Christmas Fluff - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Devious Darling Delights

Devious Darling Delights

Author: Anonymous

For: @fluxweeed​ / fluxweed

Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Word Count: 3,491

Rating: Explicit

Content: Auror Partners, Aphrodisiacs, Banter, Pining, PWP, Accidental Voyeurism, Love Confessions

Warnings: None (the lightest Dom/sub)


In which Harry is a slob, Draco is a chocolate thief, and they both get exactly what they deserve.

Read it now on AO3!

⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨


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4 years ago

Read this. No, seriously. Go read it right now. It's so fucking good, y'all. I don't even have the right words to convey the depth of my love for this fic. 😭😭😭💛💛💛



Author: Anonymous

For: @maesmora​ / MaesMora

Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Word Count: 10,315

Rating: Explicit

Content: Auror Partners, Pining, Idiots in Love, Ribbons, Light Bondage, Christmas Smut

Warnings: None


“Harry,” Draco said slowly. “You understand how Christmas presents work, don’t you?”

Harry attempted a smile. “Well, I thought I did until about ten minutes ago.”

Read it now on AO3!

⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

Banner image: here


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4 years ago
Little Paper Memories

little paper memories

Author: Anonymous

For: @jackvbriefs​

Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Word Count: 3,593

Rating: Mature

Content: Domestic Fluff, Ex-Aurors, Pensieves, Memories, Baking, Crafts, Creative use of magic/charms

Warnings: None


All of these years later, Harry still liked working with Draco: on a case, in the field, at home, on secret Christmas heirlooms.

Read it now on AO3!

⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

Little Paper Memories

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4 years ago
The Last Bachelors Eve

The Last Bachelor’s Eve

Author: Anonymous

For: @withgreatelan​

Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Word Count: 6,340

Rating: Mature

Content: Christmas Party, Fluff, Gift Giving, Banter, Being In Your Thirties, Draco Likes Harry’s Hands, Attorney!Draco, Oblivious Harry Potter (past)

Warnings: None


Pansy picked up the package and gave it a shake. “Please tell me you got him something outrageous, like personalized bed sheets that say ‘The Next Mr. Malfoy.’”

Draco glared at her and welcomed the arrival of his drink. “A scarf, actually.”

“Let me guess: is it a lovely emerald green?”

“No.” It was forest green. Totally different. “But it is a lovely colour,” he said, tugging the gift out of her reach. She was going to crunch the paper.

Read it now on AO3!

⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

Banner image: here


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1 year ago

On the fifth day of Christmas…

On The Fifth Day Of Christmas
On The Fifth Day Of Christmas
On The Fifth Day Of Christmas

𝔄 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔨 ℜ𝔬𝔠𝔨 ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔰

𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Hobie Brown x Black!Fem Reader

𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔥 ➛ Fluff

𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛1.5K

𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It’s time to decorate the tree, although it’s not going according to plan. You had the perfect idea of how a Christmas tree should look. However, your boyfriend, Hobie, had other ideas. You both begin to argue and it seems to be going no where. Words are said and feelings get hurt. Will you be able to fix this?

𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Guys, I can confirm that Hobie is just a big kid on the inside. But while some might think he’s spewing nonsense, he might actually have a point. I hope you enjoy!

12 Days of Christmas Masterlist

On The Fifth Day Of Christmas

“No, Hobes! It doesn’t go there.” I swat Hobie’s hand away from the tree as he attempts to place one of his Star Wars ornaments in the center. It's Christmas Eve and Hobie and I are facing off in front of a pile of decorations. This familiar argument about how to decorate the tree is playing out for what feels like the millionth time. My preference leans towards a more structured and organized aesthetic, while Hobie leans towards a free and chaotic approach, arguing that an orderly tree is a submission to capitalism.

“Right, how 'bout this, then?” Hobie holds up some blue tinsel, and I immediately push his hands away from the tree once again.

"I'm not putting that on the tree, Hobie. It goes gold and then red! Blue shouldn’t be anywhere near this tree." I explain while wrapping the red tinsel around the tree. Hobie rolls his eyes.

“What’s the issue? Blue’s a good color.” He throws his hands up, looking at me incredulously. Ignoring him, I continue sorting through the decorations for matching ornaments.

“Oh, so you're just gonna let the suits dictate your every move, huh? You gonna let the capitalist drones run your life?" Hobie accuses, snatching the tinsel from my hands and wrapping it the opposite way.

"Oh, don't start that, Hobie. I just want our tree to look nice and neat this year." I argue, reclaiming the tinsel and wrapping it correctly. Hobie persists, emphasizing his disdain for conforming to holiday traditions dictated by corporations.

“Yeah, you're just a conformist sheep, ain't ya? No clue what's really goin' on, just followin' the herd. Wake up, man!” He says angrily, wrapping the tinsel even more so. He looks at me as if I am completely clueless.

"Conformist to what? Santa Claus's evil agenda?" I mock, yanking the tinsel out of his hands. Hobie snickers, but he doesn’t look impressed.

“The corporations are manipulating the spirit of Christmas, so you’ll buy presents! Can’t you see that, you wanker?”

"Who gives a damn? It's Christmas for Christ's sake!" I throw my hands up and it seems our conversation is getting out of hand. Hobie scrunches up his nose as the argument escalates.

“Exactly! It’s Christmas! The day when you’re supposed to be spending time with people you love, not maxing out your credit card on useless junk. Can't blame ya, it's that corporate mind game. Same goes for Valentine's Day—just another cash grab, man!” He starts to enter into his rant about how Valentine’s Day is pointless. Ignoring his conspiracy theories, I redirect our focus.

"Don't even start! Listen, we're not putting your stupid Star Wars ornaments on the tree and that's final. Now stop arguing and hand me those angel ornaments, will you?" I huff as I hold out my hand, determined to maintain order.

“These Star Wars ornaments are rad! Come on, just a little—” Hobie protests, attempting to convince me to allow at least one Star Wars ornament. "How 'bout just the Baby Yoda? Stick it in the back, it'll be lowkey." I sigh, contemplating the idea for a moment.

"Fine, you can put it right there." I relent, pointing to the spot on the tree. Hobie's face immediately lights up when I give in and allow him to put a baby Yoda ornament up, near the back. Despite his punk rock appearance, he actually has a soft side.

"Cheers, luv," Hobie smiles at me. He quickly unwraps the baby Yoda ornament and carefully placed it where I pointed, and then steps back to admire the result. I cringe at the way it clashes with my previous work.

“So what do you think?” He asks, looking over at me. I don’t really respond, instead looking off to the side. Hobie’s smile begins to fade when he realizes that I am unimpressed by the result of his handiwork.

“What’s wrong with it?” His facial expression turns into one of confusion. “I think it turned out pretty nice,” He said, defending his choice of decoration.

"It doesn't match, Hobes. It looks out of place like I knew it would." I grumble, crossing my arms. Hobie looks at me, genuinely hurt, and his expression turns sad.

"Sorry, luv..." He apologizes, his voice soft and sincere. "I just thought it would be cool... But I guess I don't know anything about aesthetics." He puts his hands in his pockets and lowers his head. He seems genuinely upset that I didn't like his contribution. Hobie turns away from me, deflated as he walks out of the room. I feel a twinge of guilt as I turn to look back at the tree.

His shoulders are hunched up and he is obviously disappointed. As he leaves the room, he mutters, "Stupid Christmas tree..." under his breath. I can't help but feel a bit guilty as I continue to look at the tree.

I stare at it, watching the out-of-place ornament, and thinking, 'Is it really worth it?' I just made a whole argument out of something we were meant to be doing together. I'd put my need for perfection over my own boyfriend and now he's upset. And why? Because some baby Yoda ornament didn't match my idea of what a Christmas tree should look like.

It really clicks in my head. Hobie wasn't just being a nonconformist or trying to ruin the tree. He was trying to have fun with his girlfriend and decorate the tree in a way that shows both of our creativity. I sigh as I turn away from the tree and run to the kitchen to where Hobie is.

"Hobie? Babe?" I find him sitting at the kitchen table with his back towards me. He seems to be focused on something, probably sulking. I call his name again and he slowly turns to look at me.

"Yeah, luv?" He asks, trying to sound cool and nonchalant, but his hurt expression betrays him. I sit across from him and look into his eyes. He avoids my gaze. I place my hand gently on his and bite my lip as I try to find words.

"Hobie, I'm sorry." I start. Hobie feels a wave of relief wash over him when I apologize. He looks up at me and his expression softens. He's clearly still hurt, but he seems much more relaxed knowing that I still care about his feelings.

"It's alright, luv," Hobie replies, giving my hand a little squeeze as he looks into my eyes. "I might've gone a bit overboard, I get it. The Christmas vibes hit me hard, you know? Just wanted to make it extra special 'cause I know it's a big deal for you. And-" He pauses as I press my finger to his lips.

"No, Hobie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, or tried to shut down your ideas. This isn't my home and that isn't my tree. It's our home and our tree. And it should reflect both of our creativity, not just what I think it should." Hobie's face brightens as I say that. He is a bit taken aback by my admission, but also really appreciates it. His expression turns into a smile as he stands up, pulling me with him.

"That's... really sweet, luv." He says in a soft voice and pulls me into a warm hug. "And you're right, this is our home, and it should reflect both of our tastes." He pauses and then speaks again in a more playful tone. "Even if you have bad taste."

I push away from the hug, feigning a look of offense as I playfully swat his shoulder. "I do not have bad taste!" Hobie pulls me back in and leans in to kiss my lips.

"Yes, you do. But at least you're pretty to look at." He says in a joking manner, then gives me another kiss. His lips press against mine with a tender and passionate intensity. His tongue brushes along my lips momentarily before he pulls his head back, keeping his lips close to mine.

"So, do you wanna take a break from decorating the tree and, you know...?" He trails off suggestively with a smirk and I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Babe! We need to finish the tree!" I manage to say between giggles as I try to escape his grip. He doesn't let me pull away, instead he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Tree's not going anywhere, luv. We can decorate it tomorrow." Hobie mumbles against my skin, kissing my neck and starts walking towards our bedroom.

"But tomorrow's Christmas!" I shout before the door slams shut.

On The Fifth Day Of Christmas

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2 years ago

Christmas Special Fluffs


Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 x Female Reader Genre: Fluff Notes: It’s a collection of Christmas special one shots of each member in different situation with the reader (not poly). I know, I’m late. A lot of things were going on and I couldn’t manage to write. Sorry about that. Anyway, a very late Merry Christmas to you all...


Sweet Sorry - Kim Namjoon


My already messy apartment now looked messier than ever. As I looked at my tired boyfriend on the couch, I regretted to have agreed to his plan of decorating my place for the Christmas.

“Ugh” Namjoon groaned, “my back hurts so much.”

“Don’t forget that it was all your idea.” I reminded him.

Namjoon shook his head, “I didn’t think your place was such a trash.”

“Well, you can’t blame me.” I shrugged my shoulders, “At least, I warned you.”

I sat down beside him and put my head on his lap. I could feel that my body ached too. Namjoon started to play with my hair. It was one of his favorite things to do.

I looked up at him, “Or we could stop if you want.”

“No, darling!” Namjoon smiled, “Like I had promised, we’re going to make this place look like a heaven.”

And we were back at work; dusting and cleaning the floors, walls, ceilings, windows, arranging the misplaced items, collecting the dirty laundry from different corners of the house, putting the books back to the shelves etc.

A short break. Then, we started to work on the decorations. It was my first time decorating a house for Christmas and my excitement was too much. We made the bed with white and red bed sheets, put different flowers and wreaths all around the place and hung special items on the wall.

Finally, it was time for the best thing among all, decorating the Christmas tree. We put on the fairy lights around it, hung little gingerbread men and other cute items on it and lastly, we needed to put the biggest star on top of it.

“It’s too high. I can’t reach it.” I said, “And also, I don’t have a ladder.”

“But you have me.” Namjoon said with a smile.

I thought he meant to do the job himself as he was much taller than me. But instead, he lifted me up, holding me firmly by my waist. His cheesiness was making me blush. I still managed to set the star in the perfect place.

Taking a look around the place, I was really satisfied with the result. My place had turned to a whole different one. It looked like a heaven indeed. But as soon as my eyes rested on the tree, I frowned.

“Something’s missing.” I said.

Namjoon looked at it’s direction, “What?”

“Of course,” I gasped, “the glass baubles.” I facepalmed myself to have forgotten about my favorite piece of decoration. I looked at Namjoon, “Could you please bring it for me? It’s in my closet.”

Namjoon went straight to the bedroom. As he was returning with the box full of red and white glass baubles on his hands with a smile that showed his dimples, I remembered just how much I loved him.

But the next thing he did was tripping and falling to the floor along with the box full of red and white glass baubles. The smile that had grown on my face earlier disappeared within a second as I heard the glasses being shattered inside. I remembered just how much I hated his clumsiness sometimes.

“I’m so...” Namjoon began but I cut him off.

“Don’t speak.” I said boldly. “It’s done anyway.”

I raged out of the living room and sat down on my bed. I realized I was very exhausted by all the works I had done this evening and I just wanted to sleep. I tried to clear my head. I didn’t want to think of the disaster that just happened.

I could hear Namjoon cleaning up the mess outside. It sort of broke my heart. Minutes later, he peaked into my room. I still couldn’t bring myself to say anything. He came to sit beside me and said, “I’m sorry.”

“I know.” I answered.

He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and said again, “I’m sorry.” It was one of my favorite things that he did. I still didn’t budge.

He kissed me once again and said, “I’m really sorry, darling.” He was whining like a little child at this point. And I couldn’t help but laugh. Namjoon’s worried face beamed with relief.

“Alright!” I said, “I think we can go one Christmas without glass baubles.”

Grandma’s Special Recipe - Kim Seokjin


I was weeping for the past few minutes as the nostalgia of my childhood hit really hard. Earlier I had found an old diary of my grandma while cleaning the house. There weren’t much personal but more like important business stuffs written on it.

