
42 posts

Thecovenofstories - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

E | Completed | 70k | Alternate Canon | The Darkling/Nikolai Lantsov

A life spent at sea, years after years of forging himself a new name, a new face―an identity to replace the one stolen from him. But it all so easily shatters, and by the most innocuous of objects: a letter, beckoning him home.

Or: Nikolai learns the most important truth of all. A love offered thrice may very well be true, but he must first find who he is to embrace it.


― with the sun against our back, a shadow and bone fic, part three of the series of monsters and men

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1 year ago

Draw your swords - Masterlist


Summary: In order to keep Ravka intact, general Kirigan, the Darkling, must marry. Needless to say, he’s not happy about it, but neither is his human bride.

Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, sexual content, violence, death, alcohol 

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2 years ago
Drabble Promp For OC Of My Darklings Son AdrykPrompt: An Act Of Merzost That Goes Wrong For Both
Drabble Promp For OC Of My Darklings Son AdrykPrompt: An Act Of Merzost That Goes Wrong For Both

Drabble promp for OC of my Darkling’s Son Adryk Prompt: An act of Merzost that goes wrong for both

How could he have pushed him this far? Or perhaps it was not him alone, although he seemed to be the greatest influence over his son. A summoner of light born into a dark realm, a consequence of true love. He had been surprised to see the light and not a shadow summoner like himself, but Adryk had only seen disappointment hidden in his features. He was an outcast in the Dark Realm, not trusted by his own sister, not able to control the dark like his mother and unable to wield shadows like his Father. He chased those with light to their disapproval, their warnings of not trusting those with light but that only made him feel as if his own family hadn’t trusted him either. He was different, an heir to the Darkling with nothing to show for it. How badly he wanted to be like his Father only to discover again and again that he never would be. He had grown sick of it. He had learned through stories that his Father was capable of changing fate, of doing the impossible through the use of a strange magic. One that he had always forbid him to learn or speak about. Upon a wave of fury and desperation he raided his father’s study, tossed books and items aside until he came across the forbidden books of his uncle that had taught him everything. It was all true, the strange magic did exist and it had a name. Merzost. He knew nothing of the magic but if anyone could fix him his father could. With the book clutched in hand he storms across the palace ground until he comes across his father near the forest. He throws the journal at his feet, watching as his Father’s dark eyes fall upon it. “Do it.” He demands. “Take the light from me!” Aleksander furrows his brow at the book then looks up at his son, he was surprised by the sudden plea and the journal. Though perhaps he shouldn’t be surprised. He sighs and lifts the book into his hand. “It’s too dangerous..” He begins, only stopped by Adryk snapping the book from his fingers and tossing it aside. “Yet its not too dangerous when you want something. Was it too dangerous when you stole Hades powers? Or those of others who have crossed you here?! Take them!” His hands ball into fists as tears well in his eyes. “I want to be like you, I want to be the heir you wanted.” He pauses for a moment to glance away. “Or I don’t want to be at all.” He whispers softly. Aleksander freezes as his eyes fall upon his son, seeing his desperation only reminded him of his own actions in the past. The risks he would take when he too was desperate. It hurt him to know he had helped to push him to this point. “Adryk it’s not like that. You are the son that I want, no matter what.” Adryk was quick to clasp his hands, gazing up at him with plea in his eyes. “This is what I want. And if you truly want to prove you care about me then just give me the one thing I want. I just want to be like you.” He finishes in a hushed voice. “My own sister doesn’t even like m-.” “Adryk.” His voice was stern as it cut him off. “I don’t want to hurt you and your sister is just a lot of talk.” He eases Adryks hands from his own with a sigh but the boy was adamant. Adryk shakes with frustration as he lifts the journal, brandishing it to him. “I know of this now and if you don’t do it then I will.” His voice was filled with hesitation, fear even but he was like his father more than he thought. For he would stop at nothing if he wanted something bad enough. The Darkling knew this and the fear of his son using Merzost left him with little choice. “Put that down.” He says softly as he steps towards Adryk. “If it’s what you want…I’ll do it.” It would be better for him to perform it than his son. Better to drain his own reserves then risk harm befalling him. “You want to be like me..” He guides him deeper into the forest. “You already are.” He pauses near a vine with large black thorns, kneeling to pluck a couple free. Adryk had touches of Shadow, been able to slightly manipulate it. Perhaps he could make that stronger. He had sealed the power of others in these thorns already with little problem, perhaps it would not be so difficult to make his son happy. “I’ll do this, only if you swear never to enact Merzost yourself. Adryk, promise me.” His voice was full of demand but he answers with a firm nod. “I promise.” “Then come..” He waits for Adryk to come near and pricks the tip of thorn into his skin, he hisses but upon his fathers instruction he holds it there. Aleks knew Fiona would kill him for this, but he also knew that she just wanted their son to be happy. The incantations begin to blur in the Darkling’s head, the dark veins forming across his skin as the magic begins to take from him. With a cry he shoves the other thorn into his own arm, blood spilling across his skin and the grounds at their feet as he reaches across to firmly grasp the one in his sons arm. The wind stirs around them in a furious roar as light pours forth from the cut in his arm, flooding out into the air around them. If felt as if his very soul was leaving him in that moment. The Darkling continues to incite and shadows emerge from the thorn in his arm, winding through the air and connecting to the other. The Darkness begins to fill the void where the light once was, faster and faster the pull stronger and more vicious. He would have let go but he found his hand stuck as the powers roared between them in a painful draw and pull. To take in that much power at once was disorienting, even painful for Adryk as he bares his teeth against the burn of the pain. It all happened too fast, Merzost had a mind of his own. Ears deafened by the roar of power in the winds that surrounded them, the Darkling’s senses began to dim. Heart racing as the magic pulled from him and just before fainting he collapses to the ground the same moment that his son does. All falls into silence and stillness around them, both thorns shattered into pieces. If they had not collected anything then what… The Darkling looks down as the black lines begin to fade from his skin, an arm bracing himself against the ground as he kneels. Merzost always weakened him but he felt much weaker than before. Adryk seemed to be completely unconscious as he crawls quickly over him. “Adryk.” He says, concern in his voice as he reaches to shake his shoulder. A familiar feeling floods him, an ache as he feels the power under his own sons skin. His power. With a gasp he quickly lets him go, falling back as he glances to his own fingers, his own fears realized. He tries to call the shadows, tries to summon the darkness but there is no answer. Everything he ever was, was no longer there and all that power of ages past had slipped inside his son. That all consuming power and shadow. How would it affect him to have so much? He wouldn’t know until he woke up and greater yet. How would it affect himself to have so little? Fear consumes his dark eyes as he tries to summon once more, feel a touch of any power. Light dances across his fingertips, but only briefly before it fizzles out completely. With a cry of frustration he slams his hand upon the ground, finger clawing into the earth as the weakness of being drained overtakes him. The only way to heal from it gone as he collapses into exhaustion beside his son.

2 years ago

The Darkling: “Now… you know sacrifice.”

Alina: “Beyond anything you’ve ever known.”

Are you fucking kidding me? You’re telling that to a guy, who survived centuries of slaughter of his people, often loved ones, and still kept going, trying to protect next generation and the one after that… after you merely finished your already dying childhood sweetheart?!

No, she has no fucking clue, what sacrifice is. Self entitled brat!

Look, I love Jessie, but the face says it all…


Alina: “And look what it did.”

The Darkling: “Indeed. Look what it did.”

Aleksander sounds almost mournful. 

Alina: “Mal and I changed the world. We tore down your Shadow Fold.”

The Darkling: “You have my sympathies for what comes next, when you realize that what you’ve done solves nothing. The world doesn’t need a Saint to protect it. It needs a monster.”

She won’t. She showed zero self-reflection so far, I’m pretty sure she’ll continue being her short-sighted, self-involved SELF. Except now more privileged as a Living Saint and Queen…

The Darkling: “And while I remain… Let me be your monster.”

Alina: “You think that after everything, I’d still stand by you?”

No! She’s constantly hurting you, why you keep coming back for more?!

And when exactly did Alina stand by Aleksander? In the middle of previous season, before she ran off with no explanation?!

The Darkling: “There is no light without darkness. Without me, you have no counter, no balance. Let me carry the hatred of this world.”

