The Bad Batch Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Love this especially the Crosshair one

How the Bad Batch react to Omega being upset (HC’s)

Hello there!

I have written more Headcanons! I do so enjoy writing these.

This one is a sort of continuation of the last one I did, that you can find right here.

So, as the title stipulates, this one is about the Bad Batch reacting to Omega being upset. It’s gonna be slightly AU, as I will be including Crosshair. Our boys aren’t really shown to be processing their emotions as they are constantly on the move (and are apparently built to withstand stress), so I thought I’d write a little something about how I think they would help Omega process her emotions.

Warnings: Fluff galore! Lots and lots of it. There will be quite a bit of angst and minor mentions of violence. Slightly AU. Some swearing (both English and Mando’a – forgive me if the Mando’a isn’t right. I relied heavily on the internet for the translations). Also, I never got it proof read so sorry in advance if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes!

Happy reading!


· We all know Hunter is stoic and acts like a tough, no-nonsense leader, but under that dark and broody façade is a sweet man who loves Omega with all his heart. She is very precious to him and he’s very glad that they took her with them when they escaped from Kamino.

· She managed to push past his tough exterior and unlock emotions within him that he didn’t even know he had. Watching her grow as a person and experience the galaxy brings him so much happiness and he’s glad that he gets to experience it with her.

· So, when Omega is hurting, he hurts too, and not just because he can sense when she is upset by the way her breathing changes or the sounds of her very quiet sobs that anyone else would struggle to hear.

· He doesn’t like seeing her sad but, in the beginning, he doesn’t quite know what to do when she’s upset, as he’s never really had to deal with an upset child before.

· He doesn’t really go for physical contact with anyone because of his enhanced senses, and at first, he is reluctant to hug her back when she hugs him – usually he would just put his hands on her shoulders and try to talk to her.

· But Omega is too sweet and pure and deserves all the love in the world, so the resolute walls he built up from being a soldier came crashing down and he finally hugged her one day when she was particularly sad and exhausted.

· He just held her close and gently rubbed her shoulders, telling her that everything would be okay, and promised her that he would always be there to look after her. He would never leave her, and he would never let anyone hurt her.

· The hug also puts him at ease too and after a while even his senses become used to it and it doesn’t bother him. He also needs this as much as she does, even if he doesn’t realise it at first. (Tech was right all those months ago when he was rambling about the benefits of a hug).

· He will never push for her to tell him what’s wrong, but will let her know that when she’s ready to talk he will be there to listen and offer support.

· Omega will often fall asleep, safe, and warm, in Hunter’s arms. He sometimes falls asleep too, relieved that he could be there for her and that she was safe in his arms, protected from harm.


· A lot of people think that Wrecker is just big and loud, so how could he possibly be a comforting presence when someone is upset?

· Well, for one, he is the best hugger out of the Bad Batch and when people are upset, particularly Omega, he is usually the first to notice (after Hunter and his enhanced senses).

· He took to Omega basically straight away when the Bad Batch escaped Kamino with her. They have the same excitable energy and constantly hype each other up.

· They have a very special bond, and he hates seeing her upset and will do anything to see her smile again. Seeing her sad makes him upset and angry. He just wants her to be happy.

· He will scoop her up in his arms and hold her until she calms down, humming a random tune to soothe her.

· He will try to make her laugh by telling awful dad jokes and he will let her hold Lula because Lula helps him when he’s upset. He will also grab the Tooka doll he made her, called AZ, because double the tooka, double the happiness.

· When Omega does finally smile, Wrecker’s heart will soar. He feels that sometimes people judge him and fear him because of his appearance, but when Omega seeks him out when she is upset and he can make her smile again, it makes him realise that maybe people are wrong about him and that he’s wrong about himself - maybe he’s not so scary after all. He does in fact understand the need for subtlety and softness when it comes to comforting someone, despite what appearances suggest.

· When she has calmed down and is ready to talk about what’s wrong, he will be like “Who made you upset? Was it Crosshair? Because I’ll kick his shebs!”

· Once any ass-kickings have been given (if needed), they will seek out some food together (Mantell Mix is a favourite, of course).

· They will laugh and joke and have the biggest grins on their faces, happy to be in each other’s presence.


· Tech, the clever clogs that he is, knew how special Omega was from the beginning when he analysed her DNA.

· However, he was still a little awkward around her at first because he, like the rest of his brothers, wasn’t used to having a child around, but they ended up bonding over their mutual love of knowledge and Omega hanging on his every word, especially when it came to teaching her about the Marauder. He likes that she doesn’t brush him off when he tells her facts, and actually asks him more questions and genuinely likes learning what she can from him.

· Now, Tech is a very smart man and has gathered knowledge about what to do if someone is upset, you know, just in case he ever needed to comfort someone.

· In theory, comforting someone seems pretty straightforward, but putting it into practise? Not as straightforward as it seems!

· Omega was upset one day, and usually she would seek out Hunter or Wrecker, but they weren’t there. He knew he had to do something, as he didn’t like to see her upset. But the thought of trying to console her made him slightly uncomfortable. What if he made her feel worse rather than better?

· He pushed his anxiety to the side anyway and asked her what was wrong, but she just sniffed and shook her head, leaving Tech to search his brain for what he should do next. He internally berated himself for being slow in providing comfort, because the longer he took to think of something, the longer Omega was upset.

· After a few long, slightly uncomfortable moments he said “You know, I have read that hugs have been proven to reduce stress and they also release oxytocin- “

· Before he could even finish his sentence, Omega threw her arms around him and held tight. He awkwardly patted her back at first, but then relaxed and hugged her properly. He held her tight and sat quietly for a few moments, letting her get her breathing back under control.

· He also started to feel the benefits of the hug and finished telling Omega why hugs are healthy. She looked up at him and smiled, thanking him for making her feel better. Seeing her smile at him like that made his heart melt and he was so relieved that he could help her feel better. He knew that information about hugs would come in handy one day!

· Omega would then tell the rest of the batchers this and try to get all of them to hug regularly, for the sake of their health! This idea was met with varying degrees of enthusiasm.


· Echo wasn’t so sure about having Omega aboard the Marauder at first, mostly because he didn’t think she would be safe travelling with them.

· But then he saw how well she fit in, and he realised that she belonged with them.

· During his time as an ARC trooper, Echo saw some pretty messed up shit on the dangerous missions he was sent on (often with Fives). Some of these missions gave him terrible nightmares, and he would wake up shouting and terrified. Fives would calm him down and hug him, saying “It’s okay, vod, you’re safe”. He would also do the same for Fives if he ever had nightmares. He still has nightmares from when he was imprisoned at Skako Minor.

· One night, Hunter, Wrecker and Tech were out getting supplies, leaving Echo on the ship with Omega and Crosshair. Omega had retired to her room at his request to get some sleep a few hours before.

· He then heard small, quiet whimpers coming from Omega’s little room and immediately went to see if she was ok. By the time he climbed up the ladder, she was awake and looked terrified, and the scared look on her face reminded him of himself and Fives, when they would awaken in the dead of night, from dreams plagued with war and darkness.

· He asked her if she had a nightmare and she nodded her head, so he helped her down the ladder, and took her to sit down in one of the chairs in the cockpit, stopping to get a blanket along the way.

· He put the blanket around her, and she immediately leaned into him, searching for comfort, and he hesitantly put his arms around her, worried that his cybernetics would hurt her.

· However, she didn’t make any sign that his cybernetics bothered her, so he held her more firmly and let her cry, while he whispered, “It’s ok, vod’ika, you’re safe”, just like Fives would whisper to him.

· He let silent tears of his own fall, thinking about how unfair it was that Fives wasn’t there with him, about the war that had taken so many of his brothers. He hated that Omega was going through this, she was too young! He composed himself, putting on the mask of a tough soldier, and asked Omega what her nightmare was about.

