He/him I love shiping, headcanons, OCs, and hearing your opinions!(and polls, polls are good)Proshiping is never alowed here.You can NEVER be too kind!
313 posts
The "villain Show Off" Sacrifice.
The "villain show off" sacrifice.
Every single episode some poor worker dies to show off a new threat, usually at the beginning, the only exceptions to this being episode 4 and maybe 5.
Episode - 1
Instead of one just one particular character having a terrible day, we're shown how everyone had a terrible day when the DDs showed up. In this scenario, Copper-9 itself is the "beginning of episode sacrifice".
Episode - 2
In this episode, we don't really get one at the beginning of the episode but we do get a sacrifice to show off the threat, that being Frank.
Episode - 3
This might be one of the most obvious ones, poor girl got salamied by Doll. Did you know that that same girl is voiced by Nola Klop? V's voice actor?
Episode - 4
I think this is the only episode where there isn't much of a sacrifice. I guess you could say that Darren and Rebecca were that sacrifice but that immediately leads to her "big bad" thing, like Doll's prom massacre or Eldritch J's fight with N and Uzi.
Episode - 5
Now, I could say something like "CYN in the dump is the sacrifice." and that would be understandable but I want to go a little bit further. What if the entire episode was the sacrifice?
Episode - 6
This is the episode where it became very clear to me that this was a thing, and it is, again, one of the more obvious ones. 029 gets ripped apart by sentinels.
Episode - 7?
I don't think anybody really knows what ep-7 is going to be about (besides angst) BUT I have an absolutely wild prediction and I really need y'all to hear me out.
What if the sacrifice is Doll? Like, all of these have been absolute NOBODIES. Seeing Doll be put to that level would be a sure-fire way to make whatever kills her seem like one hell of a threat.
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More Posts from The-simple-creature
Just a bunch of Doll Headcanons
Doll is incredibly introverted and is pretty much a different person the moment she closes the door of her room
Doll's only real friend was Lizzy
Doll enjoys singing
Doll often plays chess with herself
Internally she's just as much of a gremlin as Uzi
She may or may not ship Nuzi
Lizzy left her alone at a party once, Doll hated it
My last "X eyes" theory, the big one.

I have made many theories (probably definitely too many) as to who/what this guy is and I suspect (know) it's getting annoying so I am just going to put every theory right here, including a couple new ones!
The format for each theory goes as such:
Small paragraph explaining it.
Each piece
of evedence
For it
Each piece
of evedence
against it
Theory 1: This is CYN/The AS
Simple, it's CYN, the one that far too many people are saying is true. To clarify, this theory says it's JUST CYN, not the true form of the AS or anything like that, just good ol' mansion CYN.
It kinda looks like her.
CYN isn't in the poster
This character is being hidden and HEAVILY foreshadowed, we've already seen CYN
The hair is too small
CYN has never made those eyes
The drawings mostly come from Nori, whom had some form of precognition or just saw CYN's plan, which implies that this has not happened yet
Theory 2: This is an eldritch character.
This is probably my second least favorite one but it does have far more evidence supporting it.
V is "killed", which would supposedly give us Eldritch V
Hasn't happened yet
We don't know what all Eldritch characters look like, they might not all be jawless-holo-spooky-snake-crabs.
V isn't in the poster
Sentinels are (allegedly) designed to fight and kill DD's, which would include the eldritch form
Uzi says that if Alice killed V that she would get quote "a freaky worm", which implies that they ARE all jawless-holo-spooky-snake-crabs
Again, the hair
Again, the eyes
Theory 3: It's a new form of CYN/The AS
The second most likely one... with about two real problems.
Hair would fit
Eyes would fit
Technically hasn't happened yet
We have no idea what it could be
We have no idea what it could be
We better have a damn good reason as to why it's not possessed Uzi /hj
Lame as hell /j
Theory 4: It's possessed Uzi
The most likely one, probably the correct one. I don't actually mind this one, this one feels like the realistic pick. I found a lot more evidence against this than I thought I would but it wouldn't bother me if this was the correct one.
Hair is an almost exact match (see here)
Uzi is being possessed as we speak
Hasn't happened yet
CYN didn't get the X eyes when possessed, why would Uzi?
That's not what her hair normally looks like
She's already in the poster
The repeated use of the X eyes would suggest that they are a constant, Uzi (very briefly) flickered them once
Uzi's hair is A: longer and B: purple
The teeth
Theory 5: It's something completely new
My personal favorite one, mainly because I'm a simp for the SD-S theory.
Hasn't happened yet AND would explain why the picture on the left exists, that drone may have seen this character personally in cabin fever labs, thus explaining why a "normal" drone could draw it
Would provide more lore on Nori
The hair being similar to Uzi's could just be Nori's design/Nori made the hair for this character
Would kinda explain the 6-7 month wait
Could be a "experiment gone horribly wrong" type character, explaining the eyes
Could explain why and how the sentinels exist
Foreshadowing would HIT
I'm honestly just coping for the fact that it's probably CYN
The exact same problem as theory 3
"twₒ EPisₒdEs isN'T ENₒuGh TimE!" (It's valid, I'm just salty)
Most if not all of the evidence points to this at least being something we haven't seen yet. While most of the evidence could also just be ignored, the two theories that answer the most questions and have the most/best evidence are probably theories 4 and 5.
In conclusion: this is ether someone new or at least a new form of somebody, heavy foreshadowing to me means that this thing is going to have some sort of importance to the story that isn't just "yellow Uzi".
At the absolute BARE MINIMUM, this thing is going to have a unique personality or, well, perhaps a lack of one.

@tutchando74 @shadelessanon


Tagging: @kingkyoujurou @presidentmonica @laudthingcat @kampfkuchen85 @cherrykamado @bxbycake @happygoluckyalexis @tonaken + anyone who wants to <3
V walks into a party with Lizzy.
"K Thad I got her."
"Ok cool but where's the beer?"
V looks at Lizzy and Lizzy looks at V.
"... I may have misheard you."
Uzi then walks in with Doll.

God? Is it finally my time to go? I see, I lived a full and happy lif-
Wait I'm alive?