the-missann - Miss Ann
Miss Ann

Got locked out of my original acc, so I took a while off and now I'm back feeling even worse than I did before. I've written a few stories, check them out if you want~ 🍊 A Website I built from the ground up - 🍊 Wattpad - 🍊 Dumb Ideas and other random stuff -

213 posts

Some People Dont Understand And/or Recognize The Immense Amount Of Strength It Takes To Pull Yourself

Some people don’t understand and/or recognize the immense amount of strength it takes to pull yourself out of a dark place mentally. So if you did that and defeated depression, anxiety, or self-hate I’m so proud you.

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More Posts from The-missann

1 year ago

I just remembered something I wanted to do.

Essentially, I grew up reading and watching yaoi (and also self-identify as a fujoshi) and it's always been a dream of mine to have a queer show go on for as long as something like Naruto or SpongeBob. You know, just longer than three seasons as is typical with shows that have queer main characters.

So, I'll share some of the stories of mine that either have MCs that are gay, have queer characters, or have a plot related around something LGBT.

Also, I wanna use this as a way to detail special cases in my stories as well.

! I am but a simple ally. So if something I say is wrong or there's a better way to phrase it, please kindly let me know. I truly mean no offense by anything here !

Stories with gay MCs

Tales That Were Told (Not written)

So, this is a story that's pretty much done but I haven't written one bit of it aside from a random scene I had to get out of my head. But, originally, this was just a story where two highschool kids were dealing with highschool shit. A slice of life story with two cuties. Then, it got turned into this new story (Tales That Were Told) that is a sequel to another story I'm still currently writing (Tales That Were Lived). It's hard to summarize, but essentially the main story is an adventure dealing with three characters and a fantasy world where they're all coming to terms with finding themselves and learning to love who they are despite where they may come from. In Tales Told, I intend for this story to have like relationship shit, but the relationship is two men *gasp*. It's not gonna be some weirdly specific thing; no, they're just two kids who have a crush on each other while other shit in the world is going on. Revolutionary concept I know.

Unnamed erotica (unedited, 40k wc with a planned sequel at 10k currently)

it has a name, but I don't really like it :(

I was a little iffy about writing this one at first because I'm the type of person who's extremely tired of queer media just being softcore porn. I just want a good story and the characters happen to be gay. But, I also know it's important to write stories like these as well to show all the different sides and to show people that there's not much different about anyone who happens to be lgbt. In this story, my MC Kit is a famous voice actor (like Johnny Young Bosch) and is a total asshole that everyone is scared shitless of. His soon to be boyfriend is a lovestruck puppy boy childhood friend who is desperate to be with him. He's so sweet it's almost sickening! They deal with normal relationship issues, societal problems, workplace harassment, as well as their own personal issues and some of their issues are even from each other. scandalous. Kit as the MC has a million and one issues within himself (including some from his family), but his loverboy is right there to help him! Also, here's another summary I wrote for this on my website that better explains the origin of the story.

I Just Remembered Something I Wanted To Do.

Stories with queer characters

Orange Perfect (unfinished at 21k)

This is had a few mentions of queerness in it. A quick summary: this is a coming-of-age story where three kids (Cassie, Lucius, and Shay) are forced to become friends after all getting targeted by a gang. The MC named Shay is discovering himself. He doesn't know if he's gay, bi, non-binary, gender non-conforming, etc... and is conflicted about his various feelings as he wishes he had a simpler answer for how he feels. Another important character is a trans man (Gabe) who acts as a physical representation of Cassie's own realization of who she wants to be. It's tough for her to live as herself, so Gabe eventually reveals to her that he is a trans man. That his struggles to realize who he really was changed once he accepted himself. As well, he wants her to be different from himself as he's still living partially in the dark since very few people know he's trans.