· He vowed that night that he would always be there for Omega, no matter what.


· Crosshair was very against having Omega aboard the Marauder. She was a child, had no combat experience, and would be a liability.

· He found her irritating at first, she and Wrecker were always doing something and were too energetic for his tastes. He tried to avoid her as much he could, which was difficult to do on the Marauder. He was even sarcastic and downright rude to her a few times, which the rest of his brothers reprimanded him for.

· Yet, no matter how sarcastic or unpleasant he was, Omega would still try to talk to him. She always made an effort to ask how he was, to engage him in conversation. And she always made sure he was included in every discussion the group had. She even came to him for advice about shooting her bow on a few occasions.

· She started to grow on him, and after a while he got used to her presence and even started to enjoy it, and he stopped trying to avoid her and actually held conversations with her. She was a little ray of sunlight in their ragtag group. But there was no way in hell he would ever admit that to anyone, he even had trouble admitting that to himself!

· One day, he was asked to stay behind with Omega because she needed a break, whilst the other batchers went to do an easy job for Cid. Apparently Hunter had decided that Wrecker’s, Tech’s and Echo’s skills would be needed more than Crosshair’s for that job.

· He heard Omega crying, and he froze. What the kriff was he supposed to do with a crying child? That was usually Hunter or Wrecker’s territory. Kriff, even Tech and Echo would be a better choice than him.

· But they weren’t there, and he couldn’t very well leave Omega to sit and cry on her own, could he? Even he wasn’t that cold.

· He approached her slowly, and knelt in front of her, intent on asking her what was wrong and trying to fix it as fast as possible. Before he opened his mouth, she threw her arms around him. He sat frozen for what felt like hours, arms limp at his side whilst Omega held him and cried. He brought his arms up and patted her on the back a few times before drawing her slowly away from him and looking at her.

· “Come with me,” he said, and he took her to a little makeshift target practise range he had made for himself to let off some steam when he needed to, making sure she brought her bow with her. They stood side by side like that for a while, Omega shooting her bow and Crosshair occasionally giving her advice on how to shoot more accurately.

· From that point on, Crosshair and Omega became closer and would use the practise range together when everything got a little too much for them. And Crosshair vowed quietly to himself that he would never let anyone harm their little ray of sunshine.

Tag list: @eyecandyeoz @itsjml @kratosfan6632466 @radbatch

(if you wanna be tagged in any of my future stuff just let me know via message!)

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3 years ago


Here’s how the Bad Batch would behave watching Omega in her school play, because why the heck not?!

I would like to thank the @bad-batch-week discord for giving me the prompt “what the batchers would do if they weren’t soldiers”, that led me to this. 

Let me being by saying that they would all cry. All five of them are in tears. That is a given.

Crosshair: Now Cross absolutely will not let anyone see that he’s crying. But he is. She’s just so darn adorable and he can’t cope. He’s so proud of his vod’ika, she was so nervous and took some coaxing to do this, and she’s doing so great. 

Wrecker: Standing. Ovations. Every scene Wrecker is on his feet or letting everyone know that’s his little sister! Crosshair and Tech remind him to save the cheering and applause to the end of the show. He’s so proud he could burst, the tears are flowing, and he whispers to remind his brothers of this every five minutes. 

Tech: Omega’s performance is so profound it’s moved him to tears, and he’s not afraid to show it. Out of all of them, he was the least bothered about seeing this school play, but he’s come out of it a changed man. Truly inspired. Is in charge of filming because Echo is crying too hard. 

Echo: The proudest of moms. Was so sure he could stay composed but the moment that girl skips onstage he’s gone. Immediately hands the phone for Tech to film because his hands are shaking too much. Scolds Wrecker for the constant standing ovations but secretly wants to do the same. He and Hunter spend most of the show holding onto each other, crying.

Hunter: Utter crying wreck. This man is a mess. He loses his composure the moment she comes onstage. That’s his vod’ika! She waves at him excitedly from the stage and he gives her thumbs up. Everytime she catches his eye, its a thumbs up. He needs a nap after the show because he’s so exhausted from crying. Spends most of the show crying on Echo.

Omega: is literally playing a tree. But she’s having the best time.


- The video of Omega’s performance is a whole mess. Tech is filming, but Crosshair thinks he could do it better. They show the video to Cid and realise it is mainly Crosshair and Tech aggressively whisper-arguing, Wrecker cheering, and Hunter and Echo could be heard sobbing in the background. (this one is inspired by @writegowrite‘s contribution to this thread). 

- Omega gets a louder cheer for playing a tree, than the kids playing the main parts. The Bad Batch have NO shame. Some find it adorable, though.

- They absolutely pick Omega up after the show and give her flowers, and celebrate with lemonade “champagne”. 

- If Omega falls over during the show, they all have to pin Hunter down before he dives onstage. Omega never loses her cool, though. She owns it, strikes a pose and gets right back on her feet. (another great idea from @writegowrite )

- If Omega has a singing solo, it’s over. The five of them are on the floor in a big crying heap.

If anyone wants to draw this, it would actually make my life. This has brought me a ridiculous amount of joy to write. Also pls add to this I beg u.

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3 years ago

Need part two but don’t like the joke about giving her back (if omega heard/saw that I would feel like I am unwanted so hopefully that’s cleared up and not joked about especially since she’s a abused teenager who doesn’t need her older brothers talking about taking her back!).

Sorry I love Omega and she’s also been through hell! Every other clone got to be with at least one of their brothers but NOT Omega unfortunately....she was tested on the whole time and most importantly always alone and never allowed to be with her brothers! It’s actually pretty heartbreaking if you ask me!

Can’t wait to read part two though I’m just very protective of her because of the HELL she’s been through ALL alone and no love or support in the slightest!

This two-parter is once again deticated to the wonderful modern batch art of @transformersluna

I will soon be posting these on Archive of our own but I have to wait on that little mail thingy.

Ps: english is not my first language so please dont be too disappointed in my writing but I wanted as many people as possible to be able to read what I write.

TBB-Part of growing up (Part 1)

Clutching the steering wheel tightly with his white knuckled hands, he parked on the side of the road leading to the house of Omega's friend Hera. The two met after Omega's prolonged period of isolation at school and soon became inseparable. So it was no surprise that Hera, who was throwing a big party (supervised, of course) for her 15th birthday, made Omega her special festivities coordinator.

When Hunter dropped her off there that afternoon, he promised to pick her up again, no later than 9 p.m. Rolling her eyes and pointing out that she wasn't a baby anymore that needed constant supervision, they finally agreed on 9:30 p.m. Wide victory smile, she skipped up the stairs to Hera's house and fell into her friend's arms on the porch. Hera's father behind them putting up garlands and fairy lights on the porch roof. He waved at Hunter with a friendly smile, and of course Hunter returned the gesture. And with another wave from Omega, he started the car and drove back home. Biting his lips, he thought of her last words.

-Hunter I'm not a baby anymore-

Something strange twisted in his chest at those words, accompanied by the usual turmoil of guilt. If only they had taken her out of Nala Se's poisonous hands sooner. He refused to call her a mother for what she did to each of them. But that was all over now, and Tech had already told him at least 100 times that, technically, since he didn't know about Omega at all until, she was 9 years old, it wasn't his fault.

However, after they learned of her existence, the top priority was to get her out of the abusive household of Nala Se as soon as possible. This turned out to be much more difficult than anticipated. A long uphill battle that Hunter and his brothers fortunately won. Omega had had to overcome a lot since then. But she had always been able to count on each of them. All Hunter ever wished for her was that she could have a normal childhood and grow up protected. Only, unfortunately, she didn’t have a chance to start that sooner. Bittersweet. He knew everything was better now.