Alina: “Hatred. Because of the choices you made.”

I’m getting tired of repeating myself, but how is Grisha opression a result of the Darkling’s choices? Did he hurt someone before he was born? Is he a god?!

Plus it’s incredibly hilarious Alina “Half-Shu poor little thing, pity me for all the racism ~I~ have to face” Starkov now believes automatic hatred against you is something you cause yourself. But then again, she was planning a trip to Shu Han few episodes earlier, so the centuries-long distrust between those nations probably magically disappeared too… How incompetent writer do you need to be, if you can’t even keep track of your own themes?!

The Darkling: “Choices you too will make… in time.”

Alina: “I will never walk your path.”

No, she lacks empathy already. I doubt few decades of losing her friends will make her a better person.

The Darkling: “I know you believe that now. But soon… Soon you will have no equal. The years spent alone will grind you down, they will harden you. And who will be there to shield you from it? Who will be there to save you?”

Alina: “I will save myself.”

I know this is supposed to be another Girlboss™ moment, but he isn’t really saying “Hide behind me, I’ll protect you!”, he’s saying “What will you do, when you’re alone and friendless, who will support you, share your difficulties? Who will remind you to stay human?”.

The Darkling: “Without me, know they will come for you.”

Alina: “Let them come.”

This totally doesn’t sound like Oh-So-Merciful Sankta’s gonna be burning people alive in few years. Nope.

The Darkling:Now You Know Sacrifice.
2 years ago

S&B Master List and Tag List

S&B MasterList and Tag List

Shadow and Bone:

Character reference: Click here

Smut- *

Fluff- +

Dual Summoner and the Darkling

Chp 1, Chp 2 ,Chp 3 ,Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9, Chp 10, Chp 11, Chp 12, Chp 13, Chp 14, Chp 15

Chp 16, Chp 17, Chp 18, Chp 19, Chp 20, Chp 21, Chp 22, Chp 23, Chp 24, Chp 25, Chp 26, Chp 27, Chp 28, Chp 29, Chp 30

 Chp 31, chp 32, Chp 33, Chp 34, Chp 35, Chp 36, Chp 37, chp 38, Chp 39, Chp 40, Chp 41, Chp 42, Chp 43, Chp 44, Chp 45

 Chp 46, Chp 47, Chp 48, Chp 49, Chp 50, Chp 51, Chp 52, Chp 53, Chp 54, Chp 55, Chp 56


Chp 1, chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9. Chp 10, Chp 11, Chp 12, Chp 13, Chp 14, Chp 15  Chp 16, Chp 17, Chp 18, Chp 19(Lemonish)*+ , Chp 20, Chp 21, chp 22*, Chp 23*, Chp 24, Chp 25, Chp 26*, chp 27, Chp 28, Ch 29, Chp 30*, Chp 31,Chp 32

Dual Summoner and The Darkling -Princess version-

Chp 1, Chp 2. Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8 , Chp 9, Chp 10, Chp 11

Sun, Sea and Shadow

Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9, Chp 10, Chp 11

Twisted Twins

Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, chp 5, chp 6, chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9, Chp 10

Secret Pen Pal within the little palace

Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Ch 8*, Ch 9*, Ch 10, Chp 11*

Tidemaker & Tracker, Dual Summoner & Darkling

Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6*, Chp 7, Chp 8

Dual Summoner and the Darkling -another tale-

Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4

The Morozova Club 

Prologue, Chp 1, Chp 2

Soulmates? -Werewolf edition- 

Prologue, Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9*, Chp 10*, Chp 11, Chp 12

Best Friends to Eternal lovers

Chp 1, chp 2, chp 3

Dual Summoner and the Darkling -Another tale-

Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4

The Destined ones (Werewolf AU)

Chp 1,  Chp 2, Chp 3

TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,  @wheresthesunshinesblog

2 years ago

In Another Life


Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Alternate Universe!Reader

Summary: When the making at the heart of the world steals you from your own universe and drops you into the fictional country of Ravka you’re thoroughly bewildered. But this is an opportunity for you to right every wrong - and hopefully save one life in particular.

Word Count: 60.5K - COMPLETED

My Masterlist • Series Playlist

Read on AO3 HERE

In Another Life

Part One

One moment you’re going about your usual day, the next you’re in Ravka - the fictional country in a fictional universe. When you realise that the story you know by heart hasn’t even begun, there’s only one person you can think of going to.

Part Two

After a restless night of sleep, you wake with too many thoughts in your mind. The contents of the General’s war table provide an ample distraction, and soon the man himself joins you.

Part Three

You and Aleksander journey to Kribirsk, where everything starts to become real for you, as your plan is finally set in motion.

Part Four

Accompanied by your new recruits, you and Aleksander return to the Little Palace, and soon settle into a comfortable routine. But nothing ever stays the same for long.

Part Five

Alina is presented to the king as the sun summoner, and from that point onwards you and Aleksander become increasing busy - and apart.

Part Six

An unexpected visitor arrives with some good news, and Aleksander makes a earth-shattering discovery.

Bonus Scene

As your first interaction with Baghra occurs, a wounded Aleksander returns from a mission, and you have no chance to ponder over her opinion of you.

Part Seven

The search for the stag takes your group north into Fjerda, but it’s after you return to Os Alta that a surprising event occurs.

Part Eight

The Winter Fete goes smoothly, a perfect evening followed by a foiled assassination. A few days later, you and Aleksander journey into the Fold.

Part Nine

After a dramatic arrival into West Ravka, your group travels to Os Kervo, and you recruit a pirate privateer to join you in the search for the sea whip.

Part Ten

The hunt for the sea whip has begun, but a number of obstacles stand in your way, demanding more from you than you ever thought possible.

Part Eleven

Your near death experience has taken a toll on you, which forces Aleksander to come to a realisation.

Part Twelve

A successful return to Ravka prompts you to share warnings of the future with Aleksander, and a new (but not unfamiliar) character invites himself into your schemes.

Part Thirteen

Slowly the pieces of your plan for the Fold come into place, but thoughts and fears of the future continue to haunt you.

Part Fourteen

Ravka’s seat of power changes, and Aleksander makes a discovery that sends you both north in search of his sister.

Part Fifteen

As Alina is about to bring down the Fold, Aleksander suggests a theory that lifts your hopes.

Part Sixteen

Together, you and Aleksander journey to the monastery of Sankt Feliks. To mend the tear at the making, a sacrifice from one of you is required.

Part Seventeen

With the remains of the Fold vanquished, the people celebrate. Together, you and Aleksander work to establish peace in Ravka and a safe haven for your Grisha.

Bonus Scene

Alternate Ending

Until I Found You - IAL (Aleksander’s Version)

Aleksander isn’t expecting to find love in this lifetime, that is until you arrive. - A collection of scenes from In Another Life from Aleksander’s perspective, as well as a bonus scene.


Post-In Another Life

Future Uncertainty

Lingering insecurities rear their head now that everything has been resolved, and Aleksander encourages you to share your fears. (set mid-part seventeen)

The General’s Crown

In an attempt to escape the attention of being a living saint, you retreat into the fields and create flowers for the local children. It isn’t long before your husband finds you.

Christmas Eve

Its your second Christmas in Ravka, your first with the country at peace and Aleksander as your husband. Together, you have the perfect Christmas Eve.

The New Year

It’s New Years Eve, and the first time you’re celebrating with Aleksander as your husband.

What the Future Holds

Immortality suits you well, and your new life with Aleksander is better than you ever could have imagined.

2 years ago

Silver Lining | Pietro Maximoff x Male!Reader


A/N: Wait! Don’t scroll away disappointed. Let me explain why this is not a Tom fic. So rewind a couple of years back. Before I fell head over heels for this British Spidey actor, I didn’t have any particular crush. Just a void. I admit, I fancied Chris Evans. Everyone does right? That was until Age of Ultron was released. Boy oh boy! In a matter of minutes into the movie, I developed this insane crush on Aaron Taylor Johnson playing Quicksilver. I’d seen Kick-Ass before that, but ATJ never struck me like this before. 

But as quickly as that crush grew and blossomed, Pietro (and ATJ) were ripped from out midst. Leaving behind this gap where I felt a growing sense of the Maximoff’s were done wrong. With poor Wanda and her story development in WandaVision. I knew they could do better. Especially my beloved Pietro. 

