Murder Drones Episode 6 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

The "villain show off" sacrifice.

Every single episode some poor worker dies to show off a new threat, usually at the beginning, the only exceptions to this being episode 4 and maybe 5.

Episode - 1

Instead of one just one particular character having a terrible day, we're shown how everyone had a terrible day when the DDs showed up. In this scenario, Copper-9 itself is the "beginning of episode sacrifice".

Episode - 2

In this episode, we don't really get one at the beginning of the episode but we do get a sacrifice to show off the threat, that being Frank.

Episode - 3

This might be one of the most obvious ones, poor girl got salamied by Doll. Did you know that that same girl is voiced by Nola Klop? V's voice actor?

Episode - 4

I think this is the only episode where there isn't much of a sacrifice. I guess you could say that Darren and Rebecca were that sacrifice but that immediately leads to her "big bad" thing, like Doll's prom massacre or Eldritch J's fight with N and Uzi.

Episode - 5

Now, I could say something like "CYN in the dump is the sacrifice." and that would be understandable but I want to go a little bit further. What if the entire episode was the sacrifice?

Episode - 6

This is the episode where it became very clear to me that this was a thing, and it is, again, one of the more obvious ones. 029 gets ripped apart by sentinels.

Episode - 7?

I don't think anybody really knows what ep-7 is going to be about (besides angst) BUT I have an absolutely wild prediction and I really need y'all to hear me out.

What if the sacrifice is Doll? Like, all of these have been absolute NOBODIES. Seeing Doll be put to that level would be a sure-fire way to make whatever kills her seem like one hell of a threat.

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11 months ago
I Think We All Collectively Forgot About The Oven. Whether We Are Actively Suppressing It Because Of

I think we all collectively forgot about the oven. Whether we are actively suppressing it because of ALL the possibilities or just because Liam also forgot is up to debate.

I sense 4 things they could do with these:

Season 2 new character dump

Monster of the week

Robo-Angstrom Levy

All of the above

Nonetheless, this definitely feels like a season 2 thing and a MASSIVE season 2 thing at that.

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11 months ago

I would like to give a small reminder that episodes 1-4 all have some time skip in between them, be it a few days or maybe even months.

Episodes 5-7 happen in one day.

N: Almost dies, recovers all his past trauma, almost dies X2, is tasked with killing his girlfriend, watches V die, almost dies X3, meets his girlfriend's mom, has to kill one of his childhood friends, watches his girlfriend get possessed, almost dies X4, is forced to confess to mixed results, sees Tescyn, almost dies X5, and watches his girlfriend sacrifice herself all in


Episode 8 better let this man die or give him a god damn break. Preferably the latter.

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9 months ago

Seeing as Serial Designation S has left the "Do they actually exist" limbo in episode 7, being revealed as Tessa (and J's OC), I need a new character that doesn't really exist (yet) to obsess over.

Seeing As Serial Designation S Has Left The "Do They Actually Exist" Limbo In Episode 7, Being Revealed

So this is Ali, my new pfp. :D

(Obsessing over Max too but he's not my profile picture)

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9 months ago

Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali Do not make an ask blog for Max and Ali

(Context and more context)

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6 months ago

Hey Murder Drones Fans!

Have you noticed Murder Drones starting to lose viewership?

From episode 1, Murder Drones was very successful in episode 1, but as time went on (meaning from episode 2 onwards), the number of viewers dropped very quickly.

From 50 million views in episode 1 to 24 million in episode 2.

From 24 million views in episode 2 to 26 in episode 3.

From 26 million views in episode 3 to 25 million in episode 4.

From 25 million views in episode 4 to 19 million in episode 5.

From 19 million views in episode 5 to 20 million in episode 6.

From 20 million views in episode 6 to only 19 million in episode 7.

I'm afraid that Murder Drones is starting to lose its inspiration, viewers are no longer interested in it so the number of views is going up and down, not as good as episode 1.

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7 months ago

I was re-watching episode 6 and I somehow JUST noticed

I Was Re-watching Episode 6 And I Somehow JUST Noticed

uzi trys to hold N's hand while tessa is- bEiNg TeSsA

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1 year ago

I searched for this post for 15mins and I finally found it

Turns out the green was for the bug!

(I did love this theory tho, a Thad episode would be awesome)

So I Have This Theory.
So I Have This Theory.
So I Have This Theory.
So I Have This Theory.

So i have this theory.

Thr color of the episodes show us eye color of the character

So which means that episodes 6....

So I Have This Theory.
So I Have This Theory.

Tell me what you think please

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1 year ago

So… V was (presumably) killed by things called Sentinels?

I wonder what that word means

So V Was (presumably) Killed By Things Called Sentinels?

I’m sure there’s a reference to the Solver in the second definition but I’m gonna focus on the first one for now.

V was killed by sentinels, but she also previously appointed herself as the role of a sentinel, watching over N and doing whatever she could think of to keep him safe.

V sacrificed herself to the Sentinels to keep him safe. She sacrificed herself to her role as a sentinel, giving everything up to that point to fulfil that role, and now even her life, now trusting that Uzi can carry on the role of sentinel because she’s seen the extent she’d go to to keep N safe too.

“We do our jobs. And that THING leaves us alone.”

She did her job, just not the one she was told to do. Instead it was the one she gave herself. For the hope, and the chance that by doing so, that thing (Cyn/The Solver) can leave both her and N alone.

…Now if Eldritch V shows up in either episode 7 or 8 that could even be seen as the Solver denying her the closure of it leaving her alone after she finished her job.

Anyways here’s a photo of V at the FNAF movie to say thanks for reading that whole thing

So V Was (presumably) Killed By Things Called Sentinels?

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