Tw Captivity - Tumblr Posts

"Cuz devils don't fly.
So don't expect me not to fall.
No, devils don't fly.
But God, we almost had it all!
But I got chains, and you got wings,
We know that life ain't fair sometimes.
No, devils don't fly.
But I try."
-Devils Don't Fly, Natalia Kills
Whumptober No.1
Damn the Ace of Spades and all he did to break them down... But she refused to snap.
(Click for better quality)

Well, Whumptober didn't work out, but have some class work. Expect a video on the 30th or earlier! Hope yall like book burning~
Short Prompt #1263
CW: captivity.
Sidekick had always wondered what secrets their mentor kept hidden, but the one mystery that never left their mind was the door.
Down in the depths of the base, at the end of a long hallway, it stood ominously. Only a few times had the sidekick been courageous enough to go near it, and the very last one still terrified them.
A voice had sounded on the other side, whimpering and crying. Sidekick had never ran so fast in their life.
But now... they knew they had to do something about it. Confronting Hero was out of the question, so it was time for the ace they'd been keeping up their sleeve.
The sidekick's second power, intangibility, would be perfect for saving whoever was trapped down there.
There Was Once A Prince
There was once a prince, given a kingdom of his own by his parents.
Everything in life, to him, was about appearances.
Everyone in life, to him, was as a thing to be used.
But his subjects resented that he did not see them as human beings.
They talked behind his back, which he could ignore – but rumors abounded, as his subjects dreamed of Lands Far Away.
And they sang and gossiped, most of all, about a Kingdom of dragons which has no king: for every dragon was free.
This rankled the king so much, that, instead of enjoying his feasting and jesters and rich lounging couches; he would instead rage and mope and whine all the day.
For though he spoke often about the beauty of freedom; the reality of the concept filled him with insecurity and fear.
He stalked the people who spread the rumors.
But he got no closer to discovering where the Land of dragons was, so that he might conquer it.
His father, a great fool, was also eager to war with dragons, and to have great 'glory' and 'praise' from the victories he imagined.
But the prince's mother was frightened down to her soul: for she knew that the dragons would surely not be defeated in a war.
In fact, they would be sorely insulted by the humans' attempt to colonize them, and would kill the royal family.
And so his mother schemed, and sought, and planned, and plotted as carefully and cleverly as ever she could.
And, one day, his mother succeeded.
She bought to the royal court news of something sure to quell her husband's delusions. Something sure to soothe the ego of the prince.
Something rare: a captured dragon, who had been lured and manacled by the neck to the stone at the summit of a mountain near the castle.
And the mountain had been ringed round with runes: so that his kin could not find, see, or hear him...
Now the dragon struggled and roared and fought, for weeks upon end.
But he couldn't get free.
The prince came to 'speak' to him every day.
Monologues of mind-numbing, wrong-headed topics and ideas, for hours.
At the end of each day, the dragon tried patiently to ask for its freedom.
The dragon hails him as friend.
Speaks kindly and calmly, speaks rationally, "Please free me. Everything here is a lie, and lies are as poison to my kind. I do not belong here."
The prince, always, gets angry and leaves; and pretends upon the next day that the conversation never happened.
The prince's advisors come to see the dragon, too, so he tries to reason with them, instead.
For the dragon is also a seer.
He tells the advisors that his freedom is not just to the dragon's benefit, it is to the benefit of the king and the land as well.
The dragon can SEE the future of this evil act.
His dreams haunt him with terrible images of needless suffering, misery, and pain.
He knows that, the longer he is caged, the deeper will grow a curse upon this land.
To save the dragon, the king, and the human lands, he must be freed!
Yet, the advisors choose to continue to coddle the prince's ego, instead.
For a time, the prince sprinkles the phrase, "For I have spoken with dragons", into his speeches and conversations, and enjoys the momentary regard, anticipation, and intrigue of his people...
Yet, as time wears on, people ignore this assertion:
Because his views and attitudes do not change.
Because his policies and actions remain oriented towards control and the maintenance of image – not well-being or freedom.
If he, indeed, is 'speaking to dragons', it has not changed him for the better, informed the way he moves in the world, nor lent to him any nurturing magics…only given him another empty bragging point to preen over.
…The years pass.
The dragon has less and less energy for the prince's foolishness, and becomes sullen and silent: a once vibrant, joyful, wild face now creased with anger and despair, perpetually bared teeth and red eyes, staring; responding to very little, if anything, at all.
True to the dragon's desperate warning, the waters turn bitter.
The sky slowly hazes over. The soil greys. Crops die.
The wildlife dies, or flees for other lands.
The manacle on the dragon's neck is beginning to wear through his skin… he is always very slowly bleeding: the wound oozing and rotting, crawling with maggots.