Why end it like that…? So I felt like I had to right the wrong. I wanted to for a long time. I adore ATJ, his person and his work. And seeing him announced as Kraven fills with me utmost joy. But that means we probably won’t see Pietro ever again. It’s a loss, but a otherwise great development for ATJ. Good for him! 

So, with me needing a little break from writing Tom, I took my ideas to the paper. And I could once again start daydreaming about my ATJ. 🤤

And this is the result. It’s massive. Close to 19k in words. And filled to the brim with banter, growing love interests, conflicting agenda’s and a bit of extra depth for Pietro. It may not me accurate. But I’m damn proud of it. It’s a labor of love. And I hope you enjoy it. 

If you don’t, or are disappointed in me, I promise you, the next one is with Tom. But I can’t guarantee this is the last Pietro fic though

Take care! 


Summary: You’ve been growing closer to Pietro after the fight in Sokovia. All the Avengers know better, but neither the two of you have the courage to take the next step.

Warnings: Drinking, cursing & smut

Words: 18.9K


The machine roared to life, shaking and shuddering as it began spewing the hot beverage into your mug, a slow but steady stream. Drowning out all other nearby sounds. A slow draft of steam clouded before you. Or was it smoke? You chuckle to yourself, wondering how such a high-tech compound like the Avengers has such old inefficient machines. With your folders and tablet under your arm, you pick up the mug and head for the hallway. A busy discussion was brewing in the lounge. A mix of Avengers, Guardians, Gods, and mutants alike. One voice overshadowing the other even louder. But even though the noise you hear out your name, calling you.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

“i found you” || j.p

I Found You || J.p

a/n ; when i say this is completely self indulgent i mean COMPLETELY i wrote this with myself in mind i literally just wanted to feel loved,,, anyways. not my best work but <3 writers block is hard ok .


“because i’ll fall in love with you, again and again. in every life, my heart is yours.”

“james-“ he had whispered, breath shaking.

“so you can erase my memories y/n, but i’ll find you. maybe walking down the street, maybe at a coffee shop, maybe on a trip half way across the world. i will find you, and i will fall in love all over again.” and so, he did.


there was a boy.

a boy with short black hair, slightly covering eyes james had never been able to properly see.

a boy with sweaters too long, and shaking hands with every cup of coffee he ordered.

a boy, who walked with his back straight, and his left hand tapping a rhythm only he could hear on his leg.

a boy who’s gaze lingered on james, but never long enough for james’ own to catch up.

a boy who smelt like sea water and when he got close enough, a boy who has freckles in the shape of stars dusting over the bridge of his nose.

a boy james’ soul ached for, in a way he could not explain. he wanted to reach out, to touch, to hold. he wanted to feel, to see. he wanted him.

but the boy was always too fast, and he slipped right through james’ fingers every time he got too close.

and moments he’d think he got close enough, fingers closing and chest racing, the boy would disappear again.

yet he always came back, day after day. he’d walk by, and james’ breath would be taken away all over again.

the boy never stayed long, he’d linger. a moment or too, as if he had something to say, right on the tip of his tongue. like he wanted to reach out, and james would let him, of course he’d let him.

but the boy always ended up walking away.

james hoped for a moment or two, that this would be the day he finally reached.

and there was something so familiar, an underlying feeling, comfort, about the boy.

a feeling that reached deep into his chest, intertwined with his ribs, closed over his soul and squeezed. a feeling so dull yet so bright, a feeling james could not put a finger on, but if he had to; home.

if james stopped to think about it, he could recall faint pictures.

fallen stars, soft wings, traces of grace in between lingering kisses. a smile. a touch, fingertips pressed against his neck, a ghost of a voice whispering his name.

metal swords pressed onto cheeks, laughs that sounded like sunshine, dreams that tasted like sugar. distant creations, sunsets and golden halos. cries of joy and promises whispered against eyelids.

the boy reminded him of a distant stranger he could no longer recall.

it didn’t matter, not now. when the boy was standing in front of him, brown eyes, his eyes were brown, looking up at him, hands softly placed on the card he held out for james.

and james had to stop for a moment.

soft features, familiar, warm. his hair fell, gently caressing his cheeks. it had grown, and strands curled around his ears in such a delicate way.

angelic in a way. the soft lighting of the coffee shop surrounded the boy, making the specks on his cheeks more prominent.

for a moment james could see it, the faint glow of a halo above his head, the outline of lost wings resting behind him.

an image flashed in his mind, silver rays of moonlight, an image so clear of a boy, this boy, a small smile decorated his face, wings spread behind him as if all he was meant to do was fly.

the image, dusted in stardust and eyes full of faith, of love, and of a faraway place, heaven.

the boy in front of him, an angel.

‘y/n’ his souls whispered, and his breath caught in his throat.

memories came in waves, and the boys eyes widened for a moment, as if he could recall everything, every kiss, every touch, every word, that james was at the moment.

the boy took a step back, ready to rush off, but this time, james reached.

his hand fell softly against the boys wrist, and a memory ram through his mind.


“i love you” his hand was on his wrist, tears in his eyes, wings burned behind him.

the angel shook his head, gently reaching for his hand.

“you can’t james, you have to forget me” he whispered, voice broken, tears falling down his cheeks.

“even if i forget you, it doesn’t matter” he had begged, hand pulling and reaching, determined to keep his angel close.

“what do you mean?” the being had asked, hands shaking at his sides.

“because i’ll fall in love with you, again and again. in every life, my heart is yours.”


the boy was in front of him, the same boy he had let slip through his fingers far too many times. the same boy he’d fall over and over for, wether it meant losing his wings, or falling in love.

the boy he’d forgotten, the boy he’d loved for years after years. the boy he’d fly through stars with, and land gently upon clouds, kissed pressed lovingly to temples and hands joined.

the boy he’d let take his heart and his mind, the boy he’d lost so many years, lifetimes, ago.

james pulled, the boy, the angel, y/n, towards him.

breath taken away, hands shaking, heart beating so fast in his chest he half expected it to fly to the moon.

the hand pressed against his wrist, the familiar hold, he relished in it. he was real, he was there, he remembered.

“i found you.” and he fell. again.

2 years ago

My Master-list

My Master-list

(These are the fandoms I have written so far, feel free to request but I will only write if I know the character)

! I also don’t write for celebrity’s !

* = Imagines

Lab rats

Adam Davenport X Male Reader

Lover Boy

We’re Just Friends

Chase Davenport X Male Reader

Puppy Love

Bad Influence

Alone Time

The Outsiders

* Babysitting Kids

* Walking in on you changing

Ponyboy Curtis X Male Reader

Butterfly Knife

Sodapop Curtis X Male Reader

Double Date

Dallas Winston X Male Reader

What Greasers Want

Steve Randle X Male Reader

Beauty Sleep

Blvd of Broken Dreams

Lightning to my Thunder


Johnny Cade X Male Reader

Impressing a Badass

Boy Bi



Peter Parker X Male Reader (Andrew Garfield)

My Spiderboy

Prisoner 218

Peter Parker X Male Reader (Tom Holland)

Mafia Bosses Son

Echos of Love

Reed Richards X Male Reader


Ocean Eyes

Namor x Male Reader

Way of the Water

Stranger Things

Steve Harrington X Male Reader

Ice Cream

Project Pretty Boy

The Umbrella Academy

Luther Hargreaves X Male Reader

Freaks of Nature


David King X Male Reader

After the Entity’s Realm

Love at First Sight

Brutal Love

Nate Jacobs X Male Reeader

Pieces of a Broken Heart 💔


Luke Dunphy X Male Reader

Jealousy Jealousy

Made You Look

Tyler Galpin X Male Reader

One Too Many

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2 years ago

hi! i dunno if your requests are still open but if they are i was wondering if you could write headcanons for dr strange and/or tony with a male so whos sorta like a eldritch god/horror? if not i understand but thanks anyways(:

Marvel x eldritch horror male reader

Hi! I Dunno If Your Requests Are Still Open But If They Are I Was Wondering If You Could Write Headcanons

  How did you know non-human reader fics were one of my favorites?

