to you? You probably were just troubling him. “I....I am sorry for being a burden to you, Sir. I ..I should just leave..I...” “You, my dear  will stay here” he interrupted you in a tone that was not excepting contradiction. Still you tried to break free, without effect. “Don't you even try. I am not letting you alone in this state. Have you even noticed the state you are in? Your whole body is trembling, your heart is beating waaaaaay too fast and you would not even stand with out me holding you up and now that I told you all that you will probably begin to feel the dizziness and the debility. Yeah, there it is. Careful there.” he simply picked you up holding you bride-style, while you were fighting the exhaustion. You were awfully tired. Tired of everything. Your eyes were getting heavier, but you knew you needed to stay awake. He could do terrible things to you, but somehow you just felt save. Suddenly you heart him chuckle: “Stop fighting it, dear you are save, calm down. I promise I will not hurt you.” Who..who are you...” “the Doctor” “Doctor..Doctor who?” “Just the doctor” he sat down at a bank with you and you notice his fingers on the sides of your forehead. “What..what are you..” “shh.. everything is alright. You just wandered of in a bit dangerous place right now, were some pretty messed up wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff is happening and you are in no state you could handle that right now, so just go to sleep. I promise I bring you back home, oh and sorry about that.” you wanted to ask about what but you began to feel strange, like something with your head was not quiet right, like someone was..”Shs do not worry about it, you are perfectly save with me (y/n). I just had to find out if you saw anything dangerous for you..” what did he mean ..find out what I should would he...” shs..sleep now, doctors order” and with that there was noway out anymore. You had no power over your body you just fell asleep. When you woke up again you were in your room under your covers and your old teddy you had since you were really little was in your arms. Had it all been a dream? But wait why was your bear there. That was not possible. You had the bear since you were really small, it always made you feel save. Your parents had told you that you just had found it somewhere, talking about an angle in a suit who was a policeman out of space. They just thought it was once again one of your fantasy world stories you had made up and you just had found it somewhere. You yourself were too small to really remember it. The strange thing was, one day when you were older your father was angry at you, saying this bear you loved so much was making you a weakling and took it away from you. That was years ago so how did it end up in your arms...could it be? But how should the strange man know or even have did he knew your name, your home and especially your bear. He had been nice to you, really nice. His warm brown eyes had been looking so caring at you, so gentle. You remembered he looked handsome with his messy hair and brown suit. Somehow he reminded you of someone, someone important to you, but you just could not figure it out. Some days went by and you still had no idea who the man was, yet you were thankful to him. It had been a long time, since anyone had made you really save and okay and he somehow seemed to had brought your teddy back. Yes, you were a grown up, but you really loved that bear. The exact per that was now hidden under your jacket while you were snicking out of the house. There had been a terrible fight again, your parents had shouted things at you no child should ever hear their parents say, but for you the damage was done. Silent tears were rolling down your cheeks. You knew by now they would not stop falling anytime soon. You just needed to get out. You knew you could not just leave in one night and never comeback, but you needed to get out of there for at least a few hours. You were not caring it was night. You closed the door behind you and turned around just to stare at the man in the brown suit leaning at the wall of the house opposite to you. He looked directly at you, his eyes full of concern, than he gave a warm knowing smile to you and hold out his hand for you to take. “I guess, another bad day again?” you look at him confused. Why was he here and how did he know?  Than you heard your parents beginning to scream at each other again, inside the house and you jumped slightly. Well, that explains how he knows, you thought, while new tears were finding their way down your cheeks. You felt so weak for crying in front of a stranger, but as exactly this stranger came over to you, took your had and pulled you along you went with him without protest. He brought you into a park near by and sat down with you on a bench. He did not say a word he only kept holding your hand and stroke small circles with his on it. This small gesture somehow really calmed you. Also you were thankful he did not ask questions. Suddenly it began to rain strongly and you were sure he would say something, stand up and start to leave, but he did not react at all. Even after minutes when you both were soaked he just kept holding your hand That was until you began to tremble from not only from the sobs but also from the could. He gently squeezed your hand and as you did the same he turned to you. His eyes were so warm, so caring it took your breath for a moment. Than he smiled again warmly at you. His smile was like he was saying, it will be alright without saying a single word. Then he pulled you closer, letting you time to react, break free if you wanted and as you did not he hugged you. At frist you flinched but then you accepted it thankfully and hugged him back, making him hug you even tighter. He was warm, really warm. Your head on his shoulder you continued to cry in the rain, while he rubbed your back. “You know, (y/n) we need to get you inside you will get sick. See even your bear under your jacket is all wet, and you promised me to always take good care of that, my dear. You looked up shocked. He was the one who gave it to you?! But that was years ago and you told your parents about a man, yet he still looked like a quite young man..also what was he your mind was so full of questions, you were not able to form a single word. While he looked at you with patience, giving you the time you needed. That was until you realized how close you were to the handsome man with the brown eyes and messy hair and blushed deeply. You knew he noticed, because you heart him chuckle and mutter under bis breath:” well, I still got it” then he smiled at you warmly and stroke your tears away with one of his hands, the other was still laying on your shoulder. “ I think you are not too found about going home for tonight, if you want you can stay at my place, do not worry you will be perfectly save around me, you always were for a fact. Maybe you should send your parents a message you are staying with friends, we do not want them to worry, do we?” he spoke, then raised an eyebrow waiting for your answer. Should you go with him. It was so strange, how could he know about the bear and its story, why do you feel so save around him. On the other hand, if he meant bad for you he had had the best chance yesterday and he did nothing to you, he only helped you out. You nodded and tried to stand up, but your legs were not having that and you would have fallen, if had not caught you. “S-sorry” he stuttered. “Nah, do not worry about that and now Allons-y!” He surely was stronger than he looked. He seemed to have no problem to carry you. When you arrived at a policebox standing in the park you had trouble to breath. “Y-yo-you your a-are are the man ..the angle..the policeman ..ou-out of space I told my parents of!” He chuckled “Of course I am, I already told you that (y/n), try to keep up!” he added jokingly and was about to open the door when he seemed to remember something “ You should know that this often overwhelms people a bit. Normally I do not spoil the surprise, but you have already gone trough quite an emotional rollercoaster today, so well it his timelord science dimensions and stuff but  basically you could say it is bigger on the inside.” He opend the door and you were buffed. The small box was huge from inside and there were even corridors you could not see an end to. “Welcome to my Tardis Time And Relative Dimension In Space”