Wings atrophying. The dragon is frequently sick.
Thrice, over the long years, the dragon hears a single, far-off roar over the horizon, and weeps: for he knows what the sound means.
The dragon's kin do die over time, as all things die -- and he cannot even fly to his family's side to grieve!!!
The advisors, at their limit in trying to manage the curse, come to beg the dragon for advice about the land.
"Free. Me.", He growls, irritated beyond telling at the sheer magnitude of their denial.
The advisors ignore him.
They cannot risk hurting the prince's feelings, nor can they admit that they were wrong.
For in their asinine kingdom, image is everything.
They make an excuse that they fear that the dragon will retaliate, even though they know: freedom is the sole thing he wants.
The dragon curses them for cowards as they leave.
The queen mother tells the prince, 'Oh, you just have to make the dragon happy, to break the curse upon the land. Treat him nicer!'
The prince begins to give the dragon nicer meals.
He decorates the bare stone surroundings with velvet carpets, silk curtains and bejeweled banners; golden lamps, and embroidered pillows.
"Free! Me!", the dragon tearfully bellows...
He is ignored.
Fully taking hold, the curse builds unrestrained.
Magical, poisoned fires rise out of the dead grey soil, and eat the dead forests. The smoke of it chokes the sky.
When the winds blow, the air is full of dust and ash.
Peasants lie unburied along quake-broken roads: ravaged by plague, thirst, and starvation.
It begins to rain acid.
The prince, in grand gesture, comes with a troop of weary, impeccably-dressed attendants blowing trumpets, to gift the dragon with a fine, tiny tea set…
Finally, one day, the prince, covered in plague boils, comes to visit.
The dragon's scales and skin have worn through in raw patches under the chains; the pain of which keep him from sleeping.
The dragon stares balefully.
He is just barely holding it together, but he knows.
There is nothing he can say that he hasn't said a million times by now.
He prepares himself to wait silently through another long, awful, one-sided conversation…
The prince sniffles at the dragon dolefully, and monologues: talking about 'how sad' he is for his 'poor kingdom'.
His parents are sick and hallucinate with fevers.
Even his advisors have died.
"But at least I still have you, my dear old friend."
The dragon fucking LOSES it.
When the dragon involuntarily jerks his head upward in fury, the manacle snaps and falls away.
…Unbeknownst to either of them, the acid rain had done more than eaten through the skin of the dragon…
It had worn away at the manacle around its neck.
Suddenly staring down at the king, the dragon's jaw drops.
The prince stares up: his usual placid, oblivious face a mask of total fear.
The dragon, tears streaming down his face, screams the years of rage and sorrow and pain and loneliness and frustration and grief into that face -- without even intending to, without thought – with one, long, firey scream, burning the prince to a crisp.
The surrounding stone of the mountain runs: heating to lava and charred slag…
The dragon pauses. Catches his laboured breath.
Without another word, the dragon turns, and, panting, limps his atrophied body slowly away...leaning on his ruined wings, with each step…down the mountain...
Towards the horizon.
Towards whatever remains of home.
whump stuffs: gift edition
Sept sat alone in their room, missing their best friend. They stared at the photo on their phone, the last photo they had before their world fell apart three months ago. Standing in front of a really cool boulder, their best friend, Kylie, standing next to them, a big grin on her face like she normally had.
"Sept?" Sept's mother whispered as she entered the room. "I have a gift for you,"
Sept stood up and followed their mother out of the room, not speaking.
Their mother took them down to the basement, the place that Sept was never allowed to go.
Their mother opened a locked door with a key, and on the other side, a thin figure sat in the corner, her wrists bound behind her, a gag in her mouth, and eyes covered with a tight strip of black fabric.
"Happy birthday, Sept."
The person looked in the direction of the voice and let out a muffled scream.
"Go talk to her," Sept's mother coaxed.
Sept glared at their mother, this was needlessly cruel, the poor girl.
Sept walked closer, and in the dim lighting, the person slowly increased in familiarity beyond the scars.
Sept pulled the gag out and pulled down the blindfold, then hugged Kylie.
Kylie wriggled out of their grip and whispered, "Please, Master, I swear, I did nothing wrong, your son didn't see me, I swear, I swear, I-"
She broke into a sob and Sept's mother grabbed her and shoved her into the wall and snapped, "Why did you let him take off your gag you little brat!"
"Stop!" Sept snapped. They shoved their mother away from Kylie and grabbed the oddly light form of their best friend and ran out of the basement, then shut the door behind them. They threw their weight against the door as they set down Kylie, and Kylie stared at them weakly, not acknowledging them.
little side thing in an all original whump writing im writing that i had to cut but want out in the world
Contains: Forced body modification, restraints, blood (not overly described) electrocution, drugging
Thea -----
I stared up at the monster had chained me down and snapped at him.
