soul-controller - Soul Controller
Soul Controller

An Ever-Changing Writer Creating Transformation Fiction. All Stories Are 18+

223 posts

Streamer To Subscriber - Part III

Streamer to Subscriber - Part III

If you haven’t read the previous entries yet, check out Part I and Part II.

Waking up, Dan couldn’t help smile as he once again found himself in the body of streamer Hasan Piker. Ever since he was swapped into Hasan’s body, Dan had found himself embracing his hunky body and sharing that sexiness with all of his Twitch viewers. Each day, he’d spend hours playing video games and showing off his body. In fact, he even did a special stream a few days after the swap where he did an entire workout routine from the comfort of his bedroom. The viewers continued to flood the stream as his hunky body got incredibly sweaty and the insatiable viewers continued to beg for more.

He headed into the bathroom, where he took his daily morning selfie to both help him remember that he’s Hasan but also he wanted to celebrate his hotness for himself. By this point, Dan was constantly flirting with other male streamers to the point where they’d share nudes with each other given their inability to meet up during a pandemic.

However, there was a new reason as to why he was taking photos this morning. Given his new streaming style, several companies reached out begging him to promote their products for them on both social media and on his streams. He was fairly choosy, only picking brands that offered both big checks and products that he could show off to his viewers. This morning, he had to do a post for an underwear company, so he quickly snapped a photo and posted it onto his social media.


Heading towards the shower, Dan quickly shaved his face and stepped in. As he washed up, he prepared for another stream and wondered what kind of fun he’d have with his viewers today…


It had been a week since the swap and to Hasan’s surprise, he’d quite easily gotten used to his new life. With no job to focus on, Hasan would spend his days painting and browsing the internet. In the evening, he began to pass the time by playing video games and snacking on junk food while in a voice call with all of the real Dan’s friends. It was a bit nerve-wracking when Hasan was playing a game on his PlayStation and began to get messages from people he didn’t know. However, after finally giving into peer pressure, Hasan joined their voice chat and started to enjoy the companionship. Within a few days, Hasan had begun to view these strangers as real friends and Hasan’s joking personality was a big hit with them as well.

Hasan’s comfort in this new life was only helped by the fact that he now was able to have constant food made for him by his “mother”. Although he knew it wasn’t a long term situation, he didn’t mind the fact that he could have no real consequences for caving and eating anything his heart desired. Having telling himself that this was just temporary and that his determination would lead him to get his body back, Hasan felt light joy in the fact that he had caused this body to gain weight in just his week of being “Dan”. Still determined to fix this universal fuck-up, he thought it was funny to imagine this body snatcher finally losing Hasan’s body and being sent to an even bigger body.

Every day, Hasan would check out his livestream and hope that he would miraculously get his chat privileges back. Unfortunately, these hopes often led the now-obese streamer to grow depressed as each day provided the same result. However, upon his daily check-in on the stream today, Hasan gasped in shock as he watched the glorious chat box appear once again on his account. Although Dan took the forethought to block Hasan from any other social media account, he forgot the fact that the original ban on Hasan’s stream only lasted a week. So, as Hasan began to tear up in joy, he started to formulate a plan to get this imposter to get his body back and punish this asshole for stealing what was his. 

Thinking ahead, Hasan used the man’s debit card and bought several dollars worth of Twitch bits to donate to the streamer. His plan was to force the imposter to notice that his original body was back and wanting to end this swap. He patiently waited for the stream to officially begin once “Hasan” would turn his camera on. To pass the time, Hasan watched the viewer number, growing more and more impressed that the numbers ticked higher and higher than they’ve ever been. He couldn’t believe it, but it was even larger than his numbers when he did the 2020 election coverage in November. He thought nothing would be able to top that, but he was proven wrong by this imposter. Although Hasan did know that these numbers were only this high due to “Hasan” essentially becoming a cam boy, he couldn’t deny that he was impressed.

After a few more minutes of waiting, “Hasan” finally came on stream with a wide grin spread on his face. He greeted his viewers and looked towards the chat as he began to ask his viewers how their day was going. While he talked to a few fans about their day, Hasan began to prepare his first message to get Dan’s attention. Clicking on donating 200 bits, Hasan typed his message out and hit send.

Dan had been having a conversation with one of his followers about working out, until he was interrupted by the stream announcing that there was a donation message. Turning his head back towards the camera, he listened as the bot began to read the message out loud. “Give me back my body you son of a bitch, I’m the real Hasan and you stole my body!” the bot’s robotic voice stated. Dan’s face had a look of shock plastered onto his face as he realized that he forgot to make the Twitch ban permanent for his old account. Taking a look at the chat, he watched them all react with messages of “LMFAO” and “Lol what a loser!”, giving Dan the permission to do the same. 

He let out a hearty chuckle as the message finished being read out loud. “Dude, what the FUCK are you talking about? I mean, I’m sure that you wish you had this body, but it’s mine. I wouldn’t give this up to ANYONE!” he stated in between his hearty laughs.

“Ah, I see what this is. You’ve got the hots for me huh? You could have just asked man, I don’t mind giving you what you want....” Dan said as he leaned into the camera and lifted his arm up for the camera.


“I don’t want your armpit, I want my body back!” Hasan typed into the chat, growing more and more annoyed by this imposter’s sexual behavior. The imposter continued to taunt him, jokingly telling him to get in there and check out his pits since he obviously finds him sexy.


“No, give me my goddamn body back you imposter! You know you’re not the real Hasan!” he continued to type, his frustration reaching its absolute peak. Despite this, Hasan could feel his new dick begin to harden as he thought more about his body and imagined himself back in it once more. The imposter continued to taunt the streamer, putting his nose towards his pit and inviting the man to do the same.


“I’ll give you money if that’s what you want. I just want to be back where I belong!” Hasan typed out, beginning to sob as he watched his attempt to get his original body back so easily falling apart.

“Hasan” couldn’t help but chuckle as he continued to read the real Hasan’s desperate messages. “He’s so weak and helpless now, it serves him right,” Dan thought, imagining the now chubby Hasan frantically typing into his laptop begging to be saved from the life that Dan so slyly gave him. 

As much as Dan enjoyed tormenting the real Hasan, he grew irritated at his plans for the stream being delayed by his constant spam into the chat. Now fully tired of playing games and getting off track from making in cash, Dan immediately moved to try and get the real Hasan banned. “Hey mods, can we ban this guy again? But this time, make sure it’s permanent. He’s getting me off track and totally ruining the mood. He’s no longer welcomed here...” He stated, keeping his eyes on the chat to make sure that the mods followed his orders and permanently banned the real Hasan from the chat. “Thank you for watching the stream though, you’re free to ogle at my body like I’m sure you’ve been doing for months now. I can’t blame you though, I’m simply irresistible!” Dan stated, as he flexed once more and pulled his tank top off so that the real show could finally begin…

Hasan was furious, watching as he lost chat privileges and his former body began to strip for all of his fans. In anger, he closed the stream and began to sob at his desk as he realized that there was no turning back now. He fucked up and now he’s trapped like this. Both furious and curious to find out what had happened to him, Hasan began to take a look through the laptop’s history. He was desperate to find any information about what caused this swap, so he was willing to spend however much time was necessary to get some answers. 

After hours of going through the computer history with a fine toothed comb, Hasan finally stumbled upon the link on the dark web where Dan first offered his proposition for destroying the streamer’s reputation. Assuming that there must be some answers from this posting, Hasan decided to go through the messages on the site. Upon entering the message inbox, Hasan found himself stumbling right into the chat history between Dan and the mysterious Dark Web individual. Both pissed at this person for doing this to him and also wanting to try and get help, Hasan furiously typed out a message to the individual, stating that he’s the real Hasan and he wants help. As he hit send, he began to feel a deep rumble echo deep from within his gut. He glanced at the clock and realized that it was close to dinner time. Hoping to eat his feelings, Hasan left his room and wobbled down the stairs to go have dinner with his apparent new family.

Coming back from dinner, Hasan checked his computer and found that he had received a response. He began to grow excited as he read the first section of the message.

Hello Hasan, I’m sorry that you were left so uncomfortable after the change. I suppose my magic was off, because the swap was supposed to make it so you believed that you were always Dan. Given that this has not worked, I can totally understand why you’re so miserable.

