oscillating between one piece and supernatural as my hyperfixation depending on the weather
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A Good Night's Sleep
Law can't escape, even in his dreams. Especially in his dreams.
You know those games where you hit the ball around to get it to the finish line? Law is the ball. Trigger Warnings : - Implied Character Death - Graphic Description of Corpses - Maggot - Blood and Gore - Psychological Horror - Implied Genocide Nothing is graphic except the description of the corpses but it's definitely there. Feel free to let me know if I missed anything. Fandom : One Piece Character(s) : Trafalgar D. Water Law Words Count : 962 No. 4: HALLUCINATIONS Hypnosis | Sensory Deprivation | âYou're still alive in my head.â (Billy Lockett, More)
Law ran and ran, but he couldn't escape. The white stretched everywhere, on the buildings, on the trees, on the people . The cold air bit his skin viciously and his ragged breathing formed condensation in the air.
The smoke morphed before his eyes, winding and wrapping all around him. The smell of smoke and burning flesh hit his nose and Law doubled over to vomit.
He was so hot, his skin was clammy and he felt like he was suffocating in his heavy black feather coat. The coat swallowed him up completely, almost suffocating him and Law wondered when it had arrived on his shoulders. It must have been Cora-san who had put it there. But where was Cora-san?
The smoke thickened, taking on the appearance of crows with bloody feathers. Drops of blood fell onto the pristine snow. White. Red. Black. Lawâs head kept spinning.
Where was Cora-san?
If they didn't hurry up, Doflamingo would catch up with them.
(Doflamingo had already caught up with them.)
(Cora-san was dead.)
Law looked up at the sky. The stars shone brightly in the dark night, incandescent and untouchable. (How could he see them through the smoke?) A star grew in the sky, grew and grew until Law could see only it, until his retina burned in his eyeballs.
Strings of gold descended from the heavens, like the will of a vengeful god (run Law, run), and fell to the earth with all the force of a meteor. The ground shook and Law fell into the bloody snow.Â
The threads streaked the sky by the thousands until Law could no longer see the stars, trapping him in the White City. (City of the Dead, City of Angels)
A birdcage.
(Doflamingo was there.)
(Run, Law, Run.)
The blood-stained raven croaked, a cruel, bitter laugh. Law wept with it. His tears felt like stardrops, burning against his cheeks.
Law began to run again. The white continued to advance, marking his skin and seeping into his body, all the way to his lungs. Soon, the white would swallow him whole until nothing remained of him but a bloodstain on the snow.
A weight fell on his back, sending him to the ground and snow poured into his mouth. Law tried to swim through the mass that clung to his skin like blood, but chains around his feet pulled him deeper into the earth.
Law screamed. But no one heard him.
The pressure on his back grew more intense and when Law opened his eyes again, Lammy's lifeless eyes were staring at him. Law was drowning in a sea of ââsevered limbs and rotting flesh. Bones sticking out in all the wrong directions, teeth falling out of twisted smiles. Gaunt skin covered in white spots.
The white had caught up with him.
(Dead. Everyone was dead.)
Law was the only survivor.
âSee? There is no despair in this world. Someone will probably come and give you a helping hand.â
A maggot crawled out of Lammy's eye and into Law's ear.
But he couldn't scream.
(But he couldn't cry.)
If he screamed, the Navy would find him and kill him.
(If he cried, Doflamingo would find him and kill him.)
It was his only way to leave Flevance alive.
(It was his only way to leave Minion Island alive.)
A skeletal hand placed itself over his hand and mouth, preventing him from screaming. Terrified, Law followed the arm with his eyes, barely daring to move or breathe. Cora-san smiled at him, blood running from his nose and a broken tooth.
âIâll die smiling! Because if you ever think of me, I want you to remember my smile.â
Cora-san's coat spontaneously caught fire. As usual, Cora-san didn't notice. The fire spread to the mountain of corpses that Law was on top of, licking the soles of his shoes.
The World Government wanted to remove all evidence.
(But they wouldn't be able to, because Law was still alive.)
(For that, he had to run.)
(Run, Law, Run.)
A hand locked around his ankle, cold and bony. Lammyâs head snapped around in its socket, the skin of her face melting around her eyeballs. She was smiling.
âBig brother, letâs go to the festival!âÂ
Lammyâs hand tightened, her fingers digging in painfully until blood flowed.
âBig brother, why donât you want to play with me?â
There were tears in her eyes.
âBig brother, why donât you love me anymore?â
Law tried to pull away, tugging and kicking. He fell out of the pile and into the snow, Lammyâs torn-off arm still clinging to his ankle.
Gunshots rang out in the night, making Law flinch violently.
(Two brothers face to face, a gun in their hands. A perfect mirror.)
(Cora-san's body falling on the chest where Law was hidden.)
Law began to run, Lammy's arm like prisoner's chains around his feet. Black and pink feathers flew around him, a raven laughed in the distance.
Strings wrapped around Law's throat and hands. A doll tangled in his puppeteer's grip.
"You can't run forever, Law."
He couldn't escape.
 He couldn't escape.
  He couldn't escape.
A crevasse opened beneath his feet, snow cascading down and dragging Law down with it. The white covered him, swallowed him, ate him whole.
But just before Law was completely devoured by the white, an open hand closed around his wrist. Warm and soft and gentle. A blond man smiled at him, black and pink feathers dancing around him.
âIf you want a good night's sleep, nothing better.â
(Law hadn't slept properly since Cora-san died.)
(The world was so noisy .)
Law's voice was weak, almost inaudible.
(No one had heard him cry amidst the explosions, long after Cora-san died.)
(Cora-san could always hear him.)
â Wrong .â
Law screamed.
(No one heard him.)
I'm sorry.
DAY 3: Did You Get Me Some Pie?
Dean is going to die, Sam doesn't know what to think about it.
I think this story is one of my favorites, it was just so interesting to write. It was also a bit complicated, I wanted Sam to have an asshole vibe at the beginning but I'm not sure I succeeded. I also know nothing about the American justice system and capital punishment, I tried to do some research but it wasn't very conclusive. A bit of context for this story, it takes place in the Lebanonverse (I think that's the name) where John disappears in 2003 to go to the future. As a result, Sam becomes Kale!Sam and Dean is, we don't really know, a criminal, a hunter? Trigger Warnings : - Discussion of Capital Punishment - Major Character Death - Heavy Angst (That Shit Is Sad As Fuck) - That's It? Fandom : Supernatural (TV 2005) Character(s) : Sam Winchester Relationship(s) : Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester Words Count : 3,624 No. 3: SET UP FOR FAILURE Fingerprints | Wrongfully Arrested | "I warned you."

And this is hard to hear â performing at your best requires all of your mental energy. Every last drop. You see, itâs just not compatible with something like, uh⌠hobbies or, uh â or even having a family.
Sam slammed the car door behind him hard, drops of water falling from his hair onto the leather seat. He gripped the steering wheel in his hands, exhaling loudly. The rain fell heavily outside, hitting the roof of his car in a steady melody. It reminded him of nights on the road in the Impala, Dean humming in harmony with the rain, lulling him to sleep.
Back then, he felt like nothing and no one could touch him as long as he was with his family. Now, Sam knew it was his family that brought danger. It had been over fifteen years since Sam had last spoken to Dean, since he had refused to go with him to search for John. They didnât even share the same last name anymore.
(It wouldnât have been great publicity for a renowned lawyer like him to have such an obvious connection to a wanted criminal.)