"Oh, Pumpkin, don't be like that," he chided.
I lashed my scaly tail angrily, and he tilted my head to the side and raised a drill, then turned it on and pressed it to my ankle. I let out a primal scream, but I forced back her tears, my best friend was nearby, I needed to be strong. For both of us. Helix turned for a moment and grabbed one of the various bolts on the table behind him, then showed me the giant bolt.
He pressed it to where he'd drilled into my ankle, then shoved it into my skin, through bone with inhuman strength.
So he wanted to play that game? I could do that too. I kicked him in the ribs and he wrapped his leather-gloved hand around my throat, then sighed and let her go.
"Echo," Helix snapped, "Teach little Pumpkin a lesson,"
"I- please, I- I don't want to," Cami whispered.
"Now, or I will,"
Cami looked into my eyes and mouthed, 'I'm sorry,'
Cami closed her eyes, and I closed my eyes and looked away. Suddenly, my back arched and someone was screaming.
Electrocution didn't feel anything like how I had expected, it felt numb and lucid, it felt like death and life, it felt like my heart was racing and slowed at the same time.
I opened my eyes, and Helix stared straight into them, sporting an unsettling grin.
Cami suddenly sank to her knees, and I gasped for breath, sweating and finally feeling my muscles relax.
Cami had tears streaming down her face, and she was barely breathing. Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed.
Helix stormed over to her and kicked her in the stomach, and she groaned and turned over.
"WAKE UP, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" he screamed.
I realized how young Cami looked at this moment, normally she looked forty years older than she actually was. Cami's silver-streaked red hair suggested she was getting old, but she was only what, seventeen? I didn't remember her birthday.
The scales on my wrists bristled. At Helix, Cami, or both, she wasn't sure.
Helix lifted Cami, and Cami's legs collapsed beneath her.
"Wake up," he hissed.
Cami's eyes opened, glowing like melted gold for one moment before fading to their two different gray-green-blue colors.
Cami opened her palm, and a few weak sparks shot out, but nothing else.
"I can't," Cami rasped. Helix let Cami go, and she crumpled like she was a pile of the white, golden, and brown feathers on Cami's wings in the wind.
Helix sighed and leaned in next to me.
"You're in luck, I just handled the venom you're allergic to, and we don't want what happened to you to happen again, so instead of my claws, we're using needles,"
He grabbed a syringe off the table and inserted it into my shoulder, and my brain felt fuzzy.
"Alright, take a little nap, and I'll see you at mealtime!" he smiled, before the spots that always threatened to overtake my vision darkened my surroundings.
I opened my eyes with Cami and I on our separate uncomfortable beds, and I felt sick.
Cami's eyes were covered by a washcloth and I could hear her soft inhaling and exhaling, as well as tiny sparks crackling with each breath.
I tried to stand up, avoiding putting weight on my injured foot, but it was inevitable. Pain shot through my ankle, and I yelped and fell over.
"You okay?" Cami mumbled, obviously magic-crazed. My wings flapped, and she stared up at the ceiling.
"Yeah," I said. "Just hurts a bit,"
"That's great, there are bandages in the bathroom, also numb-spray, works like actual magic,"
"I miss Vee,"
"She's somewhere, I'm sure she's fine,"
"Really?" I said, sarcasm thicker than my scales. "Fine? Here?"
"'m just saying. Now god-den or- wait-,"
Cami went quiet with a soft, confused mumble.
I shifted into my small dragon self and limped to the bathroom, then yanked out the bandages and numbing shit or whatever with my teeth. I shifted back and put pressure on my ankle. The bolt pressed painfully against my muscle, and I attempted to pull it out, only for it to widen the gap and act like a gauge that was taken out too quickly.
I sat on the floor for a while before Helix's girlfriend entered the room and said, "Hey, its mealtime soon, you alright?"
I shook my head and Lady Cora saw the bolt.
"What did he do?"
"He- I- I displeased him and-"
"Come here," she whispered.
She hugged me and said, "I know I've done similar things, but I think he's gone too far. I'll ask him why, alright? Now, lets get you to the main room, you can have a coffee or something,"
She lifted me to my feet and helped her walk to the main room, then gave her a mug with hot coffee inside. I thanked her and Cami entered with Tatiana. Tatiana had been decided as broken already, and Tatiana babbled in Portuguese, keeping up appearances as barely able to understand English and barely aware, but I could see the constant glares across the room at Helix. I couldn't wait to watch exactly how he'd die, couldn't wait for freedom.
Carewhumper with morals. A carewhumper that gets ahold of all the child whumpees to make sure they aren't harmed until they reach adult age. Then its torture time.
Happy mermay y'all!