I might have a plan that can remedy this situation, so here’s what I’m thinking…

As Hasan continued to read the message, his frown began to slightly perk up as he thought about the warlock’s interesting proposition…

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More Posts from Soul-controller

4 years ago

Helping Out A Friend: Part I

My eyes snapped open as the alarm clock began screaming in the early hours of the morning. I sat up and looked around, my body tensing up as I recognized the bedroom before me belonging to Antonio rather than my own. Taking a moment to calm down, I reminded myself of my situation and why I was sleeping in just my underwear in my best friend’s bedroom. As I fully remembered the reasons behind such a predicament, I finally relaxed and sprang up from bed to start getting ready for my day.

2021 has already started off with a rocky start, but it’s been even stranger for myself specifically. The second semester of my sophomore year of college was about to begin and I was looking forward to the classes I had signed up for. I had found great passion in my major, but the only reason why I remained in college anymore was due to my best friend Antonio. His friendship was super important to me and despite our different backgrounds and interests, we became fast friends that soon became best friends throughout the years. It was especially strange given how he was a good two years older than me, but it seemed that a tight-knit neighborhood was actually beneficial for once as my family was neighbors with his family and we ended up having to hang out through multiple playdates as young children. Being a shy anxious kid, I was extremely thankful for Antonio as he got revenge on any bullies that messed with me and also helped me grow a decent social circle for myself. 

Once Antonio left for college, I was obviously depressed, but I was determined to not lose the friendship that we had been growing for so many years. You couldn’t even imagine how excited we both were when I found out that I had gotten a full-ride academic scholarship to attend the same university as him. Luckily, the university also had a great program for my major of choice, so it was a definite no-brainer and an immediate acceptance. After a few months, I was off to spend more time with my best friend once again.

However, I was disappointed to find that we didn’t have much time for each other once I settled into college. Antonio was getting busy as he found himself part of a fraternity and taking much more advanced classes as he progressed through his major. While for myself, I was taking the maximum amount of credits in hopes of graduating with a double major in four years along with taking up a part-time tutoring position at the college to make some extra cash. We were able to hang out every couple weekends or so, but I longed to be closer to Antonio than how we were now.

So, you could understand my surprise when Antonio called me on a Saturday afternoon to see if he could come over and talk to me about something. As he headed over to my apartment, I couldn’t help but grow nervous trying to figure out what he was coming over to say. Was he going to say he can’t hang with me anymore because of how I didn’t fit in with his new clique? Was he going to come forward and announce some sort of crush he had on me? Before my mind could spiral any further, I heard him knocking on the door and immediately opened the door before he could finish his second knock. As he walked around, he nervously paced around before finally looking into my face and asking “Hey man, I have a question for you. Would you be willing to do something strange but super important for me?”

Unsure where he was going with this, I nervously chuckled and responded with a simple “Of course man, I’d do anything for you!” “Oof, you sound like such a needy dweeb” I thought as I scolded myself for my clingy behavior. However, his nervous frown turned into a wide smile as he felt the confidence to finally ask his question…

“Would you be willing to swap bodies with me this semester?”

At first, I thought I had gone crazy, so I immediately asked for clarification from him. But after hearing him repeat himself without a stutter, I knew I wasn’t imagining it. Antonio could clearly see my look of confusion and shock, so he led me towards the couch. As we both sat down, he began to tell me about why he needed me to do this. Given that it was his final semester of college, he was extremely stressed about somehow failing due to the nature of online learning and Zoom calls. However, he knew I was the best person to ask given my tutoring position and how close of friends we are, so he thought that I would be able to help him the best.

To try and butter me up, he stated that he could make it so the swap was beneficial to the both of us. He then began to talk about how if he could facilitate the swap with me, he’d help me with anything I wanted as well. Giving an example, he talked about how he could use the swap to help me finally break the ice with this guy, Bruno, that I’ve been pining for since freshman year. While Antonio was naturally suave and a smooth-talker with both girls and guys, I constantly tripped over my words and struggled to form a full sentence whenever I was interacting with any man that I found even SOMEWHAT attractive. Letting my heart make decisions rather than my head, I immediately agreed to the deal before even needing to learn more.

It wasn’t a hard decision to accept his offer, especially given how much I crushed on Antonio for the first few years of our friendship. While he was a brooding beefy badass, I was an absolute dweeb who avoided sunlight like I was Count Dracula himself. If I wasn’t working on classes or tutoring people, I would have just permanently sealed myself into my apartment and played video games with all of my online friends. It wasn’t even that I found myself “unattractive” either. I was just a normal guy trying to appear more older and mature by growing some form of facial hair. I just felt like I was universally average in every way, which wasn’t helped by the majority of the interests I had. It’s hard to convince a guy to take a chance and go on a date with you when your version of small talk was talking about scientific journals and all of my favorite RPG games.


Nodding and flashing a smile of glee, he reached inside his pocket and brought this random device out to show me. As he began to describe it to me, I just stared at the device and thought about how it looked like a simple universal remote. The only difference from a universal remote was that it had a screen on it that showed text as Antonio turned dials to showcase the gold-colored device.

I wasn’t the smartest person when it came to science, which was why I decided to get degrees in both Psychology and English, so most of the information he told me about the information of the device went in one ear and out of the other. For the most part, it seemed like the device was something he bought off the internet on some strange website. With this device, he was able to switch people’s bodies and it was also able to modify each other’s personalities as well where he’d be able to give me his major knowledge and I’d give him mine so we could easily do these upcoming classes without any problems. After talking about it a bit longer, we then finalized the details of how we’d swap for the entire semester until the weekend of the graduation, which is where we would swap back so Antonio could experience that with his family. After ironing out the rules of the swap, we both then set some ground rules for what would be allowed for us in each other’s bodies. Antonio told me I had free reign in his body, as he wouldn’t be upset if I got drunk in his body and partied, hooked up with people on campus, etc given that he was fairly used to that anyway. I on the other hand was much more restrictive and nervous about the swap, telling him that he wouldn’t be allowed to have sex given the fact that my body was still a virgin. Also, my nerves about addiction and drug use made me add a last-minute demand that he couldn’t do any drugs in my body. 

Once Antonio and I both agreed to our ground rules, we shaked on it as Antonio asked if we could swap now. At first I was a bit apprehensive, given that it was all so sudden and I was afraid of jumping into a new body. But, as I stared at the smile of my best friend and thought about how this could help bring us closer together again, I ultimately agreed to his question. As Antonio began to tinker with the device to initiate the swap, I hopped on my feet for a bit as I shook out my limbs and tried to prepare myself for the transformation. I neglected to listen about whether the process would be painless or agonizing, so I shuttered and began to expect the worst as he began to count down. As soon as the countdown ended and he pressed the button, I gasped in pain as I felt my eyes become blinded in a bright flash of light that felt as if a large spotlight was aimed directly at my retinas. 

When I opened my eyes, I came face to face with… my old body.


It was unbelievable, standing right in front of me was my own body with a look of crazy shock plastered all over its face. It was so strange watching my body from an outsider’s perspective, looking around and understanding that the swap was actually successful. “Whoa man, this is… so strange” my body said, as Antonio brought my hands up to touch his new face.


“I’m… actually Curtis now!” he cried out as he suddenly flashed a smile and began to look down at his now thinner arms and whiter complexion. It was eerie to hear my own voice talking to me, but it was also fairly funny thinking about how the big buff Antonio was somehow the one now in control of my nerdy body. Although, as I stared at him, he seemed to embrace his newfound nerdiness as he jokingly played with my glasses as he rapidly took them on and off. It was hilarious to see his face go from joy to shock as he began to realize just how terrible his vision now was. “Jesus dude, you’re blind as a bat” he groaned as he put his hand up to his forehead to prepare for the migraine he was beginning to cause for himself. That dorkish charm he had embraced did not fade however, as he placed the glasses on the tip of his nose and pushed them up the bridge until they were snuggly wrapped around his face again. Once they reached the top, he flashed his dorkiest smile and gave me a nerdy thumbs up. 