Sam tugged at his turtleneck uncomfortably, pushing all nostalgic thoughts from his mind. Leaving Dean and John behind had been the right decision. Every wanted poster plastered with the face of the man Sam had once called his brother reminded him of that. He could never have accomplished what he had done today, his family would have slowed him down, prevented him from succeeding.
Sam meant every word he said during his conventions, performance, the pleasure of a job well done, nothing was more important. Everything else was secondary. And Jess had once agreed with him.
That didn't mean it was easy . But all the sacrifices Sam had made to get to where he was in his life had been worth it. He had the life he had always wanted as a child, the recognition of his peers, the pursuit of knowledge, the stability of a job.
Sam had no regrets about the choices he had made.
Sam ran his hand through his damp hair, brushing it away from his face, and turned on the engine. The radio automatically started, and Sam froze as he heard the last words of the news bulletin.
âThe death penalty has been handed down for serial killer Dean Winchester, known for the mass murder of a dozen FBI agents in Monument, Coloradoââ
Sam didn't hear the radio host finish their sentence, the blood pounding in his ears drowning out their words. He couldn't have said Dean . Sam would have known if he had been arrested, the whole country would have known. Dean had terrorized the United States for years. And it shouldn't have affected Sam, because he didn't know this Dean Winchester. He wasn't the same person who took care of him and protected him from monsters in the dark.
Really, he had no reason to change his perfectly established routine for a stranger, a criminal .
Dean and Sam Winchester didnât know each other anymore.
Sam turned off the radio, the silence more brutal than he could have imagined. Sam was used to silence when the day ended, even welcoming it. It was synonymous with efficiency, tranquility, and security. He turned the radio back on, selecting a classical music program.
Starting the windshield wipers, Sam headed for his apartment.
Arriving home, Sam did something he hadnât done since his divorce from Jess a few years ago. He pulled out a bottle of wine that a client had given him and poured himself a large glass. If anyone asked, heâd blame Dean. He sat on his couch, ignoring the urgent files waiting for him on his desk. If he was entitled to a night off, it was tonight.
Even after years, Dean was disrupting the life he had created for himself. Sam had fought so hard to get away from his family, but he felt like he could never completely escape them. But he had been right to do so. Where would he be if he had followed Dean? Probably in a nearby cell, also waiting to be executed.
In the distance, he could picture Dean behind barsâthe one from the wanted posters, not the one from his childhoodâhis face blurred like an ancient memory, covered in scars, with a sharp smile and a glint of madness in his eyes. Sam never could imagine himself being by his side. Whether they were face to face or thousands of miles away, those bars always separated them.
And now, they were going to be separated forever. Because Dean was going to die .
Logically, from the perspective of the frightened child who wanted to escape the monsters and his family and the monsters that were his family, this should have been a good thing.Â
Sam wasnât so sure.
Could he let Dean die? Could he let Dean live ?
Dean was a killer.
Years ago, Sam could have assuredly said that what Dean, John, and he were doing was a good thing. Now, he no longer saw the brother he had loved in the hardened features of the man on television. And a part of him thought it was possible that Dean had lost his way so much that he had actually committed the crimes he was accused of.
Blood was blood, and Dean had never known when to stop while there was still time.
Sam got up, unable to stand still when his mind couldnât seem to stop meandering, and stood in front of the clear window. Below, darkness stretched over the city, hiding monsters and those who hunted them. Droplets of rain trickled down the glass, distorting the red and white lights of the city traffic.
Under the moonlight, the wine swirling in his glass looked like blood. Sam had been a killer too. And Dean had once been the one to wash the blood off his hands with all the devotion of a brother. Sam finished his glass in one go, red staining his lips and teeth.
Ignoring the late hour, he called his assistant. âCancel my appointments on Monday and Tuesday, I have a⌠family emergency.â
Getting a last-minute visit shouldnât have been this easy, but it had been for him . His name was synonymous with power, not the kind John would have wanted, but powerful nonetheless. Sam was capable of changing things, of making the world a better place.
A car with tinted windows came to pick him up and escort him to the prison, and after a pat-down that Sam submitted to without issue, he was issued a visitorâs pass. He left his black umbrella in the hallway and tightened his tie.
(It had been Jessânot John or Deanâwho had taught him how to tie his tie. They were still just friends at the time; she had found him in the bathroom at the university, panicking before a meeting with his advisor. Gently, she had taken his hands and tied the knot for him, patiently explaining each step.)
(Jess and he were no longer friends.)
Fiddling with the two rings on his left handâboth for people he had loved, both now obsoleteâSam followed a guard through the unknown but familiar hallways. This wasnât the first time Sam had gone to a prison to visit a prisoner. It was the first time he went for a personal reason.
It was the first time he went without the intention of getting the person he was visiting released.
The guard glanced at him every now and then, his face hesitant as if he wanted to question Sam. Samâs commanding gaze made him turn back each time. Sam encouraged curious and eager minds, but not tonight . Not on this subject.
(This part of his life â the darkest part â was his. (Deanâs. Johnâs.) And if he wanted to forget it, to consign it to the furthest part of his mind and never think about it again⌠that was his right.)
(There was still time to turn back.)
They stopped in front of an armoured door, accessible only with one of the keycards the guard held in his hand. Behind the door was an airlock and yet another door, one that Sam could open freely this time.
Behind it was Dean.
(There was still time to turn around.)
"At your request, your conversation will not be recorded," the guard recited. "However, given the prisoner's security level, we ask that you respect the security instructions you have been given. Do you need them repeated to you?"
(There was still time to turn around.)
"That won't be necessary," Sam replied.
"Very well," the guard said, unlocking the door. "You have one hour, knock if you want to get out before the time limit."
(There was still time to turn around.)
"Thank you," Sam said politely, crossing the threshold of the door.
The door slammed shut behind him. It was a step, maybe two, to the next door. Sam forced his body forward, his hand hesitating over the handle.
(There was still time to turn around.)
"It's a little late for a lawyer, don't you think?" Dean scoffed as Sam opened the door, not even looking at who was entering the room.
(There was still time to turn around.)
Deanâs green eyes locked on him, a whirlwind of emotionâoverwhelming and vividâthat Sam didnât dare comprehend. But above all, hope . Dean laughed hysterically at the sight of Sam, as mad as the media portrayed him, but Sam couldnât ignore the relief in his voice.
(It was time.)
Sam closed the door behind him.
âDonât call me Sammy.â
The defense mechanism was automaticâforgotten but never gone, like the silt of a pond rising to the surface after someone threw a rock in itâand only made Dean laugh harder.
âOh man,â Dean sighed, happy tears welling in his eyes. âI didnât expect this.â
Dean had wrinkles now, and scars too. Sam knew that, he had seen them in pictures, but he never thought that time could have an effect on Dean.
"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Mr. Campbell ?" Dean asked when Sam remained silent. "For someone trying to run away from his family, you're pretty bad at it. I didn't take you for a sentimentalist."
As he always did, Dean struck first. He had never known how to leave Sam alone. Always reaching out to him, dragging him along, forcing him to move on.
"Death row inmates get one last meal," Sam replied, putting a white plastic bag on the table.
But Sam had never let himself be pushed around, had always hit back, blow for blow - just like Dean had taught him - and his favorite pastime had always been wiping the arrogant smile off Dean's face.Â
Dean's face darkened at that, the shadows on his face harsh under the industrial light of the prison. Sam wondered if he'd made a mistake. This wasn't the Dean he knew, his big brother, this was a stranger who shared the same blood as him.
(Dean was a killer.)