I sprinkled in some Steven Grant cuz I am obsessed with him, even though I haven’t watched the show yet, hope that’s okay lmao. I don’t know much about DID so I tried not to mention it much, and used what I know, so hopefully its alright.

I loosely based the readers main appearance of an oc of mine who is something like an eldritch horror themselves ^^

 I may have gotten carried away, but enjoy anyways.

Tony Stark

-          You meet when Tony is trapped in space with Nebula. You were just floating through space like always, taking in the sights and whatnot when you saw the ship and felt living organisms inside. One of them feels near death though, so you worry.

-          You haven’t interacted with many humans in your eternal life, so you panic and slither your everchanging form into the ship towards the dying being. Feeling around you with your smoke like mass, and using your abilities you can tell he is dying from lack of oxygen, so you make some.

-          He’s still falling unconscious, but not dying this time. So, you grace his mind just enough to get an impression, and take the form he would find most pleasing to look at. You end up taking him into your now only two arms, and holding him as he rests.

-          Things pass like in the movie, except you easily reverse what Thanos did and take the stones away from the ugly grape and fling him into the void.

-          Now that the threat is gone you grow close to Tony, and take great interest in human culture. You could learn it all immediately if you pleased, but having Tony show you and explain it made what would be your heart warm up.

-          In the beginning Tony, and all his companions, thought you were some type of alien that took human form, like the Skrull. So, it was kinda awkward to explain that you weren’t just that, you were what they called an eldritch horror.

-          Tony needed some time to come to terms with it, especially the fact that you were far beyond science. But after a while he seemed to just accept it, giving up that he couldn’t ever figure you out. Though he does try to at times still.

-          The two of you start dating, and it takes some time to get used too, mainly for Tony. You grow more comfortable letting your human go and just being more yourself. Though you keep your form mainly human.

-          You help out the Avengers at times, but mainly leave it to the heroes to go save the world. Though you will swoop in if they’re in life threatening danger.

-          You pick up cooking, though it isn’t very successful in the beginning, but tony seems to be very supportive, though he isn’t that happiest to be the taste tester as some of the dishes he swears are cursed.

-          You get better over time though.

-          The relationship is announced to the public, and you have to keep your human form when out and about for obvious reasons. The world is led to believe you have shadow based powers and have lived alone for most of your life, which makes up for you not understanding many parts of society just yet.

Stephen Strange

-          You meet when Stephen is doing magic work, maybe he has to cross over to the shadow between realities or universes to collect something or fight someone. He catches your attention by entering your domain, which normally no one can enter.

-          You keep your attention of the cloaked man, as he moves through your darkness with ease that surprises even you. His cloak flinches back when you reach a shadow up to pull on it, which confirms that it is alive.

-          The magic-user walks around your domain for a long time looking for what he’s after, but can’t seem to find head nor tail in the eternal darkness. You feel what’s almost akin to pity, like what you feel when you see a kitten stumble and fall. So, collecting a tiny part of your mass, you take a human-like shape.

-          The shape is like if you took shadows and dark mass and shoved it into a human shaped mold. You hadn’t really met humans before and you didn’t want to dig through his mind, so you took the next best option.

-          Stephen gets ready to fight when you appear, but when it becomes obvious, you’re friendly he tells you why he’s there and what he’s after. You offer to help him which he hesitates with at first, but ends up accepting. With little work of your powers, you’ve moved the two of you to what he needed

-          The two of you fall into talks, you mainly asking questions which he only seems to answer out of politeness as this is your realm, but as time passes, he becomes more friendly. He’s on edge around you in the beginning, but it lessens up.

-          When he leaves you vow to visit him regularly, which you then do. You pull apart the curtains of reality and step into whatever room he’s in, and as time passes you start to take a more human form as you learn about them. Though you keep certain features about yourself, like having more than two arms and smoke-like clouds rising from you at times, though Stephen doesn’t seem to mind at all.

-          The sorcerer grows to really apricate your company, and he treats you much warmer as time passes.

-          You dating is never really said in words, at some point you just start staying with him for longer, you start holding each other and kissing. Its only when Wong tells you to take your sucking faces somewhere else it clicks for the both of you.

-          Your relationship continues as normal, doing sorcery things, reading books, traveling places. Though now there’s more physical affection.

-          Stephen is very interested in the special brand of magic you use, though you explain it isn’t magic and just more you are bending reality to your will. He’s still very interested though.

-          He takes time off from being sorcerer supreme to spend time together, the two of you especially like traveling to other planets or alike to explore or go on holiday.

Steven Grant (Marc and Jake too i guess)

-          Unsurprisingly you meet Steven because of moon knight business. You first spotted him when he entered the afterlight as it is partly your domain, but before you could interact with him, he left again. You’re intrigued by the man, so you keep one of your many million eyes on him.

-          You let small parts of yourself start to slither into the human realm by poking holes in the fabric that is reality. Normally you would just have shoved a chunk of yourself out there, but the god that follows Steven around would notice immediately. Not that you couldn’t win with ease if the god wanted to fight, but you didn’t feel like it.

-          You had planned to grace over his mind for a shape when he slept, but he so rarely did. It made the small part of yourself you had put under his bed jolt as he got right back up, after he had gone to sleep. Flexing your abilities, you figured out there were not one, not two, but three people in the body, one of them being Steven.

-          Now you have always been an eternal everchanging being, so it didn’t weird you out or anything, you simply noted down for later to pay attention to who was fronting and that was it.

-          Weeks pass like this, and you’re comfortable just watching and observing. That is until Steven apparently gains control of the body in the middle of a battle. He’s lost and doesn’t even realize he’s in a fight until he almost gets punched.

-          Steven appears not to be much of a fighter, but you stay still until one of the people he was fighting pulls out a gun, which you now know is a weapon. You collect all the small shadows you’ve had cross over and mash them together to take form. You take a human form, the only thing showing you’re less than human nature are your eyes, which turn pitch black.

-          You make quick work of the goons, going as far as to crush the gun in your hand and flinging the people across the street and into a dumpster.

-          The god that follows Steven around immediately gets confrontational and curses at you and wants you gone, but you ignore him to crouch down to Steven and ask if he’s alright, lifting a smoke covered hand, where the smoke slithers around and seems to heal whatever bruises and cuts he has.

-          It takes some explaining and calming Steven down to explain who and what you are, and why you are there. He blushes when you explain how you found him so interesting and sweet you couldn’t help but want to stick around.

-          Khonsu seems to stop his cursing and threats when he figures out you are far beyond even his level of power, though the two of you don’t seem to realize. You don’t even notice when he seems to leave, giving you major side-eye.

-          One thing leads to the next and you’re spending a lot of time together, though its just you and Steven since you leave when you notice the other two fronting. You don’t want to make them uncomfortable or anything, and you and Steven thought that since Marc and Jake kept a lot of secrets in the past from him, its okay until you two know each other more.

-          When you start officially dating you end up introducing yourself to Marc and Jake, who both seem quite uneasy with you, but when they hear how you and Steven talk about each other they begrudgingly agree.

-          They won’t admit it, but they start to like you too, and get red in the face when you compliment them or hug them.

-          You and Steven talk about his interests for hours, and you can tell him many things that Khonsu doesn’t know or hasn’t told him, you even go as far as to tell him about how you have your own realm and alike. You visit it at some point, though there isn’t much to see as its just darkness and void.

-          Steven helps you learn the ways of the human world, though he struggles with it himself too, so you lean on each other for support. Though most days it can become quite a lot and you’ll just go home and cuddle in bed until Steven falls asleep and either Marc or Jake takes over, the man blushing when they realize they’re in your arms.

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2 years ago
Chris Evans

Chris Evans



Tying The Knot

Divorce Declined

I've Got You

Through His Lens

Words Hurt

Sebastian Stan

Until I Met You

Perfectly Imperfect

Steve Rogers


Birthday Boy

In The Shadows


Bucky Barnes


Last Call

The Cat Problem

Tony Stark

Man Down


Handsome Stranger


Hidden Truths


The Amazing Spider-Man

I Miss You


"You're my MJ"

Frank Castle


"Atta girl"

Marc Spector/Steven Grant


3 A.M.

Stephen Strange


In the stars

"I don't get jealous." (Stark!Reader)

Dr. Show Off



His Lover



Right Person, Wrong Time

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3


Back To Her

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4



Part 1* Part 2* Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9



Part 1 Part 2**


Second To Her

Part 1* Part 2*

New Neighbour

Part 1 Part 2


It's Okay To Not Be Okay

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Can't Compare

Part 1 Part 2



Part 1** Part 2* Part 3* Part 4 Part 5* Part 6 Part 7** Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13* Part 14 Part 15* Part 16

Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20** BONUS

Steven Grant x Marc Spector x POC!OC!Rachel

Hidden Identities

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Note that I don't own any of the MCU characters only Y/N. Do not steal or copywrite my work. GIF credits to the respected owners!