As I watched all of this unfold and saw his sudden embrace of his new form, I was in a serious state of shock and awe. I didn’t really expect this plan of his to work, but given the fact that I’m now staring at myself, it’s clear that his plans came to fruition. As I stared at “Curtis”, I looked down and saw my much tanner hands, with one hand tightly gripping the small remote. Afraid of losing it somehow, I immediately placed it into the pocket of my shorts and looked back up. While continuing to see “Curtis” mess around with his body, it fully dawned on me that I was now in Antonio’s body as well. Now curious to see myself fully and take a closer look, I headed towards my bathroom. With each passing step, I began to mentally prepare myself for the shock I’d feel when I see Antonio’s face reflected back at me. As I walked, I took a glance back into the living room and chuckled to myself as I watched “Curtis”. He didn’t even notice my departure as I saw him begin checking his new body out in the mirror next to my front door as he quickly got used to his now much shorter and smaller body.

As I flicked on the light switch and locked the door behind me, I found that no amount of mental preparation was enough to save myself from the shock I felt as I saw my new reality. Not only was it strange finding myself in my best friend’s body, it was even stranger to just see how bulky and buff I now was. I couldn’t help but think about how hot it was to think about the fact that I was now in my best friend’s body. As I began to get more into my new situation, I started ogling my body as I ran my thicker hands around my even thicker frame. Luckily, Antonio was a fairly body-positive person, so I got easy access to explore my new body as I slid my hands around and under his crop top and pair of shorts. As Curtis, I couldn’t have gained either a pound of muscle or fat no matter how hard I tried, so it was so strange yet erotic to find myself in such a buff and broad body like Antonio’s. It didn’t help that I was always envious of his tattoos, so it was quite the turn on to look at these tats and view them as my own now (at least for the time being). As I flexed in the mirror and embraced my body with a surprisingly large amount of pride, I couldn’t help but notice the severe tenting that was happening in my flimsy pair of shorts right about the bathroom sink. It was nearly impossible NOT to see it as I looked closer and saw how defined my now much thicker and longer cock was while proudly jutting outwards in these thin shorts. “Oh fuck…” I moaned as I gingerly wrapped my hand around my new genitalia and tightly gripped it. “Oh my fucking god…” I moaned, this time louder as I turned myself on even more as I heard Antonio’s rougher and deeper voice flow out of my mouth.


Click here to check out Part II and Part III. 

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4 years ago

Streamer To Subscriber - Part I


It was a normal Wednesday afternoon and Hasan Piker was in the middle of his daily Twitch stream with his tens of thousands of fans. He always enjoyed his streams, especially during the days where he’d be super interactive with his viewers. Of course, he loved discussing politics and playing games as well, but something about getting close with his followers always made him happy.

Usually, this stream would have been nothing out of the ordinary for Hasan, but little did he know that one of his viewers had a special plan in store for the 29-year-old. Dan was his name, a 36-year-old man who had been subscribed to the channel for over 6 months now. Hasan didn’t know anything about him, but Dan knew everything about Hasan. It was hard for Dan not to learn about his favorite streamer given that he was left with tons of free time. For over a year now, Dan had been laid off due to the pandemic. It started out as just a few months of unemployment, but extensions kept being issued until it turned into just over a year of job instability. Due to having no source of stable income, Dan was left with no choice but to move back home with his parents. Given that he was allowed to stay at his parents’ house with no money desired for room and board to continue living there, Dan figured that the best course of action would be to wait the pandemic out and head back into the workforce once a vaccine is readily made available and his job finally decides that they’re ready for him to return to work.

Of course, Dan was unable to avoid the unintended consequences of staying at home permanently. Within several months, his waistband quickly ballooned outward until he had a hefty gut to add onto his already bulky frame. Prior to the pandemic, Dan was a rather beefy muscular man, so you could imagine his surprise when he looked down one day and noticed that all of his firm muscles had been enveloped in layers of flab. Before he knew it, a year had passed and Dan had gained over 80 lbs due to an endless supply of home-cooked meals and an inability to work out due to closed gyms.

Not wanting to no longer be a couch potato every day, Dan tried to find other avenues to keep himself entertained, educated, and up-to-date with what’s going on. Not only did he begin to take up his passion for art once again, but Dan also discovered Twitch and began to look into various streamers to pass the time. While checking out the trending lists on Twitch one day, he stumbled upon Hasan’s Twitch account and became pleasantly surprised. He wasn’t the most politically involved man, but he couldn’t help but admire Hasan’s viewpoint on various issues in the world. Adding in the occasional gaming video or watch-along party, Hasan’s streams slowly became firmly intertwined with Dan’s pastimes. It also didn’t hurt that Dan felt an undeniable attraction towards the streamer, always admiring his buff body and lusting over it. 

However, after several months of viewing his content, the honeymoon period had passed for Dan and he began to grow irritable and angry towards the streamer. Given that Dan’s layoff was consistently being delayed, he began to grow jealous of all of the cash Hasan was just funneling in through his donations and paid subscriptions. That jealousy also developed a sense of anger towards Hasan as he began to find the man rather annoying at times. He’d rage out at the simplest things and complain if something didn’t go his way. It was annoying for Dan to watch this man succeed but complain about the smallest tribulation that he could face. With the added weight gain, Dan also developed a physique-fueled ferocity as he watched the streamer remain in tip-top physical shape.

Desperate to find some sort of avenue to channel his bitter feelings towards Hasan, Dan’s mind began to turn wicked. While watching his stream, Dan would brainstorm ideas about ways to try and ruin Hasan’s life. He searched all across the depths of the internet for any sliver of compromising evidence that could ruin Hasan’s career. Unfortunately for Dan, Hasan’s controversial statements were rather public given the fact that that’s what made his audience love him so much. Due to this, every possible controversy that Dan could imagine had already come up and been exposed.

On one late night Google deep-dive, his obsessive search eventually led Dan towards the Dark Web. After installing the correct programs and gaining access, Dan immediately searched for a place to propose his idea of revenge. He was mad with jealousy, which was blatantly obvious as he offered the entire contents of his life savings for anyone who could ruin Hasan’s life for him. 

It only took a few minutes before several individuals reached out to Dan and offered him their services. Many of them offered physical violence as a solution, but Dan wasn’t THAT crazy to do that. He just wanted to expose him in some way to ruin his reputation. So you could understand his reasoning when he proceeded to initiate a conversation with someone who promised a way to permanently ruin Hasan’s life with no threats of violence. The individual detailed their plan, offering Dan revenge in the form of a spam internet link. Assuming that it was some kind of virus that would hack Hasan’s computer, he tried to think about how he could get Hasan to open the link. Remembering the stream chat, Dan immediately agreed to the individual’s plan and they quickly sorted out the details of payment.

He quickly transferred the money to the individual’s bank account, completely choosing to forget the fact that he was draining the remnants of his savings account.  The individual responded with the link and a set of instructions for Dan. The individual stated that it would be a one-time use link, so Dan had to make sure that he didn’t open it and he also had to make sure that only Hasan could open it. They also mentioned that they would make his wish come true, but it would take some time. They stated that Dan would see his desired outcome the day after Hasan opened the link. Assuming it just took that long to hack his computer and scan it for any compromising information, Dan didn’t inquire about it further and thanked the individual for their assistance.

Looking at the clock, Dan realized that Hasan was most likely streaming already. Heading over to Twitch, his assumption was proven true as he clicked on his stream and joined the other tens of thousands of followers that were watching the stream. 

After a few hours of political talk, Hasan opened the floor up for subscriber requests, which is where Dan realized that now was his chance. Given all of the time spent on Hasan’s stream, he had accumulated a bunch of channel points, so Dan knew how he could get Hasan to open the link. Redeeming a bunch of points to send in the message in subscriber-only mode, Dan pasted the link into the text box with some accompanying text that said “HASAN CHECK THIS OUT! THIS IS LEGIT NUTS THAT THEY DID THIS!”. It was just the type of clickbait that Dan knew Hasan would fall for. His experience of watching the stream informed him that Hasan was quite the nosy individual, so Dan’s message would make him immediately want to find out what was going on. Chuckling and allowing his mouth to morph into a treacherous grin, Dan pressed send and waited for his plan to come to fruition. 