But among them, I had found my grandma’s recipe for making the famous gingerbread house we used to make every Christmas. Reading that reminded me of my late grandma and our memories together. I couldn’t help but cry at the sudden overwhelming feeling in my heart.

My fiancé, Jin, came back from work at that time. As soon as he saw me he called, “Jagi!” I quickly wiped away the tears and tried to smile at him. I didn’t mean for him to see me like that.

He held me in his arms and asked, “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah!” I sniffed, “I’m fine.”

“What is it, jagi?” He looked at me again, trying to read my face. Then he suddenly gasped, “Oh my God!”

I looked up at him in confusion. He beamed with sudden joy and asked the dumbest possible question, “Are we going to have a baby? Are you pregnant?”

“What? NO!” I was shocked at his stupidity, “It’s just that I found my grandma’s diary and it reminded me of her.”

Jin just replied with an “Oh!”

I went back to my bed and held up the page of the recipe for him to see. He took the diary from me and checked it. The recipe was cut out from an old newspaper and there were hand written notes of my grandma everywhere, making changes where she had thought was necessary.

Jin let out a chuckle and said, “Jagi, this sounds like a lot of fun. We should try it this Christmas.”

I was so glad to hear that. “Really?”  I asked, “Do you think you can do that?”

“Of course!” Jin said with confidence, “Though I won’t say it will be exactly like your grandma’s one. But I will do my best.”

Even though I wasn’t very good at baking, I still tried to help Jin in every possible way. I bought the groceries myself and prepared all the necessary utensils needed for the procedure. I also promised Jin that I would do the dishes once everything was done.

Jin started to work, yelling me orders in between. But my mood was too good to be ruined by his little insults. I worked rather enthusiastically. I stirred the mixture on the stove, batted the dough, cut the little doors and windows, even helped Jin with the icing.

After hours of much works, it was done. The house had been decorated perfectly. It looked almost like my grandma’s. I clicked a picture before cutting the gingerbread house. At first bite, the smell instantly reminded me of older times, though the taste wasn’t exactly the same.

“What do you think?” Jin asked curiously.

“It’s great.” I nodded, “Thank you so much for doing this.” I wrapped my hands around his neck. “Tell me what can I offer you in return?”

“You know exactly what I want.” Jin smirked at me.

I gasped, “You mean, a baby?”

Jin gave me a warm smile and spoke, “Nope. I want you to do the dishes, instead.”

Peppermint Love - Min Yoongi


“So tell me, why am I finding it out just now and that too, from Hoba?” I could hear Yoongi from the other side of the phone call. His voice suggested that he was really annoyed.

Basically what happened was this; Yoongi was delaying his Christmas plan, which was to be with his family, because I had no one for my Christmas celebration this year. Since, it was our first Christmas after getting together, Yoongi wasn’t very happy leaving me alone. But I had forced him to go because his family had been planning for a special party and it wouldn’t look nice if their youngest son was absent there.

But the worst happened. I fell sick the day before Christmas. It was a seasonal sickness for me but still pretty bad, as always, to handle. The fever and the blocked nose wasn’t making me feel very Christmas in my lonely hours. Still, I didn’t want to spoil Yoongi’s mood. So naturally, I kept my mouth shut.

“I thought I could trust Hobi for once.” I said, equally annoyed.

Yoongi sighed. “Is it too bad?” his voice was soft now.

“No!” It was definitely a lie since I could feel that a headache was also added to my list of discomforts.

“You shouldn’t have forced me to come to this party.” Yoongi said, “I would rather be with you.” Before I could say anything he already hung up.

As the hours ticked by I realized how terribly lonely I felt. Yoongi was in a whole different city and my own family was at the opposite side of the continent. I was also hungry but wasn't in a shape to make anything for myself. So, I called the Pizza place near my house and ordered my favorite one, the pepperoni.

The bell rang. I had to get up from the bed and slowly head towards the door. My whole body ached even at the slightest effort. But behind the door, I didn’t meet the delivery guy but my boyfriend instead.

“Yoongi?” I was surprised.

He shook his head in mere annoyance and hold up the huge bags he was carrying on both of his hands. “Let me put this things down first.”

He went straight to the dining room and put the bags on the table. I still couldn’t believe it. Yoongi had driven more than a hundred kilometers road on the Christmas Eve and he left his family to be with me instead.

Yoongi turned to me and said. “Let’s eat the food before it gets cold.”

That was when I hugged him right away. Yoongi let out a sigh and a few seconds later, he embraced me into his arms.

I was overwhelmed by his presence in my lonely state. I took in the warmth and his familiar soothing scent. The smell of his perfume mixed with the after-shave was intoxicating.

I finally let go and informed, “But I’ve already ordered Pizza.”

Yoongi smiled, “A little more food during Christmas won’t hurt.”

The table was set and the hot food served. We ate and talked and laughed and cried out of too much laughter. It was such a merry time that I almost forgot I was sick.

But my fever rose at the end of the night and I was curled up in my bed, shivering. Yoongi touched my forehead to detect the amount of heat and frowned. Then, he went to the kitchen to prepare something special.

Peppermint tea, something I never quite liked. But as I had a cold and the tea was warm, I accepted it rather gratefully. A soft ‘thank you’ left my mouth as I took the cup from his hands. Yoongi sat beside me and watched quietly as I sipped my tea. I wondered what I had ever done to deserve this.

Wrapped - Jung Hoseok


Shopping for all of them who were coming to our Christmas party was exhausting. But the worse was wrapping them in gift papers by ourselves. Since it was our first Christmas together after we had moved in together, my boyfriend Hoseok wanted it to be a special one. And hand-wrapped gifts sounded special indeed.

“Do you have any idea how long we’ve been doing this, Hobi?” I asked, a little annoyance in my voice.

“C’mon, goldie!” Hoseok said in the cutest tone, “Don’t talk like that. We should be doing this with joy.”

“Joy, my foot.” I muttered.

“Uh-uh.” Hobi did another cute sound effect while moving his index finger side to side, indicating I shouldn’t have said that.

I didn’t respond. Instead, I walked out of the living room to my bedroom. I waited for a moment to see if Hobi followed me. When I was sure he had gone back to work, I did what I had been planning the whole evening to do.

I hid Hobi’s Christmas gift, a fancy watch, which I had bought secretly from the shop today, in his closet. So that, next morning he would find them himself while I’d be fast asleep.

Then, I went back to work along with my hard working boyfriend. We finished them all by midnight and arranged them neatly under the Christmas tree. Wishing each other merry Christmas and kissing goodbye, we went to bed.

“Holly Molly!” Hobi exclaimed in the morning and I woke up with a start. “What did my little bumble bee bought without me knowing, huh?”

I sat on the bed and smiled, “Check it yourself, my little sunflower.”

Hobi opened up the present, giggling like a little child. His eyes were shining when he saw what was inside.

“Did you like it?” I asked.

Hobi beamed at me and said, “What are you talking about? It’s fabulous.”

Everyone was busy searching for their gift and opening them. There was a lot of chaos among our family and friends. Watching them liking what we had got them, made me feel like it was all worth it.

“Hey!” Taehyung called me, “Here’s one addressed to you too.”

“For me?” I asked. At first, I was a little confused. But then, I realized that Hobi had planned to hid my gift among all the others. I took the small box from Taehyung.

Hobi hugged me before I could open it and whispered in my ears, “Merry Christmas, honey!” Inside the box was a ring. My head stopped working for a while. Looking back at Hobi, I almost teared up.

He was on his knees.

Sexy, Cutie, Lovely - Park Jimin


Christmas this year was full of snow. And there was no way we could step out of our house in this weather. So, Jimin and I had planed for a movie marathon night. Being the movie freak as I was, the job of selecting the best movies came to me.

You could imagine how pissed I was when Jimin started to act uninterested through the second movie. At first, he tried talking in between scenes. When I refused to join his unfitting conversation, he started to complain about how all the movies I chose were so boring, even though it was ‘Home Alone’ which we were watching at that time.

“You can go and sleep.” I said, “I’m gonna finish my boring marathon alone tonight. And I’m perfectly happy to do away with you.”

“What?” Jimin pretended to look cute while being shocked, “you’re abandoning me for these movies?” I gave a stiff nod and he started to whine and threw a tantrum like a child.

“Acting cute will take you nowhere, Park Jimin.” I stated flatly.

He put his head on my lap and said with a smirk, “But it took me to your heart.”

“Stop being a cringe and move out of the way.” I pushed his head.

After minutes of doing puppy eyes and pouty faces, when I still didn’t budge, Jimin walked away from me. But he was back within a minute wearing his night gown which I had commented he looked sexy in ages ago.

“What does it suppose to mean?” I raised one of my eyebrows.

“It means,” Jimin threw himself on the couch next to me dramatically and said, “I’m getting ready for bed.” The last word, he said in a whisper, clearly indicating the obvious.

I scoffed in reply and kept my eyes fixed on the TV. Jimin moved on the couch in a certain way to get closer and carefully snaked his hands around my waist. I knew what he was capable of doing to me. But I refused to give in.

I slapped his hand and said, “Stop bothering me.”

Jimin took away his hands, a frown growing on his forehead. Then, he walked away stomping his feet, muttering “Stop this! Stop that!” I almost laughed out loud.

After half an hour of watching the movie alone, I realized it was indeed boring. No offense to my all time favorite ‘Home Alone’ but I was missing Jimin beside me. I sighed and turned off the TV.

Jimin was already fast asleep. He looked like an angel in this innocent state of unconsciousness. I could look at him for the whole night and still wouldn’t get bored. I smiled to myself.

“My lovely Jiminie!”

You’re My Boy - Kim Taehyung


Apparently, five layers of clothes weren’t enough to keep you comfortable on a snowy night out on the street. I wasn’t foolish enough to have come out into the open at this time either. But unfortunately I had a boyfriend who was extremely stubborn. I knew, I wouldn’t be able to lift his mood up the whole Christmas if I didn’t come out to play with him in the snow just now.

So, here I was, struggling to throw a single snow ball at my childish boyfriend, who had been continuously throwing enough of them at me by which I could have built a huge snowman.

“Please!” I begged him as another ball hit my shoulder, “Stop it already. I’m so tired.”

Taehyung came running at me with a smile on his face. “You’re not fun to play with.” he tried to mock me.

“I know!” I huffed out, “Can we do something else? Something fun?”

Taehyung thought for a moment. Just before I could offer him to play a nice game of monopoly inside our warm room, he yelled in excitement, “Let’s make a snowman!”

“What?” I asked in disbelieve, “No way!”

But Taehyung always had his way. So, we were rather doing what he had suggested instead of what I had thought of even if mine was a rational decision anyone would have agreed upon.

Building a snowman was harder than it looked. I remembered to have done it when I was just a kid. Those times, I always had my sisters and parents to help me. The shapes were never right. Taehyung wasn’t satisfied with them at all and we had to rebuild it from the base every time.

Finally, we managed to make the perfectly symmetrical balls, the upper one half the size of it’s base. Taehyung nodded his approval and I sighed in relief. I was grateful that Taehyung let me do the most interesting works; putting the buttons, eyes, mouth and the carrot for a nose. I finished the final task perfectly and looked back at my boyfriend.

And there it was. The boxy smile. When my eyes stopped at his perfectly wide grinning face, I felt like the time had slowed down. The snow was falling rather dramatically. My surrounding suddenly looked more romantic than it did even a few minutes ago.

Taehyung looked at me and tilted his head in confusion. “Baby?” he called, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

I suddenly realized what I was doing. I chuckled and shook my head to let out those romantic thoughts away. I decided that the romance could wait. Instead, I let his inner child enjoy this rare moment for now.

First Mistletoe Kiss - Jeon Jungkook


Finally, the party was over and all the boring people left the house. When I had done my share of cleaning up, my mother allowed me to go to bed. I picked up my phone as soon as I reached my room and locked the door.

“Oh shit!” I swore. Five missed calls and a text! And all of them were from the same person; Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook was my neighbor and I had known him for a year. I had liked him since day one. Little did I know that he had liked me as well until last week when he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Naturally, I said yes. But over the week, I got to know the Jungkook behind those doe eyes and bunny smile. He was quite stubborn and possessive in nature.

Five missed calls on Christmas Eve from him could mean disaster. I hastily checked the text.

“I don’t want to be that clingy boyfriend asking for attention when you’re having fun. So, I’m texting you instead. Merry Christmas.”

I got the tone of the message. Jungkook had a habit of always ending a text with calling me love. But he hadn’t done that here. Especially when it was supposed to be a merry Christmas text. That was not a good sign.

Since I had a pretty strict family, the fact that I had a boyfriend before I graduated high school was a secret. So, I checked whether my parents had already gone to bed or not before calling Jungkook right away.

“Wow!” I heard Jungkook speak, “You remembered me!”

“I’m so sorry. kookie!” I pleaded in a half whisper. “There were so many people. And you know my mother. She doesn’t allow phones in front of the guests.”

Jungkook remained silent for a while. Then he spoke again, “I wanna meet.”

“What?” I raised my voice unexpectedly, “You mean, now?”

“Yes!” Jungkook said, “Don’t you dare say no! I’m not going to bed without seeing you.”

I thought for a moment. Everyone was tired as hell. There was no way my mother would come to check on me at this time. I decided I would take this risk. “C’mon!” I told myself, “It’s Christmas!”

“Love?” Jungkook called.

“Meet me at the store.” I said, “And don’t forget to buy me Cheetos.”

Jungkook was waiting with a packet of Cheetos by the store door. A big smile spread across his face when he saw me. I gave him a quick hug and started complaining about how bored I was during the whole party and how much I had thought of him.

Jungkook kept on smiling and feeding me the Cheetos in between as I was too busy ranting about my misery. I stopped when I realized that Jungkook hadn’t spoken at all.

“Don’t keep staring at me like that.” I said.

Jungkook chuckled and said, “I can spend a whole lifetime hearing you talk.”

“That was cringey!” I said as I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.

“Look!” Jungkook pointed up to a mistletoe hanging above the store door. “It’s not every Christmas you get to stand under the mistletoe with your boyfriend by your side.”

