Any pronouns/+18 blog/ Commissions open! Hitching a ride with a traveling fair
92 posts
Spicyspell - In The Trenches - Tumblr Blog

Memento Mori, a Curse of Strahd Fanzine.....
Is now available for download! Explore Barovia once more through beautifully immersive artwork and stories! Thank you for all the support through this journey! Google Drive DL | Itch.io DL
Close to you by the Carpenters 😔
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)

just girls being girls? debate.

Woah! A swarm of recent commissions!
Here's Ludmilla for @knightinkosherarmour but I have a few more under the cut!

Rip to a 5’7 king 💔 Bless down he’s awful
(Characters belong to @zenithzyl. In order: Aavara in the center, Vaastus being held and Desadora on the right.)
him <3

I am so excited to share art of my rogue, Percy Brightstar, as done by @spicyspell! I've meant to share this sooner, but life has gotten so hectic.
Percy Brightstar is a swashbuckler rogue, ostensibly from the city-state of Daggerford. More accurately, he's from a lot of places. He grew up in a nomadic elven community, which has traveled all over the Sword Coast and beyond. For many years, the Caravan Elves worked as bandits and highwaymen along major trade routes. The push of industrialization drove many elves out of big cities and in some cases, industry seemed to be directly tied to the death of elves and their communities, as nature was mowed down in favor of factories and their pollution. Still, Percy found as much happiness as he could while living on the run. He fell in love and would eventually have a daughter, Daphne. But before she was born, Percy became the leader of the Caravan Elves and realized that there was no escaping human influence on the world. If you can't beat 'em...
He orchestrated a takeover of the Daggerford criminal underground with the help of the Duchess of Daggerford and his band of trusted rogues and ne'er do wells. They installed themselves as the thieves guild in Daggerford. However, around this time, Percy's wife, Talia, disappeared, leaving him with a young daughter to raise alone in a strange society that saw him as the Duchess' court jester some days and inhuman on others. He realized that Daphne would need a human governess to teach her how to exist in society, especially once he was given the honorary title of baronet by the Duchess. He's been raising Daphne with the help of his governess (and longtime crush), Keres, who is our party's cleric.
Percy is the kind of guy who is extremely kind, but savvy enough to know when a lie or a little bit of trickery or thieving is needed. He is the man with the plan in the party and he's gotten all of Vallaki fooled into thinking that he is the Duke of Daggerford, traveling with his lady wife and their friends. He has befriended Van Richten, tried to mentor Victor Vallakovich just a little (and also tortured him just a bit), and has been a thorn in Strahd's side since day one. He's personable, chatty, and a little bit dangerous. He's a devoted father, who just wants to get home, and occasionally, he's a bit of a scoundrel if it means furthering that goal. I love him so much!
Fun Fact: While the other characters are shown wearing Victorian fashions, I asked Spicy to draw Percy in fashion from the late 18th century/early 19th century, when Percy came of age and took control of the Caravan Elves. He's a very stylish man, don't get me wrong, but I wanted art that captured the flamboyance I picture in his manner of dress and self-carriage. So, speaking of...

This was a bonus piece of art Spicy did of him and I absolutely adore it. My girlfriend, who plays Keres, and I have joked that this is how she must see him, that this is Percy in full anime love interest form, and that this is definitely how he dresses on the regular. That last bit is less of a joke than a deep appreciation for how well Spicy captured my guy! <3 <3 <3 They do impeccable work and I highly recommend them as an artist if you're looking to commission anything!

guys she finds toes for a living
Commission for @rahadaddy fun fact I LOOOVE her

It’s a start?
(this is a remake of a doodle I did about a year ago)
WAAAAHOOOO I’m opening more commission slots!!!!

New Commission info bellow the cut!!!
I think it was around a year ago that I opened my coms on this blog and I've been truly truly overwhelmed by the support I've gotten :'D
Because I've got more availability coming up in the summer I thought now would be a good time to set up my new pricing and get the word out ahead of time. I want to be able to take my time with every request, so I have about 6 open slots for the time being.
Thank you again for any traction on this!

another PC design, he is a dhampir bard. I miss playing someone that truly just sucks. He went through a couple redesigns but I am happy with this one

leave my heart to the damned as you build me a bed in the earth

Isolde doodle from a little while ago!

recent doodles teehee

Oberon for the lovley lovley @zenithzyl!
We've done some wild stuff with the feywild in our campaign (because it's technically still Ravenloft based) And by far my favorite design is Oberon!
No spoilers for whichlight or for the Carnival please! Even though we've strayed from canon, I still haven't seen alot of NPCS and locations yet. (like Yon)
Hey guys! As summer is approaching I’m going to have a lot more time for my art, so here’s my commission info!