Watching the streamer pass by his message at first, Dan began to spam the chat with the same message, ultimately redeeming all of his points to reach Hasan. He watched the corner of the screen as Hasan scrolled through the subscriber-only chat. It was just pure luck that Hasan happened to finally scroll right to one of his messages. Dan clenched his chair in anticipation as he watched Hasan hover his cursor over his message and eventually click the attached link. After several seconds that felt like minutes, Dan’s grin quickly faded as Hasan’s face turned into an angry frown. “Dude, that link is bogus. It’s just a black screen!” Hasan said, both confused at the sender and annoyed at his gullible nature for falling for the message. Angrily annoyed at one of his paying subscribers trolling him, Hasan continued, giving a smug “I think it’s time for a timeout” and immediately demanding that a moderator ban Dan from the channel for a week.


Dan’s face went red at this declaration, but he couldn’t respond fast enough before the page refreshed and he found himself back on Hasan’s stream. However, no longer was the sidebar with the chat as all he could see was Hasan’s camera and his computer screen. Dan’s anger grew ten-fold as he couldn’t believe that asshole banned him for something as simple as sending that link. He didn’t even know what Dan was planning and he was still punished. It was unbelievable and it filled him to the brim with fury.

He quickly slammed the lid of his laptop down and tossed it across the room onto his bed in a fit of rage. Before he could lose it further, he paused his meltdown as he heard a knock on his bedroom door. Looking at the clock once more, he realized that it was his mother informing him that dinner was ready. Despite being mid-meltdown, he knew that he didn’t want his parents to continue waiting for him. Taking a second to compose himself, Dan headed out of his bedroom and tried his best to temporarily forget about his interaction with Hasan. 

Spending time with his family was fairly beneficial for Dan, as it allowed him to control his anger and focus on what to do moving forward. If there were no results by tomorrow, Dan planned to try and refute the money transfer and get his money back. Luckily, it was only a week ban from Hasan’s stream as well, so he could always just take a week break and come back to try and get revenge again. Attempting to think positively, Dan viewed the ban as a possible benefit as it allowed him to have a week of no distractions so he could regroup and come up with a better plan for revenge. As he headed off to bed, he felt a weird sense of anticipation still running through his mind. The concept of getting some sort of revenge on Hasan was even more appealing to him after the events of today, so he was still hopeful that it would happen like the guy on the Dark Web promised.


Hasan was happy to have another successful stream today, which had given him many new paid subscribers and tons of money donations. He appreciated the fact that so many people cared about what he had to say enough to pay him just to show their own appreciation. Thinking about doing another subscriber request day, he made a mental note to come up with more interactive ways for him to get closer to his followers. He couldn’t help but smile as he fell asleep and prepared himself for another amazing stream the next day.

Upon waking up, Hasan immediately got the sense that something was off. As he rolled around in bed while stretching, he took notice of the sheets and pillows he was using. The sheets were a far cry from the soft fabric he usually had and his pillows were most definitely not the memory foam ones he had fallen asleep on. When he opened his eyes and looked around, his mind confirmed what he already knew… this was not his bedroom. 

His room that was decorated with political memorabilia was gone, instead replaced with a rather empty bedroom that lacked any real identity beyond a painting easel and a laptop sitting on a plain desk. Sitting up, he groaned as he met some resistance in his midsection. Curious, he looked down and gasped at the sight before his eyes. Instead of his hairy torso of abs and a modest set of pecs, the body he saw now had a hefty gut jutting forth from his body. Undoubtedly in shock, he gasped and instinctually jumped farther into the bed. In his sudden movement, Hasan was unfamiliar with the smaller room and bed he now found himself in, so he groaned in pain as the back of his head slammed against the wall. Instinctually, Hasan grabbed the back of his head to try and take note of any damage. While running his hands through the back of his head, he grew concerned when he felt a shorter hairstyle instead of his thicker wavy hair. Continuing to run his hands up towards his face, he took note of the fact that his wavy black hair had been completely changed. Instead, his head was given a short hairstyle that he never would have imagined getting.

Pulling his hands down and looking down, he wiggled his fingers and took note of his now-chubbier digits and tried to understand what was happening to him. “Where the fuck am I?” he stated in confusion, which also caused him to take note of the different voice that was coming out of his mouth. Deciding that this must be a dream, Hasan used his thicker hand and slapped himself across the face to wake him up from this nightmare. But unfortunately for Hasan, the sting radiated across face and he soon realized that this was really happening.

Sitting up from the bed and attempting to stand up, he wobbled in confusion as he tried to understand his new gravity from the extra weight he now had accumulated. Still in a state of confusion, he walked around the room and tried to understand both who he was and where he was. Sitting down in a chair in the middle of the room, he plopped down and stared into a conveniently placed wall mirror as he tried to think about if he somehow knew the man he now saw before him.

“Who the fuck are you? And why am I you?” He asked, his eyes glaring into the mirror in a contemptuous rage. He didn’t know what was going on, but he was damned sure that he wasn’t going to just accept this as his new life. Looking at the body he now was occupying, Hasan ran his hands across his gut and tried to grapple with the new weight he now had. He remembered his days of being chubby in his 20s, but he was never this big. It was an entirely new experience and he desperately wanted to be back in his real body.

Before he could inquire about his new body further, he was startled by a ding from the cell phone on the bedroom nightstand. Picking it up and glancing at the lock screen, his phone informed him of a Twitch stream going live. Unlocking the phone, he clicked the notification and gasped as he was brought into the livestream of Hasan Piker…


Click here to read Part II and Part III!

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3 years ago

Gaining Respect

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it. They passed over me to give the position to some goddamn freshman!” Andrew groaned, unable to believe the treachery that he just experienced. Andrew was a hardworking junior in college, managing an intense science-oriented degree while being one of the starters on his college basketball team. For years, he had worked hard and led the team to victory every season, so it seemed like a no-brainer to him that he was the only option to be chosen for team captain this upcoming season. However, his coaches disagreed, giving the position to a brand new freshman who the school had been trying to recruit for months. Andrew could admit that heard amazing things about the underclassmen, but that didn’t mean that the decision was any less of a blow to his self-worth. It wasn’t a surprising decision, but it was most definitely infuriating one for the young man. Now an upperclassmen, there was a sense of urgency for Andrew to gain a leadership role, especially now that he just lost one of his two remaining chances. It especially stung to see one of his younger teammates take the position right out of his hands because every other year, the coaches would give the position to one of the remaining upperclassmen. He felt robbed and cheated out of something he had worked so hard for. So, it was understandable why he contacted his father and began to rant about his unbelievable situation.

On the other end of the phone line, his father Richard couldn’t help but feel bad for his only child. Andrew worked incredibly hard for both his classes and his athletics and it always pained Richard to see his son being passed up for exciting opportunities. The same thing happened to him back in high school as well, where Andrew was removed from his high school’s class cabinet because of him having to split time between basketball and his extracurriculars like Science Olympiad. It wasn’t Andrew’s fault that he was so gifted in so many fields, so why must he be punished for that? “I know son, that’s complete bullshit. I’m so sorry that happened to you” Richard said, unsure of what else to say to conceal his anger. 

“I just… I wish I could get respect from others about all of the things that I do. I work hard and I hate constantly being passed up. I wish I could just stand up for myself and demand what I rightfully earned!” Andrew continued, his voice turning into a slight whimper as he began to grow emotional. He wiped away the few tears that flowed down his cheeks, allowing a moment of silence where the only thing he could hear was the sound of his father’s breathing. He desperately needed his dad to give him some form of advice so he could feel better and know how to fix his problem.

However, for Richard, he had no idea what to say. Despite recognizing and sympathizing for Andrew’s troubles, Richard couldn’t relate to his son. In his life, Richard was quite outspoken and constantly made his thoughts and ideas known. After losing the opportunity to go to college to play ball by getting Andrew’s mother pregnant, Richard was determined to no longer waste any opportunities in his life. When he began to work any shitty job to support his growing family, he was determined to make it anyway he could. That determination and innate confidence paid off, as his co-workers began to respect him and turn to him for advice in every aspect of life beyond just work-related issues. 