I knew exactly what he meant. I was rather doubting if it was a coincidence at this point. The thought of Jungkook wanting a kiss from me sent a shiver down my spine. I looked down in embarrassment.

“Wait a minute!” Jungkook said, “Haven’t you ever kissed under a mistletoe before?”

“Actually,” I mumbled, “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”

A visible shocking expression spread on Jungkook’s face. When recovered, he cleared his throat, “Let me be your first, then.”

Carefully, he closed the distance between us. Then, he cupped my face on his hands and asked, “May I?”

When I nodded my ‘yes’, he gently kissed my lips. He let go and whispered softly, “Merry Christmas, love.”


My Masterlist

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1 year ago

𝘚𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘋𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵.

Pairing: Barbatos x Reader (referred to as [Reader])

Type: Fluff (Christmas/Holiday/Winter fluff)

Word count: Around 2k.

Author’s note: Heyy! Thanks for checking this out. I’m obsessed with the new Barbatos card (the image for this fic) and it’s a shame I haven’t got it ugh. Happy holidays! 🎄

TW: A bit of alcohol but it’s just Asmo being a bit tipsy.

AO3 Link


It’s cold, yet there’s warmth inside you. An unsettled desire brings hope to the chill.

Just a glance at him and your cheeks heat up. 

Fog puffs out in warm breaths, reminding you of how a child would imagine it to be like a dragon’s. 

Just a glance at him and time stops . 

Snow is falling.

Climbing the ladder, you steady yourself, wrapping the final string of lights against a pole.

As the lights are turned on, illuminating the entirety of the demon lord’s castle, you rush down the steps, only to fall backwards in a flurry. As swift as a winter’s solitary breeze, you are caught in the arms of none other than the man you had been infatuated with the entire duration of decorating - Barbatos. 

“Easy does it. There you are.”

As he stabilises your weight in his arms, there is a comforting, lingering touch. 

“Ahem. My apologies.”

“It’s ok-“

But as you try to step away from his grasp, his hands let go too quickly, causing you to tumble headfirst into the snow. (What a cliché.)

“Oh dear. [Reader], are you quite alright?” 


“Is that all you have to say? You seem to have taken more than just a tumble... It’s cold outside now. Allow me to take you home to warmth.”


“If your concern is missing the final product of our efforts,” he unplugs it from the power source, “we can admire the lights later. I must prioritise your wellbeing. I will take you home.”

He ushers you away, not allowing a word more. 

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As you walk beside him, you wonder if he's cold.


Nevermind . 



“What was the matter?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Surely it must be something.” 

“It’s alright.”

“All right, whatever pleases you.”

“Now I feel bad.”

“Then tell me, what were you going to say?”

“I was going to ask if you were cold.”

“I’m unaffected by the cold. But thank you for your concern… and you?”


“Why hadn’t you said so earlier?”

“Huh? Why?”

Is he going to offer his coat? His hand? (In marriage? You wished) 

“I could have gotten someone else to assist me with the lights.”

Oh. Ohh . 

“I saw you and wanted to help.”

“How generous of you… You’re shivering now, [Reader].” 

“I’m fine. We’re only a few minutes away.”

“It’s nice of you to walk me back. You know, we haven’t spoken properly like…ever. I always just see you running around for Lord Diavolo…”

“Running around? Is that how you see me?”

“Just an expression, but yeah, basically.”

“I see. And yes, I suppose you’re right. We haven’t spoken properly since your arrival here at the Devildom.” 

“Well, except for during the power cut. Remember?”

The darkness. It feels trapping yet too open. You can’t run, but everything can move and catch you. Waiting for the knife, or claws, or something. Something in your back.

Especially in a realm full of demons. 

“You were very shaken. For someone who had borne with the Devildom’s sky for around three weeks, I didn't expect you to have a fear of darkness.”

“Thanks back then, by the way.”

“It was only natural that I, the only one present in the hall at the time, were to be the one to comfort you.” 

“And you did it very well, so thank you, again.”

“Anytime, dear.”

“What did you just say?”

“Hm? Oh, nothing.”


“We are now reaching a part of the realm that is dark and is not lit with lamps. Watch your footing.”

A shudder, but not from the cold.

“Are you alright [Reader]?”


The darkness shrouds you but it’s less like a hug and more like suffocation. 

“Ah, I see.”

He takes your hand.

It’s warm. 

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As you enter the lounge of the House of Lamentation, the change of temperature brings you to shiver again.


“Hm? I’m fine.”

“You’re shivering.”

“Only slightly.”

“I shan't allow that.”

“I’m fine, I promise.”

“Take a seat.”

“I said-”

“No. Not another word.”


“What did I just say.”

He ushers you to the velvet couch and finds a conveniently placed blanket nearby to wrap around you. 


“What is the matter?”

“You’re acting like a doting mother.”

“I suppose I am.”

You share a laugh, his one much more muffled, and he leaves, “I’ll be right back [Reader]”.

The fireplace in front of you dances warmly. 

Dancing…oh yes, there was going to be a ball tomorrow. Apparently, Lord Diavolo hosts it every year.

What do you wear? You don’t have anything nice to wear and there isn’t any time to buy anything. Maybe you can borrow something from Asmodeus?

“I brought you a drink.”

Barbatos elegantly pours a generous amount of a deep scarlet liquid from a well-polished bottle (which seems that it could be the price of your home) and then one for himself.

“What is it?”

As he hands it to you, you smell a thick aroma of red wine and spices. The glass heats your frozen fingertips. However nice the feeling of warmth or even the gesture, you can’t accept it. You don’t like alcohol. 

“I’m sorry, I’m not really keen on alcohol.”

“Oh, I see,” he takes both wine glasses in his hand, and sets them on a table just as gracefully as he had made the drinks, “Ah right, I see that an alcoholic beverage wouldn’t have necessarily helped anyway, it would have left you dehydrated. Would you prefer something smoother? Like hot chocolate?”

“Yes, I would love that. If you don’t mind, that is.”

“It would be my pleasure. How are you feeling?”

“I told you earlier, I’m fin-“

It was the most inconvenient time to sneeze, but it’s not like you could hold it in. 

“I didn’t want you getting in a state of unwell, especially the day before Lord Diavolo’s ball, now here we are. Humans get sick so easily…” 

“I’m not sick, it was just a sneeze.”

“It’s a sign of the nasty presence of a virus and although it may have been dispersed through the sneeze, we don’t want to take the risk of late treatment. I’ll get your drink. You need warmth.”

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After a long night of indecision on treatment of your oncoming cold, warm drinks and conversation, you decide to retire to your room.

“Thank you, Barbatos.”

“Do you feel better now?”

You’ve given up explaining that it really was just a sneeze, so you just go along with it now. 

“Yes. Night night!”


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The day of the ball. (Of course, this is how all romantic party settings are set to be described.)

You feel like a princess. Not that you have the clothing for it, but you feel like Cinderella - who technically didn't have a dress either. 

You remember one of the topics of conversation with Barbatos last night:

“Ah, I don’t even have a dress! What am I gonna do?”

“I can find one for you.”

“Would you really?”

“I have the capability of doing so, yes.”

“So last minute?”

“…being completely honest, I've had one prepared for you already.”

“What? For how long exactly?”

“The day after the power cut, when the ball was first announced.”


“I thought you might not have anything due to your abrupt arrival here.”

“Well, you were right. You’re always right.”

“Am I?”

He really is.


“Then we’ll see if the attire I chose for you suits you as much as I thought it would, then I will count it as being ‘always right.’”

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He hasn’t given you the dress yet. You wonder when it will arrive. 

Just then, you notice something in the corner of your eye, hung on your wardrobe door.

It’s red. Your favourite colour. How did he know?

A label attached reads: 

“The red compliments your complexion really well and matches the theme of the ball. I do hope you find it suitable.

Signed, Barbatos. x ”

Kiss. A kiss at the end. 

But what has captured your attention more is how perfect the dress really is.

It’s like he knew you’d always wanted to wear a dress such as this one, and also how you don’t like to show off.

It’s the perfect line between elegance, glamour and comfort both physically and socially. 

It’s perfect.

He’s always right. 

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The ball passes, not quickly, not slowly, but just how something enjoyable would pass by in the present. 

You find yourself first at the buffet, as all parties should start with a satisfied stomach (the devil fondue was especially good, but your favourite was the dark chocolate berries from the human world), then in newfound confidence, you join the brothers to dance.

Mammon is the first to snatch you. It’s only natural, as he was your first. 

Satan and Mammon have a row, in which you have to break apart, only to be stolen by Asmodeus. 

In the final spin with Asmo, you find yourself in between Beelzebub and Belphegor, Belphie being a surprisingly good dancer, despite seeming lazy (Beel, not so much.)

Taken by the waist, Simeon guides you to Solomon whilst dancing (quite horribly, but it’s at a tremendous effort at the very least), and Solomon dips you, most likely having stolen the move from a dance show back in the human world. 

Luke asks to dance, and you let him spin you, before you realise you are now in the centre of the ballroom again. 

Lucifer asks to dance. Diavolo asks to dance.

Where is Barbatos? 

Yes, it was great having everyone fight for your attention; you felt adored and appreciated. It was fun. 

But why did you care so much about Barbatos? He was all you could think about. 

“[Reader], are you okay? You seem to be getting tired?”

“Sorry, Diavolo.”

“It’s alright.”

He guides you to the balcony.

“Perhaps get some quiet here.”

The cool breeze feels nice.

“I have to keep an eye on our guests. Have a great evening.”

“Thank you, you too.”

All the dancing has left you in a sweat, so you don’t notice the cold.

Your mind inevitably drifts back to the thought of Barbatos. He’s probably helping with serving guests. 

How romantic would it be that he joins you on the balcony? The lights of distant homes and of the decorations you had put up with him, colours moulding together, only your eyes on him, and his eyes on you. 

Not everything is convenient like that, unfortunately. But wouldn’t it be so romantic?

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“I was looking for you .”

Noticing your obsessive thoughts earlier, you had gone looking for Barbatos. You’re not surprised at all that you found him in the kitchen, sorting out drinks. However, what does surprise you is his lack of formality as he leans against the countertop, hand on his forehead.

He’s stressed. 

“My apologies, you haven’t caught me at the right time.”

He stands upright.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m quite alright.”

“Now, this is one of the moments where you’re wrong.”

He remains silent.

“You’re stressed aren’t you? I’m sure Lord Diavolo won’t mind if you take a break. There’s many other servers.”

Just as you say that, one walks in the room.

“I’ll take those drinks, Barbatos!”

This is definitely more conveniently timed than your sneeze earlier.

“Are you certain? All right.”

“So, Barbatos. How about that break?” you break in before he has even the slightest chance to start making new drinks.

“Alright, fine. Only because it’s you. Humans are so persistent that it's bothersome.”


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What’s the best way to relax? 

“Barbatos, what do you want to do on your break?”

“First of all, I would like to tell you how stunning you look tonight.”

“Me? Really? I’m like a speck of dust compared to all of the other beautiful people in this hall.”

“I haven’t noticed. I seem to only have eyes for you.”

“That was horribly cringey.”

“I am aware. I evoke that statement.”

“Second of all, would you like to-“

Before he can finish, a drunken Asmo latches onto you.

“Hey, little lamb, are you enjoying the ball?”

“You’ve had way too much alcohol, Asmodeus, you reek of it,” Barbatos cuts in, pulling him off of you, somehow making it seem way less awkward. “I’m sorry, [Reader], allow me to quickly hand Asmodeus to Lucifer’s or Solomon's care.” 

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Over the night, Barbatos keeps getting interrupted. He always manages to find you, but every time he does, he seems to end up working again. 

“What happened to your break?”

“I am truly sorry, [Reader].”

You feel horrible.

Surely one moment away won’t cause havoc, right?

“Come with me.”

No guts to grab his hand, but you make sure to look behind you to see if he follows you.

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Your wine red dress trails in the snow as you head to the outside gazebo.

Barbatos attempts to pick it up, but you tell him it’s fine.

“You need to relax. It’s a party. I know you’re working, but still. You should enjoy it too.”

Only now do you notice his attire is a bit different to usual.

“Is that a new suit?”

“Yes. Lord Diavolo wouldn’t let me have it any other way.”

“It looks really good on you.”

“Thank you.”

“What did you want to do on your break earlier, before we were so rudely interrupted…many times…”

“I wanted to ask, would you like to dance?”

“Oh, well it’s a bit late for that now. The ball is just about to end, and we’re outside now. And I bet we’ll be interrupted when we go back in again.” 

“I wanted to dance with you. I don’t necessarily need music to do so. I’ve been left waiting for quite a while now so I really don’t care so much about the environment we will be in to do so anyway.”

“Are you sure?”


One step. Two steps. In elegance you glide. His confident hands trail your lower back as he pulls you close to him. 

Once again you notice breaths puffing out like a dragon, the warmth of his meeting your cheeks. Noses just barley apart, he feels cold. 

“Are you cold now?”

“Not in the slightest.”

“It feels awkward without music.”

“I can hear it from afar, can’t you?”

“I can’t really focus on that right now.”

“Oh, really? Why?”

“We’re…very close right now.”

“This is the manner in which you dance with someone at such a formal gathering, is it not?”

“Very close.”

He pulls away, and lets you spin.

“Apologies. I suppose I was cold and had to hold you closer.”

“You just said you weren’t!”


As you twirl once more he catches you and you hear the music in the distance stop. 

“That was the last dance.”

“Doesn’t mean we have to stop, does it?“

“Just how desperate were you to dance with me?”

“The whole night. Perhaps more.”

You pull out your D.D.D and it starts blasting a really embarrassing song.

“Shit- Sorry. Whoops. Ignore that. Um, give me a song.”

“I quite liked the sound of that one.”

“You’re joking. Give me a classical one, like the ones being played in the hall.” 

He recommends a song. 

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After your dance, the snow gets heavier. You’re trapped under the gazebo now. With him.

What a cliché! You can’t believe your luck!

“How was my dancing skills?”