He took you in with him and said you were very welcome to stay the night. He sat you down on a chair near the console “ I get you some clothes, better not touch anything. I'll be right back” He came back with a stag of clothes. “They might be a bit big for you, but they will keep you warm.” What you did not know, he would have had no problems in getting you fitting clothes the Tardis could provide that easily, he just thought you would feel a bit calmer and saver in bigger and comfy clothes, especially in this since you really loved it that day you met him when you were still so young to wear his coat. “Thank-y-you” “I get, so you change” he said with a warm smile and went out of the room. He came back after a few minutes when you were fully changed and had two cups of  warm chocolate with him. “ Here, I know you like warm chocolate and you especially loved this one when you were younger.” You took one cup from him while he leaned against the console “Than-you doctor” He smiled as you used his name. “Say, why is it so hard for me to remember you..I know I was young but I do remember other things from that time quiet clearly?” You finally managed to build up the courage to ask: “ Well, that is actually my fault. I figured your parents would think of it as insane so I let you forget some parts, making sure it would sound more to them like a made up story from a child, like something real, yet I could not bring myself to erase it completely because I figured it would help you handle the things you went trough. That is also the reason I got you the bear. I am sorry if I had knew sooner he took it from you, you would have had it back year ago. I must have lost track again. Also I am so so sorry I could not do more  for you at that time. You were still so small and my life can get so dangerous I figured it was no place to grow up for a child. Also I know you still love your parents and that is okay and completely fine, but that is not why I am here today and was when we met last time. You know I promised something to you when you were still quite small. I promised to show you the stars when you are a bit older and I think a university student is quite old enough, what do you say? Want to visit the stars?”

From that day on you traveled with the doctor and he helped you to deal with the pain and to feel good about yourself again. You went home from time to time because you said you wanted to continue to study, the doctor was quiet okay with that, he liked how much you loved to learn. He knew he could have taught you the things of university but he also wanted you to learn to make friends and stand up for yourself and he found university was a good and save practice place for you. The thing he did not like was the crying and the hurt look in your eyes, when you came back to the Tardis. Your parents were still getting the worst from you and it took its tool on you. One day he finally had enough. You opened the door of the Tardis tears in your eyes. You long time ago gave up in trying to hide them from him, it never worked and really there was no need. “Oh, dear” He sighed and took you in his arms. Resting his head on your he gently began to soothe you. After you stopped crying he took your hand and pulled you with him. “where are we going?” you asked “Your house, I have to have a talk with your parents. Stupid adults never realizing how hurt their children are. They should no, every parent knows what it means when children cry silently.” he spoke seriously. You stopped “Doc-tor... I do not want to...I am scared...” he turned to you “Do not be, I protect you. I promised you to watch over you, did I not my brilliant, wonderful companion. Do not worry (y/n) you are in save hands.” He had been looking directly in your eyes then he bent down a bit and kissed your forehead. “After this we can go and watch your galaxy and your neighbor galaxy, with some hot chocolate, what do you say?”

“Doctor?” you asked while leaning your head on his shoulder looking down at the beauty of lights before you “Mhm?” he put his arm around you and smiled already knowing what you were going to say. “Thank-you”.

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5 years ago

Thank-you this is so true and more people need to read this !

sophielidaris - Sophie Lidaris
5 years ago

Imagine- working for Zelman Clock Zelman Clock x reader - You work for him from now on

Hello everyone ^^ I thought there are not enough stories about him. Seriously he earns more attention! I fear he is a bot out of character...sorry for that. ^^'' I hope you still like it. If you enjoy my story I would be more than happy about a vote or a comment.