âSo what? Youâre here to get me out of here?â Deanâs tone was sharp, like heâd never stopped fighting, like he didnât know how. âBecause Iâm afraid itâs impossible, even for you, Sammy.â
âNo,â Sam sighed, pulling the chair in front of Dean, the metal scraping against the floor with a shrill thud. âNo. I just wanted to⌠Itâs been a long time.â
Sam was a brilliant lawyer and orator. He wielded words the way he once wielded blades, coldly, precisely, never missing his mark. People feared and respected him.
In front of Dean, he was a scared little boy.
(Leaving had been the right choice.)
"Sixteen years," Dean retorted with just a hint of reproach in his voice. "I see you've done well. Lawyer, that suits you well."
"And what about you?" Sam asked, not knowing how to behave around his estranged brother.
"Still in the family business," Dean grinned roughly. " Someone needed to take care of it after Dad disappeared."
"You didn't find him?" Sam asked surprised.
If anyone could find John, it was Dean.
A second later, it hit him. John was probably dead. Sam waited for his heart to clench at the news, for a weight to lift from his shoulders, for a tear to roll down his cheek. Nothing happened.
John was dead. Sam wasnât sad, or relieved, or angry.
â Oh .â
âYes, oh!â Dean bit out, the anger unmistakable in his voice this time.
âIâm sorry,â Sam said, his words sounding more like a question.
Dean sighed heavily, running his hand over his face, the immeasurable weight of the years seeming to fall on his shoulders mercilessly. For the first time since he had entered the room, Sam looked at Dean.
Dean had hunted alone for a long time, without someone to cover his back, and it showed. His face was covered in scars, some still fresh, red-purple and blistered. A cut peeked out of his t-shirt along his windpipe, bloody and raw, and bruises dotted his arms under the tattoos and burns.
He looked tired. He looked ready to fight.
"What are you doing here, Sammy?" Dean asked. "Have you come to absolve me of my crimes? Have you come to beg for forgiveness?"
"I⌠I don't know," Sam confessed. "I just wanted to see you one last time."
âIt's a little late for this, don't you think?â Dean laughed cruelly. âBut it's not like you had sixteen years to do it.â
âDean, pleaseââ
Some truths were universal: Sam Campbell always won in court. There were creatures from your worst nightmares lurking in the shadows. Dean Winchester would do anything for his little brother.
âOkay, Sammy,â Dean agreed. His tone was kind but rough, as if without Sam by his side heâd forgotten how to be. âOne last time for the road. I hope you got me some pie!â
Samâs eyes flashed almost gold with mirth, coming to life for the first time in years. âSee for yourself,â he suggested mischievously, pushing the plastic bag toward Dean.
Dean laughed again, with joy for the first time, and oh how heâd missed that sound. If Sam could live in one moment forever, this would be it, Sam decided. His big brother excitedly ripping open the plastic to reveal a supermarket pie, his smile aligning with his facial features in harmony, as it always should have.
âThis is awesome ,â Dean said. âI havenât had pie in months.â
Dean grabbed one of the plastic forks, the chains of his handcuffs clicking loudly against the table, and took a comically gargantuan bite.
âAs delicious as always,â Dean said through his mouth full. âWould you like some?â
âNo thanks, itâsââ Sam cut himself off, â itâs too much sugarâ, so what? âYou know what, why not?â
Sam grabbed the second plastic fork and cut off a more reasonable portion before bringing it to his mouth. It was sweet , disgustingly sweet. Sam could feel the cavities attacking his teeth. He took a second bite.Â
It tasted like his childhood. Sam ignored the sting of tears in the corners of his eyes.
âIâm not brushing my teeth and Iâm going to die tasting pie,â Dean exclaimed with conviction.
Samâs hand froze in mid-air. Deanâs eyes widened in surprise.
âI thought you knew. Itâs today,â Dean said gently, like he used to talk to Sam when they were kids. Dean cleared his throat, forcing all emotion out of his voice. âToday is the day Dean Winchester dies. For real this time.â
Sam put his fork down on the table, a knot tightening painfully around his throat. He felt like he was going to throw up his heart. Sam knew Dean was going to die. But not now .
(He thought he still had time.)
âItâs too soon,â Sam said, unable to keep the whining tone from his voice.
âIâve been incarcerated here for almost a year,â Dean said. âIt was a long time coming. Thereâs not a person here who doesnât want me dead.â
( Me ! Sam wanted to scream. I donât want you to die. But his words stuck in his chest along with his bleeding heart.)
âEscape then!â Sam exclaimed, slapping the table with the flat of his hand. âYouâre a hunter, weâre trained to get out of situations like this.â
âYou think I didnât try?â Dean retorted. âThey wonât let me escape this time. Iâve had about ten tracers injected under my skin since I set foot here. But I guess thatâs what you get when you blow up a police station.â
Samâs blood froze painfully in his veins. For someone who had desperately clung to the certainty that Dean was a killer, he had forgotten it pathetically quickly.
(The eyes Dean looked at him withâbright green and more alive than Samâs could ever beâwere nothing like the man on the television. Sam didnât know which ones were real.)
âBut you didnât do it, did you?â Sam asked.
âIf even you doubt me,â Dean laughed bitterly, âhow do you expect me to tell the people outside that it was Lilith, the first demon who was trying to free Lucifer?â
Sam was repeating himself tonight. The situation was slipping out of his hands at breakneck speed, the rope burning his fingers as he tried to cling to it with no results.
âYouâve been gone a long time,â Dean replied sadly. âBut I donât want to talk about that. Tell me about your new life, about Jess.â
Sam forced a smile as he watched Dean wiggle his eyebrows suggestively.
âWe got divorced a few years ago,â Sam replied, swallowing painfully.
(His vision was still blurry through the tears.)
âOh, shit, I didnât know. Sorry Sammy,â Dean apologized.
âThatâs⌠You couldnât have known,â Sam stumbled over his words in frustration, hiding his face in his hand. How could Dean apologize for something as ridiculous as his divorce? Dean was going to die .âIâm sorry, I canât.â
(He thought they still had time.)
Sixteen years of hard work and sacrifice were crumbling like a precariously erected house of cards in less than an hour in his brotherâs presence. How weak he was, the powerful lawyer.
âSammy,â Dean said, reaching his chained hand across the table to rest on Samâs. âEverythingâs going to be okay. It should be easy for you, you donât even love me anymore.â
Deanâs jokeâif it was oneâfell flat in the dead silence of the room. Samâs eyes filled with tears, silently streaming down his cheeks, burning like acid rain.
âIâm sorry I wasted so much time,â Sam whispered, biting back a sob. âI should have come with you.â
Dean stood, spreading his arms as wide as his chains would allow.
âCome here.â
Sam rushed to his brother, clinging to him like a lifeline in the raging ocean, a thousand-year-old, unbreakable rock. Dean closed his arms around him and Sam thought â selfishly perhaps â that Dean needed that embrace too.
âIâm proud of you, Sammy. For going and fulfilling your dreams. You have the life you always wanted, the one you fought for,â Dean whispered, a secret between him and Sam, the last one. âDonât forget that.â
âI canât do this alone,â Sam said, shaking his head negatively.
âYes you can,â Dean replied, smiling sadly.
âWell, I donât want to,â Sam refused.
Why was he realizing all this now? When it was too late to make a difference. If only he had done something sooner. If only he had left with Dean 16 years ago.
If onlyâ
(He thought they still had time.)
Before Sam was ready to let Dean go, someone knocked on the door twice in quick succession. The knell tolled.