He heard someone shouting behind him and stared into the rearview mirror. A shock of blond hair crept up to the side of the blue work truck. Turning around she waved once more and then reached for the driver's door.

''You're late.'' he sighed, eyebrows raised.

''Just-'' she turned her left wrist ''15 minutes. Sorry,'' she hissed. The apology only half-serious and delivered in a Chrosshair eske tone. He didn't even had to look at his sister, her eye roll almost audible. Defiance graced her face. He shook his head. She seemed to be downright looking for trouble with her brothers lately. Hunter remembered that teenage years were unpleasant but staying calm about a behavior he wouldn't let any of his brothers get away with was particularly challenging. Cross, to everyone's surprise, seemed to be the best at dealing with it. Showed her patience and understanding when no one else had any left. Hunter envied him for that.

Eventually it all would pass, Echo had said, and he clung tightly to that. Swallowing, he turned his head toward her.

''How was it?" he tried to start again.

''Great-'' Her voice sounded dishonest and pressed but for some reason Omega tried to fool him with a smile. She slid down in the passenger seat and leaned her head against the window. -not a good sign- Her features twitched whenever a streetlight illuminated her face. At the next traffic light, he eyed her more closely. Her nose was slightly red, her eyes glassy and dull. An outsider would probably not have noticed this, but Hunter knew better. No something was definetly up. -Was that why she was late?-

''You want to tell me what's going on?’’ His free hand reached for hers but she was faster and quickly slipped it into her jacket pocket. A sting to his heart. ''No. I just want to go home.'' A mixture of exasperation and anger. He pressed his lips together and nodded. With the radio murmuring softly in the background, he began to think.

Was it time for her monthly thing again? He thought back - A quick math break later established not for another two weeks or so- that couldn’t be it then. He cast her a suspicious look out of the corner of his right eye. When that became an issue some time ago, he was very grateful that Tech had taken over that particular conversation. He was very nonchalant and matter of fact about these kinds of situations and everyone, including Omega, appreciated that.

Something seemed to slide heavily into his stomach. He swallowed hard against it. What if someone tried to make advances on her? What if she tried to fight back? He kept hearing on the news that all kinds of things like that happened to young women. Why had he let her go to that stupid party? He growled.

''Hunter- I think Wrecker would prefer if you leave the steering wheel in the car.'' Omega turned to him with a startled look. He looked at his cramped hands which seemed to have parked the car by themselves in front of their house. Unease shook him to his very core. Something seemed to snap behind his pupils.

''We're going to talk about this now.'' his voice almost shouting in the standing car. She put on a pouty face. Her specialty. ''It can't go on like this. We're all not going to take this much longer, and you know that very well.'' Any bottled-up frustration seemed to spill out of him all at once. He knew it wasn't fair to take it out on someone half his age but he couldn't help himself. Maybe a good scolding would finally get her to open up. Heart hammering in his chest, he turned in the seat with his whole body facing her. He saw her blink heavily, heard a gulp and immediately regretted what he was doing. ''Omega-'' he started softly. But it was already too late.

She fled out the door, huffing and sniffling, and slammed the car shut with way more force than needed. He jumped out of the truck and tried to catch up with her. But she was faster. Without taking off her shoes or petting Gonky, she trudged loudly up the stairs to her room.

''Hello?’’ Echo's voice faded from the left side of the house cut off by the slamming of the upper bathroom door.

"LEAVE the house alone, will Ya?" Hunter called after her. He heard something muffled yelling back at him but for everyone’s sake he ignored it.

Hunter's footsteps came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. The squeak from the upper floors attic stairs announced her withdrawal. With another heavy sigh, he sat down on the steps and began to take off his shoes. The little Cat coming closer. Her green eyes sparkling. She meowed softly. ''Hey Gonky-" he stretched his hand further out. ,,Don’t worry. I didn’t forget about you.'' the little grey cat pressed her head affectionately against his shin. He nuzzled the back of her neck with his fingertips. Purring loudly, he lifted her in his arms and went into the living room to join his brothers.

"Well, that didn't seem to go over nicely." Tech chided. His eyes fixated on Hunters expression. He shrugged his shoulders, sitting down beside him. Gonky still in his arms.

"Seems to be her new usual if you ask me." He stared at the TV, not realizing it was turned off. "I cant seem to get through to her." He lowered his eyes on the cat. His breath hitched. "I yelled at her."

Wrecker gasped, Echo and Techs expressions remained neutral patiently waiting for him to continue with his confession. "And Echo before you try to lecture me- I know I shouldn't have. But I tried to guilt trip her to telling me what her problem with us is." The little cat massaged his chest with tandem movements. A short silence with muffled sounds above them followed.

Ever the observant one, Tech said "You shouldn't take hormonal imbalances evoked by adolescence too personal Hunter." His tone offering neither solace nor rebuke. He picked his crossword puzzle back up and scribbled a word into the white squares. Echo leaned forward, facing him. "She'll come around. She always does." He had a reassuring smile to offer, and Hunter took it gladly. His brother was right. He knew that. Even after a particularly bad mood swing, she still searched the company of her brothers. But Hunter couldn't shake the feeling that this was different. He anticipated the worst.

Trying not to startle Gonky he fumbled in his back pocket for his cell. Message from Cross bright on his screen. A gif from their conversation earlier. Too bad he worked night shifts. He could have needed his youngest brother right now. Hunter clicked the icon and typed.

Is it too late to give her back?

Seconds later, a speech bubble appeared. Three smiley faces with tears of laughter.

Fire station? Give me 15 minutes tops. Every word pinched with sarcasm.

Don’t be late. He jokingly wrote and added a scrouchy face for good measure. Clearly trying to overshadow his own insecurities he felt when it came to her parentage. Damn he loved his little sister, but she could push him to his limits, that was for sure. Cross typing again, Hunter hoped it would be something beneficial. But because it was Crosshair he was talking to; he knew it wouldn’t be.

Don't bash your heads in until I get back. I have to hold the camera after all. A gif of a monkey cartoon character swinging his wooden bat. Have to work now. Fucking nighttime walk-throughs.

Huffing he clicked the power button of his cell. Gonky slowly awoke from her tandem movements and began to creep across Hunter's lap between Tech and his crossword puzzle, which he had since finished. They heard heavy footsteps again, complemented by the crashing sound of glass and a loud drawn-out groan. What had gotten into her? Before the party she had seemed ok. Fine even, more than usual in the recent weeks.

His pulse raced as he rose from the couch. Tech pushed Gonky off his lap. ''I'll be right behind you.'' Hunter held him back with one hand and shook his head. No. he had to fix this on his own. To make her feel better about what the hell was bothering her. Starting now.

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1 year ago

Clone Wars/Bad Batch Swordfighter AU

Random AU 1

Clone Wars/Bad Batch Swordfighter AU

Okay so this is another really random headcanon I came up with 😅 But this one I feel leads more towards the Bad Batch?

It’s just I was reading The Three Musketeers recently by Alexandre Dumas, & I thought it would be cool if Omega was like D’Artagnan where she wants to be this noble & talented sword-fighter! But ends up teaming with the Batch instead lol

It does fit the cool mentor-family theme the Batch have with her, although she won’t be a jerk face like how D’Artagnan is at the beginning of the book 😅

Although since the Bad Batch are definitely more rugged than posh cavaliers, I feel they’d be more like El Zorro: goofy swashbuckling outlaws who are perceived as bad guys when it’s the opposite.