Also I am writing to learn and english is not my frist language so neutral critic and advices would be a great help to me :3

If you by chance do not know him. Zelman Clock is a character from Black Blood Brothers, please support the anime and the manga.

I do not own the Black blood brothers or the characters. I am just a fan with no intention of making money out of this. Everything belongs to Kōhei Azano.

You can also find this fanfic on Wattpad^^

“You work for him from now on..." so began start of the end of your life. You got a new job. ....Well it was complicated, actually you never wanted the job and you were not even sure if you could call it a job or if you should see yourself more as an gift without an free will. You life in the special zone, yes that place were vampires and humans life legally together. Well at least the most of them. There was also a clan or maybe more a gang you really were not so sure about this, who did everything criminal heard to be possible the coven. To your doom your father and mother got into problems with them. Even more of a problem was that your parents were arrested closely after this from the company and the coven decided that you would by them debt for them. You were just a young human woman nearly still a girl, how were you supposed to pay them in anyway. You feared the worst but then something unexpected happened. The coven got into problems with one of the leaders of the special zone. Zelman Clock. They thought it would be a good idea to calm his anger to give you to him as a present. A Maid or whatever he wanted you to be for whatever he wanted to do. You were always quite interested in Black Bloods. You had heard a few things about Zelman and what you had heard scared you. Now you were standing in front of a double door, dressed in a simple black dress, which was shorter than you would like it to be. You were a trembling mess and your wrist hurt because one of the coven members had been dragging you by it and was still holding it with way too much force. That would surely turn purple. At least they did not hurt you. You were supposed to be a perfectly intact present, so they did not even drink your blood. The doors opened, and you shut your eyes in fear. You were dragged forward again and stumbled over your chains, falling to the ground. No one helped you up and no one seemed to care. Neither did you, you were sure you would be dead soon and you hoped to be so, because the other options seemed even worse to you. Before this you would prefer to be a meal. You heard the coven members apologize for their failure: "Pleas except this gift as our apologize" "Fools, thinking you could erase the damage you have done like this. Get lost. "His voice was ice cold and you trembled even more. You felt that someone pulled at your chains:" That one is mine from now on." They let go of the chains and made a run for it. "Idiots..." you heard the cold now annoyed voice utter. Was this Zelman? "Sayuka, who is she?" "I am sorry Sir, but I do not know. There are no girls reported to be missing this night in the special zone. I already asked our informants at the police as I got the word of the covens doing, Zelman-sama." "So, no one is missing the little Missy? Well I guess we keep her." You did not dare to look up or speak at any point of their conversation. "Hey Missy, stand up, you are laying in the way." he sounded disinterested. You hurried to stand up but hissed silently as you needed to put your weight at your hurt wrist. Still you did not complain but stood up. You did not dare to look up so, you kept your head down. Suddenly your head was pushed back and two red eyes were staring directly in yours: " It is not kind to avoids someone's gaze like this, Missy. I really should teach you some manners, what do you think?" He came closer to your neck and you squirmed in his hold, but he had a too tight grip on your head and waist by now, to let you move away. "Quite a fighter you are, heh? Stop struggling, you will just hurt yourself. Also, this will feel good, even better than sex, but how are you supposed to know, you're still a virgin after all. Even more of a reason to taste you blood. "A single tear flow down your cheek and you waited for the pain, but nothing happened. "No not like this, this is no fun at all..." he sounded annoyed and you were sure he would drop you to the ground, because your legs were trembling too much to hold you. "Relax, it is not like I am killing you. That would just mean a mess to clean up for someone. So your legs gave up on you, poor scared red blood. Were this excuse from vampires of the coven that bad to you? "You did not dare to answer and were quite sure it was rhetorical from the beginning "Hey, are you deaf? I am talking to you!" for a 800 years old vampire, he surely did not speak noble. "I..I am sorry Sir." He looked not pleased: " I do not care if you are sorry, answer my question already." He was obviously annoyed. You did not know what to answer. Yes they did not put you into physical pain, but they stripped you out of your clothes, after you declined changing in the black dress right in front of them. They threatened you and hurt you with words, some tried to touch you in inappropriate ways but stopped to your luck before things got too far, because you were supposed to be Zelmans present and were not supposed to smell too much of other vampires. Still you felt dirty. They caught you and took your freedom from you and made fun of the situation of your parents....and when he said it it sounded like some children had stolen her sweets....also you were scared that he would like what they did and do the same or worse, or that the coven would get angry at you.."N-no, Sir..They..they did..." why was it so hard to say they did noting, when he was starring in your eyes. You felt like he was watching your soul. Seeing through your lie as if it was not even there " They did nothing, Zelman-sama..." Suddenly you were pinned against a wall your feet above the ground, hold up just by your arms, but to your surprise he somehow managed to hold you in a way you wrist did not hurt, was that by choice or just coincident? He looked pretty pissed and you trembled under his gaze:" Do not dare to ever lie to me again." His voice was cold and you were terrified. You felt like a lamp in the eyes of a predictor. "By the way you are a horrible liar, Missy" he sounded now rather amused and you were utterly