Parrots - Tumblr Posts

Dracula Parrot aka Pesquet’s Parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus), family Psittaculidae, order Psittaciformes, endemic to New Guinea
photograph by Kow Hao Rui

It is true. It’s a sad fact. Even birdies cannot find any more places to explore.
Do not despair, young smallies.
Although there are perhaps less adventures then there were 2,000 years ago when 10,000 million birdies roamed free, there are still adventures of the heart and spirit. Thankfully, those journeys, my small friends, are the most important.
P.S. If you got sad from this post, PM me and I will send you a “<3″.
- Nathaniel Wyatt, Illustrious Writer of SmallComic
Drawings by Cristobal Colon
if you are at someone's home and they tell you not to do something to their pet: DON'T DO IT
i have a rescue African grey named Archemedies. not going to get into to much detail, but he is an abuse survivor who was never properly trained. As the years go by i slowly but surely train him the basics such as stepping up and color, he has made so much progress and i am proud of him! but one thing: he prefers noises over words. he can still talk, but he would rather mimic the fire detector than say words. it's just who he is. and my pet peeve: DO NOT WHISTLE IN THE HOUSE Two reasons one: it messes up his training. i use certain tones of whistling and noises to teach him tricks and what not to do. you do that and he gets confused Second: i am going to hear whatever noise you give him for the next 50 years. no that is not an exaggeration. 10 years ago our smoke detectors broke and would beep. after we replaced them they would keep beeping, so we kept getting new ones thinking they were faulty. long story short our "smoke detector" just did it randomly because he thought it was amusing to see the humans randomly get up confused as to why it was beeping again. every time people whistle at archemedies, i have to listen to the past 20-ish years worth of noises i trained him not to constantly scream for a week. respect owner's wishes. yes i know you see cute whistling birds on you tube, but chances are the caretaker of the actual bird knows more about their own pet than you do.
also here is a picture of him considering it is the law of the internet to pay your pet image based taxes.

if i may add onto this: all wild animals are dangerous to be around due to diseases. A deer can be just as dangerous as a pigeon if not more because of tics and other googlies they picked up in nature. Judging an animal on that alone is just... dumb. No animal is inherently dangerous to be around in terms of disease, like humans, it depends on what they were exposed to and their environment. You don't mess with wildlife because the animal itself is dangerous, but the fact you don't know where that animal has been in. this is not the animals fault. Second: as an owner of a rescue African grey parrot, i agree. Parrots should have never become pets. my poor bird came from an abusive household where he was beat and left in a cage for days on end. when i got him, his chest was blood red because the poor thing was feather plucking. he takes a lot of time and energy to take care of, and people do not realize that these birds are not like what you see on YouTube. they are loud and can be moody and once they learn a word/sound they will NEVER stop saying it. ever. They require constant mental stimulation and their diets are VERY DELICATE to the point that improperly feeding them could kill them easily. I have had him for nearly 17 years now, and he still struggles with mental health issues. If I had my way he would be in the wild, not living in my house, but sadly I can't EVER release him into the wild or he will die due to his circumstances. at least pigeons were domesticated, but parrots are literally wild animals we poached and bred for entertainment. Most parrots are abused because people treat parrots like they treat a pet goldfish you would win at a carnival (which is equally is bad imo) DO NOT BUY A BIRD FROM A PET STORE OR A BREEDER. Please just go to your local shelter and volunteer as an assist. I don't even recommend adopting because it takes a lot of commitment and patience to LIVE with them let alone take care of them. TLDR: disease comes from all wild animals not just rats and pigeons, and Parrots are one of the most abused creatures in the pet industry and you should never buy one.

Don’t hate me but I really believe the world would be a better place if pigeons were the ubiquitous avian pet instead of parrots 👀

Something to the background? I haven't ideas to the backgrounds on my draws, bc never i draw them.
“Caught her singing in the bathroom”

Why does my parrot look so smug

pet portraits of my sweet babies <3 on starbucks gift cards lol

mr, brooster the rooster wayne
and my sweet-iest ever most darling-est forever pepsi pebble pepper girl <3
I still have to do the same for the budgies
I'm gonna attach magnets and made a bird bird/ worst bird of the week sign as a silly I promise I don't ever resent or punish anyone, and no one gets special treatment. but sometimes a certain someone poops in her water a bit more than others.

Bird are my favorite dinosaurs 💖💖💖