Edit: Maybe Omega is from an orphanage & that’s another reason she wants to travel with them? 💭

Clone Wars/Bad Batch Swordfighter AU

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1 year ago

The Bad Batch as Benders 🏔️

The Bad Batch As Benders
The Bad Batch As Benders

Hunter is either a firebender or an earthbender, I really can’t decide but I just feel like he’d be both. He’s strong, determined, & coolheaded. But he’s also very caring & tight knit with his squad.

Wrecker is an earthbender all the way!! You can’t look at this guy & tell me he isn’t an earthbender! He’s probably the strongest anyone’s ever seen, but he’s really a big old softie under all that rock-hard muscle.

Echo I had a tough time with as well, but I feel he’d be either a water bender or a nonbender! I feel he’d be good as a nonbender considering his experience with combat, as well as his prosthetics helping him out a bit. I also think it would be cool if Fives has Echo’s polar opposite for bending.

Tech would be a water bender for sure! I feel he’d also be a plant bender too considering it’s very helpful. But also because I feel he’d want to learn more about waterbending!

Omega is definitely an airbender! Or better yet, I feel she’d be a great Avatar! She’s like the cutest & most fun loving person ever, but I’m not sure he’d be as skilled as Aang, since he was a prodigy. But she is very smart! Plus, the Bad Batch can be both her teachers & her version of the Gaang!

I’m sorry this was so short but this was really fun! Consider it in honor of the Live Action ATLA, which was awesome!! 🪨🔥🌊🍃

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1 year ago

Songs that would be good writing prompts ✨

Songs That Would Be Good Writing Prompts

❥ This is just a short post for funsies! Enjoy if you’d like!

I See the Light from Disney’s Tangled

Strangers Like Me from Disney’s Tarzan

Son of Man from Disney’s Tarzan

I’m A Star from Disney’s Wish

The Neglected Garden by Cecile Corbel

The Voice by The Celtic Woman

Now I See by Lou & SQVARE

Wonderful from Netflix’s Over The Moon

To The Sky by Owl City

Dinosaur Park by Owl City

Under The Circus Lights by Owl City

Lavender by JVKE & Pink Sweat$

Broken Melodies NCT Dream & JVKE

Just A Cloud Away by Pharrell Williams

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10 months ago

Hello everyone! 👋🏽 I’m sorry it’s been awhile since I posted, but I figured I should make a heads up about things too! So, there has been a few personal matters going on lately, but I should be back to posting soon. Likely by next week or a bit later, but so far I’m only working on smaller ones for now.

Thank you for being patient & have a good day! 🙏💕

Hello Everyone! Im Sorry Its Been Awhile Since I Posted, But I Figured I Should Make A Heads Up About

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6 months ago
OH MY GOODNESS So Many Of You Voted I Was Not Expecting That But Thank You So Much!! Im Glad Everyone

OH MY GOODNESS so many of you voted I was not expecting that 😅 But thank you so much!! I’m glad everyone liked my ideas!

It looks like my first ever fanfic will be based off the Avatar movies!! 💙🦋🌊

I am literally sooooo excited for this I’ve always wanted to try this crossover & now I can! Thank you everyone for your time & stay tuned! I’ll still be working on posts & art while I write this, but they might take some more time. But have a good day/night! 👋🏽💙

OH MY GOODNESS So Many Of You Voted I Was Not Expecting That But Thank You So Much!! Im Glad Everyone

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1 year ago

Hola, how are you!?:) I think your an amazing writer, especially love how you portray the characters personality perfectly *french kiss* if I may request a bad batch x reader plus Rex and Fives, how they would react to a fem reader(gf) having an old ex that's obsessed with them still and will randomly arrive to planets they are on, and one day the Readers ex takes it to far and arrives at the maurader and acts like he "owns the reader" I totally understand if your not comfortable with this, but either way I'm happy if you write it or not have a good day:)

Aloha! Thank you so mu... wait, what?

*french kiss*

Excuse me? I really like my personal space...

Hola, How Are You!?:) I Think Your An Amazing Writer, Especially Love How You Portray The Characters

😜 Just joking around, I know you probably meant 'chef's kiss', right? That GIF also kinda, really fits the topic in a way...

You've got an interesting idea right there. As it happens, I have had personal experience with such an ex, twice. To think about it still creeps me out a bit. *shudders* Honestly, I can't wait to explore the guys' reactions, though! 😁

The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Fem!Reader HCs - The Obsessive Ex (The Creep)

Hola, How Are You!?:) I Think Your An Amazing Writer, Especially Love How You Portray The Characters

Warnings: Angsty/Unwanted Pining/Unwanted Attention/Stalking/Obsessive Behavior/Tension/Might Also Include Some Violence, Threats Of Violence, Some Very Angry Clones And Strong Language

This took much more time than I expected...


The Creep

It's not so easy to follow you, again, and again you escape from him. He is still watching you from a distance. He doesn't know the people you travel with, but he has seen how familiar you are with one of them. He doesn't like it, because he feels that you belong to him and only to him. The jealousy, tingles sharply under his skin, from his feet to the crown of his head. He has aggressive spurts where he destroys things, little things at first, small objects, especially when he sees this guy put an arm around you. You broke up with him, told him he was a control freak, patronizing and jealous.

He's a scumbag and coward to boot, but that's not how he sees himself. He is the man you should look up to, he is sure of it. Only he can make you happy and should be obeyed.


Of course, he noticed at some point that the same guy keeps appearing near you, no matter where you are. Your batcher doesn't like this at all, his instincts tell him there's something wrong with this guy.

"Mesh'la, there's this guy who keeps following us. Behind you on the left by the fruit stands. Try to look inconspicuously if you can."

You do as he says and shivers run down your spine.

You ask uncertainly, "What do you mean, he follows us everywhere? Today, since we've been on the road?"

Hunter shakes his head.

"No, he's been following us since Tattooine. Do you know him?"

Actually, this guy is a chapter you want to put behind you. But now you're having to face this one more time.

"That's my ex"

Hunter frowns and asks you, "Is there any reason you know of that he should follow us?"

With a sigh, you explain, "He doesn't know anything about boundaries. He's an overstepping control freak, always has been. Besides, he didn't take it very well when I broke up with him, I practically had to run away from him."

You can see Hunter gritting his teeth. Nothing you just said pleases him.

"Maybe I should talk to him, make it clear to him exactly where the boundaries are."

You shrug your shoulders a little helplessly and say honestly, "I have no idea if that would help. Are you sure he followed us?"

"Yes, and he's not exactly stealthy."

You ask Hunter to ignore him for now and return to the ship. He gives in and walks with you back to the Marauder, but he knows for a fact that your ex is still following you, and slowly but surely, things start to simmer under Hunter's surface.

Just before you reach the Marauder, Hunter snaps. He wheels around, takes a step back and reaches behind one of the stands, pulling your ex out from behind it by the collar.

"What the hell do you want with my girlfriend?"

Very meekly and barely audibly, your ex says while staring wide-eyed at Hunter, "Actually, she's my girlfriend."

"She's what now?" growls Hunter.


Hunter interrupts your ex, "You listen very carefully now. You're the ex, I'm the new guy, she doesn't want you anymore, deal with it! If I catch you stalking her or anyone in her inner circle again, I will take you apart piece by piece."

When your ex just blinks dumbly at Hunter, Hunter snaps angrily, "You got that?!"

Very meekly, your ex says, nodding vigorously, "Yes, yes of course."

Surprised and somehow swooned by Hunter's protective and energetic effort, you look at Hunter as he comes back to you. The expression on his face is still hard with anger, but he gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek before grabbing your hand and walking on with you.

Hunter is not a violent person, at least never without good reason. However, when it comes to protecting you, Hunter is particularly fiery and there might be some violence. Basically, you can be sure that in him, you will always have a very vigilant, eager protector.


