thecapuletjuliet - Juliet Capulet
Juliet Capulet

πŸ’™ R πŸ’™π‘€π“Ž π‘œπ“ƒπ“π“Ž π“π‘œπ“‹π‘’ π“ˆπ“…π“‡π“Šπ“ƒπ‘” π’»π“‡π‘œπ“‚ π“‚π“Ž π‘œπ“ƒπ“π“Ž 𝒽𝒢𝓉𝑒...

105 posts

Lord Help Me

lord help me

county paris, whither hath thee been? it hath been far too long since thou has’t last posted, and i am worried. did thee wander off again?

I have wandered into the hands of my fateful love!!πŸ’ Thou would not BELIEVE just how busy the preparations holy matrimony truly are!! Though I shouldn’t wish to spend my time doing anything else!!πŸ’žπŸ’ž

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More Posts from Thecapuletjuliet

9 months ago

apologies for mine lack of content on this fine summer's day. i was simply enjoying the orchestra of wildlife beyond mine window, with it's quartet of sparrows and whispering woods... followed by an accompaniment of pure verona heat.

i saw friar lawrence wander off into the forest with a wicker basket in hand, and i fear he hath returned to pillage the bush berries once more. my mother hath allowed him to proceed with his foraging on accounts he bring us some of his bounty for when he is finished. we make blackberry pie ❀️

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9 months ago

sincerest apologies to juliet nation for mine inactivity. i'm afraid some... UNIQUE developments have arisen! πŸ˜€

my father hath informed me that i, juliet capulet, am to be wed to paris escalus...! huzzah.........

send prayers. @county-paris

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9 months ago

good morrow verona!! beware the monastery, for friar lawrence hath been prancing about shoeless in his quest to "better connect with the lord".

my only worry is if he may get a splinter πŸ˜•

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9 months ago


Since the rest of gang are doing introductory posts, I decided one was needed for thecapuletjuliet!


This account, thecapuletjuliet, is an RP blog that's part of an entire Romeo & Juliet blog web. This mini blog universe consists of:




and @county-paris !!!

Now that we've cleared that up, let's tackle the biggest fish we have to fry.... ME!!!



This account, thecapuletjuliet, is an RP blog of Juliet Capulet from Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. Shoutout to all my Billy Shakespeare fans... I gotchu bro.

The admin of this account is @scremmurrejones , a page that is dry and desolate and void of all life! Over on that page is random, unimportant content and is not active at all because I'm not a devout tumblrer. You can refer to me, the admin, as Murphy, who uses any and all pronouns you wanna. ANYWAYS.


Asks: Ask Juliet Capulet any question about her or her situation you desire! Also feel free to ask the admin of this account anything, as long as you specify it's OOC (eg. "ooc question: blah blah")!

Generalized Interacting: Comment and reblog what you wish, as you wish. You can find the other R&J characters occasionally reblogging and interacting with the posts as well!

DO NOT'S ❌: Thou shan't NSFW nor politics in asks, comments, or reblogs! Remember, Juliet is a 13/14 year old. She is a child, and should be treated as such as canon-compliant as you can! The only people she will be interacting with romantically and semi-romantically will be Romeo and Paris. The Paris part is simply because she has to. Sorry Paris.

Do not bring real world politics into this account! It is unrelated to Juliet and the fair city of Verona. If you bring up anything in terms of the world Juliet lives in it should be regarding Verona, Italy. Feel free to ask her thoughts on Verona or the prince, but not anything above her pay grade.


"Murphy, O fair ruler of thecapuletjuliet, why is Juliet's tumblr page so much less serious than the rest of its RP blog peers?"

Well, I'm gonna be real! I'm not a big Romeo & Juliet lover. My favourite Shakespeare play is The Merchant of Venice. I'm also not a very serious person in nature, and don't care much for making a super-accurate super-in-character page for Juliet, especially considering we don't know a lot about her personality wholly outside of anything relating to Romeo. My take on Juliet in this RP blog is more juvenile, especially since she's literally a teen girl. What I'm gonna portray is a more slice-of-life, mildly unhinged little Julie. Still Juliet, but as immature as you might expect your average 13/14 year old to be. It's literally Juliet Capulet if she had Tumblr. If that's not your jam I apologize, and please feel free to make your French Exit.

"Wait, so does that mean you're going to forsake Shakespeare on this blog?!?!"

Nah. I'm gonna be whipping out the Shakespearean where I see fit, interacting with the rest of the cast as you would expect, and whatever. Just don't expect Juliet to be 100% straight from the script. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

'Tis all, everybody!

I sincerely hope you enjoy whatever comes of this account. ❀️

See you in Verona 😈


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