39, transgender, neurodivergent, demisexual, panromantic, married, INFJ, writer, gamer | I'm Temnurus on AO3. My current obsessions are MDZS & TGCF. There will also be occasional poetry, memes, and random nonsense.
467 posts
The Last Bachelors Eve

The Last Bachelor’s Eve
Author: Anonymous
For: @withgreatelan
Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Word Count: 6,340
Rating: Mature
Content: Christmas Party, Fluff, Gift Giving, Banter, Being In Your Thirties, Draco Likes Harry’s Hands, Attorney!Draco, Oblivious Harry Potter (past)
Warnings: None
Pansy picked up the package and gave it a shake. “Please tell me you got him something outrageous, like personalized bed sheets that say ‘The Next Mr. Malfoy.’”
Draco glared at her and welcomed the arrival of his drink. “A scarf, actually.”
“Let me guess: is it a lovely emerald green?”
“No.” It was forest green. Totally different. “But it is a lovely colour,” he said, tugging the gift out of her reach. She was going to crunch the paper.
Read it now on AO3!
⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨
Banner image: here

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More Posts from Temnurus

You’re beautiful. True.
You’re soaking wet. Also true.
Little thingy I made for the palette request game for @manixzen 💖 Hope this beach scene makes you happy my love!

Very Drarry Summer Vibes (2020) : Masterlist of complete DRARRY fics
@gwbexchange || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 15 works The Mod(s) : @triggerlil + Banner © : @dr-aco
1. The Coffee House by @corinalannister [G, 1k]
Draco is a struggling Barista and Harry is struggling with his fame. They start to trust each other over time when Harry visits the coffee shop Draco works in.
2. Everything Old is New Again by @rinnwrites [E, 10k]
A year after the war, Draco leaves England with a simple plan: Find a place where no one knows him, get his potions mastery, start a new life. He didn’t count on an obviously exhausted and shockingly studious Harry Potter showing up in his very first class.
3. Forget-Me-Nots and Narcissus by @triggerlil [M, 14k]
in which Draco is overcome by grief, and Harry is there to keep him afloat.
4. Head Full of You by @maesmora [E, 10k]
Harry Potter has a secret, and, just like his first year at Hogwarts, naturally everybody knows. Well, everybody except Draco Malfoy. Enter a bunch of meddling friends, a beach vacation to celebrate graduating their eighth year at school, and being forced to room with the love of his life. […]
5. The morning left us (both defeated) by @jovialobservationanchor [M, 9k]
They’d had dreams, Harry and he. Harry was going to reform the DMLE from the inside. Draco was going to repay a spiritual debt. Now Harry woke up only to get through the day, Draco realized his debt would never be repaid, Harry never smiled anymore, and Draco found himself in the strange position of holding their partnership together.
6. Only Fools Fall (For You) by @welpslytherin [E, 6k]
It’s the summer of ‘98 and a certain blond Slytherin has amends to make and feelings to get over. Featuring skinny dipping, a bold Harry Potter, and a blushing Draco Malfoy.
7. Our Dreams, Our Pride by @ahhhnorealnamesallowed [M, 10k]
For six years, Harry has promised Draco a ‘big thing’ for their anniversary. This year is the year Harry is going to make it happen, even if he does so in a very Harry Potter way. Including last-minute vacation planning, some very sassy old people, a coach bus, and less anniversary sex than expected.
8. Out of the Ashes by Zedrobber [E, 5k]
Draco is self conscious about his Dark Mark and won’t believe that Harry doesn’t hate it - so Harry makes a suggestion that might help, with one condition.
9. Parades, Pansy, and fuck I’m too gay for this by @false-heteros16 [G, 2k]
After the war, Draco, who had been staying at home like a fucking hermit till Pansy came along, finally finds out about the LGBTQ+ Community, he dives head first into research and is amazed at what he finds. […]
10. Teddy’s Favourite by @iravenish [T, 2k]
It didn’t come as a surprise when Teddy demanded to finally go to the beach. […]
✔ other fests in 2020 ✔ fests in other years
Happy Trans Visibility Day, y'all! I'm an out and proud trans/nonbinary person, and today I see all my trans family! You are celebrated wherever you are in your journey, friends. 💛

The 2021 Gender Census is now open!
[ Link to survey ]
The eighth annual international gender census, collecting information about the language we use to refer to ourselves and each other, is now open until 10th March 2021.
After the survey is closed I’ll process the results and publish a spreadsheet of the data and a report summarising the main findings. Then anyone can use them for academic or business purposes, self-advocacy, tracking the popularity of language over time, and just feeling like we’re part of a huge and diverse community.
If you think you might have friends and followers who’d be interested, please do reblog this blog post, retweet this tweet, boost this Mastodon post, check out this post on Reddit, and share the survey URL by email or at AFK social groups or on other social networks like Facebook. Every share is extremely helpful - it’s what helped us get 24,000 responses last year.
Survey URL: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/gendercensus2021/
The survey is open to anyone anywhere who speaks English and feels that the gender binary doesn’t fully describe their experience of themselves and their gender(s) or lack thereof.
Thank you so much!
Part of me deeply wonders if Sirius Black hated Snape enough to attempt to murder him via werewolf (however you want to slice his motivation, the end result would have been murder, maiming, or chronic disease) because Snape didn't know his place.
Snape, a desperately poor Northern boy, didn't defer to Potter. Sirius Black deferred to James Potter from the first, but Snape didn't. It was a coddled lordling up against the laborer's son and the trade laborer's son basically said 'Up yours, arsehole'.
And I wonder just how much that rankled, that this unkempt, poorly socialized scholarship student didn't know he was to bow and scrape to the Old Etonians? That he wouldn't accept their inherent superiority. How much of this was based in classism?
Note: I'm not super anti JP or SB. I just would rather not deal with their more rabid fans. I also find the class constructs of the Wizarding World fascinating. And if I got something wrong about classes because I'm not English, please correct me.