As a result, it was no surprise that Richard found himself quickly rising up the ranks of a construction company until he was the lead foreman. This timing worked out well, especially as Richard began to lose a secondary source of income due to his wife’s untimely passing. However, his job was able to allow him to continue to support him and his son and even assist the man in saving up for his son’s college tuition. Respect is usually something earned, but for Richard, it was a basic necessity for him to survive. It was unfortunate that his son was dealing with these issues, but a little voice inside of him felt sort of optimistic about the potential ramifications of his problems. He hoped that Andrew would finally get a fire under his ass to stick up for himself and demand the respect he believed he deserved. It worked for Richard, so he was sure that it could work for his son as well.

Returning back to the call, Richard finally formulated a response for his emotional son. “I wish you could gain the respect that I know you rightfully deserve. I wish that you could have the same kind of respect I have from the guys at work. You rightfully deserve it, you’re such a great kid. Ever since you’ve been little, you’ve been a hard worker who was up for any challenge and faced it without any fear in your eyes. It’s a shame that the rest of the world can’t recognize that. As a parent, I’d do anything to fix that for you” Richard said, staying cool and collected but feeling rather emotional for his son. 

For the next several minutes, Richard began to ask his son about his classes. He had hoped that changing the subject could cheer him up, but he could still hear the sadness in the tone of Andrew’s voice. With nothing but awkward silence between them, Andrew began to end the call, informing his dad that he wanted to come home. Richard was quite happy to hear this, so they made plans for his child to arrive home late that night to spend the weekend. Although the university was only an hour away, it was hard for either of them to really meet up given their busy schedules. So, the opportunity to be with his son once more was incredibly exciting to the widowed father. 

Unknown to either Richard or Andrew, there was some mysterious force that was also listening in on their call. It sympathized with the young man’s pleas and his father’s attempts to cheer him up. As it listened in and understood the situation, it began to formulate the perfect plan to remedy the young man’s problems. The older man fell asleep before his son arrived, so he never got the chance to say hello. The underappreciated athlete wasn’t too upset about this fact however due to his drowsy state. The combination of practice and the late-night drive left him entirely worn out and desperate for sleep. So, by the time Andrew got into his room and undressed, his body cried out for sleep. As soon as he undressed and his face fell into his pillow, it was lights out. While they slept, they were blissfully unaware of the shock that they would both experience the next morning…


When the blaring noise of alarm rang out into his bedroom, Andrew groaned as he was immediately brought out of his slumber. As his head remained buried into the pillow, Andrew’s arm recklessly searched his end-table for his phone to no avail. Instead, his fingers grazed along a real alarm clock, something he had never used in his life. He could feel the noise ringing out of the tiny rectangular alarm clock, so he banged his fist against it, desperate for the ringing to stop. As the alarm quickly ended, he began to wonder why there was a random alarm clock getting him up so early. 

His limbs cracked and popped as he stretched, his voice letting out a deep husky growl-like groan. Turning around, he was annoyed by the direct sunlight entering his room. “Why did he leave the goddamn curtains open!” Andrew angrily stated, causing him to cough as he heard the deep grit coming from his throat. “God, my throat is so dry” Andrew thought as he continued to cough but failed to remedy the deep tone coming from his vocal cords.

Upon looking around the room, he began to realize that he was not in his old bedroom… he was in his father’s room instead. His walls weren’t adorned with the sports posters he had plastered onto them, but instead he only saw photo displays that showed images of his younger self with his parents.  It wasn’t until he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes that he began to recognize that something was wrong. The watch adorned across his thick and hairy forearm was not something he ever wore. In fact, it kind of looked like his dad’s watch. As he looked at his arms, he also noticed how similar his hands looked to his father’s, with Andrew noticing the various calluses from his hard-working job in construction. Unsure what was going on, he grumbled to himself and sat up and began to walk into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. 

Shutting the door behind him, his face went white as he stared at his father’s almost naked body being reflected back to him.  “Holy shit!” Andrew cried out, staring with wide eyes as he watched his father mouth the words back to him and the same shocked expression spread across his face. He ran his hands around his chest, his awestruck face remaining as his meaty hands passed through the salt and peppered hair. He groaned in a weird sense of pleasure as his hands ran across the cold nipple piercings that his father had. He remembered the story of how his father got them after a drunken bet between him and his co-workers during some sports game. A deal was a deal, so Richard never took them out, instead wearing them as some sort of badge of honor.

Moving his hands further south, Andrew ran his wide hands down his torso as his hands swayed like a wave as they passed over each bump of abdominal that he had. Despite his shock, he couldn’t deny the fact that this was a well-maintained body. His father retained his musculature from his short-lived athletic career, even building upon it through the hard labor of his various construction jobs over the years. As his hands began to venture towards his father’s crown jewels, he decided against exploring them for the time being. It was quite strange to explore your father’s junk, so his hands moved right past the forbidden area and towards his thick thighs in a quick detour. He stared into the mirror and turned his legs, attempting to see his new body through every possible angle. He couldn’t deny the slight pleasure he felt as he saw the muscles in his legs flex and only further widen his thick thighs. Upon turning around, he couldn’t deny that his father had quite the perky ass as well, just further proof of how well Richard had taken care of his body throughout his 46 years. 

With his hands done exploring his lower half for the time being, his hands moved towards his arms. Looking into the mirror, he was impressed at the thick biceps he now possessed. Even without flexing, his biceps were prominent as they forced his arms to press out from his body to compensate for the softball-sized muscles he now sported. Curious, he lifted his arm up and flexed, chuckling in amazement as he stared at the sight before him. He didn’t understand why or how this had happened, but he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying himself. His original body was quite impressive as well, but something about being in the intimidating, mature, and buff body of his father was just unbelievable. As such, it was no shock when he dropped his arm and let a smirk spread across his face when his eyes focused in on the tight sensation that was beginning to emerge from within his underwear. He turned out of the bedroom and began to head back into the bedroom, eager to explore the last bit of his new body and take care of the throbbing member that was begging for release from its fabric prison... 


As Richard slowly awoke from his slumber, he was surprised to find that he woke up before his daily alarm jolted him awake. He tended to wake up early and start his weekends with a workout, but as he laid in bed, he couldn’t deny that the extra sleep time was welcomed. It had been a hard week at work and he was eager to destress, especially with his son visiting the house again. 

Turning around and letting the sunlight hit his face, he stretched and smiled as he was prepared to go out and start making breakfast for his son. He brushed his hair out of his eyes as he leaned up. “Wait, my hair?” Richard asked, curious as to why he suddenly had hair in his face despite his receding hairline. Upon hearing himself speak, he also began to wonder why his voice sounded so different. He rubbed his eyes and looked down as he pulled back the sheets, where he was met by a surprise. As his eyes focused on his torso, he grew surprised at seeing that his body was lacking all of the body hair that he was used to seeing. On top of that, his skin looked less weathered and his skin was much paler, as if he wasn’t in direct contact with the sun every day like he was at his job. “What… the fuck?” Richard gasped, looking down and seeing the equally youthful hands he now possessed. Looking around, he realized that he was in Andrew’s bedroom. Richard began to figure out what was going on. Had he sleepwalked again? He hadn’t done it in years but could the excitement of seeing his son once more have revived his old habit? But, as he sat up out of bed and saw the youthful limbs and torso in his view, he knew that this wasn’t the case. He had a hunch as to what happened, but as he approached the mirror affixed to one of the bedroom walls, it confirmed what he had assumed. He was no longer in his body, the sight reflected back at him showed him only the youthful body and face of his son Andrew. “Jesus fuck!” Richard gasped, staring with intrigue as he watched his son’s face contort into the same shocked expression. 


Looking in the mirror, he stared at his son’s shirtless body and tried to comprehend what was happening to him. He touched his chest, feeling his modest pectorals and feeling around with intrigue as he no longer felt the sensation of cold metal from the piercings he had in his nipples. Andrew’s body reminded him of the body he used to possess back in high school, although Andrew had a lot more definition to him from the years of college athletics. He flexed in the mirror, smiling as he saw his son’s decent set of biceps. Despite knowing that they paled in comparison to the ones on his real body, Richard was fairly proud of just how buff his son was. He couldn’t help but curiously run his hands through his starting bit of chest hair and chuckle as he sees the beginner treasure trail that was creeping up his son’s torso. It seemed that genetics hadn’t gifted Andrew with the heavy body hair gene that Richard and his father had dealt with in their lives. By the time Richard was Andrew’s age, he had a full set of body hair and it was no problem to grow a beard in a few day’s time. 