* - mentions of smut

**- definite smut



@sophiaedits @peakascum @anonymoustip217@mel119g

@iiddaaa @panaitbeatrice @mintphoenix @hardcoppizzasludge @tanyaherondale @creatingjana @calimoi @rootcrop @louisianalady @chrisfucksblog @thummbelina @n3ssm0nique @vicmc624 @leyannrae @janaev4ns @queenofkings1212@believinghurts





2 years ago

Witch Way Is Right? Masterlist

Witch Way Is Right? Masterlist
Witch Way Is Right? Masterlist

Summary: (Y/N) is a male witch and also comes from a family of witches. When (Y/N) is backed up in a corner by his brother, who chose the dark path, he is forced to choose his own fate, choosing the light path. This causes an Ecliptic War between Light and Dark Witches. During this war, an eclipse (both solar and lunar) is happening, and won’t end until one brother is left standing. With the help of the Avengers and other helpful heroes, will (Y/N) be able to defeat his brother, or will the world be forever secluded in darkness?


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

2 years ago

My Devil

Summary: You open up a little more to Pietro

Warnings: fluff, sex, kinky shit

Reader: Male Vampire Reader

Pairings: Pietro x Male Vampire Reader

Word Count: 3063

A/n: Requested by Anon :  Hi! I read your one shot “Eyes of the Devil” and thought it was amazing!👏🏼. Maybe you could do a smutty part two with top!reader👀?… You requested this a LONG LONG LONG time ago and I”M SORRY! but here you go! I hope you enjoy it! THIS IS ALSO A PART TWO PART ONE IS - Eyes of the Devil - …  @nin3s​


My Devil

You don’t bother glancing up when the door to the room you’re in opens and slams shut. You continue to read but listen to the ramblings of the angry enhanced man.

“What are you reading?” He asks. “You’re always reading,” He adds before you could respond. Then the book is out of your grasp and in his. “For Whom the Bells Tolls,” He mutters.

“A classic,” You tell him. “Now stop being a brat and give it back,” Pietro’s eyes move from the book to you. You hold your hand out expectantly. Pietro pouts but reluctantly hands it over. You resume your reading while Pietro stares at you.

It isn’t long until Pietro continues his brattiness. He marches around the room making noise. He grumbles under his breath knowing that you could hear every word as if he were talking normally.

He complained about his training session. Complained about Steve holding him back. Complained about his sister adapting to the Avenger life better than him.

You ‘ignored’ him.

You listened to every word and understood his frustrations. Pietro is used to everything at a fast pace. You knew Steve was taking his time making sure the twins understood and mastered everything. He didn’t want to take them out on a mission and something go wrong because they weren’t prepared. You also knew that Wanda listened better and took directions easier. Pietro needed a firmer hand than what Steve could give.

“Are you even listening?!” Pietro snapped taking the book once again. You shot out of your seat, took the book from him and tossed it on the desk. A heartbeat later Pietro is pressed against the wall with your hand firmly around his neck.

Keep reading

2 years ago

Eyes of the Devil

Summary: Pietro finds someone faster than him and you find your missing piece.

Warnings: violence, curse words, angst?, fluff

Reader: I wrote this with the reader being a male but it could be read as gender neutral; Male Vampire Reader

Pairings: Pietro x Male Vampire Reader (Gender Neutral); Laura Barton x Male Vampire Reader (Platonic)

Word Count: 3,312

A/n: Reader speaks Slavic. According to Google Translate =  Moja duša - My soul. Malá holubica - Little dove. Malý - Little one…. I plan on doing more one shots in relation to this one. I wouldn’t really call it a series just a collection of random one shots with Pietro and this type of reader. Let me know if you wanna be tagged in them or if you have a request for a specific one shot you wanna see. This one shot was really just a starter for those future one shots coming.



If you were being honest, you didn’t know how old you were. You knew you were at least a few millennia’s old but after the first thousand years, who cares to keep track? 

You also knew that life could get very boring if you didn’t spice things up a little bit. Being a part time Avenger did just the thing for you. You didn’t care enough to help out full time but you were there if they were dealing with something extra tricky. Like an alien invasion or enhanced individuals.

It had been a hot minute since you had seen the rest of the team and was pleasantly surprised to get a call from them. Apparently Hydra had managed to pass abilities from Loki’s scepter onto humans giving them powers. One of them had an ability you shared thus pushing the Avenger’s to call you in.

Of course, you had a life of your own (surprisingly) and couldn’t just drop everything to help them. Although, once you managed to push your responsibilities to a loyal friend you left to track down the team.

This lead you to a seemingly abandoned factory. Shocker. 

You stayed in the shadows, undetected by everyone on the lower levels. You listened to the exchange between your team and the large robot. Your eyes then fluttered to the two that stood on the robots side. You deducted that those were the special individuals the team had called you in for.

Keep reading

2 years ago

(Y/N): *Points at Price* Mum

Price: Wh-

(Y/N): *Points at Ghost* Dad

Ghost: …

(Y/N): *Points at Gaz* Favourite cousin

Gaz: :)

(Y/N): *Points at Soap* the sibling that’s only there because your parents threatened to ground you if you didn’t take them with you

Soap: WHAT?!

(Y/N): *Points at Alejandro* the cool uncle

Alejandro: *shrugs with a smile*

(Y/N): *Points at Rudy* the sweetheart cousin that you can never really be mad at no matter what

Rude: :D

(Y/N): *Points at Valeria* That one aunt who doesn’t work but has a suspicious amount of money

Valeria: true…

Soap: *huffs* And what does that make you?

(Y/N): The one who knows all the tea and uses it to create drama


(Y/N): *shrugs*

Soap: *starts arguing*

(Y/N): *Watches the chaos unfold with a grin*

Ghost: *groans* fuckin’ hell…

2 years ago

ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴏʟᴅ ʟᴀᴅʏ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ

ᗢ jujutsu kaisen x scarletwitch!reader ᗢ


will contain spoilers from the jjk manga and the latest mcu shows + movies (particularly wandavision and loki, as well as doctor strange in the multiverse of madness). once again, this will contain heavy spoilers—you have been warned.

other stuff to look out for? this is a part-crackfic slash reader-insert story, so you'll be breaking reality (plus some hunky hearts, mehehehe) with your chaos magic while being a shop-owning badass grandma. i'm telling ya'll, it's just absolute craziness here and the author being sleep-deprived. (シ_ _)シ

what's even better? #girlbosses nobara and maki call you a milf (cutiepatootie yuuji calls you mom, though). if you don't like that and the webtoony title, just scroll away. („• ֊ •„)

oh! before i forget, i was also inspired by the amazing @elysianslove and one of her wonderful works about a haikyuu x scarletwitch!reader. mwah, go and check it out! ヾ(*'▽'*)

[✔ - Rewritten and edited after the events of Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness]

00. how it all began ✔

01. nanami kento: the workaholic who needs a year-long vacation from everything and a limitless—pun intended—white-haired headache ✔

02. gojo satoru: the overpowered manchild who loves to annoy everybody and splurge his excessive wealth on sugar instead of being an actual sugar daddy ✔

03. fushiguro toji: the ex-assassin who wears his shirts two sizes too small while being an expert at not paying child support ✔

04. ryomen sukuna: the sadistic maniac who's just too bored with his life so he waits to pick a fight as he sits on his throne made out of the skulls of his enemies ✔

05. geto suguru: the traitor who calls people monkeys but later on gets his body hijacked by a literal mastermind creature ✔

06. kamo choso: the precious big brother who only wants to have his little brothers all safe and sound ✔

07. witchcraft & other shenanigans ✔

08. spellbound ✔

09. grief ✔

10. fantasy ✔

11. cursed ✔

12. destiny ✔

13. madness ✔


(still a work in progress; chapters will be updated with links throughout the next few months)

Bonus Scenes:


The Return to KFC


When you moved into this new universe, no one warned you that you would become the mother figure to several traumatized kids while at the same time juggling six adult men who had their own personal issues (one was a blunt workaholic with a peculiar fashion taste in neckties, the second was a narcissistic overgrown kid with too much power, the third was a supposed-to-be-dead deadbeat dad slash hitman, the fourth was a sadistic tattooed psychopath with a secret chocolate addiction, the fifth was an ex-mass murderer who had his body stolen by a brain, and the last one just wanted his brothers together, poor thing).