âTimeâs up.â
Dean let go of Sam first, pushing him toward the door, the freedom and life that had been stolen from himâ
It was Dean who had driven Sam to the bus stop when he left for Stanford. The ride had been in tense silence, neither of them knowing that they wouldnât see each other again for a long time, for their entire lives. (Sam wondered if it would have made any difference.) But Dean had come.
â with his big brother watching him leave once again, Sam walked away, as scared as when he was eighteen.
Sam turned around (this time). He knew it was the last time.
âCan you come?â Dean asked. It was the first time he asked Sam something. Sam wished he had never asked. âI don't want to die alone.â
The tears on Sam's cheeks hadn't had time to dry before the guard closed the door, leaving Dean alone in the room, leaving Sam alone in the one next door.
Sam Winchester watched his brother die. He looked him straight in the eyesâbright green and full of life for the last timeânever failing.
This was something the world would never know. Something that would haunt Sam until he died. Dean Winchester died with tears in his eyes, sugar on his cheek, and three words on his lips, spoken to his little brother through the window.
"I love you."
When Sam walked out of the jail, a few hours and a lifetime later, it had stopped raining. The sun was peeking through the clouds, a rainbow bridging the road as he started the Impala. A ghost settled into the passenger seat and the radio started.
Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole. Sam could make an exception this time.
Carry on, my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't you cry no more
They make me physically ill, why is it so sad? They haven't seen each other for sixteen years. Sixteen years! And when Sam finally realizes that he needs and loves his brother, it's too late. And if Dean hadn't told him it was today, Sam would have left without knowing that it was the last time he spoke to his brother. Like the two times before! They had so many chances and they didn't take any of them. And Dean. He watched his little brother leave him twice (three times if you count the time after John disappeared) because he knew that ultimately it was the best decision for Sam. Argh. I break my own heart.
Day 2 : Again.
Luffy relives the worst day of his life, over and over again.
I wasn't inspired by today's prompts so I chose one of the alternatives: Time Loop. Since I didn't have time to write everything, I'll post loop by loop as I go along, instead of all at once. This story is quite hard to read (and write), so pay attention to the warnings and take care of yourself above all <3 Trigger Warnings: - Graphic Description of Violence - Blood and Injuries - Burns - Major Character Death Fandom : One Piece (Anime & Manga) Character(s) : Monkey D. Luffy Relationship(s) : Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace Words Count : 1,548 No. 2: ALTERNATIVEÂ Time Loop

First Loop
Luffy struggled to retrieve Ace's Vivre Card that was slipping from his fingers. It was in front of him, just inches away, and yet unreachable. He didn't really know why, but he had to retrieve that Vivre Card. It was important, it was a part of Ace. He couldn't lose it. Nothing else mattered. The outside world faded into the background around him â the screams of agony, the smell of blood and smoke, the corpses he was stepping on to escape â leaving only the small burning piece of paper in his field of vision.Â
(Ace had been burned by Akainu. His big brother, the one who always walked two steps ahead of him, unreachable and strong , the living embodiment of fire, had been burned . Sabo had died in the flames of an explosion. Luffy had forgotten it, but big brothers could burn too.)
Luffy's hand finally closed around Ace's Vivre Card and the panic that clouded his mind subdued. He had succeeded, Ace wouldn't leave him.
He had promised.
âYou won't leave here alive!â
Luffy looked up and met Ace's desperate gaze. Why was Ace looking at him like that? He should be happy, Luffy had his Vivre Card back.
The flaming fist of Absolute Justice charged at him, invading his field of vision until all he could see was flames â stories whispered by a campfire, the burn of the Grey Terminal fire on his skin, Ace's arm around his shoulders in the middle of winter â and bloody red.
Luffy wanted to move, should have moved, but he couldn't. The world was so fast when he was so slow, exhaustion slowing all his movements to the very core of his bones.
(If his crew was there, he could have rested for five minutes before going back into battle, but Luffy was alone .)
Suddenly, without Luffy understanding what was happening â he was so tired â Ace was in front of him, smiling sadly. Luffy's eyes widened in horror as he noticed the fist through Ace's body. The smell of burning flesh hit him in the face and Ace vomited blood, a retch shaking his entire body.
Akainu stepped back, removing his fist from Ace's body carelessly, Ace's guts falling to the ground, bloody and steaming. There was a hole in Ace's torso, where his lungs should have been. The skin around the wound was burned raw, sizzling with blisters and peeling away to the bone. And amidst the mess of ruined and damaged flesh, hidden behind his broken ribs, his brother's still beating heart.Â
Thud, thud, thud.
Luffy focused on Ace's fading heartbeat, clinging to his brother's last breath of life. Ace wasn't dead yet! Luffy could still save him. Luffy remembered yelling at Akainu who was raising his fist once more to finish Ace off, but he didn't remember Jinbei and Ace's friends intervening.
Everything vanished when Ace fell to his knees in Luffy's arms. Luffy caught him, his hand red, red, red when he looked at it after touching Ace's back. Luffy placed his hand on the wound, trying to stop the endless bleeding. Ace slid into Luffy's arms, his head falling onto his shoulder, and Luffy tightened his grip around Ace, refusing to let him go.
"I'm sorry, Luffy," Ace struggled to say, choking. "I'm so sorry, I stopped you from saving me properly. Forgive me.â
Ace was breathing heavily, just talking, draining him of his meager strength. Blood was dripping down Luffy's shoulder in large drops.
"What are you talking about? Stop talking nonsense!"
Ace wasn't dying, Luffy could still feel his heart beating between his fingers. Ace wasn't dying. He couldn't die. He had promised. He couldn't die.
"Someone!" Luffy begged, screaming until his vocal cords broke, feeling the heat leave Ace's body. âHeal his wounds! Save Ace!â
Luffy didn't like the cold. Cold meant being alone in the night, cold meant an empty place in the treehouse. Cold meant Death.
"Luffy stop," Ace said weakly. "My time has come. He burned me from the inside out, I won't make it this time.â
And Ace was never weak. He was bold and brash and mean at times, a raging fire. Never weak, always strong. Ace was the reason Luffy survived Sabo's death. Because Ace was strong where Luffy wasn't, learning to be kind and caring for Luffy.
Ace was strong .
Luffy wasn't.
âNo! You promisedâ! Luffy refused, understanding what his big brother meant. âYou told me Ace, right? You said you wouldn't die!â
Because Ace was strong but he was also stupid. He forgot obvious things sometimes and Luffy had to remind him. Like the fact that Luffy loved him. But if Luffy reminded him of his promise, then maybe Ace wouldn't die.
âYou promised,â Luffy stopped himself from sobbing. Ace didn't like whiners.
âYou know, if it wasn't for Sabo, if I didn't have a little brother like you to watch over. I wouldn't have wanted to live.â Luffy's heart clenched painfully in his chest. âNo one wanted me after all. So it's completely normal.â
Ace clung to Luffy like a lifeline, as if Luffy was the only thing keeping him alive. Luffy was terrified that he wouldnât be enough to keep Ace alive for a little longer.
âOh right, if you ever run into Dadan again, could you say goodbye for me?â Ace laughed softly, his laughter cut off by a coughing fit. âItâs strange, now that Iâm about to die, I feel like I miss her.â
Aceâs breath was labored, his voice hoarse. And Luffy didnât dare look â because if he did, heâd have to face his big brotherâs dying face â but he was pretty sure Ace was crying, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
âI only have one regret, and thatâs not seeing your dream come true. But I know you, youâll get there, thatâs for sure.â Ace and Sabo had been among the first to hear his dream, among the first to believe in him. âYou're my brother after all.â
Luffy had two brothers. One had been dead for over ten years, the other was dying in his arms. Who was going to believe in his dreams now?