Of course, he noticed at some point that the same guy keeps appearing near you, no matter where you are. Your batcher doesn't like this at all, his instincts tell him there's something wrong with this guy.

"Mesh'la, there's this guy who keeps following us. Behind you on the left by the fruit stands. Try to look inconspicuously if you can."

You do as he says and shivers run down your spine.

You ask uncertainly, "What do you mean, he follows us everywhere? Today, since we've been on the road?"

He shakes his head.

"No, he's been following us since Tattooine. Do you know him?"

Actually, this guy is a chapter you want to put behind you. But now you're having to face this one more time.

"That's my ex"

"Your ex?" repeats Echo critically, glancing in his direction again, "Why would he follow you?"

"In a nutshell, he doesn't know boundaries, can't take no for an answer, and didn't take it very well when I broke up with him. However, I have no idea what he hopes to gain from this stalking."

"Somehow I feel the need to kick his butt," Echo says so calmly and dryly that you have to grin.

"What, why are you grinning like that?"

You kiss his cheek and say, "I like your dry sense of humor."

"That's nice, Mesh'la, but I wasn't kidding, I don't like the guy, he's a creep".

You shrug your shoulders and say, "You can try, but I don't think he'll necessarily learn anything from it"

Echo nods and says, "Guys like that are basically resistant to learning, but I have to do something, I can't let that guy keep stalking you."

Echo kisses your cheek and says, "Stay right here Mesh'la, okay."

"Uh… okay"

You watch him go as Echo seems to walk away, but he does a sweep out of your ex's field of vision and finally approaches him from the side.


Your ex almost jumps out of his boots, startled. His gaze bounces back and forth between you and Echo, but finally fixes on Echo, who could possibly be a threat.

Echo smiles firecly and says in a playfully friendly manner, "Would be great if you would stop stalking my girlfriend, otherwise I'm going to have to hurt you, very much."

Echo's hand lands heavily on your ex's shoulder. Lifting his scomp link, he says, "You should see the nasty things I can do with that thing."

"No, thanks," your ex says nervously.

"No? You really don't want to? Then I suggest you get the hell out of here and never show your face in my range again, let alone hers"

You watch your ex back off and Echo come back to you.

"You got through to him?" you ask, surprised.

"Well, sure I did," Echo says with satisfaction.

"Did you use your scomp link threat again, like you did with that poor guys who tried to buy me a drink in Cid's bar?"

Echo shrugs, takes your hand and says, "Why not, works almost every time."

Echo will always protect you and always keep an eye on what's happening around you. As demure and patient as he is most of the time, when it comes to your safety he will not compromise.


Of course, he noticed at some point that the same guy keeps appearing near you, no matter where you are. Your batcher doesn't like this at all, his instincts tell him there's something wrong with this guy.

"Mesh'la, there's this guy who keeps following us. Behind you on the left by the fruit stands. Try to look inconspicuously if you can."

You do as he says and shivers run down your spine.

You ask uncertainly, "What do you mean, he follows us everywhere? Today, since we've been on the road?"

He shakes his head.

"No, he's been following us since Tattooine. Do you know him?"

Actually, this guy is a chapter you want to put behind you. But now you're having to face this one more time.

"That's my ex"

Wrecker frowns critically and asks, "Is he dangerous or something? Do I have to worry about your safety?"

You feel uncomfortable just talking about it, but Wrecker should know.

"He's one of those guys with a big mouth but nothing behind it. He's a mental leech, and a creep, but he hasn't been violent to me."

Wrecker growls, "But stalking is usually the start of something that can end pretty ugly. I should put a stop to it"

"Should be pretty easy, probably all you have to do is look at him hard enough, and he'll pee himself, on someone of your appearance" you say, unable to help a small smile at the thought.

"Okay, Mesh'la, leave it to me."

Wrecker marches straight towards your ex, who then becomes visibly restless, you already suspect that he will run away. Wrecker also seems to suspect this, because he rumbles, "Don't you dare run away, if I have to run after you, it will end badly for you".

Of course, he runs away anyway, but ends up in a dead end and finally faces an angry giant.

"You little worm. You're the kind who likes to harass and annoy women but otherwise can't get anything done, right?"

Your ex is frantically looking for a way out, but Wrecker is getting closer and there is no way out in sight.

"I'm only going to say this once, stay away from her".

"From whom?" your ex asks as if he doesn't know who is meant.

"You know very well, stop playing dumb! I take no prisoners when it comes to my girlfriend. If I see you near her again, I'll break you apart."

Demonstratively, Wrecker rams his fist against a house wall, right next to his head, where it leaves a hole.

"Next time, that's your head, got it?"

"Understood," says your ex, hoarse with fear, squeezing his legs together for fear of pissing himself.

Wrecker is a great softy, loving, kind and forgiving, however, he can pull quite different strings when it comes to your protection. When it comes to your safety and well-being, Wrecker will not compromise, he is like a force of nature and is not afraid to get his hands dirty.


Of course, he noticed at some point that the same guy keeps appearing near you, no matter where you are. Your batcher doesn't like this at all, his instincts tell him there's something wrong with this guy.

"Mesh'la, there's this person who keeps following us. Behind you on the left by the fruit stands. Try to look inconspicuously if you can."

You do as he says and shivers run down your spine.

You ask uncertainly, "What do you mean, he follows us everywhere? Today, since we've been on the road?"

He shakes his head.

"No, he's been following us since Tattooine. Do you know him?"

Actually, this guy is a chapter you want to put behind you. But now you're having to face this one more time.

"That's my ex"

"Ex-boyfriend?" Tech repeats thoughtfully with a critical look in your pursuer's direction, "What's his problem? Why is he stalking you?"

With a sigh, you explain, "He didn't take it very well when I broke up with him. He's a control freak who knows no bounds, pushy, creepy…. well, all those unpleasant things."

Tech looks surprised.

"You never told me about that"

"I never thought it would be necessary."

Tech thinks for a moment and finally says seriously, "I don't like him stalking you, it's very suspicious, unhealthy behavior and could turn into something dangerous, it seems like an obsession to me."

You nod slowly and utter a guess, "Probably it is indeed an obsession."

"Do you mind if I look into this?"

"No, of course not, but be careful, he may be a coward, but he is also a loudmouth and cowardly loudmouths tend to resort to unfair means"

Tech smiles at you, "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

You watch as Tech approaches your ex, who eyes him critically and unwillingly.

Tech opens the conversation, "Excuse me, but I noticed that you are stalking my girlfriend and I feel compelled to point out that you should leave her alone".

Tech is not a scary guy, even if he is quite tall, and his calm way of talking is not intimidating. So your ex is not really impressed at first. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and asks challengingly, "Says who?"

"Says me, the new guy. See, you're an old story from yesterday that no one wants to hear anymore, but seems to keep imposing itself without being asked. I am the current model and my job, apart from making this woman happy, is to dispose of the old garbage if it doesn't dispose of itself."

Your ex blinks, tries to follow the words, and finally runs red with anger when he realizes that he has just been insulted. He makes the mistake of attacking in a blind rage, but Tech already has a stun gun ready, shocking your ex before he can even touch Tech.

"I was hoping we could avoid this nonsense. But have it your way," Tech says, sending another shock into the body of the man on the ground.

He wriggles and convulses and the electric shock.

"That hurts a lot, doesn't it? Well, that's a very simple but effective approach. However, I am extremely intelligent, I have an extraordinary mind, and a lot of ideas on how to make your life miserable, be it through pain or other things. You have a choice, if you come near us again you will get to know the variety of my nasty ideas, if not you will be spared this experience".

Tech is usually calm and patient, but even he has his limits, and he is absolutely not afraid to do very ugly things to someone in order to protect you.


Of course, he noticed at some point that the same guy keeps appearing near you, no matter where you are. Your batcher doesn't like this at all, his instincts tell him there's something wrong with this guy.