Any story that has one character named Ren in it (too many to count)

Ren is my MCs twin brother (whenever I want her to have a twin brother) and he is always in a relationship with another character named Mari who I originally made as a trap (I was like twelve). Now a days, Mari is just best described as a twink, but I like his name too much to change it. So that part of the "trap" still exists. Ren is full on gay and screams it from the rooftops as he expresses his interest in men quite often. He's not a flamboyant gay, but he will openly tell people he has no romantic or sexual interest in women and isn't shy to kiss his boyfriend in public. Oh and bonus that women often like him and he has a ton of female friends.

The Entire Fourth Dimension Reality series (total wc of ~100k)

Aside from this story being one long shit post I thoroughly loved making. One of the secondary main characters is suppose to be pansexual. Why this is, is because she only interacts with the other three main characters because she finds them cute (one girl and two guys). Now, she's actually pan for a reason. It's mainly due to her family that made her desire to be loved by everyone around her. This manifested into her just liking anything that would show her affection. (dw Mandy, I love you💗) One of the villains I made to be feminine presenting because he was really pretty in my head when I first developed him. He was going to be genderless, but I decided to make him more feminine and most of that is just with his appearance, but he is defined as a man and acts as so, he just happens to have traditional female attire and mannerisms :)

All The Screams (unedited at 61k)

So, the main point of this story is about Cassie who ends up finding out that she's cursed, but she only does so after going on a mission to escort the prince of her kingdom to his lover. This mission is kept secret and why lies in who this lover is. It's a prince from another Kingdom. Kyo, the prince of Cassie's kingdom, is a little selfish brat who wants what he wants. He fell in love with another kingdom's prince and immediately chose him over his kingdom. With the other prince, his parents are actually gay as well and I made this story around the time I was heavily into yaoi and BL so that may have been an influence as to why tons of characters in this story are gay or why there's major plot points relating to it.

Characters that are iffy/I didn't plan to be queer

The State of Quandary (unfinished with ~60k)/ Before the Reignfall (finished with 45k)

Technically this involves two characters. One of the MCs (Fang) and the MCs friend (Dani) are in the same boat. Originally, Dani was suppose to have a crush on the other MC (Cassie), and that was suppose to explain why Dani even interacts with her in the first place and why they have such a close friendship. However, it felt queerbaity and I felt gross having that as a plot point when it's so obvious Cassie will never even get close to having romantic feelings for Dani. Then, I thought to have Dani be a lesbian because she has trauma with men and dislikes most, if not all, grown men in the world. Fang was the remedy with that as I thought to make them be in a relationship as Fang would be the first guy she ever met who isn't a total loser. However, Fang was originally going to be involved in a love triangle before I realized there's a bit to many conflicts in the story and got rid of it. So, I ended up in a gray area where Fang also doesn't show any interest in women (the result of the love triangle being removed) So, this was my fix. People can either think Fang and Dani are cute together and he manages to break through her trauma, people can think they're both gay and just show no romantic interest in the opposite sex, or their romantic feelings for anyone just isn't important to the story whatsoever. And tbh, I don't mind any one of those options. It's cool when there's different ways to interpret character relationships and it won't lead to fans fighting each other if even I don't really know what it is.

Tales That Were Told (Unfinished at ~90k words)

This villain is a doozy. Their name is Gage and when I first made this character, I pretty much was going to make a woman. However, when I started writing the story, she turned into a he and not even in a way like I intended to change the gender, but even now whenever I write Gage, they're a he. When I think of Gage, they're a she. I don't know what that's about, but even my mental image of Gage is that of both a woman and a man. (If anything, they're comparable to Leo from Tekken). So, to fix this in my head, out loud I refer to Gage as a he. I think of Gage as a she. In the story, the narrator doesn't use any pronoun and characters have conflicting usage as most characters refer to Gage as a he, but there are some who see Gage as a she or simply they/them. Oh, and no, just because Gage might be non-binary, that's not why they're evil. It's not even a plot point in the story. No vilifying personality traits over here lol

Unfinished/unplotted stories with queer plotlines

Unnamed romance (Pink and Brown)