“Of course-“

Mocking a face of arrogance, you look up. But…

There’s mistletoe.

“You hadn’t noticed before?”

“And you had?!”

“Oh gosh. Alright.”

You notice his hand as it rides up your arm. His eyes deepen in affection.

He leans in. 

“Are you going to kiss me?”

“If you insist.”

“I insist.”

And colours blend as you wanted it to.

It's only your eyes on him, and his eyes on you. 

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End author’s note: I hope you enjoyed! I posted this just in time for Christmas…Happy holidays and have an amazing new year! 🎆

Speaking of new years, that reminds me of fireworks…hey, this is shameful advertising but check out my Diavolo fic based on fireworks. 🥰 LMAOO

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5 years ago

Genre(s): Christmas Au!, SoulMate Au!

Pairing(s): Wonpil x Reader

Warning(s): none

Word Count: 1.2K

This was it, you could feel it in your bones! Oh my goodness were you excited, no, not just excited... ecstatic, exuberant, electrified, as many freaking synonyms for god damn thrilled you could think of and even the ones you couldn’t.

Every Christmas Eve, souls ready for matching would be paired with a innately colored ribbon to fin one another before the end of Christmas Day. Since you were a child, you waited (not-so) patiently for your turn. You had watched cousins, friends-even your siblings- find their matches, their mates. Oh, how desperately you prayed and wished for your turn.

And now, on this Christmas Eve, just before the clock struck 10, you were practically shaking in your boots as you imagined what it’d be like when you first see that little ribbon tie itself around your ring finger, silently attaching you to another life, another soul.

Your mother said she felt a shiver right before hers appeared, and you were anxiously awaiting for that feeling, the one that shoots through your whole body as your soul is pulled to another.

Pulling your hat snuggly over your ears, the snow falling softly around you as you tapped your foot on the balcony of your apartment, you couldn’t help but take a second to appreciate the moment. It was the perfect Christmas Eve, and not just because you knew in your heart that you’d find your soulmate soon. The day had gone by peacefully, all your gifts for the family wrapped and stored in your car to take over to your parents’ home in the morning. Having a deadline of midnight Christmas Day to find your soulmate was a daunting task, but one you had planned for every single Christmas, just in case. Everything fell perfectly into place and you couldn’t have asked for a better day.

So lost in thought, you almost missed the sound of the clock striking 10, but the jolt of electricity that ran up your spine was more than enough to pull you back to the pressing matter at hand. Just as you’d dreamed, you watched as a thin faint green ribbon tied itself in a neat little bow around your finger. You almost couldn’t feel it, but when you lifted your hand to tug it a bit, you felt the resistance from the other end. Looking out, you saw the line extend out into the night, leading you to your fate. Despite the long day, you couldn’t help the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You wanted more than anything to start searching for your soulmate right now, but you didn’t want to show up at an outrageous hour. Taking a few minutes to just admire your only wish coming true, you decide to slip your pajamas on and try to catch at least a few hours sleep.

You didn’t miss, however, the tug at the other end of the ribbon, almost like a silent hello or a promise to find each other. You fell asleep with the biggest smile resting on your face.

You woke up so early the next morning the sun hadn’t even risen yet. Pulling on your Christmas Day attire, along with a hat, mittens, and boots for the cold, you checked your watch to set a timer for just before midnight.

Tradition says that soulmates have until midnight Christmas Day to find their other half, before the ribbon vanishes and you have to wait until the next Christmas to try again. Most often, missing the deadline wasn’t that big of a deal, but there have been plenty of cases where things happen during that year in between that mess with the magic. Accidents, changes of heart, even death can cut the ribbon in two, separating the once paired souls. After all, it wasn’t a precise thing and humans are incredibly complex beings. Your worst nightmare was not making it in time, only to wait a whole year and not have the ribbon return the next Christmas Eve.

So, with great determination, you hopped in your car, starting off on your journey. First stop, your parents to drop off gifts. They knew how important this was, and you’d spared them no detail in the call last night before bed. Once that was done, you could spend the rest of the day following that cute little ribbon. The more you stared at it, the more detail you could pick out. The ribbon was quite dainty, a perfect shade of pine tree green, and you could even make out gold flecks that glimmered in the sun rays. It was beautiful.

The drive to your childhood home was quite the journey. When you’d stepped into the car this morning, you noticed your path followed the ribbon almost exactly. You couldn’t help the nerves building in your stomach as you ventured further, path identical to the ribbon, like it was leading your car. It was strange, to say the least. Was it possible your soulmate wasn’t that far? Would they live close to you? What if you knew them? The questions racing through your mind didn’t cease, especially when you entered your hometown, ribbon still guiding the way.

The closer you got to your home, the more the feeling grew. They were here, so close you could feel them.

As you rounded the corner of your street, your heart started racing. The lights on the houses, the snow falling perfectly, it was like you were a part of a Hallmark movie.

That’s when your childhood home came into view, and along with it, the end of your ribbon...right next door.

As your breath hitched, your foot immediately slammed on the brakes, not caring about the sudden stop in the middle of the road. You followed the ribbon with your eyes until it disappeared right through that big red door.

That big red door that you remember running through every day as a young child, following that mop of dark hair as you chased each other through your yards. The sound of his laugh floating through your ears, sending a laugh from yourself, even at the dumbest of things. Laying on his big couch in the den and watching Christmas movies until you both fell asleep in a pile of blankets. The late nights, the shared secrets, the entwined fingers.

Was it possible? Your childhood best friend, the person you shared everything with once, the boy you’d watched grow into a man and left behind one day in favor of the big city... could he be your soulmate?

You pulled yourself together enough to park your car in your old driveway, taking in deep breaths to steady your racing heart.

This is it, this is what you’ve been waiting for. In all honesty, you should’ve seen it coming. He was always there, your shoulder to cry on, hand to hold, ear to lend, secret keeper and everything in between. It’d been you who had been dumb enough to leave him behind, thinking it’d be easier to cut it off before you’d have a soulmate to deal with. How clueless had you been?

Approaching the familiar door slowly, like you were suddenly scared it’d eat you up, your brain ran through every worst case scenario you could think of. Maybe he resented you for leaving, maybe he didn’t like you that way, or maybe he’d even forgotten about you.

As you raised your fist to knock, the door swung open, revealing the person you’d been waiting your whole life for. Wonpil. He looked better than ever, taller and more mature than the last time you’d seen him. The sweater he adorned fit him just right, the color a perfect compliment to his skin. Not matter how much he aged, though, you still saw the little boy you stuck to like Velcro. You wondered if he still saw that little girl in you. The longer you stared, the more nervous you got, but his voice melted through all the worry, a soft look in his eyes as he gazed into yours. His hand reached out, finding yours, the identical bows brushing each other and slowly fading away.

“I always knew it’d be you.”


Merry Christmas!



Tags :
5 years ago

Genre(s): Christmas Au!

Pairing(s): SungjinxElf!Reader

Warning(s): none

Word Count: 1.5K

Well, candy canes, this was not how you were supposed to spend Christmas!

In all fairness, you sort of deserved getting lost in this strange place considering you blatantly disobeyed the rules and maybe, sort-of, definitely stowed away on Santa’s sleigh right before he left to deliver gifts.

In hindsight, not the brightest idea you’d had, and oh garland, you were most definitely going to be on the naughty list for the next couple Christmases.

The temptation was just too much, and ever since you were a little elf you’d dreamed of seeing the human world. Everything about them fascinated you, and the stuffy cheer-filled workshop was just too much after so long.

So, without much thought whatsoever, you’d highjacked Santa’s ride and somehow found yourself stuck in this strange new place.

You hadn’t meant to get left behind, but again, the curiosity was just too much. Now, here you were, stranded with no way of getting back to the North Pole.

The first couple hours wandering around weren’t so bad, the lights and people keeping you distracted. What in blue blizzards were those big metal things the people rode around in and why were so many people looking at you with funny looks on their faces? You’d made sure to throw on your best red Christmas dress and candy cane stockings before you’d left.

Quickly, though, you realized you were ultimately stuck. Would your family be looking for you? Would they even know where to begin? Why hadn’t you left them a note at least?

Santa never backtracked so there would be no way to get back to him, and honestly, you weren’t exactly ready for the lecture just yet.

Wandering around aimlessly, a part of you hoping for a miracle, was when you bumped into him.

The very tall man with the sparkly eyes and the cute smile that absolutely smelt like the best baked cinnamon rolls you’d ever smelled. And no, he wasn’t tall just because you were an elf. Contrary to popular belief, elves are only slightly shorter than the average human depending on gender. He looked at you with a funny grin, eyes roaming over your outfit until he asked you if you were some sort of performer.

“I most certainly am not, I’m an elf. I got separated from Santa and I’m not quite sure how to get home.”

A chuckle escaped his lips, but when he registered the confused expression on your face he composed himself.

“And let me guess, your home is the North Pole, right?” You couldn’t help the way your face lit up when he talked about your home. Maybe he wasn’t quite as useless as you’d figured.

“Yes! The North Pole, but I’m not sure how to get there from here, and I’m really not supposed to be here in the first place.”

Despite the smile on his face, you were still quite sure he didn’t believe you. After all, you weren’t allowed to mingle outside of home and your own kind. Most people, especially your own age, didn’t even believe in you or Santa anymore.

But something in him made him curious about you, and you him.

“I’m Sungjin, what’s your name, elf?” There was a playful glint in his eyes, twinkling like freshly fallen snow, and it made you comfortable enough to stretch your hand out to shake his.


After telling your entire story to Sungjin over a mug of hot chocolate at some place he called a ‘diner,’ he’d figured there was no way someone was that dedicated to playing a character. Did he exactly believe that you were a real magical elf from the North Pole, home of Santa Claus, not quite, but he couldn’t say it didn’t intrigue him.

When he’d asked you if you had anywhere to stay, you’d answered him with a frustrated sigh. You had no money, no way of finding home, and it was getting darker by the second.

Despite your insistence, he’d opted to let you stay the night at his place so you wouldn’t freeze to death outside.

When you made it in, you’d immediately gone into figuring out a way to get home.

Was there a way to fly to the North Pole from here? Sungjin had answered that, no, no planes took trips to the North Pole, and there were definitely no sleighs and magic reindeer at your disposal either.

There has to be a phone number or way to contact home, he’d offered. You laughed at that. No, Santa did not have a cellphone or landline for that matter. He got all his information by mail.

And that’s when it struck both you. The fastest way to contact the North Pole was through a letter! You could’ve smacked yourself for not thinking about that earlier.

Another homemade mug of hot chocolate and brainstorming session later and Sungjin was tucking you in on the couch with a soft red blanket as you slept soundly after a long night.

That morning, he awoke to fresh chocolate chip pancakes you made for breakfast, and you began your letter to Santa.

After going over your location, that you were stranded, and that you were very, very, very sorry, Sungjin accompanied you to the mailbox outside his apartment.

“Won’t it take a while for the letter to reach the North Pole? And Christmas is already here, so how will he get it?”

You couldn’t help the smirk that grew on your face as you enlightened him that mail traveled to the North Pole differently, and that Santa would most definitely get your letter by this evening at the latest. Too afraid to inquire further, he just went along with you, trying to find things to do to occupy the time in between.

“So, what do you want to do until then?” And as you pulled him excitedly down every street, the part of him that wished he hadn’t asked was quickly squashed by the part that warmed over watching you get so excited over the simplest of things.

He took pride in showing you how the elevator worked, what a bus was and how it could take you somewhere (almost like a sleigh) and your favorite, the revolving doors in every storefront.

Even though he had known you for only half a day, Sungjin couldn’t help the growing attachment to you. There was just something about you that drew him in, made him feel all warm and fuzzy, like he was bundled in the comfiest Christmas sweater.

You dragged him to the Christmas Day festival, though he didn’t put up much of a fight, considering he loved Christmas as well, just maybe not as much as you.

You told him all about home, the other elves, your job, and even Santa. Little by little you could feel the belief in him spread and grow and it warmed your heart. There was nothing better than belief rekindling in someone.

But as it grew dark, you felt melancholy, a feeling you weren’t used to where you came from. The impending departure from your new friend made your heart heavy, but you found comfort in holding his hand as you walked through the snow filled streets.

Just as you were about to call it a night and head back to his place, the familiar tinge of magic floated through the air along with the sound of bells. It was time to go.

Sungjin felt it too, though he couldn’t place it until he watched your face fall.

“It’s time, huh?” He whispered, not sure how he could feel so upset over a girl he’d just met.

With a soft smile, you lifted your hand to cup his cheek, him instantly leaning into the warmth.

“Will I see you again?” He asked lightly, lifting his hand to hold yours.

“Maybe. Hopefully.” You’re not sure if you will, worried about the repercussions. Rules were made to be followed, but then again, some were meant to be broken. The rustle of reins pulled you away from him slowly, but before you could disappear into the night, you ran back to place a soft peck to his cheek. You watched from the rooftop as he held the cheek you’d kissed, a smile blooming as he turned to go inside.

The ride home was not filled with the lecture you were expecting. Instead, you were met with a big hug and a worried looking Santa. He knew, he’d said, that’d you’d one day be pulled to the humans, that it was part of your destiny.

It was then that you were assured you’d find your way back to Sungjin. It wasn’t just coincidence that he’d found you after all.


Merry Christmas!



Tags :
3 years ago

This is perfect 🥺🥺

Our Perfect

Our Perfect

Outside, in the soft silence of the night, snow, silver and dark, falls down. It covers the roads and the houses on the street. It's an acute reminder of Christmas. The house are adorned with the most beautiful lights.

"I refuse to decorate the tree."

Harry releases a soft sigh while he casts a glance at the tree. He cannot believe that he is in the middle of an argument over the decoration of the said tree but he was well-aware of what he had signed up for when the two of them had become a couple, "But Draco, it's our first Christmas together, can you pretend to be somewhat excited about it? It's not that difficult."

"Harry, I am excited about it but I'm not the decoration enthusiast that you are because when it's Christmas, I prefer to be in front of a fireplace with hot cocoa and a book. Now that I'm with you, we can read together and you did promise me cuddles."