"Kitten, there's this guy who keeps following us. Behind you on the left by the fruit stands. Try to sneak a look, inconspicuously, if you can."

You do as he says and shivers run down your spine.

You ask uncertainly, "What do you mean, he follows us everywhere? Today, since we've been on the road?"

He shakes his head.

"No, he's been following us since Tattooine. Do you know him?"

Actually, this guy is a chapter you want to put behind you. But now you're having to face this one more time.

"That's my ex"

His eyes immediately become critical slits.

"Your ex, huh?"

"Yes," you say uneasily.

Crosshair sighs, looks again in the direction of your pursuer, and finally says, "Let me guess, he's one of the kind who doesn't take no for an answer? Can't handle the separation?"

"Pretty much, yeah"

Keeping an eye on the stalker he asks you, "Has he done this before? Stalked you, or approached you since you broke up?"

You shrug your shoulders uncertainly and say, "Once or twice. But the last time was a while ago, I thought I was finally rid of him."

Crosshair snorts, "Oh you'll be rid of him for good very soon, don't worry."

A little nervously, you frown and ask, "What are you going to do?"

"Is better if you don't know anything about it"

You don't quite know what to say and listen as Crosshair contacts Wrecker and asks him to pick you up, everything else doesn't happen in your presence and Crosshair never tells you what he did with your ex. All you know is that your ex never crossed your path again.

Crosshair has no mercy on anyone who crosses your boundaries. There may be a warning first, but he only warns once, followed by action. If your ex really has the balls to mess with him, it is safe to assume that the end result will be serious injury or death for your ex.


Of course, he noticed at some point that the same guy keeps appearing near you, no matter where you are. Your batcher doesn't like this at all, his instincts tell him there's something wrong with this guy.

"Cyar'ika, there's this guy who keeps following us. Behind you on the left by the fruit stands. Try to sneak a look, inconspicuously, if you can."

You do as he says and shivers run down your spine.

You ask uncertainly, "What do you mean, he follows us everywhere? Today, since we've been on the road?"

He shakes his head.

"No, he's been following us since Tattooine. Do you know him?"

Actually, this guy is a chapter you want to put behind you. But now you're having to face this one more time.

"That's my ex"

"Your what?"

"My ex-boyfriend"

You see Rex tense up.

"And why has your ex-boyfriend been following you across multiple planets for the past few days?"

You shrug helplessly and say, "Honestly? I don't really know. He's never been good with boundaries."

"And that means?"

"Well, he was a very jealous control freak, he didn't really take our breakup well either. I finally just packed up my stuff and snuck away because I couldn't really communicate with him"

"Interesting," Rex mumbles, "Excuse me for a moment."

Rex walks right up to your ex, taking a holo-shot of him as he stands right in front of the guy, which makes your ex look very confused.

"You know what I am, I take it?" asks Rex coolly.

Your ex replies uncertainly, "A clone?"

"A clone captain to be exact, and I now have a picture of you. If you get too close to my girlfriend or keep stalking her, it doesn't matter how far away you try to run. I am sending this picture to my brothers, and as you know I have a lot of them. So it doesn't matter where you go, I will find you."

Your ex stares at Rex in disbelief.

"I don't think I need to tell you or threaten you about what's going to happen then."

Your stalker shakes his head.

"So my message got through?"

A nod.

"Good. Now get out of here while you still can."

Rex is a protector through and through. He'll make sure you feel and are safe, come what may.


Of course, he noticed at some point that the same guy keeps appearing near you, no matter where you are. Your batcher doesn't like this at all, his instincts tell him there's something wrong with this guy.

"Cyar'ika, there's this guy who keeps following us. Behind you on the left by the fruit stands. Try to sneak a look, inconspicuously, if you can."

You do as he says and shivers run down your spine.

You ask uncertainly, "What do you mean, he follows us everywhere? Today, since we've been on the road?"

He shakes his head.

"No, he's been following us since Tattooine. Do you know him?"

Actually, this guy is a chapter you want to put behind you. But now you're having to face this one more time.

"That's my ex"

"Your ex-boyfriend? Really? Why does that clown follow you everywhere?"

"I'm not sure, but I wish he wouldn't."

Fives frowns and asks, "Has he ever bothered you before?"

"Yes, but that was a while ago, I thought I was finally rid of him".

"Hmm" Fives grumbles, "One of those who doesn't know when to call it quits?"

With a nod you say, "Simplified, sort of."

He thinks for a moment, then smiles mischievously, and you know he's cooked up something.

"Okay, Mesh'la, you go home and wait for me there, I'll be there soon".

You're not sure if you should listen, somehow you have a feeling that something is up. But you trust Fives, so you do what he asks.

Afterward, you find out that your ex has been tarred and feathered and tied up in a more or less public place. Fives has not claimed responsibility for the crime, but you later hear that he, along with Hardcase, Jesse and Echo, were disciplined by Rex for allegedly "harassing" a civilian. So in a way, you know he's responsible.

Fives will do anything to protect you, though whenever he can, he'll always slip in some of his cheeky silliness to do so. He's not particularly subtle, but very caring and always ready to protect you.

Hola, How Are You!?:) I Think Your An Amazing Writer, Especially Love How You Portray The Characters

Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)


@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99

@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310

@misogirl828 @tech-deck




@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri























Tags :
2 years ago

This had no business being this funny 😂😂

The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly

On AO3

The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly


an absolute fuckin nightmare

this man has known how he was going to win before the game even started

Tech is ruthless with the properties he takes

The game is over within 30 minutes

The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly


the only time he takes no prisoners

Tech has the data advantage, but Hunter is a skilled tactician and he'll do what he can to counter Tech

he's almost as ruthless

Omega has never seen this side of him

He has hotels on his properties in 5 minutes, purposely boxing everyone in

Omega takes note to never get in a real estate battle with him

The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly


Normally he'd be the ruthless strategist, used to going up against Rex

but when he sees Tech and Hunter's intensity, he goes into protector mode

trying what he can to give Omega a chance

he's trying to snag easy properties and make easy trades with her

but it's no use

he's bankrupt within 10 mins thanks to his bad trades with Omega and Tech having the entire boardwalk

The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly


the poor smol bean

she innocently suggested the activity to pass the time while in hyperspace

it was her first time playing and she just liked all the colors on the board

next thing she knew, Hunter was asking her for $500 for landing on his space

she's never seen his eyes so cold

latched onto Echo's attempts to help her

she was out soon after Echo, choosing to leave Hunter and Tech to their real estate blood bath

The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly


knew exactly how this was going to go having played with the batch before Echo joined

he remembered them making a deal to never play again but no one could resist Omega's pleading

he sat back and watched the war play out between Hunter and Tech

he finds his brothers' antics more entertaining then the game itself

the third one out, chuckling at Hunter's attempt to bargain with Tech

he leans back with his hands behind his head watching the drama unfold

The Bad Batch HCs - Playing Monopoly


he was the first one out

observed Tech's energy when he sat down and knew there was no chance

Hunter has the senses, but Crosshair was the observer

he saw Hunter just as ready for blood and knew better than to get involved

he cashed out on his first turn, popped a toothpick in, and smirked as the two got more and more riled up

he only told them to cut it once when he saw Omega becoming visibly upset

when she was out, he made a spot next to him offering snide commentary as the game continued

Omega had to quickly stifle her giggles when Hunter and Tech gave them both a quick glare

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3 years ago

Hello! Sorry for bothering but, if possible, could I have a matchup with the bad batch or any other clone from the clone wars? Thank you in advance!