I showcased a snipit of this story (also thanks for everyone who liked it 💕), but there's more to it than what I shared. Back when I actually had a friend, I used to tell him about ideas I had, then he would pretty much allow me to figure out what I wanted to do with it. I told him I wanted to make a story with these two girls I made in a picrew because they were so adorable and they ended up as a couple. I couldn't think of a name so they were named Pink and Brown based on their hair colors. I also couldn't think of the official story I wanted them to have. So, I simply came up with two of them. The first story is a slice of life where Brown and Pink are both in college (for IT and Art respectively) and Brown has a huge crush on two girls--one she knows through mutual friends and another being the artists of a webcomic she really loves. (I'm sure this isn't obvious at all). So, one day, Brown gets a call from Pink and she's really stressed out about something. Eventually, she explains she called her since an IT major could help her with someone hacking one of her social media accounts. Brown agrees and when she finds out what the account is, she's shocked to see that Pink is the artist of the webcomic she's been reading for years. I don't even have a damn conflict in this story so it is dead in the water. I'm sure I'll get some idea for it, but knowing me that'll be years from now, unfortunately. Oh, and the snipit I shared is suppose to be the comic Pink is drawing acted as an AU of the original story (if that makes any fucking sense)

Unnamed romance (Idol x non-idol)

This one feels like a fever dream because I don't even remember why I came up with it. Anyways, this is suppose to be a slight extension of the erotica. This is another famous person who ends up falling for an accountant after a random encounter he had with him after a concert. The accountant doesn't want to be involved with this celeb for several reasons, but mainly because he's known to sleep around. The celeb is determined and pretty much forces them to have a relationship by hiring him as his new money manager. He pretty much gets him fired from his old job and... that's all I thought of. It's suppose to end up being really cute as the celeb eventually reveals the kind of person he really is, but what that is, I'm not really sure.

Random Tangent

Now that I'm writing this, it does make me think about an abandoned story I wrote where a failing manager falls in love with a client who essentially saves him from losing his career. The erotica and it's extension are already related, and this other unnamed story (I'll call it The Client for now) had a connection as well. Real quick, all these stories are connected to Orange Perfect through Cassie and other relationships. Without giving away major spoilers (just in case) Cassie ends up as someone very influential in the media world by the end. As a college age girl, she's meeting with the Celeb and the Accountant; and, at some point in her journey, she meets and works with the Manager in The Client. Kit knows a ton of people in the industry and knows the Celeb, the Manager, and Cassie who he has a business relationship with. So, it's easy for me to add Pink. Pink could eventually be offered a contract to a major publication, and cross paths with Cassie through some means. There's even a chance for Kit to voice any character in her webcomic, the celeb to make music for it, and even the manager could help her somehow. Sometimes I get really good ideas for things that just are not possible. I would love to have these five stories apart of a collection in this "reality" I made up for them. Ugh. It sucks to not have this as my actual job. Anyways, I thought it would be kind of cool to have all these stories be related.

That might not be everyone, but I often use queer elements in my story so, who knows, maybe I'll update this in the future with more!

But, thanks for reading if you did~🍂

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1 year ago

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Next up is one of the secondary characters who is introduced after she's kidnapped by a cult (and no, this isn't anything major in the story lol).

Mandy Modesta

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She is also a senior and spend most of her time at school dating. Mandy is very pretty and has always attracted male attention, she didn't start seriously dating until she was seventeen where her behavior stems from a desire to be loved.

Because of this, Mandy is pansexual and actually loves anyone in whatever form they come in. This even extends to the creatures she encounters inside of rifts.

Mandy has an unnatural ability to find the group no matter where they are and this is what leads to her eventually joining! Within the group, Mandy helps them find things they otherwise wouldn't be able to. Her and Cassie get along very well because Cassie loves to be loved and Mandy loves to love.

The scene below is when Cassie is being presumed by a guy who wants to date her and Mandy does her best to protect Cassie.

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Unfortunately, Mandy officially doesn't show up until the fourth book, so there's not really full defining moments for her yet.

