Hey, I’m Sorrow. Age: 20. Pronouns: She/Her. Whump writings and drawings. If you like this blog then don’t be afraid to say hi, stay as long as you like. I added a Ko-fi link in my masterlist. It’s just there if you feel like buying me a coffee :)
90 posts
Hai Hai Haiiii How Be You And How Be Day And Thankkkk For Sharing Your Fav Movies Ayy I've Had Howls
Hai hai haiiii how be you and how be day and thankkkk for sharing your fav movies ayy I've had howls moving castle on my laptop for a long time but I didnt watch it now I'll try to watch it soon :D
And HXHJXJDJDJDJDJDJD you mentioned wolf creek 2 and my brain unlocked an old memory of mine djjdhfhfhfhd I had seen it on TV some years ago and I was FLABBERGASTED I was jdjdjdjf and yes yes yes I agree this movie is a whumpfest.
Also I don't have a question for now so I request that you can say anything or share any thing you want :D.
Also the moon is looking very orange in the night sky of mine tonight very cool looking
- Friend anon
Hewo! It’s been a long day, lol. I drove to my college to move into my dorm and its 6 hours away from my home. I’m sleepy, and I feel like I won’t be as active because of school work which is sad. I shall try to doodle as often as I can to keep my sanity.
Other than that I’ve just been thinking about ways to make Cordova suffer more. It’s a nice past time :). I hope your day has been lovely.
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More Posts from Sorrowful-hyacinth
My OC List
This list will be growing.
Cordova Ardelean
This is my little half vampire/ human whumpee. He can be a little ignorant and arrogant sometimes. Blame his asshole dad for raising him that way. He can be adaptable and open minded though. He’s also a fighter (wonder how long that’ll last). Go give him a visit and maybe a hug. [Pleasure in Pain]
Rojan Silfur
Want a husky guy that looks like he cuts trees down for a living? This guy hates vampires with a passion and loves to catch, torture, and kill them. He’s damn good at it. He’s also married to Lilith. [Pleasure in Pain]
Lilith Silfur
A sweet, curious, and slightly sadistic researcher/ scientist. She might look innocent and almost like a flower, but you don’t want to be on a surgical table around her. Married to Rojan. [Pleasure in Pain]
This is one of my interesting OC’s I think. What’s fun about him is that he can be anyone and anything he wants to be. He originally came out of me creating a character in Hogwarts Legacy, then I made him in Baldurs Gate, and then I drew another rendition of him that I’m obsessed with. He doesn’t have a last name because it changes with the setting he’s in. He’s my nicer OC. He’s the hero and selfless type, loves animals, gives people the benefit of the doubt. He reflects a lot of my qualities and morals.
Malik De Lir
This is my lovely pirate captain, and my Whumper turned Whumpee which if you don’t already know is my favorite trope ever. He’s got all the shitty traits of an arrogant and self righteous asshole, but has few redeeming qualities. His story is set in the series [Voyagers], which I’m currently writing and testing out for the time being.
Caspian Glaucus
A royal siren born with the crest of the moon that bestows its powers upon those that bare its mark. Very playful, coy, and snarky when he wants to be. Likes to keep his cards close to his chest until the right moment and definitely knows how to hold a grudge. He can be just as bad as Malik, both sharing the same story, [Voyagers].
Until the next one bites the dust :)
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I eat this shit up.
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A Whumper who has been captured by Whumpee for revenge. And they can't take it. They break. They beg, plead, try to bargain, cry, scream, but nothing helps.
And the worst part is that they know nothing helps. Because they didn't show Whumpee mercy either. They know nothing they do will stop this, because nothing Whumpee could do would've made them stop.
They get exactly what they gave Whumpee.
Pleasure In Pain 🩸
A young and somewhat ignorant vampire is captured, tortured, and experimented on by sadistic humans who find joy in hurting and killing vampires. Cordova must find a way to escape Rojan and Lilith and get back home. That is, if home is any better. He might just find himself wanting a better life when an unexpected person comes along and shows him just how comfortable it can be.
[Currently rewriting and adjusting]
Contents: Defiant Whumpee, Vampire Whump, Sadistic/ Creepy Whumpers, Vague Revenge
⛔️Trigger warning: Gore, Torture, Violence, Captivity, Vivisection, Emotional/ Physical Torment⛔️
Main arc
#1: Day 1 🔪
#2: Scrapbooking 📖
#3: The Duo
#4: Panic Attack ☀️
#5: Get Some Rest
#6: Hold Still 🩸
#7: Needle 💉
#8: Escape Attempt 🏃
#9: Hope is Fleeting
Forge Master
Rojan Silfur
Back to Random Sorrow Thoughts and Shenanigans. I’ve been thinking about getting my hair dyed lately and I’ve never done it before. I know it’s a lot of maintenance and work to keep it up and if you don’t then eventually it fades out. You thought this was going to be a normal conversation about dyed hair? Yah no. This blog doesn’t do that 😌.
Hair changes your appearance a lot. Whether it’s dying it a new color, getting a hair cut, or some professional service. So imagine a Whumpee with anything like that. Like some flashy rainbow kind of dye or even just going from brunette to blonde. Maybe getting a perm, getting corn rows, braids in general. Just anything that disguises your original, natural hair color, shape, and texture.
Then, think about Whumper only ever seeing Whumpee in that appearance. So gradually throughout captivity Whumper starts to notice changes in their hair. The dye fading out, their hair growing longer, their perm relaxing, their braids starting to loosen or grow out. What do you think their reaction would be?
They could get a little obsessed with seeing whumpee’s original hair. Maybe going on about how it’s way better than what they did with their hair before. It might make them look more attractive and whumper might even want to start taking care of their hair just so that they can have another part of Whumpee to control.
Maybe they’re a little upset about not having Whumpee in the perfect image they saw them in the very first time they saw them. It’s the reason they chose them after all so they should look the way they want them to. So they could take them to the salon to get their hair re-dyed, cut, altered in whatever way it was before. This could even be the only time Whumpee is allowed in public where they’re treated like a normal person by a nice stylist.
Hair could also be a sore spot for Whumpee. Maybe they had some trauma with having long hair being tugged on, so they keep it short. Maybe they died it as a symbol of independence from controlling people in their lives. Maybe it’s a cultural/ identity thing. Whumper finds out, and out of good old whumper sadistic pleasure, they exploit it. Forcing them to grow their hair out, maybe shaving their hair off, putting too much bleach in their hair to purposefully burn it off so it doesn’t grow back the same for a long time.
I didn’t realize there was so much to talk about on this topic, but I really think hair is important to everyone. It holds memories and feelings. It’s fun to play with in story telling, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun for whumper to use against Whumpee.
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Date: August 4, 2024
I need opinions!
I may or may not be drafting a new series just because I got a lot of inspiration hit me at once. So the general idea is that Whumper is someone who travels the world constantly on a ship. He’s a very powerful and rich person because he does shady stuff. Dun dun dun.
My dilema here is that I don’t know what I want him to be. Should he be like a pirate from the 1700’s with that classic wooden ship style. A modern day pirate that’s sophisticated and more business-like in his approach, probably even has a yacht or a cruise ship. Maybe not even a pirate at all and just some rich guy that does business deals around the world and tends to cheat people while being in the safety of his boat.
Date: August 22, 2024
[p.s.: I thought I put it for a day, not a week. Whoops.]