confused. "So what am I going to do with you...?" "what is your name? How did you come in this situation?" Suddenly he took you on his arms for a few seconds and sat down with you on the coach. Putting you next to him, but turned in a way to you, that you were sitting directly in front him. "You can go for now Sayuka, I call you when you are needed" "Yes Sir." Then I was alone with the vampire. I tried to avoid his gaze but looked up confused, as a warm jacket was put around my shoulders. His jacket. Now he was just wearing a white shirt, which was button up a bit "You are cold" he stated simply, and you could not help the surprised look on your face. He started laughing" Do not look so surprised. I already told you I am not going to kill you." He shook his head laughing but then smirked "It seems really to no one has taught you any manners heh?" You realized your mistake and blushed "I am s-...I mean ...Than-you Sir." He patted your head and you blushed even more. Now he was chuckling again "Well I will make sure to teach you Missy. For now young Miss, would you finally consider to give me your name?" "(y-y/n)" you murmured looking away a bit shy. How was someone supposed to be able to be under this arresting eyes all the time. "Now, now do not look away" He turned your face to him again and gently stroke your cheek by that chance, making you blush even more. Suddenly he grabbed your chains and in the blink of an eye, they were broken, and you looked completely dump-forded. "The rustling was annoying" he simply stated then gently took hold of your hurt wrist. "Bunch of idiots, not even able to deliver a present without damage." he murmured under his breath and you were not even sure, if you had understood it correctly. He gently inspected your wrist. "You are lucky Missy, it does not seem to be broken, still you should not put weight on it for the next days, got that?" "Ye-yes, Si-" shit did your voice just break there. You were getting calmer in his present which was no good at all, because it made it so much harder to hold the tears back and you could not trust him, he could do so many things to you and his personality seemed to be really complicated. "you smell of them, way too will take a bath later" "y-yes, Zelman-sama". "This low-life's will never again lay an hand on you, I will not allow it. You belong with me, from today on." "y-yes...S-sir" why did he say with me and not to me ...was this just an accident? "Geez, did this idiots hurt your head or are you really that slow? Okay I will put it simpler for you. You are not an objective in this house or to me. Still I do not like the idea of just letting you walk away. You will work for me and stay with me. You caught my interest Missy. Also your blood smells delicious~" You shivered and tried to hide in his jacket, which made him laugh. "This will be fun!" he laughed. Suddenly you had a coke in your hands: "Drink, you are awfully pale my dear. Did they even give you food?" You shook your head shyly. He looked a bit surprised but then annoyed again: " I thought at least that they would have done, they are really a bunch of idiots. Are you hungry?" You were not sure if it was okay for you to nod but your stomach beat you to it with a slight growl which made Zelman laugh again. You on the other hand were struggling to open the coke, how embarrassing... you huffed completely and utterly annoyed at yourself which made Zelman smile kindly at you. Somehow he found you endearing and had the strange desire to protect you from harm. "Say do you like burger?" He asked you and helped you open your coke, which you made sure to drink really fast because you had been thirsty for hours. "Now, now...slowly Missy, you can have more. Come we are going out getting you some food." You stood up, but nearly lost your balance "Careful, like I said take things slowly" he had an arm around your waist now, supporting you. "I...I am sorry, Sir.." He sighed "Is there anything you are not sorry for?" he laughed but the look he was given you was serious. "I ...I do not. least not know..." you really did not know. The last month it seemed you did everything wrong. You were even asking yourself if your parents were thinking you were a mistake. They were yelling all the time and you never seemed to be good enough for them, no matter how hard you tried. You tried to tell yourself it was just because of the trouble they were having, but with every day it got harder to do so and after they did not even spare you a glance as they were arrested or told the police that you were their daughter, that someone should make sure no one would hurt you, because of them. At that day you were not able to say a sound, you just watched from a bit afar...the police did not realize you belonged to them, they seemed to not even know of you, witch was kind of strange honestly. So now as Zelman asked you, you had no lost your friends as your parents took you with them in the special zone a year ago. You were too shy to find new friends and the old ones felt betrayed by your leaving, even if it had not been your fault. You did not even realize you started crying until a warm hand touched your cheek and made you look up: "Listen now, and listen good. It does not matter what has happened what you think about yourself or what others said about you, never be sorry to be alive, never be sorry to be yourself, that is nothing to be sorry for. It is something to be proud of." You nodded weakly and he shook his head:" You won't stop crying for some time now, heh?" He patted your head:" It is okay...calm down." after some time you really calmed down and were straight down embarrassed, but he just smirked at you and took you bye your arm and lead you out of the room. "Zelman-sama?" you heard his assistant ask. "We are going out, Sayuka, oh be so kind and let a room for her be prepared and also some clothing." "B-but Zelma-sama Member of the coven came here to talk to you." "Sayuka, do you dare to tell me what to do?" he sounded cold. " No, of course not Sir" she apologized right away you on the other hand had problems to breath and began to feel dizzy. They were here again...did they come back for you..."(y/n)..(y/n)! calm down. You need to take slow need to calm down...look at me, I said look at me just me." Suddenly he made you look at him and something flashed in his eyes and everything just went black, the last thing you felt was something soft catching you.