And yet Luffy couldn't do anything. He was frozen, afraid that the slightest movement would make things worse. The only thing he could do was hold his brother in his arms as he died, hoping that Ace would feel all the love Luffy had for him.
Ace was loved. He had to know that, right ?
"As we promised each other back then, I have no regrets about the life I led."
This time, Luffy couldn't help but protest. This wasn't how it was going to end. It couldn't be.
(Ace's heartbeat was getting slower and slower, more and more rare.)
"No, you're lying!"
"No, it's true!" Ace insisted, his fingers digging painfully into Luffy's shoulder with a surprising strength for a dead man. âIt seems that what I always wanted in the end wasn't fame or glory. But just the answer to my question. Why did I come into this world? "
Ace had always been haunted by his past, by the past of those who had come before him, that of his parents. But Luffy didn't live in the past, he didn't care who Ace's father was. What mattered was the present, what mattered was that Ace was Luffy 's brother.
Ace was Ace and that was all that mattered. Ace had always been enough.
"Luffy, I want you to listen to what I have to say and tell the others afterwards," Luffy knew at that moment that his brother's words would be his last. He wasn't ready for that. âEven though I've been a good-for-nothing my whole life, even though I carry the blood of a demon.â
The fighting raged around them and yet it had never been interrupted. Ace's family fought to give them one last moment, one last hug.
"Thank you for loving me!"
Crying, Ace formed a smile on his lips for the last time. Ace collapsed in Luffy's arms, his hand falling from Luffy's neck where Ace had clung to during his final moments, leaving a trail of blood along Luffy's cheek.
Ace fell to the ground, alive one moment, dead the next, and Luffy screamed out all his pain and sorrow, inaudible amidst the horrors of war. Ace was dead.
Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.Â
Ace was dead.
Ace was dead.
Years of memories flashed through Luffy's mind in a split second - all ending with the same tragic phrase "thank you for loving me", all ending with Ace's death - shattering his psyche to the last piece.
They were always meant to end up here - Ace, dead and Luffy, helpless - there was nothing Luffy could have done to change things.
In the end, when the darkness reached out to him, Luffy welcomed it willingly. Luffy fell into nothingness, hoping to never come out. Not if it meant living in a world alone.
Click. Again .
Rouge meets Roger a few months after she enters to the New World. He's funny, flirts with her endlessly, but more importantly, he has a ship. So she flirts back, lets him buy her a drink or two, and at the end of the night, she steals his ship. And his straw hat for good measure.
Roger chases her to the docks, his crew behind him, and by the time he gets there, Rouge has already cast off. Roger's fingers almost close around her wrist, a ghostly touch. The wind rushes through her sails, and Rouge blows Roger a kiss as she laughs away from the island.
A few weeks later, Rouge has all but forgotten about Roger, except for the fact that she's living on his ship. She could sell it and buy one more suited to her needs â a smaller one for starters, living alone on a ship that big feels like a ghost ship â but something's stopping her. There's life everywhere she looks, memories, of Roger and his crew. She almost feels bad for stealing it, not just the ship but what it represents.
But Rouge lives her life without regrets and it's not like she's going to turn back now.
Life goes on and so does Rouge.
Roger catches up with her the next day.
Rouge wanders the streets of the city, restocking her supplies to leave. The island was pleasant enough, with long sandy beaches, but adventure awaits. The air pressure increases as she exits a store and Rouge swallows to clear her aching ears, watching the clouds for any sign of a storm.
The danger does not come from the sky.
The crowd parts around him instinctively, and Rouge stares into his gray eyes. That's where the real storm is, dangerous and beautiful. Roger smiles, Rouge starts running.
They run through the city, between market stalls and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Rouge almost lets Roger catch up with her once or twice before running out of his reach again. Adrenaline and joy flow through her veins, giving her wings. But when she reaches the port to set sail again, his crew is already there, aboard her ship.
Rouge stops abruptly and Roger lands next to her, laughing cheerfully. Jolly Roger, they call him. The pirate who laughs all the time, even when his sails are red with blood. Rouge wonders if she made a mistake.
"It's been a long time since I've had this much fun," Roger says, and there's a sort of breathless happiness to him that makes his eyes sparkle.
Rouge, who expected self-righteous anger and sharp steel, drops her hand from her dagger in surprise. His first mate scolds Roger, telling him that they had already lost their ship once because of him but Roger continues to laugh.
Rouge sees her opportunity. "Do you want to keep this going?"
The glint of interest in Roger's eyes tells her she's already won. The first mate throws his hands up in exasperation.
"What do you propose?"
"A little challenge, if I can keep your hat for twenty-four hours, you let me go and pay my bill at the bar. If not, I'll give you everything back and I'll even work for you while I pay off my debt."
Roger crosses his arms in front of him, smirking. "But I already got my ship back."
"I'll steal it again then," Rouge replies, matching his smile.
Roger's smile, if that's possible, widens further. His crew groans in frustration behind him, as if they already know what their captain is going to do. The first mate pulls out a bottle of rum and settles down on deck.
"On one condition, I get my hat back no matter what the outcome."
"You think I can win?" Rouge asks, raising an eyebrow. She knows she's going to win, but it's surprising that Roger accepts, thinking she has a chance.
"I wouldn't dream of underestimating you. I know what you're capable of, my flower," Roger replied grandiloquently, bowing to her.
"If that's it," Rouge whispers in his ear, making him shiver. "The twenty-four hours start now."
And she runs away again.
I love Roger and Rouge so much đđđ
Please send me your headcanons for them or send prompts for me to share them! I havenât written these two for a while and I want to spread my love again
(You can send for Shakky/Rayleigh or even other ships too!)
DAY 1: Tick Tock Goes The Clock
Sam gets lost in the forest. This action has consequences.
First day of Whumptober, one of the few times I'll be on time too. It's Dean's turn today! Congrats to him (?) This was supposed to be a story about Sam getting lost in the woods and it ended up being a character study of Dean and his self-worth issues. I'm not unhappy about it. Triggers Warnings: - Mild Graphic Description of Violence - Mild Blood and Injury - Broken Bone - Dean's Canonical Self-worth Issues - John Being an Asshole Fandom : Supernatural (TV 2005) Character(s) : Dean Winchester Relationship(s) : Dean Winchester & John Winchester & Sam Winchester Words Count : 2,714 No. 1: RACE AGAINST THE CLOCK Search Party | Panic Attack | "If only we could hold on.â (Icysami x Renegaderr, Strangers.)

Dean tightened his grip on his silver blade, listening for any sound. He was alone in the forest, the full moon visible through the treetops. Dean barely dared to breathe for fear of being heard, every crack of branches or wind through the leaves putting him on alert in the deathly silence that surrounded him.
He had been separated from Dad and Sammy hours ago, but Dean wasn't worried. Sammy was with Dad, nothing could happen to him. Now it was up to Dean to fulfill his duty. It was the last night of the lunar cycle. If he didn't kill the werewolf he was tracking tonight, it could run away and continue to hurt innocent people for another month.
(There were five of them in the woods, all thinking they were the predator. But only three of them would get out of here alive.)
A shadow, lit by the cold, metallic light of the moon, shifted on a trunk and Dean turned abruptly. Good thing he did. The werewolf he thought he had been following for the past hour jumped at him, sharp claws aimed at his face. With a practiced reflex, Dean protected his head with his arm holding his blade, throwing himself out of the werewolf's path with agility.
Not fast enough.
