She/Her • Writer • Autistic • Bi Pride • AO3: SummerBummin • Currently Obsessed with Batfam, ATLA, Pokemon, & Mythology
321 posts
Okay So I Recently Learned That With Animal Sacrifices To The Gods In Ancient Greece, Parts Of The Animals
Okay so I recently learned that with animal sacrifices to the gods in Ancient Greece, parts of the animals were dedicated to the gods, and the part that was dedicated to Apollo was
The Booties
And now I’m imagining...
Apollo’s children, throwing the backs of their animal crackers into the fire: this is for u dad
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More Posts from Summerbummin
A DabiHawks fake dating au in which Touya wants to piss off his father and Hawks wants the HPSC to stop controlling his life

What’s fruitier? Becoming their mentors new sidekick after ur BFF died or trying to clone them 99 times
Can’t believe timkon literally has the same coping mechanism
My best friend died? Time for a redesign
Someone I loved died? Clone them!!
Top 10 Characters From Greek Myths That Should Be In Hades Game
1. Apollo 🎼
Just imagine the extra drama with Achilles and Patroclus and the Trojan War, Zag could even be mad at him for indirectly (or not so indirectly in Achilles’ case rip) causing their deaths
And Apollo trained Orpheus in music (which is mentioned in the game) so there’s that connection as well, Apollo might want to check up on him (like how Hermes wanted to check up on Eurydice in some of the game dialogue)
Also the sibling banter between Apollo and Artemis would be amazing (it’s a crime artemis doesn’t so much as mention Apollo in the game) just imagine that banter in the trial of the gods or with duo boons! WE NEED THE TWINS
And in Greek myths Apollo is regarded as the most beautiful male god and supergiant would make his design so sexy, esp if they lean into his effeminacy
Apollo could have some kick ass musical or plague/healing boons (maybe they lower defenses?), and his and Artemis’ duo boon would be the ultimate archery boon
2. Ariadne 🧵
She is brought up in the game a few times and we even have a portrait of her! She needs to be included not only bc she Asterius’ half sister and Theseus’ ex, but Dionysus is also her husband. There’s so much potential to be had
There’s the perfect opportunity for Dionysus to have some dialogue abt her when Zag is holding Ariadne’s string (like there is with Theseus in the game). Even if it is just him going !!! That’s my wife’s string :D!
Also I feel Ardiane would still feel guilty over what happened to her brother so knowing he’s in Elysium and not suffering in Tartarus would be smth Zag could tell her and help alliviate her worries
It could also open a door to being able to give nectar to Asterius, and by helping him and his sister communicate somewhat and know they’re both ok could be like his favor to unlock the rest of his hearts and such
Also it would be hilarious if Ariadne told off Theseus (just once, pls)
3. Hecate 🔮
She is a powerful Chthonic goddess and in the myths she helped Demeter search for Persephone so she absolutely should be included in the storyline
Maybe she realizes who Zag is looking for and strives to help him out
As the goddess of magic I think her boons would be really cool— or any other item she could possibly give since she isn’t an Olympian
Also her sacred animals are dogs so she would get along with Cerberus, being one of the few people he allows to give him pets
Zag sees her petting his dog and immediately likes her, even if she’s a scary witch lady (esp given Zag’s taste in romantic partners lol)
4. Icarus 🕊
Since Daedalus is mentioned with his hammers, I think it would be interesting if a chamber that was Daedelus’ workshop was added in and we could meet Icarus there
Maybe Icarus could give Zag some useful items he found lying around the workshop
And Zag might be thrown off because Icarus is the first child looking shade he’s seen (Icarus is a hubristic 13 year old and I will not take any arguments)
It could also bring up the whole everyone dies even if it’s sooner than expected and might unnerve Zag a bit and lead to inner turmoil, possibly with mr death himself
And exploring the myth would be interesting since Icarus was also trapped in the same labyrinth as Asterius, so maybe he’d feel sympathy or ire for the bull of Minos
5. Hestia 🔥
She had a glock, enough said
Also as the goddess of hearth and home she’d want to help Zag (perhaps with some rad fire boons)
She could tell him more about his family and what life is like on Olympus you can’t tell me she wouldn’t have the Tea
And maybe try to help him repair the rift between the Olympians and the Cthonic bc they’re family too, they’re all a family
Bc Hestia best goddess
6. Callisto 🐻
Artemis talks about her A Lot in the game and I think it would be really cute if we’re were able to talk to her (and get an awesome character design)
Also Callisto can turn into a bear which is fucking sick
I love how with Callisto hades game said fuck the myths and Zeus in particular and just made her be able to turn into a bear, legends only
7. Hephaestus 🛠
He knows what it’s like to be an outcast (given that Hera yeeted him off Olympus for being ugly) and would probably sympathize with Zag
As well as give him some sick boons, maybe mechanical power ups or even armor (Hestia already got the fire aspect covered lol)
He could also bring in the age old drama of Aphrodite cheating on him with Ares (and many others lol) since Aphrodite mentions her husband who’s “busy” in the game
Also I get the sense that like Artemis, Hephaestus feels out of place and awkward on Olympus
Zag would be such a good friend to the lonely boy who’s only friends are robots and would relate to issues with parents treating them badly in the past
8. Nemesis ⚖️
Nemesis is mentioned in the game with weapon aspects and items in Charon’s shop, and she’s one of the more famous Chthonic gods given how often she pops up in the myths
Also being the goddess of revenge she might aid Zag in getting back at his dad and leaving bc of the shitty way he treated him
Maybe in exchange for a blood payment (bc she’s hardcore like that) she gives him power ups, kinda like with the blood for money exchange item in the well of Charon