Here's a little chum y'all, take it. These characters may pop up after Mermay but they're little goobers with very little backstory right now. Whumpee is a pilot fish merthing btw pilot fish are my favorite fish
It put its eerily human-like hand against the glass while it beat the glass with its black and white tail. The small humanoid had been found beside a far larger shark humanoid, and it kept trying to get to the shark. It also had a tendency to bump against the glass while swimming around, seemingly indicating behaviors it exhibited with the shark.
Korryne groaned, and a tiny shock in the fish's water drove it away from the glass and made it scream while it spun in circles and tried to hide in the too-small decor in its tank. No one had expected it to grow so big in such a short span of time.
Eventually, the aquarium opened, and a group of school children watched it being fed. It had been taught to keep its head below the water, and ignored that teaching, and approached the children. Korryne had to go up there to make sure it didn’t do anything drastic, and it went back underwater at the sight of her.
It didn’t even bother to take the rest of the fish with it, it stayed low to the ground until Korryne had left.
Korryne needed to examine this further.
Leech. That was what they were called by the horrible people. They stared at the human that often watched them, wanting to go to Rilla.
Arroyo beat their tail against the clear wall and called for Rilla. Rilla was going in circles, and Arroyo wished they weren’t the only two in their tiny group. Arroyo slammed their shoulder into the clear wall and the human had the sharp pain go through the water. They swam back to their little area, and realized they were bleeding in the tail when it cut against the weirdly sharp rocks.
They swam around, a trail of blood in the water, and Rilla opened her mouth when she saw it.
Arroyo heard someone get in and saw one of the humans with the breathing mask strapped to their face, and the human had a net. Arroyo tried to swim away, screaming and begging, and the human didn’t understand.
Arroyo understood very little of the human tongue, mostly just the words ‘stop, still, and interesting’.
“Stay still,” the human ordered. Arroyo obeyed and took a deep breath as they were lifted into the air in the too small net. It took three people to carry them, and people weren’t even the size of normal sharks. Sharks were somewhat the same size as Arroyo, about an eighth of Rilla’s size, far smaller than Arroyo’s friend, who was part squid and lived close to the bottom of the ocean.
Arroyo could breathe air, though they hated the taste of it on their tongue, so they often chose not to. The humans eventually lowered them into a crate that was barely able to fit them, and they had to avoid panicking so the water wouldn’t go stale and render them unable to breathe.
They set Arroyo in the white room tanks, where they were closer to the circling Rilla, and Arroyo put their hand on the clear wall and knocked until Rilla noticed them.
Someone let Arroyo into Rilla’s tank after bandaging their tail, and Arroyo swam into it and plucked off the tiny things on Rilla’s skin. Rilla looked at Arroyo with glad eyes and directed them to the places where large numbers of infection was.
Rilla twitched her tail to the side, saying, “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” Arroyo replied, and hugged Rilla, barely able to contain their excitement. Rilla didn’t approve of emotional outbursts unless they were trying to mate, which didn’t work very well out of your own group of merfolk, and it was a banishable offense among the merfolk.
Mating season was soon… Arroyo hoped they’d let the pair in the same tanks for that time.
One of the humans motioned for Arroyo to return, and Arroyo’s dorsal fins flared in anger as they bared their sharp fangs and Rilla swam at the human, then slammed head first into the clear wall.
Rilla swam back, grabbed Arroyo in her mouth, and leaped out of the tank. They rolled for a moment, and Rilla stood up. Arroyo wasn’t sharkfolk, couldn’t stand, only a select few merfolk could.
Rilla took Arroyo in her arms and started running, while Arroyo slowly lost water on their scales. A sound went through the air, and Rilla’s movements slowed. Then she fell, and dropped Arroyo. Arroyo rolled again and someone lifted them, then put them back in the lab tanks, and Rilla across from them, still in her human form, wrists up in the air and legs spread wide. Rilla opened her eyes, then stopped moving, and her rock-black eyes went dim as she drifted to the surface. Arroyo screamed for her, and one of the workers opened the cage and she was dead. Didn’t blink, didn’t breathe.
Arroyo shrieked and pounded on the clear wall and screamed for Rilla, and the human that normally watched Arroyo threw Rilla in. Arroyo held her corpse close and wished they had seaweed to wrap their body in, but this would have to do.
They hugged Rilla and let her drift away while giving her eulogy. They wished they were in the open ocean for this, but impossible.
They eventually took her from Arroyo, and they sank to the bottom of the cage and didn’t move as they watched them examine her corpse. Then they took her skeleton and her fins and put Arroyo in her old cage, where they could fit between the hard rocks. They sank to the bottom, no longer moving, and the human smiled sadistically.
Happy mermay y'all!
