Murder Drones Episode 4 - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

The "villain show off" sacrifice.

Every single episode some poor worker dies to show off a new threat, usually at the beginning, the only exceptions to this being episode 4 and maybe 5.

Episode - 1

Instead of one just one particular character having a terrible day, we're shown how everyone had a terrible day when the DDs showed up. In this scenario, Copper-9 itself is the "beginning of episode sacrifice".

Episode - 2

In this episode, we don't really get one at the beginning of the episode but we do get a sacrifice to show off the threat, that being Frank.

Episode - 3

This might be one of the most obvious ones, poor girl got salamied by Doll. Did you know that that same girl is voiced by Nola Klop? V's voice actor?

Episode - 4

I think this is the only episode where there isn't much of a sacrifice. I guess you could say that Darren and Rebecca were that sacrifice but that immediately leads to her "big bad" thing, like Doll's prom massacre or Eldritch J's fight with N and Uzi.

Episode - 5

Now, I could say something like "CYN in the dump is the sacrifice." and that would be understandable but I want to go a little bit further. What if the entire episode was the sacrifice?

Episode - 6

This is the episode where it became very clear to me that this was a thing, and it is, again, one of the more obvious ones. 029 gets ripped apart by sentinels.

Episode - 7?

I don't think anybody really knows what ep-7 is going to be about (besides angst) BUT I have an absolutely wild prediction and I really need y'all to hear me out.

What if the sacrifice is Doll? Like, all of these have been absolute NOBODIES. Seeing Doll be put to that level would be a sure-fire way to make whatever kills her seem like one hell of a threat.

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10 months ago

I would like to give a small reminder that episodes 1-4 all have some time skip in between them, be it a few days or maybe even months.

Episodes 5-7 happen in one day.

N: Almost dies, recovers all his past trauma, almost dies X2, is tasked with killing his girlfriend, watches V die, almost dies X3, meets his girlfriend's mom, has to kill one of his childhood friends, watches his girlfriend get possessed, almost dies X4, is forced to confess to mixed results, sees Tescyn, almost dies X5, and watches his girlfriend sacrifice herself all in


Episode 8 better let this man die or give him a god damn break. Preferably the latter.

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5 months ago

Hey Murder Drones Fans!

Have you noticed Murder Drones starting to lose viewership?

From episode 1, Murder Drones was very successful in episode 1, but as time went on (meaning from episode 2 onwards), the number of viewers dropped very quickly.

From 50 million views in episode 1 to 24 million in episode 2.

From 24 million views in episode 2 to 26 in episode 3.

From 26 million views in episode 3 to 25 million in episode 4.

From 25 million views in episode 4 to 19 million in episode 5.

From 19 million views in episode 5 to 20 million in episode 6.

From 20 million views in episode 6 to only 19 million in episode 7.

I'm afraid that Murder Drones is starting to lose its inspiration, viewers are no longer interested in it so the number of views is going up and down, not as good as episode 1.

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8 months ago

oh i could yap on for so long about how much i love Cabin Fever, it’s a showcase of Uzi’s mind and fears and anxieties, in particular her fear of abandonment/being left alone, because she’s only just getting used to having someone by her side and she’s terrified of being alone again because now she knows how miserable she used to be when she didn’t have anyone to count on

The episode isn’t about shipping, it’s about an outcast character who only just found her place being scared of being outcasted and hurt by the ones she opened up to, and the Solver preying on her fears and using her panic to take control while she can’t fight it off.

She points out “Yeah they’re my friends too” and she gets bitter over N and V fitting in because she’s been trying her whole life to fit in and was never able to, so of course she’d feel bitter when her classmates would rather spend time with V, who would have massacred the Prom literally last episode if Doll hadn’t done her thing (N is more chill though I don’t think she’d feel as bitter over N because she’d likely be able to reason with her emotions easier there? Idk)


It’s why the sky therapy session is so good, Uzi is terrified of being alone and she can’t just say that or open up and tell N that, and when she finally does she immediately tries to undermine her own feelings by saying “Nevermind, it’s stupid!”, because being vulnerable isn’t something she’s used to and it hasn’t worked for her before. And then N gently reassures her and lets her open up to him (she opens her wings to look at him better after he reassures her, quite literally coming out of her shell).

Cabin Fever is an episode that both showcases that V knows more than N does, it showcases more of what the Solver can do, and it’s an episode about someone who is terrified of being alone trying to deal with her anxieties alone and realising it can’t work.

“I’m not dealing with everything well, but I’m done dealing with everything alone,” was a line from episode 3, well episode 4 is the one that forced Uzi to learn what that really meant, and to learn that yeah she can be vulnerable around N.

Anyways episode 4 is one my favourite episodes and whoops i accidentally wrote an essay about it uhHHHHH- *backflips into the void*

Why is it that whenever someone tries to explain why Nuzi is a bad ship, or why it’s not healthy, etc. they place all the blame on Uzi?

It feels like majority of this fandom uses Uzi as a scapegoat and then only cares about N in the context of ships.

(And I know not everyone says/believes this, but it’s a large enough portion that I felt the need to rant about it)

N is not perfect and he’s also his own individual character. He’s a very complex and smart individual, and it’s honestly heartbreaking how this fandom dumbs him down so harshly

One thing that gets me so incredibly heated is the spreading of misinformation and mischaracterization and N, UZI, AND V are all mischaracterized so horribly it’s gotten to the point where I fear half of this fandom lacks basic literary comprehension.

Cabin fever is one of the best examples of this. From what I’ve seen, it is one of the most hated episodes and I low-key believe that is only because it’s so misunderstood (that or people think it’s a useless filler, which I can see, but I personally believe it was just as needed as the other episodes)

No, Uzi was not upset because she was ‘jealous’ N was hanging out with the other campers. She was upset because her classmates were more accepting of the ones who WERE CREATED LITERALLY JUST TO KILL THEIR KIND than her. Uzi is also not a ‘pick me.’ A pick me is someone who does too much in order to seek male validation. Uzi has never done anything to try and steal the spotlight or attract attention— all she’s done is shown affection for the one person in her life who showed her care. And no, her character was not ruined after the pilot. She was so harsh in the pilot because she was extremely emotionally damaged. The reason why she’s gotten softer is because she’s HEALING

No, V is not jealous and sad and miserable because of N and Uzi‘s relationship. She cares about both of them equally. Yes, it took her a minute to warm up to Uzi, but she did eventually. The only reason she was trying to kill Uzi/get rid of her in the first place was because of the absolute solver— it wasn’t because she was jealous that N was spending more time with Uzi than her. Gosh, I could ramble on and on about the complexity of V’s character— it’s upsetting how many people sideline her

And N, oh, N… this fandom has dumbed him down so much. Yall realize N had his suspicions about ‘Tessa’ since the very beginning, right? He knew something was off for such a long time but he had nothing to prove it/he probably didn’t want to believe it at first. But when he asked her “You knew about the patch, yes or no?” And she responded with “You know why I keep you around, N?” That confirmed everything for him IMMEDIATELY. And that’s just one of several examples showcasing N’s intelligence

I’m not very good with words, so this is probably jumbled and I definitely missed a lot of points, but I needed to share something before I exploded 

Depending on the response, I’ll probably end up deleting this, because I’m a huge baby and can’t handle people people yelling at me if I’m wrong 😭

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