I Would Love To See A Cishet Male College Student Character Who Joined A Sorority Because He Didn't Wanna
I would love to see a cishet male college student character who joined a sorority because he didn't wanna hang out with those rapey frat boys. Would love it if he was super buff and tall and masculine but carried a purse because it was conveint and sometimes painted his nails. An emotionally available prochoice king who's not afraid to cry and speak up about women's issues without speaking over women. The frat boys hate him because women are lining up to date him even though he'd never even think of betraying his darling girlfriend.
Anyway I'm not sure if the worlds ready for that but it would be nice.
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More Posts from Thegothicchangeling

🙃 Regular reminder that while Hozier has amazing love songs, he is ALSO very outspoken about his leftist politics, specifically anti-fascism, anti-racism, reproductive rights, Palestinian rights and more.
Take Me To Church and Foreigner’s God are scathing critiques of organized religion, specifically the Catholic Church and the colonization of Ireland.
Moment’s Silence is about oral sex but it’s ALSO about how that specific sexual act is often distorted to a show of power rather than that of love.
Nina Cried Power is an homage to various (mostly Black) civil rights activists from the US and Ireland and a call to follow their path.
Be criticizes anti-migrant policies and Trump and his ilk.
Jackboot Jump is about the global wave of fascism and about protest and resistance.
Swan Upon Leda is about reproductive rights and the violent colonial oppression of Ireland and Palestine.
Eat Your Young is about the ruinous way the 1%/capitalism and arms dealers prioritize short-term profit over everything else to the detriment of the youth/99%
Butchered Tongue is about Irish and other indigenous languages being suppressed and erased by imperial powers.
If any of the above surprised you, please, please delve deeper into Hozier’s music, you’re missing such an important part of his work.
Bro, you gotta hurry or you'll miss it! They're gonna fight! Canon Jesus is totally gonna wipe the floor with Fanon Jesus!
Listening to Hozier is all fun and games until he sings "I do not have wings, love, I never will" and suddenly you're ten years old again. Just a ten year old Catholic school girl terrified of hell and desperately trying to be good enough for heaven.
Listen I understand that Boris Pavilkovsky is a troubled kid and not a particularly good person, but I will never understand why Donna Tart felt the need to have him say the n-word. Explicitly. Multiple times. Never adressed.
I'm trying to have an old baby blanket of mine remade/restored. I need to identify the fabrics so I can try and find at least something close to it. I know Tumblr has got to have some sort of user who is really good at identifying fabrics. This place has all sorts of autistics (/pos)
Here are pictures of the blanket from the front to back.