You woke up again in a car. "wha-what happened?" you asked confused. This car was going fast. "You freaked out because of the coven members who came to the mansion. I took your consciousness from you, because you would not calm down one bit and carried you in the car. We are going to get burgers right now. You like burgers don't you" You nodded shyly. "I..." you were not sure if to say thank-you or sorry. "it is quite alright. Sayuka should have thought about mentioning them in front of you." The car came to a hold and he got out. You did the same and insecurely went to his side. He just huffed: "Stop being so afraid. How do you plan to work for me if you are scared that every step you take is a mistake?" To your surprise he took you by your hand and you two went into a burger restaurant. He ordered for both of you and made sure you eat slowly. He asked you more about you and you answered shyly. "Why were you even still living with your parents. You are an adult, still a young one but you would be allowed to live on you own." "I ..never was brave enough to tell them I would leave. Scared they would get angry...even if this was extremly dump..." "You are really troublesome, Missy. You will have to learn a lot." He stood up and you followed him. You got back to the mansion again and he brought you into a room. "In the bath are more comfy clothes go and change, please" "yes, Zelman-sama" you came back, and he sat on the bed." Come here and sit down" you did as you were told and were shocked as he pulled you into his arms. You felt his lips at your neck "relax...just relax...everything is okay" he spoke softly to you and you felt intoxicated by his proximity and smell. "zelma-" you murmured confused and slightly scared: "Do not be scared, you will like the feeling I promise. I will make sure you will forget the events of the last month for the night. I will make you feel safe. Let me make sure every vampire knows you belong to me and what will happen to them if they dare to harm you in anyway" He gently kissed your neck and you shivered slightly. You could not bring yourself to fight him, strangely you really felt safe. "Please, allow me to bite you" whispered softly and you were surprised he let the decision at your hands. You were still scared but he seemed to really mean good for you, so you moved a bit to give him a better access. You felt him smile on your neck. "Such a good girl." You felt him kiss your neck again, gently holding you, to make sure you would not move too much and then his fangs pierced through your skin. The first second it hurt but then you felt pleasure and warmth. You felt like he was all around you. You felt really good and safe in his hands. You were at a loss for words and just registered at the back of your mind that you began to feel dizzy. Suddenly you felt Zelman let go of your neck, licking the wound gently and helping you lay down on the bed, putting the covers over you and kissing your forehead: "Sleep now." You still felt his presents in your mind, seeing yourself through his eyes and were surprised by the warmth of that gaze. You were dizzy and had problems to hold your eyes open. "Thank-you for the delicious meal. I bet you are a bit dizzy now, that is okay that always happens. Sleep for now. You are safe."

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5 years ago

SPN Angels x teen reader

Hello wonderful person reading this. I really hope you will be enjoying this and maybe I even manage to make you smile. It would be my honor. As always I do not own Supernatrual or its characters and I have no intention to earn money with this. i just want to make people smile. Please support the great series and the people who have worked for it.

Trigger warinings: Bullied reader

This topic is important for me so I need to say a few things beforehand.

Please do never believe people when they say nasty things to you or believe it is right when they hurt you. They have no right to do so. Everyone is unique and absolutly wonderful in their own why, this includes you! Smile and never give up. One day you will meet the people you have been looking for and believe me it is worth waiting for them. It is okay to ask for help. Everyone needs help at some point of their life and never ever believe you are not freaking perfect the way you are. Never give up. There are so many poeple feeling like they do not belong, or do not fitt in. You are not alone and you will find your place.

Please never bully anyone, you would not believe how much damage you can do and trust me if you knew, if you would ever feel it, you would deeply regret it. You are not just making fun or giving someone a bad day. You hurt them, your words and actions can influence their whole life. That is nothing you want to be responsible for. Think about it. How would you feel?

If anyone wants to read this for a male reader or any other gender ask and give me advise, I gladly write a second version =) I Just always get confused with both reader types in one version ^^’‘ and was not sure if anyone even likes this story.