Now, that prospect did tempt him but Draco is deceptive when he wants to be and he refuses to have his own way. Not when he has a tree to decorate. Besides, it had been Draco's idea to host a Christmas feast for their friends. It was his fault. Now, Harry wants a pretty tree, "I have a counter offer- if you decorate the tree with me, I promise more cuddles than I did yesterday."

"You're cruel."

"Oh, I promise to read to you too and that sweater you've stolen from me, it's yours." Harry places a small kiss on the tip of Draco's nose and it turns into a soft shade of crimson, "Now can we decorate our tree and not procrastinate for once, sunshine?"

"Only for the sweater."

Harry places a hand over his chest in mock-offence, "Only for the sweater but not for more cuddles near the fireplace while I read to you?"

"No, not for that."

"So, you won't mind if I revoke that promise?"

Draco places a record into the player. The lever rises and hovers over the record while the sounds of 'Promises to keep' starts to float around the room.

Draco laces their fingers together, twirls him around once. A soft warmth and tenderness courses through him. He draws Harry close and whispers, "A promise is a promise, love."

No wonder he had chosen that song.

"Yeah so, don't distract me with a dance on our favorite Christmas song and decorate the tree with me."

"You're such a spoil sport."

He takes out some lights from their box to put them around the tree. He decides to do it himself for now because it might take a while for Draco to be enthusiastic about this decoration process. It's best not to trouble him more because he is a bitch to you when you pester him, "No, I'm a delight."

"You're not and by the way, I'll decorate the tree with you if I can put the star on top."

The corners of his mouth curve into a small, delicate smile, "Oh yeah, you can, love."

Draco's eyes light up in the most beautiful way and his heart clenches in his chest because of that, "Good, now what do I have to do? I don't have the faintest idea."

Harry waves his hand in a vague motion while he places the lights over the tree in layers, "Oh, do whatever you want to, it doesn't have to be a perfect Christmas tree."

"No organization whatsoever?"

"No, none."

Draco sorts through the ornaments in the box on the coffee table, "Now, that should be interesting, I'll start with the icicle ones."

"Sounds brilliant."

"Harry, be careful with the lights, you'll trip."

Harry looks down and notices that the lights have begun to tangle and somehow wrap around his legs, "You're such a lifesaver."

"I swear, if your break your nose one more time, I won't patch you up and you might lose your front teeth too, if you aren't careful."

"But you will love me if I didn't have two front teeth, yeah?"

Draco arches his brows in skepticism, "Don't be ridiculous, I won't."

"Rude, I would love you if you lost your perfect front teeth."

"I'm honored, but that isn't mutual."

Harry begun to untangle himself out of the lights but it was a difficult task and Draco was of no assistance whatsoever because he had chosen to cheer him on whilst decorating the tree, "Good luck, sweetheart - I hope you don't fall and break your nose."

"Won't you catch me if I fall?"

"I won't, so save your gorgeous face yourself."

Now, that was an insult. But it's Draco, it doesn't matter. He hears fifteen insults in a day. Most of them aren't insults but backhanded compliments. It takes a practice and one hundred fifty four insults to learn the difference between the two.

"Gorgeous face?"

Draco throws a silver bauble towards him which hits him right in his head. Good aim. But it doesn't hurt. "You're the worst."

"No, I'm the best."

"In your dreams, Harry."

He manages to untangle himself out of the lights (points for that) and starts to place it in the similar way, but he is more cautious now because he doesn't want to trip, "Whatever."

Once he is done with the lights, he takes out his wand and flicks it at the tree. The lights separate into a hundred of small ones and fall among the branches. Sure, it defies the laws of physics but it's magic and now that translates to a polite 'fuck you' to science.

It casts a warm, colorful luminescence over the room. It's beautiful but it wasn't done yet.

But with the music, with Draco, it's somehow better. Because a banter ensues once or twice and the two of them dance to the Christmas love songs. It's close to perfect.

Once most of the decoration is done, Draco flicks his own wand at the tree in a graceful motion (show off) and snow falls over the branches and small snowflakes hover near the tip of the branches.

"Draco, the star on the top, if you will."

He sorts through the box of the tree toppers too. Now the process might take an hour or seconds. But it's because Draco insists on several options.

It's best not to interfere here.

Not with clothes or the type of shampoo and bath bubbles or in this case, a tree topper.

Draco settles for a five-pointed star with intricate patterns on it and places it on top of the tree. Harry curls his hand around Draco's waist and pulls him closer. Draco buries his head into his shoulder. The soft material of the maroon sweater rubs against his own skin and it makes him feel much more lighthearted than he is, "Now it's perfect."

"Perfection is a social construct."

Harry receives a beautiful, cold stare from Draco. He raises his hands in surrender with a faint, amused smile, "Your words not mine."

"Yeah, but it's perfect to you, to me - because we define it to be so. It's our perfect."

Our perfect.

"So, we define our own perfect?"

Draco lifts his head from his shoulder with a small nod, "You and me, for instance. Others believe that we don't fit, that we're not perfect together. But to me, to you - we are perfect. No one can convince us otherwise because we've defined our own perfect."

"So profound," Harry places yet another kiss on the tip of his nose and it turns into that soft shade of red once more, "Now that the decorations are done, I recall that I promised to read to you and more cuddles."

Draco's eyes light up like a thousand fireflies and a smile crosses his lips, "Yeah, that."

It's the perfect way to spend the night before Christmas- with Draco, near the fireplace and a new romance novel.

It's their perfect.

Tags :
3 years ago


Day 17- scarves @hpdestress

It began in the November when the wind picked up and the cold has started to settle in slowly and gradually that Draco started wearing scarves. It was hard to not notice someone as elegant as him wrapped in one of the most softest and the most elegant scarves which he didn't repeat even once.

The first time Harry realised that he wore different coloured scarves for each day was when he was outside in the field in the back of the office where Quidditch was played at in weekly matches. He had been busy bathing in the warm sun, gaining Vitamin D as he'd like to phrase it when his eyes fell on Draco at the opposite end of the field with his files scattered over the ground, he had been working. He was only watching him work with his one leg crossed while the other was sprawled to the side and leaning over the files to draw or write something, that was when he saw the lavender shade of his scarf. Normally people only wore Red, Green, Black, Grey and Blue Scarves, at least the boring people in his office but he was wearing a bright Lavender shade scarf hanging around his neck, glowing profusely in the sun. It was attention grabbing.

The next time Harry was sure he wore scarves different for each day was when he saw him walking out of the cafeteria of the office and sitting on the bench nearest to the window. That day he had worn a beige scarf. It complimented his skin very well and bought out the features Harry hadn't ever noticed. And the way his nails were painted exactly of the same shade as his scarf appealed to Harry and no matter how hard he tried to un-notice Draco, he couldn't. There was something that kept calling him to Harry's attention and from there on it was a routine. He passed by his office everyday just when he used to go out and do a simple wave with smile and notice the shade of his scarf. This routine that followed was a tedious thing and in order to not forget the shade of his scarf he used to note it down in the back of his journal with a little drawing if he liked the scarf too much. However it was all just a mere start of a simple infatuation turning into much huge of an attraction. It was bound to happen. When you notice Someone everyday for a month straight and write about them in your journal and spend most of your time thinking of them, you end up being attracted to them and there were several other reasons which contributes to his fire of attraction.

It was only a matter of time when Harry inbuilt his plans to ask Draco out in the most subtle way's possible but of course Harry being Harry, it didn't go as planned and he embarrassed himself more than asking him out but nonetheless Draco found it cute and agreed to go on a date with Harry. Within the short span of time that they started dating, they found they had the whole world in the arms of each other and there was no other they'd want it with.

And So it happened on the date just before Christmas holidays when after work they went to a small Italian cafe that Harry bought it up.

" I like your scarf "

" Oh- thank you. This was my grandma's. Purple was really her colour " Draco smiled drinking his cup of hot cocoa.

Harry wondered if all his Scarves came from his Grandma but he didn't ask, instead he said " you wear a different colour everyday "

Draco blushed then nodded setting his cup over the table " Yeah- I do. I have a thing for scarves. I have one of each colour like a collection. I never thought anyone noticed though "

Harry smiled and took his hand in his own over the table and rubbed small circles with his thumb " I always noticed and I love these. They're very beautiful and you look even more Beautiful with them "

Draco blushed more furiously unable to contain his smile and Whispered a small thanks.

When Christmas came around and they had gone to their respective families to celebrate Christmas with, they owled their gifts to each other. Harry had sent a box of chocolate that he knew Draco would like and a locket with the sign of Draco's star. (He had liked it very much )

What Harry recieved was the same Lavender scarf he saw Draco wearing for the first time with a small note attached to it " Keep it, it'll look better on you anyways. Also Ps. You weren't as subtle as you thought you were"

Harry had laughed and wrapped it around his neck and embraced the sweet smell of Draco. He knew he'd never throw this away, even if it's all worn out. It was the symbol of a beginning.

Day 16- Daddy's boy || Day 18- sunset and Pizza



Tags :
3 years ago

Sunset and Pizza

Day 18- Hogsmeade @hpdestress

Harry buried them under the invisible cloak again, Huffing under his breath.

" when I said we should go on a date in Hogsmeade this is definitely not what I meant " Draco grumbled under his breath but close enough for Harry to listen.

" Oh would you like me to take the veil off and walk off like a bride " Harry sarcastically responded.

Draco almost wanted to laugh but he didn't "well these are the results of you face planting in your broom, not anywhere else but over it "

" How was I supposed to know that Someone would be out in the fucking cold at midnight in the quidditch field watching me. I thought it was only you and me " Harry rolled his eyes and took a a sharp turn avoiding everyone else.

" Well Darling of course you have creepy stalkers following you every hour of everyday. You're Harry Potter, the boy who apparently doesn't die " Draco controlled his laughter again but a look from Harry and he was biting his palm to not release any sound.

" You think you're so funny- Well guess what my dear love, you're not " Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco and walked ahead again.

After a while of Draco cracking jokes up, he fell silent and just followed Harry as they walked deeper into Hogsmeade and towards the cliff apparently only Harry knew how to get to.

" How far is it ?" Draco groaned

" well if you weren't walking like a baby and making jokes about me half the trip we would've already been there " Harry replied distantly

" What did I tell you about your sarcasm- sometimes it hurts " Draco pouted.

Harry almost took him seriously but looking at his fake pout he rolled his eyes again " Says the one who's existence runs on being mean "

Draco scoffed, mumbling something under his breath which Harry chose to ignore and finally he was able to lift off the invisibility cloak when they reached a safer radar out of people's sight.

" We there yet ?" Draco asked again.

Harry took 5 more steps and announced " we're here "

Draco followed behind him and finally reached a small tent Harry had assumably set up before they came here with fairy lights dangling inside and a box of Pizza which Draco have grown into loving and blankets to keep themselves warm.

Draco intertwined their fingers tighter and went into the small tent, sat down along with Harry facing Hogsmeade from atop.

" I never knew Hogsmeade looked this beautiful from upside. Christmas makes it look even more beautiful " Draco smiled.

Harry smiled back at him and cast a small heating spell over the pizza and agreed " I discovered this place back in 4 year when nobody wanted to believe that I didn't put my name in that stupid fire. It bought me peace "

" Yeah- I remember envying you until the damned red eyes snake lived under my roof and basically played oujia board with his actual snake "

Harry laughed out loud, shaking his head " Do you even know what an oujia board is ?"

" Who cares- it's not like he was doing a kitty party with the death eaters dressed up in pink dresses " Draco joked, smiling himself.

Harry chuckled " He could've matched his pink with Umbridge "

Draco chuckled then after while of simply smiling at Harry, he said " Thank you for this"

" Don't mention- Pizza ?"

They sat there eating Pizza in the cold with the heating spell bringing them warmth and small jokes that they cackled with each other and enjoyed watching the hustling of the students down there. It was weird in its own how they landed up together and a story for other day, but even if they were pretty much the worst boyfriends the history had ever known, they were still pretty perfect for eachother and that was the most they could ever ask for. So what if instead of sugar coating and sweet talking they made of fun of each other and embarrassed them, so what if they didn't have the perfect first date, or what if they still get weird around each other, the most that mattered was this moment, that thing's that made the moment possible and this was possibly the best they could ever have.

Draco finally rested his head against Harry's shoulder as the sun had started settling and the students had started departing back to Hogwarts " This is pretty perfect isn't it ?"

" pretty or perfect ?" Harry countered

" No Harry- pretty perfect- it's a phrase-"

" how can it-"

" Nevermind I tried-" Draco groaned.

Harry laughed softly and kissed the top of his head, wrapping his arms closer to Draco's body " This is pretty perfect"

Draco smiled and nuzzled his face into Harry's neck.

It was pretty perfect, being with the best version of perfect they could ask for and the Beautiful sunset, yeah it was pretty perfect.

Day 17 - Lavender || Day 19- sweetest memories



Tags :
3 years ago

After a million dreams

Day 20- Christmas break at Hogwarts @hpdestress

“ Did you do it ?” Draco nervously asked as soon as Harry came to the meeting point.  

Harry held a disappointed face then nodded “ I did “ He exclaimed 

Draco let out the breath he was holding onto and immediately embraced Harry in a hug “ I was afraid they wouldn’t let you ” 

Harry separated from the hug and along with Draco sat down over the cushioned couch turning to face him " Well at first Ron didn't want to- I actually think he doesn't want to even still but Hermione was a great help. She said she understood that I need a little space and that it's nice that I want to take a break from certain things and be myself to figure stuff out- whatever that meant but she said she'll handle everything and she was super supportive of it "

Draco looked at Harry for a moment, a sense of worry invading his headspace for a while.

" What is it ?" Harry interjected his thoughts.

" It's nothing- I- just- sometimes you know get the feeling that Hermione knows about us otherwise why would she be this understanding about you staying alone at school for Christmas break? "

Harry thought for a moment watching keenly at the red cushion in deep thought then nodded understandably " If that is true then we need to find a way to ensure that whatever she knows isn't right"

" How are we going to do that ?" Draco asked, confused.