Here's a little chum y'all, take it. These characters may pop up after Mermay but they're little goobers with very little backstory right now. Whumpee is a pilot fish merthing btw pilot fish are my favorite fish
It put its eerily human-like hand against the glass while it beat the glass with its black and white tail. The small humanoid had been found beside a far larger shark humanoid, and it kept trying to get to the shark. It also had a tendency to bump against the glass while swimming around, seemingly indicating behaviors it exhibited with the shark.
Korryne groaned, and a tiny shock in the fish's water drove it away from the glass and made it scream while it spun in circles and tried to hide in the too-small decor in its tank. No one had expected it to grow so big in such a short span of time.
Eventually, the aquarium opened, and a group of school children watched it being fed. It had been taught to keep its head below the water, and ignored that teaching, and approached the children. Korryne had to go up there to make sure it didn’t do anything drastic, and it went back underwater at the sight of her.
It didn’t even bother to take the rest of the fish with it, it stayed low to the ground until Korryne had left.
Korryne needed to examine this further.
Leech. That was what they were called by the horrible people. They stared at the human that often watched them, wanting to go to Rilla.
Arroyo beat their tail against the clear wall and called for Rilla. Rilla was going in circles, and Arroyo wished they weren’t the only two in their tiny group. Arroyo slammed their shoulder into the clear wall and the human had the sharp pain go through the water. They swam back to their little area, and realized they were bleeding in the tail when it cut against the weirdly sharp rocks.
They swam around, a trail of blood in the water, and Rilla opened her mouth when she saw it.
Arroyo heard someone get in and saw one of the humans with the breathing mask strapped to their face, and the human had a net. Arroyo tried to swim away, screaming and begging, and the human didn’t understand.
Arroyo understood very little of the human tongue, mostly just the words ‘stop, still, and interesting’.
“Stay still,” the human ordered. Arroyo obeyed and took a deep breath as they were lifted into the air in the too small net. It took three people to carry them, and people weren’t even the size of normal sharks. Sharks were somewhat the same size as Arroyo, about an eighth of Rilla’s size, far smaller than Arroyo’s friend, who was part squid and lived close to the bottom of the ocean.
Arroyo could breathe air, though they hated the taste of it on their tongue, so they often chose not to. The humans eventually lowered them into a crate that was barely able to fit them, and they had to avoid panicking so the water wouldn’t go stale and render them unable to breathe.
They set Arroyo in the white room tanks, where they were closer to the circling Rilla, and Arroyo put their hand on the clear wall and knocked until Rilla noticed them.
Someone let Arroyo into Rilla’s tank after bandaging their tail, and Arroyo swam into it and plucked off the tiny things on Rilla’s skin. Rilla looked at Arroyo with glad eyes and directed them to the places where large numbers of infection was.
Rilla twitched her tail to the side, saying, “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” Arroyo replied, and hugged Rilla, barely able to contain their excitement. Rilla didn’t approve of emotional outbursts unless they were trying to mate, which didn’t work very well out of your own group of merfolk, and it was a banishable offense among the merfolk.
Mating season was soon… Arroyo hoped they’d let the pair in the same tanks for that time.
One of the humans motioned for Arroyo to return, and Arroyo’s dorsal fins flared in anger as they bared their sharp fangs and Rilla swam at the human, then slammed head first into the clear wall.
Rilla swam back, grabbed Arroyo in her mouth, and leaped out of the tank. They rolled for a moment, and Rilla stood up. Arroyo wasn’t sharkfolk, couldn’t stand, only a select few merfolk could.
Rilla took Arroyo in her arms and started running, while Arroyo slowly lost water on their scales. A sound went through the air, and Rilla’s movements slowed. Then she fell, and dropped Arroyo. Arroyo rolled again and someone lifted them, then put them back in the lab tanks, and Rilla across from them, still in her human form, wrists up in the air and legs spread wide. Rilla opened her eyes, then stopped moving, and her rock-black eyes went dim as she drifted to the surface. Arroyo screamed for her, and one of the workers opened the cage and she was dead. Didn’t blink, didn’t breathe.
Arroyo shrieked and pounded on the clear wall and screamed for Rilla, and the human that normally watched Arroyo threw Rilla in. Arroyo held her corpse close and wished they had seaweed to wrap their body in, but this would have to do.
They hugged Rilla and let her drift away while giving her eulogy. They wished they were in the open ocean for this, but impossible.
They eventually took her from Arroyo, and they sank to the bottom of the cage and didn’t move as they watched them examine her corpse. Then they took her skeleton and her fins and put Arroyo in her old cage, where they could fit between the hard rocks. They sank to the bottom, no longer moving, and the human smiled sadistically.
Here some whump. its been drifting in my google docs for a while, but here
its part of a larger series but won't be on tumblr
I lay on my back, reading the book Doctor Harland had just given me. I liked it thus far.