Despite that, he couldn’t deny that Andrew was quite well-sculpted. Upon seeing his son’s body, he grew more and more angered at the fact that his son was passed over for the captain position on the team. He looked great and his body was a testament to his commitment to the team and their mission of success.

Before he could stare at his body any more, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Curious, he headed over and opened it. Face-to-face, he was greeted to his old body flashing a wide smile. “Hey there, I made some breakfast, I figured you’d be hungry” his old body said, which caused a weird realization to pass through Richard’s mind. Did Andrew somehow manifest this? Why is he so calm and collected about the changes? If Richard had gone from a 20 year old to a 46 year old overnight, he figured he’d be a bit more frantic at his loss of many years. “Andrew, what’s going on?” Richard asked, his hand moving towards his throat as he still was alarmed when he heard his son’s voice coming from his mouth. “I’m not too sure. I suppose we can try to figure that over breakfast. Let’s go before the food gets cold” Andrew stated as he turned and walked down the hallway with haste. Despite his reservations and desires to figure out what was going on, Richard felt weirdly compelled to follow his son’s orders. So, after throwing on a t-shirt, he headed down the hallway and met his son-turned-father in the kitchen to try and figure out what was going on.

“So, you went to bed and woke up in my body?” Richard asked, watching as his son wolfed down the various eggs, bacon, and pancakes he had cooked for the duo. “Yeah, I was completely worn out when I got home after the drive, so I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.” the now-older man stated matter-of-factly. “And, you’re not alarmed about that?” Richard asked, still confused as to why his son was so calm. “I mean, sure, I’m unsure what’s going on and that’s a bit worrisome. But, I figured that I can’t find a solution on an empty stomach, so I’d rather focus on that afterwards.” the older man continued, shoveling the various breakfast foods into his mouth. “Gosh dad, I didn’t realize how hungry you can get. I’ve never felt so starving!” he said in between chews. “Uh yeah, that’s what happens when you have an older metabolism kiddo. But you’ve got to learn to satisfy that appetite so you don’t blow up and lose any of the muscles you’ve gained over the years. It’s a struggle, but as you can see, it’s clearly possible” Richard responded, feeling a weird vibe as he’s giving his son advice about how to live with his body. He still had no desire to eat, so he just passed his already prepared plate to his son-turned-father and allowed him to finish the contents. 

In no time, Andrew was finally full, which was showcased by the hearty belch that escaped from his lips. He chuckled and ran his hands across his hairy torso, feeling quite good at his new body. Despite his mournful thoughts directed towards the loss of his youth, he couldn’t deny that this wasn’t necessarily all bad. With his dad’s intimidating body, he could finally have the level of respect that he had always wanted. The thought of himself directing men in his father’s crew was quite erotic to imagine, so it was no surprise as he felt his dick once again firming. Despite his older age, he was impressed by his father’s continued vitality. He kept his body in great shape and as evidenced by his exploration under his underwear, Andrew was shocked at his dad’s sexual vitality as well. 

“Well, I suppose I better get these dishes washed up. You should go work out, maybe you could be as buff as me one day” Andrew said with a chuckle as he sat up from the table and began collecting the various plates. But by the look on his old face, it was clear to Andrew that Richard didn’t enjoy his joke. “Dad, lighten up a bit. Until we figure out how to fix this, we might as well begin to adapt to our new roles. In fact, I think that we should start referring to each other as our bodies’ real names. I think it could be quite fun for the both of us!” Andrew said as he placed the dishes in the sink and prepared to watch them.

Richard could only sit there and stare in shock at just how well-adjusted his son had become. To Andrew, it seemed as if he had always been in his father’s body, which only alarmed the real Richard further. Despite his general apprehension and worry, he began to feel a weird sense of calmness overtake his mind. If his son was calm and collected, he might as well try to be the same. His son said he was wanting to fix this, so it wasn’t as if his son was going to keep his body and leave him trapped in this younger body. He began to sit there at the table and imagine what he could do with his newfound youth. He hadn’t been physical with anyone since his wife died, so he thought about the possibilities of being younger and the several girls that would be more than willing to interact with his new body.

Before he could continue daydreaming, he watched as his “father “ turned his head to look at him. “Did you hear what I said Drew? Go and do your workout kiddo” he said, before turning his back and resuming scrubbing the dishes. Despite his apprehension, he felt compelled to listen to what his son said. That innate composure his son now had was a big relief to the real Richard, so he complied with his “father’s” request and headed out of the kitchen. He headed back into Andrew’s bedroom and grabbed a pair of headphones and his phone. Walking into the gym room, “Andrew” couldn’t help but feel that a world of opportunities were laid out before him. No longer did he want to do his normal workout routine, it wouldn’t be appropriate for his new body. His new body had new areas that needed improvement different from his old body, so he had to adapt to best grow muscle for his new form. He couldn’t help but feel slightly turned on by the possibilities of growing more and more buff until he had muscles that rivaled his old ones. “Maybe being younger won’t be as bad as I thought…” Richard said as he began to think about it some more. With this new body, he could achieve more than his older body ever could. He wanted to be bigger and better than his “father”. “Andrew” began his workout with a smile on his face, turning on some classic 70s and 80s music to help get him in the zone like he usually did. 

However, after a few minutes of listening to the music, he felt a weird disconnect to the music. No longer did he have any real relation to it, so he quickly flipped stations to a 2010s playlist and began to vibe out as he grew more and more invested in his workout. It was unknown to either man, but the longer they were in their new bodies, the more they began to adapt to their new bodies. Aspects of their original personality and the personality belonging to their new body began to mix into an interesting melange. As a result, a little bit of vanity began to emerge for the newly youthened man, as he stared at himself in the mirror while watching his impressive body workout on each piece of equipment over the course of two hours. Despite the voice in the back of his head telling him he should try to gain his old body back, he couldn’t be bothered to give up something so great. In fact, the more he heard the voices in the back of his head, the more annoyed he got. Why would he want to have his dad’s body anyway? Despite his dad’s muscles, he had no desire to lose all of the youthful years in front of him. By the time he was doing his final set, “Andrew” had completely adapted to his new personality. Memories of Richard’s hard upbringing had become replaced with the memories of Andrew’s lax childhood. The loss he felt for his wife began to change to him missing his mother and wishing she was still around to see him succeed in college. With the mental changes now completed, Andrew dried his sweat-covered face with a hand towel. Richard’s real confidence that bordered on cockiness began to emerge on Andrew as he slyly lifted up his shirt, unlocked his phone, and began snapping some photos that showed off his physique. 


For the new Richard and Andrew, the rest of the weekend went by as if nothing had changed. They both further adapted their new bodies and personalities, with the new Richard also gaining the appropriate mannerisms and the appropriate older phrases that once confused his younger self. Feeling a weird sense of competitiveness, the new Andrew began to take his workouts to the next level. A deep desire to outmuscle his father grew more and more prominent in the back of his mind. Much like his newfound competitiveness, a new sense of confidence also began to emerge for Andrew, This was surely a remnant of Richard’s original personality prior to the switch, but Andrew only viewed it as a new aspect of his personality forming after the encouraging phone call he had with his father the day prior. 

Speaking of the new Richard, the now-older man slowly underwent his own series of changes. As he washed his dishes and went about his day as a 46 year old, he slowly gained the appropriate knowledge to care for his son, pay bills, and manage life in general. Given his now-forgotten life as an overlooked college student, there was a sudden realization for the older man about just how much he loved the respect he garnered. Watching his men do anything he ordered, he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself. He loved his job as it gave him the ability to be recognized for his talents, something that his old personality was quite happy about. By following his rules, him and his crew were able to finish things in record time without utilizing any dangerous shortcuts. In fact, there were rumors abuzz about the partners for the construction company going into talks about Richard gaining another upper-level promotion in a few months.

Despite never having the chance to experience it for himself, the new Andrew had adapted well to the college lifestyle. Upon leaving his father’s place at the end of the weekend and moving back into his dorm, there was a new determinedness in the young man’s eyes. As he headed into basketball practice the next week, Andrew let his frustration become clear to his coaches as he watched that pesky freshman lead his team to their first series of losses in years. With the remnant of Richard’s confidence transferring into his new body, Andrew went up to his coaches and demanded a chance to prove himself as captain. By using the team’s recent losses as evidence, he was able to convince them to remove the freshman from the position and allow him to take on that roll by himself.

