Murder Drones Ep 7 Prediction - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hehe, mom murder lore funi :D

Does anyone else think Uzi going nuts about N killing Nori just... doesn't work?

Uzi has shown that she doesn't really care all that much, ie:

"I'm not the only one who has lost family to them!" N looks to Uzi, concerned/scared "Bite me! We move forward together or not at all!" N is relieved

To clarify, N might have killed Nori but I don't think it would be all that big of a deal... Hell, if he DID it would probably be used comedically... WAIT I'M A WRITER!

Tessa walks into the room, demanding the attention of everyone in it.

Tessa: Uzi, I know who did it, who murdered your mother.

Uzi tries to say something but is interrupted by Tessa.

Tessa: N!

N is terrified, he hardly remembers it... oh, but now he does.

His first kill.

Horrified by his own actions, he ran before checking if she was really dead.

Uzi looks at N and then looks down at the floor, seemingly mortified.

The music builds up, Uzi clenches her fist and after a few seconds, finally raises her head to speak.

The music cuts out and Uzi takes a deep breath.

Uzi: Well that sucks, and? She says nonchalantly.

Tessa and N are both confused, with a bit of relief mixed in for N.

Tessa: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he also broke the PS7 she was going to give you.



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1 year ago

The "villain show off" sacrifice.

Every single episode some poor worker dies to show off a new threat, usually at the beginning, the only exceptions to this being episode 4 and maybe 5.

Episode - 1

Instead of one just one particular character having a terrible day, we're shown how everyone had a terrible day when the DDs showed up. In this scenario, Copper-9 itself is the "beginning of episode sacrifice".

Episode - 2

In this episode, we don't really get one at the beginning of the episode but we do get a sacrifice to show off the threat, that being Frank.

Episode - 3

This might be one of the most obvious ones, poor girl got salamied by Doll. Did you know that that same girl is voiced by Nola Klop? V's voice actor?

Episode - 4

I think this is the only episode where there isn't much of a sacrifice. I guess you could say that Darren and Rebecca were that sacrifice but that immediately leads to her "big bad" thing, like Doll's prom massacre or Eldritch J's fight with N and Uzi.

Episode - 5

Now, I could say something like "CYN in the dump is the sacrifice." and that would be understandable but I want to go a little bit further. What if the entire episode was the sacrifice?

Episode - 6

This is the episode where it became very clear to me that this was a thing, and it is, again, one of the more obvious ones. 029 gets ripped apart by sentinels.

Episode - 7?

I don't think anybody really knows what ep-7 is going to be about (besides angst) BUT I have an absolutely wild prediction and I really need y'all to hear me out.

What if the sacrifice is Doll? Like, all of these have been absolute NOBODIES. Seeing Doll be put to that level would be a sure-fire way to make whatever kills her seem like one hell of a threat.

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