New Commission info bellow the cut!!!
I think it was around a year ago that I opened my coms on this blog and I've been truly truly overwhelmed by the support I've gotten :'D
Because I've got more availability coming up in the summer I thought now would be a good time to set up my new pricing and get the word out ahead of time. I want to be able to take my time with every request, so I have about 6 open slots for the time being.
Thank you again for any traction on this!

I’ve really loved working on your NPC’s!! This was also technically my first foray into I,Strahd characters!

The amazingly talented @spicyspell has utterly captured my game's Alek Gwilym! I cannot overstate how pleased I am with this piece, how beautiful it is, and how excited I have been all day to unveil it to my players - especially my player whose cleric is Alek and Strahd's son.
In Blood Countess, Alek Gwilym has many titles. He is Commander Gwilym, Master at Arms of Ravenloft. He is the former squire and eldest scion of Lord Argynvost. He is the avatar of the Morning Lord. Most importantly, he is Ayah, or Father, to Godfrey and Alistor Gwilym.
Alek was the son of the dragon lord, Argynvost, and his human wife, Freya. He spent his youth at Argynvostholt, training to be a knight. He even became his father's squire. However, his mother was killed by the wizards of the Amber Temple and Alek abandoned the order. He became a mercenary sell-sword and traveled far and wide. He eventually returned to the Balinok Valley to serve as a bodyguard and guide for the princess-general, Strahd von Zarovich. He was a powerful fighter and asset to the Barovian forces. After saving Strahd's life, he was inducted into her army and he rose through the ranks quickly. They fell in love and carried on an illicit affair until Strahd fell pregnant with twins and defeated the Tergic army. The boys were sent to live at Argynvostholt but Strahd was never informed of their whereabouts. Alek remained a devoted father to Godfrey and Alistor and repaired his relationship with his father while maintaining his position at Ravenloft's court as Strahd's right hand. However, Strahd became mired in her grief and obsession with preserving her power. Alek ultimately lost her but remained dedicated to her even to his own demise in the Amber Temple, where she killed him as a sacrifice to Vampyre. Alek made a deal that day, too, with the Morning Lord and agreed to be his avatar. Unfortunately, he was magically sealed away by the Dark Powers and he awaits the day that he can reunite with his sons.
In the meantime, he's tried to exert his will on the valley with mixed success. Currently, he has one (1) warlock: a nun from Krezk who is more than the sum of her parts and has sent an angel to try to heal Strahd with unfavorable results. He's trying. He really, really is. It's tough to be a god!
Especially when all he wants is to see the people he loves one more time.
I absolutely adore Alek and I am so thrilled to have art of him! I am so happy! I love his dragon scales, which look a little like vitiligo. I love the curls of his hair and the sharpness of his nose. I love his smile and the fact that when I showed my cleric, she said that he is definitely Alistor's father.
(Also, his and Strahd's portraits face in opposite directions. I can make them face each other and he looks besotted while she's looking away or I can make them face away from each other, back to back, in comparison. Hell. Yes.)

Countess Strahd for @knightinkosherarmour !!!!!
She’s an icon and the moment (also guilty of a lot of crimes, probably)

My commissions are officially open !!!
I’m opening a queue of 5 slots to start out with, as it has been a while since I’ve done these. (Note; I will not be starting sketches until my shop opens up. Which will be in the next week or so.)
Feel free to dm me on any of my socials if you’re interested!!
(Screen reader friendly version available upon request, tumblr won’t let me link it ://)

Tidied up my commission sheet! Anything from DnD, other RPGs, BG3, to fandom characters goes, send over a message or an email if you're interested ✨
More examples of my past commissions

New Commission info bellow the cut!!!
I think it was around a year ago that I opened my coms on this blog and I've been truly truly overwhelmed by the support I've gotten :'D
Because I've got more availability coming up in the summer I thought now would be a good time to set up my new pricing and get the word out ahead of time. I want to be able to take my time with every request, so I have about 12 open slots for the time being.
Thank you again for any traction on this!

Patrina for @knightinkosherarmour
Thank you for the Com again! Patrina was a lot of fun to draw and I loved this take on her!

Gooby on the dash