Later that night, Andrew called his father to discuss the new change. As his son told him about his ballsy move, Richard couldn’t help but feel proud of his son. It was about time that he stood up for himself and he loved that it was a success for his child. On the other end of the line, Andrew was also happy about the news as well. Thinking about it, he couldn’t help but thank his father for teaching him about gaining the respect you deserve. 

Given that they had no memory of their swap, it was quite interesting to see how different they both reacted to the news. Despite Richard being happy for his son, he couldn’t help but feel jealous about just how many possibilities his son had. Of course, it was always a great thing to have a child do better than their parents, but he couldn’t help but mourn for his loss of youth to have his son. He couldn’t help but wonder how life had been different if he had a chance to do it again. He did have a point however... As showcased in the swap that the original Andrew experienced, respect can be earned, but youth is unable to be gained back once it’s lost.


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4 years ago

Transformation Vacations: Australia

When both my wife and I were declared “non-essential” workers, we looked forward to some downtime to relax and stay safe during the pandemic. Just as we had hoped, the first few weeks of quarantine and home life went great. However, right we passed the two-month mark, cabin fever began to quickly set in. Our days of lounging around and binging TV on our couch became less enjoyable as our shorter tempers grew more and more as we fought over something as simple as a TV show. Eager to find my wife and I some relief, I decided to do some research about doing some form of vacation for us to go on. If the US was going to be so badly managing the virus, the concept of traveling to another country where the virus had already passed for the most part felt very exciting to me. 

Luckily, after an hour or so of searching and getting to the thirtieth page of search results, I found an incredibly interesting website. The website itself was very basic, with just a bold text of Transformation Vacations being awkwardly stretched across the header of the site. Underneath the large text was a small statement saying their purpose: “To provide life-changing experiences at low costs to those who need it the most!” 

Intrigued, I continued to look into the site as a large map appeared on the screen with some various locations that they offered packages for. Looking through it, I  considered trips to places like France, India, Spain, South Africa, Brazil, and Mexico. However, my eyes immediately found myself drawn to the hyperlink marked AUSTRALIA in bold letters. I quickly clicked on the link and my jaw dropped once I took a closer look.  Their website wasn’t lying, this was an INCREDIBLY cheap deal to visit Australia. Reading the description, it seemed like an amazing time for us to experience.

“Explore the Land Down Under. By purchasing our couples’ package, you will find yourself transported to the wonderful golden shores of Australia and get prime lodging right in the center of beautiful Sydney! Experience riding a wave with a surfing date, walking around the town, and a private candle-lit dinner at a five-star restaurant. Book one week now and get a free week!

This deal is selling fast so purchase now to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime deal!”

Once I reached the end of the description and read the current offer, I knew we had to do it. After a few attempts to add the packages into my cart, the fifth time proved to be successful as I quickly entered my card details and confirmed the payment. I knew that the buggy interface and sketchy website should have swayed me away, the price being over 3x cheaper than the normal rates on other travel site made it seem like a no-brainer to at least try it. “If it went wrong, I could just refute the charge with my bank and get back my few hundred dollars” I told myself, trying not to stress too much about it.

As soon as I closed the tab and shut my laptop lid, I began to feel incredibly dizzy. Looking over at my already sleeping wife, I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth as I quickly fell out of consciousness...

Out of nowhere, I begin to feel incredibly warm and hear a loud roaring noise overtake my thoughts. After a moment of struggling to bring myself out of my weird state of consciousness, I opened my eyes and tried to get my bearings. But as I looked around at the sandy beach and rolling waves that kept crashing against the shore, I only grew more confused. “How in the hell did I end up on a beach? Did I die somehow?” I think to myself, wondering if this is somehow my version of the afterlife. 

Looking around, I turn to my left and see a tall man next to me holding onto a large surfboard with his eyes closed. “Hello, sir? Where am I?” I ask, but I continue to get no response. I clear my throat, as I catch myself suddenly saying things with a very different accent from my normal Boston one. I turn and pat the man on the shoulder, beginning to ask if he’s ok.

Suddenly, the man’s eyes burst open as a worried look immediately appears on his face. “Whoa!” I hear the man cry out, the voice coming out of his mouth also having the same accent, but with an added sense of confusion and fear. The man turns to me as he flashes his light brown eyes at me. “Who are you?” He asks, his thick eyebrows raising inquisitively. Confused by the question, I quickly respond “Uh, I’m Matt. Who are you?”

“Baby?” He asks as he leans in to get a closer look at me. “It’s me Shannon!” I hear him cry out. Looking at him, beyond the different gender, there’s no way that the man was my wife. My wife was a 42-year-old blonde woman who definitely didn’t have the thin physique that this man had. Confused and trying to remain calm, I lean down and put my hands to my temples as I try to think about this. However, but as I’m looking down, I find that the sight I see was a far cry from my 45 year old body as well. Instead of a puffy chest and a slight paunch on a hairy torso, my body had become replaced with a slight set of pecs, a hairless torso, and a prominent six-pack.

“Oh shit, I think that website swapped our bodies!” I cried out, shocked as I come to my sudden realization. The website wasn’t lying when they said we’d be transported to the location of our choice. The only problem is that our old bodies didn’t get to follow us over here. Looking down, I find that I’m quite unable to complaining at my new physique. However, all of my fears cause me to turn to Shannon as I look at the man that my wife had apparently inhabited and worry about how she’s feeling.

My fears about her being freaked out about the new body are quickly dashed as I see her drop the board and flash a quick smile as she begins to check out her physique. I can’t help but stifle my snicker as I watch her flex her fledgling biceps and pull her wetsuit away from her body a bit so she could slide her hand down and feel her new equipment. “Shannon, are you ok?” I ask, which causes her to turn to me in a wide grin and say “Absolutely love! I certainly didn’t expect to wake up as a man, but this body isn’t too bad”. As I watch her talk, I just continue to think about the native Australian voice that belonged to her body. Surprisingly, I can feel my new dick beginning to press against the wetsuit as I watch him speak and stare at his gorgeous face. It’s strange to think about how attractive my wife’s new body is to me. Prior to last night, I had never once in my life had a gay experience, but it seems that these new feelings that I have are going to be impossible to deny. Thinking about it, I begin to assume that these two were a gay couple given the description of the couples’ package I purchased. My boner continues to throb continue to stare at my wife’s light brown eyes and killer physique as I imagine all of the different kinds of fun we’re going to have once we get back to our place for the next two weeks.

I don’t know who these guys are, but I thank them for their service to letting us use their bodies (either voluntarily or not). As I bring my wife in for a big kiss, I can’t help but smile as I watch her radiant smile come across even through this new body she’s found herself in. Unwilling to wait any longer to begin our vacation, I grab my board and tell her to let’s surf as she grabs hers and follows me out to sea.

Our Australia trip had just started, but it’s already the most amazing trip we’ve ever been on. I can’t wait to make the most of our trip and have a way to find some happiness even in the most dire of situations. “Thank you Transformation Vacations!” I think to myself as I let my body’s muscle memory lead the way. With my wife in tow on her own board, we both shred this killer wave towards the shore before turning back out to do it all over again.


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4 years ago

May I get the spirit of a dead jock, the meathead bro with an obsession with muscles and being manly to cohabit my body and basically force me to become manly too? It's like being my own personal trainer in my own body, since I can't mentally for the life of me start working out on my own and too shy to ask for help. I'd like it if his presence makes my body change to better serve him too.

A Special Kind of Athletic Supporter

For years now, you’ve imagined the concept of becoming a jock. To replace those spindly frail arms of yours with the ripped musculature of thick forearms and beefy biceps. To widen your thighs, not with fat, but with well-defined thigh muscles. However, every time you got close to putting this plan into motion, your fears got the best of you and you kept dropping the idea. This process happened yearly, but this year, however, was different for you. As your thin frame (and especially your gut) began to slightly puff out from the never-ending meal swipes you had at university, you knew you had to finally suck it up and begin the process of working out. It was just coming to the end of January and the situation was growing more prominent as you now struggled to conceal your growth with your larger clothing.