You were just a retired witch owning a small shop, wanting to live the rest of your miserable life in peace. They called themselves jujutsu sorcerers, and apparently this new universe you'd chosen to settle down in had nasty monsters—curses, they said—that were born out of people's shitty emotions.

Who knew that being an old lady was hard these days? Now you understood what Dr. Strange felt when you and Loki accidentally unleashed the Multiverse of Madness. Maybe you did need to see Bucky's therapist.

taglist: to be added! (just comment below or message me if you'd like to be included)

2 years ago


𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐎 ☕ (fernandacamacho) - Profile | Pinterest
𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐎 ☕ | ᴄᴜᴀɴᴅᴏ ꜱɪɢᴜᴇꜱ ʟᴏꜱ ᴇxᴛʀᴀÑᴏꜱ ꜱᴇɴᴅᴇʀᴏꜱ, ᴛᴇ ʟʟᴇᴠᴀʀÁɴ QᴜɪÉɴ ꜱᴀʙᴇ ᴅÓɴᴅᴇ.☕🌙

Tags :
2 years ago

The Darkling's Beloved Pt 2

The Darkling's Beloved Pt 2

Pairing: Aleksandar Morovoza x Elementalist!Male reader

Word count:2600+

Summary: With the Sun Summoner he can finally free you from your cold stone prison...right?

Warning: Smut, a little bit of sadness, cute nicknames, fluff, praising, unsafe sex (use a condom ya nasties (͡°ʖ̯͡°)), a little bit of nipple play, a lot of kissing, little bit of a general kink.

Since everyone liked the other one(which I appreciate bc I really liked the concept) I've decided to make pt 2, I hope this clears the cliffhanger from the last one.

Part 1

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Alina was getting ready for her showcase at the banquet, Kirigan said that it was a big deal that she preformed correctly to impress the guest. Kirigan told Alina in advance that he was adding on to the showcase that would take place in front of the statue of an unknown man.

Alina needed to find Kirigan in the halls so maybe they could potentially sneak away, she had feelings for Kirigan and she just couldn't tell if Kirigan felt the same way.

Alina and Genya made their way through the crowded halls. While Genya was guiding Alina to their destination, Alina saw Kirigan in a room with a bunch of other people, she had to go talk to him.

Genya lost her grip on Alina as Alina strayed away into the room Kirigan was in. Kirigan saw Alina coming into the room, he didn't want her there yet specifically because it was too early for the performance but since she was there might as well start it, the sooner the better.

Kirigan grabbed Alina and dragged her on to the stage with him. "Are you ready?" Kirigan whispered into Alina's ear. "As ready as I'll ever be." Alina said smirking at the end of her sentence.

Kirigan turned to the crowd with a show stopping smile. "Welcome to showcase of the future of destroying the fold, the Sun Summoner." Kirigan used his powers to make the room as dark as night but after a while a blinding light appeared where Alina and Kirigan were standing.

The audience was in awe, watching the light show that was beholding in front of their eyes. Kirigan retracted his darkness as well as Alina made the light fade away.

"We have another showcase if you would follow us out into the courtyard." The crowd started to move towards the courtyard slowly, people were nervous but excited none the less.

Once everyone was in the courtyard, a statue that wasn't originally there was seated in the middle of the area. Light emitted from the statue almost like Alina's light but brighter in a way.

"Now you may be wondering why this statue is important...well me and Alina will show you." He grabbed Alina's hands a placed it on the statue's chest.

"Just focus your light into the statue and I'll do the rest." Alina nods and concentrates her powers into the stone statue while Kirigan does the same with his darkness.

The statue seems to be emitting more light, blinding the guest even more than the previous performance. Baghra looks a the action from a safe distance, she knows not to interfere knowing what's going to happen. Kirigan needs this ritual to work, he needs Y/n back. The light becomes brighter and brighter until it stops the light soon fades away and the original darkness of the courtyard returns.

The used to be statue in the middle of the courtyard is now a man dressed in very thin clothing. The audience notices and gasp at the sight, confused on how the statue turned from stone to man.

Alina was even more confused, she never knew her powers could do that or was that just Kirigan amplifying her capabilities as the sun summoner.

You started to fall but Kirigan catches you, saving you from the hard concrete floor.

"Where am I?" You said in a hushed tone, you look towards the figure holding you. It looked like Aleksander just with shorter hair.

"Aleksander?" You said that before losing conscious, you fell asleep in his arms.

"We must get him to a healer immediately for check up, he is top priority." The crowd moved out of the way so Aleksander could bring you back into the palace to healers.

Alina was confused and so were the audience members but it was a fine show and that satisfied them enough, they all returned back into the palace for the food and drinks.


Aleksander hasn't left your side since freeing from your stone cage. He simply couldn't risk losing you again, while watching over you, he had to think of a way to keep you safe since you did aid him during the creation of the fold.

It was just you and him left in the room, everyone had left to enjoy the rest of the party.

"You know I didn't stop trying to find a way to bring you back... I knew I could, it was like a feeling in my blood that you weren't truly gone." He moved his hand to your cheek caressing it before he continued "I know if you were truly dead I would have already killed everyone and everything from taking you away from me." He paused "Because you're the only thing in this world that truly matters." A tears strays down his eyes as he finishes his sentence.

A soft hand wipes the tears away and Aleksander turns to you." I'm not dead...anymore so don't cry okay." You whisper to him before attempting to sit up.

"Hey hey be careful you're still very fragile after being a statue for a couple of centuries." He helps you sit up right in a comfortable position.

"I'm not fragile, if anything I think being a statue has made me stronger." You smile at him, you felt stronger than before, like you could take a bullet to the heart and survive while being stabbed by a millions daggers.

"I think the elements want to be sure that this never happens again." You said before turning to look out the window. "Where are we exactly Aleksander?" You turn back to him tilting your head.

"We're in my palace since I am a general and I command the grisha to fight in the war." He gives you this cocky look and you simply thinks it's ridiculous.

"Well that's good to hear, and I see you took my advice and cut your hair." You move your hand to feel his now short hair, moving each strand making it messy.

"I needed to disguise myself and to come up with a new identity so that's when the hair got cut." He grabs your hand from his hair and holds it, slowly drawing circles in your palm.

"I'm guessing I'm going to need to change my name too? Since I did help you." You knew the old king didn't like you so the new king probably didn't like you either.

"Your last name could be mine we'd be unofficial married, I could say that my father turned you into to stone because of our relationship and that only a sun summoner and a darkling could break the spell." He talks slow trying his hardest to make this plan perfect, he couldn't lose you again.

"Maybe there is a brain up there." You smirk at him and lightly push on his shoulder.

"I did trick the king's son didn't I." He smiles. Someone knocks on the door and enters, it's Ivan.

"General, the king would like to speak to you about our new guest." He motions to you, Aleksander sighs.

"I'll be back darling unless you're in a good condition." He stands up still holding your hand looking down at you completely ignoring Ivan who is still in the room.

"Honey, I'm completely fine look." You get up from the bed that you layed in "see i'm not falling i'm perfectly fine so don't worry." Tugging on his arm. "Now bring me to this king."


Aleksander guides you to the area where the king is. When entering the room there seems to be an audience waiting for your arrival.

"King you have summoned me." Aleksander bows before returning his gaze back to the ruler on the throne.

"As the king I wish to know who that man is right next to you who seemingly was stone but was turned human." The king slightly glares at you.

"This is my husband sire, he's a grisha just like the rest of us but special." The kings eyes widened at the word 'special' and suddenly he was intrigued.