So it was three days before Christmas and one thing was clear this year Christmas was already and would continue to be a nightmare. You were the younger half-sister of Dean and Sam Winchester. You loved your brothers dearly and you loved how they always tried to celebrate a normal Christmas with you to give you all some happy hours together since you had been brought to them. You were ten years old at that time. Your mum and dad had just met for one night and you had never met your dad, but your mum loved you dearly. She also had been a hunter before she left. She died protecting you from a witch, which was chasing after young girls. She had stopped hunting when you were born but still taught you the basics. You never got to know why the witch had chosen to hunt you down but she did. How you survived? By the strangest sort of luck. Your mother had heard of your brothers and connected them thinking you should meet them. The date they were supposed to visit was the day your mother died. They arrived just before the witch could get to you and thankfully reacted fast enough. They took you in and took care of you from that day on. You loved your brothers dearly and would do anything for them. A few years had gone by and you were in high school now. The boys wanted you to have a normal life, well as normal as possible. Also, they do not like you going on hunts with them. They are really protective of you. Especially because the death of your mother was still hunting you. It was near Christmas and you missed your brothers, a lot. They were away since a week and to make matters worse that week had been awful. There still had been lessons and for some reason the popular kids had decided that you were their main interest of bullying for the days before Christmas. Today you had come back to the bunker holding back your tears. You had to be stronger than that. They were not supposed to get to you, still it hurt, it hurt so much, and you just wanted to see your brothers. You had not told them about the bullying afraid they would get worried or thought of you as weak even when you knew that was unlikely but you could not help feeling insecure about the matter just like about so many other subjects and the bullying was making it worse and worse. All you wanted was someone to hug you.

You sighed and went to the kitchen you did not feel like eating but you knew you had to. You wanted to cut a few carrots to eat them with a bit of meat, yes you had adapted both Sam and Deans way to eat. But the knife slipped out of your trembling hands, and you cut yourself. You cursed and pushed the knife away from you but knocked over a glass in the process which shattered to pieces on the floor. With the glass also a full glass bottle bier fell. Now you were surrounded by shards. You were at the bridge of tears as you tried to step over the shards yet there were so many you could not avoid all and felt some smaller once cutting your feet. You hissed in pain and sat down when you finally were at the end of all the shards. Tears were now flowing without a stop. That had been the last straw. You could not take it anymore. Your last thought before dark thoughts and sobs gained full control of your body was to call for one of the angles your bothers were In some way friends with or at least began to tolerate them. You, yourself loved them dearly. Castiel seemed to always calm you down und Gabriel would always find a way to cheer you up, while Balthazar always was so kind to you and Lucifer, yes you liked him too, he was really caring towards you and quiet protective. The other angels, at least the ones you knew seemed to be quite nice too, but this four actually took the effort to get closer to you. To everyone else you were just the little sister of the Winchester brothers but to them, you always seemed to be (y/n). Castiel was the first to warm up to you and soon after Gabriel followed and so things went on until even Lucifer seemed to somehow like you. In a way it was like you had four more brothers. But should you really call them? What would be if they were disappointed or had more important things to do or were just annoyed by you. Your thoughts got darker by every second until…”Princess~ What is that with you and such harmful thoughts” You shakenly looked up and to your great surprise Lucifer was sitting at the kitchen counter only a few steps away from you. “Luci..” a whimper escaped you making the archangel give you a small calming smile. “What happened? Little one, who did dare to hurt you?” Balthazar walked in the room his eyes immediately on you. Then there was a warm hand on your cheek “Oh, (y/n) what has happened?” “Cas?” You looked in his blue calming eyes and had trouble to not cry even more and just hide at his chest. “Please stop crying cupcake, everything is going to be just fine.” Gabriel had appeared next to you and was now stroking your hair. “We all sensed you were in pain and felt you thinking about us. We became concerned and came to check on you, Cupcake” Gabriel explained for you. “I honestly was not expecting a war field in your kitchen, what happened, princess?” Lucifer wondered. “Don’t you think we should first take care of the important things, brothers?” Balthazar spoke up. “Of course” Cas muttered and took you on his arms gently carrying you away from the kitchen to your room. He gently set you down on your bed and soon Lucifer followed with a bowl of water. “I am sorry angel, but we need to get the remaining shards out of your feet, before we can heal you. That will hurt a bit, but I try to be gentle okay?” You nodded whipping away some of the tears still finding their way down your cheeks. You did not even want them to waste their mojo on you, but you knew there was no way arguing with the four angels on this matter “Don’t you ever think that again, cupcake.” Gabriel had come to your room and now set down next to you and made you look in his eyes: “You are worth everything we ever do for you and even more, okay?” As Lucifer began to clean the wounds at your feet Cas und Gabe tried to distract you with jokes and stories, while they both held your hands and had a protective arm around your shoulder and waist. Finally, Lucifer finished his work and you felt his grace heal your feet and your hand. He stood up and placed a gently kiss on your forehead “Such a good and strong girl.” You felt Gabe stroke away some of your last tears and suddenly you were in more comfy clothes. Then Balthazar came in with a tablet and you smelled your favorite dish. “I figured you would be hungry. Oh, and I took care of the mess in the kitchen, so do not worry about a thing.” “Thank-you, thank-you all so much.” They all smiled warmly at you. They all told you stories and joked around while you ate, making you smile.