So here you were, standing outside the university gym and trying to get your social anxiety under control before you fully took the plunge. You knew you needed to do this for your own happiness. Although you were a fan of guys of all body sizes, you just always were enamored with the concept of being a muscular guy. The fact that you were not similar to your ideal appearance just made you lose even more of your already record-low confidence. Swallowing down the lump in your throat, you nodded in self-assurance as you finally stepped into the gym.

Walking in, you looked around as you took in the sights of the large intimidating gym. The sea of ripped guys and girls working out was even more intimidating to you, but you tried to hype himself up, thinking to yourself that one day you’d be like those guys. Eager to finally begin the process, you quickly swiped your ID card at the front desk and entered the locker room towards the right side of the building.

Once you entered, you had to steady yourself as you were given an incredibly sexy vision of a sea of buff men nearly naked sans their jockstraps and possible compression gear. Walking past them, you felt intimidated by both their size and height, as almost every guy was taller than your petit 5’2”. As you walked farther back into the locker room, it became a struggle to hide your engorged member.

Eventually, you made your way to the back of the locker room and breathed a sigh of relief as you found no one residing there. Setting down your backpack, you awkwardly look around to make sure no one is around. With the coast being clear, you begin to undress, taking off your buttoned-up shirt and jeans until all that’s left are your simple white briefs. Looking down, your nervous face turns into a slight frown as you look at the small section of fat prominently residing around your gut. You were thankful that you were able to hide it with your clothing for so long, but it wasn’t enough anymore. You needed to burn that fat away immediately and indefinitely.

Setting both your gym clothes and your street clothes into two piles on the bench, you look around once more as you gingerly prepare to take off your underwear. However, right before you switch into some boxer briefs, your eyes take note of an abandoned jockstrap on the floor near the other end of the empty bench. Walking down, you look at the undergarment and grab it, beginning to inspect the black jockstrap. It looks freshly clean, and as you decide to give it a slight whiff, you find that you cannot detect any scent that could resemble sweat. In fact, it smelled freshly washed, with the scent of a laundry detergent being the only thing you could take note of.

You couldn’t describe it, but the longer you held it, an intense desire to wear it began to amplify. It wasn’t used luckily, and you couldn’t deny that you found jockstraps sexy. For years, you had seen men in tight form-fitting ones online and in porn. You wished to be ripped like them, so you told yourself that you should wear clothes like them too. Making sure no one was around once more, you rip off your white briefs and quickly pull the jockstrap up over your genitals. Once it’s on your body, you can’t help but feel slightly attractive. You never would have worn a jockstrap on your own volition, so you can’t help but feel a little thankful for the mysterious jockstrap that you had come across. Given that you were about to work out and hopefully have a body worthy of the jockstrap, you also theorized that by wearing it, it could be your way of encouraging yourself to have the best body you could. 

Quickly putting on  your workout clothes, you can’t help but smile as you think about the fact that you’re about to begin the process you’ve been dreaming of for years. As you walk down each aisle, you’re surprised by the fact that there’s no longer any jocks in here. Right as you’re about to reach the doorway and head into the gym, you stop to take a look at yourself in the mirror. Once you stop, you look awkwardly into the mirror and give yourself a nod of approval. However, your eyes ignore your body as you begin to notice the dark smokey illusion that was residing behind you. Looking deeper into the mirror, you gasp as your eyes watch a pair of bright green eyes appear behind you. Turning around, you could only display a look of shock as you come face to face with a large cloud of black smoke that dominates you in both size and height. Screaming in fear, you have no time to react as the cloud rapidly twirls up and rushes at you. Watching it continue to consume your body in a whirlwind, you slowly lose consciousness as the smoke overtakes you....

Your eyes jerk open as you find yourself back in the locker room. However, something seems off to you. Looking around, the locker room is now much fuller, with a gaggle of guys playing locker room hijinks on each other around you. A man notices your look of shock and comes up to you. “Hey man, are you good?” the man asks, his face now sharing the look of concern. 

“Uh, I feel weird. I feel very strange, like I just woke up from the strangest dream…” you say, trying to figure out how all of these guys randomly appeared out of nowhere. The man’s face turns into a slight grin as he believes you’re joking. “Well dude, you should try to eat something then. You’re probably light-headed from how hard you were working out today. I was shocked when I caught sight of all of the weight you were re-racking. You’ve become quite the beast already! It’s crazy how much you’ve grown over these months!” He responds, a flash of a smile on his face as he puts his hand on your shoulder and squeezes.

Looking down, you follow your eyes towards the shoulder that the man is grabbing, where you gasp at the sight. You can’t help but stumble backwards and into a set of lockers as you take note of a strange observation. Your body is clearly not the same as it was before you passed out. Your once twig-like arms are now pumped with muscle, which is made even more apparent to you from the sight of the bulging biceps that are straining against the seams of your form-fitting t-shirt. 

The guys all turn to you in shock, where you just quickly excuse yourself and head into the bathroom. Running into the nearest available stall, you slam the door and lock it behind you as you sit on the stool and try to come to terms with the weird sights before your eyes..

“What’s wrong? I granted your wish” you hear, which causes you to jump and look around to find the source of the deep voice. “Stop looking around, you will not find me”, the voice continues, “You’ve already seen me anyway, young human”. 

“Who are you? What did you do to me?” you respond, your voice remaining slightly quiet to keep yourself from seeming like a lunatic to the other guys for talking to no one while inside a stall.

The voice begins to explain, stating the fact that he’s a lost spirit who previously died in the gym decades ago. For years, he had been stuck here and unable to escape or move on, but that all seemingly changed with you. He wanted to live again, so he figured the best way to do that would be to possess a young man by tempting him. His ghostly form took the appearance of the black jockstrap that you originally put on. He then describes that cloud of smoke as his true ghostly form, which was when he first took control of your body.

He continued, where he began to explain how he’s spent the last several months sculpting your body to become a more appropriate vessel for him to inhabit. Finally deciding that your body was in good shape, he finally allowed your mind to return to a shared consciousness with his so you could see the results. 

In fact, the ghostly voice was so happy with the results so far that he began to offer a deal with you. He vowed to no longer take complete control of your body as long as you vowed to allow him to remain there. His deal involved a shared body setup, where you would be allowed to live your normal life as you see fit, but you would be required to go to the gym at least 4 days a week, where he would take control for the time being to train your body to be the best it could be. It was a symbiotic relationship of sorts, as he offered you the potential of having a muscular body like you always desired. Of course, the one caveat was the fact that you had to sacrifice some of your life to this man’s workout regime. 

You inquired about what would happen if you refused the terms of the deal, which is where he just simply replied that he would just take full control and only allow you to reappear once a year. He didn’t want to sacrifice such a body ripe with potential and go back to becoming a ghost, especially since he had spent the last several months training your body to be its best.

Realizing that you’d be unable to get rid of the ghost no matter your choice, you gave in and agreed to his deal. Some control was better than becoming a passenger in your old body, so it seemed like a no brainer to you. The ghost was quite happy with your decision, vowing that you would ultimately find this partnership to be quite beneficial. It would give him the chance to live once more and allow you to be the ripped jock you’ve always wanted to be without even having to do the work yourself.

As the ghost retreated from the forefront of your shared mind, you found yourself back in full control of your body and thoughts as you exited the bathroom and returned to the now-deserted locker room. Walking around to make sure the locker room was empty, you headed towards the back section of the locker room to take stock of your new body. It felt oddly fitting to be back here to see the results of your new partnership given that this was the spot where you unknowingly let a ghost completely change your life.

You quickly slipped off your t-shirt and shorts until you were left in just the cursed black jockstrap. You stared into the mirror and admired your new body. It felt obviously foreign given how you weren’t used to navigating around the thick biceps, firm pecs, and well-defined thighs you now had. However, you couldn’t deny the fact that you were much hotter than you were prior. The ghost seemed to have some fun in your body as well, as you take note of the various tattoos that you now found displayed on your neck and chest. Most people would expect to be in complete shock and unaccepting of their new appearance, but you found that you were fully embracing it. As you pulled out your phone and took a photo of your broad muscular backside and perky ass, you couldn’t help but smile at all of the possibilities you now had.

This was the deal of a lifetime!


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