He kneeled next to me, petting my stomach while he hooked me up to some kind of machine. I dropped the book, remembering the page number, and I found myself unable to move.
“It’ll be over in a minute,” he whispered. I didn’t respond as my brain went foggy and I closed my eyes.
He bashed me in the side of the face, and my eyes flew open.
I stared at him, and he said, “Begin test number G-1-7-8-8,”
My muscles tensed and I went numb as something inserted itself in both sides of my neck and my muscles spasmed and I thrashed abou-
I came to with my muscles stiff.
“Test failed,” Doctor Harland remarked. “We need to deal with the epilepsy,”
He fastened an oxygen mask over my face and put an IV in my skin.
“We’ll feed you tonight, ‘kay? Just sleep off th-,”
I opened my eyes in my bed, and Doctor Harland entered a few minutes later.
“Sit up,” he ordered. I obeyed, and he handed me my book again.
“I’ll get you a treat for sitting quietly and letting us test our new device on you,”
I didn’t respond, immersed in the book’s world. It was about a girl who discovered she was the daughter of King Oberon from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Doctor Harland said he would get me the rest of the series after giving me a modern translation of the play so I could better understand it.
He held out something that smelled sweet and I took it, then ate it, my tail wagging happily.
He pet my head and I purred.
“One-two-seven-three, any strange feelings?” He asked.
“No,” I chirped.
“Good. Good. Nausea? Tiredness? Breathing normally?”
He checked my heart rate and breathing for any abnormalities.
“Normal. Okay. Darling little test subject, we’re going to try and treat the illness that made this test fail. We’re going to cure it,”
“What illness?” I asked.
“You- have a reaction to certain things, and it causes you to stop existing for a minute, meaning we can’t do certain tests. We try to treat it and you don’t respond to medications, so we need to cut it out,”
I felt something cold on my wrist and whimpered, “No, not again, don’t look at my brain- please!”
“What? No. The procedure requires you to be awake or you’ll die, we’ve already tested it, and it’s painful. We’d give you painkillers, but that’s unsafe until after,”
I shuddered and hissed when he brought his hand to my tail. I tried to bite him as he tied it under the bed and shackled my other three wrists and my ankles to the bed.
“Please! NO!”
“It’ll all be over soon,”
He called for Doctor Fletcher and Doctor Amatris. Doctor Amatris held my chest down and Doctor Fletcher attached electrodes to my skull, and I felt like I exploded a few minutes later. I shrieked and thrashed around, when I heard something snap.
“Oh shit!” Doctor Amatris shouted.
I felt the pain dull a bit, and Doctor Harland whispered, “Its over, you’re going to have morphine tablets now,”
“Okay,” I mumbled before changing form to my more human self and laying back, my forehead caked with sweat. They undid the shackles, and Doctor Amatris took my hand in hers and the trio set my leg in a splint.
I cried out and whimpered, “Hurts,” when Doctor Fletcher shoved a capsule into my mouth and held my lips shut until I swallowed, then gave me water.
I rolled to my side and shivered, still in deep pain. I started crying and Doctor Harland sat me up and started hand feeding me between each sob. It was cold, barely seasoned chicken, like always.
When I was done, I dove under the bed, where it was calmest, no one trying to talk to me, even though it was dark.
“One-two-seven-three, don’t be like that,” Doctor Fletcher said. “Do you want to undo all the progress in training out that habit?”
I hissed at him and swatted at his ankles, then curled into a ball and continued crying into my fur.
Doctor Amatris kneeled in front of me and held out her hand. I didn’t take it. She very gently petted the fluff on my neck, and I continued sobbing, though it made me feel a bit better.
“It’s okay,” she whispered. “The pain’s over now,”
She very slowly pulled me out, as though acclimating a fish from one tank to another. At one point I had a couple fish and a snail, and in a rage, Doctor Harland smashed the tank, killing all three of them. I cried for weeks after that, as at that point, I’d been taking care of them for four years.
“There, how do you feel?”
“Hurts,” I croaked, my voice raw. It felt like the color red to speak.
She lifted me and set me back on the bed, tucked me in like a mother would her child, and kissed me on where my forehead would be, and when she left, Doctor Harland inserted an IV into my skin. She wasn’t allowed to see it, for some reason, I wasn’t even sure if she knew.
I closed my eyes and let sleep take me.
What was supposed to be a dreamless sleep became a nightmare, one where I was playing with a child, and we were about the same height. It was all flashing lights and pain and fear when someone grabbed me, and-
I woke up, screaming for someone whose name I didn’t remember. The IV had broken.
I took off my oxygen mask and sobbed in the dark. Normally Doctor Harland stayed to make sure I felt safe at night, it was too dark for me. I wished I had control of my lights, but past lights-out, they couldn’t be turned on unless Doctor Harland or someone else swiped a keycard.