A claw hit his arm, tearing through flesh as easily as the fabric of his jacket, drawing blood onto the forest floor. In pain, Dean let go of his silver blade, sending it a few meters away from him. He clutched his arm to his chest, quickly assessing the damage. For a terrifying moment, he could no longer remember if a werewolf's scratch was enough to infect a human.
(If it did, what would he do? What would Dad do? Dean couldn't imagine his father accepting a monster as a son. And Sammy? It didn't matter, Dean would rather die than hurt an innocent.
Dean killed monsters indiscriminately, no matter who or where they came from. That was what he had always been taught. Hunters killed monsters. Dean knew what he would have to do.)
Calm down and think, idjit!
Dean forced himself to breathe through his nose. A scratch wasn't enough to turn someone into a werewolf, only a bite could. Easy, Dean could avoid being bitten by a dirty mutt.
The werewolf snarled, drool dripping down its chin, yellow eyes flashing wildly in the night. It was getting impatient and the adrenaline that was pulsing violently in Dean's veins would soon fade, leaving him to face all the pain of his wound.
Dean had to get his hand on his weapon. And fast. He mentally calculated the distance between him, the werewolf and his knife. But the werewolf noticed the direction of his gaze.
"Oh no!" the werewolf threatened, its words chewed in its rage.
The werewolf threw itself at Dean, but this time Dean was ready for it. Using his opponentâs momentum against him, he kicked the beast in the sternum, deflecting its course and sending it into a thicket of brambles. The werewolf struggled through the brambles, howling in anger, giving Dean enough time to lunge for his silver blade. His fingers closed around the handle, a sigh of relief and comfort escaping him.Â
A hand grabbed his ankle, claws digging deep into his ankle, cutting through tendons. Dean fell, his chin hitting the ground hard. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. He tried to grab roots, clawing at the ground to keep the werewolf from pulling him towards it, thorns digging into his skin. Dean struggled and kicked, ignoring the searing pain, to force the werewolf to let go of him. But the monster held firm, twisting his bones as it laughed in satisfaction.
A guttural cry escaped his lips, tearing through his dry throat.
âA fighter, I like that,â the werewolf mocked. âI donât usually turn men, but I might make an exception for you. Youâre pretty enough.â
âGo to hell!â Dean spat, choking on his blood.
Dean forced himself to turn his torso to face the werewolf, straining his bruised muscles. He swung his knife in a wide arc in front of him and sliced ââthe monster across the face, damaging one of its eyes. The werewolf cried out in pain and finally let go of Dean, bringing a hand deformed by claws to its face.
Dean stood up quickly, putting as much distance between himself and the werewolf as he could. He spat on the ground, a mixture of blood and dirt, and grinned victoriously, his teeth tinged red. He gripped his knife in his left hand, his entire body on alert.
(He had practiced using both hands, but his left hand was still his weakest. This would have to do.)
Dean had never wanted a gun more than he did now. But they had only managed to get one single silver bullet and giving it to Dean who had a better chance of missing his target would have been a waste. It had made sense for Dad to take the gun, he wouldn't miss. Still, sticking a standard bullet between the werewolf's eyes would have reassured him, even if it would have barely slowed it down.
"I take it back," the werewolf growled. "I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart and eat your heart. And when I'm done hearing you beg, I'm going to hunt down your delicious little brother and take him with me. That is, if my friend doesn't kill him and your demon of a father first."
Dean's ears twisted and his vision went red. Sammy .
"Stay away from him!" Dean growled, his voice as animal as the monster in front of him.Â
The werewolf smirked and Dean knew he had made a mistake. He had just revealed a weakness, something precious to him and the predator in front of him had smelled it. Dean's determination only grew, he couldn't let the werewolf go now that it had so clearly threatened his little brother.
( Sammy, he had to protect Sammy. )
With his good foot, Dean kicked the dirt at his feet, creating a protective screen of dust and blocking him from the werewolf's sight for a few seconds. It wasn't enough, not when all the senses of the monster in front of him were heightened but it was something.
Dean attacked from the right, the side where the werewolf was blinded by the wound Dean had inflicted on it. But the werewolf abruptly turned to Dean, having sensed him coming, and met him head-on with a punch to the stomach. Dean's breath caught in his chest for a moment, bile rising in his mouth. He doubled over in shock and the werewolf grabbed his hair before yanking .
Dean kneed it between the legs, forcing the werewolf to let go of him and sank his blade deep into the werewolf's ribs. He brought his knife up to the werewolf's heart, puncturing its liver and lungs.
The werewolf grabbed his wrist, crushing his bones and twisting Dean's arm until Dean let go. A sickening crack echoed through the forest and his arm went limp in the werewolf's grip, broken mid-forearm. Dean couldn't help but cry out in pain and fear.
The werewolf grinned wickedly and, straining on Dean's broken arm, sent him into a tree. Dean's head hit the trunk hard and he fell to the ground, his broken arm beneath him. He staggered to his feet, slower than he would have liked, the world spinning indescribably around him.
"I'm going to kill you," Dean slurred, pointing his broken knife at the werewolf.
Dean realized a second too late that the blade of his knife had been separated from the handle, still inside the werewolf, just below his heart. A few inches more and Dean would have succeeded. Oh well, if he had to shove his hand between the werewolf's ribs to retrieve his blade and finish the job properly, he would.
The werewolf looked at him in horror, coughing up blood. The wound wasnât fatal, but there was no way it could get the blade out of its body. With any luck, it would die from its injuries without Dean having to do anything. But Dean had stopped relying on luck years ago. He alone was in control of his destiny, and he couldnât give the werewolf a chance to hurt someoneâ to hurt Sammy .
The werewolf took off running.
In the direction Dean had left Dad and Sammy.
Dean gave chase, excruciating pain shooting through his nerves every time he stepped on the ground. He couldn't take more than three steps before he collapsed, tears streaming down his cheeks and leaving trails in the dirt and blood.
"Dad!" Dean screamed as he tried to get up. " Dad!!! "
God, he was so useless.
His scream tore through the night, Dean not caring if he lured the other werewolf to him. The icy panic in his veins wouldn't let him think, he had to warn Dad. Sammy was in danger. Because of him.
Dean finally stood up, his throat dry and every nerve ending in his body on fire. But Sammy was more important than him. He started running again, branches whipping at his face, following the werewolfâs tracks. A shadow appeared at the edge of his vision and barreled into him, pinning him in its arms. Dean struggled fiercely, trying to free himself.
âDean!â the shadow snapped.
Dean relaxed instantly, recognizing his father. He could have cried with relief at the sight of him. If Dad was here, it meant Sammy was okay. Even if Dean had screwed up again, Dad would be able to help him.
âWhereâs Sammy? We need to get him out of here,â Dean said, panicked.
(A part of his brain recognized that he was still in his fatherâs arms. He couldnât remember the last time Dad had hugged him.)
âWhat? I thought he was with you!â
Deanâs heart stopped for a second.
This time, his tears were filled with despair.
âNo, no, no,â Dean cried, shaking his head. âHe was supposed to be with you. Safe .â
âDean, tell me what happened,â Dad ordered calmly, his hands on Deanâs shoulders, but Dean could hear the urgency in his voice.
âI didnât manage to kill the werewolf, he ran away. And he said heâd turn Sammy if he found him,â Dean explained, recognizing an order even through his visceral fear. âIâm sorry, Iâm so sorry.â
Dad clenched his fists in anger, his eyes stormy and his posture dangerous. But Dean didnât know who his anger was directed at.
âIâm sorry,â Dean repeated. âPlease, Dad.â
(Dean didnât know what he was asking his father to do, to take him back in his arms, to help him, to forgive him, to save Sammy.)