" Well are you sure you don't want to come with us to stay for Christmas, I mean it does get lonely around here during holidays you know ?" Pansy asked with her voice as sweet as honey ( too much honey ) and her hand going up and down Draco's arm.

Draco tried to retract his hand but he didn't want to hint it off so he kept cool " I'll be fine, don't worry Pansy. I just wished my parents would finally match eyes with me you know. To not talk is one thing but to uninvite me- that's bizzare. But I'll just stay here and finish up on my work or something "

Pansy modded in sympathy " I really am sorry about that Draco. Are you sure you'll be okay ?"

" I'll be fine- You should go now, the train leaves soon " Draco told her and immediately helped her bag up on the train.

" Well- owl me if you need anything or just want to talk to someone, alright ?" Pansy reassured and tried to kiss Draco over his cheeks but he skillfully dodged it off.

Draco nodded " I will "

Draco waved to his friends one last time before he dragged back his empty suitcases as a part of the enactment Harry and Draco had worked on to convince their friend's that they weren't together. It was a brilliant plan, at least how Harry likes to admit, this way not only Draco got out of being questioned several things but also were able to convince Hermione that Draco hadn't planned on staying for Christmas because of Harry but his plans had changed the last moment.

He took the secret alley where rarely anyone ever was and the place where Harry and Draco were to meet up after the train departed.

Draco walked blindly into something invisible and immediately realised it was Harry. Harry revealed his face from under the cloak and wrapped Draco under the cloak too.

" Did it work ?" Harry whispered

" Hopefully " Draco whispered back.

Out of curiosity Harry asked " Does Pansy know you're gay ?"

" No, not yet, why ?" Draco frowned

" stay away from her then- she's definitely trying to hit on you " Harry rolled his eyes.

Draco let out a soft laugh then kissed Harry over his crimson cheeks " It doesn't matter, I've already been hit on, and very much taken"

Harry raised his eyebrows " That you are"

" Yes I am mister" Draco smiled. Harry looked up at him for a few more moments before Draco kissed him over the lips and they departed for their Christmas at Hogwarts.

As planned Harry and Draco spent almost everytime of everyday in the breaks with each other secretly in the room of requirements. They spent their Hours Baking, learning how to knit, making candies, eating a lot of cakes, decorating the place with Christmas things and decorating their own Christmas tree together, they did everything together and sometimes it took them an entire day but they were proud of themselves and each other by the end of the day. Having the opportunity to be able to spend their Christmas finally with the ones they loved was the best thing that had ever happened to either one of them and they knew they wouldn't change it for the world, even if it all gets messed up in the end. They wanted to be with each other, needed each other more than anything else and it scared them a little bit but it made them so happy. When they looked at each other with awe, they knew they waited for this moment for so long in their life that now it felt so unreal but it was so very real, it was the most real thing I'm existence, even more than the clouds in the sky or the sun and the moon. What they felt for each other was beyond either of them could comprehend but then love isn't a comprehension, is it? It's the most insane thing ever and they were just having the taste of it all.

When finally the Christmas morning arrived and Harry woke up next to a very naked Draco by his side, his breath halted in his throat. He was mesmerized by his beauty and the moment itself. It overwhelmed him so much that he couldn't avoid the tears that sprinkled in his eyes. Knowing that he woke upto the man the loved the most on Christmas morning was nothing more than a miracle and Harry assumed he might just be the luckiest man alive.

When the night finally came around and they were sat under the lights of golden near their Christmas tree, Harry Turned to Draco and smiled.

" Can I give you my present now ?" He asked

Draco startled for a moment but then nodded with a sweet smile. Harry pulled from behind him a small box, not more than a size of a shoe box and gave it to Draco.

" Before you open this, I want you to know something "

Draco nodded, keeping the box aside to give Harry his Full attention.

Harry cleared his throat and began " I have spent 18 Christmases in my life and this one is the best so far and its all because of you " Harry smiled and took Draco's hand in his own and continued " When I woke up this morning and I saw you lying next to me, it hit me then that I had spent so much time of my life hating you when all this time I could've been able to hold you closer much before and not in secret. It somewhat breaks me to know how much time we have wasted and what I'm about to say is going to sound absolutely insane but Draco, you make me the happiest I've ever been and I don't know what is it about you that just puts a smile on my face everytime I see you but there is something and I can wait an entire life time to know that. I know it sounds absurd and fast and strange but I love you, like I've never loved anyone else and I want to love for the rest of the time"

Draco's eyes welled up with tears with the words he heard and before Harry could've inferred what was happening Draco had jumped into his arms and embraced him tightly in his arms. Moments passed with his hand still around Harry, not believing for even a single second what harry had just said.

Draco broke apart from the hug and cupped Harry's face softly after having created some distance and said " I can't tell you how much I love you and how much I want to scream at the top of my lungs and tell the whole world but you wanting to love me for the rest of your life is the greatest honour I'll ever have,even more than being loved by you. You really are one of a kind Harry and I'm too selfish to let you go "

Harry couldn't help but smile fondly at Draco. He placed his hand over Draco's hands over his face and kissed the inside of his palm then turned his hand the other way around and kissed them too and then finally leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Draco's " It's my honour to Love you Draco Malfoy"

Draco chuckled and finally kissed Harry over the lips with ecstasy. This was the kind of Christmas Draco always wished for, dreamt of even but never in his million dream he had ever imagined that it might come true but right now, kissing Harry, holding his hand, being away in the secret behind so many walls and a moment just of their own, this was even more perfect than a dream. It was heaven itself.


" Do you think Harry's having a nice Christmas ?" Hermione asked as she laid next to Ron and watched the stars in the late Christmas night.

" I'm telling you he's having the time of his life " Ron replied.

" Why do you think he keeps it a secret from us? Doesn't he trust us or something ?" She asked concerned.

Ron hummed, then said " I think he likes having one thing all to his own self. All his life, he's always shared things,even love but he's met the one thing in his life right now that he doesn't have to share and I think it makes him Happy. It's evident Draco makes him the happiest he's ever been even if he's a douchebag "

Hermione Chuckled " Since when did you get so wise ?"

" Always a tone of surprise " Ron laughed.


" He's got better at this game you know " Blaise said as they moved their bags into the carriage after having waved Draco goodbye.

" I wanna see how many stupid stories he gonna pull before he comes clean " Pansy told him.

" Think Potter have some effect on his intelligence, don't you think ?"

" you mean he's dumber now ?"

Blaise nodded.

" Lord save him"

Day 19- Sweetest Memories || Day 21- A thousand times better



Tags :
3 years ago

A thousand times better

Day 21- sleigh ride @hpdestress

" Can I take the blindfold off now ?" Harry asked stumbling over his own feet only to be caught in time by Draco.

" We're not there yet "Draco replied

" But I'm falling all over " Harry whined

" and I'm here to catch your fall " Draco replied back.

" Yeah not really. When I told you I've fallen in love with you, you told me I've fallen with you too. Can't say I can trust you with a fall" Harey shrugged casually.

Draco chuckled next to him " Well then if you're gonna, we're gonna fall together. That's how it works right. You take the first fall and I take it with you"

" I'm telling you Draco, sometimes these falls are scary. What if one day I'm falling off a cliff, you can't say I'm falling after you, right ?" Harry asked.

" Oh no of couse not Darling, I'd be the one pushing you off the cliff, don't worry " Draco smirked next to him even though he knew Harry couldn't see him.

" You know sometimes your words hurt " Harry pouted.

" That's why I say them. Now just trust me with this. I've held your hand " Draco said holding onto Harry's hands tighter.

Harry mumbled something but Draco chose to ignore, besides it was barely audible in the strong winter winds blowing right in his face.

" Are we there yet ?" Harry asked again.

Draco shook his head then realised Harry couldn't see him " A little bit more "

" How far is this place even ?" Harry complaint again.

" If you do a little less complaining, we might reach sooner " Draco rolled his eyes. Don't get him wrong, he loves his boyfriend beyond anything and he would anything for him but sometimes Harry just annoyed him, irritated him with useless questions that he doubted his entire existence then, like the time Harry kept on asking at 3 am why do we sleep at 3 and not in the morning and why do they have specific meals for breakfast, what if he wanted rice for breakfast and toast for dinner. It drove Draco insane, more than he likes to exaggerates.

" And I thought you loved me " Harry mumbled.

Draco rolled his eyes once again " Just because I tell you to stop complaining doesn't mean I love you any less "

" seems otherwise to me" Harry shrugged and this time he stumbled over something again that he might've fallen over the ground if it wasn't for Draco holding him tightly.

" Told you I'd save you" Draco told him afterwards.

" yeah after I was already sca-"

" we're here " Draco announced cutting Harry off mid sentence and took off his blindfold and putting it in his pocket.

" A sleigh ride " Harry exclaimed.

" I am an attentive boyfriend " Draco smirked.

" I told you this on like our 2nd date, how did you remember ?" Harry grinned at Draco.

" I remember everything babe, everything" Draco smiled fondly at Harry who looked at him in awe before he leaned forward and kissed Draco's nose softly.

" Now you're like Rudolph the Red nose reindeer " He sang.

Draco laughed behind him, following him into the sleigh and sitting down over the uncomfortable seat.

" I feel like Elsa " Harry grinned.

" Elsa who ?" He asked

" Elsa from Frozen. You know in the second movie when they are going to that forest, the enchanted forest. We watched that movie together Draco, like 2 weeks ago " Harry reminded him.

"Oh- the girl who have to wear gloves all the time or she'll turn everyone into ice " Draco replied

" stop Making her sound like a villain-"

" I'm not making her sound like a villain. She did freeze her sister in the first movie-"

" but she also bought her back-"

" but she also struck her when they were just kids-"

" By accident-"

" Not to interrupt your little argument over the girl who froze her sister but do you want a ride or not ?" The man in the front seat holding the leash of the horses in his hands asked.

Draco immediately nodded and they took off.

Harry remained shut after that for a long time but an excited smile pulled over his face as he kept staring at his surrounding and the feeling of being in a sleigh. Draco perhaps might never understand why it was so fascinating for Harry to be on a sleigh but if this is how little it takes for Draco to bring that smile over his face, he'd do them everyday until he dies. When he says he loved Harry with his entire soul and mind, he really does. He loves every little thing about him and sometimes he might drive him crazy or insane but he still loved Harry till the sun rises and the moon sets. What Harry bought in Draco was indescribable but knowing that Harry is the only man he want to ride every sleigh in the world with fills the empty little hole his heart have and that's because Harry is his cure, his medicine and his remedy to everything. One look from Harry and he'd forget a thousand reasons why he shouldn't exist but Harry chose to love a man as such and he would never ever be worthy enough of his love but he knows he'll spend the rest of his life trying to be worthy enough for him.

Harry besides him catches Draco smiling at him and he smiles back. He turns his head to the front and lean his head over his shoulder and takes Draco's hands in his own to intertwine their fingers together.

" It's better with you, a Hundred times better in your arms " Harry whispered, smiling.

Draco wishes he could've said something, anything but all that came out of his lips was " I love you " before he leaned down and kissed Harry over the lips. It's always better with him too, always and a thousand times better.

Day 20 - After a million dreams || Day 22- Family trip gone wrong



Tags :
3 years ago

Family trip gone wrong

Day 22- sledging @hpdestress

Harry huffed in frustration as he tried to find the safe gears to put on Albus and Scorpius but apparently they were nowhere to be found and soon they would become impatient to the point that it's unbearable. Ever since Harry and Draco came on the trip with their kids, nothing had gone right, not even a single thing, it was like living the movie of the worst day ever on repeat. This trip was supposed to be a fun, bonding time for the family but apparently it was everything but that. To Begin with, on their way over their car broke down and the mechanics seemed to have been very far away and Albus and Scorpius decided that it would've just been marvelous to throw a fit, the next was the room they got, it was supposed to be 2 large rooms and instead of it being as large as it was in the pictures, it was only large enough to have bunk beds in it; next was the dinner night they planned on, it was supposed to be a fancy dinner at a fancy place but a blizzard had to come right then when they were walking to it and due to the damning Blizzard, their night got cancelled and the list goes on. Harry would rewind every single one of them but that wasn't an available option.

He eventually gave up finding the gears and practiced how to break his kids heart by telling them that they can't go sledging but when Harry reached where the kids were supposed to be, they weren't there.

" Draco, where are the kids ?" Harry sounded exhausted and yet stressed at the same time.

Draco's head immediately whipped around with a handful of things to eat " I swear they were right here, just now. I swear, I promise "

Harry sighed closing his eyes momentarily then began again " It's fine, we'll find them together. You take that way, I'll take this way " He said pointing towards different directions but as soon as they were going in different directions, they heard screaming which sounded awfully familiar until they both turned around and their kids jumped up in the air in the sledge and their heart's fell right out of their chest.

" Albus-Scorp" they simultaneously screamed and immediately ran after them with hooked ropes to get them to stop but sliding on ice wasn't a piece of cake. Draco hit his head on a massive ball of ice and some kid nearby thought it was funny to hit him right in the stomach. Harry gave him an apologetic look then continued running after them. Hurdles after hurdles like Albus throwing snowballs to hit Harry, the slippery ice that made him fall over, their kids basically jumping up in the air without any protection when a slight cliff came around, his throat growing dry from all the yelling, maintaining a safe look on Draco who had now joined him and last but not the least the trees that somehow had started appearing in the middle. Harry wanted to cry at this moment and just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, he fell over his bum and slid over the ice and due to the slope it became incredibly hard to get back up. His heart hammered like a wrecking ball inside his chest and now he was scared to death for two reasons, himself and the kids.

" Albus-Scorp- Please stop the sledge " Harry shouted.

" We can't " Albus yelled back laughing and that was all it took Harry to turn at an edge to he started slipping on ice even after. When he heard another scream he turned his face to his side and saw Draco sliding down over a piece of wood, recklessly.

" Harry, save me " Draco screamed and he slipped more ahead of Harry.