I heard rapid footsteps, and a woman in a dark blue uniform with a thick black stick and a big spiky club opened the door, then said into a strange black box, “False alarm. One of them woke up, over,”
A garbled voice came from the box, “How?”
“Its IV looks broken,”
“Which one?”
She stepped back and looked at the sign that said my room number with a beam of light that came from a black stick.
I ran over and took the lightstick after a bit of back and forth, then clicked the button on and off as she said, “It just took my flashlight,”
I called, “Room 5-6-6 B!” and went back to playing with the ‘flashlight’, then grabbed my book and started reading with the concentrated beam of light.
The woman repeated the room number I gave her and said, “I’m gonna need back-up to get it back into bed, its strong,”
I got under my bed and continued reading, until someone else in a dark blue uniform grabbed me and bashed me with a spike on their club. I dropped the ‘flashlight’ and-
I came to with my upper wrists shackled to my bed’s headboard and my entire body numb.
“Okay, so, two hundred million watts can cause seizures. Duly noted,” the one who’d hit me with the spike muttered.
“Seizure? Watt?” I parroted, trying to get feeling back in my tongue. “Why’d you do that?”
“Holy shit it talks,” the woman said.
“Yes I talk, why wouldn’t I talk? Also, I’m not an it, I’m- I’m a girl,”
“Someone get one of the night shift doctors,” the woman ordered. Another person left the room.
“It’s dark!” I complained.
The woman groaned and said, “Deal with it, how old are you, seven, eight?”
“Thirteen, fourteen in four months and two days,”
“How are you that old? Why haven’t you committed suicide yet?” the man asked.
“Suicide?” I’d parroted. I knew what it met at a base level, but in books they always said it in association with a stupid battle plan.
“You know, killing yo-”
“I know what it means, I just thought it only went with wars?”
“In books,” I chirped. I motioned to one that said it, then said the page number.
“Oh-kaaay, you can read,”
“Isn’t that normal? Well except illiteracy rates in fantasy places, but isn’t it normal now?”
The man who’d left returned with Doctor Amatris.
“One-two-seven-three, what’s wrong?” she asked.
“I had a nightmare,” I replied.
“Come here,”
“I can’t,”
She took a key from one of the security guards and unlocked my manacles, then lifted me into her arms, though it was much more awkward than when I was little, considering I was about as big as her now.
I laid my chin on her shoulder, and she carried me away, off to another room, this one with more light.
“We oughta get you a nightlight,”
“Nightlight?” I parroted. “What’s that?”
“Its a little light that plugs into a wall and makes the room brighter,”
She unhooked a little square that glowed blue until it exited the wall, “Normally they come in fun shapes, but until I go shopping tomorrow, we can use this one. I’ll get a bunch of them and let you pick them out, okay?”
“Okay,” I chirped.
She carried me back to my room and lay me on my bed, and I grabbed her arm and whimpered, “Don’t go. Don’t leave me alone,”
“I have to go back to work,”
“I’m scared,” I whimpered.
She turned back around and fastened my oxygen mask on my mouth and nose.
“You’ll be fine. And if you wake up again, I’ll come back and keep you company ‘til you fall asleep again. Now close your eyes, goodnight, don’t let the bed bugs bite,”
“What’s a bed bug?”
“You don’t want to know,”
She shuddered and tucked me in, then kneeled next to me and rubbed my forehead to calm me. But sleep would be a long time coming. I didn’t fall asleep until all the lights turned back on.
scared pet whumpee being found and when being told they're not going to be staying in the place they have now associated with safe, they assume that they are going back to where they were.
How do we feel about caretaker having to take whumpee prisoner because of opposing sides but they still look after them and the whumpee is like so scared and the ✨A N G S T✨
anon you have unlocked whump GOLD 🤩 I don’t vibe with every captivity scenario but this one ✨HITS ✨
the fear in caretaker’s eyes matches the fear in whumpee’s, and all they can do is whisper “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry” under their breath as they lead them to their captors.
caretaker lightly holding whumpee’s arms behind their back: firm enough to look convincing but gently enough that it doesn’t hurt. still, they can feel whumpee trembling under their fingertips, knowing what comes next.
when whumpee is led away from caretaker, and casts one last terrified look over their shoulder, so scared and small-looking that caretaker feels their heart shattering.
caretaker watching helplessly as whumpee is brutally, mercilessly interrogated for answers caretaker knows they don’t have.
caretaker volunteers for night shift after night shift to guard whumpee. they’re woefully sleep deprived, but no one is hurting whumpee on their watch.
caretaker sneaks whumpee a little extra food and a blanket at night, after all the others have gone to sleep.