âApologies wonât help, Dean,â Dad said abruptly. âWe need to find Sammy. Fast .â
Dean stopped himself from apologizing again and straightened up, waiting for the next command.
âItâs hurt,â Dean added, forcing himself to ignore his pathetic outburst of emotion. âMy silver blade is stuck in its ribs under its heart and he canât use its left eye.â
âGood,â Dad replied, deep in thought. âItâll be to our advantage. And you, are you hurt?â
âNo,â Dean lied, almost by reflex.
âI donât have time for lies, Dean!â Dad shouted out of patience, making Dean flinch. âYour brother may be in danger and every second you waste could very well be vital.â
"Both my arms and my ankle," Dean answered quickly. "And my head."
"Damn it, Dean, I thought I had you better trained than this," Dad swore. "But I could use you. So stay with me. But if I tell you to run, you run. No protests. You'll only get in my way anyway."
"Yes, sir!"
Without another word, Dad started walking, handing Dean his silver blade. It was caked in blood and Dean wiped it on his pants before testing its weight in his hand.
"How are you going to do without a weapon?" Dean asked, following his father.
"I still have the bullet," Dad replied, patting the gun strapped to his thigh. "Now shut up, I don't want the bastard to hear us."
Dean lowered his head, concentrating on keeping up with his father's fast pace. He didn't want to be any more of a burden than he already was. Dad would never forgive him if Sammy died tonight. And he wouldn't forgive himself either. He gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain, each frantic beat of his heart feeling like a countdown to his little brother's death, a bomb waiting to explode.
(Dean was nothing without Sammy, he couldn't lose him. Not his little brother.)
They didn't have time to waste.
Dean and Dad had walked for what seemed like hours, searching for Sammy. The werewolfâs tracks had finally disappeared around a bush, as if they had never existed. The full moon setting on the horizon should have been a relief, the end of a long night, but it was only a mockery.
They were running out of time.
Reluctantly, Dad had agreed to let them split up to cover more ground. Every second that passed was like a stab through Deanâs heart. It was his fault, it was his negligence and weakness that had allowed the werewolf to escape, that had put Sammy in danger.
The adrenaline that kept him upright had worn off, and Dean struggled through the forest, limping like a newborn fawn. He was dehydrated, having not had a drink of water in hours and having thrown up even more times. His head was killing him, blood pulsing violently in his temples. But Dean welcomed the distraction of the pain, anything to avoid thinking that he might find Sammyâs heartless corpse with every step he took.
(He resolutely forced himself not to look at the inhuman shape of his armâflaccid, shapeless, and in two piecesâor the bleeding, festering cut on his other arm.)
Dean didnât let it slow him down, despite his body begging him. He would rest when he was dead.
At the end of a path, Dean could see the edge of the forest and beyond it an abandoned hunterâs cabin. He stopped, hesitating for a moment, and tried to think like Sammy. A cabin like this was a good shelter to wait out the full moon. Dean knew he'd regret it if he didn't at least check it out. But it could also be a waste of crucial time.
What would Dad do in this situation?
You're a smart kid. Follow your instincts.
Dean changed direction toward the cabin.
A branch snapped behind him and Dean spun around abruptly. His knife stopped inches from his father's jugular as he raised his hands in the air in peace.
"Sorry," Dean apologized sheepishly, relaxing his arm.
"Don't be," Dad replied gruffly. "That was a nice reflex you had there."
Dean was too tired to appreciate his fatherâs rare compliment and let his arm fall back to his side. But Dad stopped him, gently grabbing his wrist and examining the wound on his arm.
âThatâs a nasty cut youâve got there,â Dad said. âYouâll need antibiotics, Iâll call Bobby as soon as we find your little brother.â
âItâs not important,â Dean refuted, trying to pull his arm back. âSammyâs the priority.â
Dad stopped him, looking almost sad for a moment.
âYour well-being is important. Youâre important,â Dad said with a hint of desperation, as if he really meant it. He looked like he was going to say something else but thought better of it, his gaze drifting toward the cabin. âYou wanted to go take a look?â
âThatâs the kind of place Sammy would hide,â Dean said. âHeâs smart like that.â
âGood thinking, wait for me here,â Dad ordered, finally letting go of Dean's arm.
âWhat? No!â Dean protested fiercely.
âDean, I don't have time for this,â Dad snapped.
Dean didn't listen to the end of his father's sentence. A blood-curdling scream shattered the quiet of dawn and Dean rushed towards the cabin, stealing the gun from his father's hand. Dean knew that voice, he knew it better than his own.
(It should never have contained so much pain and fear.)
â Sammy !â
Sorry for the cliffhanger (or not). I actually combined two days in this story (and played around a little bit with the prompts too) so you will have Sam's POV and the end of this chapter on the... (drum rolls please) 19th! (Also, it's my first time writing whump so I don't know if it's enough hurt. Feel free to give me your opinion on the matter.)
And also, because I'm nice like that, here's a snippet from tomorrow's story đ:
Dean and Dad had walked for what seemed like hours, searching for Sammy. The werewolfâs tracks had finally disappeared around a bush, as if they had never existed. The full moon setting on the horizon should have been a relief, the end of a long night, but it was only a mockery. They were running out of time.
So, I did a thing. I decided to try Whumptober this year. Decision made on September 18th so I'm not as far ahead as I'd like. But it also means I can be persuaded to change my mind if you want to see a particular character for certain days :)
Feel free to suggest your characters to me!
As usual I couldn't decide between One Piece and Supernatural so I did both with about the same number of stories for each.
I don't want to put any pressure on myself with this, just a fun way to challenge myself with prompts I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. That's all.
Last thing, I'm going to post on AO3 but would anyone be interested in me posting them here as well?
Happy (?) Whumptober and if you decide to spend some of it with me, thank you very much and welcome aboard!
So, I did a thing. I decided to try Whumptober this year. Decision made on September 18th so I'm not as far ahead as I'd like. But it also means I can be persuaded to change my mind if you want to see a particular character for certain days :)
Feel free to suggest your characters to me!
As usual I couldn't decide between One Piece and Supernatural so I did both with about the same number of stories for each.
I don't want to put any pressure on myself with this, just a fun way to challenge myself with prompts I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. That's all.
Last thing, I'm going to post on AO3 but would anyone be interested in me posting them here as well?
Happy (?) Whumptober and if you decide to spend some of it with me, thank you very much and welcome aboard!
I'm sick as hell (my own fault, I spent the weekend under the rain) but once I'm lucid and coherent enough I'm gonna put my favourite characters in Situations. Because if I have to suffer, so do they.
Light in the middle of the fever, I texted my mom asking her to pick me up from school (as a joke) and she literally said, and I quote: "I'll be there in two hours, time to get off work and come to you."
I haven't lived with my parents for two years.
And she was totally serious! She was willing to drive over three hours round trip on a weekday evening to bring me home. I love my mom so much.
Eating is secondary. You know what's really important? Testing every possible combination of the picrew that @mischa-makowka made.
So, look at what I made during my discourse analysis class. Plus, I had this exact hairstyle today. I would have loved to use this as my profile picture but I really like my current one (baby luffy!) so I'm putting it here instead.

Me glancing at my exponentially growing document of several dozen pages of new ideas and all the ongoing stories I need to finish w

So, I was reading the prompts for Whumptober, just for funsies. What do you mean more than half (so far) can apply to Ace? How is this child so traumatized?
My most kudoed fic is by far Children of the Sea, but when I went to check by how much I noticed that several of my other One Piece fics had more kudos than I remembered which makes me very happy.