I'm almost 17, my height is 5'4 feet (1.69 meters) and I use gender neutral pronouns (they/them). My body is a little curvy, I wear square shaped glasses (since my sight is pretty bad) and I have dark brown long curly hair. I have also green eyes.

My MBTI is INFP-T and my ennegram is 2w1. Most of the time I am shy and rarely I do start a conversation: I always wait the other person to say something and I only feel comfortable starting a conversation when I am talking to my best friend. I always act following my heart, emotionally and rarely I use logic when a problem shows up. I'm always up to fix somebody else trouble. I'm really kind and I never think twice when it comes to help people. Yet, it's very difficult to me to trust someone even if sometimes I have too much faith in people. When it comes to my emotions, it's difficult for me to express them and I end up ignoring them. I'm the mom friend of my group. I can be very tidy and I always need to be on time. I think I'm a creative person, in any moment people can find me up with a new project even though I don't finish all of them the most of the times. This is the reason why I don't really have a specific hobby, but many. I really enjoy playing video games, watching TV series/films and reading any type of book (even if I prefer the classics). I don't play any instrument even if I would really like to learn one day. I dance and I really like tennis. Also, I'm a very fan of nature and I spend my free time taking care of my plants

I apologise for writing so much, I hope it won't be a problem! Thank you again for your time!

I match you with.... Hunter

Hello! Sorry For Bothering But, If Possible, Could I Have A Matchup With The Bad Batch Or Any Other Clone

Hunter is very logical leveled headed one to your chaos in certain areas.

You both rush in to try and help others msot times wi tthout thinking about the consequences.

Hunter knows boundaries and tries not to over step them for the comfort of you and the rest of the Batch. Omega on the other hand will put herself in places so that you have to talk to her and hunter.

Omega really just wants to get you and hunter together, she likes playign match maker. And with her strategy skills she is very good at setting it up.

Hunter knows what it's like to store all his emotions away. It's only after you and Omega become big parts in his life that he opens up. He will confind in you and you will do the same with him.

Slow fuckin Burn romance all the other boys have bets going and Omega is the one winning with pulling the strings.

Hunter loves watching you read to Omega. She takes to you really quickly and just enjoys being around you and Hunter has found the both of you asleep curled up agaisnt each other.

He loves going on walks with you. Supply runs, scouting missions or just roaming when safe it enjoys being outside with you.

He's the warmest of the Batch man just resonates heat. And his hugs are just so soft. They are from and you can feel him agaisnt you.

Be prepared to wake up with his arms wrapped around your waist with both him and Omega curled up agaisnt you.

You and Echo being good friends. Man looking out for you becuase he knows how much you mean to Hunter.

Teaching Omega who to play vid games and late night holo sessions with her, hunter and the rest of the boys.

Hunter loves how tidy you are, the amount of times he's found the ship clean becuase both you and Echo binge clean together and just chat.

"So when are you going to tell Hunter you like him" Echo says from his spot moving around the different boxes of supplys and running a cloth up the side of the walls trying to get rid of as much grim as possible.

"I don't know what your talking about Echo" you reply back as you sweep the floor of the ship. " Oh don't lie to yourself you know exactly what I'm talking about" he snarked light flicking some do the dirty water at you.

You roll your eyes as you continue with the cleaning. "Your eyes go all wide and you smile more when your around him" Echo says and then continues.

"The both do you are really oblivious of each other and he's the one with the 'heightened awareness' " Echo quotes the last part laughign light as you turn to glare at him.

"Oh?, and what exactly should I Say Echo. Do i just go up to him and say. 'Hi Hunter I just want to let you know that I'm deeply in love with you and it makes me not able to think some times and I wish we could just have a normal conversation without me making it Awkward' " You snark back at Echo echo seems to laugh as he crosses his arm and points behind you.

"Don't think your gonna need too now" Echo states as he begins to talk off. You raise an eyebrow and turn around only to be meet with Hunter. "Well Cyar'ika, if that's how you feel I should have done this long again" Hunter call moving closer and pulling you in for a kiss.

Your eyes go wide as you grip his shoulders and pull him closer melting into his touch. He sighs lightly as you both pull away and smile at each other.

"... woah, ha I... i wasn't expecting that, sorry you took me by supirse Hunter. But a good supirse" you reply face going bright as he pulls you agaisnt his chest.

"It took you both long enough to figure it out. I was starting to believe that you both were blind" Tech calls as he walks past.

"Rack off Tech" "Kriff off Tech!" The both do you say jokingly only to laugh lightly between the two of you.

Tags :
3 years ago

Ahhh please read this!!!

I'm like crying becuase I haven't ever had soemoen make something off a match up I've done.

Please go check our their stuff!!!

The Bad Batch with dancing

this is inspired by the match-up the lovely @jt-artsandfics wrote for me, and the idea of a dancing wrecker kind of flourished into.. well, this!

warnings: none, fluff

And without further ado, LET'S GET STARTED


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-Hunter, to me at least, would strike me as the best dancer of the bunch

-but ding dong that is wrong

- once, hunter tried for an undercover mission on kantobyte

- he doesn't want to talk about it...

- his legs just do not cooperate, flailing about and crashing into his partner

-the others never let him live it down

- 'Hey hunter- i don't think your dance partner appreciated the black eye much!' to which hunter gives one of his deluxe death stares

-hunter does not enjoy dancing whatsoever, but unfortunately, omega really does

- which he doesn't get, but supports her nonetheless

- perhaps he just needs the right partner to guide him through the motions

songs that would get hunter bobbing his head: and ( that's also a reference to my last post- the dude loves ABBA)


The Bad Batch With Dancing

- prepare to be amazed..


- to him it's all patterns, so its pretty easy for him to pick up on

- he's also very light, giving him agility for some serious breakdancing

- tech favours fast pace dancing, it challenges his cognitive abilities (he repeatedly insists that)

- he tried teaching hunter and the others, in true tech fashion, but that didnt work

- he needed a new pair of goggles after that

songs that keeps tech movin' and groovin': and ( what can say, my guy likes his fast paces)


The Bad Batch With Dancing

- wrecker loves to dance, and is actually pretty good at it

- as a cadet, he watched some holovideos of dancers, and how quickly they maneuver, and the only thought that crossed his mind was 'huh. i can do that'

- but he needed a partner, so crosshair had to do

- wrecker learned to samba, foxtrot and jitterbug like a champ

- once he found out that tech could dance too, he was relentless

- 'tech can i dance with you???' 'no,wrecker. ' 'Awww come on please?' 'NO' ‘PLEASE, I SWEAR IM GOOD’

- Finally, tech agreed and hoo boy, that was certainly not a mistake

-They complimented each other perfectly, working like a well-oiled machine

-Wrecker also loves doing group dances, ones with minimal effort so he can do it with all of his brothers ( 🥺...i know)

- And they all do it with him, though reluctantly

songs that Wrecker really moves to: (With his brothers) and (with tech, specifically)


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-Echo is a dad dancer and that is a hill i will die on

-When music plays on the havoc marauder, he may not be the first one dancing, but he certainly enjoys listening to it and maybe have a bit of a boogie to it ( for non brits- boogieing is dancing in a slightly awkward manner)

-He was always like that though, and the bois in the 501st were just as bad ( with exception of hardcase, fives and jesse- but not rex, he was a dad dancer no. 1)

-He doesn’t really have a preference of music to dance to

-Echo likes it all

songs that would get echo standing up and swaying: and


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-crosshair doesn’t dance.

-At least, that’s what he wants the others to think

-In truth, him and wrecker used to watch holodances all the time

-while wrecker loved watching the partner dances, crosshair loved the ballet

-when he’s alone, he sometimes just lets himself slip into a pas de bourree, then a glissade .. the rest is classified

-He is actually a ballet nerd, he knows every term and knows exactly how to execute every move perfectly

songs that crosshair would 100% pirouette to: and


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-Omega cannot dance, bless her heart

-does that stop her? you bettr bet it doesnt!