So, she'll be the exception and I'll detail a bit I have planned for her!

Despite her being very sexualized, I intend to build her character in a way where we find out why she's like this. Of course I won't spoil what it is exactly, but it does have something to do with her family.

Because of this, her and Cassie are suppose to form an even stronger bond with each other since they both share similar feelings, but about different things.

Also, my girls also have more impactful plots as Cassie has a subplot with her feelings about how people treat her. Similar to Mandy, they bond over that feeling at some point in the story.

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Fun fact: when I first designed her, I happened to be very interested in 'baddies' so Mandy's attire is based on what typical Insta baddies wear.

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1 year ago

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Next character up is

Cassie Ann, the deuteragonist of the story.

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She is an energetic young woman who tries her best to make everyone around her happy. Being a 4th Dimensional being just like Larson, she also is curious about her species and essentially forced Larson to let her help him.

She is very headstrong and has a hard time listening to others who aren't making sense. Despite this, Cassie is a sponge and any emotion anyone currently has, she usually feels it as well. This makes her grow empathetic towards even the worst of people. It doesn't cloud her judgement though and she will only help someone if she feels like it.

Cassie is going to be in every other scene I made because she's so friendly, she's involved in almost everything the group does. Cassie is made to be the catalyst for most everything that happens and if not for her, no one would even interact with each other.

P.S. the scenes she's in with the other characters aren't colored because 1. I'm too lazy, but also because I got tired of having to get the right colors every time I drew them. Then in 2023, I learned about color pallets 😶‍🌫️

I'm also thinking of this right as I'm about to post this, but she's the Deku to Larson's Bakugou lol.

Anyways, I was going to draw her in these different hair styles, but I decided just to have a mention that Cassie's hair is different throughout the story. She is black and I like to be realistic and not rude when it comes to making black people and their integral hairstyles :) Also this helps so people can relate to her a bit.

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As for this form, this is something I haven't written, but clearly got the idea for. In the second book, the beings called Selestials are a species of rock people who are born through the energy of their earth. Because Cassie isn't a human, she's able to endure the process of this birth and ends up in this form!

This was also just "I'm a super big fan of my own work and wanted to see her in this form" so I ended up adding it in the story.

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Here's a little scene for her:

Cassie made off as swiftly as possible, wasting no time when she was finally let go. As Cassie was walking around, she made sure the phone was still up and could see everything she was seeing. After her check, she took another look at her surroundings.

There’s nothing here! What am I even looking for?

Cassie looked out and could see all the other planets.

It was still a sight to behold. She was amazed at how beautiful the universe was and found herself thinking that they should visit other planets after this. She sighed, but right now we’re on a mission huh?

Cassie decided to keep walking and found nothing on the barren planet, so she picked up a rock and put it inside her bag to take home, but then she heard a noise. She suddenly turned… and saw nothing there.

“Lars?” She called out.

Nothing was to be heard, but she was sure she heard something. Cassie shook her head and resumed walking when the noise returned.

She didn’t turn around this time, but instead reached for the rock she collected. With it gripped in her palm, she waited until hearing the noise again; which she did. Quickly, she turned around and threw the rock as hard as she could in that direction.

The rock shot out just barely missing the one who was now behind her. This person stood with a smile on their face, unphased by the rock that almost hit him. He looked human, so Cassie thought they had to be like them.

Cassie thought this optimistically. “I’m sorry if I almost hit you with that… I thought you were my friend.”

“So that other one is with you?” He asked himself. “Then it’ll be easy to make quick work of you two. As long as you’re not together, this’ll be easy.”

His words were strange and they only caused Cassie to sigh when she realized what she may be in for.

Her optimism was squashed as she spoke. “Um… are you going to try and kill us?”

He chuckled. “Maybe not, if you decide to work with me and not against me.”

“To do what?”

“Destroy anyone who feels they can oppose me and make me the ruler of the entire universe!”