My favorite fic is probably also Children of the Sea because I got severely attached to the characters throughout the chapters. It's a family-centric story where Rouge raises Ace, Shanks and Buggy (and coming soon, our favorite rubber kid!). And bonus point, everyone survives their tragic backstory.
But I still want to mention another one of my fics that I absolutely love, At The Dawn Of Time. I put a lot of myself into this story and it means a lot to me on a personal level. This is again a story about Rouge (shocking, I know) where after Marineford, Ace travels back in time for a day and meets Rouge when she was pregnant with him in Baterilla. This story is not so much about fixing the past but rather Ace's journey towards self-acceptance, particularly with regard to his parents, as well as self-love.
OH OH reblog game: fic writers, what is your most kudosed fic, and what is your favorite fic you've written? are they different? have any commentary?
It's decided, I'm going to rewatch Supernatural because apparently the first time wasn't painful enough. But! This time, I'm going to write fanfiction and semi-coherent analyses. And also count the number of times Dean says awesome.
Wish me luck!
Hello everyone ! This is a little message for the people who read "Between the Pages, I Found Your Heart". First of all, thank you very much, it really makes me happy.
And secondly I decided to repost this story, and therefore resume writing it, on another blog for personal organizational reasons. It's quite different from what I usually do and it's easier for me to compartmentalize my different projects this way.
I deleted the original posts and will delete this one soon as well, all my (future) projects with reader inserts will on my other blog.
(I'm just disappointed that I can't keep the reviews that were left on my first posts but thank you very much once again. It really encouraged me to write the first five chapters in just one week.)
I hope you don't mind and continue reading, this story is also in AO3 if you prefer. Happy reading!
Come Hell Or High Water Masterpost

The will of the D may have been a mere echo of the past, but its bearers were anything but. Standing in front of her lover's execution platform, Portgas D. Rouge vowed never to lose a single member of her family again. (She just hadn't taken into account that her family would be so large.) OR How many traumatized children can Rouge adopt?
I'm fascinated by Rouge's character and she's unironically become one of my favorite characters in One Piece while writing this, which is tragic considering we only see her for about two minutes. But if Oda won't give me content on Rouge, I'll do it myself.
Come Hell or High Water is a story that begins with Roger's execution 24 years ago and continues to the present day based on the concept that Portgas D. Rouge survives the Baterilla massacre and raises Portgas D. Ace as well as Shanks and Buggy.
Throughout the story, Rouge also adopts every child she meets in need of a parental figure (i.e. half of the One Piece characters). It's a family-centric story where everyone survives their tragic backstories with romance in the background far away and lots of fluff.
This story will cover topics regarding child development into adulthood while healing from past trauma, this includes fear of abandonment, self-esteem issues, child abuse, codependency, etc. It also deals with grief and (unhealthy) coping mechanisms especially in the first chapters following Roger's death.
(Disclaimer, I'm not an expert on any of those subjects except for the fact that I was a child once and had to grow up. The end result is mostly fine so I can consider it a success.)
I'll be referencing events from the manga as they happen like new characters and such. It won't be anything major until we caught up with the main timeline (unless specified at the beginning of each chapter), but if you'd rather not be spoiled, I understand.
If you have any more questions about this AU, feel free to ask me, I always love talking about my brainchild <3

Children Of The Sea (First Part)
Character Sheets For My OCs + Portgas D. Rouge
Portgas D. Rouge
Hi, I'm a twenty-years old fanfiction writer who aspires to one day write an original book. In the meantime, I write fanfiction to improve my writting skills and also because I have Feelings and I can't get certain ideas out of my head otherwise. (My writing is basically the screams in my head organized in a semi-coherent way.) So don't hesitate to give me your opinion on my work, it helps me a lot and I thrive on external validation <3
I also love yapping about my WIPs so feel free to tell me to shut up but if it's something you're interested in, I will love you until the end of times.
So let me introduce you to my current series. I won't bother you by introducing each story one by one (I'm not that mean), but they're all very good I promise.

Whumptober 2024
Against my better judgement, I decided to attempt Whumptober this year. The potential for angst and hurt just spoke to me.
As usual I couldn't decide between One Piece and Supernatural so I did both with about the same number of stories for each. I don't want to put any pressure on myself with this, just a fun way to challenge myself with prompts I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. That's all.
When There's Blood In The Water
Family doesn't necessarily end in blood, but sometimes it's your family that makes you bleed.
A collection of stories centered around the very dysfunctional Winchester family (mainly including John, Sam, Dean and Adam) not necessarily related to each other unless otherwise stated.
One Piece
My One Piece stories are available in English and French. (My first language is French.)
Come Hell or High Water
Come discover the adventures of the most chaotic family both sides of the Red Line.
My main story where Portgas D. Rouge lives and forcibly adopts half of the Grand Line. I'm going to make another post about this because it's my baby and I need to talk about it more. But if you are already interested, you can always click on the link above which will take you to my AO3 account.
Happy Birthday My Treasure
A year worth of birthdays for my favorite characters.
All my stories celebrating a One Piece character's birthday, they have no connection with each other (unless specified at the beginning of the story). You can read them individually and still understanting them.
Made from Sun, Ink and Storm
Let Nami and Koala meet, dammit!
The first instalment of my One Piece soulmate AU centered around Nami & Koala' (sadly non-existent in canon) relationship.
From Dawn Till Dusk
Ace goes back in time and spends the day with his mom, it changes everything.
The Vampire Diaries Universe
BBRarepairBash2024 (But Make It Sapphic)
My humble contribution to the BBRarepairBash2024, because Bonnie deserves all the love in the world.
Hot Girl Summer is reading soul-shattering fanfiction about dead gay wizards from the 70s.
Wake up babe, a new olympics character just dropped out.
I want everyone to know that this is me every time someone drops a comment on something I've written:

Never felt less patriotic than when Simone Bills and Ilona Maher show up on my screen. I mean, they're everything. What do you mean I'm supposed to cheer for my own country ?
Thank you all for your jokes about the opening ceremony. My family thinks I'm exceptionally funny tonight. Great teamwork.
My favorite part of the Olympics opening ceremony was watching all the racist and homophobic French politicians choking on social media with rage. "Pas ma France" my ass, you can all go fuck yourselves.
I just finished Supernatural, I have no idea what to do with my life now. Help!
Three One Piece story ideas I might (or might not) write someday:
- The Faces I See In My Sleep: Ever since he was taken in by the Revolutionary Army, Sabo draws the same two faces over and over again without ever knowing their names. A little boy who smiles like the sun and another with stormy eyes and freckles like stars. And when Portgas D. Ace makes his debut on the high seas, Sabo can't help but notice the similarities between his wanted poster and the boy in his drawings.
- Pieces of Me: Nami had spent more than half her life serving Arlong. Arlong had stolen her mother, her childhood, and her freedom. He had taken everything from her. Her maps, her time, her hope, and her blood. Little by little, he had ripped away essential pieces of her, leaving behind only a broken, empty shell, just functional enough to be useful to him. But with the help of her crew, Nami becomes whole again, regaining the pieces of herself that Arlong stole from her.
- My Father Is The Worst Man Alive (And Iâm His Favorite Daughter): After touring Wano, Yamato sets sail to see the world. His first stop: the grave of the friend he never got to know, the only person in the world who could understand the burden of being born of a monster, the pirate who gave him his first taste of freedom. Portgas D. Ace. It's been years since Yamato saw his vivre card go up in flames, but better late than never.
If this is something you would like to read, please let me know so I can motivate myself to write it. And if this is something you would like to write, please let me know so I can read it!