"Special in what way? In the ability to turn into to stone?" He mocks your previous situation but he won't be mocking you soon enough.

"No sire he's an elementalist, he possesses the abilities to control all the elements not only that but all the elements are friends to him and they care very deeply for him." He explains to the king who seems to be as dumb as his father.

"Then why was he stone? If the elements are friends to him, why would they turn him into stone." You internally rolled your eyes and remember how dumb kings could be.

"My father didn't approve of our marriage and turned him into stone, I knew how to turn him back but the spell needed a sun summoner and at the time I thought they didn't exist but then Alina came along." He motions to Alina who is next to Genya.

The king frowned at the story not knowing it was all a lie" That's so sad, he may stay with you in your palace and I assume he's already combat trained." Aleksander nods he goes to speak but is interrupted by you.

"I've fought the most powerful grisha ever, I only lost because I thought he was going to finally accept us but I won't be tricked again, you have my word sire." You bow showing that you have proper etiquette when speaking to a royal.

The king nods "You are dismissed." You both bow again and leave the room.

"Let's head to my quarters." You nod and he grabs your hand taking you back to his area.

Nsfw after the time skip


As soon as you and Alek get to his room he immediately starts taking off all his clothing, throwing them randomly around the room.

"Why are you taking your clothes off." Closing the door behind you so no one peeping could see your man getting undressed.

You hear a sinister laugh come from his mouth. He turns to you with half of his shirt off showing his delicious abs.

"I haven't been able to touch you in years, not once have I been able to make love to you but that changes today darling." He slowly walks over to you prowling like a lion for it's prey.

He gets right in front of your face, cornering you leaving you between the door and him. He slams his lips into yours the kiss starts slow but soon the kiss becomes heated and passionate with love.

He wraps your legs around his waist keeping you steady on the door. You bring your arms around his neck trying to bring him in any closer, still kissing you he starts to move towards the bed laying down while he hovers over you.

You could feel the darkness slowly creep up your legs slowly taking your clothing off one by one soon leaving you bare naked.

"Seems your powers aren't under control." You pull away from the kiss and slowly pull down his pants and underwear. His hard cock was released from it's confinement, it twitched when feeling the cold air.

"Sorry about that darling but they'll probably be joining us they probably missed you as much as I do." Dark tendrils start creeping up your leg but you ignore them and focus on your boyfriend.

You pull Aleksander back into a kiss, taking action you flip him over on to his back leaving you right in front of his cock that was laying right between you cheeks. While kissing him you slowly move your hips up and down sending even more pleasure to his body.

Aleksander once again pulls away from the kiss and looks to the corner side table, opening the cabinet doors and grabbing the lube, applying some of it to his fingers. He moves his hands towards your hole circling around it teasing you before suddenly plunging one finger in. You clenched around the finger and moaned at the intrusion, even though it's been awhile since you've had sex you still knew the ropes.

Aleksander searches for the special spot, upon finding it he hears you moan louder than before.

"Bingo." He says under his breath before inserting 2 more fingers into you, attacking that special spot leaving you a moaning mess. He brings you down to capture your lips trying to quiet the sounds coming from your mouth.

Pulling away from the kiss, he trails down your neck leaving hickeys in his path, moving from your neck he moves to your nipples lapping them getting them nice and hard before bring his other hand to your cock slowly jerking it barely leaving you able to speak coherent words.

"Please I can't wait any longer." You whine out, your lust had started to become unbearable. "What is it that you want darling." He smirks he knows what you want but he wants for you to say it.

"I want your cock General." The word general struck a string in Aleksander and he hurried to take his fingers out of you and lubed his cock up. He spreads your cheeks open and slowly slides his cock inside of you, you moan at the feeling. This was the first time in centuries you've had sex with your beloved and he hadn't even started the real show and you loved it.

While still in you, he takes his hands off your cock and turns you on to your back before he starts thrusting in and out of your hole. At first he sets the pace at a slow speed trying to find the sweet spot again that made you make beautiful sounds. Once he found it, he started thrusting at abnormal speed, leaving you crying with pleasure. You knew that whole entire palace could hear but you didn't care because all your focus was on Aleksander.

"You looks so beautiful under me with pools of pre-cum on your stomach." He moves one of his hands to your cock moving it at the same speed as his thrust leaving you almost breathless while overwhelmed.

"Alek I'm close." You manage to get the words out of your lips. He leans down and captures your lips for a quick kiss "I'm close too darling cum with me." You nod pulling his lips back to yours. The kiss became sloppy as both of you came to your breaking points.

His thrust started to slow down and became sloppy same with his hand movements. He pulls away and says "I'm cumming." You could feel his cum filling you up making you cum as well all over his hand.

He pulls out of you licking your cum from his hand and kissing you, you could taste yourself on his tongue. He pulls away and flops next to you.

"Shouldn't we clean up honey." You turn to him, looking into his pitch black eyes.

"We can do that in the morning but for now I want to cuddle with the one I love if you don't mind?" He brings his hand to your cheek, caressing it ever so slightly.

"Of course, I want to feel you for eternity." You curl into his side and lay your head upon his chest. You let yourself to be pulled by the comfort of sleep and the knowing feeling that your able to be with Aleksander for ever.

"And I said I'd love you for eternity." He whispers before himself falls to the succumbing feeling of sleep, knowing he finally has the one thing that matters, You.


Little did the both of them know that someone was listening to them, listening to there sweet words and they didn't like it.

It's surprising that people didn't notice the sun shining so late at night but the sun didn't shine at night so what was it.....

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

MUAHAAHAHAHHA I love leaving you guys on weird cliffhangers but that's it for this part I hoped you guys enjoyed. I wouldn't mind continuing this story but I wouldn't know where to make the story go but I would love to continue this after writing for other things it just depends again on if you guys like it.

Oh also I'm thinking about making taglist for things like grishaverse, celebrities, marvel etc. So I'm going open my ask box and just say what you want to be add to and I'll be sure to right your names down and yeah but if you don't want to be on the tag list and just wanna say some random things in my ask box go ahead.

Thats it ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ.

Almost forgot the one person who wanted to be tagged srry: @kaqua

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2 years ago

The Darkling's Beloved

The Darkling's Beloved

Pairing: Aleksander Morovoza x Elementalist!Male reader

Word count: 1500+

Summary: The only thing Aleksander needed in the word was Y/n.

Warning: Reader's death, fighting, guns, violence, and a little bit of fluff.

A/n: the whole entire show I was screaming for Kirigan to fuck me but there's no fucking here so T_T.

Part 2

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The Kings men were still looking for both you and Alek, for he had open the fold. Slowly but surely they were gaining in on the both of you and you two knew a battle would occur it was only a matter of time. Hiding in caves seem to be the smartest option, not only could you close up the entrance and reopen it but you could summon a ball of light to keep the monsters away.

You woke up before Aleksander but you couldn't move, his arms around your waist leaving you grounded like an 100 year old oak tree. The fire had went out that you created but the lights still lit up the cave, you wondered if you could help Alek with the fold using your light to control it to help your kind survive and not be hunted like deer by the king.

You attempted to pull Alek's arms off of your waist so you could at least see if it was day or night, but it seemed even in sleep he knew when you were trying to escape, pulling you closer and wrapping his arms tighter around you.

"Where are you trying to go darling?" A little bit of his hair got into your face, leaving you having to clear the obstacle in your eyes.

"I'm trying to see the time honey." You turn around, looking at his face, you lay a kiss upon the tip of his nose.

"We need to keep moving, somehow they're constantly on our tail." No matter how much you loved being in your beloved's embrace you're still both on the run.

He sits up and looks at you, he seems to be thinking about the problem at hand. "We should stop running." He has this pained look in his eyes, taking a breath before continuing his sentence, "At some point we're going to have no other place to run, then what... If my last day on this earth is fighting with you by my side I'd take it any day." He caress your cheek into his hand laying a kiss onto you lips, short and sweet your favorite.

You layed there with eachother, knowing in some sense he was right, running will only get you so far before you can run no longer.

"You're right...but how will we fight a squad of soldiers, ready and prepared for what we can do?" You lean into his touch even more, he was giving you all you need and you were doing the exact same for him.

