Conservatives - Tumblr Posts
Here’s a reminder for anyone who thinks that conservatives accept aces: they think we need to be fixed. They think women and feminine people are inherently asexual but they mean it in a way that agency is removed, not as an orientation.
It’s also not a sudden switch. The churches I grew up in preached that sexuality was reserved for your husband, and that if you had boobs (they didn’t recognize anything but cis existed) that your body was inherently tempting, and men’s attraction to you was your responsibility.
Also — while I went to church camp every summer and did Bible Quizzing (I was really good at that actually) and was in the church pageant and youth groups and all of that — I know many people raised in much stricter churches, and that includes stricter purity culture beliefs.
The idea that men and masculine people wouldn’t want sex? Utterly unthinkable. I even remember having conversations in my Christian college with women who wanted to get married who said that part of their marriage was the duty to be sexually available to their husbands.
The body I was raised with was meant for the service of a future husband, not me. And that bled into secular culture (still does). Claiming my aceness was a huge part of claiming agency over my body and healing from the idea that it could only exist for others.
Here’s the thing: in a nutshell, women and feminine people are seen as not wanting sex, but having bodies inherently sexually tempting to men and masculine people. When the two marry, she must give her body to her husband in every way. And yeah, it’s as gross as it sounds.
Just because conservatives didn’t say “asexual” before doesn’t make this rhetoric new. Purity culture has been against anything not based in some 1950s idealized sexuality in marriage for a very long time. Very cis heteronormative— two things aces are not. The only difference is that conservatives are including the word “asexual” in their sexual ethics now.
Wrote an essay about it here.
But yeah it’s not new. They’re just learning how to use more vocabulary to say what they were already saying.
Hot Take: The world, especially the United States, coddles religious people, specifically christians. A lot of laws have been passed that really dont pass the whole operation of church and state test. Its dumb that churches dont pay taxes, its dumb that they are exempt from shit, its dumb that they make laws that hurt people because its against their specific religion. it makes me so fucking mad. Its dumb that they have so much power over laws and the country as a whole. the fuck happened to separation of church and state? I think its bullshit that lawmakers are passing laws and making their campaigns all about “christian family values” and outlawing abortion because their religion says abortion is wrong, and i hate it when i get told by people that im going to hell for being gay, and i hate it when assholes say that “transgenderism” needs to be completely eradicated. its bullshit and i hate it.
I dont hate christians. Most of my family is christian. But fuck it hurts so much when a large percentage of the largest group on the planet thinks you are going to burn for eternity in the name of “love”. I dont hate people who believe in some sort of god. It can be comforting to believe that death isnt the end. Go ahead and go to church and pray, do what you want. But i will not sit by and watch a group that says they are about love hurt billions of people.

The things we will never (and shouldn’t) know.
I'm angry enough about what I *do* know.
RANT (TW: Transphobia, homophobia, conservatives being conservatives)
So I just found out about something called "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise," otherwise known as "Project 2025."
Essentially conservatives want every queer person completely eradicated from society. Gone. They want to completely get rid of us. Direct quote from their little book:
"This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule,agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists."
They want any pornography gone from the internet too. To protect the children, of course. IT'S NOT FOR KIDS, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. No more porn or explicit writing will exist. If a librarian has a book with a sex scene in their library, they will be considered a sex offender. Stupid, right? Oh, but it gets worse. If a librarian has a book in their library with a queer character in it, they're also a sex offender. Because they consider it pornography. That's a literal death penalty in Florida. Queer parents could be considered sex offenders and be imprisoned just for being gay around their kids. And they want to make the only sort of treatment available to queer people conversion therapy.
Oh, and they WILL make this happen. Even if this plan is challenged, it'll go to the Supreme Court. Which is mostly conservative.
Basically, the conservatives want us all fucking gone. They could actually do this. They could literally destroy the entire queer community. Also, any sort of sexual expression you might have (I am a very sexual person at heart, I've genuinely considered doing sex work in the future just because I want to so I'm really mad about that) will be a criminal offense.
Share this. Reblog it and share it with your friends. This is real, look it up. And it's important.
I have no words

I never want to hear conservatives go on about repressive censorship in China, North Korea, and Iran ever again
I feel like it’s a testament to how little of a platform they’ve had the past 8 years. Hateful memes get old, just like any other meme, and seeing someone mention Harris’ financial platform??? Like dude you’ve spent 8 years shouting slurs through a frog meme, you look like an idiot baby playing with wooden blocks. Shut up and let the adults talk ok baby?
Watching republicans try to insult Harris/Walz is equal parts pathetic and hilarious. At best, their impotent baby whines don't break out of their caverns on reddit, and at worse they pick on something that everyone likes about these two.
I'd put examples, but conservative posts just roll off my brain. Like there isn't even anything to be mad about? No viewpoint with enough substance to rebut, no hatred we haven't heard a million times, no meme funny enough to share. Just. Nothing. It's like wet fish sliding across an ice cap, nothing's sticking. Its a delight 😊
Have access to my dads YouTube acct, time to go through and “don’t recommend channel” on these right wing media loonies

The same reason they are funding Israeli death squads is the same reason they overthrew Row v Wade, but not the Mulford act the NFA.
Conservatives don't want women or minorities to have rights.

Adding “all lives matter” tags so those idiots fucking learn #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #alllivesmatter #alllivesmatter✊ #alllivesmatters #alllivesmatter✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #alllivesmatterwhenblacklivesmatter #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #racist #racistcops #magat #magats #trump #trumpsupporters #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpsucks #donaldtrumpshit #dem #democrat #democrats #democraticsocialism #conservative #conservatives #republican #republicans
He said it not me Adding wHiTe LiVeS mAtTeR hashtags to drown out racists #conservative #conservativememes #conservatives #liberal #liberalmemes #liberals #2020 #whitesupremacists #whitesupremacistsareterrorists #whitesupremacistterrorism #whitesupremacistsociety #whitesupremacy #whitesupremacyisterrorism #whitesupremacykills #whitesupremacyculture #race #racist #racistcops #racisttrump #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #whitelivesmatter #whitelivesmattertoo #whitelivesmattermost #whitelivesmattermore #whitelivesmatter👊🏻 #alllivesmatter #alllivesmatter✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

My political compass
I HATE talking with conservative sci-fi fans. They often love the worst parts of any given franchise and are often confused by what the plot and themes are actually about. It's frustrating sharing a love for a show or movie with someone who hates the good parts.

“They’ll look high and they’ll look low They’ll look everywhere we go But when the sinners find us, we won’t hide They’ll come loud and they’ll come fast We shoot first and we can last Keep your rifle by your side Singin’, “Oh Lord, this earth was made for us” Singin’, “Oh Lord, this sinful life just ain’t enough” So we’ll take a stand ‘Cause we must protect our land Keep your rifle by your side They’ll come day and they’ll come night They’ll have our children in their sights But if they don’t have faith, their eyes are blind They can scream and they can shout But they can never smoke us out Keep your rifle by your side”
— Keep Your Rifle By Your Side - Dan Romer
tories: freedom of speech!!! 😡😡 cancel culture is dangerous and should be stopped!!1! 😤🤬
also tories: hm yes,,, protests bad,,, ban protests,,, give the police more power to stop them,,, i am very smart 😏
Y'all. Just watch.
In light of current events, we need to be aware of this.

not my meme but you all do know about this right? It feels like it's getting buried right now and I feel like its proponents are trying to take advantage of that.
sometimes i forget that our political parties are not at their cores gay furries/gay furry haters
Anyone else falling down the conservative pipeline but know they would be losing in the economic changes. And probably social as well