When you had finished Gabe took the plate from you and Cas scouted closer to you putting an arm around your shoulders at first you were confused, but then you saw their serious faces. You realized, they knew, they knew about the bullying and the feelings you held for yourself and they wanted to talk about it. Castiel was the one of them with the most calming aura so he might sure to be close to you. Suddenly you wanted to run away, you did not want to talk about it, you could not…”Hey, hey hey (y/n) calm down, everything is fine, hey it’s okay, you are fine. It’s okay” Cas calmly spoke to you and then a wave of calm was washing over you, that was surely his doing. You felt safe, more than safe and your breathing that had started to speed up slowed down again. Your eyes began to get heavy and you had trouble to not fall asleep. “Hey little brother, that is quiet enough we still want to be able to talk to her. You can help her sleep a bit later.” Gabriel chuckled. “Cas, I know you want to keep her from harm, but it is not a good thing when she never talks about this stuff” Lucifer added. Cas grip on you got a bit stronger, but was still comfortable for you: “Our brother always so protective” Balthazar snickered. The other three angels sat down in front of you. Your bed was pretty large, because Gabe found it fitting one day when he found both of your brothers sleeping at the ground next to you, just to make sure you felt save after a nightmare. You looked down unsure of what to do, what to say… how were you supposed to talk about this. You knew, they only wanted to help, but just the thought about the whole thing made you scared. They threatened you not to tell anyone…what would they do…also when you told the angels what they said, might they realize it is true and that you are not worth their attention, anyone’s attention… a broken sob escaped you and a tear fell from your cheeks “(y/n)…” you heard Castiel mutter and the overwhelming feeling got a bit better. “Cupcake, look at me…sweetheart just look in my eyes and take a deep breath, okay?” Gabe gently lifted your chin, making you look at him. “There, that is our girl. Keep breathing dear.” “Angel, you can tell us, no matter what it is, it will not change what we think or feel towards you okay?” Balthazar spoke. You nodded weakly, making Gabe losing his grip a bit. “They told you not to tell anyone, did they not? Bullies are always such cowards. Little one, we would never let them hurt you. If one of them even tries to come near you again we will be there protection you, okay?” Lucifer gently stroke your head. With the way he was caring for you, people sometimes find it hard to believe that he is really THE Lucifer. You took another deep breath and slowly began to tell them, first the easier things but once you started talking you found yourself not able to stop anymore and so you told the angels everything. From the girl who always made fun of you in front of everyone, to the boys, that decided to punch you until you had a hard time to get up anymore, or the group who tied you up, so that you got locked in for  a few hours until the janitor found you, to your great luck and how the bulling got even worse, the punches were okay, you could live with that, but the things they said got worse and worse and you started to believe them. Not your while class was like this, but all the others were too afraid to stand up for you. Just today they had stolen your sketchbook and had thrown it out of the window, so it got all wet from the rain and all your little works ruined. When you finally finished you realized it had gotten warmer and something soft was stroking against your arms, legs, hands and feet. You needed a moment to realize that they had put their wings around you, to shelter you from this world and just materialized them enough for you to feel them but not to see, cause that would hurt your eyes. The angels were all looking at you in warm, yet sad way but in the same time kind of proud. “We are sorry cupcake, we should have noticed sooner, something was wrong, should have watched more over you” “N-no you all have more than enough to do” you stammered. “Still from now on, we will watch over you little one, in a way we already are your guardian angels, I think we should start to doing this the right way.” Balthazar decided. “You are right brother, what better way to make sure our little angel is always alright.” “You have to decide princess, if you want, we all become your guardians?” Lucifer spoke softly, caressing your hair. You looked a bit puzzled at him, what exactly did that mean or what would come with it? Was there really something like guardian angels you always thought it was a matter of speech. “Sometimes” Cas explained “certain people, people who have an important task to do in the future get to be watched over by an angel. The angel mixes a really tiny portion of his grace with the soul of this person. That way he can always find him or her even when she is out of radar for every other angel, but that is not the only thing it also makes it easier to tune in your thoughts, you know we can read them when we are near you or when we concentrate on you, but once we become a guardian it gets really easy for us no matter how far away and your praises would be louder for us, then the praises of others, also we would be always able to know how you feel and would immediately notice when you would be in pain or scared. Actually mind reading how you call it, gets a lot easier even from a far distance and if we wanted to we could even see and hear everything you do. Of course, we would always respect your how did Dean put it personal space?” That made you laugh “Cas, you do not even know the word, how do you want to respect it then?” “It is nice to hear you laugh again” Gabe smiled at you. “You do not have to answer us now (y/n) and it would be more than okay, to say no, we just want to protect you” Balthazartold you.

