hay! its vampire paladin lancey lance here! come on in, sit down, relax and join me for a "bite" lol XP
333 posts
If Hunk Was A Pokemon, Hed Be A Teddiursa
If hunk was a pokemon, he’d be a Teddiursa
Why? Cause the guy is like a big huggable teddybear. He gives the best bro hugs 😉

When you make him mad though, he’d be an ursaring XD

But over all a big ol teddybear 😁 hehe

More Posts from The-vampire-lance
As the music starts to reach its climax, Lance very stealthily and slowly sneaks up behind Keith. He’s right behind Keith now, arms outstretched and ready to strike.
when the music finally hits the climax, Lance strikes!
He grabs Keith in a “gotcha!” Hug, blowing raspberries into Keith’s neck.
Coran had charged Lance and Keith with the chore of cleaning an old storage room. While they were cleaning, Lance got an idea for some mischief (as usual) and pulled out his mp3 player and hit play.
The theme from the movie “jaws” fills the room and Lance playfully begins creeping around the room. Stalking Keith like a hungry shark.
Dundun…… dundun dundun….
Keith had been around the corner of a tall warehouse like shelf that was covered in many Altean tech looking trinkets and boxes.
He was moving the loose trinkets on the lower levels of the shelf, as he heard a suspense building sound. It wasn’t scary, but slightly unsettling to know Lance was planning something.
He stood up, looking towards the noise coming from the other side of the shelf and taking a couple steps back.
“Lance? What’s that sound?”
What’s this?! A pony tail?!
NOPE! Put that mullet back right now!

you know he’d miss it
Lance looked back at Keith.
“Uhh….” He checked his magic satchel where he keeps his stuff. After a minute he pulls it out and holds it up triumphantly. Then tries to call the team.
“Hello? Shiro? Allura? Coran? This is Lance. Can anyone hear me?”
… static.
… then. “Hmm hello hello? Who is this? Whatcha want?”
That didn’t sound like coran. That sounded like an old man but not their old man.
“Uh… who is this?”
“I am Professor Rowan. Why are you on this frequency? “
“Uh.. nevermind bye!” Lance shuts off the com unit.
“Keith, don’t panic, but I think we’re in The pokemon world!”
Coran had charged Lance and Keith with the chore of cleaning an old storage room. While they were cleaning, Lance got an idea for some mischief (as usual) and pulled out his mp3 player and hit play.
The theme from the movie “jaws” fills the room and Lance playfully begins creeping around the room. Stalking Keith like a hungry shark.
Dundun…… dundun dundun….
Keith had been around the corner of a tall warehouse like shelf that was covered in many Altean tech looking trinkets and boxes.
He was moving the loose trinkets on the lower levels of the shelf, as he heard a suspense building sound. It wasn’t scary, but slightly unsettling to know Lance was planning something.
He stood up, looking towards the noise coming from the other side of the shelf and taking a couple steps back.
“Lance? What’s that sound?”
Lance laughs maniacally. “Gotcha! Hahaha ^,.,^”
Though while they were messing around, a box gets knocked off the shelf and its contents spill onto the floor.
Coran had charged Lance and Keith with the chore of cleaning an old storage room. While they were cleaning, Lance got an idea for some mischief (as usual) and pulled out his mp3 player and hit play.
The theme from the movie “jaws” fills the room and Lance playfully begins creeping around the room. Stalking Keith like a hungry shark.
Dundun…… dundun dundun….
Keith had been around the corner of a tall warehouse like shelf that was covered in many Altean tech looking trinkets and boxes.
He was moving the loose trinkets on the lower levels of the shelf, as he heard a suspense building sound. It wasn’t scary, but slightly unsettling to know Lance was planning something.
He stood up, looking towards the noise coming from the other side of the shelf and taking a couple steps back.
“Lance? What’s that sound?”
….. I wonder what would happen if I tried this on Keith…

It doesn’t work if your wolf can teleport
(and also loves you enough to have you saved as a warp point)