-she stumbles,trips and falls but she couldnt care less

-all that matters for her is that she has fun

-and the boys love her for that

-their faces light up when they see their little sister enjoy herself, laughing despite everything shes been through

Songs that omega loves to blast: and

Ok so those are my bad batch dancing headcanons, i hope you liked them! Apologies for the old songs, i couldnt think of any modern songs they’d like although i’m curious to hear what you all think. Love you all and thank you for reading


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The Bad Batch's favourite ABBA songs

I don't even know what to say about this... uh, enjoy?

warnings: none if you don't count crack content



The Bad Batch's Favourite ABBA Songs

-Though he doesn't want to admit it, he listens to ABBA religiously

- like seriously, after a mission, he used to dump his stuff on his bunk, find a secluded spot and just let the lyrics wash over him

- his brothers secretly all know how much he likes their songs, because when the others play ABBA, he just smiles to himself because he knows every lyric, but can't afford to embarrass himself.

- he loves 'why did it have to be me' but there's one that really hits home to him now with him being a buir'

-Guessed yet? it's 'slipping through my fingers' that has hunter tearing up every time

-he just imagines omega as the song plays and oh it hurts him so, so much ;-;

- he listens to it almost daily, because now he understands


The Bad Batch's Favourite ABBA Songs

. this dude LOVES 'waterloo'

. he listens to it on repeat as he works on repairs around the ship

. he points out the historical accuracies (and inaccuracies, he's tech after all)

. he even hums it to himself when he's distracted

. with the other songs, he doesn't mind them, but for tech, there's just something about songs about history ( yes that means rasputin by boney M fits that category- but that's for another time)


The Bad Batch's Favourite ABBA Songs

- oh boy, where to start with wrecker

-he loves ABBA and it not shy to show it

- he just belts the lyrics wherever he wants, whenever he wants

- well, the lyrics he knows anyways

- his favourite would probably be 'super trouper'

- easiest to remember in his opinion

- but he thinks 'the winner takes it all' is too sad so he refuses to listen to it


The Bad Batch's Favourite ABBA Songs

- in terms of music, echo seems like the guy who prefer calm, laid back beats to bands like ABBA

- but that couldn't be more wrong

- in his 501st days, him and fives sang to 'dancing queen' on the daily, coordinated dance moves and everything

-but now he can't really bring himself to listening to that, though he doesn't tell anyone else that

- his new favourite is 'our last summer'

- it reminds him of his 501st days without him sobbing his eyes out

- its just the right type of nostalgia for him


The Bad Batch's Favourite ABBA Songs

- crosshair says he hates his brother's weird music taste

- but that's just words

- he often subtly taps his foot to some of the songs

- for others, he justs sit back and watches tech, wrecker and omega take the floor, even fake clapping for them

-but being completely honest, it's not completely fake

-but listening to that much ABBA means that he'd certainly have a preference

-namely 'the winner takes it all'

- he loves playing that one and watch wrecker go 'nononoNOnoNo TURN IT OFF it's too sad!!'

-free entertainment, really


The Bad Batch's Favourite ABBA Songs

Omega was probably unfamiliar with music, as kamino probably didn’t allow it

But that changed with the bad batch

She was introduced to ABBA by wrecker ( i know hunter wanted to, but wrecker beat him to it)

Needless to say she loves it

her favourites are ‘angeleyes’ and ‘mamma mia’

She actually sings them well ( omega can sing like an angel and i will die on that hill)

She also played ‘dancing queen’ but saw that echo was upset so she switched the song

Wrecker and omega love singing to them, and omega hums the lyrics all. The. time. (omega gets two- she deserves it)

So those are my headcanons about the bad batch and ABBA, and they’re just a little cursed, but mostly wholesome. Idk the idea of the bad batch listening to music and actually enjoying it is the purest thing and i had so much fun writing this

Love you all xxx

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The Bad Batch with dancing

this is inspired by the match-up the lovely @jt-artsandfics wrote for me, and the idea of a dancing wrecker kind of flourished into.. well, this!

warnings: none, fluff

And without further ado, LET'S GET STARTED


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-Hunter, to me at least, would strike me as the best dancer of the bunch

-but ding dong that is wrong

- once, hunter tried for an undercover mission on kantobyte

- he doesn't want to talk about it...

- his legs just do not cooperate, flailing about and crashing into his partner

-the others never let him live it down

- 'Hey hunter- i don't think your dance partner appreciated the black eye much!' to which hunter gives one of his deluxe death stares

-hunter does not enjoy dancing whatsoever, but unfortunately, omega really does

- which he doesn't get, but supports her nonetheless

- perhaps he just needs the right partner to guide him through the motions

songs that would get hunter bobbing his head: and ( that's also a reference to my last post- the dude loves ABBA)


The Bad Batch With Dancing

- prepare to be amazed..


- to him it's all patterns, so its pretty easy for him to pick up on

- he's also very light, giving him agility for some serious breakdancing

- tech favours fast pace dancing, it challenges his cognitive abilities (he repeatedly insists that)

- he tried teaching hunter and the others, in true tech fashion, but that didnt work

- he needed a new pair of goggles after that

songs that keeps tech movin' and groovin': and ( what can say, my guy likes his fast paces)


The Bad Batch With Dancing

- wrecker loves to dance, and is actually pretty good at it

- as a cadet, he watched some holovideos of dancers, and how quickly they maneuver, and the only thought that crossed his mind was 'huh. i can do that'

- but he needed a partner, so crosshair had to do

- wrecker learned to samba, foxtrot and jitterbug like a champ

- once he found out that tech could dance too, he was relentless

- 'tech can i dance with you???' 'no,wrecker. ' 'Awww come on please?' 'NO' ‘PLEASE, I SWEAR IM GOOD’

- Finally, tech agreed and hoo boy, that was certainly not a mistake

-They complimented each other perfectly, working like a well-oiled machine

-Wrecker also loves doing group dances, ones with minimal effort so he can do it with all of his brothers ( 🥺...i know)

- And they all do it with him, though reluctantly

songs that Wrecker really moves to: (With his brothers) and (with tech, specifically)


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-Echo is a dad dancer and that is a hill i will die on

-When music plays on the havoc marauder, he may not be the first one dancing, but he certainly enjoys listening to it and maybe have a bit of a boogie to it ( for non brits- boogieing is dancing in a slightly awkward manner)

-He was always like that though, and the bois in the 501st were just as bad ( with exception of hardcase, fives and jesse- but not rex, he was a dad dancer no. 1)

-He doesn’t really have a preference of music to dance to

-Echo likes it all

songs that would get echo standing up and swaying: and


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-crosshair doesn’t dance.

-At least, that’s what he wants the others to think

-In truth, him and wrecker used to watch holodances all the time

-while wrecker loved watching the partner dances, crosshair loved the ballet

-when he’s alone, he sometimes just lets himself slip into a pas de bourree, then a glissade .. the rest is classified

-He is actually a ballet nerd, he knows every term and knows exactly how to execute every move perfectly

songs that crosshair would 100% pirouette to: and


The Bad Batch With Dancing

-Omega cannot dance, bless her heart

-does that stop her? you best bet it doesnt!

-she stumbles,trips and falls but she couldnt care less

-all that matters for her is that she has fun

-and the boys love her for that

-their faces light up when they see their little sister enjoy herself, laughing despite everything shes been through

Songs that omega loves to blast: and

Ok so those are my bad batch dancing headcanons, i hope you liked them! Apologies for the old songs, i couldnt think of any modern songs they’d like although i’m curious to hear what you all think. Love you all and thank you for reading


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