caretaker feels guilty af when they have to take the blanket back in the early morning hours before anyone wakes up - and it nearly crushes them when they see a sleeping whumpee curl up tighter as they try to retain the heat they’re losing.
caretaker finally stepping in to stop a particularly personal line of questioning: “no. stop. that’s enough.”
caretaker walks them back to their cell and secretly slips their hand into whumpee’s and gives it a squeeze. whumpee squeezes back, and caretaker doesn’t miss that whumpee holds it a beat too long before letting go.
caretaker fighting back tears as whumpee rocks themselves back and forth in the corner, singing softly to themselves. if only caretaker could just give them a hug-
when whumpee gets sick, and caretaker desperately tries to obtain any bit of medicine to help. when they bring what little they find, whumpee looks at them with such fevered gratitude that caretaker can hardly bear it.
that night, caretaker says to hell with the consequences and gets whumpee and themselves out of there.
whumpee’s so exhausted from the ordeal that caretaker has to carry them out in the dead of night.
let’s not forget the night they have to spend in the woods on their way to the safe house, caretaker curled around whumpee’s body to keep them warm.
when they reach the safe house, and caretaker refuses to leave whumpee’s side, nursing them back to health and staying with them around the clock.
when whumpee is finally out of the woods, a guilt-wracked caretaker collapses into whumpee, hands clutching the fabric of whumpee’s shirt, sobbing about how sorry they were.
“we should I have left sooner - I should have done more - I could’ve done something….”
whumpee swallows around the lump in their throat and tentatively strokes their caretaker’s back. “shhhh,” they whisper soothingly. “it’s alright. it wasn’t your fault. you did what you had to. and hey,” they smile weakly, thumbing the tears away from whumpee’s cheeks, “you got me out, didn’t you?”
caretaker nods, but they still don’t let go of whumpee for a long time after that. and whumpee doesn’t let go either.
Pleasure In Pain 🩸
A young and somewhat ignorant vampire is captured, tortured, and experimented on by sadistic humans who find joy in hurting and killing vampires. Cordova must find a way to escape Rojan and Lilith and get back home. That is, if home is any better. He might just find himself wanting a better life when an unexpected person comes along and shows him just how comfortable it can be.
[Currently rewriting and adjusting]
Contents: Defiant Whumpee, Vampire Whump, Sadistic/ Creepy Whumpers, Vague Revenge
⛔️Trigger warning: Gore, Torture, Violence, Captivity, Vivisection, Emotional/ Physical Torment⛔️
Main arc
#1: Day 1 🔪
#2: Scrapbooking 📖
#3: The Duo
#4: Panic Attack ☀️
#5: Get Some Rest
#6: Hold Still 🩸
#7: Needle 💉
#8: Escape Attempt 🏃
#9: Hope is Fleeting
Forge Master
Rojan Silfur

An arrogant Pirate Captain with the world at his feet wishes for something different to happen in his life. Hoping for a challenge to arise to entertain him. He ends up crossing paths with a Siren Prince. At first it’s all fun and games being able to manhandle and torment such a rare creature, but things take a turn. Having to learn the hard way that he’s not invincible, and can very much bleed.
Contents: Whumper turned Whumpee, Revenge, Sadistic/ Creepy Whumper, Defiant Whumpee, Pet Whumpee if You Squint.
⛔️TW: Torture, Violence, Captivity, Degredation, Restrained/Gagged, Fear, Suggestive Non-Con, Venom/ Poison, Threats⛔️
Caspian's Suffering Arc
#1: What The Tide Brought In 🌊
#2: Two Sides of The Same Coin
#3: (soon)
Art & About
Malik De Lir
Caspian Glaucus
We’re going to ATTEMPT to post once a week. Go easy on me.

more drawings for this au , which im calling (and tagging as) moonbite au (she’s not the main focus but I wanted a name)
She hated and feared humans. How could it be different? A human took away her freedom and made her live for blood and death. All she hoped for, every single day, was that the needles in her neck would break so she could finally kill him and fly with her own wings, her own mind. But he was cautious and smart, and she felt more and more hopeless each day, and less willing to fight the venom. Why not just let it consume her mind fully, and live in an eternal haze like the other poisoned dragons? But then, another human appeared. A prisioner, just like her. She didn’t care for him at first. Humans and her petty fights weren’t her business, after all. But then... She noticed how he always whispered in soothing voices for the other imprisioned dragons. How he was willing to let the grisly human break all of his bones, even, if that meant no other dragon would suffer. So, she started staying by his side at the lonely late nights. Out of curiosity, at first. And he talked and talked about his human and dragon friends and how this “toothless” would love to meet her. And he kept saying how he would get them both out of there. How he would give her back her life. She didn’t really think he could. But she knew she was willing to protect him just as much as he was to protect the dragons.