9. Hera 🦚
Where’s the queen? Unlike Apollo (who has 5 million domains) and Hephaestus (who is constantly building things in his forge) there is no reason for Hera to be too busy to help, especially since most of her Olympian family is (including her hubby)
Just imagine the drama between her and her husband and his bastard children, it would be amazing. The trial of the gods and duo boon conversations would be full of salt
If u can’t already tell most my reasons for including more characters is the extra drama they’d bring lol
Also she might be suspicious Zag could somehow be one of Zeus’ (bc Poseidon made an ill thought out joke abt how Zag’s so cheerful it’s a wonder how he’s Hades’ kid, maybe he’s Zeus’) so she goes to check him out
She’s paranoid but not without reason lol
10. Eros 💘
Whether he’s a primordial god born from Chaos or Aphrodite’s son, he should be included in the game. Not neccesarily to help Zag, but to cause problems on purpose and fuck with people’s lives like he usually does in the myths lmao
He’s the leader of the Erotes which gives him control over all kinds of love (and in the game Hades is pretty direct abt how the love paths represent different types of love from Greek understanding)
I can see Eros meddling in Zag’s— or even Hades’s— love life just for the hell of it
I also heard that Eros and Thanatos often get mistaken for each other in the myths bc they’re both ethereally beautiful and have wings, which could be an interesting topic to bring up
Even if just to see Than annoyed that he’s being compared to the god who flies around butt naked and is an overall nuisance
And that concludes my Top 10 list! If you have any suggestions or ideas abt characters that should be in the Hades Game pls leave ur thoughts down below in the comments <3
Also if you see any awesome designs of characters from Greek mythology in the Hades Game style pls link me 👀
Apollo saying this wouldn’t be the first time he and Aphrodite had been with the same guy (since they were both with Adonis) and Piper hates this even more
shel not being a clear sighted mortal so whenever apollo shows up she's just like "hi tristan's boyfriend" and apollo never corrects her
piper hates this
Some things y’all need to remember about Hawks
1. Yes he killed twice, but he literally tried every other option BUT doing that and got severely injured and nearly got killed himself because of that. He couldn’t capture Twice and fight off Dabi at the same time. If he was the assassin y’all make him out to be he wouldn’t have tried to reason with him or capture him, he would’ve just taken him out. But Hawks didn’t do that, because he cared about Twice. And that’s what made what happened so heartbreaking, Twice was the only person Hawks actually told some of his true motives/desires, he wanted to be free, he didn’t want to live in a cage, but he showed just how much he’s still in that cage by killing him
2. HE IS A VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE YOU FUCKS!! I find the Endeavor apologism and the people excusing his abuse because he’s trying to “do better now” just as upsetting as y’all do, but just because Hawks isn’t yet showing any negative feelings about the whole thing doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any, Endeavor was his idol and finding out he was abusive like the father he “saved” Hawks from should’ve rocked his world, but that wasn’t shown. Neither was any turmoil about what he did to Twice post battle. Maybe it will be shown later, maybe it won’t, but don’t presume what you haven’t yet seen. Hawks whole thing is that he’s a spy, he knows how to hide his emotions and what he’s really thinking, if anything he’s likely a master of compartmentalization, it’s what he was trained to do
3. He was groomed by the HPSC since he was around 7 years old, the organization which is now confirmed to be very corrupt and willing to do some fucked up shit in the name of the “greater good” and “maintaining order” and being raised by those people is going to have an effect on his mindset. In baby Hawks’ eyes they were his saviors. And he was a little boy, he was in no way able to have enough maturity to make the kind of decision the HPSC asked of him, and it’s just one of the fucked up things that’s happened to him. And despite all of that he still doesn’t follow their orders blindly, he tries to get around them and find other ways, he didn’t let any civilians die during the high end attack despite having approval for that and then there’s the whole thing with twice I explained earlier. Despite the hpsc’s best efforts Hawks isn’t their trained hunting bird
4. His relationship with Lady Nagant. I am upset as you all are by that potato head mouth breather blowing her up. But Hawks catching her isn’t misogynistic. He’s a hero, he wants to save people, it doesn’t matter the gender of the person or who they were to him he would’ve still caught them. Yes, Lady Nagant is likely going to be used to help develop Hawks’ character, but it was established a few chapters ago that her and Hawks were connected, she was his “senpai” idk why y’all are surprised. And most likely Lady Nagant isn’t going to die. Hawks catching her dead body isn’t as impactful. Also Overhaul is there for a reason. It’s very likely in my mind that he’ll somehow be able to use his quirk again and heal her. I am as fearful as the rest of you of her being tossed aside. But I’ll save judgement on what Hori does with Nagant until the next couple of chapters come out. Lady Nagant got the story we wanted for Hawks and I think that’s very cool (and very sexy of her). And I’m crossing my fingers that Lady Nagant might bring out the emotions Hawks has yet to show on how he feels about everything that’s going on. Because you can’t tell me he doesn’t have any
Overall, it’s okay to dislike Hawks’ character, but don’t hate him for the same reasons you love Shigaraki or Dabi or Lady Nagant. Hawks, Shigaraki, and Dabi were all victims of child abuse. Adding on Lady Nagant, they were all products of child grooming. They’re all victims of hero society, no matter what side they’re on