Cassie stared at him as he spoke. She sighed and walked over to a larger boulder she saw, she set her bag down and made sure the phone was angled perfectly.

“Are you abandoning your earthly possessions?” Asked the strange male.

“No, I just don’t want my phone to break when I attack you.”

“What are you-”

He was cut off when Cassie punched him square in the face. This sudden and intense impact caused him to fall to his knees. Cassie stood behind him and waited for him to lift his head up. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and spoke to him.

“I don’t know if you think you’re stronger than me…I mean, you might be, but much like I was against Lars, I can’t let you do whatever you want.” She stared down at him with a blank look on her face.

Her banter caused him to chuckle. “And why’s that? Because you fear the destruction of this world and everything in it?”

“No, I just don’t want to have to listen to someone who’s first line was getting rid of someone.”

The male found himself laughing even more now. He reached back to grab Cassie’s arm, he did so and Cassie stared at him with the her expression unchanged.

“Then we’ll have to see if you’re strong enough to stop me!”

She sighed to that. “Why couldn’t the first thing we found have been friendly?”

The man laughed and reached to strike Cassie…

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Not- so-fun fact: this Cassie is pretty much the only one I have built like this. All my other Cassies are shy, anxious, and don't talk. I always love writing her this way, but, the person who review swapped with me said that Cassie had to have some kind of underdeveloped mental state because she frequently acted as a child would... when she's only seventeen. Again, I feel this was only said because she's a female.

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1 year ago

Note: if anyone's curious as to why I didn't share the 3rd book, it's because it has sensitive topics and unless some expresses interest in seeing it, I don't wanna add to the millions of other sensitive topics on the internet.

But, now it's time for the last member of the group.

Gast doesn'thavealastnamebecausespoliers

Note: If Anyone's Curious As To Why I Didn't Share The 3rd Book, It's Because It Has Sensitive Topics

Gast is a very shy boy who seems to have no presence. When he's at school, he's frequently ignored where people don't even notice he's standing right in front of them. He doesn't mind that since he's a worried, anxious, and shy young man.

Being a new student, no one really even knows who he is either. However, he ends up seeing the group when they're exiting a rift and after seeing other strange events like this, asks the group if he could be protected by them.

Cassie is extremely willing to help him out and he joins the group!

Because of his low presence, they often use Gast to get things they would otherwise be seen trying to obtain. Gast is also very sensitive to emotions and because of that has a fear of animals since they're more emotion based than humans or other species.

Note: If Anyone's Curious As To Why I Didn't Share The 3rd Book, It's Because It Has Sensitive Topics

Here's an excerpt of my boi:

*A/n: he goes by Abel when he's first introduced*

Neither Cassie nor Larson were very concerned about the individual, but they felt differently about how to handle him having seen them.

Jax was more level headed and tried to think of the situation as rationally as he could.

“You g-guys are freaks!” The boy started to breathe very heavily. Taking in audible, quick, and deep breaths while holding his chest.

“Woah, calm down…” Jax tried to ease him. “Can you tell us your name at least?”

His eyes shut tight, but he spoke. “A-abel…” He seemed to be getting worse with his erratic breathing and unsteady feet.

Jax continued his efforts and told him to sit down. Abel now sat inside Jax’s car while catching his breath.

The trio then moved to stand around him. With how everything seemed, they needed to make a decision sooner rather than later. However, that wasn't going to happen while the boy remained in his state of distress.

Cassie stayed a bit away from him in order to give him some breathing room and no one said anything. They let him calm down and soon he seemed to be getting better.

At this, Cassie spoke up. “Are you good now?”

“A bit better…” He managed to say. “But that’s all.” He paused looking up. “B-but, still, can you guys tell me what’s g-going on?”

“What do you mean by that?” Larson asked.

“Like, you guys going into that… thing o-over there and coming out like two minutes later!”

“It was really two minutes?” Cassie turned and asked Jax.

Jax smiled. “That’s a good base to start with, but I’d still like to get a real timer and make a proper conversion.”