"I don't know how but all I know is if we're together we can conquer anything." You bring your hands to his long luscious hair, twirling a piece of it around you finger.

"You know I think shorter hair would suit you more." He chuckles, moving to get up from the floor of the cave, pulling you up in the process.

"I'll keep that in mind next time I get an haircut." You open the entrance to cave, letting sun rays into the cave, slowly heating the cave.

"So what do we do now?" You walk towards where the sunlight is coming from pulling Aleksander with you.

"We wait... That's all we really can do darling." You nod, you listened to the wind blowing and birds chirping, the world could be so peaceful but so cruel at the same time.

After a while you could feel movement in the area around you, you look towards Aleksander to see if he felt it too, he made a gesture telling you he indeed felt it too.

In seconds, you two were surrounded by armed men with weapons meant to kill you two in an instance. You two stayed where you were not moving, just watching them get into position.

You knew there was too many, Aleksander knew there was too many but it doesn't matter now all you could think of was fighting with your beloved one last time.

"Hands away from eachother and not a single whisper coming out of either of your mouths." Both of you do the following commands.

You knew you had to wait for them to get cocky and arrogant before attacking so you both could at least have a slim chance of surviving, but you didn't even get a chance at that plan, one of the men shot you right in the stomach.

You turn to Aleksander, hands clutching the area where you were shot, it seemed that your body didn't want to receive any sound but you could tell he was screaming out of anger.

Your legs became weak and you couldn't stand any longer, you fall to the ground, funny how being the only elementalist still alive and surviving so long, only thing needed to kill you was a simple bullet.

The elements around you were mad, they started attacking the soldiers, soldiers were being suffocated by quicksand, some by lack of oxygen and others were attacked by tree roots reaching and choking them to death.

And Aleksander, he was FURIOUS, he looked like the incarnate of pure darkness. He created monsters of darkness to rip the soldiers apart, leaving only their bones.

Once the small army was dealt with Aleksanders gaze moved to you, he rushed over to you putting pressure onto the gun wound. The creatures he created had dissipated into the wind, leaving no sign of them in the area.

"We need to find a healer, that's all and you'll be fine and we can finally liv-" You grab his hands holding them in place, you shake your head tears rolling down from your eyes.

"Honey I'm dying... Let me rest with the elements, the last thing I want to feel is you." Tears roll down his face as he nods, he's lost so much because of the king and now he's losing the only thing keeping him sane, you.

He picks you up, carrying you to a near by pond, laying you down in the water. He sits down, gently pulling your head into his lap so you could see his face for your last few moments.

"I wish you had shorter hair, it's covering your beautiful face." You smile using the last ounces of your strength to caress his face. He leans into your hand, kissing the palm of it before taking it and putting your hand back to your side.

"I love you Y/n... I love you so much that I know I'll never love another." He leans down to kiss your cheek and that's the last thing you feel before you fall into a deep slumber. "I'll find a way to bring you back my beloved even if it takes eternity" He whispers under his breath.

He noticed that your body started to turn into stone. He gets up and backs away to see the process, water coiled around your body, plants sprouted around you and light emitted around you.

He looks down at you and whispers "I will find a way... No matter how long it takes." He walks away remembering the exact location of your resting place.


"General Kirigan, the scouts have found the book on Elementalist." Kirigan turns around and grabs the book out of Ivan's hand.

"Thank you Ivan, don't let anyone near my tent until I say so please." Ivan nods leaving the tent and heads back outside to the entrance of the tent. Kirigan immediately starts reading the book about the Elementalist and their magical abilities. He comes across a page about elementalist's death, it reads that they can't die hinting towards their immortality, when put into a state where a mortal would die, they become one will the elements again, but can be revived when a sun summoner and a darkling combine their powers while the elements of the earth are around the elementalist to resurrect the elementalist back to full health.

This ritual has chances to fail but the ritual chances of succeeding are increased when the beloved of the elementalist is present. Kirigan slams the book close, thinking where he would get a sun summoner, that was the only flaw of this ritual, Sun summoners didn't exist.

Someone bursted into Kirigan's tent, he looks up to see one of his Grisha soldiers entering and Ivan behind him.

"Ivan I thought I told you to not let anyone in." He looks at Ivan with a glare, he was already annoyed with information in the book and this intrusion didn't help.

"General I think you want to hear this." Ivan says in a low tone. Kirigan grumbles and gestures for the soldier to speak.

"The Sun Summoner has been found and some of our soldiers have went to go retrieve her, they're on their way now." The soldier says that in a hurried tone, not wanting to upset the General further.

Kirigan takes a deep breath "Once the Sun Summoner is here bring her into my tent and some of our higher command members to witness the testing, you are dismissed." They nod and leave the tent.

"I told you I'd find a way." He whispers under his breath with a grin.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I hoped you guys enjoyed and I wouldn't mind doing a part two it just depends on how everyone likes it but that's all bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ.

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2 years ago

No Spoilers Pt 4 *FINALE* (Avengers X Reader)

Characters: Avengers X Reader

Universe: Marvel, Avengers

Warnings: Spoilers to Infinity War, injury, near death expierience. There may be swearing but it’s too long for me to go and check to be sure.

Request: Avengers x reader no spoilers 4. The reader is finally in the real world(home) after meeting stan lee. Stan is telling the reader since he changed the story Thanos plan has changed. He heard of the reader being not from this of the universe. So now Thanos is planning to take over the reader real universe. Stan says “You can stay in the MCU and stop him but you will stay there forever. Or you can do nothing but there is a greater chance he will succeed and destroy this (real)universe.” He even says I’ll give you powerful powers excluding unreasonable op powers. Added note: Reader has an Iron Man Suit (TAG @lunchawx)

PREVIOUS PARTS:    Pt 1    Pt 2     Pt 3

No Spoilers Pt 4 *FINALE* (Avengers X Reader)

You’d done it. You’d gotten home. The moment you came face to face with the elderly, white haired man with the large sunglasses and a kind smile, you knew you’d reached the end of this story. Stan Lee had actually been rather cheeky with you, asking “what took you so long kid?” 

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2 years ago

No Spoilers Pt 3 (Avengers X Reader)

Characters: Avengers X Reader

Universe: Marvel, Avengers, just after AoU

Warnings: Spoilers

Request: Can you do a part 3 of no spoilers where the reader is at the end of age of Ultron and gets to the Stan Lee Cameo. So he asks what’s going on and Stan says “That Stan was a fictional guy that created the portal because he wanted to start a new life. But why the R is now here is because Stan accidentally opennthe portal on the day the r was supposed to meet the r on their birthday. And the ending can be a ambigous ending       Hey I requested pt 3 I wanted it to rephrase it: how about they think of stan so they can get out of the world instead of the cameo

No Spoilers Pt 3 (Avengers X Reader)

You were exhausted. Every muscle in your body ached and you finally had a moment to relax. You couldn’t be bothered to find a chair, or even a table, and just dropped onto the floor and laid back, and closed your eyes, sighing heavily. 

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2 years ago

No Spoilers Pt 2 (Avengers X Reader)

Characters: Avengers X Reader

Universe: Marvel, Avengers

Warnings: Spoilers to AOU

NOTE: I couldn’t find a way to interpret everything the request wanted, so I changed a few parts, but it follows the main request x

Request: Hi could part 2 of no spoilers be the reader is working with Bruce and they get attacked and get captured by Loki and other villains and The villains think that they are spy. But the reader freaks out about the villan

No Spoilers Pt 2 (Avengers X Reader)

It had been a few weeks since you had been thrown into the world of the Avengers, and while little progress was being made in getting you home despite their best efforts. You knew they were trying, so you didn’t push them too hard, and instead tried to enjoy your time here.

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2 years ago

No Spoilers (Avengers X Reader)

Characters: Avengers X Reader

Universe: Marvel, Avengers

Warnings: Spoilers of AOU


Request: If you would be so kind I would like a Avengers x reader (around teenage) request where the reader from our universe gets dropped into the avengers.

No Spoilers (Avengers X Reader)

It’s not the first time the Avengers have seen a portal from another dimension. But it was the first time that a person has fell through and then have it shut.

At first they thought you were a possible threat, but quickly realised by the fact that you were in your pyjamas and looking at them in disbelief that you weren’t a threat.

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