Dream Smp Masterlist
Dream smp Masterlist
Did I Ruin everything? Part 2
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More Posts from Starjane312
Did I Ruin everything?
Requested (Yes/No)
Warnings: Angst
It has been almost 3 years since I have last seen the Lunch club, we lived together in California and since we moved in together when we were 18, I have been and still am Madly in love with my Best friend. I never told him, the one time I wanted to tell him he told me that he had a Girlfriend, so I didn’t tell him.
Well today we are going to meet up well Charlie, Ted, Schlatt and I in LA. My Flight from Germany was exhausting but when I see the Boys standing there Waiting for me, I get Hyper again. When Charlie sees me, he starts running towards me, I start running too and hug him.
C: I missed you !
J: I missed you more !
C: I know who you missed the most.
He whispered in my ear, Charlie is the only one who knows about my Crush I go beet Red and I slap his Arm.
J: You ass !
The next one I hug is Ted.
T: Why hello there Miss Star.
J: Hello there Mr. Teddy bear.
We both laugh and then It’s mine and Schlatt’s turn to hug, well we hug and for me it’s the best felling I had in a very long time, I really did miss him the most and my Crush is far mor than just a Crush I am in love with him.
S: So how have you been ?
We walk to Ted’s Car.
J: Good, the Flight was exhausting though.
As Ted drives, we sing loud to songs and at Ted’s he gives me a Tour and Shows me where I sleep. I have my own Room while Charlie and Schlatt share one, Which Schlatt jokingly Complains about. But now it is time to sleep but I can’t, so I get up and Walk to Teds Room.
J: Teddy ?
T: Hm ?
J: Can I stream in your Recording room ?
T: Sure, just close the door.
J: Thank you.
He nods and proceeds to Sleep. I go to my Room put on a hoodie, brush my hair, and grab my Guitar before going to Ted’s Recording room. I start his Computer, log in with my Twitch and Discord and Start Streaming.
J: Hello my Lovely Stars, I’m currently in a different location than normally, if you haven’t watched or Listened to the Chuckle Sandwich podcast episode and Don’t know it. I am at Ted’s! Oh, and please listen to the best Podcast, Since I am not at home, I can’t play my Games, but I can answer questions and I have my guitar with me.
After one hour of streaming, I get a dono.
Dono: Hey Jane, can you Play one of your older songs ?
J: Um, Sure.
I grab my Guitar.
J: Hm, Ok I have one that I wrote like 3 Years ago and no one got to Hear it jet, so it’s very special
( You belong with me from Taylor swift)
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one Who understands you Been here all along So, why can't you see? You belong with me You belong with me
Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself Hey, isn't this easy? And you've got a smile That can light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while Since she brought you down You say you're fine, I know you better than that Hey, what you doing with a girl like that? She wears high heels I wear sneakers She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one Who understands you Been here all along So, why can't you see? You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your backdoor All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me Oh, I remember you driving to my house In the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're 'bout to cry And I know your favorite songs And you tell me 'bout your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with me Can't you see that I'm the one Who understands you? Been here all along So, why can't you see? You belong with me Standing by and waiting at your backdoor All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me? You belong with me
While I was singing, I shed a few tears, after I finished, I put my guitar to the side and Chat was going wild.
Dono: Who was that song about ?
J: The song was about someone that I was deeply in love with, but I never told them, so it means a lot to me and well they had a girlfriend, and she didn’t like me, and I didn’t like her, but that was in the Past and I am over them.
I look at the Time.
J: Ok, I have been streaming for over an hour now, I think it’s time to sleep now for you and for me love you Guys Bye Bye !
I stop the stream Raiding to Tommy and start Crying, I don’t hear the door open, but I feel the Arms around me, Schlatt.
S: You good ?
I shake my head but lean against his Chest.
J: No.
S: What’s wrong some Dumb haters I have to kill ?
J: No
S: What you Talked about, the Man from the song, Do I know him ?
J: Yeah.
S: Well who is he ?
J: Why ?
S: So I can Punch him.
I chuckle.
J: Pretty funny seeing you punch yourself but go ahead.
He looks at me Dumbfound.
S: Huh ?
J:It's you, I have loved you for a very long time and I tryed not to but I could'nt, my Heart simply cound not bear the Thought of not Loving you.
He slowly lets me go and takes a step back before storming out and I just sit there and Take a deep breath before shutting down the Computer and going back to bed. I start Thinking about Schlatt, stuff we did and the Moment I realized that I was In love with him.
I run to Schlatt’s room and Jump on his bed next to him.
J: It’s dinnertime Asshead.
I look to the side and he’s already looking at me.
J: What ?
S: You jumped on my Arm you Bitch !
J: Sorry !
I get up and Pull him with me.
J: But It’s Pizza time !
S: Race you to it !
He starts running, I sprint after him.
J: Hey unfair !
He laughs but I push him aside into Charlies room and proceed running to the Kitchen.
S: Hey that’s Cheating !
J: So is an Early Start but jet here we are !
In the Kitchen I am almost touching the Counter.
J: Yay I won !
Suddenly just before I touch the counter I get picked up from behind.
S: Not if can prevent it !
He spins us around and touches the counter with his back.
J: You Asshole !
C: Technically you both won you were touching eachother !
S: Dang it !
J: Hahaha I still winnnnnn, Aaaaah….
He throws me on the couch.
J: Why ?
S: You were getting heavy !
He hands me my Pizza and sits down next to me.
C: Hey scoot over
J: Where to you bumbass ?!
Schlatt pulls me onto his Lap and keeps eating, I slightly blush and see Charlie wiggling his eyebrows, so I Kick him. I look at Schlatt and the I realized it I am in Love with him !
Flashback end
It’s never going to be like that again, because I ruined it.
Egon spengler Fanfiction
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My Oc
How does she Look:

(Model is Lillian Kruk) (not my art too)
Name: Jane Allison McCall Age: 25 (All Charakters are slightly aged down) She has a Doctor in Physiks and Electronic Personality: Kind, Sarcastic, slight Anger issues
How did they all Meet:
Jane is an Old Childhood friend of Ray. They became friends when they where just in Kindergarden. They went to the same schools. They met Peter Vankman in Highschool and they all went to the same University, where they endet up Meeting Egon since he was the Dorm mate of Peter. 3 months after she met Egon she grew a chrush on him, but it wasn't easy to talk to him at first.

Me and my Dad just found that in our basement and I am going crazy cause he alowed me to play it one time when we get our player and I can record it to a USB