Harry groaned loudly and screamed back "I'm coming"

Seconds turned into minutes and the screaming grew louder while the people all around watched them finding it absolutely hilarious how the kids drove the sledge while their father ran after them like absolute maniacs. It was finally when the steep gradually lessened and it started rising upwards that the kids sledge slowed down, not the same with Harry and Draco and they were still screaming until they both collided into each other and then into the kids.

" Ouch Dad's " Scorpius groaned.

Harry breathed heavily, holding onto the kids " that was very very dangerous "

Draco remained in shock for a while, catching his breath and holding onto the family together until later his eyes noticed the high cliff and he started laughing looking at their kids. His Laugh eventually grew louder and contagious to the point that everyone was laughing so hard that they rolled back to the ground.

" I hate to say it but this was the most fun thing that happened over the entire trip " Harry told after the laughter controlled down.

Draco turned to Harry and nodded smiling.

" Then Can we do it again ?-"

" No " they simultaneously replied.


I wasn't planning on update tonight since it got super late but I guess I had what it took tonight .

Day 21- a thousand times better || Day 23- Pieces of a puzzle



Tags :
3 years ago

Pieces of a Puzzle

Day 23- sweaters @hpdestress

" Harry, have you seen my sweater Molly gave to me last Christmas?" Draco called from the bedroom while Harry was picking out his shoes for the dinner at the Weasley's.

" Should be in our closet " Harry replied back.

" I can't find it " He yelled back again.

Huffing Harry went to the bedroom to where Draco was standing in front of the closet finding the specific sweater.

" What does it look like ?" Harry asked

" It's a grey sweater with a DM over the front " Draco replied.

" I have never seen you wearing it, why now ?" Harry hummed as he knelt down looking for the sweater as well.

" I thought you know it's Christmas day, so let's wear what she gave me. It'll be like that I saved it for a special occasion, besides I think she'd feel good knowing I wore the sweater she knit me but it's nowhere to be seen " Draco replied.

" did you burn it ?" Harry joked but Draco didn't find it funny, obviously.

" Please Harry, I really want her to know that I care about her presents " Draco complained

" I'm sure you do, the broken vase stands in accord to that statement "

" I still have all it's pieces " Draco rolled his eyes at Harry

" and yet you never reparo it " Harry countered back

Draco hummed momentarily pausing his search" how come that never crossed my mind?"

Harry got up after that, exhaling harshly " It's not here "

" Where could it possibly be then ?" Draco whined

" I'm sure it must be somewhere but we don't have enough time to look for that sweater. Just wear any of them " Harry suggested

" But I wanted to wear her gifted sweater " Draco sighed taking a few steps back to sit on the bed.

Harry came and sat down next to him and took his hands in his own " If you don't wear her gifted sweater, she won't stop loving you Draco. She really really loves you alright and nothing can change that-"

" But-"

" No buts Draco- I know you want to show her that it matters to you and I know it does but losing that Sweater doesn't mean that, that sweater doesn't matter to you. Just wear any of them, she'll love it nonetheless" Harry smiled reassuringly at Draco.

Draco pursed his lips then smiled back, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder " I still wanted to wear her sweater "

"Then you can wear one of mine that she gave to me. I'm sure she would absolutely adore it " Harry smiled.

Draco nodded. He turned his head a little so his head was fitted in Harry's neck and softly kissed him there " I don't know what I'd do without you somedays "

" Absolutely terrible if I have to be honest "

Draco laughed shortly then was pulled up by Harry to get dressed.

They left the house in an hour and Draco as decided wore one of Harry's black sweater with small H's knitted all over. Upon reaching as usual they were engulfed into huge hugs and for an enormous amount of time until they would slightly push to breathe in properly.

When Draco was helping Molly after all the celebrations in the kitchen, she noticed his sweater and said " It looks way better than it did on Harry. I appreciate you wearing that"

" I love them. I wish I could wear these more often but I save these for occasions very special " Draco smiled at her.

" and this is a very special occasion ?" Molly asked

" Of course. You make it special "Draco smiled adoringly.

Molly's eyes filled with little tears due to the overwhelming moment and immediately hugged Draco " You are an absolute gem Draco Darling. Absolute gem"

Draco himself felt too overwhelmed and hugged her back " I love you Molly, I really do"

" Oh Draco-" she choked and hugged him tighter as her voice broke too " I love you too Darling, I love you too "

Little did they know Harry was watching them from the corner and smiling at the way the moment came into being. Harry knew what that affection meant to Draco. All his life Draco was suppressed of so many emotions, so many feelings that he wasn't able to express, love he didn't recieve the way he should've but him coming into the family had shown him ways to express his feelings more so than often and some turned into one of these beautiful moments. Draco finally felt loved and even though sometimes he doesn't admit it but falling in Love with Harry had made him fall in love with so many things that remained out of the count on fingers but he was so glad of that and Harry was even more proud of Draco.

The next morning when they woke up and checked under the Christmas tree of the Weasley house, Draco had received almost 10 gifts from Molly, all of them were the sweaters she might've knit overnight and having Draco's and Harry's initials. Draco had never felt so loved before in his life and he wept sitting there holding onto them tighter to his body enjoying the warmth of the sweaters.

" You like them?" He suddenly noticed Molly had came into the room and was watching him hold onto the sweaters.

Draco stood up and immediately hugged her for a very long time, no words spoken just the affection that developed in the moment. Molly herself didn't say anything but Just kept hugging him back the same way knowing that no words needed to be spoken, no sound had to be made to convey anything. It was only when Ron came into the room and joked about the universe probably imploding with so much love that they separated.

" I love them Molly, every single one of them " Draco said after a while.

Molly smiled in her acute, wide grin and sparkled eyes way that she does so often that said so many more things than the words that could've been spoken.

Harry had been leaning against the door the whole time and now finally he reached behind Draco and hugged him from the back when nobody was looking so they had their privacy " I was right, wasn't I ?"

But Draco didn't reply instead he kept smiling.

Harry, worrisome tried to catch a look on his face " Dray- baby- are you crying?"

" what- no -" he choked.

Harry chuckled behind him and hugged him even tighter, kissing the side of his neck " I'm so proud of you "

Draco hummed, snuggling himself into Harry's arms wiping the corner of his eyes " Thank you "

" For what ?" Harry asked smiling.

Draco only kept looking forward as the hustle in the house that started with Ginny who came into the kitchen with her flowy ginger hair and Ron's hands which roamed over the leftover cakes, Fleur who spoke posh-ly even yet, Arthur who came with his morning energy and his dad jokes, Hermione with her another day of helping Molly with the breakfast and the rest that fitted into the scene like the pieces of a puzzle.

" For this " Draco replied.

Harry looked forward to what Draco was watching and smiled himself. He was himself thankful for all of it and now he was even more happier to have shared this with someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It all started with just a train compartment with a ginger head boy who was messy, shabby, a smile so keen and a heart of gold.

This was supposed to be yesterday's update

Day 22- Family trip gone wrong || Day 24- behind the bedroom doors



Tags :
2 years ago

A Christmas away from home

A Christmas Away From Home

Word 1: Forest

"Just a little bit more. Watch your foot, try not to trip." Harry said as he held onto Draco with a blindfold around his eyes.

"Whatever it is, I hope it's as good for all the struggle you're putting me through." Draco said as he took a cautious step.

They walked a little bit more to what Draco could only assume was a forest until they finally came to a halt and Harry softly took off Draco's blindfold.

Harry stood beside Draco for a moment as he took it all in before he stepped ahead and started, "I know it's not a lot. I could only ask Pansy for so much help and I know this won't be as sophisticated as your Christmas but I wanted to give you your own sophisticated celebration with just the two of us so we can have our own type of Christmas celebration."

The thing was, this year Draco was unable to go back home for Christmas because of the ongoing court procedures still running around after the war. Both Draco and his parents believed that it would be better if he didn’t come home that year but It came up only a few days ago in a conversation while they were in the great hall after hours when Draco finally said the the reason he was sad is because he couldn't go home for the holidays and despite being at home wasn’t the best, he liked the warm feeling of decorating christmas tree, hanging around decorations, having a small party of their own and how it is the one day of the year he enjoyed being at home the most because nobody said anything to him. He misses all of that. 

Harry came forward and took Draco’s hands in his both his hands and said, “Look, I know this isn’t the same. It probably is not even half as close to the party you may have or the christmas tree may not be as giant as your house but I just couldn’t see you being bummed out because of it.”

“Harry- this is- Why?” Draco couldn’t bring himself to say anything else. 

“Why what?” 

“Why would you do this? And how? Like I just don’t get it.” Draco fumbled with his own words because he was too overwhelmed. 

Harry chuckled, “Because I wanted you to feel at home for Christmas and I’m quite seriously dying to listen that I am unfunny as hell and you haven’t said that in a week.” 

Draco gave him a small chuckle and then turned away from Harry as tears glimmered in his eyes. 

“Draco,” Harry softly said as he hugged Draco from behind, nuzzling his face into his neck, comforting him and he said after a while, “Will you celebrate Christmas with me?” 

Draco finally nodded, pushing away the happy tears that came in his eyes. 

“Shall we?” Harry asked when Draco finally turned around and he took Draco’s hand in his own again and intertwined them together. Draco nodded and they walked around the small area Harry had decorated with golden fairy lights, a very small christmas tree and a table in the center with bunch of candles lit over it. 

“So, how is this going to work?” Draco finally asked as he took all of it in. 

“I’m glad you asked. First, we’ll have dinner which by the way, I did not cook because you and I both know that I am a terrible cook sometimes and I didn’t want to risk a perfect evening. Next, we’ll actually hang a bunch of stuff on that small Christmas tree, then I’ll show the gifts I bought you, and then I have a little surprise for you and that would be the last thing for the evening and finally end today with a kiss.” Harry explained thoroughly. 

“I can’t believe you’ve inserted kissing as a part of your masterplan, Harry.” Draco smiled. 

“Monsieur, kissing is the most essential part of the evening.” Harry said emphasizing the from the sentence with almost too much pride that Draco wondered how much could he possibly love this man without any reason but there seemed no end. 

And as planned, they did all the things Harry had planned for the evening, from dinner to gifts that Draco promised to give Harry the next morning, until it came to the final surprise for the evening. 

“So, what’s the surprise?” Draco asked as he stepped closer to Harry and ran his hand through his hair. 

Harry visibly blushed but composed himself too soon and accioed the brooms. 

“Ever since you took time off Quidditch, I’ve felt very lonely about playing Quidditch because I have no opponent I like but I’ve noticed how much you miss flying and I know that its your favourite thing in the world,So,” Harry took a pause and bought Draco’s hands close and kissed it softly and continued, “Will you do me the honour of flying with me this evening?” 

Draco looked at Harry for a moment longer than two, feeling his heart beat louder and his heart growing fonder and fonder for this boy with the most atrocious hair he could ever come across but damn him, he was feeling too many things for Harry at once that he doubted if it was humanly possible to do so. 

He smiled at Harry and then nodded his head, “I’d be very happy to fly with you, Harry Potter.” 

Harry grinned back and handed one of the brooms to Draco and he himself took one before both of them mounted it and took off in the air. 

They flew far high in the air and in circles, screaming and laughing all it off for far too long until they naturally grew tired and came to a halt next to each other, hanging mid air. 

Draco let out a long breath, still smiling, “I never realised how beautiful Hogwarts look from up here.” 

Harry smiled as well, “Hogwarts has always been beautiful, its just that this is the first time you’re encountering it during the best time of the year.” 

“How do you know this?”

“I came here once during the 6th year, I was just flying to get things clear off my mind when I saw this. Its astonishing really how you can be around something for so long but never realise how beautiful or good it really is.” Harry said. 

It was true honestly. Hogwarts looked the most beautiful castle in the whole world at the moment and it wasn’t just about the castle, it was about everything in and out, the lights, the snow, hogsmeade, the giant Christmas tree, it all looked so beautiful and Draco couldn’t believe he has never seen it before. But the most beautiful thing at the time was being in the air with Harry. 

Draco kept looking at Harry so fondly for so long that he forgot he had to even look away all the while wondering how did he ever get so lucky until Harry said something about how they should probably go back to the ground. He was in love, not just with him but every little thing, things he does, this moment, being here for Christmas, Hogwarts, with Christmas and for the first time, he finally felt like he belonged somewhere and it was this moment, he belonged to every moment with Harry. 

When they finally hit the ground, Harry took away Draco’s broom and his own and leaned it against the tree. Draco sensed the silence in the moment and used it as an opportunity to let everything out of his heart. 


Harry turned around and came to stand just in front of Draco, “Yes, love.” 

Draco melted and he let out the biggest smile he could ever pull off and without thinking he kissed Harry. Somewhere he thinks he was waiting for this moment all evening but he finally did it and it felt like snow melting away in the sun. It felt like the perfect moment, the perfect time, everything just perfect and that person Draco was kissing, the most perfect of them all. 

When they finally separated, Draco smiled at Harry still holding onto his neck and spoke so softly, “I loved all of it today. You have no idea how much all of this meant to me and being able to spend all this time with you, celebrating tonight with you, it was the most perfect thing ever and you made it all so perfect, so, I think I want to say thankyou but much more than that I want to say I love you, in the most real and pure way. I wouldn’t have Christmas any other way.” 

Harry smiled back at Draco and gave him a little peck on the cheek and said, “I love you, too and it has never felt more real than now.” 

They stood there for a few more minutes holding onto each other until the clock stroke midnight and they decided that it’d be the best to go back inside before the snowfall begins again. 

They were finally walking hand in hand towards the castle when Draco finally said one last thing of the evening, “By the way, Harry, Quidditch is no longer my favourite thing in the world, its you.” 

And Harry could only smile, “And you’re mine.”  

Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3

@phoebe-delia ​ @chinike @elenaxoxo22 ​ @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ ​ @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords

Tags :
2 years ago

New beginnings

New Beginnings

Word 4: great hall

'meet me in the great hall at midnight. <3. DM.'