A yawn escaped your lips: “I think you should sleep a bit” Castiel suggested but you shook your head frankly, when you slept they would go and at the moment you really did not want to be alone, were scared to be alone. “Princess, no one said we are leaving” Lucifer gently stroke your cheek “My little brother is right, your mind and body a screaming for a good night’s sleep and it is already pretty late” He spoke softly. You took a firm hold of his hand as if to make sure he would not go. You did not even realize your action you were too tired already, but it made the archangels heart feel warm. He scooted a bit closer and began to stroke your hair with his other hand. Gently making you lay back into Castiels embrace who shifted a bit so that you could lay down completely while your head was on his chest. Gabe just shrugged and laid down next to you putting his arm around you and laid one of his wings over you take make sure you would stay warm and comfy. While Balthazar grabbed your other hand and set down in a way that he could stroke your cheek from time to time. “Sleep (y/n), I promise we keep you safe, you won’t be alone. We will meet you in your dreams. Relax and let me guide you “Castiel whispered Gabe added “Smile little one, we will have lots of fun.” He was also speaking in calming voice lulling you in further and then Lucifer began to sing a calming song, you did not understand a word, but it sounded beautiful and old. Cas looked surprised at Lucifer that was the same song Gabe had sang to him as he was just a fledgling. Gabe spoke softly too low for you to even notice “Cas where do you think I knew this song from. The first time you heard it by the way was not from me, it was when you were just a new born and you would not stop crying until Lucifer got you in his arms and started to sing this song. He had sang the same thing to me when I was young and since we both loved it I continued to sing it for you” With the end of his words Gabriel began to sing with Lucifer and soon the other two angels joined in. You fell asleep at their watch and had the most beautiful dreams. When you woke up again all four were smiling at you, they had kept their word and stayed. In their eyes was so much protectiveness and love that you forgot that what you were thinking “Guys…if…if you still want to I would love for you to be my guardian angels” you looked down shyly making all four laugh. “Then you just need to grant us the permission to do so” Gabe spoke warmly “Permission granted? “ he asked you with a loving smile looking deeply in your eyes making it impossible for you to look away, just if he had to see in your eyes that you answer was the truth and nothing but the truth “Permission granted” you nodded. Gabriel smiled and softly kissed your forehead. “Would the beautiful young lady also give me the same permission? “ Balthazar asked you, also looking directly in your eyes. “Yes” you spoke softly, and he kissed you hand. “(y/n) would you be so kind to also allow me access and to become your guardian?” Castiel questioned you in warm tone , his eyes to were looking directly at your soul. “Of course Castiel” you smiled. “Now then princess “Lucifer spoke and to your surprise he seemed a bit nervous “would you grant me the same permission?” “Yes, definitely, permission granted” you spoke softly while smiling at him. His blue eyes got a kind look and he smiled back at you “then so it will be” he spoke while kissing your forehead “Sleep little one, sleep and do not worry about a thing” he gently touched your forehead with two of his fingers and before you could even quite understand your eyes closed and you fell in a deep sleep. As you woke up again you were alone in the room but strangely you did not feel alone. You felt like the four angels were still with you in a way. Before you could really understand the situation there was a knock on the door and Gabriel came in shortly after “Good morning cupcake. You should stand up or you’ll be late to school and I really do not want to answer your brothers’ questions why you missed two days of school in a row. “ “Two days?” you asked confused. “Yes Lucifer made you sleep through one since we realized you had not slept enough in a long time. Come stand up there is breakfast.” You really did not want to go to school because of the bullying and thought about simply staying in bed but Gabriel picked you up and throwed you over his shoulder “Nope~ You are not going to stay in bed. You always wanted to go to school and learn you will not stop it because of some brats” “Gabe “you squeaked but it was no use. You both went into the kitchen and he put you down on a chair.

There was already breakfast waiting for you. Balthazar put it down in front of you “Eat up Sweetheart. You must be hungry.” Castiel was standing at the kitchen counter and was packing your schoolbag. You could not help but smile as you saw him packing a cupcake as an extra to your normal lunch. “They teach you about religion at school?” he asked a bit confused about your books . “Yes, well they try but honestly they are messing up, but they are not to blame, they simply do not know better.” “Let me guess” Lucifer shipped in “I am the all bad monster responsible for everything?” “Sorry Lucifer, yes they blame you a lot” you sweet dropped.

You sighed “guys do I reeeeally of to go to school?” you whined. “Yes.” Came from all four. You looked down. You did not want to go back there. Honestly you were scared. Suddenly there were two strong arms around you. Gabriel was hugging you and you had to be honest that calmed you more than you would admit. “Princess, we will not let anyone, and I mean anyone hurt you, okay?” Lucifer comforted you. “You are not alone anymore (y/n)” Castiel noted “and you will never again be “ Balthazar assured. You could not help it tears were flowing down your cheeks making Gabriel hug you more. “Thank-you guys, Thank-you so much” you sobbed “Hey, it’s okay. Everything is perfectly alright” Gabe whispered in your ear lightly rocking you back and forth.

After a while you calmed down a bit and started to eat your breakfast, which was delicious.

After that you got ready for school and to your great surprise Lucifer decided to bring you. He took you just a street away from school since just zapping in front of the school would get you unwanted attention. You just were about to go after thanking him ,when he pulled you in a hug and kissed your hair. Then he kneeled down a bit so that you were at eye Level “Do not be scared little one. I promise we watch over you.”

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