“What are you guys talking about?” Abel asked.

“Nothing, but if you’re really curious, answer my question first and you’ll get your answer?” Larson said. Abel said nothing and he went on. “Why did you follow us?”

Abel took a small pause and lowered his head slightly. “While you’re right that I was kind of… s-stalking you guys. I only was because you guys turned down that girl who’s been bothering me!”

“You mean that kind of promiscuous girl?” Cassie spoke.

Larson scoffed. “I think you mean a slu-”

“I’ll kill you if you say that Lars.” He clicked his tongue and didn’t speak. “But her?” Cassie asked, returning her attention to Abel.

“Yeah… her name is Mandy and ever since I got here, she won’t leave me alone.” He let out an uncomfortable moan. “She finds me wherever I am, no matter how hard I try to avoid her. On that day when you guys were with your dog in the park, she found me there as well! Then, I saw you guys talking and she left and hasn't bothered me since then.” He explained. “I just kind of… want that to continue.” His voice dropped off by the end.

“Why?” Jax asked.

“Because! I-I just don’t want people getting too c-close to me… I-I’m not the type of person who likes a lot of attention, I just wanna be left alone...” His voice trailed as he went on and his head dropped with every word.

“But we’re fine?” Larson seemed unconvinced.

Abel tried to defend himself. “I-it’s a lot better than having a g-girl who n-never knows when to leave you alone,” Abel said, “p-plus, like I said; I saw you guys go in that thing and… and that's not the weirdest thing I’ve seen since I got here! I saw a guy lift up a boulder with o-one finger and I figured he was just like you guys and I-” He began to breathe heavily again.

Cassie crouched down and gave him a soft smile. “Hey, you don’t have to tell us, okay?” He looked at her. “I can believe you, and I think I know what you’re asking of us.”

“Huh?” Abel said as Cassie returned to standing normally.

“You want to be our friend!” Everyone just stared at her. “I know you all are staring at me like I’m crazy, but screw all of you ‘cause I know I’m right.” She snapped at their silence. “Whether you like it or not, the only way we can protect you from all these dangerous things going around is for you to be our friend.” Cassie turned back and gave the biggest smile she could to Jax and Larson. “Alright?”

“I should be impressed,” Larson said, “it only took you seconds to decide something this time.”

“See? I’m getting better aren’t I?”

“More like worse.”

Cassie frowned. “What did you say?”

Cassie and Larson began to bicker while Jax just returned to Abel. “Do you mind accepting her offer? Cassie’s a hard one to turn down.”

Abel’s eyes fixed on them, he felt himself calm down seeing as how none of them were totally fixated on him. “I don’t know if I should trust you guys yet or not.”

Jax smiled. “At the very least, if Cassie says it, it’s a given. So if she wants you to be her friend, then it means we all agree.”

Abel looked up at Jax before letting out a sigh. “I’m… alright being friends with you all… that is if I really can?”

Jax smiled. “Like I said, it’s a given if Cassie says so.” Jax then looked up in thought. “But I would’ve waited if I were you.”

Abel's eyes widened. “H-huh? Why?”

Jax laughed. “I’m kidding.”

Abel let out a sigh and relaxed as the pair went on arguing...

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Fun fact: Gast's hair style is based on Belphie's from Obey Me! I didn't intend for that, but after I made it, I realized they were too similar to be coincidence.

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1 year ago

I literally never win anything I enter so this is this super awesome! Can't wait to see what you come up and looking forward to other stuff you do in the future!

Raffle winner!

Some technicalities: I listed each person who reblogeed in the order they did so, and then removed whoever reblogged but did not throw me a follow which narrowed down a list of 18 participants, wohoo! I decided to go with two winners instead of one too :> @the-missann and @transmandonnie congrats! If you haven't noted whom you want drawn in the tags, I'll reach out. If you have but have changed your mind, let me know asap. Thanks everyone who joined, spread the word and just interacting in general!

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