Harry unfolded up the note, checking the timing once again before keeping it back in the pocket. He sneaked past the only few students in the common room and past the gates and approached the Great Hall.

Honestly, Harry had absolutely no idea why Draco called him, after hours especially at midnight when they literally met in the afternoon after Potions. It seemed sort of weird but Harry wasn't placing any bets on anything, to think of it, Draco has been acting a little weird lately anyways and upon asking, he's never said anything, so maybe tonight would be just that.

He walked past empty corridors and finally opened the doors of the Great Hall softly and shut it behind him.

"Draco?" Harry called out.

The Hall was still lit up so he could see around the place at once but Draco was nowhere in sight until the door opened again and he saw Draco walk in.

"Sorry, I'm late. You didn't have to wait for long? Did you?" Draco asked but Harry shook his head.

"What are we doing here? It's way past hours." Harry said with some hand motions.

Draco sighed then continued, "Okay, you know how you've been suspicious that I've been hiding something from you lately or been acting weird?"

"Yeah, it's pretty evident because you walked into the classroom without your robe on and then ran right out to get when you actually never forget wearing the robes because you pretend to be all cool by not choosing to wear the school sweater but you know-"

"Yeah, yeah I get your point." Draco cut him off.

"Get to the point." Harry insisted, shivering a little bit.

"You're cold?" Draco asked but before Harry could answer, he cast a warming spell and Harry's shivering almost went away immediately.

"Draco- why are we here?" Harry asked again.

"You know how you mentioned the other day that you never had a chance to decorate a Christmas tree because your holidays were always far from normal before the war and then you said you've never seen anyone actually decorating the Great Hall tree and you wondered who did it, it's the house elves by the way but this year- we get to do it." Draco explained.

Harry frowned, "You mean students?"

Draco shook his head with a sigh, "No, you and me."

"Why?" Harry asked almost confused.

Draco took a step closer and took Harry's hand's in his own, "because you won't admit it but you hate that you've missed out on the normal parts of celebrations. You've never had a good childhood and you know it and you've always dealt with one thing or the another. You've missed out on being able to enjoy the parts of actually doing thing's before days of Christmas and I see it in you when you say you've never actually heard a choir singing Carol's in front of you or been drunk at a party or just having a fun time watching a Christmas movie or something and Harry, if I could give you one chance at trying to remotely feel what it's like to be in Christmas feels, I'd do anything for it, for you,"

Harry took his words in for a long moment before he smiled at Draco, "You saying all of this and understanding everything means everything to me, Draco. Your gesture is enough you know-"

"No, but we're decorating this tree our own way. We have no choice."

"Why do we have no choice?"

"I quite literally begged the house elves to let us do it. They apparently like doing this but I suppose you can say I bribed all of them with something or the other, so now they've all settled into not decorating it. So, basically we have to do it, whether we want it or not because I'd rather not be killed by a bunch of house elves." Draco explained very monotonously that it made Harry laugh.

"They're not very easy to bribe you know." Draco added.

Harry nodded and kissed Draco's cheek, "You're the most adorable person I know."

"Harry Potter, I'm not adorable. Please, no." Draco pulled off his fake offended look to which Harry rolled his eyes fondly and kissed Draco on the lips.

"You're still adorable." Harry said after the kiss.

"Fine, but only because you call me that." Draco caved in unable to control his blush.

Harry smiled at him then said, "So, shall we decorate the tree?"

Draco nodded.

And they spent an hour there decorating the Christmas tree, all the while Draco putting away thing's Harry was hanging because "it didn't match the aesthetic" and Harry hanging it up regardless but they liked doing it together. They liked the idea of being alone after hours and doing something that was actually fun and somewhat beautiful but most of all, they were doing something Harry missed out on so many years and it was a start of a new beginning. New beginnings they got to make on their own and being able to start those new beginnings with each other was the best part of all of it.

When they were finally done, they stood hand in hand a few feet away from the tree and looked at their work with smiles all over their faces.

"This is actually pretty good." Draco finally said turning to Harry who was already looking at Draco.

"What?" Draco asked.

Harry shook his head, "Just looking at you."


"Because you're the only person who's given this all that much thought and I can't believe that I get to love you everyday. I'm just so lucky." Harry smiled.

Draco smiled at Harry then turned to face him, "I'm the lucky one. What you've done and what you do, it's incredible, Harry. If anyone's the lucky one, it's me. This is the smallest thing I could've ever done." He said as he kissed his forehead softly.

Harry embraced Draco in a hug after that, cuddling into him, "I still loved it. Thank you, Draco."

Draco kissed the top of Harry's head again and said, "Anything for you, Harry. You deserve the world."

I have no idea what I was going for but this is it 😭

Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3

@phoebe-delia ​ @chinike @elenaxoxo22 ​ @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ ​ @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @loves-to-read-fanfic

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2 years ago

Want to decorate Christmas tree together?

Want To Decorate Christmas Tree Together?

Word 6: waffles

This idea came from the most random conversation so here we are.

As soon as the bell rang, Draco hurriedly answered the door although he was pretty sure it was too early for anything and he didn't have anything to be delivered at the place but he went anyway.

He opened the door to a man holding a sheet of paper, "Yes?"

"Delivery for Draco Malfoy?"

"That's me but I didn't order anything." Draco frowned.

"It's a parcel." The man said and handed Draco the sheet of paper to sign it.

"What is it?" Draco asked as he stepped more outside the door to notice almost a 5 feet tall Christmas tree standing erect.

"Do you know who might've sent it?" Draco asked but the man shook his head.

Draco signed the paper and the man's co-workers took the tree inside and placed it where Draco asked them to.

"This came with it." One of the co-worker said as he handed him a small piece of card.

As all of them left, Draco finally opened the small card and immediately recognised the handwriting and smiled.

He took out his phone from his pocket and dialled the number.

"Morning." Draco immediately greeted as he picked up the call on the other end.

"You sound too chirpy for me in the morning." Harry said but Draco could still recognise the smile behind the call.

"It's 9 am, why are you still sleeping?" Draco asked as he looked at the tree endearingly.

"Because it's a Saturday, Draco. But I'm up now." Harry said as Draco heard some shuffling on the other end.

"I got your parcel today. When were you planning on telling me that you bought me a 5 feet tall Christmas tree?" Draco asked.

Harry sighed on the other end, "You said you didn't have time to buy the Christmas tree with everything going around and how the shops are too far away. I just wanted you to be able to decorate the tree on Christmas and since we can't be together, it's hard enough."

"Yes but it's only one Christmas. I could've bought a small one for me."

“Yes but I bought it for you now.” Harry said. 

Draco smiled, “You’re a menace, Harry Potter.” 

“Yes, I know but now tell me do you want to decorate it together?” Harry asked.

“We’re in different places, Harry. How are we ever supposed to do it together?” Draco asked confused. 

“We have internet, Draco, we can always do video call.” 

“You know I suck at muggle technology.” Draco remarked. 

“Well, we can do a call and stay on it while we decorate it together and then send each other pictures.” Harry suggested. 

Draco thought about it for a moment, it didn’t actually make sense to do it together, the process of decorating it while on the call seemed like a time consuming idea even. 

“What would we get out of decorating it together?” Draco frowned.

“That we get to decorate it together? Come on, do you want to or not?” Harry asked. 

Draco was still confused but then there was something in Harry’s offer that made him want to do it together, so he agreed. 

They both agreed to call in the evening after they had done all their work, chores and when nobody would disturb them so they would just be with each other. So, when the evening came they did just that, they started decorating the tree together on a call with wired earphones plugged in to their phones. 

Draco had thought it would be almost odd but they slipped briskly into conversations. Harry kept asking random questions like if the cat ornament would look better next to the dog ornament or licorice ornament which made Draco wonder what the hell Harry was doing but at the same time it was all very amusing. He told Harry about his family traditions and how they used to celebrate christmas together and about how every year he would bake cake with his mum as a Christmas ritual but can't this year because his parents' are arriving late this year while Harry told him about his Christmases especially the ones he spent at the burrow. They also got around talking about how things are going and somehow some old school talks and they both realised how funny it was when Draco used to try to get Harry’s attention. They laughed off most of the call but it was just a beautiful bubble moment Draco never wanted to get out of. Towards the end of decorating, Harry started complaining about how Marco, his dog was eating the Christmas balls which had Draco laughing all the more and then making fun of Marco. 

When it was finally done, Draco clicked the picture of his Christmas tree and sent it to Harry and Harry in return sent two pictures, one of his Christmas tree and the other one of Marco chewing off the Christmas ball which made him smile. 

Draco was looking at both the Christmas trees and then he realised, 

“I’ve never decorated a Christmas tree with anyone before.” 

“Really? What about your Mum and Dad at the Manor?” 

“Nope. They were mostly busy with Christmas invites or holding a Christmas ball and I didn’t even use to decorate the main hall tree even, just the small one in my bedroom hallway.” 

“Well.. now you’ve decorated it with someone, how does it feel?”

Draco thought about it for a moment, then looked at his tree and finally said it, 

“Like I want to celebrate the rest of them with you,”  

There was a pause after that. Harry didn’t say anything so Draco went on, 

“I didn’t think about it before but I want to and I know we haven’t been dating all that long but you know the moment when you just know-”

“Draco, I love you.” 

There was a pause again and Draco continued again,

“I-I never knew I wanted to decorate it with you. I didn’t even know it was a romantic gesture till now but Harry- nobody would ever do this for me, send me a Christmas tree, ask me to decorate it with him- I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you, too, Harry. Merlin, it feels so good to finally say it out loud.” Draco and Harry both chuckled at their ends. 

“I want to decorate all of my mine with you too, Draco.” Harry finally said and Draco smiled. 

“Do you want to bake cake together as well?” Harry asked after a while.

Draco grinned on his side, "Absolutely. Tomorrow at 5?"


In that moment, he realised he's found it, he's found the one man he had been looking his whole life for and he’s never finding anyone better. Ever. He didn't need to find anymore, it was him. It was Harry. All along.

Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3

@phoebe-delia ​ @chinike @elenaxoxo22 ​ @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-malfoy @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords @loves-to-read-fanfic

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2 years ago

Weasley Christmas

Weasley Christmas

Word 8: The Weasley burrow

"You're up early, Harry." Ginny said as Harry came down from the stairs.

"Yeah. Habit recently, I guess." He replied as he entered the kitchen where she was and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Coffee?" Ginny asked and Harry nodded.

"Why are you up so early?" Harry asked as he took the cup of coffee from her and thanked her.

She shrugged, "Habit I guess."

Harry nodded and took a sip from his coffee.

"You're missing Draco, right? That's why you can't sleep." Ginny said after a while.

Harry groaned and propped his chin on the table, "Is it that obvious?"

Ginny laughed a little and nodded, "Very, but I don't blame you. It's okay if you miss him and if you can't sleep around without him. It's a sweet thing."

"Yeah but I should be able to. It's been days." Harry groaned.

Ginny smiled at him then playfully ruffled his hair, "You're too much in love, Harry."

"I know." He muffled as he put his hand in his face.

"I really miss him, Ginny and it hurts here." He said pointing to his chest, "and the fact I won't be able to spend Christmas with him, it's just so sad."

Ginny smiled down at him and sat down next to him, "You love him too much, Harry but do you know how lucky you are to have found this? Most people don't find this unconditional love. If not this Christmas, I'm sure you'll spend many more with him and those would compensate for this year and it's so sweet to see you get upset about it but it'll be fine, Harry. You'll be able to sleep at night."

Harry obviously knew she meant the last part as a joke but he wishes it to be be true.

"I hope it gets better than this."

"Want to help with shopping, bake cookies and cake to keep your mind off it?" Ginny asked finally after a while.

Harry thought about it for a moment but then he realised distracting himself was a much better option than sitting and thinking about Draco's absence.

So, throughout the day, they went shopping, bought small gifts, wines, food and what not for the burrow and when they came back they baked cookies and cake and all of this took all day so by the time they were finally done with all of it, it was past 7 in the evening and everyone was getting ready to watch Christmas movie in the living room when then bell rung and Ginny asked Harry to answer the door.

Harry distracted, went and opened the door and for a moment he didn't really believe what he saw until Ginny fazed him back into reality by pushing him towards Draco and practically forcing him to hug Draco.

"You-" Harry muffled as he got embraced in the hug and his voice choked him.

"But you said you won't be back until after New year?" Harry asked as they broke out of the hug.

"Yeah but then Ginny called and I- I just knew I had to come back for Christmas." Draco smiled.

"Thank me later." Ginny sang behind Harry.

Harry couldn't believe himself still and hugged Draco again, "I just- I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you here now. I missed you so much, Draco."

Draco rubbed Harry's back and said, "I'vs missed you, too. I honestly can't survive a day without you either, Harry." He pushed Harry a little behind so he could look at his face and continued, "Harry, I swear I meant it when I said I want to spend all my Christmases with you and all my new years and everything but I did not hold upto my words. I can't do that Harry. I don't want to make promises I can't keep, you mean too much to me and I just can't believe I was going to let some stupid boss dictate me into staying at some place. Nothing is more important than you, Harry. Nothing is more important than my love."

Harry almost tore up and kissed Draco on his lips, gently yet with a stern desire maybe because of not having done it in a while but the urgency to kiss Draco said more than just a kiss, it was all the promises, all the tears, all the happiness he shared with Draco. It was his emotions, it was his feelings, it was his utmost happiness that Draco came, for him.

"Get a room." Ron yelled from behind and they broke apart laughing in each other's embrace.

"Want to celebrate Christmas Weasley style?" Harry asked Draco.

"I'd be glad to." Draco smiled at Harry.

And they did just that. They celebrated Christmas Weasley style and there was no Christmas better than this.

Tagging some of y'all for a boost, don't hesitate if you're uncomfortable with the tag <3

@phoebe-delia ​ @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md ​ @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @littlebodybigheartttt @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-malfoy @textrovert-01 @inflation-of-mind @dearly-devoted-dawdler @drarrywords @loves-to-read-fanfic @cluelesspigeons

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